Taking A Chance

By ShadamyAndNemo

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Warning: Swearing, DC + FNAF + MHA, mentioning the scooping and FNAF 4 incidents, my AU (Alternate Universe)... More

Enemies Slowly Fade
A Friend's Research
The Joys of Creation
An Argument Over The Past

An Extraordinary Beginning

14 0 0
By ShadamyAndNemo

  "Enn, are you sure this will work...?" Michael nervously asked as the two stood in the dimly lit basement, watching the capsule before them quickly drain of its' contents prior. Ennard softly hummed, gently carrying a naked body to the - now empty - capsule before sitting the body within, giving the two a view of the form as he closed the door. The male had tan skin, his black curly hair wiping over his eyes as they remained closed. Freckles lightly dusted his ears, torso, and rear as a smaller "birthmark" of a skull hid over his tailbone and forehead. Ennard slowly stood up, stretching his arms as he kept a smile plastered on his face, slowly turning to his beloved Michael that kept a skeptical look. "It should. Besides, it worked for me, didn't it?" Ennard casually cooed, giving Michael a playful wink as the shorter male rolled his Deep Blues, lightly nudging his now-lover in the ribs before speaking. "Need I remind you that you were an animatronic before this...? I don't know if there are any differences with our conscious or not..." Michael coolly spoke, carefully rubbing his arm to comfort his slowly rising doubts. Ennard took a deep breath as he stepped in front of Michael, carefully lifting the shorter male to the nearest table to the capsule, though his smile remained. "Don't worry, Michael. I will do everything in my power to get this right. Besides," Ennard generously began, giving a tender kiss to Michael's forehead, which lightly beat to the touch. "If I'm able to switch bodies with my conscious, then I know you can, too." Ennard lovingly cooed, giving Michael one last nuzzle before walking towards the capsule, grabbing the nearby wires as he attached them to his lover. Michael softly hummed, feeling a cool gel touch his skin as the wires connected him to the capsule, which had refilled shortly after the body was placed inside. "Okay... But, why did you add 'birthmarks' to my body...? I don't think I had those before." Michael curiously questioned, though that only earned him a chuckle from his lover, which held a remote in his hand. "My dear, I know you had small freckles on your body. Although," Ennard amusingly began, gently poking Michael's nose as the two locked eyes, noticing the taller of the two give a mischievous smirk as he bent down. "Most could not see them, except for me...~" Ennard admiringly purred, causing Michael's face to darken a deep shade of purple and red, forcing the shorter male to huff in response. Ennard playfully chuckled before standing straight, carefully squeezing Michael's hand before pressing a button with the other, earning the capsule's quiet roar to Life begin. 'Here we go...' Michael nervously thought before squeezing his eyes shut, lightly nibbling his cheek as the capsule revved louder than a moment before. 'I know this won't hurt, but - please - let this work...!' Michael thought again before feeling a chill run up his spine, his nerves slowly rising to be alert. 'What is going on...?' Michael quizzically thought as the feelings grew, now feeling colder in other areas of his body as he - seemingly - lost touch of Ennard's soothing hand, causing Michael to clench his fist. 'Where did Ennard go?' Michael alarmingly thought before he slowly opened his eyes, only gasping as he felt some kind of liquid lower around him.

