But Why?

By makin_fanfics

138 4 0

The campus flirt, the school seductress, Evie Queen, is used to having everybody wrapped around her fingertip... More

But Why?

138 4 0
By makin_fanfics

Based on a prompt I saw here on Wattpad by BunBunDraws.


"Shut up Carlos, you weren't even there!"

The bell of the glass coffee shop door chimed as Evie entered with her two best friends, Jay and Carlos. The smell of coffee beans and sugar immediately wafted to her nose as she looked around the place, ignoring her playfully arguing friends. Things in the campus coffee shop seemed to be quiet today, there weren't too many people around, most tables were free and there wasn't the usual hum of chatter that lingered in the air as people ordered. It was refreshing.

"Well I was only five minutes away, I was CLOSE to being there," Carlos argued back to Jay from before, shoving him in the shoulder. Jay laughed at him and shoved him back.

"Would you two leave each other alone for five seconds? This is a coffee shop on our college campus, not a boxing ring," She told them with a roll of her eyes, as she led them to a table in the corner.

"As you wish, my dear princess," Jay mocked, offering her a very over-exaggerated bow in between two tables.

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you two dorks," Evie joked, as she and the rest of her trio took a seat at the table. It was right by the floor-to-roof length window, and had a perfect view of the morning rush hour right outside, being shone down upon by bright blue skies and a shimmering sun. Students dashed across the pathways and grass, their backpacks overflowing with books and exam notes as they hurried to get to class in lazy sweaters on time. Yep, this was college.

Usually, she and the boys would look very similar to those students and their mannerisms, but today their classes were scheduled for later in the day, so they finally had some time together for once. They had decided to go out for breakfast together...but being broke college students it wasn't like they could afford a gourmet restaurant. So, the coffee shop on campus was the way to go.

Evie picked up a sticky menu and looked at her options, her eyes skimming over drinks and delicious looking treats.

"Hey Carlos, I dare you to get the spicy breakfast burrito," Jay chuckled from across the table. Evie looked up and watched as he shoved his own menu in Carlos's face, and the smaller boy waved him away and frowned at him.

"No way, hot sauce and jalapeños are overrated," He grumbled.

"A likely story. I'm pretty sure you're just scared of spicy foods," Evie jumped in, having to stop herself from laughing at him.

"You have no say in this, you're Latina! Unfair advantage!" Carlos whined.

"Well I'm not Latina and I love hot stuff. In fact I might get that breakfast burrito myself," Jay bragged.

"Have fun setting your mouths on fire, then. I'm getting something sweet," Carlos claimed.

Evie wondered if she should get something sweet, too. Or was she in the mood for something savoury? She couldn't really tell. Not to mention she didn't really come here that often, so she wasn't sure what was good or not. Her eyes scanned the laminated card in her hands, flickering between waffles and hot chocolates and pancakes and slices of toast. For a cheap little college cafe there sure were a lot of options.

"Guys, what should I get? I can't decide," She wondered to the boys. Just as she was she eyeing a possible plate of French toast and a coffee, Jay suddenly spoke.

"Maybe you should ask her."

Evie finally looked up from her menu to meet his eyes, and discovered that he was pointing his buff arm over her shoulder. He had a knowing smirk on his face, and Evie wondered what he was talking about. She looked over her shoulder in the direction he was pointing, and if she was being really honest...her jaw basically fell open in shock when she saw who he was referencing.

There before her eyes was possibly the prettiest girl Evie had ever seen in her entire life. She had coloured hair just like Evie, except hers was a gorgeous midnight purple instead of royal blue. It was tucked up into a messy ponytail, and it fell loosely around her shoulders. She wore a magenta dress with the slightest frill that came just up to her knees, and a black apron across the top, which somehow fit her every curve so perfectly. Evie didn't know how she didn't notice her when she first walked in, but she was sure standing out to her now.

"Oh my God..." Evie murmured to herself, as she simply stared at the girl spraying chemicals on metal and wiping it down casually. It was the most simple thing, cleaning the main counter, yet somehow the girl was making it look so fucking attractive.

