City of the Dead

By nessadelilah

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Annabelle Cambell is a medical student with hopes of becoming a doctor one day. When she needs financial supp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 12

449 12 0
By nessadelilah

The stars covered the night sky, and the moonlight was serene and calming, that I had not noticed that our group was drawing near the small village. A small speckle of light far in the distance draws near as we inch closer to the village. It's probably been at least a couple of hours since I left my group in Hamunaptra. These past few hours gave me some time to contemplate my decision to leave. There could have been some things that I wish I could have changed, especially towards Isaac, but what's done is done, I'm past the point of no return.

As we arrived at the village, there was an uproar of music and laughter. There is still life despite how late at night it probably was. There was some sort of celebration occurring in the village as children were playing with toys and there was live music playing. The two medjai warriors guided me through the village and made our way to a watering hole, where they halted and dismounted off their horses. I did the same and grabbed my horse's lead to make its way to the water. The two men gestured for me to follow them, "This way Ms. Cambell."

I followed them to a small tent and as I entered, it was a quaint living space, there was a small lamp and bedding on the floor that looked rather comfortable. I turned to the two men and expressed my gratitude to them, "Thank you, I appreciate you men doing this. I don't know how to thank you and your leader enough."

"Do not thank us, Ms. Cambell," said one of the warriors. I gave a faint smile, but that smile quickly turned into a face of concern and my mind was trying to revert back into my deep thoughts. I tried not to return to that state of silence, because I knew that if I get to that point, I would never be able to come out of it until morning. Laughter erupted from outside the tent, as I placed my belongings next to the bedding. The laughter of children just outside, reminded me of my younger days, playing outside during a holiday of some sort. The sound of children definitely helped my mind be at ease, as I was curious to what they were celebrating. "What are they celebrating?" I had asked the two warriors, who I assumed were still in the tent with me.

"It's Ramadan." said a voice that I knew too well. I turned to see him, the man in black from earlier today. I didn't even notice him entering the tent, he took off his face covering as he said something in Arabic as the two men stepped out of the tent. I had not expect him to be here, yet I feel as though, he never left my side. "I didn't expect you to be here" I said.

He started to look around the tent, as if inspecting the living conditions were sub par to his standards. "I had to make sure you had made it here safe and to return this to you." He replied as he held up the New Kingdom of Egypt book in front of me. I was shocked to see the book that he took last night, was returned back to me. "My book, I thought I was never going to get this back." I had said."It was only fair that I brought this back to you, it's not in my nature to steal things that don't belong to me," he replied. He handed me the book and his fingers grazed the palm of my hand, sending shivers down my body. I tried to ignore my bodies reaction to that and expressed my gratitude to him. "You didn't have to do that, but I greatly appreciate it. I'm sorry you went out of your way to accommodate me, but I assure you I plan on returning the favor."

He laughed at my comment and said, "If more people were like you, maybe we would be helping out travelers more." I paused at his comment, as I suspect they don't get many travelers who probably don't have good intentions. "Why is that?" I had asked.

"Not many people have a good moral compass when it comes to empathy or doing what's right. But you Ms. Cambell are different." The man took a step closer towards me and I hesitated on taking a step back. He was towering over me, I looked up to meet his eyes as he continued, "You could have attacked me in that tent last night, but instead you used your advantage to protect someone who couldn't protect themselves. Why is that?" I looked at him with such bewilderment as I did not know why I did what I did.

"To be honest, I don't know myself. I just reacted and that was the first thing that I did, I mean what else was I suppose to do?" I set the book down on the bed and continued, "Besides, I don't think I would have been able to take you on in an actual fight. You would overpower me, that's for sure." Just by me saying that, a memory emerged in my thoughts. Memories of Isaac, teaching me how to fight, just a few days before. I tried to push those memories in the back of my mind, because if I don't, then I will surely be in a state of silence. 

Why am I like this? I try not to let these things get to me, but I overthink and over analyze into things like this. This has been an ongoing issue that I have learned about myself since I was probably fifteen. At first, it was certain conversations that would replay in my mind, but now, it's grown to be certain events as well. My thoughts were paused as I felt the man's hand on my shoulder as he questioned. "Are you alright?"

I turned my head to look at the man, as he noticed my concerned expression. I tried to hide my face by looking down to the floor, but the man grabbed me by my shoulder and brought me in so that he could give me a hug. To be honest, this was not  what I was expecting from someone like him. "I'm sorry." he said. All of a sudden, the thoughts that I had moments ago, seemed to have faded. Sorry? What does he mean? The man continued, "I didn't mean to bring that up, I didn't know it would have upset you." The thumping of his heart, was pounding right next to my ear as he was hugging me. He reminds me of Isaac in a way, that seems very protective of me for some reason. I gently push the man's chest to stop him from hugging me as I commented, "I'm sorry, don't you think it's weird that you're comforting me like this and yet I don't know your name." He laughed with a smile that caused my heart to race by looking at him. "My name is Ardeth, Ms. Cambell." I felt my face starting to flush with heat, that what came next, was not in character of me. "What does that mean?"