  Ennard stood in front of Michael as the water lowered, a joyous smile nearly breaking his face as tears had begun to emerge, forcing Michael to smile back. 'It worked...?' Michael anxiously thought as the water finally drained, allowing Ennard to pull open the door between them. 'Holy shit - it worked...!' Michael excitedly thought as he tried to move to Ennard, though had fallen in the process. Thanks to strong arms - however - Michael had landed on Ennard's chest instead, feeling something warm wrap around the shorter male as he looked to Ennard. "I told you it would work, didn't I...?" Ennard devotedly purred, snuggling Michael into him as the two cried, smiles remaining on their features as they stayed by one another's side. "Thank you so much, Ennard...!" Michael endearingly called, carefully holding the towel around him as they joyfully cried together. Ennard softly purred into Michael's wet hair, gently rubbing his face into it as the scent of chemicals filled the air, though neither seemed to notice the putrid smell as they continued their focus on one another. "You don't have to thank me, Michael. Though, I should - probably explain some things, first." Ennard coolly replied, gently cupping Michael's cheeks to meet one another's eyes, both feeling comfortable together. Michael quietly nodded, slowly feeling his nerves shock through his body, causing him to raise a brow. Ennard gently laughed, carefully rubbing the back of his neck as he goofily smiled. "So, your body is getting used to being active, seeing how it never had to do that before now..." Ennard sheepishly spoke, watching Michael bite his own lip, letting Ennard have a few thoughts about that. However, Michael gently nodded, a smile playing over his new features as he continued his soft look. "Makes sense. Although, do I have to stay this short? I thought you'd make me a little taller..." Michael hotly spoke, huffing as a pout spread over his playful features. Ennard playfully laughed, gently petting Michael's head, which only puffed from the affection. "Sorry, Michael. I only had measurements from your body before this. Though, I'll have to get rid of that one, eventually..." Ennard softly chirped, a glazed look soon shining in his hetero-colored eyes. Michael merely smiled, lightly biting Ennard's cheek before he smiled brighter, quickly snapping Ennard out of his thoughts. "So, did you add anything else to my body, or were the birthmarks and freckles it?" Michael curiously asked, though felt something begin to cramp his abdomen, causing Michael to gently hold the part. Ennard carefully hummed, gently lifting Michael bridal-style before walking up the stairs, being careful not to hurt the shorter male as they went. "About that..." Ennard softly began, gently closing the door behind him before walking up the other flight of stairs, only to pass by the other rooms to make it to Michael's. Michael rose a soft brow, tilting his head slightly to the sudden pause. "What is it...?" Michael cautiously asked, uncertainty hitting his gut before another wave of pain hit his abdomen, causing the male to sharply inhale as Ennard closed the door. Ennard nervously grunted before carefully laying Michael on the bed in front of them, wiping a strand of hair from Michael's pained - but quizzical - Deep Blues. 'He's - probably - not gonna like this...' Ennard nervously thought before taking a deep breath, lightly scratching the back of Michael's ear, which allowed the shorter male to purr. Ennard smiled down at the male, though knew the pain would soon grow greater than before, causing him to deeply sigh. "So, I gave you an artificial womb..." Ennard finally admitted, causing Michael to gasp from the shock and wave of pain his abdomen made clearer than a moment before, forcing Michael to instinctively rub near the area. 'What...?' Michael suddenly thought before he carefully held Ennard's hand above his head, silently bringing it down to Michael's chest. "Ennard, why did you do that...?" Michael cautiously asked, not wanting to upset the taller male more than either were.

