Neo Gear

By thedoctorgonepale

7.2K 364 189

The Year is 6022... 1000 years since a planet-sized supercomputer was stolen by an A.I named Aiba. For all th... More

(Prologue): A Neo Era
No rest for the best
Calm before the games
The entry battle
Let The Olympics Begin
Let The Olympics Begin: Act 2
Threat Confirmed
The Error
Range Of Uranus
Range Of Uranus: Act 2
Famed Backlash
Duel Break, Saturn Race
Duel Break, Saturn Race: Act 2
Everything Is OKAY!
Spa The Spy
The Jupiter Power Move
It's About Teamwork
The Mars Stand
The Big Bang Over
The Big Bang Over: Act 2
The Nomadic Gear
Reluctantly Unwanted
The Deadly West
Coalition Of The Manipulated
Coalition Of The Manipulated: Act 2
Hot Topics
Brothers Through Space
Guess Who's Back
Fight Night
Red Moon
Red Moon: Act 2
Red Moon: Act 3
Brawl Of The Brotherhood
Dark Matters
Dark Matters: Act 2
Dark Matters: Act 3
Countdown To Genesis
(Bonus): Stars On The Mind
(Bonus): A New Moon
Countdown To Genesis: Act 3
(Epilogue): The Gears Alway Turn

Countdown To Genesis: Act 2

109 7 3
By thedoctorgonepale

3rd Person POV:

Lucifx, damaged from the explosion he caused, floated near the hole in Aiba's Gear.

It was a hole in the eye which was being quickly repaired by nanomachines.

Yn leaped out from his cockpit into Aiba, leaving his Lucifx body to keep the hole open.

Aiba: What do you think that body can accomplish?

Yn: I need something. Then I'll continue destroying you.

Aiba: Oh? What could you be looking for?

Yn: Hmph.

Aiba: Well... I cannot allow your crime to pass... At least not easily.

Every single Nemefix was then summoned to brawl with Lucifx.

Yn: I can multitask.


Aiba slams her hand into Lucifx pinning him against her face.

Yn:(sarcasically) Oh no... Whatever shall I do?

Aiba: Quit being sarcastic.

Yn: Quit being senile.

Yn: It's made you a disgrace to the Nexstar legacy.


Yn: You'll be lucky if history sees you as a tragedy. Proof that even AI can lose their minds.


Aiba: Lucifx...

Yn: What?






The massive Gear Aiba piloted stared at a Crimson Gear floating towards her with its arms crossed atop a giant Katana that was the perfect size for her.

(Perfect Remix- Crimson Gear: Archangel Azrexel)

Aiba: Azrexel...

Azrexel: Aiba...

Tony:(coms) Let's not fight. We can still talk things out.

Aiba: You glitch... So you came to me? Perfect.

Aiba: I'll show you what I've learned from my father...

Aiba: Might... Is right...

Aiba: I'll make you submit.

Azrexel: This isn't one of our human roleplays.

Azrexel: I will crush you.

(Opening theme)

Like a ring of a planet, Nemefix's surrounded Aiba growing larger and larger as Azrexel stomps on his giant katana, making it speed up.

As the couple with the longest-lasting marriage begin their battle whilst two of their children floated unconscious and one was digging into Aiba, the grandchildren watched from Earth.

Felicia:(heavily panting).... Lisa... Are you okay...?

Lisa:(coms) I'm l-light headed... Bu-but standing... Bae is (pants)... She needs water badly.

Sirius: Deimos?

Deimos: I know...

Creating a block of ice, he crawls over to Sirius who he hands the ice to. The solar sister melts and boils the ice, making a little pool in her hand which holds out to her cockpit.

Sirius: Use this for now.

Lisa crawls over to the water drinking it before helping Bae consume it.

Betelgeuse: Son of...

Gam-Old, though damaged, walks out from her crater, to stare up at the battle in space.

Gam-Old:... It's heartbreaking, isn't it?

Betelgeuse: What is?

Gam-Old: Maybe with your dynamic it's hard to understand.

Gam-Old: But to a human...

Gam-Old: A woman, constantly outliving her family. Fighting a losing battle...

Gam-Old: Now fighting her husband who had wished for an end.

Gam-Old: Meanwhile, her children hate her, and are against her.

Gam-Old: And let's not forget the cherry on top... Her declining sanity.

