Their Ways

By Geertwim

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A Tale of a Ghost and a Vampire Yoongi is a 200 year old ghost, Hoseok is a far older vampire. They have a un... More

A tale of Friendship Between a Vampire & Ghost
The Tale of the Two Witches (Can they be friends?)
The Tale of a Vampire and his Lover

The Tale of Change that Doesn't Stop

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By Geertwim

It took the witches five months. After Yoongi thought about all the 'what if's' that could happen and what he wanted, they informed the witches and they started preparing, expecting the preparations to take only a couple of weeks, but here they were. In spring. Five months later.

In fucking March.

Hoseok wanted to groan just thinking about those five months.

But now here they were, finally finished up and ready to go. The new body was in the circle the couple drew and perfected over the course of the preparation and they were ready to go. Yoongi chose a very attractive body, Hoseok had to admit. A lean and slender mid-twenty body with a strong jawline and nice features. Also the gummy smile was adorable. Yes, Hoseok definitely approved of that body. Of course Yoongi's personality and character was more important but Hoseok didn't mind looking at a cute face while talking to his friend. He resembled Yoongi almost shockingly. Of course the shape of the eyes were a bit different, Yoongi was slimmer than the slender muscular dancer body, and the voice was even deeper than now but it would be fine. It was still the same Yoongi, if a bit different.

The body was paralyzed by Hoseok's magic and wouldn't go anywhere for the time being. They chose to do the killing cut on the inside of the thigh to reduce visible scars once Yoongi was nestled and secured inside the body. Hoseok himself wore a long scar on his neck from his transformation and he didn't want Yoongi to have the same disfigurement. That was why the body was currently naked except boxer shorts.

The vampire took a look around, observing the witches who were getting ready. He turned his head to Yoongi who was sitting inside a tub where he just drowned a person to be at the maximum power level. He would need that strength in order to survive the transfer.

"You ready my friend?"

Yoongi looked up at Hoseok from where he sat with wide eyes, it really was too late to get cold feet. It was now or never, "I'm ready, Hoseok."
He hovered out of the tub, a bit antsy in all honesty. He wasn't sure if it was from excitement of the possibilities or the fear of what was to come next. Sure he had time to think about this, but it became ten times more real when he was about to do it. Who would he be if he wasn't existing to find his killer, his closure, and to take out revenge on those who reminded him of his killer, of his death? Yoongi knew hypothetically that he was more than that, but the questions came to the forefront of his brain. Mostly the dear question of that he wouldn't know who the hell he was, who he'd ever been. He supposed the only way to find out was to proceed with it as planned. He drifted to the body, pushing aside his uncertainty coming up again.

Hoseok noticed the anxious behavior displayed by Yoongi. The flitting looks, the nervous hand wringing, the occasional blowing a strand from his eyes, all that and much more. It didn't go unnoticed.

The vampire was confident everything would be fine. And once Yoongi was in his vampire body, he had a little surprise for him. Since he would be a fully living creature - well, more or less - he didn't have the same requirements as a ghost for passing on then. That brought a smile to Hoseok's face. Yes, a wonderful present indeed. He didn't pass the time idly, oh no. Hoseok was mad busy in those month's, all due to Yoongi.

"Okay, then I would say we are all set. You just need to float into the circle and give us the okay. We will do the rest."

Nameingly slitting the blood vessels and almost killing the man, then the witches would do their part and then Hoseok would change the human into a vampire but with Yoongi's soul attached to it. Hopefully all went well, otherwise the witches would need to deal with a furious vampire.

Yoongi carefully floated into the circle, he would take a deep breath to ease his nerves but he didn't need air. He was made up of air! It was a weird thing honestly, but going back to flesh he would be able to do so many things that he couldn't do as a ghost. Like breathing, or touching without the fear of falling through it. Those would be interesting sensations again. Yoongi looked most forward to being able to physically interact with creatures and people alike. Mostly Hoseok if he was being fully honest. If it wasn't Hoseok then it became a bit more scary that people could touch him again. Being brutally murdered and other things weren't exactly things that made him keen on the idea. However, Hoseok made him feel more comfortable with the idea, more excited for it.
Tae watched the vampire and the ghost, waiting for the signal that said that they were ready to go. Mostly Yoongi of course, but hopefully it was soon since they didn't exactly have the most time when it came to bleeding a body. It was just enough time if they did things in an organized fashion.
Yoongi realized it was now or never so he looked at them all, "I'm ready."

And at that, the ritual started. The body was cut, the witches started their chants and the sigils and runes were activated. The ritual itself wouldn't take longer than maybe ten minutes.

