Rise Of The Owl House

By Anthony7410

74K 1.3K 1.4K

The first mystic warrior of the Boiling Isles in centuries. Follow AJ and Luz the humans in mystic and magic... More

The lying Witch, a Warden and a Mystic Trainee
Witches before wizards
Origami tsunami
We were teenage abominations
The intruder
Hooty's moving hassle
Lost in language
Once upon a swap
Something ventured, some kids framed
Escape of the palisman
Owl-pellet adventure shorts
Adventures in the elements
The first day
Really small problems
Understanding Willow
Enchanting grom fright
Wing it like witches and warriors
Agony of a Witch and Mystic Warrior
Young blood, Old souls, Endless hope
Separate tides
Escaping exspulsion
Echos of the past
Keeping up A-fear-acnes
Through the looking glass ruins
Hunting palisman and Mystic Warrior
Eda's reqium
Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door
Eclipse lake
Not everything is in black and white
Yesterday's lie
Follies at the Coven Day Parade
Christmas Special!
Elsewhere. Elsewhen. Elsewho?
Black as night, bright as white
Any sport in a storm
Reaching out
Them's the breaks, kid
Not so happy returns Vol. 1
A dream become reality Vol. 2
Tale of the Yokai Vol. 3
Insane in the Battle Nexus Vol. 4
Antawa hitorijanai Vol. 5
Happy Pride Month
Merry Christmas (Thank you)

Sense and insensitivity

1.2K 34 18
By Anthony7410

Open to morning in the living room of the Owl House were AJ and Eda are getting ready to go to human realm for Eda's shop and for AJ to retrieve the katana blades in Luz's and AJ's basement back at their human home. Luz's protective girlfriend instincts have kicked in.

Luz: Are you sure you're gonna be ok? What if my mom or aunt Erin catches you? What if someone sees you break into our house? *Holds out a lunch bag with the strap extended* And are you sure you don't need to bring a snack?

AJ: Luz for the last time I don't need to bring any snacks, *holds her hand* besides it's just a simple-... you know what, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut and not jynx myself.

Eda: *Putting on a bandanna over her head* Good call kid. Never know what could happen if you do.

Luz: Sorry, I'm just worried something might happen when you go out today.

AJ: It's alright. Honestly, it's kinda comforting that you're this worried about me.

Luz: Really? I figured you would find it annoying.

AJ: Nah... OK yeah, it is a little annoying, *Holds both of her hands; smiling* but it shows me that you really care for my well being, and I greatly appreciate it.

Luz: Aww! *Pulls him into a tight hug* I'll always care for your well being.

AJ: *Hugs her back* And I'll always care for your well being too, my goofy chinchilla.

Eda: *Walks up to them with an empty sack in hand* You ready kid?

AJ: *Him and Luz pull away* Yeah, I'm ready.

Luz: Wait, wait, wait! *pulls AJ's arm* How are you gonna the find the katanas? Mom and aunt Erin found a perfect spot to hide them in.

AJ: Oh, well do you remember that KF was able to find me, even after constantly running away from him?

Luz: Yeah?

AJ: Well, it's just a theory, *whipser* a game theory, *Talks normally* but I believe KF has the ability to sniff out mystic energy.

Luz: Aww, *Cups her cheeks* like a cute wittle doggy!

AJ: Exactly. *Moves one of her hands and kisses her cheek* We'll be back soon.

He and Eda walk through the door right before it closes and folding itself twice in the air. But the door opens up soon unfolds itself and opens wide with AJ peaking through it.

AJ: I forgot to ask, do you want anything while we're out?

Luz: No thank you. *Waves to him* Stay safe! Love you!

AJ: *Waves back* Love you too!

He goes through the door again as the door shuts and folds itself.

Cut to Eda and AJ standing outside of the old house, AJ and Luz ran into, on the day they came to the demon realm.

Eda: So, you're home, is it close by?

AJ: Oh yeah, *points forward* it's just around the corner.

Eda: Good. *Grins* We meet back here when we're done, good luck and don't get caught. *Walks in a different direction*

AJ: Bye Eda! *Walks towards his house*

He makes it to the side of his house and peaks around the around to check for anyone around.

AJ quietly gasp when he sees his mom walking out of the house, towards her car with Camilla already in the passenger seat.

Erin is holding a picture of AJ, wearing a sad smile on her face before entering the car.

AJ wanted to run out and stop her before they leave and give them the biggest hug in the world. But he stopped himself from doing so, scared of what she might think, realizing he and Luz never went to reality camp and spent most of their summer in another realm.

AJ watches them drive off and out to their respective jobs with dejected face.

AJ takes a deep breath, holds it in for a second before finally letting it out. He pulls out his spare house key and runs up to the front door unlocking it. He enters the house, closing the door behind him and heads straight to the basement.

He rushes down the stairs carefully before pulling KF out of his holster and activating it.

AJ: KF do you think you can, *He noticed KF looks depressed* KF? Are you ok?

KF shakes it's head.

AJ: *Dejected* Do you want to be alone?

KF slowly nods it's head.

AJ: OK. But do you think you can point to where the katanas might be? Please?

KF looks up to him before it's eyes burn brighter and looks around the room before stopping to look in a specific direction and nods its head there.

The direction he was pointing in, was a closet Camilla puts her personal belongings in.

AJ: *Pats KF's in sympathy* Thanks bud. Take as much time as you need.

KF smiles up to him before retreating to it's handle and extinguishes.

AJ head over to the closet and luckily for him the closet didn't have a lock on it. He opens it and looks around inside, to where they might be. In the corner of his eye he spots a slight shine coming from the bottom of a rolled rug in the corner of the closet.

He grabs the rug, unrolls it on the floor revealing the twin katanas.

AJ: *Chuckles* Nice hiding spot mom.

