By ssericajones1

513K 11.6K 171

"Mom, I don't know what the heck I'm doing... I'm going to marry my sister's fiancé," I said, tears streaming... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Update 2
3rd book
Important Update
Book 3

Chapter 32

9.1K 252 6
By ssericajones1

Mahi pov

I went to Di. "I am so sorry, bachha. Because of me, you have to go through so much," she said. I hugged her. Everyone was silent in the room. Sakshi Di was deep in thought. Sid looked at me and held my hand. Sakshi Di immediately noticed it. She removed his hand from mine. I was shocked by that. She knows that now I am his wife, then what? "Whatever happens, happens. I know... Dad, whatever business deal you had, you got them right. So it's time for Mahi to be free. I don't want her to suffer anymore. I want her to achieve her dreams," she said. I was shocked listening to this. "What does this mean?" Dad asked.

"Simple. Sid will give a divorce to Mahi," she said. Shit, no. My fear is coming true. "My life is not a joke," I said. She looked at me, shocked. "Mahi, you don't want to study further," she said. "Di, I can study while being married. I don't want a divorce tag at such an age," I told her rudely. "Mahi," Sid said. I looked at him. He made me calm down. "Mahi, have you forgotten... he was supposed to be your jiju," she said. "Yeah, but now he is my husband," I said. "I can't believe what you are saying... Sid, just give a divorce to her," she said.

"Hello, I am not anyone's toy here, okay? Dad said marry him, I did. Now you are saying give a divorce... No, I am not gonna do that. I am his wife. You have to deal with it," I said. I don't know what happens to me... I don't want to talk like this to her. But the kind of right she is showing upon him is not good... I don't like it. "Does that even matter... Sid doesn't even love you," she said. "He does love me a lot," I said and looked at Sid for support. But he is not saying anything. I glared at him. He is not saying anything. "See him... he isn't even saying anything... Stop making things up, Mahi. I know it's hard for you... but we love each other," she said. I was continuously looking at him, still, he wasn't even looking at me... Wow... so embarrassed... he is a liar... he doesn't even support me at this time.

"You know what, Sakshi Di... you and you," I said, pointing towards Sid. Now he looked at me. "You both are just the most selfish people I have ever met... and I am disgusted by you both... Go to hell and get married down there," I shouted and went out. "Mahiiii... Mahiiii," I heard Dad and Sid calling out to me. But I don't even want to listen to a single word... Wow, Sid, thank you for giving me this... you said I love you too and you did this... Wow, I felt like crying... I went to my room and closed the door... and started crying... It was all a lie... whatever he did... whatever he said... all lies... I can't stay here... I don't even want to see him... my life is a joke to everyone... I shouldn't even have come back... I sobbed like a baby.

Sid's POV

Shit, things are starting to heat up... I know her temper. She is almost shouting at Sakshi... she said that I love her... I was about to reply when I took a glance at Sakshi's heart rate. It's increasing... shit... If something happens to her, it will all fall onto Mahi... and Mahi will regret it for life... I have to control this situation, so for that, I have to be silent now... I will make Sakshi understand later... But for now, nothing should happen to her... I know Mahi is sad... I know I let her down again... "Sidd," I looked at Sakshi. "What happened to Mahi? Is she crazy? What was she talking about... she is legit crazy," she said.

I got irritated. "Sakshiii, stop calling her crazy... it's no joke... her life took a 360° change when I got married to her and now a divorce at this age... it's hard for her... so you just stop calling her crazy and take rest," I said. She nodded and lay down. I got up and went to Mahi's room. "Mahi? Mahi?" I called her; she was not unlocking the door. "I know you are angry, but you know I have to deal with it," I said, but still, no answer. "Mahi?" Now I am getting concerned... Where is she... "Mahiii?" I shouted her name... Then I broke the door... I went inside, and nobody was there... "Mahiii?"... Where is she?

Mahi's POV

I went to the nurse. Now, I am thinking that I am being very selfish with her. It's her that met Sid for the first time... and Sid to prove that he is not ready to face Sakshi Di... I got to know from the nurse that Sakshi Di is too sensitive now. And if she returns to a coma again, it will be tough to bring her back... I can't do this to my sister... I went to the wardrobe and took out the divorce paper. I got it when I was married and not talking to Siddharth, but I never thought that ever I am going to use this. Now, I think this is the time.

Sid's POV

I was looking for her in the whole house... then I saw her... she was going to Sakshi's room... "Mahii," I called to her. She got startled for a second... I went up to her. "Mahi, I am sorry I didn't say anything... it's just because--" "I know... I understand," she said, smiling softly... Really? She understood... Wow, I couldn't believe that... I pulled her into a hug... "Thank you so much, Mahi, for understanding," I said... She hugged me back... "Come on, I am going to Mom now," she said... I gave a kiss on her forehead... I know she is understanding... I am just happy.


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Erica <3

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