As the blood ran out of the human, Jungkook guided their soul to the afterlife before the body was dead. Thankfully it followed willingly and without much of a hassle. Then Tae started to bind Yoongi to the body.

Stitch by stitch by stitch of a magic thread they were bound and sewed together. The process was not hurtful for Yoongi but definitely far from nice. The translucent needle went into Yoongi's head to make the last stitch, tying the two separate entities together. The last thing Tae had to do was to pull. Pulling them closer together with all his might, letting them forcefully merge. Now the body had a blue hue around it, just like Yoongi's hue when he was at full power.

Hoseok stepped up and bit the body to inject his poison. There was enough lifeforce in the body to be changed but the heart stopped beating. So he immediately hovered over the chest and started chest compressions to get the blood moving and therefore spreading the poison.

This would be excruciating for the ghost. A vampire's poison was the deadliest and most harmful to any living organism. But they talked about it beforehand and Yoongi still said yes.

The runes smashed into the body Hoseok was still 'reviving', sigils burned the skin and were immediately healed, the stench of death was all around Hoseok and he knew he had to give his all now.

Ribs broke and were instantly healed, the sternum was broken over and over but finally it ended. It ended with an anticlimactic reduction of the hue as it seeped into the lifeless body underneath him. The blue and golden glow of the magical circle faded into nothingness and the air was dead silent.

Now they had to wait for the poison to penetrate every cell, killing it completely and awake as a turned, deformed cell. An undead cell, capable of so much worse.

Hoseok sniffed at the body, taking a note of the faint smell of his poison to check if he needed to continue to pump the heart but it was not needed. It was already everywhere.

Now they had to wait until Yoongi opened his eyes. It could take a bit. Anything from five minutes to 500 years, depending on the merge process and the will of Yoongi himself. The vampire just hoped his friend was alive and well and his soul was not crushed.

Tae watched in anticipation, needing to know if they had to deal with an angry vampire or a happy one. He knew if they lost Yoongi, even if it wasn't particularly their fault, that Hoseok would tear into them. The deal wasn't in place to protect them if they couldn't hold up their end. They'd be pretty screwed, so all Tae could do was cross his fingers and hope.
It was only mere minutes before Yoongi snapped his eyes open, jolting up into a sitting up position with a gasp. Even if vampires didn't really need air to breathe either being the undead creatures they were. His eyes darted around the room, looking at everyone then down at his hands. He wiggled his fingers a little, watching how they moved, how they were made of flesh and bone.

Jungkook exhaled finally. It was a big ass sigh. They made it! Technically Yoongi made it but damn, he and his brother were extremely relieved to see the dead body moving. He shot his brother a smile, which was tenderly returned. They would make it out alive!

Hoseok didn't pay any mind to the witches. They held up their part so would he. But for now Yoongi was more important. He knelt right beside him, not touching him. He knew newly born vampires could be overwhelmed with all the sensations but how was it for Yoongi, who lived hundreds of years as a ghost?

"Hey, you okay," he whispered. He didn't want to make some loud noise by any chance so as to not startle Yoongi. His gaze was trained on the new vampire, checking him for any sign of discomfort or being unwell. Too many things could go wrong even after the ritual was a success.

"Do you need something to nourish you? Maybe blood?"

Hoseok saw a lot of new vampires so he was prepared. The blood they drained from the body was unusable since vampires couldn't drink their own blood, but he slaughtered two other humans before and drained their blood so Yoongi could have a big ass meal once he came back. It was better to be prepared for every possibility, even if it was overkill sometimes.

Yoongi's eyes quickly jerked to look at Hoseok, staring at him for a good second before clearing his throat, "Yeah, I'm good."
His voice felt a bit scratchy so he rubbed his throat, he figured it was due to it being a new body and all. Maybe it was a bit constricted from dying and being reanimated. It just needed to be loosened up a little or something like that. Or it had to do with vampire hunger, but Yoongi hadn't been in a body for a long while and never had been a vampire so it wouldn't be as easy for him to recognize. He figured it would feel more urgent like he wanted to ravish something, which he wasn't really feeling yet. What he did know was that it was really odd to feel flesh under his finger tips, especially when it was his own.

Hoseok held up one hand for Yoongi to take. It would be quite the different feeling. He smiled gently at the man. This was a really fortunate day for him. One of the best in the last 500 years for sure.

"Can you see alright? Smell? Everything? Just tell me, Yoongi. How do you feel? How does the body feel? Is anything hurting or anything strange or missing?"

If there was a malfunction they could fix it right now. It was better to fix it when the wounds weren't old after all.