"Whoa, she is something else. She's really pretty," Evie heard Carlos say from behind her.

"She's not just pretty. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life," Evie mused, her eyes still glued to her.

"Alright then Eves, I dare you to ask her out," Jay challenged.

THAT took Evie's eyes off of the girl.

She whirled around to face the boys again, and saw that Jay wore a smirk on his face, and his arms were folded comedically across his chest.

"AND you have to land the date with her," Carlos joined in.

It was all Evie could do to laugh at them. "You think that's seriously a dare? Please, I could do that in my sleep. I'll have a date with that gorgeous face in five minutes," She bragged, already getting up from her seat. Carlos rolled his eyes and Jay just scoffed at her, both boys watching as she quickly adjusted her hair and skirt. She then confidently began making her way to the front counter where the girl was stationed.

It was a known fact that Evie was the campus flirt. She'd had everybody in the whole school basically bowing down to her since freshman year, and she'd actually lost count of how many boyfriends and girlfriends she'd had in her life. Everybody knew her, and everybody wanted her. She had it all, she was beautiful, she was smooth, she was smart, and she was everything anybody could ever want. Heads turned when she strutted the hallways, hearts stopped when she merely asked for a pencil. So she was a misfit? So she was a flirt? She could have anybody she wanted worshipping her with the snap of her fingers, and that was all that mattered.

With that being said, this girl would be a piece of cake.

Because it was so quiet in the coffee shop today, there was no line, and there seemed to be no other workers with the girl either. She was working on her own, peacefully by herself. Perfect, some alone time.

Evie approached her confidently, and leaned against the silver countertop. She drummed her blue and gold painted nails atop the metal, simply waiting for the girl to notice her. After a few moments, she did. She looked up from her paper towel and cleaner, and offered Evie a small smile.

And God was it beautiful.

"Hi there, welcome to UCLA Coffee, how can I help you?" She asked politely.

Evie turned around and pointed over her shoulder to her table, where Jay and Carlos were still sitting, and now seemed to be wrapped up in a distracted conversation. You'd think they'd be watching this whole charade, but no, to be honest they were used to Evie doing this, so nothing really shocked them anymore. She'd be over here with a date that Friday night faster than they could order their coffee, it was really nothing new. They never typically bothered about watching anymore.

"My table and I were just wondering if we could get some napkins?" She asked, purposely lowering her voice to her signature husk, that she saved specifically for when she was trying to get somebody's attention. She was expecting a reaction from this girl, but she instead just...skipped right over it.

"Sure!" She agreed, and bent down underneath the countertop to get to the drawers. She pulled out a roll of paper towels, ripped off a few, then placed them in Evie's hands. "Can I get you anything else?"

Well that was strange. Usually people shuddered and blushed at the mere sound of that tone. Weird...but whatever.

Evie decided to shrug at her casually, and noticed that the girls' hand was resting steadily against the counter. She reached across the empty space between them, and ever so gently placed her own hand atop it. Blue and purple nails now met each other, and the girl looked down at the contact, seemingly quirking an eyebrow in confusion. Evie continued before she could say anything.

"Could you get me anything else? Hmm, let's see..." She pretended to contemplate, and not-so-suphtly began to tiptoe her fingers up the girls' arm.

"How about your number? Maybe even...a date?" Evie asked flirtatiously. She batted her eyelashes at the girl, working her up, working her magic.

Here it came. "Evie, I would love to go on a date with you!" "Evie, asking ME on a date?" "Yes, yes of course!" "No way EVIE QUEEN just asked ME on a date!" It was all to be expected. Within seconds the girl would be practically dropping at her feet to worship Evie, her last name wasn't Queen for nothing...

"No thank you."

Evie blinked in surprise.

Did she...did she hear that correctly?

"No thank you?" She double took, basically spluttering her words. The girl chuckled and pulled her hand away from Evie's, then used it to pick up her cleaning supplies again, and went back to work.

"Yes, I said no thank you. Sorry, I'm not interested in a date," She elaborated with a shrug.

