Time Awakening - Y/N x 10th D...

By FanWritingScape

17.9K 464 257

Y/n is a astronomer at her university but, when she goes to London to build a state of the art telescope, som... More

The Great Disaster
The Man Who Saved My Life
Doctor? Doctor Who?
Searching, Moving on, Waiting.
Torchwood's Secrets: Part 1
Torchwood's Secrets: Part 2
Come With Me?
Time And Relative Dimension In Space
London, 1969
Planet Eurmia: Part One
Planet Eurmia: Part two
An Invitation
A Masquerade
Maintaining The Illusion?
Why Her?
The Masters Secret
The Truth Revealed
The Confession
Love Heals Wounds
Authors Note: Update Part 2
The Doctors Wife?

Behind the Curtian (missing chapter)

580 14 1
By FanWritingScape

-Y/n POV-

The Doctor and I sat around the Tardis awhile. Since Bach and the Pirovile we haven't said much to one another. I looked over at him, he was tinkering with the Tardis to distract himself I'm sure. "Doctor?"

"Mhm?" He kept tinkering, not paying attention.

"Whats wrong?" He looked up at me, but something different was behind his eyes. "Doc?"

He put down his tools and walked over to the Tardis sofa, wrapping his arms around himself. "I just, I'm worried. Yknow that, well, Have you enjoyed traveling with me?" I stepped back, shocked at the sudden question.

"Of course, why would you even ask that?" I sat down next to him, jokingly slapping his shoulder.

His finger gestured to the cut above my eyebrow.

"It's just a scratch Doctor, I'm fine. Really." I put my hand on his.

"I have told you all this," he gestured to the Tardis. "Can be dangerous."

"I am an adult doctor, I know what I signed up for." He nodded, exhaled and then shot up. His mood completely changed.

"Alrighty then, we have a decision to make." He clapped his hands together and jumped. Meanwhile I stared back at him in complete confusion. "We were just completely ambushed by a stone creature called a pirovile yes?"

"Yes? And" he ran around the Tardis console more.

"Why? And who set it up, the house, the early release of Fur Elise, the pirovile? But," he played with the Tardis console, punching buttons that I swore were pointless and just for decoration. He stood, looking quite cross, his hands pulling at his chin. "Ah I mean maybe we should just... leave it alone. Keep traveling, go anywhere and leave it be. We stopped Bach's early release, the timeline is back in place. Mhmm. How about OH OH Barcelona! Me and my friend once, almost went to Barcelona" I instinctively raised my eyebrows at him.

"What??! No way!! How can you even say such a thing Doctor? Leave bachs legacy changed forever? Go off to Barcelona?? Leave the unknown to why someone was out to kill him or us! And what about who was behind it all, doc? Don't you want to... don't you. Wait? Hold on a minute are you?"

His nostrils flared as he let out a held in laugh, "You should of seen your face I mean really?!" He kept laughed, occasionally slapping his knee. "I got you so good!" The hair on his head moved crazy with hysterical laugher.

"Are you kidding me? That was one of your "tests" wasn't it?!"

"Correctomundo!" My eyes went wide, "A word I will never utter again. So Ah! Tell me Doctor y/n l/n... How do we find who is behind all this? Come on! Big ideas! Use that degree!" He spun me round in circles in the Tardis chair.

For a couple minutes I sat and went through theories in my head, chewing harder and harder on my pen. "OH OH!"

"WHAT WHAT?" We both stood up and ran to the console.

"Okay so this... thing clearly wants something from bach and these "never published pieces" so maybe we just need to look through time for moments in history when bachs music was celebrated or maybe uncovered in some way."

"OH! Y/n you are a genius!" The Doctor ran around the Tardis, switching on knobs, buttons and the big lever that actually makes the Tardis go, and we headed off.

-Doctors POV-

"Tada!" Me and y/n poked our heads out of the Tardis. "London 21st century!"

"Doctor why are we back in modern day?" I coughed. "Sorry my modern time."

