Young Love

By pradabagg

287K 5.9K 10.1K

And we're back! But this time we're looking into the lives of the younger siblings: Alyssa Phoenix, Julianna... More

important <3
character aesthetics <3
1 ⇾ and we're back!
2 ⇾ new kids on the block
3 ⇾ new friends?
4 ⇾ birthdays and bad pasts
5 ⇾ the deal
6 ⇾ it's my party and i'll cry if i want to pt.1
7 ⇾ it's my party and i'll cry if i want to pt.2
8 ⇾ ditched
9 ⇾ male vs. female
10 ⇾ dilema
11 ⇾ unwanted company
12 ⇾ meeting the family
13 ⇾ not-so-secret admirer
14 ⇾ double trouble
15 ⇾ fuck feelings
16 ⇾ secrets and scary situations
17 ⇾ two can play at this game
18 ⇾ debate
19 ⇾ 4 years later...
20 ⇾ first date fails
21 ⇾ taking chances
22 ⇾ torrin, meet the new girl
23 ⇾ forgiveness
24 ⇾ jealousy...gone right?
25 ⇾ trust
26 ⇾ the pact
27 ⇾ lunch with the mayor
28 ⇾ halloween and horny teens
29 ⇾ surprise proposals
30 ⇾ mr.bishop and his secrets
31 ⇾ coming clean
32 ⇾ guess who's back...back again?
33 ⇾ reconnecting
34 ⇾ trust is a gift, don't take advantage of it
35 ⇾ thanksgiving disaster
36 ⇾ i hate you, i love you
37 ⇾ 1 down, 3 to go
38 ⇾ betrayal
39 ⇾ the mayor has met his match
40 ⇾ who do you love and are you sure?
42 ⇾ how it all started...
43 ⇾ overprotective big brother
44 ⇾ dahlia bishop?
45 ⇾ french boys and family ties
46 ⇾ bonding
47 ⇾ revenge is a dish best served cold
48 ⇾ anxiety
49 ⇾ bad boys and burning buildings
50 ⇾ expect the unexpected
51 ⇾ making up
52 ⇾ i choose you
53 ⇾ it's all my fault
54 ⇾ leap of faith
55 ⇾ like mother, like son
56 ⇾ i miss you, i'm sorry
57 ⇾ holy shit
58 ⇾ cole 2.0?
59 ⇾ my butterfly
60 ⇾ you & me
61 ⇾ deadly disaster
62 ⇾ evidence
63 ⇾ plan b
64 ⇾ no one is born evil
65 ⇾ here we go...
66 ⇾ game over
67 ⇾ finally free
68 ⇾ young love
69 ⇾ epilogue pt.1 (lyss & cole)
70 ⇾ epilogue pt.2 (jules & tori)
71 ⇾ epilogue pt.3 (jade & damien)
72 ⇾ epilogue pt.4 (nova & lennox)
answering questions!
"Young Lies: The Next Gen."
"Young Love: The Next Gen."

41 ⇾ a twist of events

4.1K 96 195
By pradabagg

(My Wattpad was acting weird yesterday so make sure you read the chapter I posted yesterday before reading this one)

Jesus fucking Christ I don't know what was up with me yesterday.

It's like my fucking hormones took over.

I know most of you are probably pissed at me right now.

I mean shit, I'M pissed at myself!

But just let me explain...please.

In no way did I mean to make Jules uncomfortable or put her on the spot.

I genuinely thought she was over me and would have easily told me she didn't like me, but when she didn't...I maybe sorta kinda freaked out.

I respect her relationship with Rowan, I do.

Especially now that Ro and I are friends.

But I don't know...


And before you bring up Oakley, yes we flirt with each other but neither of us has made a move on the other.

She told me she likes me but she also flirts with other guys.

And I'm not mad about it, it's her life and she can do whatever the fuck she wants.

Is that bad? That I don't care about who she hooks up with?

God, ever since Julie didn't tell me what I needed to hear, I can't get her out of my head!

The way she was looking up at me with her doe eyes and pouty lips that I so badly wanted to kiss.

But I couldn't do that.


And the worst part, I have to see her a few minutes.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

We decided to meet at my house this time.

And by decide I mean I told her to come here.

Mainly because my brothers don't know what the word privacy means and always burst into my room at the worst times.

Which is exactly what I need today.

Let my privacy be invaded as much as possible!

Suddenly there's a knock on my door and I feel sick again.

"Come in!" I managed to call out.

The door opens revealing Jules wearing a thick baby pink sweater with a black skirt, black tights, and black boots.

She's also wearing a thick scarf and beanie that matches her sweater.

It's not even that cold outside...

"Are you cold?" I ask.

"What gave it away?" She chuckles. least she's not being awkward.

She takes off her boots revealing bright pink fuzzy socks.

I like to keep my bedroom pretty cold so she's probably not enjoying this.

"Do you want a blanket?" I ask.

"Yes please."

I quickly walk into my closet and pull out a giant dark blue blanket my parents got me for Christmas a few years ago.