No, no this had to be a joke. Nobody had EVER turned Evie down before. She was the heartbreaker. She was the dominator. She was the one everybody could only wish in their wildest DREAMS to be asked out by her.

"Do you...do you know who I am?" Evie managed to stutter. It was the only thing she could think of to say, to be honest.

The girl chuckled, not looking up from where she had gone back to wiping the countertop. "Yes, I do. You're Evie Queen. Campus seductress? Whatever you want to call it. Everybody knows you," She replied, spraying some more liquid onto metal.

Evie's eyes were wide with confusion now. So, she did know her?

"So if you know me, then...why turn down a date with me? I mean come on," Evie queried curiously.

The girl finally met eyes with her. "Just because," She told her. And with that she turned on her heel with a teasing smile, and wandered away to the back room. Out of sight, out of earshot. She was gone.

Evie was left standing in shock. What...what just happened?


The boys had made fun of Evie for not being able to land a date with the pretty girl, but she paid no mind to them. She was more confused than anything. Why wouldn't the girl want to have a date with her? Nobody had ever turned her down before. It felt...weird. Sure it was just a dare, and it didn't really matter that much...but it was still off putting. Evie felt rather bothered by it.

She had come to the conclusion that there had been something wrong with herself that day. Maybe her outfit wasn't quite right, she wore the wrong shoes, her hair was weird, she had said the wrong thing. That had to be it. It wasn't that the girl wasn't into HER, it was that she wasn't into the something that had gone wrong. Of course that was it. So this morning, which was the next day, she was going to try again. She was going to go back in that coffee shop (WITHOUT any rowdy boys this time, mind you) and she was going to try her luck again.

Luck, who was she kidding? She didn't need luck, she was Evie Queen.

The loud bell chimed as she pushed the glass door open, and Evie immediately started the search for the beautiful purple haired-girl with her eyes. She stood in the doorway and scanned the room, mumbling to herself about finding her in amongst furniture and tables and other people.

And after just a few seconds, she thankfully did find her.

This time, she was behind the counter again, and seemed to be making up a coffee for somebody. Evie strolled straight up to her, and once again patiently waited as the girl finished the coffee, expertly pouring the milk in a perfect circle and carefully adding two sugars once she was finished.

"Coffee for Brandon Jacobs!" She suddenly called out across the store, and tossed a spoon into the mug. A boy with dirty blonde hair and skater-looking clothes wandered up to the counter, and took the coffee from her without a word. Evie thought that was a little rude not to speak to her, but whatever.

Finally, the girl dusted her hands off on her apron, and approached Evie from behind the counter.

"Hi there, welcome to UCLA Coffee, how can I help you?" She asked, almost sounding out of breath.

"Jeez, you sound tired," Evie pointed out. "Busy morning?"

The girl furrowed her brow at her, almost looking offended. Evie quickly noticed her mistake, and hurried to catch herself. "No, no, I didn't mean like that, I just mean...are you alright?" She quickly clarified.

This was already going downhill.

"I'm fine. This job is just exhausting, that's all. I mean can you imagine working for hours at a time serving and cleaning and cooking and taking orders? God, I feel like a maid sometimes," She told Evie, tightening her ponytail. Evie giggled at the maid comment. She was ALWAYS complimented on her laugh, this would surely sway the girl.

Or so she thought.

The girl simply raised an eyebrow at her in confusion. "What's so funny?" She asked curiously.

Evie's face fell as quickly as it had brightened. Seriously? Not even ONE comment?

Evie quickly composed herself, trying her best to get back on her game. "Oh nothing, it's just, you seem so hardworking. It's really cute," She explained sweetly, twirling a strand of blue between her fingertips.

"Is it?" The girl asked, frowning at her.

Evie nodded, batting her eyelashes gently. "Definitely," She confirmed. She then lowered her voice to a quiet, raspy tone. "I like a girl who works hard," She added seductively.

This was SURELY going to do the trick.

"Good for you, I guess? What can I get for you?" The girl simply said, very unamused.