Gam-Old: Along with all the AI dragged into this mess.

Deimos: Why are you talking? And not attacking?

Gam-Old: I saw how my "sisters" died. And my goal is to live.

Gam-Old: Thus... I give up.

Bob: That's it?

Core lands on the scene.

Sirius: Why did you return?

Bob: Because I couldn't just leave things like this.

Bob: But don't worry, I already organized a transmission to not only earth but the whole system.

Bob: Mira. I thought you also wanted to be the best.

Gam-Old: I wanted my short life to be remembered. That isn't an issue anymore.

Bob: Hmph!

Bob: Fine then... Can you three still fight?

Betelgeuse: The anti-matter did a number on us.

Deimos: Going out to fight will only end with us getting in the way of grandfather.

Gam-Old: In other words. No one wants any part of that tragedy, destined to end in pain either way.

Bob: You don't know that.

Gam-Old: Where do you see a happy ending coming out of this?












Yn:(coms) Lisa. I've found and secured your brother Helix.


Yn:(coms) Though he's in a medically induced coma, he is alive.


Yn:(coms) You will see him again.

Lisa:(sob) Thank you...

Yn:(coms) Bob.


Yn:(coms) You do not have to shout. We built communicators for a reason.

Bob: Sorry... Got swooped up by the moment.

Yn:(coms) If it is possible... I'll make this "Happy ending" of yours, exist.

In space, Yn carried Helix back to his Gear self.

Yn: To my nephew and nieces.

Yn: If you can move, you can fight. Put your pilots away and at the very least, go wake up your fathers before they are fully brainwashed.

Yn: As you might know already, my plate is full of objectives as is.

Betelgeuse:(coms) You're going to work us to death.

Yn: If you're going to die, might as well do it spectacularly and with purpose.

Entering his Gear body which was being pinned against Aiba's head, Lucifx quickly found his mother's hand move away.


He was now surrounded by a hundred Nemefix's.


Destroying multiple Nemefix, was Azrexel, the reborn Crimson Gear.

Azrexel: Son.

Lucifx: Father.

In the distance, Yn saw the massive beam-katana, ignited and flying straight towards them.

Aiba: I'll remember to put a little less of your father next time.

Azrexel/Lucifx: There won't be a next time!

Azrexel/Lucifx: Hm? Hmph!

Aiba: Adorable... But to correct you, there won't be many "next times".

The black spikes that decorated the Goddess gears shoulders popped off, revealing themselves to be a bigger version of Lucifx's cloak unit, made of many more drones.

Aiba: I'm burning away the earth!

Lucifx: Go ahead and try!

He flies over to the mega-beam katana as the black pillars from a cannon.

Lucifx flew past dozen of Nemefix's as Azrexel stayed put to stare at Aiba.


Aiba: Let's do it like the old days. If I win, we do things my way.

Tony: If we can make you at least miss your shot and hit nothing important. We win.

Azrexel: And you do things our way.

Azrexel: Or can little miss "Goddess" not do that?

Aiba: If you can touch my core, I'll give up.

Azrexel/Tony: Deal.

Lucifx transforms his cloak into its claw mode, giving him a hand big enough to hold the mega blade.

Lucifx: RAH!

He swings it with great might and speed, Lucifx destroys many Nemefixs as he manages to knock Aiba a bit back.

Pulling out the two Nexium blades that garnished her back, Aiba and Lucifx began the physically largest sword duel that the system will ever know.

Despite the battle, the pillars were still forming the cannon, at least the necessary ones as multiple "smaller" pillars went to ram Lucifx, with the Nemefix's aiding as well.

Tony:(coms) Lucifx. I have something for you.

Lucufx: Is it a bigger sword?

Tony:(coms) No.

(Beep, beep)

Lucifx received blueprints for an upgraded form.

Tony:(coms) I made a new form from one of Aiba's abandoned units in your Modify safe.

Tony:(coms) Nexstar Original.

Lucifx: Never thought you would be useful.

Throwing the mega blade like a spear at Aiba, Lucifx watches her deflect it only for Azrexel to catch and continue the duel.

Lucifx: "Live Modify"!


The android bodies of Solas and Lunas both struggled to stand to try and eject the capsules that were putting a virus in them.

Solas: Grr...!

Lunas: Agh..!


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