• 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬�...

By Fawngudel

182K 6.2K 6.1K

COMPLETE! •───────•°•°•───────• "𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢... More

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𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞.

𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐱.

3.5K 110 136
By Fawngudel

Alastor hadn't even managed a word of protest before he saw his own shadow slip away from himself, joining the shadow of Damien on the back of the couch. Zandor silently cleared his throat, Damien's silhouette lifting its head from where it was following its host's actions and turning to look at who had interrupted. The Loa's red smile grew, his fist reeling back before proceeding to forcefully sock the opposing shadow in the jaw.

Damien's head whipped to the left, body tumbling off the couch and impacting against the aged wood with a thump and a low groan. In a rush, you launched yourself off the sofa and towards Alastor with a single beat of your wings, your arms tightly coiling around his form in a hug. The stag stumbled back a step or two from the sudden weight of your body against his, but didn't hesitate to return the embrace, his strong arms easily lifting you so that your legs could wrap around his waist and your arms his neck.

"(Y/n), did he touch you anywhere?" he asked worriedly, one of his hands running through your hair. You said nothing in response, only a head shake being earned from you while you buried your face into Alastor's shoulder. Your gut went sour and you could feel your heart struggling to keep up with its quick pace, a soft hum from the stag aiding only in the slightest to calm your troubled nerves. Zandor slid back towards the trio and created a shadow on the floor again, Damien beginning to push himself to his feet.

"Fuckin' prick!" Husk yelled from the front counter and threw an empty bottle at the reptile, the object just barely whisking past his face and smashing against the wall behind him, Damien not flinching in the slightest. "Listen, I get you're angry, but that woman is my property. She signed a contract," he waved one of his hands. Alastor's red eyes narrowed, Gabriel beginning to mumble Enochian under his breath as if he were trying to plant a curse on the man.

You violently shuddered in Alastor's arms. "The contract was destroyed shortly after your death. Your rights to her are no more," the overlord growled. He silently watched as Damien narrowed his eyes, the single golden one seeming to glow bright. "You're a pathetic man, Alastor. After killing my clients, employees, and me, I should put an end to this madness right now," his words were a hiss, like they came straight from the tongue of a snake, what remained of his lips drawing back in a snarl.

"But I'll wait for that. Make it really count. Maybe when I take down Lucifer and claim the throne, I'll have you locked up. Torture you until you're just a pile of rot and bone." Alastor's claws lightly dug into your back at those words, a whimper of pain slipping from your mouth as he did so. In an instant he released you, Gabriel shooting him a silent glare. That throne was his. He was going to be the one with the crown sat upon his brow, not a lowlife sinner that got his hands on some flashy gun.

"You'll never be able to kill Lucifer with a gun and some confidence," Alastor spat, your tears beginning to soak his overcoat. "You'll need a few braincells as well, which is something you're clearly lacking. The crown will be mine by the next extermination, and then we'll see who'll be laughing." Damien chuckled, curling a claw over his skeletal mouth. "My, Alastor. You've gotten ambitious. It used to just be the sullen ones on the street, but I see you've gotten so arrogant that you truly believe that you, a mortal soul, can kill Lucifer without an angelic weapon?"

Naturally, he wanted to snap something in return about his plan and taking angel's blood from you, but that would be foolish. So, he decided to be the bigger person and walk away from the conversation, smile wide and arms wrapped around your back to keep you from falling. Gabriel stuck behind to give Damien a strong and harsh scolding, knowing that the sinner had no power to kill him.

You whimpered. "Shh, it's alright. He'll be gone soon, I promise. I've dealt with him once and I can do it again, my love. So just hold on, alright?" he whispered and gently kissed your ear.

The walk up the stairs was silent other than a soft sniffle from you and a few hitches in your breath; the stag peppered you with affectionate kisses as he made his way towards your bedroom, ears bent back against his skull. Ever since he met you it always pained him to see you frightened and worried about the man who caused this trauma upon you. He remembered how skinny you had gotten when you were alive from how little you had been eating due to your unethically long and demanding shifts.