Evie's face fell once again. What? Did she...what?

Maybe she just didn't hear Evie. That line ALWAYS worked.

"I said, I like a girl who works hard," Evie repeated herself, trying to keep her gorgeous soft tone.

But alas, the girl looked at her just the same. Weirded out, uninterested. "I know. I heard you. And I said good for you I guess, what can I get for you?" She replied, in an "isn't it obvious" tone. Evie was honestly offended.

"Um, small cappuccino please," She mumbled.

What was she doing wrong?


OK, maybe this girl was just having a couple of off days. Because no sane person, no person who was actually in their right headspace, would turn down an OFFERED DATE from Evie Queen.

So maybe today, third day in a row, the girl would say yes.

"Back again, I see?" The girl mused, barely watching as Evie approached her countertop. Evie smirked at her, and leaned all her weight on the metal, attempting to get as close to the girl as possible.

"Yep. Just couldn't resist a chance to see you again," She smirked.

"Couldn't resist a chance to see me again? Please, you don't even know my name," The girl chuckled.

Evie frowned. "Well, may I know it, then?" She wondered.

"Mal," She simply said.


"You got it. M-A-L, simple as that," Mal confirmed, as she reached for a coffee pot and began to scrub it down.

Evie watched her work for a few moments. "Well, you seem simple in general. And to be honest, all that complicated stuff..." She reached across the counter for Mal's free hand, and intertwined their fingers together. "Too needy. I like a girl who's simple."

Mal scoffed at her. "You seem to like a girl who's anything," She laughed, and politely took her hand back, in favour of occupying it with the coffee pot.

Evie frowned at her. "What is that supposed to mean?" She grumbled.

Mal met her eyes. "I think you know exactly what it means, Evie," She said gently. "Not to mention the fact that you've already used that line a few times."

Evie rolled her eyes. "Look, some people might think I'm a flirt. And I get how some people could have those opinions, but I like to think I'm more...socially involved," She tried, putting on her most beautiful grin. But Mal just smiled at her, still amused, still uninterested. Growing frustrated now, Evie tried her luck again, advancing on Mal even further.

"I'm not just here for coffee, you know," She said, in her most enchanting voice possible. Anybody you meet would've melted to the floor just hearing that tone, but Mal? Mal simply smiled at her, and shook her head.

"Believe me, I gathered that. You're here to ask me out again, aren't you?" She said.

"However did you guess?" Evie grinned.

"Well I'll have you know, campus flirt, or, sorry, I believe you prefer the term "socially involved", that's right, I am still not interested. I'm sorry. Thank you anyway though, I'm flattered, really," She told her politely. "Can I get you your coffee now?"

Evie's mouth was now opening and closing like a fish, gaping at the girl. FLATTERED? Nobody was FLATTERED at her. Nobody had EVER uttered the words FLATTERED to her. Nobody was FLATTERED by Evie Queen.

This was getting ridiculous.


For the rest of the week, Evie went into that coffee shop every single morning. And she did everything she could to get the girl to notice her.

She styled her hair differently.

She put on extra makeup.

She pulled out all of her best pickup lines.

She touched.

She flirted.

She did EVERYTHING that always worked on EVERYBODY ELSE.

But alas, nothing. Mal turned her down every time, laughing her away and simply asking for her coffee order. At this point it was getting comedic, and by the end of the week, when Evie had STILL received nothing but no's, it was just nothing but confusing.

And so, on the last day of the week, she decided to ditch all flirting tactics, and dive in head first. She had to work out what was going on.

"OK, that's it, what's your deal?" She said abruptly, as she stormed into the cafe with a frown on her face and marched straight up to Mal, who was once again working the counter. Thankfully she was alone again, which gave them both some space from needy and intrusive customers.

Mal only scoffed at Evie. "I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about," She simply said, as she stacked coins and crumpled notes into a run down cash register, once again strangely avoiding eye contact. Where was the heart eyes? Where was the dreamy gaze? Where was the eyes glued to Evie and can't-look-away? What was HAPPENING?!