Yoongi took Hoseok's hand, gently feeling it, tracing all the little details and joints. Sure it wasn't the normal thing to do, but when he hadn't felt others that much in like forever, it was completely reasonable. He wanted to feel and know how it all worked, "My throat is a bit scratchy but everything else feels okay."
He stilled his fingers to simply hold the vampire's hand, enjoying the fact that he could actually touch him.

"That sounds good," Hoseok let Yoongi do what the other one wanted. It was his right after all. Yoongi had missed his body for over two hundred years and now he had a body, finally. He should enjoy it, a new sensation wasn't the most common thing to come across as a vampire or ghost. Those moments should be cherished

"Maybe you should try to stand up to feel the rest?"

"Maybe I should," Yoongi smiled a little, despite being a bit unsure how it would go. He knew he'd be embarrassed if he fell on his ass or face though, "Promise to keep me steady?"
He looked at his friend, just in case he was too wobbly it would be nice to have some stability. That stability being Hoseok, if the vampire agreed of course. Which wasn't really a question in Yoongi's mind.

"Of course. I will be right beside you," It wasn't even a question in Hoseok's eyes as well. He would be right beside his friend, helping him at every baby step he would take. He was his responsibility too now. He had to help and train Yoongi so he wouldn't become a destructive killing machine. And also because he wanted to be at his friend's side as well.

He grabbed the hand tightly, not too tight to hurt but tight enough to steady and stabilize the not-anymore-ghost. Hoseok would never let him fall down on his own.

"Thanks Hoseok," Yoongi squeezed his friend's hand a little before he tried to pull himself up to his feet. There was so much more weight he had to factor in! Obviously he was no longer weightless or made of air, he was a solid being with organs and bones. It was something he would have to get used to considering he was bodieless for a long time, "Everything feels so heavy."
He grumbled as he stood up with mild difficulty.

"Oh yes, that feeling will follow you for a few weeks or months but you will get used to it," Jungkook piped up. The witches came closer now, seeing that everything seemed in order. Or at least for now. Tae eyed the former ghost over, admiring the work they had done and the choice made like Hoseok was doing earlier. He nodded to himself with a hum, it was a job well done after all.

But Hoseok ignored them as he focused on Yoongi. The man was definitely more important than the annoying witches.

"I'll adapt to it eventually, huh?" Yoongi murmured as he tried to stretch without hurting himself,"I don't mind it though."
It could be far worse, like being weightless then getting blown away by the wind! Now that was worse than feeling like he was attached to the floor.

Hoseok rubbed Yoongi's back, watching his friend take his first steps. This was going better than imagined! He smiled like an idiot, just being happy with the progress, "This is fantastic. Tell me when you are feeling hungry, okay?"

Jungkook pouted since he was rigorously ignored by the pretty vampire. This sucked! But he was also happy since it meant that they would see another day.

"What is hunger supposed to feel like?" Yoongi looked up at his friend that was still taller than him. He should have found someone with longer legs and just tormented him for then being the shortest! He doubted Hoseok would have let him do that, it was just an amusing thought. He smiled at his friend though, showing off his gums as his eyes squinted a little.

"It's a burning sensation in your throat, your vision slowly turns red and your thoughts disappear. Your stomach rumbles, at first softly, then it will hurt if you wait for too long. You lose all reason and just chomp on the next available person regardless of your wishes. You will kill that person if your hunger is too strong. If you feed yourself before that, you can choose to kill them or not. So yeah. What are you feeling right now?"

Hoseok tried to explain it as simply as possible since Yoongi hasn't been a human for some time. But he wasn't sure if Yoongi knew what he meant.

The witches exchanged a look. If Yoongi was too hungry they would be his first target. But thankfully Hoseok was here too. He would protect them now since he promised it and was also prepared. Tae couldn't say he minded the thought of the smaller vampire latching onto his neck. Could be hot, well minus the dying part. That would not be very sexy, not sexy at all really.

"Well my throat is just tight," Yoongi murmured thoughtfully, it could be a sign, "So maybe I should eat, just in case."

At least he seemed pretty calm as he came to the conclusion.

Tightness of the throat could be the first noticeable warning sign in Yoongi's case. So Hoseok simply nodded and fetched a cup with a metal lid. It had a straw poking out of the lid and the cup was black so one couldn't see inside. It could be Boba tea for all he knew. But it wasn't Boba tea - definitely.

"Try to drink it. If it doesn't taste good, we have a few other options," Like Hoseok said, he liked to be prepared.

"Got it all nice for me," Yoongi laughed softly as he took the cup. It was nice to not have to bite some rando. That thought was mildly horrifying to him as of now, but he was sure if he was hungry enough he wouldn't care about latching onto something. For now he simply wrapped his lips around the straw, carefully sipping and trying not to think about it.