"Oh come on y/n keep up! The only place to find information on Bach's great successes and uncovered pieces is," I turned her around and she exhaled.

"The Museum of London?"

"Oh yes! More specifically the royal archive with in! Come y/n you said you wanted to see more of London!" I grabbed her hand and started walking towards the museum.

"That was before I saw alien planets!"


After sneaking into the museum using the physic paper. Me and y/n snuck back to where they we keeping bachs original news clippings and some of his pieces.

"Here we are sir and madam, and please tell the royal art curators that the museum apologizes for the wait."

Y/n and I stuck our noses up at the man, "you will be hearing from her majesty's personal gallery owner if you ever treat us like that again!" The poor security boy was shaking. But frankly I was to impressed with y/ns acting skills.

"Yes ma'am, sir." He bowed and walked out of the sealed room. The walls lined with documents all on Bach.

"Remind me not to mess with you." She laughed.

-Y/n POV-

We returned to the Tardis, our information in hand. The Doctor had found something interesting and when he did he was very keen to head back to the Tardis. "So? What did you see?"

"Welllllll." He pulled a tube from his trench coat pocket.

"Doctor no!"

"Oh were just borrowing it! They won't even notice, Now come look." He waved me over, I slapped his shoulder for stealing a national document.

"You are not Nick Cage Doctor! You can't just steal things!"

"Who is... no time her majesty will forgive me." I rolled my eyes. The Doctor set us off one more time to the next place, hopefully the answer to where this mystery person was.

- Doctor POV-

"Okay! We're here!" I clapped my hands together, running down the hall to find y/n standing in the wardrobe. "Y/n did you find it?"

She leaned down from the ladder, "tada!" Sliding down she held up my black and white tux and a 1950s Black velvet silhouetted dress. "Oh I am good!"

"Brilliant! Ah thank you." We both started getting dressed at the opposite ends of the room.

"Is this when you tell me where or when the hell we are? I'd much appreciate it, since you directed me very loosely in the wardrobe." She said over struggling with the dress I assume.

"1948, London. Archaeologists find a hidden trunk of Johann Bachs lost pieces abandoned on his old estate, where he died. Fast forward to 1950 the royal family throws a 200 year anniversary of bachs music and decides to unveil the secret works." We both walked out, head to toe in fancy garb.

"We only found out about it because we had access to the royal archives of course!" Y/n struggled with her pearl necklace. I came behind her in front of the mirror to assist. "So we sneak in and see if whomever needed the pieces played finally get what they want?"

"Molto Bene!" She turned around to face me. As she looked down she touched my chest.

"I just realized something. This is the suit you wore the night we met," she let out a small laugh. I looked down noticing she was right. We locked eyes and smiled at the coincidence, her and probably my hearts started beating faster. She let out a cough. "Well alright spaceman what do you think?" she did a dramatic spin. "Where did you even get such a fancy dress?"

"Ah Audrey Hepburn, gah that woman knew how to swing a racket! Made me look like rubbish-Anyways we have a performance to get to!" I grabbed her arm and escorted her out the Tardis.


"The Dutchess and Duke of Locksholm!" The man announced to the room full of royals and the high class of 1950s England. We instantly we're directed to the box seats.

"Now did you have to pick such strange names? Locksholm there's no way anyone will bel-" As she tried her sarcastic moment the King, George the VI, and the queen walked passed. He tipped his hat in our direction. Y/n looked at me and rolled her eyes, "ridiculous, maybe brilliant, but mostly ridiculous! That is what you are!" minutes passed and the show was about to start. "You know doctor I've never been something like this before, a fancy classical event."

"Whot? Nooooo! Your kidding? Well, this will be one for history!" I handed y/n a pair of opera glasses.

"Well we are here to find our mystery to bachs hellfire of a party. But, at least yknow I'm here with you." I looked at her, I held back but I wanted to tell her how gorgeous she looked, how the light in the theater bounced off her face just right, how her curls highlighted her cheeks. No one had made me feel such, well, cheekiness before y/n. But I had to withhold all that.