"You DO know what I'm talking about. Are you in a relationship?" Evie promptly asked.

"No," Mal easily said.

"Well are you straight then?" Evie asked. A bit forward, but at this point she didn't care.

Mal chuckled. "Not that it's any of your business, but no, I'm not," She admitted, pressing a few buttons on the cash register.

Evie's eyes narrowed, and her lips thinned into a scowl. "Then what is going on with you?" She asked, pressing herself against the countertop.

Mal finally met her eyes. Evie noticed that they were lovely and green, and had a certain sparkle about them. "I just don't want to go out with you," She shrugged.

Evie put on a pout. "But why? EVERYBODY wants to go out with me," She mumbled, fidgeting with her hands.

"That's not true. Not everybody you waltz up to and bat your eyelashes at is going to fall head over heels for you at your feet. It doesn't work like that," Mal told her. Her voice had a mature sense to it, it almost sounded like she was trying to encourage something to Evie.

"Whatever. Can I just get a latte?" Evie sighed. She was not in the mood for a lecture.

"Sure. That will be ready in a little bit," Mal said to her kindly. Evie nodded and wandered away to wait in the corner.

She just didn't understand what she was doing wrong. I mean yeah, she understood Mal's point, but it was just a weird idea to wrap her head around, because it had never happened before. It was as if it was some sort of problem, and she didn't know how to fix it.

"Coffee for Evie Queen!"

Evie suddenly heard Mal's sweet voice calling her back over to the counter. Her coffee was ready, now she supposed it was time to just take it and leave, just like she had been doing every day this week. Another failed attempt. Maybe she should just stop trying altogether.

"Thanks," She said to Mal quietly, as she took the mug from her and threw a five dollar bill down on the counter. She collected her change, then turned around and began to walk to a table in the corner. On her way there she heard Mal call from behind her "Have a great day!"

"Yup," Evie mumbled.

Once she had found a secluded table in the corner, coincidentally the same one as she had sat down on with the boys the first time she came here with them, she put her mug down and picked up her teaspoon, reaching to plunge it into the thick, rich drink.

But all of a sudden, right before she could, she noticed something about it.

The whipped foam on top, a layer spread across the thin liquid underneath it, was...decorated. It had foam art in it. It was a large crown, a crown that Evie recognised all too well...

She looked to her shirt, where that same crown was painted on it. It was her signature crown, a crown she had designed herself. She pretty much had it on every outfit she wore somehow, on her skirt, pants, shirt, even a bracelet. It was her signature crest. But, how did it get in the...

Evie quickly darted her head up to Mal, who was still behind the counter. She found that the girl was already looking at her with a knowing smirk, and as soon as they met eyes, she offered her a cheeky wink, and then sauntered away.



"Why did you put foam art in my coffee?"

Contrary to Evie's idea the previous day of not wanting to show her face in this coffee shop ever again, she had gone home that night, and couldn't stop thinking about the foam art. The crown...what was it all about? Mal had never done that for her before.

Evie watched as she shrugged and packed coffee beans away into the under-the-counter shelves, and offered her an answer.

"I'm an artist."

Evie blinked at her. "You're a what?"

Mal giggled and stood up to face her. "I'm an artist. I like to draw, paint, sketch, all of that. This crummy coffee shop isn't my dream job, you know. I want to be an artist, and I only work here because I need the money to pay off my tuition for studying it. I really like to create things, it's my passion," She admitted.

"Oh. I...never knew that about you," Evie said quietly.

Mal smiled an amused smile at her. "Mmm, I gathered that. That's why I put some foam art in your coffee. I thought you might like it, especially because you're always wearing that crown crest," She told her.

"Well, I did like it. It was really pretty," Evie complimented.

"Thank you, Evie," Mal smiled. "That makes me really happy to hear."

"I'm an artist too, you know!" Evie said.

"Really? What do you make?" Mal asked curiously, as she moved some stock from the bench and began to unpack it.

"Well I don't make pictures...but I would still call what I do art. I do fashion design. I design all of my own clothes, and I make all of my own clothes too. For example, my entire outfit I'm wearing right now, I made the whole thing," She told her proudly.