  Ennard merely bit his lip, an array of emotions pouring into his eyes as he looked between Michael and a nearby wall, though neither could hold back his answer. "I-I thought that you may want to have a family, someday... So, I gave you an artificial womb to help with that..." Ennard softly spoke, keeping his head down as Michael slowly sat up, continuing to hold Ennard's strong hand above his chest. 'Ennard wants a family...?' Michael curiously thought, feeling his heart skip a beat to the sudden topic as his cheeks burned a deep shade into his tanned skin. 'Ennard - actually - wants to have a family with me...' Michael fondly thought soon after, a smile slowly rising. "Ennard..." Michael softly cooed, quietly moving to Ennard's chest, rubbing his head against the warm spot. Ennard silently watched Michael, a blush quickly dusting his cheeks as both looked into each other's eyes, noting their different emotions in either colors. Michael's smile widened, watching Ennard tilt his head slightly before either could speak. "Ennard, I don't mind having a family with you..." Michael sweetly chirped, watching Ennard's hetero-colored eyes shift with shock as their hearts skipped another beat. 'He's okay with this...?' 'I mean - I should've asked first - but, he's okay with this...?' Ennard quizzically thought before Michael bit his own lip again, his eyes showing the pain from his abdomen growing. Ennard softly hummed, carefully sighing before gently kissing Michael's cheek, which flared from the gesture as Ennard softly smiled back. "I promise that I'll protect you and our pups... Just, please don't leave..." Ennard longingly whispered, trying to keep his smile strong for his lover beneath him. Michael's blush darkened, though he smiled back to his lover as he pulled the two down, forcing Ennard to lay on top of the shorter of the two. Michael playfully smirked, forcing a blush to rise to Ennard's cheeks as the two remained there. "You know I won't leave you. I love you too much, Enn..." Michael truthfully spoke, gently rubbing Ennard's cheek as the towel fell around the shorter male's body, revealing his tanned skin from within. "Besides," Michael began again, a flirty look pouring into his eyes, though trying to ignore the pain from his abdomen. Ennard tilted his head before Michael lowered it towards him, letting their lips gently graze one another before either spoke another word. "I'll only ever let you have all of me, anyway...~" Michael passionately purred before crashing his lips into Ennard's, forcing the two to taste one another. Ennard's eyes shot open as they kissed, his body quickly tensing from shock, while the pleasure soon kicked in. 'He - really - loves me...?' Ennard surprisingly thought as he tangled his fingers in Michael's hair, which floofily dried after being out of the capsule for a while. Michael gently licked Ennard's tongue, instantly easing the tension from the higher male above him. 'I'm so glad he loves me...' Ennard lovingly thought as he slowly closed his eyes, gently nibbling Michael's tongue, which rewarded him a firm moan from the new male beneath him.

  One year later~

Their bedroom - which was formally only Michael's - remained silent in the early morning, the Blood Moon shining through the nearby window, which stayed closed from their sudden panic. Michael laid his back on Ennard's chest, tears staining his pained face as the two sorrowfully looked down to Michael's chest. Michael held a small infant, their light skin nearly shining in the moonlight. Their black - but curly - hair stuck to their head, revealing diamonds of freckles on their cheeks, shoulders, knees, rear, and balls of their feet, which refused to twitch when either parent called. The baby looked so calm as they slept, though neither adult could hear the child's breathing, only worrying them more as the agonizing seconds grew longer. 'I don't get it...' 'I thought the artificial womb was full-proof...!' 'That none of this would happen!' 'What did I do wrong...?' Ennard worriedly thought as his stillbirth laid in their 'mother's' arms, seemingly frozen in time as the seconds slowly burned past the family. Michael softly sniffled, gently caressing the baby's cheek, unwilling to believe that the baby hadn't made it with them. 'Did I do something wrong...?' 'I thought I was being careful...!' 'How could I let him and Ennard down...' Michael weepingly thought, continuing to caress his baby boy as Ennard gently nuzzled Michael's head, neither happy about their untimely predicament. "Michael..." Ennard softly whispered, nearly breaking from the silence in the room around them. Michael quietly sniffled, slowly looking up to his lover, which bared the same sadness as he did. "We'll get Izuku back, right...?" Michael hoarsely whimpered, his voice cracking as more tears emerged. Ennard's heart skipped several beats, his chest burning as he cradled his family in his strong arms, though he himself could not feel so strong. The parents broke down, neither able to stop the rainfall from their eyes as they continued holding their stillborn child. Although, that forced neither parent to hear the window's latch slowly loosen, nor the window open as a figure quickly stepped inside. 'This is my perfect chance!' 'All I need to do is convince them to join!' The figure readily thought, quietly closing the window as they watched the mourning family cry, giving another tinge of excitement in their unhinged veins. 'Ahem' The figure coughed, forcing the parents to look up, though Ennard moved quicker than either could predict. Holding the figure by the throat, Ennard quietly growled, his hetero-colored eyes glowing in the figure's face. "Who the fuck are you and what do you want...?" Ennard dangerously whispered, continuing to hold the figure by their throat as Michael held Izuku close. The figure simply grinned, holding a glowing needle in one hand as they held Ennard's wrist with the other, though they hadn't attacked. "I have been keeping a close eye on you and your family, Ennard; I just want to help." The figure coolly spoke, causing Ennard to lose his grip with widened eyes as he backed up slightly. 'He knows me...?' 'How the fuck does he know about us...?' Ennard worriedly thought before quickly rushing to his family's side, protectively holding them to his chest as he faced the figure, which stepped back into the moonlight from before.