He picks both of the katana blades by their handles with ancient writing glowing and lighting surounding on the blades. He feels a familiar warmth in his body, his shoulders, biceps and his face. Soon red stripes engrave over his eyes and yellow stripes engrave on his shoulders and biceps.

Once the light died down he places the twin katanas on an old rug before rolling it up and carries them under his armpit.

AJ: *Goes up the stairs out of the basement but pauses for a moment* We have tell them some time. And it scares me..

He walks out of the doorway closing the basement door behind him, everything fading to black.

Two days later, cut to Eda's Human Collectibles stand in the market. King holds up a tray of mostly inedible human things.

King: Partake of my free snack samples! Take it! I demand it as your ruler, the King of Demons!

Several people pass but none even take a glance at him. He throws the tray on the ground.

King: Nyeh! Why isn't anyone paying attention to me? I'm their rightful overlord. Intellectually and such.

Eda: Yeah... hey! *Grabs a passerby by the cowl, sniffs* It reeks more of nerd than money today.

Luz and AJ slams the table catching their attention.

Luz: Guys!

AJ: Guess what!

Eda lets go of the passerby.

Passerby: Ah!

Luz: You will not believe what's going on! *Her and AJ poses under a banner* It's a book fair! Where books come to life!

A book jumps off one of the stands next to her.

Book: Hello.

Luz screams and kicks it. AJ stands infront of Luz protectively and hisses at the talking book.

King: A fair without rides?

Boy: Who needs rides when this *Shoves a book in King's face* can take you anywhere?

King: Nyeh.

King throws a strip of bacon on the boy's head. A winged demon flies by and takes him away. The boy screams.

AJ: *Salutes* We've lost a good nerd today.

Eda: A, ew. *Throws book on the ground* B, I'm bored. C, I feel like pickpocketing some dork while they browse. *Walks off*

AJ: Well, poo on you for ridiculing the magic of writing!

Luz: Will you give it a chance, King? I'll let you ride in my hoodie! *Puts her hood up*

King: *Walks up to Luz* Ooohoohoohoo!

Cut to Luz and AJ walking through the book fair with King in Luz's hood.

Luz: This book fair's got everything! A zine-making workshop, meet and greets, and-

AJ: *Gasp and points forward* Luz, look!

Luz: What?*Gasps* A writing competition!? I've always wanted to be a writer.

King: Writer? What? I thought you wanted to be a witch?

Luz: Of course I wanna be a witch. But where I'm from that's kinda... impossible. So my runner up dream was to be a writer. *Pulls a picture out of her pocket* I've had this about the author picture since I was seven years old. I know my good angle.

AJ: *Looks at the picture* It really captures the smugness of writing better then everyone else. *grins* I love it and I love you.

Luz: *Blushes lightly* Aww, I love you too. *puts the photo away* I'm gonna enter the competition.

AJ: I too shall join this competition!

Bo laughs as she runs by, shoving Luz lightly into AJ, who catches her.

AJ: Hey, watch where you're going!

King: Ugh! What are these basement dwellers doing out in natural sunlight?

Tinella Nosa: Um! We're in line for Jon De Plume, most famous writer on the Boiling Isles, famed author of the Realm Warriors series! I'm gonna have him read my story... and marry me.

Cut to Jon signing a book.

Man: Jon, will you sign my child?

Jon: I'll sign anything! *Laughs evilly*

AJ: Not words, you should live by.

King: Such power. Such command he holds over his minions. I must have the same! Luz and AJ the humans! I too shall enter the competition.

AJ: *Starry-eyed* Really?!

Luz: *Gasps* We could work together! It'll be perfect! We're best friends, so we'll make the best team!

King: Team! Yes!

AJ: *Smiling wildly* I get to write a book with not only my girlfriend, but with King as well?! This is gonna be amazing!

AJ and Luz hold hands hopping in place and squealing in excitement before walking away.

King: My name goes first on the cover.

Cut to Eda walking around the book fair knocking book over and pushing people out of her way.

Eda: *Grabs books and tosses it* Boring, *Knocks books onto a child's head* boring. *Grabs another book with a mirror on the cover* Boring. *Gasps as she looks in a mirror* Another wrinkle! The curse is quickening!

Lilith: You, lackey.

Eda ducks behind a banner that says "READ OR... DIE". She lifts the banner and glares at Lilith.

Eda: *Hisses* Lilith...

Lilith: Do you have the item we discussed?

Merchant: Oh! Yes, right here. *Hands her a map*

Lilith: *Opens it, light illuminates the peice lf paper* This is excellent. A map to the Bloom of Eternal Youth. I think the emperor will be very pleased.

Steve: Ma'am, shouldn't we be searching for the Owl Lady to join the coven? Remember that whole plan.

Lilith: *Laughs* My sister's curse has left her frail. She'll still be here when we get back.

Eda groans.

Lilith: This comes first, it's for the emperor after all.

Steve: Yeah! *Knocks over the merchant's books* All hail the emperor!

Lilith: Very good, Steve! *Pats his shoulder and walks away*

Steve: Shoulder pats for Steve! *Walks away*

Eda: *Jumps over a table* Hey bub, what'd you sell my prissy sister?

Merchant: Oh! It's a map to the Bloom of Eternal Youth. A rare flower that only grows once a millennia. Like the name says, it gives eternal youth to whomever holds it.

Eda: Interesting. So Lilith wants to nab this power for the emperor, huh. Well, won't she be surprised when I get there first and get it for myself! Hah! That'll show her who's frail.

Merchant: *Grins maliciously* Well, we'll see won't we. *Opens a drawer to reveal dozens of maps* Can't go without a map of course.

He hands Eda one. She takes it and opens it, grinning.

Cut to Luz's and AJ's room in the Owl House, where Luz puts down a large corkboard.

Luz: Now, let's write down some ideas that we want to see in the story.

King: I can write anything?