Mal suddenly paused, and looked at her strangely. "Really? Your whole outfit? You made it all by yourself?" She wondered.

"Yes, everything," Evie smiled.

"Wow. I'll admit, I would've taken you for a girl who only bought expensive designer brands or whatever, but crafting your own? That's creativity. I like it," Mal mused, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked her up and down. Evie did a spin for her to show off her leather skirt, and this made Mal laugh. "Wow, what a runway model," She giggled. "I love art, Evie. I think yours is some of my favourite."

Evie's cheeks suddenly felt the slightest bit warm. She realised that she really liked how Mal felt happy. She...she wanted to make her feel happy again.


"I brought my sketchbook to show you."

It was the next day, and, surprise surprise, here was Evie back at the coffee shop. Except this time, it was actually late at night, and Mal was just packing up the coffee shop. She was the only one left, everybody else had gone home. Chairs were upturned on tables, the floors and counter had been cleaned, tablecloths had been folded. Mal was just cleaning up the finishing touches, honestly she thought the place had been closed. But she supposed she forgot to put up the "Closed" sign out front, because there was Evie, standing in the doorway.

"You brought your what?" She double took, as she came to a stop in front of Evie.

"I brought my sketchbook. You said you liked art. You said mine was some of your favourite. So...I thought you might want to see some more," She admitted, slightly shyly. She offered the book to Mal, hoping she would take it. So far the girl had been nothing but a tease, but this time Evie really wanted Mal to see what she had brought for her. She hoped she wouldn't push her away again.

And to her thankful surprise, she didn't.

Mal gently took Evie's packed sketchbook in her hands, and opened it up carefully. She began to flip through the slightly yellowing pages, which were covered in sticky notes and stick on jewels and colours. It was a crazy mess, but...

"I love it," Mal whispered, marvelling over everything that was in this colourful, crazy book.

"You...you do?" Evie double took.

Mal nodded, grinning and biting her lip. "I really do. This is sort of like my own style...I really find that artists who can draw all neat and perfect don't make any sense to me. I think art is supposed to be creative and freeform, crazy and messy. My art teacher thinks differently, but still. This is really pretty, Evie," She told her sweetly.

Evie giggled to herself as she took her book back.

"Thank you, Mal. I think it's really cool that your style is like that...you seem really creative. Talented," She said.

The girls glanced at each other for a moment, as if they were watching each other. Until suddenly Mal spoke.

"I have my own sketchbook in my backpack. Do you...do you want to see?" She asked, somewhat shyly.

Evie's eyes brightened up like a shining star. "Oh, yes please! I'd love to!" She gushed. Mal giggled at her and walked across the room to her purple and green backpack, which was sat atop a closed off table. She tugged on the shiny zippers, and pulled something out of it. She walked it over to Evie, and offered it to her.

It was smaller than Evie had expected it to be. It had a dragon design on the front, a big round crest, just like her crown one. It was brown and leather, and had yellowing pages just like her own. Evie opened up the first page, and her eyes were already wide the second she saw the first design. It was...beautiful. It was a beautiful fairy, with sparkling wings and a wicked smirk and the most detailed, beautiful eyes. It was the most beautiful thing Evie had ever seen.

She leafed through another page, and only went into an even bigger state of shock as she came to see more and more drawings. They only got better, more detailed, more beautiful.

"You really are an artist," Evie whispered, completely in awe, her eyes still glued to the pages.

"Thanks, I try my best," Mal giggled.

"I really like your crest drawings, it seems like you have a few different designs of them?" Evie pointed out.

"Yeah. Just like your crown I have my dragon pendant," Mal shrugged.

Evie looked up from the book to lock eyes with Mal. "Where did you come up with the idea for a dragon?" She asked, genuinely curious.

Mal breathed out in contemplation. "I'm not really sure. I've just always had a fascination with them...ever since I can remember I've always loved dragons. They're my favourite thing ever, in fact I have a whole other sketchbook dedicated to just dragons," She explained with a chuckle.

