The Midnight Suns

By MarvelDc_EU

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When an unstoppable supernatural threat emerges, a group of misfits and anti-heroes are recruited to save the... More

Chapter 2: The candidates
Chapter 3: Ambushed
Chapter 4: A "Witch" called Wanda
Chapter 5: The origins of Chthon
Chapter 6: FINALE

Chapter 1: Terror in Transia

650 21 7
By MarvelDc_EU


*This takes place after my Avengers: Incursion War story which is Part 1. That story acted as my version of "Kang Dynasty" which is Avengers 5 so it is advised but not entirely necessary to read that book first, but you won't regret it if you do. If you want to get straight into this, the most important details to know for this story is that the X-Men universe and the MCU merged together in the end and The Scarlet Witch is alive and a hero again after a long redemption arc that touched on her corruption with the darkhold in Multiverse of Madness.*

*Another detail to take note of is that this is an MCU Special Presentation so if it was an actual movie, it'd be about 40-50 minutes long. This story takes place in Phase 6 of the multiverse saga, between Avengers 5 and Secret Wars.*


It's fifteen minutes to 3 in the morning, in a small desolate town in Transia. The mist is hanging in the air and the moon is nowhere to be seen. After all these years of fighting, he really thought he's seen it all. From world wars to ancient Egyptian rulers to aliens and conquerors from the future... But this... This is something else entirely. As he hid behind a broken car, taking out a cigarette, he looked at Ghost Rider fighting a horde of zombies in front of him.

Wolverine: Hey, Ghosty... Would you mind... You know... Forgot my lighter.

Ghost rider turned his head and looked at him indifferently. Then he burned up Wolverine's cigarette by looking at it.

Wolverine: Hey! What the heck!

Logan was then suddenly ambushed by hordes of zombies from behind.

He sliced through them with his metal claws but more kept coming.

Wolverine: I can't even catch one second to have a smoak!

He started to scream in rage and charged toward them.

Wolverine: RRRRRRAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!

He raged through the hordes of Zombies. One by one they fell to the ground, but there was no sign that they were getting any lesser in numbers.

A few feet away from him, Blade was standing back to back with Moon Knight, fighting off another horde.

Blade: There are too many of them!

Moon Knight: This is getting ridiculous.

Elsa Bloodstone and The Punisher were standing on top of two separate roofs, gunning down as many zombies as possible while fending off the ones who were climbing up to kill them.

The Punisher: I can't believe this is how I'm gonna die... Zombies. Freakin superpowered zombies!

Elsa Bloodstone: As long as we keep the fight here, we can prevent these bloody lifeless parasites from infecting the rest of the world. We just need to somehow close that portal!

Doctor Strange was surrounded, trying to send as many as possible to the mirror dimension, but some of them kept coming back since some are sorcerers themselves. A few feet away from him, Wanda Maximoff cleared with ease as the zombies tried to attack her from all sides. She combined her extremely fast reflexes and combat skills with her cosmic power to kill them off one by one. Agatha was in the air, hitting them with her purple magic from above.

In the far distance, the glowing eyes of The Watcher was faintly visible, looking down upon them.

The Watcher: (Narrating) I know what you're thinking. How did this happen? How did we get here? Well, to do that, I have to take you way back to a whole different universe. You all probably know the story. Some time ago, I showed you a universe where Janet Van Dyne encountered a virus when she got stuck in the Quantum Realm.

The Watcher: When Doctor Hank Pym and his allies, Ant-Man and The Wasp, tried to save her, she returned to Earth and began infecting every single person on the planet with a zombie-like virus, including its heroes ("What If" episode 5).

The Watcher: When the multiversal war finally arrived, a variant of Kang the Conqueror arrived with his army from the 31st century and sought to take over that world (Read Avengers: Incursion War), but he was quickly overrun by billions of the infected and they got killed within minutes. These "zombies" then stole his time platform and all of his advanced technology and used it to discover the multiverse. They then travelled from universe to universe, killing everything that moves, then taking off to the next universe, then the next, and the next... and Now they finally found yours... and they haven't eaten... In days...

New York

Logan AKA The Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) was minding his own business as usual, drinking clean shots of whiskey when something disturbing slowly walked into the bar. Everybody screamed and ran out in panic except for Logan. He was more annoyed than anything else as he slowly turned around, looking at the zombie in front of him.

Wolverine: You gotta be shittin me...

The zombie started to run toward him but Logan immediately sliced its head off with his metal claws. He then heard people scream in terror outside the bar. When he got outside he saw multiple zombies in the streets, infecting anyone they bite. A few meters above the street there was a small purple dimensional opening (Like in Spider-Man: No Way Home but a lot smaller). The zombies seemed to appear out of the portal one by one.

Wolverine: What... the...