  The figure was a tall - but tan - male, his deep brown hair short with a grey streak on either side of his head. He had a slight beard that didn't fully connect in the front, though a little splotch of a beard had grown on his chin, the color grey in contrast to his hair. He wore a green tuxedo, the white shirt tied under a golden sash around his waist as his green and gold cape covered his back, along with - whatever else - he may have had around his waist. The male smirked towards the family, a dangerous spark glinting in his Deep Greens as he watched the nervous family before him. "Michael Afton, just the 'man' I needed to see! I have come with good news for your stillbirth child..." The male composedly chirped, slowly lifting the needle from before, allowing the green liquid to glow in his hand as the family stared in shock and confusion. 'How does he know me...?' Michael worriedly thought before shaking his head, protectively holding his child closer to his chest. "Who are you and what 'news' do you have for us?" Michael quizzically called, though his nerves hadn't dialed down with his voice, only allowing the figure to smirk more as the new seconds slowly ticked by. "My, where are my manners? I am Ra's Al Ghul; The Demon Head of the League of Assassins." Ra's Al Ghul generously cooed, bowing before the confused family, which kept their guard up in their dimly lit room. Ennard rose a sharp brow, watching the male before them rise as the new male's features remained as a dark smirk. 'I don't trust this guy...' 'He's kind of creepy.' Ennard cautiously thought before Ra's Al Ghul coughed again, almost making Ennard think the male was sick. "As for why I am here," Ra's Al Ghul coolly began, keeping the needle near his chest as he stared at the stillbirth in the room, a glint of something else shining in his Deep Greens from before. "I wish to help bring back your stillbirth child, seeing how your ancestors were very loyal to me, Michael. Though, this will come with a price, of course." Ra's Al Ghul calmly finished, keenly watching the family's quizzical gaze focus on him further. 'My ancestors...?' 'How old is this guy?' 'What even is this guy?' Michael quizzically thought, seeing the same quizzical glint in Ennard's hetero-colored eyes, which brought more confusion to the two. "What is the price exactly...? You're not - really - making sense here, Ra's Al Ghul..." Michael nervously spoke, though his quizzical gaze triumphed his nervousness, to a degree. Ra's Al Ghul dramatically sighed, gently rubbing his forehead with a gentle expression plaguing his face, already proving to be fake as Ennard bit back a heavy growl. "You're rather skeptical for the son of a child murderer, aren't you?" Ra's Al Ghul coolly reminded, watching as the younger male flinched in his husband's arms before Ennard growled louder than before, seemingly trying to shield his family behind him. 'This asshole...!' Ennard angrily thought before Ra's Al Ghul smirked once more, gently tossing the needle between his hands, while he kept a soothing motion between each grab. "Well - five hundred years ago - I had found an ancient water with healing abilities." Ra's Al Ghul calmly began, quickly grabbing the needle before showing it to the dangerously cautious family, watching the liquid glow from within the vial. "The Lazarus Water - as it is known - heals any wounds formed, even granting immortality afterwards. However - if someone is resurrected with it - it brings temporary madness as your body quickly comes back to Life. Although, I do not know the full consequences of injecting the waters into someone, I am sure that this stillbirth will be the perfect candidate for the possibility." Ra's Al Ghul proudly finished, gently holding the Lazarus to his chest, while the parents remained shocked on their bed, completely unable to speak. 'It can do all of that...?' 'What would happen to our baby, when this is in his bloodstream...?' The two thought in unison, though neither wanted to wait too long for their answer as Ra's Al Ghul continued his smirk, seemingly thinking he's won a game of cat and mouse.