I don't want her to repeat that stage of her short life.

He opened the door to your room and entered the dark space, eyes glowing faintly while a single stream of light filtered through the crack between the blackout curtains. Alastor's polished shoes tapped against the floors; your form being set down on the mattress of your bed. "Tell me what you need, my darling. I want to make you feel as safe as possible while he's here." Alastor was met with silence once again, his smile quelling to an almost neutral look.

"Darling," he slid onto the bed so that you were between his knees, long arms slithering around your back and pressing you to his chest. A choked sob wracked your chest, eyes screwing shut. "Why him, Alastor? Why did it have to be him?" Alastor leaned back, his eyes filled with emotion, though he was unsure of how to express it. "He's a bad person. I promise we'll get rid of him. Gabriel and I are already working on something." There was a short pause as one of his hands slid up to your neck, supporting it as he leaned in close. "But for now, you should try to relax."

His lips met yours in a gentle kiss, your eyes slowly falling shut as you took in his warmth and familiar taste. He slowly pushed you down so that you were laying on the mattress, lips parting for a moment before colliding again, the kiss just as sweet and meaningful as the first. You could already feel your worries begin to ebb away like ink on wet paper, your fingers tangling through his unbelievably soft hair and finding the base of his antlers.

Alastor's breath hiccupped at the sudden sensation of your hands wrapping around the sensitive branches, his skin seeming to warm up with desire. The soft moan that left you drove the stag further, teeth grazing your bottom lip and kindly asking for entrance. You complied without hesitation, not exactly feeling as if you had enough energy to tease him.

Your lover's tongue slid into your mouth, exploring every niche and crook it had to offer while massaging itself against yours. The sensation was odd, despite having already made out with him several times in these past two weeks, given how strangely long demon tongues were. Suppose they were designed like that for their sexual activities with female demons, but if it wasn't, it was still developed for some other sinful reasons.

Just as the sinner's hands slid beneath your shirt and to your covered breasts, three knocks echoed from the door, the heat in the room almost immediately seeming to lift when Gabriel's voice followed.

"(Y/n)? Are you in there?" he called, Alastor turning his head so he could look at where the sound came from. With a sigh, he began fixing your slightly disheveled hair while you responded, wiping the remaining tears from your eyes. "Y-yeah! I'm here, you can come in," you said as Alastor materialized by your wardrobe and opened it, beginning to search for some more comfortable clothes for you to dress in so you could shower and relax for the day.

The door opened and Gabriel's face immediately dropped when he spotted Alastor walking towards you with some new clothes, his many eyes rolling at the sight. Alastor turned his head to the Archangel, smiling per usual. "Spanked him?" he joked with a laugh. Gabriel huffed and crossed his arms, smiling faintly. "When I tell ya I wanted to." You smiled and stood from the bed, clothes tucked under your arm. Your friend's gaze moved back to you, softening when you opened your arms and hugged him. The soft down of his wings brushed against your skin as they encased you in a protective shield.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier," he apologized and gave you a squeeze before releasing you and holding both your shoulders. "We'll keep him away from you as best as we can." Sniffling, you giggled a little.

"We? Since when did you two become friends?"
"Since an hour ago when he made a deal with me," Alastor answered, the hazy laugh that followed sending a chill down your back that rattled your spine. "You what!?" you flared up, the stag's laughter never ceasing. Gabriel waved a hand dismissively. "It was a deal, not a contract. I didn't bind my soul to it."

"Good because you would have been in real donkey shit if you did! Do you know how much power he would have if your soul got handed to him?" Gabriel nodded and cupped your cheeks. "Which is why I was careful, dove. Now go take a shower, I think it would be best if you stayed in this room for a while." He paused, allowing his words to linger in the air for a moment while his eyes darted to Alastor. "And then maybe we could watch a movie together," Gabriel finished a wide smile blooming on your face.