"I will always get things nice for you. You deserve that," Hoseok gently said. And he did. He got a nice room for Yoongi in his house, a nice bed to sleep in, a wardrobe filled with clothes and all that he needed now that he was humanoid again. And of course the basement with the food stored was also there.

Jungkook grinned at Tae, oh yes, they knew something more important now. Well, it wasn't such a big surprise after all. But the vampires were kinda extremely obvious about it. No wonder they couldn't live without the other one.

"Sounds like you're trying to woo me," Yoongi teased, not really meaning it or believing it. He just wanted to press Hoseok's buttons. It was amusing to do it and see how he'd react. Hoseok was an interesting specimen with many facets to him. He couldn't help but want to see all of them.

The vampire just raised one eyebrow, being totally not impressed, "Not woo you, but since we are friends, that's the least I can do. You are one of us now. A vampire. And without a partner, a helping hand, you would go down the wrong path too quickly. I don't want to see you there, Yoongi. I want to see you happy and healthy, living your second chance just like you want to. And if me or my presents help you with that, it's the best thing."

Hoseok knew that wasn't what Yoongi insinuated but it could work on a stretch too. He really just wanted to help.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at him, "Pfft, you know your presence helps. Always have been. I don't think the form I'm in really changes how I think of you. You know?"

He smiled at him though showing off his gums, eyes squinting as they typically did, "So don't be too dramatic about it."

"And you know me for more than a few years; you know I am peak drama," Hoseok smiled back. He loved the smile Yoongi had now. It wasn't as if the ghost never smiled before, but now it was even more beautiful, "And my presence is helping; of course it is. I am always helpful. I am the best, simple as it is. But only to you."

Maybe Hoseok was shy and humble in his human life; in his vampire life he definitely was not. He was too confident and too old for that. He knew where he was at the food chain and he acted like it. In all honesty, it was deserved too.

"So, when you drink, do you feel the tightness growing or reducing? And does it even taste?"

They were still trying to figure out if Yoongi was hungry or not and if the blood he drank was good for him or not.

The witches stood by the side, watching all of this. Jungkook wished he had popcorn. It was as frustrating and amusing to watch as any K-Drama running on TV right now.

"I'm never complimenting you again, it goes straight to your already big head," Yoongi snorted at him, he'd probably go back to complimenting Hoseok eventually. After all he had all the time in the world to do so, "My throat feels less tight and it tastes metallic. So not that terrible."

He shrugged with a hum, as he watched the witches from the corners of his eyes.

Hoseok knew Yoongi wasn't half the bite even though he was all bark. It was adorable. Even when he was a ghost, and now as a vampire, one of his own, it was even cuter.

"It seems that it was indeed hunger that you felt. It's good to know. Now you know what to do when you feel that." Hoseok's hand was still on Yoongi's back, steadying him even though he didn't need it anymore.

And that gesture wasn't missed by the witches' eyes. What a peculiar sight indeed. Tae took particular notice. It meant that he would have to step off the newly born vampire, unless Hoseok missed his shot, then he would slide right in to see if he had a chance. If Jungkook liked that idea or not, time would tell. Ford now, the witch wouldn't mind that at all if it meant he would get Hoseok but even he knew that it was unwise to push for it.

Yoongi hadn't tried walking yet, he figured he would be stumbling like a drunk man if he tried. He knew he wasn't exactly stable yet, so he appreciated that Hoseok was there to steady him, "I do, at least it's somewhat subtle."
"Yeah, in the beginning, yes. Let's hope it stays that way."

Hoseok's hunger began a tiny bit differently and he wouldn't want that for Yoongi. Some people - or vampires in that case - were just a tiny bit luckier than him. But now Yoongi tried to walk so Hoseok's attention was all on the vampire. Thankfully nothing bad happened.

The older one looked at the witches and didn't like the glint in their eyes. Time to move on it seemed.

He cleared his throat to get Yoongi's attention and once he had it, he whispered, "Let's go to my home, okay? You probably need a bit of time to get to know your body and I think that's a situation for privacy. What do you say?"