Luz: Yeah! *Hands him notecards and a crayon* We're brainstorming, every idea is a good idea.

AJ: Within reason and it is appropriate for the audience members, of course.

They continue to think of possible tropes for their story.

King: *Writing* Mhm! Done!

AJ: Lay it on us.

King pins up paper that says "VIOLENCE".

Luz: Aw, is that all you want to see?

King grabs another peice of paper and writes something on it before showing it off, it reads "BLOOD :)".

Luz: Hmm.

AJ: Well... hm.

Cut to later, with the corkboard mostly full of notecards. Luz pins up three more, reading what's on them as she goes.

Luz: Romance! Magic! Heartbreak with shimmer tears.

(Fun fact: there was already a background art of a card with the word magic written on it, so she just put a second card with the word magic written on it. She must really love magic. 😅)

AJ pins three more of his own pitches and reads them allowed as well.

AJ: Action! Comedy! And who doesn't love a little bit of suspense?

Luz: And, my main character is, of course, ahhh, Luzura! *Holds up a card with a drawing of herself wearing a pointed hat* I know it's kind of cliché, but what's wrong with cliché?

AJ: Nothings wrong with cliché, because my main character is A-Jitsu! *Pins a picture of himself wearing Lou Jitsu, yellow glasses*

King: Nyeh! *Pins up a picture of himself wearing a crown and holding a flag* And my main character is the King... err... the Ruler of Demons! With this totally original, all-star cast, victory will be ours!

Luz puts a typewriter onto a desk and sits behind it with AJ sitting next to her.

Luz: Now for the easy part.

AJ: The fun part!

Both: *Pumps their fist in the air* The best part!

Cue montage. King stares at the corkboard, now with "ACT 1", "ACT 2", and "ACT 3" on larger notecards in the middle and AJ doing the same tapping a pencil on his chin. Luz puts a giant piece of paper over the acts of a drawing of Luzura, A-Jitsu and Ruler standing in front of an explosion. King and Luz high-five. AJ smiles and shakes his head

Cut to Luz writing the following on a chalkboard: "Step 1: Find Cat. Step 2: Endanger Cat. Step 3: Save Cat. Step 4: Book Complete." King nods and AJ gives a thumbs up.

Cut to the chalkboard now hanging up and reading "STORY STRUCTURE" with a circle on it, a line cutting it in half, with the numbers 1-8 on it. King gestures to it several times. Luz draws a face on the circle. They both grin. AJ lightly facepalms.

Cut to the floor littered with paper, most of them scribbled over with red. Luz is typing, King is pacing while readingand AJ is going through a few sheets of paper with "Ruler's redemption arc." As the title. A banner above them reads "Luzura's and A-Jitsu's Awakening".

King: "Luzura's tears fell on the frozen A-Jitsu, bringing him back to life." Ehhh, it just seems kind of unrealistic.

AJ: He's got a point, *sets his arc sheet down and grabs a note pad* Maybe we could probably go back a few chapters back and edit in a foreshadow for an elixir that can cure his frozen state.

Luz: I like it, but-

AJ: *Writing* And we can make a joke about how she accidentally drank the wrong potion and instead drank the elixir.

King: But then how would-

AJ: *Writing* And it gives her the ability to heal him and BOOM! A possible realistic and unrealistic turn of events!

Luz: *Stops typing, turns to AJ and nods with a bright smile* Yes.

AJ gains a goofy smile, giggles excitedly and continues writing down a reminder to edit his idea in.

King: But that makes it more unrealistic, how would an elixir give someone powers?

Luz: King, *Turns to him* I see what you're saying, but in your version, Ruler just destroys everything. I think a little romantic tension could help the scene.

King: Hey, there's more to life than shipping.

AJ gasps dramatically covering his chest.

Luz: *Stands* Don't you dare insult shipping in my presence!

AJ: *Stands and hugs Luz* Don't listen to him Luz. He doesn't understand the true power of shipping yet.

Eda: *Offscreen* Apprentices! Living room!

Luz: We'll be back, we'll figure this out, okay writing buddy?

AJ: BRB. *him and Luz leave the room*

King: *Looks at the typewriter* My turn to write!

King notices the Ruler redemption arc AJ was writing and narrows his eyes.

Cut to the living room, where Eda is looking at the map.

Luz: Hey!

AJ: Howdy. *Finger guns her* bang.

Eda closes the map and turns around.

Luz: What's up, boss lady?

Eda: I am popping out for a few days to an undisclosed place to do undisclosed things. AJ you're in charge.

AJ: *Salutes* Got it.

Eda: No questions!

Luz: Okay!

Eda: I said no questions! *Closes the door*

AJ: *Shouts to her* Love you, bye!

Eda: *Outside* None!

Luz and AJ look at each other shrugging before walking back to their bedroom.

Luz: Well, King, it's just you, AJ and me for a while. *Gasps*

AJ's eyes widen in horror, gasps at the site and covers his mouth.

In the minute they've been gone, King has transformed the room. Drawings of King and screaming people are on the corkboard. Luzura and A-Jitsu are now in the trash and the Ruler redemption arc sheets shredded to peices. King is typing peacefully.

King: Hey hey guys, great news!

Luz: What have you done?!

Even the banner has been changed, now reading "RULER'S REACH". AJ is approaching his shredded arc sheets that are scattered on the floor still in shock.

King: I just made a few tiny edits and this baby is humming!

Luz: *Picks up drawing* Luzura dies!?

King: I know, right! What a twist!

AJ drops to the ground on his knees making a thud sound. This catches Luz and King's attention.

King: AJ? You good?

AJ: *Voice cracking* What have you done?!

King: Whoa, AJ, listen, it wasn't gonna-

AJ: *Holds the shredded close to him with tears in his eyes* How could you King?! It was bad enough you throw our character sheets in the trash, but you ripped apart my redemption arc for Ruler aswell?!