"The three of us? You won't try and murder Alastor?" Sighing, your friend nodded and you gave him another quick hug before bouncing off towards the bathroom. Alastor watched you until the door was shut and locked, his gaze then drifting back towards the Archangel. "A movie? Really?" he hissed, a heavy crackle of static fogging his speech. Gabriel shrugged, leaning up against the wall.

"Yeah. Thought it would be a good time to see who she likes most." Alastor had to hold back from howling in laughter, his hand shooting to his mouth while he began to chuckle uncontrollably. Wait until he finds out what we did last night, eh? Or just before he walked in here for that matter. Zandor hummed in agreement, Alastor's finger curling over his lips while he smiled wide.

"Right. I'm sure the outcome will be incredible for you," the overlord mocked, his ear flicking when the shower in the other room was switched on. You probably heard that whole conversation, he thought, eyes narrowing. Not saying another word, he wandered to your bedside table and swiped the remote from it, staring mildly confused at the unbelievable number of buttons there were on one small item.

"Goodness, technology has become absurd over the years," he mumbled to himself, the voices in his mind agreeing to his statement. Gabriel snorted and shook his head, proceeding to hold his seeing palm out expectantly. The eye on it looked at Alastor, seeming to squint as if it were smiling. Alastor's antlers branched out for half a second and his eyes swirled into radio dials, a growl of a defiance claiming his throat and reverberating around the room.

"I can figure it out myself, I'm not a child!" he snapped, the Archangel pulling his hand back and lifting both of them in defense while closing all his eyes. "Alright, tough guy. Figure it out." Alastor started with the most obvious of buttons: the big red on the top left of the black remote. As soon as his thumb pressed it, the tv on the opposing wall lit up, some random, low budget, imp action movie playing. "There we go. I told you I was capable."

Gabriel uninterestedly looked at the screen, his mouth in a small frown. "Change the channel."
"Excuse me?"
"I said change the channel. We aren't going to watch this with her, are we?" the purity gestured to the tv where an imp had its brains blown out, which looked a little too well done for how little money they seemed to have put into the making of this thing, so it was a safe bet to say that the particular imp in question was no longer paying any taxes.

"I- I mean, it looks fine. I don't see why we need to change the chan-"
"Change. The damn. Channel." Alastor rolled his red eyes and looked back down at the plethora of buttons and colors, his smile tightening as he pressed a random one. The tv muted itself. "Nice," Gabriel commented, still looking unimpressed. The stag shot him a fiery glare, almost certain that rabies foam would begin pouring from between his teeth at any moment.

"Shut up, I'm figuring it out." He pressed the same button he had before and the volume came back, Alastor's thumb moving to hover over a pair of buttons, each one with an up and down arrow. "Aha, found it," he smirked triumphantly and pressed the bottom one, the channel flicking to the next. Gabriel's eyes shot wide and Alastor nearly dropped the remote, ears flattening to his head while his smile twisted in disgust.

A very, very graphic porn channel had begun playing on the screen, a lewd moan leaving the small male sinner's jaws as two larger ones "boned" his hole at the same time. Neither of them were in the front. Immediately, Alastor fumbled with the remote and pressed the upwards arrow, moving it back to the action film they had been spectating earlier. The stag had blanched, his skin pale and sweat on his forehead. That had been a little bit of a surprise, to say the least.

"Alright, so maybe you should man the remote," Alastor caved and tossed the other man in the room, Gabriel catching it with ease and giving him a victorious smirk. "What? Afraid of a little sex? Thought you and (Y/n) had a thing when you were alive," he mocked and began flicking through the channel, Alastor's ear flicking in annoyance. "I'm not afraid of sex. It just surprised me is all. I mean, what would she think if she walked in and saw that? She would get the wrong idea — not that I would be opposed to it," he added a little more silently.