Just because Hoseok didn't like to stay here didn't mean he would vampire-nap Yoongi; he would still ask for his opinion and respect his decisions.
"And getting some clothes would be nice too if we're gonna go to your place." No more dreary cemetery for him with a sad little water hole. Maybe he would miss it a little but for now he was happy to tell it all goodbye. Hopefully, Hoseok's place was better than his former place where his soul was bound too. He had never really gone to see where Hoseok lived before despite being friends so long. Being bound to a place meant he couldn't really be far from it for too long. So seeing Hoseok's place was always a huge no. But not now! He could explore a little and have fun, "We can go, I want to see your home."
That was Hoseok's cue. He went to the bag he brought and procured clothes. It was just a pair of sweatpants and a big shirt as well as new boxershorts, so nothing fancy, but it would do the job. He even brought crocs for Yoongi to slip in. Since Hoseok was such a considerate friend, he chose soft fabrics and for the shirt a few sizes bigger so Yoongi wouldn't feel constricted. It must be a strange feeling to wear a meat suit so it wouldn't be helpful to wear tight clothes on top of that. And the shoes were comfy and easy to put on and off if his friend desired to do so.

He handed the package over, "Do you need help? I think those are easy to put on but if you need help, just say so."

He wouldn't dress Yoongi until the man asked for that himself. He wasn't a baby. Mostly.

"Can I lean on you while I get the pants on? Other than that I am pretty sure I can figure it out," Yoongi chuckled softly as he held the package close to his chest. He knew how clothes worked, considering he still had a ghostly pair that he wore. But he didn't have enough balance to work the pants situation out. Unless he sat and/or laid on the ground to shimmy them on. Which sounded embarrassing and he wasn't about to do that in front of people. It would be a different story if he was out of sight from watchful eyes.

"Sure," as always, Hoseok was here to help his friend. And if he needed a pillar of strength to steady him, he would be that, no questions asked. Also, Yoongi was only like that for at most a couple of days, until he really settled into the body and could move without any help whatsoever. It was a precious time, a time he didn't want to share with the witches. That was why he wanted to get away. The witches would see to the bodies being removed and the house cleaned up, so Hoseok could just leave. That was talked through before they even drew the circle so there were no big surprises here.

Yoongi shifted the packaging to one arm, being careful not to drop anything, then put his free hand on Hoseok's sturdy shoulder. He appreciated having something or someone solid to lean on. Although now he had to figure out if he could hold the package and dress himself at the same time? No he probably couldn't, he wasn't that technically skilled with his body yet. He huffed mostly to himself, "Can you briefly hold this too, I'll just do an article of clothing at a time. As one does."
He looked up at Hoseok with his round eyes and that look was definitely not needed. Hoseok simply took the clothes and smiled. Why was Yoongi still asking? The vampire would do what he was asked of course!

With their combined help, it didn't take long for the not-ghost to be dressed. Hoseok turned to the witches and nodded at them. After receiving their nod back, he placed one arm around Yoongi and vanished from the sight of the two.

He shadow-wandered with Yoongi in his arms with ease. It took them maybe two whole seconds and they materialized in front of a mansion, far outside the city. Hoseok eased his grip on the waist as he looked around.

"Sorry for that, but Tae was looking at you strangely. I don't trust him. So I ported up out of there. Welcome to your new home. This is my house."

He nodded to the big ass mansion and smiled softly at the smaller vampire. He wasn't really regretting getting them out of there so soon. Tae's glint wasn't exactly nice to see and he didn't want to spend more time than needed in their vicinity. If Yoongi went from good to worse, he would visit them soon enough anyway.

"You're really living up to the vampire expectations huh? Having a mansion," Yoongi snorted, at least it wasn't a castle. Although a castle would be kind of epic, just not that fun to live in. A mansion could at least be homely and cozy. A castle not so much, it was a lot colder in those and more of a statement than a home. Yoongi looked around to see what the surrounding area was like and if it looked haunted or not, "I wasn't really paying attention to the witches, honestly. I didn't notice if Tae or Jungkook were staring weirdly."
He had other things on his brain, which seemed fair considering he just got tied to a new body.

"Well, yeah. I have a mansion here. In other countries it's a castle if you want to travel." Hoseok chuckled. He did have one here as well but he thought Yoongi wanted to stay in a smaller space to get used to it. Thankfully the mansion wasn't haunted. For now at least. Who knew what would happen in the next few hundreds of years, right? But Hoseok tried to not think about that.

"Or do you want a castle, like in the old movies? We can move to one as well if you insist."

The vampire laughed and ruffled Yoongi's hair. Now he could finally do that! The soft strands ran through his fingers and Hoseok marveled at the feeling. Now it didn't take a lot of energy to pat or touch Yoongi anymore. It was all natural now.

And he didn't want to talk about the witches anymore. If Yoongi didn't notice, that was good. Now they were far from them and they knew what would happen if they disturbed them. His mansion still had a dungeon after all. So he left the topic, not addressing it again. If Yoongi wanted to ask about them, he was free to do that of course.

