By hxnx_03

3.6K 160 60

This is a one shot stories that I will post about Neirohi or maybe other ships too. Note: I will only upload... More



1.8K 108 51
By hxnx_03

This one shot is about Neirohi. Seeing the recent track where Neil broke his alliance with Aarohi. Hope you guys like it!


I got in my room, closed the door and the curtains. Darkness filled in my room just like how it filled in my life. I was still in the same attire I was wearing. Whatever happened today, everything what he said seems like true.

I slide down and sat on the floor, eyes tearing up, his words running in my head again and again. Repeating like and old radio. No matter how much I want to block its not happening.

"You are selfish! Always only think about you! Have you ever thought about me? Oh yeah! If you did, we would have not been here now."

Tears brimmed in my eyes, blurring my vision, but I blink it away controlling them not to fall.

"I loved you, still I do but do you?" His broken voice, his face showed how broken he is and so is the trust he had on me.

"Why? Why Aarohi?! WHY?!" He shouted, throwing away the nearby table, the things on it splattered on the floor.

I jerked back when he did that, fearing to what extent he will do next.

"Neil..." I tried to speak but he cut me off harshly.

"No! Don't speak! If you speak, every words will be a lie. Because you Aarohi Goenka only know how to lie, cheat and manipulate people!" Tears rolled down his cheek, eyes red, tired of standing up for one side love, tired of being a scapegoat and Neil is just tired.

"Neil! Please trust me I still love you! I love you chamkadar" I said, voice breaking.

Before he can talk, Abhimanyu intervened, "Stop it Aarohi. It's enough! Please don't make any more damages than you already did. Like I said before, leave my brother alone, and just get lost!" His eyes shinned in anger, trying to control not to slap Aarohi. Not able to stand there, and hear her nonsense anymore, he took Neil with him and left the place.

When they were leaving, Aarohi kept looking at Neil thinking wether she should run behind him and stop or not? In meantime, Neil left not looking back. Soon everyone left leaving me alone in the hall, the lights were offed, there I stood in the dark like I always did.


Recalling what ever happened, only brought more pain to me. Yes, she did want to marry Neil to enter Birla house, to gain 10% of their share. But that didn't mean she didn't love Neil and used him!

I loved him, still I love him truly with my whole heart! That one year, when I was with him, I was so happy.

Neil Birla brought happiness and light to my life when he entered, but now when he left, he brought along them leaving me alone in the dark.

I am used to it, but got sick of it ready. Why can't I have a change of lifestyle, when others can?

Is it only by being a Mahaan, people will like me? Even my own family?

I agree, Akshu and me are different but what does it matter?

Everyone isn't the same! Everyone has some flaws, and mine is my insecurities and fear of being left alone!

And yet, I am alone.

But today I understood, whatever I did was WRONG. There's no justify for it.

This was my biggest mistake, I should not made those papers. I should have just married Neil and leave that house, go away from both family and live happily with my love of life!

But where can I go now? When there no one call as my love. His gone now, what I did made him leave me.

Now every deeds I did to others especially Akshu, flashed in my mind.
No, I won't give up!

I took my phone and dialed Neil's number, it rang few times but he didn't pick up. I know he would have blocked my number so I use another sim, and called him.

After few rings, he picked up.

"Hello?" I heard him, his voice one filled with joyful and eagerness, is not gone.

Rather it's filled with emptiness because of me.

"Neil, it's me Aarohi. Please don't put the phone!" I said quickly hoping he won't.

"Chipkali?" My eyes teared up when I heard him calling me chipkali. Where else, Neil cursed himself for calling her chipkali.

"You?! Why is your number different?" He asked. But before I can reply, he cut me off "You know what, I don't care! Stop calling me Ms.Aarohi." he said in serious tone.

"Listen, what I did is wrong please forgive me Neil" and I bursted into sobs.

"Forgive? Aarohi you played with my heart! And now you are asking me to forgive you? What kind of human are you?!" I shut my eyes when he shouted on the call.

"You broke my heart chipkali. You played with my feelings, it's worse than anything. I trusted you and broke them, you made stand as a stupid man infront of everyone, when I supported you. You proved me wrong. And now you are asking forgiveness?" Every word he said hit me hard, he was hurt like a broken glass.

