
By ivyBrown179

78.9K 1.9K 133

Warning!!! Contains mature content 18+ Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Karma is a bitch and Katerina... More

Ostrich Effect
Grumpy condescending prick
10. Warning : Has sexual content.


1.2K 50 0
By ivyBrown179

I freeze as I watch him get closer. I am not a virgin and with my experience, I know what is about to follow. He gets close to me and sneaks his hand around my waist and I mentally cuss myself for gasping as soon as we are in contact. I wish my body wouldn't respond to his touch. It is embarrassing and renders me weak.

He smiles victoriously at my reaction.

His head slowly descends towards mine and I lick my lips nervously. When he is about to kiss me, I push him away from me.

"I can't." I whisper and squeeze my eyes shut, and my head is a mess, before I slept with him, I had power over my actions, and now that I did, he is all I want, and I can't allow that. I cannot allow myself to be entangled with him.

When I open my eyes, he squints back at me his lips raised a little.
I can guess with his wealth and looks he is not used to being rejected. He is used to girls fawning and drooling over him.

"You are my boss and married and sleeping together was a mistake that can not repeat itself." Somehow I manage to gather enough strength to say. While all my body wants is to pin him on my bed, slide on him and ride him till he burns out.

He is adamant and moves closer to me. I catch his scent that I had missed earlier. He smells of alcohol.

"You were not this finickity last night." He teases.

Last night? It feels like a week ago.

I hate his ambiguity. He has been nothing but rude to me during the day and now at night he expects me to warm his bed?

"I wasn't myself." I go with the cheap old lie.

"Is this because of Oliver?" He questions his voice almost returning to normal.

"He is single so am I?" I ask annoyed.

"I fuck you once and now you expect me to leave my wife?" He asks in disbelief and confirms Oliver's words that they can't leave each other no matter what.

I gasp at his unfiltered words. "I expect you to stop cheating on your wife. She is expectant for Christ's sake!" My voice raises.

He haughtily snorts, "Why do you know so much about my wife beyond what I know?" He asks with a fevered brow.

I think of the fastest and safest response, "People trust me."

"Well, I don't, Katerina." He says, "secrets and lies are pesky little things and soon or later they start to stink like decaying flesh." He adds.

I swallow thickly and look away. Taking steps away from him, in the hope, my body will stop feeling so fevered. I crave a drink, my gorgeous little poison that gives sense to the world.

Even with the distance between us, I can't stop worrying and fretting. My previous clients didn't have such powerful and wealthy husbands and now I dread him finding out. I am sure he would kill me and enjoy it.

"You should go," I speak keeping my back towards him.

"Is that what you want?" He is tone is controlled and calm.

I take a sharp breath, and I wish he did ask me that. Such a simple question but yet finding the right answer becomes so complicated.

"Yes," I nod, ruefully. "I need you to go," I say.

He releases a frustrated breath, "Alright," He murmurs as he walks past me and stops, "We are leaving tomorrow. Be ready early." He adds and makes his exit.

His announcement regarding our leaving seems unplanned and I wonder if I may have contributed to it.

The flight back is almost the same as the one too. Mr. Thorne spends the entire flight ignoring Ava. She talks nonstop while he remains silent.

I am too glad when we land. Mr.Thorne gets in his car and leaves with Ava while the driver that picked me up from my place gets to drive me back.

As I am driven I get a message from Cassandra. I presume from the timing of her text that she is aware of our return.

I open it and read it.

What did you do?

I read it over and over trying to understand the tone of the message. If she is angry at something I did and didn't approve of or she wants to know what I did regarding her assignment to me. After all, the pictures I took, I am yet to set to her. I tried to but hesitated. From my guts, something feels twisted and I have no idea between her and her husband who is.


I reply perplexed.

Are you trying to ruin me?

She replies and it is obvious that she is mad. Did she find out that I slept with her husband? How does she expect me to make him fall for me if I can't show him my sexual prowess?

Met me at Achilles, 8 pm.

She texts back after I don't respond. How am I supposed to respond when I have no idea what she is talking about? In this game, I know that you don't respond to incomplete information otherwise, you will end up selling yourself out.


I send a quick reply.

As the driver stops outside my building. I frown, it all of a sudden seems ugly and inhabitable compared to the luxurious life I had the rare opportunity to experience.

The driver bids me goodbye as he drives away. He is too social and talks too much.

I make my way to my apartment, I didn't miss it at all. As I get close to it, I note that the door is slightly open. It doesn't lock well but only I know that since from the outside one can think it is securely locked. I cautiously push it open and I am welcomed by a vandalized room and all my things are scattered throughout the house.

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