"I'm good with a mansion, castles are cool but not something I think I'd want to live in. They have a different feel to them, and I don't think homely is one of those feelings." Yoongi nodded a bit to himself despite talking to his friend still, "Shall we go inside? Maybe you can give me the tour? Show me how you've been living in your old age."
Yoongi chuckled, he may be stuck eternally at the same age but Hoseok was still basically elderly. An old man stuck in a young man's body.

"Hmm, you get used to castles. At least I did," Hoseok ruffled through the pitch black hair again before ponting at the door, "That's the door. You can open it."

That brought out a chuckle out of the older vampire. Of course Yoongi knew what a door was, so he immediately kept talking, "Anyway, let's go then. I prepared the bedroom next to mine so if you have trouble, I will be right beside you to help you. Not that I think you will need it, but it can't hurt. If you want to move away later, that's no problem."

Together they walked to the door and Hoseok stopped. It was probably 200 years since Yoongi opened a door with his own hand, not magic, but his flesh. So he would do him the honor.

"You can go inside. Try it."

The older one would help if that was necessary but for now, that was Yoongi's moment.

"Let's hope my arms aren't weak, is it a push or pull?" Yoongi chuckled, he wanted to make sure before he embarrassed himself. Although most doors pushed inwards, which Yoongi knew but it didn't hurt to check. Either way he wrapped his fingers around the doorknob.

"Push." Hoseok watched as Yoongi steadied and steeled himself to open the door. This would be a new chapter in his life. Also there was the present in the dungeon! He could not forget that. But for now he would let Yoongi have his fun.

Yoongi nodded, thankful that he was told. So carefully he turned the knob and pushed the heavy door open, "They don't make doors like this anymore, huh?"
He chuckled, he sounded old too, especially when making a comparison of past quality to modern quality. Sounded like something he would hear from his elders when he was younger. Although life was a bit more depressing then.

"Yeah, sadly so." The older followed his friend into the entrance hall. All the walls were painted a dark burgundy but all the accents were white, like the doorframes, doors and picture frames as well as the lights. The floor was dark wood - parquet flooring most likely - with white long rugs on top of it. On white wooden tables were big white vases, filled with long-stemmed red flowers. They were all real, no fakes. And they looked fresh. The pictures were all paintings from people Yoongi didn't know. How could he? They were friends, either already dead or still alive, from Hoseok. While he was a bit lonely in the close vicinity since no other vampire was with him, he still had friends all over the world. Not a lot, but some. And now he added one more friend to the undead.

"Less dark and broody than I imagined," Yoongi teased lightly with a small chuckle, "I like it though, it has a warm feeling to it."
He glanced over all the pictures, not asking questions, just looking because he wanted to admire without bringing up possibly painful memories.

"Well, I'm not always dark and broody, my friend. Only occasionally. And for that I have my 'dark and broody' rooms," As they stepped inside, he chuckled softly, letting Yoongi take his sweet time. They weren't in a rush anymore. He stepped beside the newly turned vampire and looked at the face of an old friend. Ah yes, Namjoon. He met that sucker before he even met Yoongi. They wrote letters in the olden days, now they switched to emails. It was not the same but still very much appreciated. He and Jin - another vampire from the east - were probably in Chile right now. They always traveled the world together.

"You wanna see your room or do you want to take a tour through the house?"

Calling it a mansion was just too over the top. Also it was one of his smallest possessions, so 'house' was fitting enough in Hoseok's eyes.
"Let's take a tour, first. Then save the best for last, my room," Yoongi smiled warmly at him, he was ready to be led around. He wanted to see everything that Hoseok was willing to show him. Nothing more and nothing less, he would take what was given. As it should be, since it was disrespectful to cross the line of what someone was willing to do. Willingness in all situations was very important.

"Sure. lemme show you my tiny house," Hoseok laughed and taking Yoonig's hand to start the tour.


It took them almost three hours but Hoseok showed almost every single room in the mansion. Only the basement - his dungeon - and their bedrooms were yet to be shown. Currently they were on the third floor and in front of big ass double doors. They looked extremely new, they even smelled new. While their design was just as all the others, they were a tiny bit different. Thanks to their enhanced vision they could see the difference.

Hoseok let go of Yoongi's hand and motioned at the doorknob.

"This is your bedroom. Take a look."

