Pokémon; Journey Through Kanto

By pokepal14

57.1K 981 172

Yuki, a new Trainer from Pallet Town, aims to become a word famous Pokémon Master and Coordinator who travels... More

The Journey Begins
Route 1
Viridian City
Viridian Forest
Pewter City
Mt Moon
Cerulean Cape
Cerulean City
Pokémon Tech School
4th of July
Happy Independence Bahamas!!
The Lighthouse
Vermillion City
S.S Anne
Beauty and the Beach
Tentacool and Tenatcruel
Maiden's Peak
Saffron City
Lavender Town
Happy Halloween!!
Celadon City
Drowzee and Hypno
Breeder's Lane
P1 Grand Prix
Gringy City
Merry Christmas!!!
Happy New Year!!! 2024
Fuchsia City
Pokémon Ranch
Valentine's Day!!
Pokémon Preserve
The Safari Zone
The Bridge Bike Gang
Stone Town; The Eevee Brothers
Dark City
Question 2
Kanto Pokémon Fossils
Author's Note
The Mystery Egg Hatches
4th of July
Happy Independence Bahamas!!!
Princess Day
Admission's Exam


419 8 0
By pokepal14



The gang were at a town which currently had a carnival going on. Yuki, Raiden & Tomo went on different rides, played games & had cotton candy.

Brock was dancing with some performers in the open.

Willow & Marill were eating ice cream until they noticed a woman dressed as a Vulpix yelling at a man with a black top hat & a green magician outfit. Next to him was a six pink egg-like Pokémon next to him.

"I had enough, I quit!" The woman yelled.

"Please, I promise to pay you," the man said.

"If you're gonna pay, then pay me now," the woman scowled.

"I can't, not right now," the man said. "But as soon as I get customers, I will."

"And who do you think is going to watch your show?" The woman said.

"..." The man looked down.

"Some magician!" The woman shoves him into a box & walked away.

"Oh, great," the man sighed.

"Sir, are you okay?" Willow asked as she approached him.

"No, I just lost my fifth assistant this year," the man said.

"Fifth? Why?" Willow asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"I'm a magician, but I'm not very popular. Will you be my assistant?"

"Um, only for today," Willow said.

"Thank you. My name is Melvin & this is my partner Exeggcute," Melvin introduced

"Exeggcute," Exeggcute greeted.

Willow pulled out her Pokédex

Exeggcute, the Egg Pokémon. Exeggcute is made of six heads that communicate with each other using telepathy.

"I'm Willow & this is Marill," Willow said.

"Marill," Marill smiled.


It was the start of the magic show. Willow was forced to wear a leotard adorned with Goldeen fins & the poor girl was completely embarrassed. Marill is wearing a light blue bow on her head.

Soon, Yuki, Raiden, Tomo & Brock arrive at the show.

"Willow, what's going on?" Yuki asked.

"I agreed to help Melvin with his magic show," Willow said, embarrassed.

"Come on, hurry it up!" Someone shouts.

The gang take their seats & watch the show.

"For my first trick I will juggle my Exeggcute," Melvin starts to juggle his Exeggcute.

"This is magic?" Yuki sweat dropped. 

"Boring," Tomo said, hugging the stuffed Kangaskhan Yuki won for him.

"What he said," Brock agreed.

"We don't want to see juggling! We want to see some magic!" Someone shouts.

Melvin pulls out his wand & tried to create a blast of lightning, but ended up shocking himself. He pulls out his wand again & a tiny flame came out, making the crowd fall back in disbelief.

"That was pathetic!" the crowd exclaimed.

"This is not going well," Yuki shook her head.

"No kidding," Brock agreed.

Melvin tries again & his second attempt works. Willow asked him to be careful, but he ignored her as he was happy the trick actually worked. The flames triggered the sprinkler system, soaking everyone in the crowd.

"Three strikes & you're out," Yuki said.


After the disaster, they all went outside.

"Well, that was terrible," Brock said.

"Tell me about it. Even the crowd looked bored out of their minds," Yuki said.

"Hey, look there he is," Tomo pointed, making them all look in the direction he was pointing in.

Sure enough, it was Melvin, who was getting yelled at again, but this time by another man who seemed to be the manager.

"You're fired! That stunt you pulled was dangerous & it could've hurt everyone in the audience! I'm sorry, but you're done!" The manager said before walking away.

Melvin drops to his knees.

"Come on man, get up," Yuki said, sternly.

"I'm a hopeless magician," Melvin looked up at her.

"Yes you are. You need to learn new tricks," Yuki said.

"How am I supposed to learn new tricks?" Melvin asked.

"Snow can show you her trick," Willow said as Brock helps Melvin up. 

Yuki was standing in front of Melvin who was sitting in a chair. 

"You're not going to hurt me, are you?" Melvin asked, nervously.

"No, I'm just going to show a trick like my friend said," Yuki held her hand out, her eyes glowed blue & telekinetically lifted the chair in the air.

"H-H-How are you doing that?" Melvin exclaimed.

"Psychic powers," Yuki commented as she placed Melvin down.

"That was spectacular. You could become a famous magician," Melvin said.

"I don't want to be," Yuki shook her head.


Yuki was drinking a bottle of water as Melvin practiced his magic tricks, but everyone fails.

"Excuse me Yuki, but would you like to have a battle with me?" Melvin asked.

"I would love too," Yuki said.

They went back into the tent & Yuki & Melvin went into battle position.

"Adeen, I choose you!" Yuki sent out her second Starter.

"Char!" Adeen appeared.

"Go Exeggutor!" Melvin sent out a coconut tree-like Pokémon.

"Exeggutor," Exeggutor appeared.