"Now stop, you'll make me blush. Oh it's starting!" I clapped. The conductor tapped his baton and began.

As time passed the music pieces went on and on each more beautiful than the last. We came to the big piece, Fur Elsie, y/ns favorite. She grabbed onto the balcony, a tear falling down her cheek. I placed my hand on her leg, she smiled back, mouthing the words, "beautiful." Without any thought our fingers intertwined, we looked at one another...

Suddenly the musics key turned dark, the theater filled with screaming. Me and y/n slowly turned our heads back to the stage.

A transparent man stood there, in the place of the conductor, he was a sort of blueish tint, radiating energy that started fires all across the theater. The chandelier came crashing down.

I rolled my eyes and exhaled, "Can we not have just, one, nice, moment." I looked at y/n, "Take the sonic, setting 4 make sure it beeps every 2 milliseconds. Go! Go!" She looked at me wide eyed as she ran out of the booth.

"Seriously!" The chaos continued.


As I stood in front of the stage the strange ghost creature slung instruments, chairs and orchestra members across the theater. "Oi!" He turned facing me, "yeah over here you ugly thing! Yeah that's right!" I pointed the sonic at him, nothing, "what! It's not working! Oh you have to be kidding me!" I banged it against my palm, but it was to late.
The ghost reached out with its energy and enveloped me in it. "DOCTOR A LITTLE HELP!" I yelled as I levitated off the ground, being flung around mid air. Looking over I was at the same height as the Doctor, who now was standing up on the balcony.

"Oi! Gelth! Come on" he reached out his hands. He turned his attention to me, "y/n now!" I threw the sonic as far as I could. The Doctor leaned over the edge, barely catching it. He switched it multiple times, still not working! "Oh come on! Not now!" He banged it against his palm, repeating the same motions I did.

"DOCTOR! Now would be the time to help!"

"Gah I'm working on it! I'm busy!"

"DOCTOR!" I rolled my eyes as the Gelth stood there and laughed at the two of us arguing.

"So small! You puny ones! So sad compared to our leader!" As the Doctor fought with the sonic I took the job of lead interrogator.

"Leader! What leader! Who is in charge?!" A bellowed laugh escaped him. The blue energy enlarged throughout the room, it twisted my body more, pain filling my ribs.

"He is all powerful, he brings us to find you and your Doctor! He will find you!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" The Doctor stood wide, sonic in hand. "Give her back to me!" The sonic started admitting loud blasts of high pitch sounds.

"Doctor you will never win! He will prevail!" The Gelth diminished. My body started to fall through the air, but.

"Got yah!" The Doctor swung by the grand red curtains across the floor. "AH!" We slid down the large cloth like a slide landing hard on the stage. Taking a moment with a laugh the Doctor helped me up.

We both sat up on the edge and looked out among the grand opera that was now empty and destroyed. The seats scourged from the power of the Gelth. "Well, no mystery leader found, but we know he wants me."

"Hey, we don't know that." The Doctor took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around me. "The Gelth mentioned both of us. Plus! I now know the sonics new setting!" He nudged my shoulder.

"Yeah my ears are still bleeding...Tarzan." I laughed.

"Oi! Now that, that is what I call a rescue!" Like normal after one of these events the moments of serious silence passed. "Are you okay? Can I say how amazing you were!"

"I'm okay, to be fair you were equally BRILLIANT!" I poked fun at his normal catchphrase. He laughed. "Doctor what are we going to do? Who knows who this leader is and that thing said he's coming for us?"

"Hey hey! That isn't going to happen! Not if I have anything to do about it." He pointed at my face. I took a deep breath and laid my head on the doctors lap. At first he was confused but he settled, resting his fingers in my hair.

"So you have a plan right?" He sat still for a moment, I could tell he was frustratingly taking out his "usual bowtie."

"Ah, I do but your probably not going to be the biggest fan of it..." I sat up and looked at him eyebrows raised. "Oh you know I don't like that face." He gestured to my forehead. "Come onto the Tardis."

Grabbing my hand I anticipated the scary plan he waited to tell me.

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