"Tiny house my ass," Yoongi chuckled under his breath with an eye roll, mostly to himself. He had the odd habits of talking to himself without much concern for the host hearing. Either way he stepped towards the door, lightly running his fingers over it. It was nice feeling objects so he was going to enjoy it in case he couldn't anymore. Carefully he grasped the doorknob, gently turning it before pushing it open.
The room was cream and beige colored. Since Hoseok didn't want Yoongi to continue to live in dark muddy water, he chose a much lighter color. Also he liked this color. The white accents were all throughout the mansion and Yoongi's room wasn't any different. The painting which depicted landscapes and still life was a pop of color since the flooring was cream colored carpet - it was extremely soft to boot - and the bed as well as a small sitting area in front of the fireplace were white. The blankets and color of the plushy looking pillows were also a darker shade of beige. The room had everything Yoongi wanted - or needed - so it was no surprise to see three more white doors. One led to a bathroom, one to an adjacent dressing room, filled with clothes in Yoongi's size, and one was a mystery door.

Both stepped in and Hoseok went to the middle of the room, pointing at each door to explain what was behind it. Two doors were on the left side and only one at the right. After explaining the lefties, he pointed at the right door.

"And that leads to my bedroom. So when you have trouble sleeping or anything, you can come over. It's open all the time."

A small key was in the lock and Hoseok pointed that out, "You can choose to lock it of course. I won't disrupt you if you don't want that."

The door wasn't able to be locked from the other side so it showed how much trust Hoseok had in Yoongi.

"If you are missing something - anything - just tell me. I will try to get it for you," the vampire smiled at his friend, "Do you like it?"

"I like it, thank you," Yoongi said shyly as he felt the carpet under his bare feet, he curled his toes a little with a hum. He decided it felt nice. His next step was to try the bed, he wanted to see if it was as comfortable as the floor apparently was. He figured it would be great for when he laid there through an existential crisis. Hoseok must know him well, so that was why everything was plush. For the impending crisis that would make Yoongi just flop anywhere available. He would just lay there like a corpse, blending into his surroundings. He was plae and the room was pale, so it all worked out.

While Hoseok's train of thoughts were a tiny bit different he was happy all the same. If Yoongi liked it - for whatever reason - it was good enough.

"No coffin for now but also no windows. You need a little bit of adjusting before your eyes can take in all the direct sunlight."

And yes, the windows showed a wonderful landscape, but it wasn't real. It was also a painting. Hoseok had the windows closed shut and ordered people to paint it so Yoongi could see 'outside' somehow. It wasn't the real thing, true, but something akin to it. Not that they would burn and die in the sunlight but their eyes were extremely sensitive the first year or so after being turned. That was also why all the lights were pretty much dimmed.

"Well sleeping on something that isn't a coffin seems nice, considering I was kinda stuck in a watery grave for a long while. I kinda want to avoid the whole dead feeling you know?" Yoongi chuckled as he shrugged with a smile, "I am okay with the current arrangements. I really don't mind. All I can say is thanks."

He smiled warmly up at his friend with a grin, showing his gums as he grinned.

Ahhh, Hoseok loved that smile so much! He stepped closer and put his hands on Yoongi's plush cheeks to gently squish them, smiling down at the vampire, "Perfect then. You are now a tiny bit more alive than before. At least I can touch you now."

He bent closer and squished the cheeks a bit more. A sudden urge came over him, his eyes flashing a split second blood red, before he let go of his friend and stepped back - for his and Yoongi's safety.

"Well, I think I will leave you alone now. Or do you need anything?"

Yoongi snorted, not understanding why Hoseok squished his face or why his eyes were going red, but he didn't look too much into it, "Well, I am happy to be able to have physical contact with you at least. Not too psyched about others but if it's you it's okay." he smiled softly as he watched the other vampire, "Will you be in your room then?"
He tilted his head to the side as he asked, looking up at the man. Hoseok shrugged, not knowing where he would go. Maybe the basement.

"I dunno. Maybe? I'm not sure," Saying that, Hoseok squished his cheeks again and smiled. Oh yes this was wonderful. It could become his new hobby. But he let go of the soft cheek and took another step back, "If you are looking for me, you can just say my name or shout outside the door. I will hear you if I'm in the house."

Needless to say, Hoseok would immediately come to Yoongi if he needed him. He was the prince on the white horse in shining armor for his friend. Of course he would come.

"Okay, if I need you I'll shout," Yoongi nodded, not entirely sure what he would do by himself. Sure he had been alone before but this admittedly was different. It made him unsure of what he was supposed to do with himself. As a ghost he would just kinda lay around, reliving his trauma and killing bad people. But he supposed he wasn't bound to that anymore, which played into his pre being turned panic; of not knowing who he was anymore. How would he function without all his baggage, how would he function without everything that had happened to him? He had thought Hoseok lucky to not remember, but Yoongi had been remembering for so long he didn't know how he would function without it. What was he besides Hoseok's friend or a victim? It was nice to have a chance to define who he was now but it was also terrifying, because Yoongi didn't know who or what he would find under the layers of pain. What if he was nothing? Maybe that wouldn't be terrible, because he could at least remake himself.