Did I really just asked, what does that mean? God, he must think I'm such an idiot. That was probably the most American thing I could have asked. It wasn't until I looked to see his expression that he started blushing. Oh no, I must have really embarrassed him with that question. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. Just forget that I said anything."

"No, no. I just never had anyone ask me that question before. To be honest, it's kinda embarrassing to tell you." 

"Embarrassing? How so?" I asked. He turned his head away from me and said, under his breath,

"..... it means blooming meadow...."

His face turned bright red after his comment.

"Well that's not too bad, what's so bad about a meadow?"

He then commented after saying,

"... it's a girl's name..."

After hearing that, my body reacted in a way, that only Isaac, Bernard and David has only seen, I started laughing. "Pfft!" I couldn't contain myself as I bursted out laughing. Of course Ardeths' face turned the brightest red I had ever seen on anyone. I immediately stopped and said "I'm sorry! I tried not to laugh, I swear!" He gave a small chuckle to me and said, "It's alright, I guess my parents really wanted a girl."

We both started laughing together until we heard more music roaring out in the village. I looked at Ardeth and the light that illuminated from the small lamp made him look somewhat mysterious and charming. I broke the silence and asked, "So what's this Ramadan?" Ardeth looked at me when I had asked that question. He stood up, gave me his hand, and with a smile on his face said, "Come, I'll show you." As I grabbed his hand, Ardeth and I walked out of the tent as he explained the tradition of Ramadan.

"The people of Egypt would pray and refrain from eating or drinking during the day, until the sun sets, then everyone is allowed to indulge themselves with food, drinks and even music. It is a time for self reflection and strengthening their relationship with god. Which is why you see children playing, music roaring and everyone enjoying themselves."

I looked in awe, as everyone was in celebration and witnessed how beautiful this tradition is. "It's beautiful, it's like everyone is a family." I said. I listened to the pounding of drums, laughter and children playing as it brought fond memories of my childhood, with Isaac, Bernard, David and I being together, having fun and enjoying life.

Unfortunately that happiness was interrupted as the voice of a man behind me and Ardeth started talking. Ardeth was talking back in his native language and the tone in his voice seemed concerning. Afterwards the man walked away and proceeded to grab horses. "What happened?" I asked Ardeth. He looked to me and said, "I must go back. I need to lead my men to the camp and make sure your friends leave tonight."

He started walking away and I followed after him. As he grabbed the lead to his horse I had asked, "Ardeth! Remember our deal, please watch over my friends." He looked at me with his golden brown eyes, as he reached out his hand for a handshake, "I promise, Ms. Cambell."

I grabbed his hand to shake it and replied, "Call me Annabelle. It means graceful." We both gave a smile to each other as he rode off towards the desert and I was alone yet again.

Hours had passed and the celebration from earlier had dimmed down to a small chatter. I couldn't sleep, so I had started reading the 'House of Life' book that I had bought from this village on the beginning of our voyage. It wasn't long when I started hearing this sort of buzzing noise from outside my tent. I set my book down as the buzzing noise was louder and seemed to be getting closer. When suddenly a locust landed on my lamp in my tent. I looked at the locust and saw how big it was.

"What the hell?"

When screaming erupted in the village, I ran outside my tent to find a swarm of locusts had engulfed the village. I couldn't see much, but I could hear the horrors of what could be occurring in this village. I ran back to my tent and tried to close the entrance of the tent with rope so that the locust couldn't come in.

I could feel the locust hitting the entrance of my tent, as I was tying it with rope, to close it. It felt like it was heavy rain drops against the tent entrance. All I could hear was the screams and panic in the village. The locust that managed to enter were eating away at my tent, I panicked and grabbed my bag and started hitting the locust. Until I had killed the last of the locust in my tent, I was exhausted and the cries of the villagers were still roaring in the background. I closed my eyes and said under my breath in a faint whisper,

"...I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry...."

Shortly after the buzzing of the locust stopped and I opened my eyes. There were cries for help in the village and I unraveled the rope that held the tent entrance closed.

As I opened the tent I saw the aftermath of what had occurred. Tents were torn to shreds, there were disembodied remains of those who were unlucky to be outside during this attack. I saw a man carrying the remains of his little boy in his arms, crying in distraught. I fell to my knees, in the aftermath of this horror. This village was just celebrating and having the time of their lives, then this happened and it soon became a disaster.