Yuki scanned the Pokémon

Exeggutor, the Coconut Pokémon and the evolved form of Exeggcute. Exeggutor is known as 'The Walking Jungle.' Its three heads can think independently, but since they get along so well, there's never an argument.

"Trainers ready?" Brock said acting as referee.

"Ready," Yuki & Melvin nodded.

"Alright battle begin!" Brock said.

"Exeggutor use Stomp," Melvin said.

Exeggutor jumped into the air.

"Dodge & use Flame Charge," Yuki said.

Adeen quickly dodged the attack as she became surrounded by red flames and tackled Exeggutor.

"Exeggutor use Seed Bomb," Melvin said.

Exeggutor fired multiple glowing green explosive seeds from its mouth.

"Counter with Flamethrower," Yuki said.

"Char!" Adeen fired a stream of fire from her mouth which overpowered Seed Bomb & hit Exeggutor.

"Tor!" Exeggutor cried out in pain.

"Use Hypnosis." Exeggutor's eyes glowed blue pinkish purple & released waves of energy which put Adeen to sleep.

"Now Uproar."

"TOR! TOR! TOR! TOR! TOR! TOR!" Exeggutor chanted loudly as booming sound waves came out of its mouth and hit Adeen which caused her to instantly wakes up & covers her ears.

The Uproar went on for several seconds before it stopped.

"You okay, Adeen?" Yuki asked.

"Meleon," Adeen nodded.

"Good, use Fire Spin." Adeen released a stream of fire that turned into a fiery tornado which surrounded Exeggutor.

"Uh oh," Melvin said.

"Now Slash." Adeen's claws glowed white & slashed Exeggutor.

"Exeggutor Solar Beam," Melvin said.

"TOR!" Exeggutor fired a yellow beam of energy at Adeen.

"Adeen Dragon Rage," Yuki said.

"CHARMELEON!" Adeen fired a powerful blast of blue energy at Exeggutor & collided with Solar Beam, making an explosion. When the smoke cleared, Adeen was panting heavily & Exeggutor had fainted.

"Exeggutor is unable to battle. Yuki & Adeen are the winners," Brock declared.

"We did it," Yuki said as she hugged Adeen.

"Char," Adeen said happily as she hugged Yuki back.

"Thank you for the battle, Yuki," Melvin said.

"You're welcome," Yuki said.

"Don't sell yourself short Melvin, you were great too," Willow said.

"Thank you," Melvin said.

"Do you still want to give up?" Yuki asked.

Melvin looks at her.

"Just because you made a few mistakes doesn't mean you should quit so easily. A few mistakes can help you learn what you have to do to improve. Don't give till it's over."

"You're right. I'll continue being a magician & one day I'll become famous," Melvin said.

"That's the spirit," Willow said.

"And we'll come to see your magic show," Brock said.

Before they left, Melvin created a firework display which worked perfectly. The gang smiled as they waved goodbye, wished him good luck & continued their journey.


Yuki's Pokémon:

Pikachu (Raiden) (M)

Shiny Charmeleon (Adeen) (F)

Pidgeotto (Skye) (F)

Shiny Gyarados (Triton) (M)

Meowth (Meowzie) (F)

Happiny (Galen) (F)

Butterfree (Hesper) (M)

Shiny Beedrill (Vespa) (F)

Nuiluna (Aruna) (F)

Sandslash (Tarrin) (M)

Clefable (Stella) (F)

Nidorino (Lin) (M)

Nidorina (Reina) (F)

Skitty (Tsuki) (F)

Bulbasaur (Jarylo) (M)

Shiny Gloom (Flora) (F)

Shiny Arcanine (Aiden) (M)

Shiny Ninetales (Wisp) (F)

Seel (Mesi) (F)

Hibitrix (Posy) (F)

Jerblitz (Corin) (F)

Squirtle (Blast) (M)

Krabby (Leo) (M)

Shiny Eevee (Nova) (F)

Jolteon (Thor) (M)

Flareon (Enya) (F)

Vaporeon (Mizu) (F)

Espeon (Celeste) (F)

Shiny Umbreon (Eclipse) (M)

Leafeon (Ivy) (F)

Glaceon (Glacia) (F)

Shiny Sylveon (Titania) (F)

Horsea (Spirit) (F)

Pink Butterfree (Sakura) (F)

Cubone (Terra) (F)

Haunter (Sly) (M)

Primeape (Tyson) (M)

Shiny Magnemite (Static)

Shiny Ponyta (Comet) (M)

Kangaskhan (Evanne) (F)

Tauros (Rodeo) (M)

Venonat (Rura) (F)

Kadabra (Houdini) (M)

Arbok (Cleo) (F)

Scyther (Scarlet) (F)

Swablu (Ele) (F)

Budew (Rosa) (F)

Shiny Poliwag (Swirlie) (F)

Dratini (Ryoko) (F)

Porygon (Pixel)

Pikachu (Levina) (F)

Brock's Pokémon:

Onix (M)

Geodude (M)

Zubat (M)

Weepinbell (M)

Rhyhorn (M)


Machoke (M)

Growlithe (M)

Sandslash (M)

Vulpix (F)

Diglett (M)

Tauros (M)

Chansey (F)

Paras (M)

Marowak (F)

Cubone (M)

Dwebble (M)

Willow's Pokémon:

Marill (F)

Butterfree (F)


Eevee (F)


Apiom (M)

Vulpix (F)

Ledyba (F)

Buneary (F)

Smoochum (F)

Shiny Butterfree (M)

Chansey (F)

Goldeen (F)

Tangela (F)

Nidorino (M)

Sunkern (F)

Ducklett (F)

Tomo's Pokémon:

Tauros (M)

Eevee (M)

Doduo (M)

Growlithe (M)

Venonat (M)

Nidoran (M)

Cubone (M)

Poliwag (M)

Pikachu (F)

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