"Wow. I'd really like to see that sometime," Evie said, as she turned to another page dominated with an enchanting, beautiful tree.

As she gazed at the book, she missed the way Mal smiled at her with fascination.

"Maybe one day," She said gently.

The girls were silent for a moment, until Mal spoke again.

"Hey listen, I better get the shop closed up, so..."

"Oh! Yeah no, of course, I'll get out of your way," Evie told her politely, hurrying to give her book back. And with one more wave, she pushed on the coffee shop door, and quietly made her way out.

Evie walked home from the coffee shop that night. She wandered along the damp sidewalk beside the quiet road, with few cars driving across it, and made her way down the streets with the light of the dim street lights shiny down upon her. She kicked a pebble as she dug her hands into her jacket pockets and sighed as she walked, wondering about these new feelings with Mal.

Her whole life she had always thought that the key to getting into a relationship was to be a tease, a seductress, a flirt. But over the past couple of days, her views were changing. Making somebody happy was fulfilling, getting to know somebody was interesting. Maybe the key to this whole romance thing was not being her usual flirty self, not give a damn about anyone's actual personalities and just using stupid pick up lines and her looks. Only caring about what she could get if she dated somebody or just wanting to make out with them.

Maybe kindness...could work in her favour instead?

As Evie was roaming the streets, a flickering sign on one of the shops lined up beside her caught her eye. It was a broadway style sign, posted right above the small local theatre. There were a number of things lined up for showing, a few classic movies, one or two broadway performances...

And then there was something that completely stopped Evie in her tracks. She studied the flickering title. She gazed at it in thought.

She wondered if she should do it.


"I have something for you."

It was the next day, a bright and early Friday morning, and Evie was back for her daily visit. When Mal heard her voice, she spun around from her working place at the counter, and her gaze lit up when she saw it was Evie.

"Again? Wow, it's like early Christmas," She giggled, putting down the dish she had been cleaning. "What do you have for me, Santa Claus? Is it a gift?"

Evie offered her a small smile. "Sort of, actually," She said shyly. She reached into her jacket pocket, and pulled out two small, long, brightly coloured pieces of paper. She carefully handed them to Mal over the counter.

"What are these?" Mal asked, taking them from her and studying them.

"Um...there's an art show...on tonight. It's at the theatre, they have an art museum in their building and they're doing a showing. And since you really like art, and I love my fashion design...I thought we could go? You don't have to come. I'm not trying to say you have to...but if you wanted to...that would be cool," Evie rambled on, fidgeting with her hands as she tried to explain herself. She looked to Mal shyly when she was finished, and was a bit confused when she didn't say anything. She just simply smiled...and tucked the tickets away in her pocket.

"What's your order for today, miss Evie?" She asked casually.

"What?" Evie spluttered. She had just asked her out to a show...what did she mean what was her order?

"I said, what's your order. Cappuccino? Latte? Frappuccino? What will it be today?" Mal replied, holding up a pen and a notepad.

That was it. Mal officially wasn't interested in her. Evie had tried everything, and when she really thought she was changing herself for the better, too, she still didn't want her.

"A hot chocolate. To go, please," Evie mumbled sadly, and with that she walked away from the counter, devastated.

She should've given up after Mal said no the first time. She should never have kept coming back to this coffee shop.

For the first time in her life, Evie felt like she wasn't good enough.

"Takeaway hot chocolate for Evie Queen!"

Yep, that was her. Now she was going to go and take that drink, and never return here again.

Evie sighed and wandered up to the counter, whispering a thank you as she took the hot chocolate from an unusually bubbly Mal's hands.

"Bye," She told her quietly, and with that she exited the shop.

What a failure.

She started her journey across campus, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and lifting the cup to her lips. But...just as she was doing so...she noticed something on the side of the cup. Something scribbled in Sharpie that...wasn't her name. She turned the cup around and looked a little closer.