As Hoseok closed the door behind him, he leaned against the door and slowly slid down, burying his head in his hands. The surge of pure want rushing through him as he touched Yoongi was too much. He was his friend not his prey! Although being a 'prey' didn't mean the same now. He didn't want to bite and kill and feed on Yoongi, oh no. He wanted to attack him, sure, but not the neck but rather his lips. Hoseok knew what that meant the second that shitty urge came over him.

The vampire sighed and banged his head against the door. Maybe if he cracked his skull open, these thoughts would spill out, alongside his brain? Probably not. Once he was healed up from that, it would be all the same.

And Hoseok didn't know what to do now. He knew he wanted Yoongi as much more than his friend. Way, way more. But he was just recently turned, still had the baggage of being a victim of manslaughter and he still didn't get his revenge. Well, the revenge part was easy - that was Hoseok's second present, waiting 'patiently' in the basement - but all the rest was not. And before Yoongi was at least liking himself a tiny bit, he couldn't - and shouldn't - make a move on him. But it wouldn't help him to stay away from his friend.

Hoseok had a lot of books in his mansion. Way more than a normal human could ever read. And he had rows and rows of books on vampires. Real books, not the fake ones with all the stupid stuff inside from the humans, but real ones. One written for and by a vampire itself.

And that urge only came once over a vampire. Only when he met his soulmate - funnily enough it was called that even though they didn't really have a soul anymore.

Hoseok knew he couldn't fight it, couldn't stay away and most certainly couldn't force Yoongi to be with him. He would be no better than the scum that killed his friend off. He didn't want that. But what to do now? Telling Yoongi everything? Hah, he would be skinned alive if he was ever to mention a union between ... their ... bodies ... Oh lord, he should stop. Touching Yoongi was a big deal in the first place - well, Yoongi allowing him to be touched by Hoseok was - and those were light and gentle pets!

Hoseok rubbed his face, not really happy with the situation. How could he have such impure thoughts about his friend? Not that it was his brain dictating to bed Yoongi, no, that was pure instinct. He hated it so much sometimes.

His eyes were blood red as he looked up at the ceiling, praying to any and every god he knew and didn't believe in, and hoped that would stop. Well, that or he would go crazy for sure. Not a fun thing to think about.

For now, he crawled into the bed, hiding underneath the black blanket to shut everything out. It wouldn't help much, but at least he could shove his nose into the pillow to not smell that delicious hunk of vampire meat right next to him.

Hoseok hitting his head against the door wasn't exactly quiet, especially when their rooms were next to each other. It was a pretty obvious noise that made Yoongi startle a little. He had been deep in thought but the concern took him from his existential crisis. He looked at the door that connected their rooms. Carefully he walked to the door, lightly knocking on it, instead of barging in or something, "Hey, you okay? I heard some thudding?"
He was playing it safe so he could give Hoseok privacy and space if need be. If anything it seemed like Hoseok needed that right now. And the older vampire definitely did. He just shouted, "Yeah, I'm fine. I slipped but I'm fine." to calm Yoongi down. If the other would enter his bedroom right now, he would probably jump him. And not in a good way. More like, ripping his clothes from his body-kind of way. That didn't seem very 'friendship' to him. Hoseok buried his nose deeper into the pillow and hoped that urge would go away.

"Just want to make sure, you're so old I don't want you hurting yourself," Yoongi teased softly, although his tone was still worried. It was almost clear that he didn't buy what Hoseok was saying but wanted to respect his friend's privacy.
"If it turns out things aren't okay, then I'll be around." Yoongi softly added as he stepped back from the door. He figured if Hoseok wanted to discuss something, he would be honest in the first place. However, it didn't hurt to remind the other vampire that he didn't have to be alone if he didn't want to be.

"Ya, thanks." Hoseok knew that the sudden urge coming over him would be gone in a few minutes - or hours - so he knew he would see Yoongi later. Well, the urge would still be there, just different, more subdued. It would be like a blanket was put over it, until the blanket was ripped away again. But for now, he needed distance. Also, Yoogi had a whole mansion to play with now. He could roam and find himself, if he wanted to. Now Yoongi had this chance and Hoseok didn't want to rip that away from him.

Yoongi gave a hum as a response, thinking maybe he should leave his room. So Hoseok could work things out without Yoongi hearing him. He wanted to give him time, it was courtesy or so Yoongi thought. So he slipped out of the bedroom to go find the library. Maybe he could find some answers about himself in the books. Maybe he could find something that would give him some semblance of purpose. Carefully he left the room to go to the library.

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