Afterwards, me and some of the villagers set up a triage area for those who were injured, using whatever supplies were remaining. Luckily for us, most of the injuries that we saw were open wounds, so stitching them up was the extent of what care they needed. We eventually were able to catch up and the majority of the villagers went to help in other areas. I remained in the triage area, making sure that everyone was comfortable.

Hours had passed and dawn was nearing. I was tired and exhausted from the lack of sleep that I was close to collapsing on the ground and sleeping in the dirt. I started to close my eyes and felt my body relax.

I woke up to the sound of the villagers causing a commotion as they were making their way to one end of the village. I quickly got up and started making my way in the direction of said commotion. I was weaving through the crowd trying to see what was on the other side of the village. As I made my way to the front of the crowd, I heard someone use my name.

"Has anyone seen Anna? Anna Cambell?"

That voice, it wasn't Isaac or the boys. It sounded like Rick O'Connell.

"Rick?!" I yelled over the crowd.

I pushed through the crowd and when I got there, I saw the small familiar group of men.

"Anna!" said Rick O'Connell and behind him I see Jonathan and Dr. Chamberlain followed him.

"Thank god you're here, we thought we had missed you." said Jonathan.

"What's going on?" I asked.

The three then led me to the outskirts of the village where they entered a tent.

As I pushed through the entrance of the tent, I saw the group in the tent turn their heads towards me, where I can see Isaac, David and Evelyn hovering over the body of Bernard.

"Anna!" Isaac said as he came to escort me in, but something was wrong. I nudged Isaac off of me as I walked closer to Bernard's body. I covered my mouth as I saw the horror of what beheld Bernard. His eyes were gouged out and there was nothing but the empty sockets of what remained. I couldn't move. My body froze as my friend Bernard was laying there, sickly and on death's door.

My hands started shaking as I went to Bernards side and asked in a shaking voice,

"What happened..... Bernard, he....... it's not supposed to be like this..."

David grabbed my hand and asked,

"Anna, can you give him something for the pain?"

I looked at everyone in the tent, faces looking at me with despair in their eyes. The same faces that looked at me when I left the ruins.

I let go of David's hand and grabbed Bernard's, then started crying over my friend.

"Leave us...."

"Anna" said Evelyn.

"I said....go...."

Everyone then left the tent and when they did, my tears couldn't stop. I brought Bernards hand to my head and said under my breath,

"I'm so sorry..... I shouldn't have left. If I hadn't, then you wouldn't be like this....."

Bernard then grabbed my hand and said in a muffled voice

"Iz not yor faul, Ana...."

I cried even more when I realized Bernard's tongue was also gone. I couldn't get up and I started panicking. I yelled for Isaac and David to come help me. They came quickly and they asked what I needed.

"I need someone to get my bag, it's in the village where the triage area is."

"I got it" said David and left for it.

Isaac then grabbed my arm and helped me up from the ground.

I leaned my body against him and he asked, "Think he'll make it Anna?"

I looked at him in his sky blue eyes and said,

"I don't know....."

As soon as David came with my bag, I had the two help me bandage Bernard's eyes as I pulled up a sedative to help Bernard relax and take away his pain. I was mostly worried about his fever, since I've been here, his body has not been able to break this fever of his. I had Isaac bring water from the river and start soaking rags in it to try and cool Bernard off, but nothing was working.

I go to Isaac and David and informed them, "We need to take him back to the city, he needs antibiotics and I don't have anything for him to break this fever of his. We need to leave before tonight, otherwise he's not going to make it through the night." I said.

They were in agreement with me as they understood the gravity of the situation.

"Then we'll leave right now," said Isaac.

"I'll let the others know," said David as he went to tell the others.

I went to grab my remaining supplies and started packing and getting Bernard ready for the trip. The rest of the group grabbed supplies for the trip back to Cairo and when we were just about to leave, Isaac comes up to me and said, "Anna....I'm sorry. I never should have said those things about you and I regret letting you leave. But we need you now, more than ever. So please, save Bernard." I looked at Isaac and dropped my bag to give him a hug. He hugged me back as I started crying in his chest.

"I'm sorry, I never should have left you guys. Maybe if I hadn't left..."

"No! Don't blame yourself for this! You had every right to leave! Don't apologize for this!" said Isaac.

He held my head close to his chest and he started brushing my hair with his fingers.

We continued to pack and soon after we started riding back to Cairo. With Bernard strapped to my back, we rode in the direction of the city, following up the Nile. Isaac, Bernard, David, Dr. Chamberlain, Rick, Evelyn, Jonathan and I all rode together, leaving behind the nightmare we had endured in this desert.

At least that's what we thought.



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