Luz: *Crouches down to AJ, putting a comforting hand on his back* King, you just crossed a line.

King: Well yeah, into greatness. The Ruler of demons don't have redemptions. Don't you want us to win?

AJ: *Stands* You know what? If you think you know what's best, then fine! Be my guest!

He drops the shredded peices of paper and walks out of the room.

Luz: *Stands* If this is how you want to win, maybe you should submit the story on your own.

King: What?

Luz follows AJ, closing the door behind her.

King: Bah! What do they know?

Typewriter: What the heck, man? Learn to collaborate.

King: Hush, you! I'll prove to all of you my story is superior.

Cut to Grimgrub's Pub. King bursts in through the front doors with his book.

King: Hey, you scum! Which one of you wants to read my literary masterpiece? Anyone brave enough?

Patrons growl at him. King is then thrown out of the pub.

King: Oof!

His book is thrown out and hits him in the head.

King: Nyah! Ugh.

Piniet: I'll read your story. *Takes King's book, his third eye opens making all his eyes glow andreads through it at a fast pace* You wrote this?

King: Yup, that's me! Only me.

Piniet: Let me get you a fruit punch.

King: Ooh. I love punching.

Cut to inside. Piniet snaps. A glass of fruit punch is slid on the counter toward King.

Piniet: I'm Piniet, of Piniet Publishing House. And your name is... King?

King: It's more of a rank than a name.

Piniet: I loved your story, so much better than the submissions we got for the competition. I want to buy it and publish it for everyone to read. I'll make you as famous as Jon De Plume.

Camera pans to Jon De Plume getting cheered on by fans as he does finger guns. He falls backwards, and Amelia and Skara rush to act as a chair for him.

King: I've always wanted a people chair! I'm in! This will be my first step in my reclamation of power!

Piniet: *Pulls a contract out of his jacket* Then all you have to do is sign here.

Piniet puts the contract on the counter. King dunks his paw in the punch and smacks it on the signature line. The contract glows when Piniet picks it up. He rolls it and puts it back in his jacket.

King: You're ominous. And I like it.

Piniet: Get ready to be famous, Mr. King.

They shake hands. Cut to a forge, where creatures are jumping on a bellow. A witch pulls a molten ball out of the fireplace. They strike it with a hammer, then cool it in a barrel. The cooled chunk smashes on a table, revealing King's book.

Cut to a cartful of the books arriving at a bookstore. Mattholomule takes a bundle of them out and tosses it on the welcome mat, which carries it inside.

Welcome Mat: Ouch! Jeez.

Cut to the market.

Reviewnicorn: It's the perfect blend of heart and heartlessness! Like three authors mashed into one! *Neighs*

Cut to the library, where a cardboard cutout of King is leaning against a stand of Ruler's Reaches. A crowd comes and goes, leaving no book behind. Skara returns to kiss and steal the cardboard cutout.

Cut to King wearing a jacket, scarf, and sunglasses as he walks the streets of Bonesborough, past bookstores and loaded shelves.

King Cardboard Cutout: Spend money on my thing I wrote. Spend money on my thing I wrote.

Crowd: *Gasps* Oh my Titan! it's the King, I can't believe it!

The crowd tosses King into the air. More people arrive, waving their copies of Ruler's Reach and pens.

Tinella Nosa: Mr. King! I love your writing. Please read my story!

King: *Laughs* Oh my, always good to meet minions. I mean fans. *Signs Tinella Nosa's story and throws it back at her*

Tinella Nosa: You're my inspiration.

Cut to AJ and Luz in the living room, sitting on the coach together, the both of them comforting each other after their friend, discarding and destroying their hardwork. They gave each other head pats and back rubs.

Luz: Do you wanna try again? *Smiles* Maybe we'll the competition together.

AJ: You know what? Yeah, let's write something. But this time, can we make something, just for fun? Honestly, the competition thrill kinda ran out, in the middle of writing with King.

Luz: *Smiles; pecks his lips* Sure, why not?

They both smile to each other, ready to just have some of their normal fun.

Cut to them in their room, a montage starts as they recover anything relating to Luzura and A-Jitsu.

Next scene shows of them drawing out their characters, once they showed each others drawings, Luz shows a drawing of her in Azura's clothing and AJ showed that he didn't actually draw anything and instead has a photograph of Lou Jitsu with another picture of AJ's face with yellow colored glasses, glued above Lou Jitsu's face. Luz playfully glares at him before they burst out laughing their hearts out

Cut to AJ writing something in his note pad but is suddenly taken back by a crumbled peice of paper hitting his head, he looks up to Luz sitting infront of the type writer, holding her hands behind her back, looking away and whistling innocently.

AJ raises an eyebrow smiling, before going back to writing in his note pad. Suddenly another crumbled peice of paper hits the top of his head again, he quickly looks up to Luz looking like she threw something at him but then lowers her arms, whistling innocently again.

AJ grows a smirk on his face as he crumbles up the peice of paper he was writing in and throws it at Luz. But she saw this coming and dodges it, she grabs another crumbled paper ball and throws it back at him. This starts a paper ball fight between the two, Luz hides behind the corkboard giggling, getting another paper ball ready to throw.

But what she doesn't know that AJ has gathered up a bunch of crumbled paper balls together, bigger than a person's head and slowly creeps up to her ready to strike. Luz peeks out ready to throw two paper balls but is soon flabbergasted by the giant paper ball, AJ throws the paper at her as she dramatically lies down on the ground with her tongue out. AJ laughs at her but is interrupted by another paper ball to the face, he deadpans as Luz laughs at him hysterically with AJ soon joining her.

Cut to Luz acting out a scene they were going to have in their book with AJ watching her blissfully by her acting out the scene and by her beauty. He stands up and walks up to her to grab her hand but gets smack in the face by Luz on accident. She realized what she did and apologizes profusely.