  Michael took a shaky breath, gently caressing his stillbirth's cheek as though the child were alive, which only brought back the original matter from before. "Aside from my ancestors," Michael quietly began, watching the tan male raise a quizzical brow, only sensing Ennard did the same as the two awaited Michael's next move. "Why - else - do you want to bring back my son...?" Michael quizzically finished, raising a skeptical brow as Ra's Al Ghul merely chuckled to the query, seemingly finding it as a joke to ask. Ennard quietly growled as he held his family closer to him, watching as Ra's Al Ghul quickly silenced his laughter as his eyes seemingly gave a dangerous glow to the three. "Truly worthy of my league. Now - due to your 'anatomy'-" Ra's Al Ghul carefully began, mindlessly pointing towards Michael as the shorter male kept his skeptical gaze. "I have found that your child can - also - bare children. I have the perfect heir for the 'Lazarus Child'; Not only to bare my heir's children, but to protect my heir, as well." Ra's Al Ghul coolly finished, watching the parents change to more confusion than before, Michael slipping out a 'what' under his breath. "So, you want to betroth our child to yours...?" Ennard quizzically asked, seemingly confused with the strange request from the eldest in the room. Ra's Al Ghul merely nodded, his smirk remaining - ever so - present on his tan features as he stared at the child once more. "You are correct; Although, my heir is - actually - my grandson, not my actual son." Ra's Al Ghul casually corrected, acting as though this was a normal conversation for him to have. 'As normal as it can get, I guess...' Michael nervously thought, quietly looking to his stillbirth, which brought back the sting of pain from before. 'I just want our baby back...' 'Should we take this chance...?' Michael worriedly thought before looking to his husband, watching as his hetero-colored eyes shone the same worries and hope as Michael did. 'Maybe...' Michael thought again before taking a deep breath, gently petting his child's cheek before facing Ra's Al Ghul. Michael tiredly sighed as Ra's Al Ghul smirked again, seemingly knowing of the newfound answer. "Alright. We'll join your league." Michael finally spoke, feeling Ennard nod beside him. Ra's Al Ghul quietly chuckled as he walked towards the family, carefully pointing the needle towards the baby's right arm. Once the needle was in, the Lazarus Water slowly flowed into the baby's veins, giving them a green glow from inside of his flesh. Michael and Ennard carefully watched as the process went, unknowingly holding their breath as the last of the water poured into their son, leaving a strange marking behind. The marking was the outline of a sun with a lightning bolt going down to the baby's elbow, though the injection mark shown as a dot in the middle, seemingly connecting him to the 'Demon Head'. 'A sun like the sun god Ra, but why the lightning bolt?' Ennard quizzically thought before cries had rang in the room, forcing all of his attention on the baby before him. The baby had finally cried, showing so many emotions on his little face as his eyes remained shut, though neither parent seemed to mind. "Izuku...!" Michael joyously exclaimed, carefully holding the baby to his face as their small bundle of joy continued to cry. Ennard joined in the tears, nuzzling his family as he - seemingly - forgot the Demon Head in the room. 'Perfect...' Ra's Al Ghul darkly thought, his smirk growing into a much more wicked grin, his teeth glistening in the bloodied moonlight, though he hadn't mind the sinister appearance as the parents continued to fawn over their resurrected little one. 'My heir will be pleased with this decision, once he is born in four more months...' Ra's Al Ghul thought again as he continued to keenly watch the family before him, noting the child's green glow in the dimly lit room as the parents continued to cry with their child. 'Welcome to my world, Lazarus Child...'

                                                                                         The End

  {Thank you for reading to the end! Sorry that I made few chapters for this story, but I wanted to get as much done as I could, mainly due to personal reasons. I - honestly - tried to give it more chapters, but I wasn't able to get that done. Anyway, I am writing the rough draft for book two (I might get it done before this chapter is out) and I hope you like both! If not, that is alright! :3 Have a good Day/Night, everyone! Shadamy and Nemo, Glitching Out! :3}

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