"Please leave me, bye chipkali. Thanks for giving a gift which I will never forget in my life." Saying it, he cut the call.

I cried hard, in anger, frustration I throw my phone at the wall until it broke into parts. Not satisfied, I pushed everything on my table, every things on my room, and made a big mess.

In exhaustion, I walked near my bed, and walked down. I saw my feet bleeding, small glass pieces stuck on my foot. It pained but not more than the pain in my heart right now.

I felt lost. After a long time, I got happy that I found someone who can love me but because of my stupid act to be the best, I lost him.

I lost my love.

I felt at this moment, I wanted to die. Wanted to go to my mumma and papa. Enough of everything in this cruel world.

I don't want to live in a world there's no one for me. And after what I did, I don't think Neil will accept me back.

My eyes fell on a sharp glass piece, starting at it, I made a decision.

Best for all.


"What?" Akshu dropped her phone in shock. Neil who was beside her asked her what happened but she didn't say anything.

He took her phone, and put near his ear but no one was on call. He looked at Akshu who was still in shock, so he shook her and asked, "Bhabhi what happened? Why are you in shock?"

Akshu who came to her senses, turned at Neil slowly, her eyes got teary.
"" saying it she started to sob, Neil couldn't understand anything.

Why is bhabhi crying saying her name? What did she do now? Neil thought.

Akshu who was crying, suddenly stood up and wiped her tears harshly. "I need to go there. Now" saying it, she just ran from there. Neil who was clueless, just ran behind her.

Both arrived Goenka house, without even offing the car engine, Akshu ran in. Neil offed the engine, and looked at the house for a moment.

Suddenly, he felt something heavy on his chest, he didn't feel right. He felt something bad happened. Still he braced his self and went in, he saw no one at the hall so he went up.

Walking, he saw Mimi and Swarna crying, Manish sat down on the floor tear rolling down his cheek with his brother AG beside him who was sobbing.

Then he saw, Kairav sitting not reacting anything, Vansh beside him talking with him. Seeing them all in that state and also near Aarohi room, made him feel sick.

He felt and was sure something terrible did happened. But what?

He walked near her room, and entered only to see the room in a awful mess. Books thrown away, glasses broken and the pieces where everyway. Then his eyes found blood drops, he followed them and the sight made him stop breathing.

No, it can't be. He told himself.

But what's infront his eyes is not lie, its the reality. He saw the lady he loved, lying there with closed eyes.

What shook him to the core is, blood dripping from her wrist. There's a sharp glass beside her right hand with dried blood.


No, she can't leave me. Not like this. I walked near her, and tapped her cheeks, it was cold. Panic rushed in my veins, I shook her hardly, yelling her name asking her to wake up.

But no response.

"Neil" Akshara called him, he looked up at her, her face was red so was her eyes, effect of crying nonstop.

"She's gone" those two words, when he heard it, his world crumbled down.
He felt his soul was ripped from his body. He looked back at Aarohi's face, pale, calm. She seemed like she is sleeping.

Only difference is she won't wake up. No matter what. He didn't want to believe Akshu's words but he can see that she's ready gone. Lips that was used to be cherry red is now pale, her face is pale. Cheeks and her hands are cold.

Not able to take it, I laid beside her hugging her, pulling her close to me, whispering at her to come back to me. Asking sorry many times.

I said I won't leave her, I won't be angry with her, I won't be shouting at her nothing. I love her, I need her.


The rituals was done, I sat infront of her pic, which had potu and a garland. A lamp near it, which flamed brightly, like her but now.

Neil was seen being like a zombie, his own words was running in his head.
The words he said to her in anger when he got to know what she did. Those were the last words he said to her before she's gone.

"Neil!" Akshu called Neil from upstairs. But Neil wasn't in his sense to hear it or reply back.

Abhimanyu noticed it, so he went to his brother, pick him up, and told him Akshu called him. Still no response, he sighted and brought him up to Aarohi's room.

There Akshu stood with two papers in her hand. While cleaning the room, she founded them.

"Akshu, what is it?" Abhimanyu asked noticing the papers in her hand. Not saying anything Akshu handed one paper to Neil.

