The gift of Eywa

By EtherealDynasty

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Follow Nova on her journey to Pandora along side her childhood friends-who may have a crush on her- Jake afte... More

chapter 1: pandora
chapter 2: test run
chapter 3: exploring
chapeter 4: uh oh
chapter 5:Omaticaya
chapter 6: training
chapter 7: mountains
chapter 8: hellish training
chapter 9: ride or die... literally
chapter 10: learning
chapter 11: dream hunt
chapter 12: trouble
chapter 13: beginning of the end
chapetr 14: discovery
chapter 15: preparation
chapter 17: dont give up
chapter 18: the end of war
chapter 19: results

chapter 16: the war starts

571 9 2
By EtherealDynasty

3rd pov

A chilling sound echos throughout the forest- the ululating war cries of untold na'vi. The troopers look around, spooked. They can't tell where the sound is comming from. They can feel it- the ground shaking itself.

They grip their weapons, bracing themselves as three hundred na'vi horseman charge through the forest at a full gallop. Their hooves pending the earth. It is truly an awesome site to see. Norm spellman rides with the na'vi hunters, carring an assault riffle.

The na'vi charge thunders towards the human lines. The hunters rais their bow as the ampsuits raises GAU-90's. The entire line of troopers open fire. Trackrs riddle the jungle, blasting foliage like confetti.

Charging direhorses crash down, flipping over. Riders are flung off. The withering fire continues, and the ranks are decimated. Riders aim their arrows at full gallop. A few hit their mark among the troopers. Norm fires his AR on full auto.

Two charging direhorses have a heavy log sung between them, like a battering ram. At full gallop they hit an ampsuit, flipping it onto its back with a blown out canopy. However, the victory was shot lived as the two riders were cut down.

Norm's horse is hit by tracer fire. His is flung off while the creature cartwheel. He rapidly scrambled for cover as a warrior hurls his spear a moment before his horse is cut down. It slams through an ampsuit but the merciless fire continues.

Direhorses rear and collapse. Riders pivot their mounts to flee and thermal screens show the remaining ghost riders scattering.

Overhead na'vi hunters stream through the trees, running along the branches. As troopers advance into the bow range the na'vi apen fire and the troopers sprout arrows in their throats legs and mask. The targets Jake and Nova taught them.

But the firing line aim upwards, tracking the thermal targets. Tracers rip through the foliage and na'vi fall while others retreat as bark and wood are blasted off the limbs beneath their feet.

Norm sprints frantically through the woods, shouting into his handset, "Nova! Jake! We're falling back!" The surving na'vi flee the horrific onslaught. It is a total rout.

In the dragon, Quadrich catches a glimpse of figures streaming through the forest below. "Blue team, switch forties. Fire at will." Led by the dragon, the gunships fire streamers of 40mm. Rockets launch ahead of them. The jungle exploded with a burts.

Circular shock waves flash outwards in the jungle. Stroboscopic glimpse of terrified horses rearing, na'vi leaping, as the jungle rocks with a concussive onslaught.

Hunters look up as dark shapes hover overhead. The downblast of the valkyrie lift jets shred the forest. Inside the shuttles cargo bay, a row of daisy cutters are lined up. Troopers roll the first pallet down the ramp.

The pallet falls into the jungle bellow and an enormous high explosive blasts rips a huge hole in the forest. A white concussion waves flashes put across the ground for hundreds of meters in all directions.

At ground level it is an apocalypse. Running na'vi were blasted out of existence by fire and shock waves. Ground troops advance, firing flame throwers, AR's and GAU-90.

Floating mountains- aerial

Quadrich's Fleet flys into the shadow of the mountains of truth. "Blue team stay woth the ground units. Red team woth me. We're punching for the main target." He says before glancing up to see-

-A squadron of winged shapes, diving out of the moring glare like birds of a prey. Close on Nova, rushing down screaming a war cry with Jake as they lead the charge. Scores of banshees slam into the gunship, and Samsons like falcons hitting fat turkey. The air battle has joined.