Just then, the door opened, steam pouring out from the bathroom, your silhouette appearing in the fog before you stepped out into the room with a fluffy towel wrapped around your dripping form, your brows furrowed a little. Alastor's eyes widened in the slightest, once again surprised. He had given you fresh clothes, no?

"Sorry, you just forgot my bra, Al," you said and walked past the two, towards your wardrobe where you bent down and began sifting through the lower drawers of it. Alastor hurriedly looked away, cheeks lightly dusted in pink. If the both of you were alone, perhaps he could have taken advantage of the situation.

But you weren't.

So instead he just looked off to the side where your vanity stand was, the mirror reflecting the wardrobe and lined up just enough so that he could see your raised behind. His gaze remained glued to your form for just a little longer, his lower lip being gently bitten down on. Stop it, Alastor. Yet he still came to question how it was possibly that you were so physically perfect.

Soon his eyes moved from the mirror, teeth gnawing the inside of his cheek while he scolded himself for his crude thoughts. Gabriel was already giving him a knowing look, somewhat threatening, but he ignored it as you stood back up and wandered into the bathroom again, a breath Alastor hadn't known he'd been holding leaving his old lungs.

"No wonder you're down here," the purity snapped and began flicking through channels again, the stag's ears bending back a little. Sure, he was a sinner, but he wasn't that kind of sinner. He didn't prey on unsuspecting women on the streets, like some people currently residing at the hotel. Even despite that though, he still felt slightly wounded that he would think of him in such a way, his smile twitching lightly.

You soon stepped out of the bathroom again, this time dressed in some comfortable sweatpants and a baggy hoodie. "Nice and clean after that bag of filth touched you?" Alastor started and took a step towards you, your hands placing themselves over one of his. "Yes, I'm feeling much better now. Thank you, Alastor."

He grinned, twirling a strand of your damp hair around his index before guiding you to the bed, Gabriel following suit and sitting down with the remote in his hand. You were sat in the middle and Gabriel and Alastor were settled on either side of you, Voxflix starting up and allowing a wide selection of movies to show on the screen. There was a short moment while the three of you bickered about what to watch, but it was soon settled that a horror movie was in place, a bowl of popcorn manifesting on Alastor's lap with a wave of his wrist while both the blackout curtains slid completely shut.

Silently, you nestled into your cushiony backrest, savoring the darkness of the room while the movie began to play. Clearly Alastor also thought the dark was great too, one of his hands discreetly sliding over your thigh and giving it a squeeze. You snuck him a quick glare and hurriedly refocused on the movie, not wanting Gabriel to get suspicious of the two of you.

You took the popcorn from Alastor and set it in your own lap so that everyone could have access, the stag's left hand taking your right and silently moving it away from where it was clutched around the bowl. You didn't react in the slightest, keeping your eyes on the tv while he set your hand on his lap, though it didn't stay there for long, the stag continuing to soundlessly shift your palm until it was cupped over his crotch. Your face was boiling, though luckily the darkness of the room and the artificial lights of the screen hid your redness, Alastor's hand releasing yours and settling on your thigh once more.

You already knew what he wanted you to do, so you wasted no time in giving his pack a light squeeze, his ear barely twitching to the left while he smiled flawlessly at the movie being screened in front of the three of you. This time you were feeling a little more confident, squeezing him a little tighter and a little longer before releasing him, simply rubbing your palm on his clothed sex while the ends of his smile twitched, though you knew he was enjoying it.

His clawed hand never left your thigh as you discreetly slid your hand past the rim of his slacks and overtop of his boxers, being able to feel the large tent that his cock had created for you, begging to be let out. Once more though, you just rubbed your palm along the thin fabric, kneading it every now and then when you felt his shaft desperately twitch beneath its covering. You grinned, never taking your fixated gaze off the screen when an axe chopped a woman's head clean in half.

{3310 words}

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