Mark of an Alpha's Queen

By the_atticwriter

11K 1.9K 444

COMPLETED ✔️ Previously known as Catch Cassandra and Jace... Remember how their story went? But hold on... t... More

Part I - Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Bonus Chapter
Part II - Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Christmas Bonus Chapter
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Bonus Chapter
Part III - Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Bonus Chapter

51 15 2
By the_atticwriter

Thank you all for your support!

Alexis' POV

“I'm sorry, you want me to what?” she asks.

Her red hair looked shinier today. I sigh and take a seat in her office couch.

“I got into a nasty argument with mom a couple of days ago and I told her it'd be better if she wasn't my mom anymore”.

She sits up.

“You what?!”.

I groan.

“She's so difficult and controlling. I don't want someone like that as a mother”.

Aunt Cassidy shakes her head.

“That's how my sister is. That's how she's been since I got to know her”.

I lean forward.

“But aunt Cass, it's wrong. No one tells her off so she feels whatever she does is right”.

“You didn't have to tell her that though. It was wrong”.

I sigh.

“She pushed me. She wants me to quit my job and move back to Colorado. And when I told her I was seeing someone, she told me he wasn't good enough for me and she'd make a much perfect match for me”.

She chuckles.

“And that's a bad idea how?”.

I give her a look.

“The last 'much perfect match' people made for me ended up with an arrow inside of me, my best friend dying, and the same me in a coma for an entire year. And I don't want to be paired with anyone else. I'm in love with Noah”.

Her eyes suddenly widen.

“I knew it!” she laughs. “And since it's Noah, forgot your mother. You have my blessing”.

“Aunt Cass” I chuckle.

She smiles at me.

“But wait, where do I come in?”.

I sigh.

“Mia called last night. Mom's turning fifty next week and they're throwing a surprise party for her and I have to be there”.

She shrugs.

“Okay. The girls and I will watch Odin for you. I actually like that little guy”.

I give her a look.


“Aunt Cass...”.

She frowns and stands.

“Oh, no, no, no, no Alexis. I am not going with you”.

I stand up.

“Why not? It's not like you're going to hide uncle Rob and the girls from them forever”.

She shrugs.

“That's what I intend to do”.

“But you know it's not right”.

“Alexandra, I cannot expose my children to that kind of life. I don't even know which one of them is going to end up with the werewolf gene. It was hard getting Robert to understand. And I promised our children weren't going to be casualties in this war”.

“But I need you there with me. And the girls would be so excited to meet their uncles and aunts and cousins”.

She shakes her head.

“I'm not ready to face them Alexandra. Please understand”.

I pout and take her hand.

“C'mon aunt Cass. I can't go alone. What if she ties me up and... and freezes me or something? I need you to be there with me please”.


“I'll pay for your tickets” I smile and wiggle my eye brows at her.

She just chuckles but doesn't say a word. I sigh and nod.

“Alright fine. But at least think about it...”.

“I already have. And my answer remains the same. I cannot go with you”.

I nod.

“Well okay. I'll get going now. I promised Poppy she'd spend the night at my place and Ruth-Alma said she's making lasagna for dinner and I really don't want her to burn down my house. She set off the fire alarm twice this morning”.

She chuckles.

“Give them my love okay?”.

I nod.

“I'll call you when we get home”.

She gives me a little hug and I'm on my way. I pick up Poppy from her house and she's beyond excited.

“Ouu can I throw rocks at your neighbor's window when he's doing it with his many lovers?” she chirps as I help fasten on her seat belt.

“Who told you that?” I chuckle.

“Rae” she answers.

I laugh and pull out of the driveway.

“Hey Alexis?”.

“Yes Pop”.

“Do you think I can really become a lawyer?”.

I take a look at the fifteen year old beside me.

“You wanna become a lawyer?”.

She nods. I smile.

“I think you'd be the best lawyer in the world. You've got the biggest heart and anyone would be lucky to have you help them defend themselves”.

She smiles back at me.

“Have you told your parents?”.

She nods.

“Mom and dad are both really excited. Mom especially. She said I'm going to do great”.

My mind drifts back to the conversation we had in her office. There was no way she's was going to risk the future of her children by dragging them into our family chaos.

I eventually smile and ruffle Poppy's hair.

“She's right. You are going to do just great”.

We pull up in my driveway and the lights are on.

I hope she hasn't burnt anything.

Poppy hops out of the car and races towards the front stairs.

“Hey, hey, hey your bag...”.

But she's already gone. I sigh and grab it from the back seat. I take my bag and lock the car door. Then I hear her loud squeal.

“Poppy please go easy on the Cheerios!” I call out. “I don't even know why I restocked”.

I open the door and put my keys on the counter. Hanging my bag and Poppy's, I turn to the living room.

“Feet off the coffee table, Rae”.

She waves at me, eyes still glued to the television.

“I'm so going to be the next bachelorette” she murmurs with a smile.

I pause and take a look at her.

“Aren't you suppose to be making dinner?”.

She shoots me a thumbs up and points to the television screen.