Nova's pov

My great leonopteryx flairs into its signature indigo x shape just before we knock into a scorpion, tumbling. They coil around the gunship, slashing furiously as we spin together. I can barely hang onto the gyrating creature.

The pilot of the scorpion sees nothing but jaws slamming into his canopy. I release the gunship and it careens into a cliff, tearing of one roto then plummeting into the trees. 'That's a real satisfying fireball!'

I bank as as the cliff face next to me explodes with cannon rounds. Screaming down on me is another scorpion. I tuck and dive along the cliff, feeling the rounds Splitting the air around me.

3rd pov

Door gunners in a samson are shooting down banshees like mersserchmids from a B-17 as Tsu'tey's banshee in a full delta dive. He swoops in from their blind spot and-

-The gunners swivel too late as Tsu'tey flashes past them, shooting arrows with deadly accuracy. A scorpion gunship dives after a banshee. It fires an air-to-air missile and the banshee vanished in an explosion.

Thirty ships and hundreds of banshees wheel and dive, like the battle of Britain. Banshees are hit by guns and missiles, falling out of the sky. The occasional trail of smoke and marks the dimise of a tilt rotor.

In the center, the dragon is pouring put hellacious fire, tracer rounds from multiple turrets and missiles from the stub-wing pods. Neytiri banks hard as a tracer flys right past him. A scorpion right on his tail as she rolles inverted and dives under the edge of Mon Veritatis, then rolles out, zig-zagging throught the dangling vines but-

-The gunship stays on him. It rips throught the vines and flashed towards him as he jinks the banshee around a thundering waterfall. But his persuer explodes right through the curtain of the water. It launches an air-to-air missle.

Neytiri jinks hard, diving. The missle hit a rock outcropping, pummelling him with the shock wave. The gunship follows him through a narrow slit between Mon Veritatis and a smaller floating island.

They run slot, rolled up on their sides, the scorpion gunner locks up Neytiri ad a missle is shot but a shadow crosses his canopy. Out of the sun comes a crisom demon, shrieking over the sound of turbines.

A leonopteryx slams the gunship. Driving it downward in a dive. The leonopteryx lashes at ot with its claws as teeth as the fall together, out of control. Jake kicks the gunship loose and it falls like a brick, breaking it back on a rocky promontory and explodes.

Flying with the samson as a second sampon falls beside it. This one has its pilots doors off, and the pilot is wearing a breathing mask. Trudy's expression is grim behind her mask. She holds the cyclic stick between her knees while she rakes the other ships with bursts from a AR in her lap.

The pilot slumps over and the craft tumbles out of control. "You're not the only ones with guns, you pricks!" Trudy says with a mischievous smirk.

Neytiri banks his banshee hard, another enemy samon pilot right behind him. The pilot is hard to loose, following her down the trees, under the canopy. They slam amongst the trunks at high speed. The gunners hang half outside the door, firing. Bark and leaves explodes around Neytiri as he zig-zaggs through the forest.

The banshee dives under a huge limb tree limbs, and the pilot follows. They look up at the last second, catching a glimpse of a blue skinned figure.

Hunters drip a net of woven vines behind Neytiri and the samon hits hard. The net fouls the ship, flipping it backwards. It crashes upside down on the forest floor.

Neytiri's banshee is hit by ground fire. It folds up like a broken kite, crashing down through the branches and he slams onto the ground, stunned.

In the dragon Quadrich looks ahead, seeing the well of souls come into his vision. He taps the pilot and points, "there it is. Valkyrie one, this is dragon. Target is in site." In the cargo bay of valkyrie one, the troopers ready their deadly loads.

"Target in sight." Climbing above Tsu'tey falls beside Jake and Nova, who talks to eachother by aircom headsets. "We have to stop thw shuttles, no matter what it takes." Tsu'tey and Jake nod. Nova gives the signal, gathering other hunters, who fall in with them as they dive.