Wolverine was then suddenly attacked by one from the side as it moved its jaw up and down, trying to sink its teeth into him. He grabbed its head and smashed it into the wall, splattering its brains everywhere. He then saw a frightened woman sitting in a corner while four zombies approached her. He then attacked them from behind and sliced their limbs off one by one.

Wolverine: You better get the heck outta here lady.

Woman: (Gasps) Look out!

He looked behind him just in time as one of the zombies tried to bite him. He gave the zombie an uppercut with his claws sticking out above its head. He then threw the zombie into another one.

Wolverine: Go! Run! Get outta here!

The woman ran away while zombies grouped together and began attacking Wolverine from all sides, there were about 15 of them and more slowly started to appear from the other side. Suddenly a mysterious high-tech blue portal opened up with multiple special agents walking into the area. With them was someone else. A man with a burning skull for a head. Some call him the spirit of vengeance, others may know him by the name of Ghost Rider.

These agents seemed well equipped and easily made quick work of the small zombie horde with Ghost Rider aiding them. He then threw his burning chains at the purple crack in the sky and dragged it down, closing the portal. Wolverine frowned and looked strangely at this man with a burning skull for a head.

Wolverine: What the hell are you supposed to be? Or more importantly, what the hell is going on and who are these people?

Ghost rider then turned back into his human form, revealing himself as Robbie Reyes.

Robbie Reyes: These are W.A.N.D agents, I am Robbie Reyes and these were zombies from another universe. We could really use a hand.

Wolverine: W.A.N.D?

Robbie Reyes: Wizardry Alchemy and Necromancy Department. Listen will you come with us or not? There's not much time.

Wolverine: Whoah slow down creep. I want to know what's goin on first!

Robbie Reyes: I will tell you everything... If you just come with us.

Wolverine: And what if I refuse?

Robbie Reyes: Then there's a chance our entire world could be overrun by zombies and completely taken over before the sun shows its face.

He looks at Robbie with caution for a while and growled slightly in frustration.

Wolverine: Here we go again... I finally take a moment to relax and it all immediately goes to shit. What's New?

W.A.N.D. Secret base of operations
Location: Unknown

One of the large monitors were showing a live broadcast of WHiH Newsfront, with a mysterious shadow figure standing in front of the screen.

"This is WHiH Newsfront, I'm your host Christine Everhart and we've got some pretty wild reports claiming that small groups of zombies are out and about, attacking people in the streets of New York. So far there's been reports coming in from Australia, Scotland, Germany and Russia, claiming the exact same thing. We now go to New York where an eyewitness claims to have seen everything."

"It was crazy man! So I was in my apartment right, then I heard screams outside, so I looked out my window. Then I saw zombies! Real life zombies man! And the Wolverine was there too! Then some weird portal opened up and some agents walked out, real men in black shit! There was also this dude in a leather suit... Y'all finna think I'm trippin but the guy had a skull for a face, and it was on fire!"

The figure in the shadow standing in front of the screen was revealed to be the Director of W.A.N.D, Phil Coulson. Former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. whose fate has been changed due to the side effects of Wanda Maximoff changing reality a few months ago to save the multiverse from Kang the Conqueror and Doctor Doom.

Behind him was none other than the newly appointed Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange, whom has already encountered W.A.N.D on multiple occasions in the last couple of months after the battle for the multiverse.

Doctor Strange: How much time do we have left?

Phil Coulson: This is the 5th portal in the last 30 minutes that we've closed. They are appearing faster by the minute. If it goes on like this we could be looking at a global zombie outbreak within the next hour. Readings show that this is just the beginning. We are picking up high levels of unstable dimensional energy above a town in Transia. We suspect that might be the epitome.

Doctor Strange: Wait, Transia? That's the place where the darkhold was transcribed.

Phil Coulson: Exactly. That's why I have a feeling something big is behind all of this.

Doctor Strange: Or someone...

Behind Strange was Blade, a master swordsman but also a Vampire, sitting on one of the chairs in front of a large table.

Blade: You sure you know what you're doing Coulson? What if the plan doesn't work?

Phil Coulson: It will work. It has to.

Coulson then opens up a new tab on the screen, revealing the faces of multiple candidates for the Midnight Suns protocol put in place by Nick Fury as a line of defence against large supernatural threats. The candidates are:


The Punisher

Agatha Harkness

Moon Knight

The Scarlet Witch

Elsa Bloodstone

Doctor Strange

And Ghost Rider

Doctor Strange: I don't think bringing together these... Misfits is the greatest idea. There are actual Avengers who could help us you know.

Phil Coulson: These people were chosen because they have the necessary skills to get the job done. We need a response team to deal with these kinds of threats. The Avengers may not be the ones fit for the task. I believe we need something more... We need the Midnight Suns.

Cue Intro

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