AJ just cups each side of her face gently and pulls her into a passionate kiss. Luz holds his hands that were on her face ammediatly returning the kiss. They both pull away after a minute of their lighthearted kiss and look into each others eyes.

Luz: *Smiling brightly* That's going in the book.

They both let out amused chuckles before getting back to their work.

Music video ends. Play again and read? Or read in silence?

Cut to the forest. Eda walks into a clearing, consulting her map. She rips vines off of a statue.

Eda: Okay, from the Minitaur, I head due north, and with luck, I'll get to the Bloom of Eternal Youth before Lilith! *Laughs, snorts* Who's frail now, emperor dorks?

A branch in the distant cracks.

Eda: *Gasps* Someone's following me.

With a snap, she summons a blue flaming sword. She ducks behind the statue. Lilith walks into the clearing, looking worse for wear. Eda summons a fireball and runs out from behind the statue.

Eda: Spicy toss!

Lilith: Aah!

Eda: Lilly?

Lilith: Edalyn?

Eda vanishes both of her weapons.

Lilith: *Sighs* And of course you would be here just to be a nuisance. Why don't you go home and rest? Wouldn't want you breaking a hip.

Eda: Sorry, sister, I'm stronger than you think. I'm here to save the Bloom of Eternal Youth from the likes of you. *Runs; sing-songy* And I'm gonna get there before you!

Lilith: Aah! *Chases after her* No you won't!

Cut to Luz's and AJ's room. Luz is writing "Suddenly..." on the typewriter and AJ is going through his notes, preparing them both for the next chapter while Luz takes care of typing in a finished chapter. Both smiling happily from all the fun they just had.

King: Hey, Luz! Hey, AJ!

Their smiles soon dropped to frowns. Luz looks up and glares at King and AJ just growls in annoyance.

King: Guess who won the writing competition and became a blockbuster writer superstar?

He slides into the room while Luz resumes typing and AJ going through possible outcomes and loopholes in their story.

King: You're right, it's me! Me! Do you guys wanna touch my scarf? A fan crocheted it out of their own hair! It smells so bad!

Luz and AJ keep ignoring him.

King: My publisher is throwing a huge party for my book, Ruler's Reach. *Puts an invitation on the table* And I, uh, I'd like for you both to be there.

Luz sweeps the invitation off the table. It hits the floor and she continues typing.

King: Alright, fine! Be that way I guess.

King picks up the invitation and turns to AJ, showing it off to him.

King: Hey AJ, do you-

AJ: *Points to the door* GET OUT!!!

King flinches from AJ's outburst, drops the invitation and leaves whimpering. Luz stops typing and looks up. She sighs.

Luz: *To AJ* Did you really have to yell at him like that?

Typewriter: Girl, he had every right to yell at the little jerk, you don't need him.

Luz: But I don't want us to be mad at him, either.

She looks to AJ who still has angered look, but it soon softens after a few moments of looking into Luz's saddened eyes.

AJ: *Groans* Fine. But he has to apologize to us before he even thinks about talking to me!

Luz: *Scoots over to AJ and hugs him* Thank you.

AJ: *Hugs her back* It's because you know I can't look at you, angry for so long.

Luz: *pulls away grnning; kissing his cheek* Exactly.

AJ looks her slightly annoyed but it goes away right after seeing her smile. Luz picks up the invitation and opens it. Inside is a golden paper that says "MEET THE AUTHOR TONIGHT ONLY @ BONESBOROUGH LIBRARY". A picture of King in a blue sweater is in the middle.

AJ: *Sigh* He's seriously making it hard for me to forgive him.

Cut to the library, which has an extensive line outside of it. Inside, King and Piniet are sitting at a table.

Fan: Your fans are dying to know when Ruler's Reach 2 comes out!

King: That's between me and my publisher, right, Piniet?

Piniet: Yes. Ooh, pardon me, I need a few moments of King's time.

Piniet walks off. King looks back at his fans and throws a peace sign, making them scream.

Cut to the aisle in front of the romance section.

King: Where's Jon De Plume at? I wanted to compare sunglasses.

Piniet: Oh he's taking a break to finish his latest masterpiece. Fame can really box you in, you know? Uh, speaking of, how's your second book coming along?

King: Coming along? Or finished! *Pulls out a manuscript* Bam! Haha! Ruler's Reach 2—now with more swears!

Piniet: Ahhh! Splendid! *Magic speed reads his story* Oh, you cad! Not only are you a great writer, but a practical joker as well!

King: That's true—wait, what?

Piniet: Oh, this is truly awful! Looking forward to the real draft. *Hands manuscript back and walks away*

King: Truly awful? But I'm a best-selling writer. How?

Luz and AJ enter the library, Luz looking generally disinterested and AJ wanting to be literally anywhere else with her.

King: Luz and AJ! I can't write without them!

King runs up to Luz and AJ.

King: Luz, AJ, buddies! I'm so glad you both could make it!

AJ looks away crossing his arm in disinterest.

Luz: Hey, King, I didn't wanna be angry at your success and I don't want AJ to be mad at you forever. You're our friend. So, congratulations!

King: Great to hear, 'cause I really need you and AJ's help with my next book!

Luz: Huh?

AJ: *Turns to King glaring* Come again?

King: Apparently I can't write my daring works of genius without rebelling against you guy's gushy fantasy slop!

Luz: *Blushes and angered* Excuse me?

AJ: *Gritting his teeth in disbelief* What?

King: We make a great team! So, here's a pen. Writey writey, clock's a-tickin'!

Luz takes the pen and drops it, making the gathered crowd gasp.

Luz: We're not writing for you after you made fun of all our ideas!

King: Hey! What the heck?

Luz: *Turns to go* Congratulations on all your hard earned success. *to AJ* You coming AJ?

AJ: *Turns to with a mild expression* I'll meet you outside, Luz. I'm just gonna talk to King for a moment.