Neil saw it and took from her slowly like a sloth. After Aarohi's death, he didn't eat or drink a bit of water.
Then he begin to read the letter, it was from Aarohi, his love, his chipkali, his soon to be wife.

Dear Chamkadar,

By the time you are reading this, I won't be there. I want to confess something, I agree what I did was wrong. Even though my intentions are wrong, my love for you wasn't. It was true, that one year changed my whole life, I felt happier with you, I felt safe, whenever I'm down you know how to cheer me up. You always did. I never thought, we, chamkadar and chipkali will be together but we did. Looks like, people who fight a lot eventually will fall in love. The example are us. I don't blame you for what happened, cause it was the karma of my past deeds. I did many wrong thing so that I will be seen great in my families eyes, however it always flopped. And at the end I lost my love. This made me realize how bad and selfish person I was like everyone said. Whatever I did can't be undone, and living in a world with people who hate you, it's a living hell. I'll rather die and suffer in real hell because that's more way better than this one. I know I'm being coward but it's okay. Don't be sad or blame yourself, for what I did. it was my choice, I wish at least in the next lifetime, we will meet again, fight again, fall in love and at last marry each other and die together in our old age. Remember Neil, I loved you, I love you and forever I will.

Your love, Chipkali.

Tears rolled down my cheeks reading every words and the last words made me feel guilty. How stupid I was not to believe her love for me. And now she's not here.

"I love you too chipkali" I kissed the paper, sat down crying hugging the paper near to my chest.

Where else Akshu didn't stop crying, beside her sat her husband who was reading the letter, where Aarohi has written for Akshara.

Dear Akshu,

From childhood, I hated you because you always been the favourite of Goenka like your mother, but me? I was the same fate as my mumma. Not that I'm blaming you or your mother, it's just what I have seen in my childhood time, and how my mom was treated. But let me tell you that, I always love you Didi. Yeah, I know I never called you didi, but I always wanted to. I'm sorry I tortured you, I'm sorry I made you away from the family for 3 years, I'm sorry for everything I did to ruin your life. I'm a terrible sister I know, or maybe I don't even have the rights to be your sister after whatever I did. I'm sorry we could've have a bond like other sisters have because of me. I'm regretting it, and always will. But don't think I hate you Akshu, I wanted to but couldn't. I love you Akshara my sweet big devil sister. Don't cry a lot because of me, it's enough. Focus on your life, career and your marriage life. Sorry I wanted to steal your man, his my jiju now. Tell him I said sorry and tell everyone especially Bade papa. Tell him I love him. I will reach with mumma and papa soon, from up we will watch you all.

Once again I'm sorry.

Your lovely behen, Aaru.

Abhimanyu had tears in his eyes, yes he do hate Aarohi but after what ever happened, he understand we should give second chances to people and he regrets for not trusting Akshu when she said about Aarohi.

Once she told him, even though Aarohi is selfish and self centered, in real, inside her there was a small frighten girl, who was afraid of being second, being left out.

Abhimanyu hugged his wife close to him, and soothed her. Then he saw his brother, crying sitting on the floor hugging the paper. He felt pain in his chest seeing his two beloved people mourning for the death of their loved one.

I'm sorry Aarohi. - Abhimanyu thought.

However it's too late now to mend anything, she's gone.

Aarohi is finally free from a her insecurities, her misery, her pain, her fear and is in peace with her parents.


"Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them"

Aarohi has realized it.


Hi guys, this is based on my perspective and a thought which came to me. What if Aarohi suicide? And her death made people to realize how wrong they were with her, how they mistaken her fear, her insecurities in the wrong way. And that made them to lose her.

I'm really angry with dkp for whatever they did to Aarohi. Again and again they are using her as the villain, they could've made her good, made her realize her mistakes and mend everything she broke. But they didn't, they only did it way worse! I'm sick of them, and now they ruined our Neirohi. Watching the show makes me so mad, now I'm not gonna hope anything from dkp.

Everyone has their own perspective, this is mine so if there's anyone who doesn't like this one shot, you can just leave reading it. I'm not blaming anyone, neither Akshu, nor Goenka's or anyone. And if this seems a bit not logical, stupid, let it be. People who are not in right state or being too emotional can do anything so yeah.

That's all. Those who have read this, thank your for reading it.

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