I hand it to her before taking a seat on the floor again.

"Ready to actually finish this time?" I ask.

She doesn't reply, just nods.

Okay...this is gonna be a long afternoon.

It's my fault though, I'm the one who made it awkward by asking her in the first place.

She grabs the poster board and marker and we start silence.


I fucking hate this!

I'm by far the most talkative person I've ever met, staying quiet is not my thing.

" has your day been?" I ask, trying to start some sort of conversation.

"Good. How was yours?"


And back to silence.

20 fucking minutes of NOTHING!

"Okay, I can't take this! Are we gonna talk about the elephant in the room?" I blurt.

"You tell me." She shrugs.

Why is she acting as if nothing happened?

I know she felt what I felt.

I could tell by the way she was breathing and how she couldn't look me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry Jules, I never meant to put you on the spot like that...I don't know what I was thinking." I mumble.

"I can't be mad at you, I couldn't even get myself to say I didn't like you."

"You said it just now."

"I wasn't looking at you."

Something about the way she can willingly tell me she likes me makes my heart want to burst out of my chest.

"But...I refuse to hurt Rowan. He's been nothing but great to me and knowing that I have feelings for two guys is so fucked up!" She groans.

"I know, I get it. Which is why I understand if you don't want to hang out with me anymore."

"I never said that." She chuckles.

"But- but you just said-"

"Look, I just got back from lunch with Rowan. We talked about a lot of things and I told him the truth. I don't want to lie to him if he's never lied to me. I told him I'm unsure of my feelings and that I don't want to continue leading him on if my heart isn't 100% invested in our relationship." She says.

I feel my throat close.

"I didn't mention your name." She says quickly.

She doesn't have to, it doesn't take a fucking genius to realize it's me she's talking about.

Note to self: stay aware of your surroundings tomorrow

He's gonna kill me or send his entire team to kill me.

Either way, I'm fucked.

But forget that, I can't believe Jules was actually responsible enough to put a relationship on pause because she wasn't clear about her feelings.

If only most people were like that.

"How did he take it?" I finally ask.

"He was obviously upset, and I don't blame him but after talking things through he told me to take my time and wait and that he 'knows it will be him at the end'."

I almost wanted to roll my eyes and scoff.

Yeah, right.

It's definitely gonna be me at the end.

I'm Torrin fucking Bishop and if I fucking want something, I'll fight for it.

"So you guys aren't together?" I ask.


It sounds complicated.

"Now, can we please finish our project?" She asks.


We continue working.

Jules works on all the writing on the board while I do all the artsy stuff.

"Holy shit Tori! That looks so good!" She says.

I look down and admire my art.

You guys probably know Ryan, Axton's fiancee.

I talk to her all the time.

Almost once a week.

We just talk about random stuff, usually ranting to each other about random shit.

She's like the older sister I never had and never realized I needed.

When she told me she was an artist too, the first thing I thought was, wow, are all kids with drug-addicted parents good at art?

But then when I saw Damien draw, I knew I was wrong.

Ryan told me that art helped her imagine a world she wanted and helped her escape the world she was living in.

Up until Axton showed up and flipped her world upside down.

Ryan always gives amazing advice and I already know she's gonna be a great mom once she has kids.

"Can I see your drawings?" Jules asks.

"Oh uh- sure," I murmur before walking over to my closet and pulling out my sketchbook.

She grabs the book from my hands before laying on the floor and flipping through the pages.

I watch as her eyes widen and her smile brightens as she flips through each page.

"You're so talented Tori!"

"Thanks." I chuckle.

"You should do something with your art."

"I'm not THAT good."

"YOU ARE! Didn't you say you wanted to design video games? Your art will really come in handy for that."

"Yeah...I doubt I'm gonna go into video game design."


"My dad wants us to study political science."

"But that's not what YOU want."

"It's not, but it's easier following his rules rather than going against them."

"Your dad is fucking stupid."

I look at her wide-eyed before bursting out laughing.

"What?" She chuckles.

"I've never heard you this pissed before."

"I got it from Jade." She shrugs.

"Does that mean Jade gets her niceness from you?"

"Oh no, Jade is never nice." She laughs.

She continues looking through my drawings before handing back my sketch pad.

We continue working together over the next couple of hours, taking breaks in between to just talk or eat some of the snacks I keep in my room.

"Aww! What's this? Julie asks as she quickly stands up and walks over to a picture frame.

"Oh, that was the first Halloween I had with my brothers." I chuckle as I remember that night.

My brothers and I were always complete opposites especially when it came to Halloween.

Lenny was a doctor.

Damien was a football player.

Cole was a vampire.

And me...I was Spiderman.

We were all huddled around posing with our candy.

Four innocent kids.

Now, look at us.

"You were a cute Spiderman." Julie laughs.

"Hey! I wasn't trying to be cute, I was trying to look badass!"

"Yeah, okay."

She looks over the picture one more time before placing it down.

When she turns back around, I'm already standing right in front of her.