Luz: Ok. Love you. *Leaves*

AJ: Love you too.

Once she was gone, AJ turned back to King with a frustrated look.

King: *Picks up his pen* AJ! My right hand man! I knew you wouldn't leave me hanging! *Holds up his rough draft and clicking his pen repeatedly* Now let's get to writing!

AJ: *Forces a smile* Sure thing, buddy..

He takes his pen and rough draft.

King: Thank you so much AJ, I don't know what I would-

AJ drops the pen in his hand to the ground, King sees this and looks up to AJ confused.

King: Oops, *Picks up the pen* I think you dropped this.

AJ: *Scowling* Sure did...

AJ the starts ripping the pages of King's rough draft into pieces, varying from a small peice of paper, half of the pages or crumbling and pulling an entire page off of the rings keeping the pages together.

Everyone around AJ and King gasp in shock and surprise.

King: What the-?! Hey! *Runs up to him and beats his leg* AJ what are you doing?! Stop it!

AJ doesn't listen and continues to rip the pages off.

King: I said stop! *He bites AJ's leg*

Everyone gasped once again as AJ let's out a pained scream and drops the shredded rough draft. King unhinges his jaw on AJ's leg and rushes over to his ruined book work.

AJ staggers a little bit before tripping and falling on his rear. He pulls his injured leg to him and tries his best to numb the pain.

King: *Gathering all the shredded paper in a pile before turning to AJ* What is the matter with- *His eyes widen in horror*

AJ let's go of his leg for a moment, checking the injury. He looks to his hand and sees a trickle of blood, he glances at his leg now seeing it had a big bite mark, now slowly bleeding out.

Piniet: *Watching from behind a bookcase* Hmm...

King: O-oh my gosh, AJ! *He stands up and tries to rush over to him but people start to crowd around him* Hey, get out of the way!

Fan #1: Mr. King! Are you okay?

King: Yes, I'm fine, but I need to help-

But everyone doesn't list to him as they continue to crowd around him and keep asking if he's ok instead of helping AJ and complete ignore or just glare at the human boy.

Piniet: *He snaps his fingers as 2 reptilian like guards slither up to him* Grab the boy.

They nod their heads and go to grab AJ.

King: AJ! *tries to get through the crowd but is struggling to do so* Get out of they way! *Reaches for his human freind* AJ!

He sees AJ struggling to stand but his vision is blocked by another fan getting in his way.

AJ: *Stands balancing on one leg and sigh* Forget this...

He limps away from the crowd and go find Luz, but is stopped by the two snake guards.

AJ: Uh... can you move, please?

But they advance closer to him and everything fades to black.

Cut to the forest. Eda and Lilith both run by, panting. A shadow follows them.

Eda: Ha! Doesn't this remind you of how we used to race to the kitchen, Lilly? *She notices Lilith isn't behind her anymore* Lilly?

Lilith: Mmm! Mmm!

The camera pans up to show Lilith, wrapped up, being held by a crab-like monster. The monster growls as Lilith tries to free herself.

Eda: Lilly!

Eda summons a large fireball. The crab monster goes flying into the distance. Lilith falls into a bush with a muffled yell. Eda helps her up.

Eda: Alley-Oop!

Lilith: Ugh, thank you Edalyn! I wasn't certain that you'd save me.

Eda: Stow it! Ugh, we might fight, but you're still my sister. And besides, if someone's gonna be putting you down, it's gonna be me. Ha! *Slaps Lilith's back*

Lilith: *Chuckles; looks to the side, gasps* Is that?

Eda presses her face to Lilith's. Through the trees, a glowing pink flower looms.

Eda: The Bloom of Eternal Youth! *Pushes Lilith* Alright back off, that baby's mine.

Lilith: *Growls* Why are you always like this?

Eda: Because Lilith, you think I'm just some tired old biddy. Ah, but I'm more than that. *Magically cuts the flower* And with the Bloom of Eternal Youth's power, I'll show you!

The flower disappears from her hand.

Eda: What the—

The merchant laughs maniacally. His shadow falls over Eda as he stands atop the stone behind the flower. Lilith walks up next to Eda.

Cut to the library, where Luz is waiting patiently for AJ near the exit. She sees one of the many posters of King around the building.

Luz: *Sighs* They got his good angle.

A shadow falls over her. Two large reptilian-like guards are in front of her.

Luz: Uh, can I help you?

The guards step aside to reveal Piniet.

Piniet: Perhaps. I hear you're an aspiring writer.

Luz nervously laughs.

Cut to Luz being dragged in through the back stage and into a dressing room. She gasp at sight of AJ sitting down leaning his back inside a translucent purple box. But what worried her the most is the blood trickling out from his leg.

Luz: AJ!

AJ: *Finally notices her* Luz! Are you ok?

Luz: I should be asking you that! What to- woah!

A whole opens up on the purple box as the snake guards toss her in. She quickly recovers and quickly Scoots over to the injured AJ.

Luz: *Pulls out a small med-kit from her handbag and gets out hydrogen peroxide and bandages* Don't worry, I'll get you fixed up in a giffy.

AJ: *Smiles* Thanks Luz.

Luz pulls out a handkerchief and carefully pours the HP on it.

Luz: What happened to you? What bit you? *She moves the handkerchief to his injury*

AJ: Well, King might've bit meeeEEE!! *He screeches feeling the HP kill any infection in his leg*

Luz: Sorry! *pulls the handkerchief away* Wait... *Drops handkerchief*

AJ: Luz? Are you-


Cut to the theater in the covention center. The stands are packed. Hanging in the center of the theater is a towering banner for Ruler's Reach 2.

Crowd: King! King! King!

Boy: I can't wait for the sequel!

Amelia: If it's disappointing in any way, I will spend every day of my life trashing it!