Pick me up at the coffee shop at 7:30 tonight for the art show. I would love to go with you - Mal

A wide, wide grin crept onto Evie's face. She had done it. She had actually done it! She read the scribbled out note on the cardboard cup over and over, and ended up squealing in excitement.

Maybe Mal did want her after all.


The art show was wonderful. Although Evie sketched her fashion designs, which was a form of art, she knew nothing about TRUE art. The names of artists, famous paintings and whatever. But Mal sure did, and watching her light up with excitement all night as she chattered away and pointed and squealed and gushed at Evie with facts about each of the drawings that they walked around the museum looking at made Evie's heart flutter. She found that she enjoyed Mal's company tremendously.

This was a date unlike one she had ever been on before. All the dates she had ever been on seemed casual, pointless, and always ended in nothingness, anyway. But this date with Mal...it was fun. It was actually fun and comfortable. Evie had a good, fun time with this girl. It was...refreshing.


Oh...was this a date?

As Evie walked Mal home through the dimly lit streets in the fresh night air, she found herself realising that she had never really clarified with Mal as to what this was. Was it a date? Just a friendly hangout? What had they actually been doing all night together...

"Are you cold?"

Mal's voice suddenly drew Evie from her muddled thoughts, and she looked at the smaller girl strolling beside her. Illuminated under the moonlight, she looked even more beautiful than she normally did, and Evie saw that she was holding out her thick purple and white jacket.

"Oh...sure," Evie said with a smile, and took it from her gratefully. She did not have the heart to tell the girl that it was entirely too small for her, and so she instead just wrapped it around her shoulders, instead of fitting her arms through the sleeves.

The jacket was soft and comfortable. Evie hoped Mal would let her keep it.

"I had fun tonight. Thank you for taking me out," Mal said to Evie happily.

"Did I really take you out?" Evie asked suddenly. She watched as Mal's face morphed into an expression of confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asked softly.

Evie breathed out, admittedly a little nervous. "I mean...did I take you out on a date? Or was this just hanging out as friends?" She wondered.

Mal giggled shyly. "I was sort of hoping it was a date," She admitted.

Evie blinked at her in surprise. "Are you really serious?" She asked her.

Mal smiled, and took her hand as they continued to stroll down the empty streets. "Yes, I'm really serious."

It was Evie's turn to smile, now. "We could've done this a long time ago, you know," She joked, referencing how many times she had asked Mal out. "How come you didn't just say yes the first time if you wanted to go out with me all along?"

Mal shook her head. "Because I didn't want to go out with you all along," She told the blue haired girl.

Evie was a little surprised. What did she mean? She waited for the girl to continue.

"At first, I didn't like you. I didn't like the way you always went around flirting with everybody like you own them. You always acted like you were better than everybody else, and I'll admit, I didn't like that about you. If I'm being super honest, I thought you were just a cocky flirt. But then...you started talking to me. Like, really talking to me. You started to see that getting to know somebody is the real way to get close to someone, asking them about themselves and being kind to them. Once you started realising that, I saw that I was very wrong, you weren't a cocky flirt after all. You just didn't know how to get close to somebody in the right way at first. But once you learned how, it became clear that you're actually really nice. And after I discovered your true colours...it really seemed like it would be fun to go out with you," Mal explained, a little sheepish.

Evie could've been hurt by the comments of Mal's initial opinions about her, but to be honest she had a right to say those things. It was all very true. Well, at least it HAD all been very true. Not anymore, Evie thought to herself. She pulled Mal to a stop beside a particularly bright street lamp, so that she could look her in the eyes.

"You know that means a lot to me, Mal. I've been dating people my whole life but through the course of just over a week, I've learned that I've had it all wrong this whole time. I never once cared about anything else the other person wanted. I was always the one in charge, and always doing it with a motive, too. But you taught me how to care. Thank you. Thank you so much," She told Mal.

And Mal did not answer her. Because she was too busy pulling her in for a very sweet and special kiss. One that lasted an eternity, that left them both breathless, that left them both smiling and giggling when they finally pulled away, and falling back into the taste of each other as soon as they caught their breath.

This was the perfect night.

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