Her cheeks heat up a bit before looking up at me.

It's cute how easily she gets nervous.

"What?" She says nervously.

"You have something on your face."

Her eyes widen before she quickly begins wiping around her mouth.

I quickly grab her hand to stop her.

"I'll get it," I whisper.

She doesn't say anything, just nods.

Yeah, she doesn't have anything on her face, I just wanted an excuse to touch her.

I reach up and swipe my thumb on her lips.

I notice a bit of her rosy pink lip gloss sticking to my thumb.

"Did- did you get it?" She asks in a breathy tone.

I can't get myself to respond.

Not when we're this close to each other.

Once she looks up at me and we lock eyes, my self-control flies out of the window.

"Fuck this," I mutter before smashing my lips onto hers.

She lets out a gasp but she doesn't push me away.

My hands roam down her body before landing on her waist so I can pull her closer to me.

She doesn't do anything at first but to my shock, she wraps her arms around my neck.

I swear I can feel the electricity coursing through my body

Suddenly we hear footsteps outside my door and she quickly pushes me away.

I almost want to groan at the loss of contact.

"Oh my god." She mumbles.


"Fuck! I just cheated on Rowan! FUCK FUCK FUCK!"

"Just breathe-"

"I can't just breathe Torrin! Fuck! If Rowan finds out we're both dead." She says as she quickly puts on her shoes and grabs her things.

"Wait!" I say before grabbing her wrist.


"I know you felt that."


"No more denying this Jules! No more denying us!"

"I- I can't- not until I figure this all out." She says before walking out.

God fucking damn it, Tori!

You just had to pick the one girl who isn't available!

----------Skip to the Next Day----------

And girls say guys are complicated-

Y'all are just as bad!

Once I walked into school today, I immediately felt Rowan's glare.

I mean I knew it was coming so I wasn't really surprised.

I haven't seen Jules all day, I'm pretty sure she's avoiding both Ro and me.

And now, here we are at a fucking school assembly and she's still nowhere to be found.

"What is this assembly for?" I ask.

"I think it's information on all the upcoming senior activities," Damien says.


"Welcome Class of 2023!" Our principal yells.

No one says anything.

I kinda felt bad for him.

"Today we will be discussing-"

Suddenly the screen behind him changes and a video begins playing.

It's hard to see what it is since the camera keeps shaking.

A door opens and the person manages to focus their camera through the small crack of the door.

It takes a second but the image clears and it's two people.

Jules and I.

"What the fuck?" I mutter.

I immediately start to panic.

After what happened to Cole and Lennox, my anxiety is through the roof.

It cuts to the moment where she and I are looking at the picture on my desk.

Her laughing at what I said.

Her turning around and staring up at me.

Then...our kiss.

The whole auditorium gasps and my face pales.

"Isn't she dating Rowan?" I hear some girl ask from behind me.

"What a fucking slut!" Someone else yells.

"Rowan deserves better!"

The video turns off and the lights come back on.

Everyone is staring at me until footsteps are heard from below us.

Jules, who is clearly crying, runs out of the room.

I quickly go after her.

But so does Rowan.

"Julie, wait!" I called out.

"Stay the hell away from her," Rowan says before shoving me.

"Don't fucking touch me, man."

"You fucking kissed my girl!"

"She's not yours!"

"ENOUGH! Both of you just leave me the fuck alone!" Julie yells.


"No! Was this your fucking plan? Get me to come to your house and kiss me just so your fucking dad could use it against me?!" She yells.

"What? No! I would never do that!"

"Bullshit! Something isn't adding up here Torrin!"

"I fucking hate him just as much as you do!"

"Just fucking great! Now, everyone thinks I'm a fucking slut and a cheater!"

At this point, most people have come out of the auditorium and are staring at us.

"That's because you are." Someone chuckles.

I look behind me and see Amelia and her friends laughing.

Suddenly, as if something ticked Julie walks past me and punches Amelia right in the nose.

Everyone gasps, including myself.

"The last person who should be calling me a slut is you." Julie spits.

Julie makes her way out of the crowd and her sister immediately goes after her.

"I swear to god, I didn't do anything," I tell my brothers as people start to walk off.

"We believe you, you're literally the least vindictive out of all of us," Cole says.

"Wait. The only other people home yesterday were you guys and that video was taken from inside our house." I say before giving them all a weary look.

"Are you kidding me, Tori! You think WE would go against you?!" Lenny yells.


And that's when I realize something.

Damien was also working on his project with his partner.

"Damien? Who the fuck is your partner for the project?"

"Oh, it's-"


We all turned around and I think it's safe to say it was the last person any of us expected.

----------Author's Note----------


God, I love messing with y'all

Looks like Jules and Torrin's relationship was short lived.

Who do you guys think took and released the video?

I guess we'll find out soon...

Love you all <3


Word Count: 2311

P.S. I just want to thank all the people who constantly vote and comment on the chapters, I love you all and if you don't think I read every single comment, I do and they always make my day.


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