The Missing Wife ✓

By MaFIABooks

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Arabella never thought she would find herself in a dark alley with a billionaire, let alone end up tangled in... More

Chapter One | What did Cinderella do when she got to the ball?
Chapter Two | Where is Peter Pan's favourite place to eat out?
Chapter Three | Why did Chip and Dale take Daisy Duck to the hospital?
Chapter Four | Why was Anger so mad at Sadness?
Chapter Five | What happened after Snow White sat in the bath, feeling happy?
Chapter Seven | Why did Snow White get kicked out of Disneyland?
Chapter Eight | Who is Cogsworth's best friend?
Chapter Nine | Minnie told Mickey she wanted a divorce.
Chapter Ten | Why was Tigger in the bathroom for so long?
Chapter Eleven | What do Disney World and Viagra have in common?
Chapter Twelve | What did Cinderella say to her prince?
Chapter Thirteen | What's red and has seven dents in it?
Chapter Fourteen | And, unfortunately, what did Genie say to Aladdin?
Chapter Fifteen | Why did the seven dwarves go to jail?
Chapter Sixteen | Why can't Miss Piggy count to one hundred?
Chapter Seventeen | What did Genie say to Aladdin?
Chapter Eighteen | Wanna know something about Pinocchio?
Chapter Nineteen | Why was Anger so furious?
Chapter Twenty |Why doesn't Eeyore have any friends?
Chapter Twenty One | How did Mickey feel when he first saw Minnie?
Chapter Twenty Two | What did Nala say to Simba?
Chapter Twenty Three | What happened after Snow White sat in the bath?
Chapter Twenty Four | Why do Chip N Dale sit on their butts all day?
Chapter Twenty Five | Why did Belle get kicked out of Disney World?
Chapter Twenty Six | What happened first time Mickey and Minnie?
Chapter Twenty Seven | What did Flynn do for Rapunzel?
Chapter Twenty Eight | Why did the prince not remember Cinderella?
Chapter Twenty Nine | Did she really have to kiss a frog?

Chapter Six | Why does Bambi's friend, Thumper, not make noise during sex?

14.2K 579 292
By MaFIABooks

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If you see the name Ace it is meant to be Nicholas!! I changed the character name'

We stood there staring at one another, "four of us." A familiar voice chimes, I remove eye contact from Nicholas and face-Mark? Laurens date was standing in front of me, and he was friends with Nicholas Hernandez.

The little fuck who still has not paid me for my blue roses.

"Wait, you are the girl from the florist. What is your name again? Bella-Arabella! Lauren's friend." He said pointing at me, I picked up some more menus from the side table.

"My name is Arabella, but my friends call me Bella. And yes, I am the girl from the florist, follow me for your seats."

I take them to the last table from the end, a little booth that could accommodate everyone. Nicholas sits in the centre as they slip in, and I give them their menus before raising myself back up.

"If you know what to order, then call me over and I will take it. Just know you have to pay before receiving your food." They nod their head; I glare at Nicholas for a quick second and turn around to see Mia with her mouth dropped.

I stroll towards her, grabbing myself a platter as I put the food down onto it. "Oh, mio Dio, chi è quello?" She whispers as she continues folding the napkins, I lean on the table besides her and fold the napkins along with her as we stare at the table.

[Oh my god, who is that?]

"Un pezzo di merda assoluta." I spit out, Mia gasped as she turns to me.

[A piece of utter shit]

"You know him?"

"Someone ordered four hundred roses for him, and when I tried delivering, they rejected. And kicked me out, then I waited because I worked so hard on those flowers. Then this ugly little shit comes out and tells me to pick my stupid flowers up and leave."

Her mouth drops, she throws the napkins onto the table and begins stumbling towards the table. But I was just in time to pull her back from doing anything stupid.

"Mia, no its fine." She groans grabbing onto the air as she screeches in a whisper.

I knew deep down, her and Lauren were the exact same. That is why they got along so well. Lauren met them the first day I moved here, but that was the only time I visited.

I notice someone calling for me, I grab my notebook and pen and walk towards them. "Can I take your orders now?"

"Yes, I will have two large pepperoni pizzas and one margarita with a lot of basil." I continue writing, as I look up, I see a familiar face. The man from the coffee shop. They were all friends with Nicholas.

"Alright, is that all?" I asked, he nods his head and I take out the total. "That would six hundred and thirty-one dollars." I said looking directly at Nicholas.

"The pizza's must be amazing then." Nicholas lets out, leaning forward as his arms rest on the table.

"Oh, they are, the amount of effort we put in to make our customers happy and content."

I replied sarcastically, Nicholas rolls his eyes and takes his wallet out from his blazer. He shuffles through some cash before handing it over to me.

I stretch out to get it but the moment I do I am suddenly pulled closer to Nicholas.

"Next time, make them pay first." He whispers into my ears, his lips stroking the side of my cheek as I inhale a much-needed breath, I pull away and look down at the cash.

Was I really raised like this? To force others to give me money. I sounded stupid and like a beg. I basically just embarrassed myself. I look down and see seven-hundred-dollar bills in the palm of my hand.

"I will bring you back your change." I said, Nicholas raises a confused eyebrow as I dropped the six-hundred-dollar bills. I walked away and put in their order, opening the till. I look up seeing Mark talking to the unknown man whilst Nicholas' eyes were pierced into my own.

There was something odd.

Something I can't add up.

"Sento la rabbia tra le tue braccia," Lorenzo whispered from besides me, I take out their change and the receipt as I turn to face Lorenzo. His hair and face were full of flour and his shirt was drenched in tomato sauce.