Cut to King looking at the audience nervously from behind a curtain.

King: Oh boy. *Paces* Oh, man, Aw jeez. *Hems and haws* Hemming. Hawing. *Itching his arm* Ah, what is that?

He opens his arm sleeve and digs out a small peice of paper, the same one from the rough draft from his book. He remembers how horrible he felt when AJ destroyed his hand work. But he realizes that he did the same thing to AJ back at the Owl House. The only difference is that AJ did nothing harmful to King, but he did, And even called Luz's work garbage right to her face.

King: *Gains a determined look in his eyes* I have to make things right. *He walks up to Piniet* Piniet, I can't do this. We can't announce book two. Because I don't have a book two, because-

Piniet: You can't make it without your writing partners?

King: What?

Piniet smirks evilly. He and King enter a dressing room. Luz and AJ are inside, a translucent purple box. Luz finishes bandaging up AJ's leg. AJ notices the two entering the room.

AJ: *Gasps* King!

Luz: *Turns around and gasps aswell* King!

King: AJ! Luz! *Runs up to them*

Luz: That snappily dressed lizard trapped me and AJ in this shrinking box.

Piniet tightens his fist. The box shrinks, hitting Luz in the head and shoving AJ forward.

Luz: *Screams and falls* You gotta get us out!

King: *To Piniet* What are you doing with them? Let them go!

Piniet: You wrote Ruler's Reach together. So if you don't want them crushed, you'll write together again.

Luz and King both give him kicked-puppy looks while AJ glares at him.

Piniet: Oh, don't give me that look. Some of the best books were written in literal crunch time.

The box shrinks again.

Luz: *Yelps* That's a toxic mentality that contributes to burnout and unrealistic expectations! King, do something!

King: *Growls* Set them free, now!

Piniet: Not until I get my best-seller. You'll recall you are under contract.

Piniet pulls the contract out of his jacket. The paper glows. King floats.

King: Ah! Nyeh!

A hole opens in the box.

Luz: Ah! *Backs away from the hole*

King is flung through the hole and AJ catches him.

King: Oof!

AJ: *Looks down to him, concerned* Are you ok?

King: *Look up to him in worry* Are you?

AJ: *Shakes his bit leg a little in the air* Not the worst injury I've had, believe it or not.

Piniet: *Drops paper and a pen into the box* Make your deadline, or you'll never be able to hold a pen again. Just like...

Piniet holds up Jon De Plume, now shrunk into a cube.

Jon De Plume: Help me!

King: No!

Piniet opens a briefcase, in which are dozens of other cubed authors. They scream for help.

Author #1: Help us!

Author #2: Get us out of here!

Piniet puts Jon De Plume into an empty slot and closes the briefcase.

AJ: *Gestures to Piniet* Now why aren't these the kind of people, the Emperor's Coven are more worried about?

Piniet: I'll leave you to it. *Leaves* Looking forward to your next volume! *Closes the door*

The box shrinks again. Luz, AJ and King gasp.

King: We're not getting out of here until we write a book, and that'll take forever! We're cube meat!

Luz: Well, we have mine and AJ's story.

King: But it's all- *Shakes his head* No... we're not giving it to him.

AJ and Luz's eyes widen in surprise and confusion.

Luz: What?

King: I have to come clean. *Sits down, hugging his knees* Luz, you're living your dream, you're becoming a witch and AJ your becoming a better ninja warrior than Lou Jitsu ever was.

AJ: You don't know that, you never seen the movies.

King: Right. But this celebrity is as close as I'll ever get to my dream. It all went to my head, and I hurt you both. I'm sorry and I should have never bit you, AJ.

AJ: Don't worry about it, King. *Pets King's head making his tail wag happily* Like I said, you're not the worst thing to have bit me.

Luz: It's true, he was bitten by a rabid possum once.

King: *Eyes widen* Possums are real?! Eda said they were a myth!

AJ: Nope, they're real alright, and I hated possums ever since.

Luz: *Puts a hand on King's shoulder making his tail wag faster* Also, being with you is one of my favorite parts of this dream.

The box shrinks again.

Luz: *Yelps* I have a plan. But we need to work together this time.

King: Just tell me what to do.

Luz: *Turns to AJ* Do you think you'll be able to help out?

AJ, grins pulling out one of his tonfas, the guards didn't think to take, since they believed he was just a normal human.

AJ: A bitten leg hasn't stopped me from walking yet.

Cut to the forest.

Merchant: I know you must be confused. The Bloom of Eternal Youth, dead? What if I told you the Bloom never existed at all! And now that I have led you to my nest, I'll suck all the life out of you to satisfy my unending hunger!

Lilith: He scammed us. Can you believe he scammed us?

Eda: I thought there was a 50/50 chance going in. Hard not to admire the tenacity though.

Lilith: Good entrance, but that outfit? Ha!

Eda: Look at his little shoes! *Laughs*

Lilith: *Laughing* Stop it.

Merchant: *Covers his shoes* Well, maybe you've never been led into a lethal trap before, but the response should be, "Aa! No! Spare us!"

Eda and Lilith share a look.

Eda: Ah, sure. *Steps onto the dais* Spare us.

Lilith: *Summons her staff* Woe to us whose fates are sealed.

Eda cracks her knuckles.

Merchant: Tha-That's right, witches! Cower! *Whimpers* Cower? *Gulps*

Cut to the covention hall, where Piniet is stacking the cubed authors into a tower. The tower falls.

Piniet: Aw, dang.

King: Hey Piniet! We're done!

The door to the dressing room opens. The box is now so small King has to be under Luz's legs and AJ hunching over him and her , which are bent in order to fit.

Piniet: Faster than I expected!

King: That's the miracle of teamwork!

AJ: You could learn a thing or two from it.

hole opens in the top of the box. Luz holds up her manuscript: Luzura's and A-Jitsu's Shimminger Tears of Love + Hate. "+ Hate" is added in red while the rest is blue. Piniet takes it and flips through part of it. The box shrinks slightly.