“I'm not kissing everyone though. Just the ones I really really like”.

I groan and hit her with a pillow.

“Hey!” she cries.

“Kitchen, dinner, now!”.

She sighs loudly and finally turns to face me.

“I am making dinner”.

“I can see you watching The Bachelorette, Ruth-Alma”.

“Yes, but I'm also making dinner”.

I fold my arms.

“You can't be in two places at the same time, you know that right?”.

“Just go take a shower. When you get back, the lasagna would be ready”.

“Just get your ass off that—”.

Poppy's scream interrupts me.

“I'll be right back”.

I hurry and round the corner and head straight into the kitchen.

“Poppy what did I tell you about going easy on... Noah?”.

He turns and flashes me a smile.

“Hey babe”.

Poppy pouts.

“You ruined our game Alexis” she frowns as Noah set her down from his shoulders.

“What are you doing here?”.

Poppy points to the oven in the corner.

“Ruth-Alma tricked him into making us dinner”.

“She what?!”.

“Hey, it's okay. I don't mind”.

I frown.

“But I do. She's in the living room watching The Bachelorette”.

“She said she wants to be the next Bachelorette and I think she's on to something” he chuckles and wraps his arms around me from behind.

“Don't encourage her” I giggle as he peppers my neck with kisses.

Poppy makes a face at us and runs off.

“Hey, since you're here, I have something to ask you”.

He cocks his head at me.

“Am I in trouble?”.

“Of course not” I laugh. “It's a favor”.

“Well let's talk later. Dinner is ready”.

He lets go of me and moves to the oven.

“Pass me the oven mitts would you?”.

I hand them over.

“It smells heavenly Noie”.

“It's got my secret ingredient”.

I smile. I go ahead to set the table. The girls join in and offer to help. Soon, we're all seated for dinner. After we've eaten, I stack the dishwasher while they lay around. Noah was an amazing cook honestly.

I chuckle at the thought.

“Fantasizing about me?”.

I look over my shoulder and he's leaning against the doorway frame with a pleased look on his face.

“Something like that”.

He raises a brow.

“Mind sharing?” he steps closer.

I wipe my hands.

“I'll show you” I whisper.

His dimples deepen as he grins down at me. I wrap my arms around his waist and plant an intense yet delicate kiss on his lips.

He lifts me up with one hand and sets me on the kitchen isle, not stopping for a bit.

“I want you to meet my parents” I suddenly whisper against his lips.

He slowly opens his eyes and moves his face away from mine.

“You what?”.

I nod and nibble at my lower lip.

“I want you to come meet my parents”.

He steps further backwards.

“Oh, we're serious?”.

I playfully toss an oven mitt at him and he catches it with ease and chuckles.

“C'mon Noie, come with me”.

“Why the rush? I thought you said we should take it slow”.

“We are, too slow. It's been ten months since our vacation date... not that I'm counting”.

He chuckles.

“And you want me to meet your parents?”.

I nod.

“Just like that?”.

I flick my eyes back and forth.

“Yes, why else would I want you to come meet my parents?”.

He raises a brow at me.

“Okay fine. My mom's turning 50 next week and there's this party so...”.

“There it is!” he laughs and shakes his head at me.

“Hey I think it's the perfect opportunity to introduce you...”.

“As what? Your escort?”.

“No my boyfriend”.

He gives me another look.

“Hey, I'm serious Noie. I want my parents to meet the man I'm completely and totally in love with”.

I hold out my hands to him.

“Say you'll go, please my love?” I whine with a little pout.

His face softens and he takes my hands.

“Of course I'll go”.

I grin.


I tug him back to me and give him a quick kiss.

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

I slam the trunk of the car shut and lean against it, smiling at the figure approaching me.

“Okay girls, into the car” she gestures.

They obey.

“What made you change your mind?” I ask.

She looks at me.

“Just say thank you before I change my mind”.

I hold back my smile.

“Thank you auntie Cassidy”.

Uncle Rob passes by us and he doesn't look pleased to be a part of this trip.

“I've never seen him look like that since I locked him out of the house to go catch a salmon and make me a salad when I was pregnant with Ruth-Alma”.

“You what?” I laugh.

“I had cravings” she chuckles.

“You made your husband become a fisherman”.

She laughs. We hear a horn and turn towards the direction.

“Are we going or have you ladies changed your minds?”.

I smile at Noah.

“We'll be right there”.

He smiles back and moves his head back into the car.

“I'm only going with you for him”.

I pout.

“But I'm your niece”.

“Yes, and no matter how difficult my sister is, she won't be as hard on you as she will be on Noah. He's a great guy and someone needs to vouch for him”.

“Aww, you're amazing” I coo at her.

She playfully shoves me with a smile on her face  and gets into the car. I smile to myself and follow.

“Colorado, here we come!”.

I know, I know 😂

I haven't been fair to not have updated this book even once this year.

Updates are going to be a bit slow but I will update, I promise.

Please let me know your thoughts on what I write. They mean a lot to me and they're very helpful, trust me.

Thank you all so much!

~the_atticwriter ♥

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