[I feel the anger in your eyes]

"Gli uomini mi fa arrabbiare, voglio solo uccidere ognuno di loro." I said in a squeezed voice, Lorenzo's eyes widen. He slowly stepped away from me, his hands rising up as if to surrender. "Not you Lorenzo." I let out a laugh.

[Men make me angry; I just want to kill every single one of them.]

"Non lasciare che ti saltino le ossa. Anche se sono caldi." He gave me a wiggled eyebrow, I shoved him jokingly as he pushes me back onto the floor, I walk over to the table.

[Dont let them jump your bones. Even if they are hot]

"Here is your change," I walk back to the counter without looking at them, I grab myself the order for the table opposite them.

Before Mia stops me, taking the black plate from my hand.

"Please serve the people that just walked in." I nodded my head and shifting my body back to the front, I grabs some menus. They follow behind me, I sort them out to the table opposite Nicholas.

They grab the menus from me without even allowing me to put it down, I held in my anger and smiled as I took out my notepad.

"Call me over if you need to order-" I continue talking but get distracted as the old man stares at me greedily, I lift up my shirt to hide my breast and he chews on the toothpick that sat on the end of his lips.

"What is your name beautiful?"

"My name is Arabella, like I said-"

"How old are you?" He interrupted me.

"I don't really think that concerns you sir, like I said-"

"Are you married?"

"Call me when you're ready to place an order." I turn around and immediately feel something strike my bottom. In shock, I lean forward and turn my body toward the elderly man, who was furrowing his forehead. The kindness I was harbouring left me as my nostrils flared. "Do not ever touch me again, do you understand?"

The man smiles at me, and I turn away, the doors open, and I see the night waiter coming back inside. She smiles at me, and I return the favour before grabbing the last thing I would be handing out. Nicholas's eyes fixed on me as I walked to the table, and I handed the pizza to them. "Enjoy." I muttered.

One hour has passed since I finished cleaning up and getting ready to leave. When I got to the door to say goodbye to Lorenzo and Mia, they surrounded me in hugs as I was about to exit the area. "Keep coming, young woman, and bring Lauren with you."

"I promise to start visiting often."

"Good, thank you for the help today. We completely forgot it was nearly valentine's day." I shake my head, saying my goodbyes. I exit the restaurant and look around waiting for Lauren to pick me up. I send her a quick message to inform her I have finished.

At that moment, the doors open and the old man along with his friends walk out. They were wheezing out with laughter before his eyes traded to me, I tried walking away before he shouts my name.

I continue to do so down the pathways, until a hand yanked around my arm.

The old looking man looked down at me, "I called for you, didn't I?"

"Let go of me before I call the police."

"Call them, you would be worth it."

"I have a husband."

"Is it now, oh, my! So where is he then?" When I heard footsteps, I turned to find Nicholas ranting into the phone. As I let go of my arm and staggered through the streets toward Nicholas, I noticed that they were chasing after me. I grabbed his arm and pressed my chest up against his. How in the world did I get here?

"Please just go with it." I whispered; his eyes trailed across my face as the man kept up with me. "This is my husband, now if you could leave me alone." I shooed at them; their eyes widen as it trailed up to Nicholas. Did they know him?

"Mr Hernandez?" Oh, sugar they did, oh my goodness. My heart skipped many beats. They are going to know I lied, and Nicholas doesn't even like me so why in the world would he help me.

I didn't really make a first good impression but as I said so did, he.

"Andrew, to what do I owe you the pleasure."

"We-we didn't know you were married. To this woman." Nicholas casts a downward glance at me while I gnaw on my lip. The fact that my hands were on his biceps went unnoticed, I turned around and realised how gorgeous this man was up close in person.

He smelt like wood, wood and cinnamon mixed together.

"As did I, but things change so suddenly."

"We apologise Mrs Hernandez." I nodded my head before looking away, "Mr Hernandez, I hope this doesn't affect our dealership?" Nicholas' eyes pierce into my own.

"I would have to think about, goodnight gentlemen." I feel his hands on my back as he pushes me away from them. When we were far enough, hidden from plain sight Nicholas removed his hands of me and glared angrily.

"Before you say anything I can explain-"

"Oh, please go ahead, wife." He said disgustingly.

"You basically owe me, so the debt is paid for." I excused; he scoffs shaking his head as he brings himself closer to me. "And they were harassing me, so I saw you and I-"I stepped back until my back collides with a bricked wall. Nicholas stood a few inches away. "I told them I had a husband and they said they couldn't see him, so I threatened them by calling the police."

"Do you not know who I am? Do you know what you just did?"

"Not really, but it seems bad-" I whispered.

"Bad? You-if they tell anyone-"

"They won't,"

"And how are you so sure of this?" Before my mouth even opened, flashes of lights were blocking my eyesight. I hid my face when I hear screams and shouts of photographers. "Fuck!"

"Mr Hernandez, here, who is the girl?"

"Is she the missing wife?"

"Are the rumours of you murdering her not true!"

Nicholas pulls onto my arms as we push past them, he shoves me into a black range rover and slams the door shut. "Drive now." Nicholas orders.

Was I being kidnapped?

"Tell me where you live?"

"44 Downing Street." I whispered, not wanting to anger him further. He takes his phone out from his side pocket, dialling a number. "Mark, get to every photographer and make sure every one of the photos they have taken of me is deleted before it reaches anyone."

Hang on-this is the man with the missing wife.

This is the Nicholas Hernandez

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