Piniet: This is much more gushy than your last book.

King: Skip to the finale, because it is quite a payoff.

Piniet rolls his eyes. He keeps reading. Luz, AJ and King prepare to move. Piniet gets to the last page.

Piniet: What is this all about?

He flips it around to reveal a light glyph drawn on the last page.

Luz: Light spell!

Luz reaches through the hole in the box and activates the glyph. The manuscript catches fire and turns into a blinding ball of light that rapidly disappears.

Piniet: Ugh!

King: Ugh, I just realized I should've said enlightening. "Skip to the finale, you'll find it enlightening."

Luz: AJ! The contract!

She points to King's contract that is hanging out of Piniet's pocket.

AJ: On it!

He reaches his left arm out of the hole with tonfa in hand as a red holographic arm surrounds his real arm.

AJ: Grabbing like a boss!

He stretches his holographic arm out grabbing Piniet's waist with his arms and pulls him towards Luz, AJ and King.

Luz grabs the contract, once she did AJ flings Piniet to a wall as Luz rips the contract in half with her teeth. The box explodes freeing them.

Piniet: *Slowly stands back up* I made you a star, and this is how you repay me?

King: No, this is!

King opens Piniet's briefcase. The cubed authors jump out and attack Piniet, screaming. Luz and AJ runs/limps quickly past Piniet, Luz carrying King. They run into the two reptilian guards at the door. Piniet frees himself of the authors.

Piniet: You are making this harder than it needs to be! And believe me, I am being very patient! *Steps on a cubed author* But let's...

Piniet pulls a pen from his jacket. He pops the cap off and presses a button. The nib of the pen extends into a large two headed battle axe, which he raises above his head.

Piniet: ...cut to the finish.

The doors are burst open, sending the guards flying.

All: *Looking at the door* Huh?

Tinella Nosa: King! I am your biggest fan! *Runs over a guard, stands between King and Piniet* And I fought my way back here for you... to read my story?

King: I'm sorry, my lawyer advised me not to look at unsolicited work.

Tinella Nosa: But... but... eep!

Piniet: *Takes her story* Ugh! If I read this, will you go? So I can annihilate them in peace?

Tinella Nosa: Of course!

Piniet tosses his battle axe, adjusts his glasses, and slowly reads. Luz, AJ and King look at each other, then one of the guards. The guard and AJ shrugs. Piniet finishes the story. He's nearly crying.

Piniet: Oh, it's beautiful! You—You must let me publish this! I can make you a star!

Tinella Nosa: Really?

King: Wait a minute. What about King?

Piniet: Ugh! *Takes King's jacket* You're old news. She on the other hand is the future! *Drapes King's jacket and sunglasses over Tinella Nosa*

Author #3: Whoo-hoo!

Author #4: Freedom!

King: Hey!

AJ: King! We just got handed an ex machina, we are taking it and leaving!

Luz: So we're good now?

Piniet: *Waves them away* Yes, quite.

Luz picks King up, her and AJ back out of the dressing room.

Tinella Nosa: *Shoots off finger guns* Pachew, pachew.

Cut to the forest, where the merchant is beat up.

Eda: Well, we wrecked this chump. But I guess the Bloom of Eternal Youth isn't real. *Sighs*

Lilith: Well, if it makes any difference, I don't consider you to be a tired old bitty.

Eda: Really?

Lilith: If you were, you'd be much easier to catch.

Eda: Oh great, you're gonna cart me away to the coven now, are you?

Lilith: Not now. Because I want to give you a chance to join on your own! Join me in the Emperor's Coven, Edalyn. *Holds out her hand* He could even heal your curse. And even help you with that human boy in your possessions.

Eda: *Pushes Lilith's hand down* No, I'll heal it on my own terms and I'm handling AJ just fine. I don't wanna owe him or give away anything. Catch you later, sis.

Lilith: Not if I catch you first.

Eda: *Smiles; summons her staff* I'll see you around. *Flies off*

Lilith sighs.

Merchant: You're welcome for the chance to bond.

Lilith shoots him with a fire spell. The merchant yells.

Cut to the Owl House as Eda lands outside. AJ, with his leg in wrapped in clean bandages, and Luz hugging with King in the middle of them, are all snoring on the couch until Eda opens the door startling them awake.

Eda: Hey, kids. Woof. *Drops her staff, cracks her back* That was a rough couple days.

Luz: Yeah, I'll say.

AJ: I just wanna sleep for the rest of the week.

Hooty: That's a mood. Hoot hoot.

AJ finger guns Hooty, clicking his tongue twice.

Eda: *Sits on the couch* Ah. Well, nothing a bit of apple blood and a good book can't mend.

Luz: Books?

King: Nope, I don't know nothing about that.

AJ: What is this B, O, O, K?

Luz: We hate books. Wow, look at the time!

King: What's a book? Good night!

AJ: No more literature!

Luz does a back-handspring out of the room, AJ barrel rolls after Luz, while King just runs away. Eda watches them go, then notices Ruler's Reach on the coffee table.

Eda: Huh? What the—

Typewriter: Girl, you do not want to know.

Cut to late at night in the Owl House, in AJ's and Luz's room they are both sleeping in each others arms peacefully. KF soon brings itself to life and slithers over to their bed, KF comes in between them and trys to get comfy. It soon feels a soft and comforting hand on the back of it's head. It looks up to see AJ is half awake pulling it close his chest and snuggling closer to Luz, sandwiching KF in a loving and comforting embrace.

KF smiles feeling the love from it's newsest master and closest friend. The light from it's flaming head dims down, allowing them all to sleep without light hitting their eyelids too badly.

KF knows, it's never alone.

And neither are all of you, beautiful readers. 😘 ❤

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