Nova and Jake rolles in after them but a gunship drops behind them and she is forced to evade. Tsu'tey leads the attack on the forst shuttles. Hunters jink and weave through withering fire from the escort ships.

Gunners with jerry rigged guns monts ride the broad backs of shuttles, picking off banshees who get past the escort. Tsu'tey is raked by a burst from the dorsal gunner. His mount crumples, plummeting with a dying scream, spiraling down into the forest.

A blinding blizzard of green as he tears downward, catching leaves and vines. Tsu'tey slams into the ground, badly injured. Nearby, ampsuits ampsuits and troopers advance the forest floor, firing their cannons and flamethrowers. The GUA-90 rip the forest to shreds.

Norm is firing as he retreats and his hit. His avatar body mortally wounded as the hydraulic fleet approach, passing bodies of direhorses and na'vi hunters. Norm painfully tries to load another magazine, panting in fear and pain as an ampsuit stomps up. Aiming its cannon at point blank and-


The top of Norms link bangs open as he reels out, collapsing onto the floor. Cluching himself as of he can still feel the pain of death. He sit up huddled, shivering, crazed-


Tsu'tey lies gasping, mortally injured. He looks up, grimacing as an ampsuit looms over him. Lyle Wainfleet reaches down and grabs I'm by the queue, painfully living him up. "I hear this is worse than death for you, chief."

He hold up his knife to the base of his queue, aiming to slam it, but then, "Don't you dare Wainfleet!" Nova comes in out of nowhere, jumping off her leonopteryx and onto lyle, forcing him to remove his grip on Tsu'tey.

They restle of the ground, into the trees and away from Tsu'tey as Wainfleet tries to shoot Nova but is quick to aim the gun in a different direction, away from her. And then-

Tsu'tey is startled when he hears a gunshot. He looks around, tumbling onto his feet, as he fears take over. "Nova!" 'No, no... no!'

"I'm right here" stumbling out of the forest was Nova. "Nova..." Tsu'tey said barely above a whisper as his whole body fills with relief. Tsu'tey and Nova slowly make their way to eachother before Tsu'tey collapses

"Tsu'tey!" Nova rushes towards him, cradling him in her arms while tears build of in her eyes as she puts pressure onto a big bleeding wound. "No no no no" Nova says in a quick chant.

"Nova... its alright..." Tsu'tey says, trying to reassure his mate. Wishing to end her pain that he believes he caused."I'm not going to let you die." She says with tears cascading down her face.

Closing her eyes Nova starts to focus on healing Tsu'tey. 'Okay Nova, you can do this. You brought Grace back from the dead... how hard to could this be...' quite hard Nova... quite hard

Just like what happen at the well of souls, tiny white hair like cilia emerged out of the ground, covering Nova and Tsu'tey. 'Your not going to die...' putting her head on Tsu'tey troopers started to approach them as a blinding light illuminated from Nova.

When it died down all you could see was a healed Tsu'tey standing up alongside Nova, whos marks were glowing. Unbeknown to Nova, she was sending ot a bacon of distress, making all responders race to her. "Tsu'tey!" Nova said in relif as she leaped into his arms. They stayed like that for a few minutes before separating.

"Come, we need to go." Nova says before giving a series of shrills and clicks. The signal caused her leonopteryx to come crashing down, causing all the troopers to be knocked back by the might blast produced by their wings. Offering my hand to him we vault onto Nova's great stead and set of into the sky. Joining Jake up above.

Neytiri, bruised and bleeding, staggered amid burning wreckage. Ampsuit footsteps approach as he crouches behind a tree. Troopers a seconds from seeing him as he knocks an arrow to her faters bow, and readys himself for a last kamikaze shot.

Suddenly the troopers on the far right of the firing line see something on his screen. "Right flank- somethings comming! It's all lit up out there." They say, spooked.

The troopers become aware of the ground shaking. And a slow building thunderous roar and-

An ampsuit comes flying put of the trees, cartwheeling, and the shaking builds-

Well of souls

Mo'at snaps her eyes open in sudden realisation as-


The troopers pivot to face-

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