would've could've should've |...

By songofsapphire

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our hearts were never one More

characters, pti
characters, ptii
the dragon king
the silver seahorse
the goodwill
the red lion

the abdication

73 0 0
By songofsapphire

"Open the door.", a voice called behind the door.

"Ser Criston we can't-"

"Open the door, it is the queen's orders. She wishes for her son.", Criston pressed and when the guards didn't open the door he pushed it and entered it.

Aegon was sitting on the bed, clearly hungover from the morning and just woke up, and there was a girl next to him, half-naked, covered in blankets and also obviously just woke up.

Criston bowed and Aegon asked while rubbing his eyes. "Ser Criston?"

He looked at the woman next to him. "You can leave.", the girl looked to Aegon and when he nodded she quickly got up and left. "Come on, got up and get dressed. You are being late.", even in this state, Aegon could tell that Criston was furious.

"You can't give orders to me."

"I can if it's necessary, my king. Do you know why? Because I have sworn to your mother that I will protect you, even from yourself."

"You are overreacting.", Aegon huffed and lay down again. "It's just a stupid dinner, mother wouldn't even realize my absence."

"Do you think this is only about a dinner, Aegon?", Criston frowned. "It is about you. Everybody around you are worried about you. We all try to make you feel better in your position, and we all try to support you. And you do what? Cheat on your wife repeatedly, humiliate her in front of the court and in public, have outbursts in council meetings and ignore your mother. This is not how a king behaves."

"And you know a lot about that?", he put his arm to his eyes. "How a king behaves?"

"I had witnessed your father's rule for 14 years. I know exactly how a king shouldn't behave.", Criston snapped.

"Kings before me had mistresses."

"No king had a mistress. Not Aegon, not Aenys or Maegor and definitely not Jaehaerys or your father. Also having a ...commoner girl in your bed is not making her your mistress. Do you really think this low of your sister?"

"My sister, my wife, my business.", Aegon opened his arms. "Now go Cole, I'll sleep."

"No, you won't."

Aegon opened one eye. "You are getting bold, Cole. Be careful to not to cross a boundary, I am your king."

"Yes you are, but you are also my stepson.", he raised his eyebrows and opened his arms. "And right now I am talking to my stepson."

"Your stepson is 29.", Aegon mocked. "Still not under your jurisdiction."

Criston smiled and took the clothes from the side and throw it to Aegon. "Now, wear these and let us go."

Aegon changed his position to sit down, looked at the clothes and then at Criston and laughed. "Get out Cole, I am not coming."

"You are coming, Aegon.", he hissed.


"I told you to get up!", Criston approached him and pulled him to his feet much to Aegon's surprise. "You may spend your gold to lickspittles and to your whores, you can mistreat servants and squires, you can have public quarrels with Rhaenyra and tease Aemond as much as you want but there is one thing you will not do, one thing I will not let you; disrespecting your mother!", he said all these while holding his head between his hands. "You are not a child anymore just like you said, every action you make has consequences."

"It is just one stupid dinner that mother throws to remember a man who never loved her or cared about her or did you forget all these Cole?", Aegon pushed Criston. "He was too busy with Rhaenyra and her bastards, never had time for her or for us. Everybody knows that no one wants to go to that dinner and not even mother. She only does that to not feel guilty. Why am I the only one who gets harsh responses when I stated the truths that everybody knows?"

"Yes you are right.", Criston nodded. "Your parents' relationship was strained and Alicent always cared about him more. But still, he is your father, you should remember him in a good light."

"No one wants to do that.", Aegon pressed every word.

"No they don't, but they do nevertheless because of your mother. To make her happy. Why can't you?"

"Cole?", Aegon asked when Criston turned to leave. "How did you know about these?"

"What do you mean?"

"The whores and servants?"

"Everybody in the Keep knows t-", Criston tried to explain.

"No, not everyone.", Aegon looked at him with intense eyes. "I keep the girls away from Helaena deliberately, and my 'mistreatment' of servants and squires is definitely not public information. I yell at them only when I'm alone. So I repeat how did you know it?"

Criston kept his silence and Aegon understood who he was protecting.

"Tell my brother that if he ever pays people for information, I'll speak in a langue that he understands."


"You are late.", Aemon said when Aegon finally entered to the dining room. Alicent was sitting on the head of the table, Aemond and Daeron were on her left, the first chair on her right was left for Aegon and Helaena was sitting next to it.

"You should be grateful that I came in the first place.", Aegon huffed and sat in his place. "Tell your husband that if he crosses his line one more time, then his punishment will be severe."

"What's that mean?", Alicent froze. "Did you have a quarrel?"

"The context is unimportant, just warn him."

Alicent looked very tired like she had no energy to fight with anyone. She just closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Let's pray."

Everybody crossed their hands, Alicent, Aemond and Aegon closed their eyes while Helaena and Daeron shared a look.

"May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith mend the bones that have been broken for far too long. And to Viserys Targaryen, may the Gods give him peace and happiness in his rest.", the prayer ended and she looked to all of her children one by one. "We are gathered here to reminisce about your father, my husband. It has been 15 years since the day he passed. Viserys-", she looked very emotional and was a loss for words. "-was many things-"

"Yes, incompetent, neglectful, abusive and unfair."

"Aegon!", Alicent warned her son with sadness. "Let's not remember the dead with sorrow-"

"Why?", Aegon laughed and Aemond kicked him under the table. "He was a bad person, a bad father and a bad husband. Dying didn't fix any of these. He never treated us right, why would we treat his memory right?"

"His sins had been erased with his death, we had talked about this-"

"I just don't understand why we must lie to ourselves about him just to portray him in a good light.", he deadpanned. "He spent his entire life with defending Rhaenyra's mistakes and her bastards' rights, they don't even mention his name ever since he died. He treated all of us poorly, you yourself had to endure him for years-"

"I had loved your father.", Alicent's eyes were filled with tears.

"Loving your captor wasn't some blessing, mother. You had to."

Alicent looked so heartbroken. "He wasn't my captor. He loved me too-"

"Yes, of course, he loved you. But I am not sure when did he love you more. When did he threaten to cut off your tongue when you tried to defend Aemond? Or when he called you Aemma? Or when he touched you without your permission?", Aegon's words were harsh and they caused utter silence in the room.

Alicent looked like she had been slapped across the face, utter shock and heartbreak were plain as day. She was never good at hiding her emotions. Helaena looked down, Aemond's eye was glittering with anger and Daeron was looking at the walls with a frown.

"Excuse me children.", Alicent finally spoke. "I think it is time for me to go to the rest."


"No, Aemond. It's alright.", she tried to smile. "I had been tired the whole day already and I lacked appetite ever since the morning. You continue.", she looked to Aegon who didn't meet her eyes. She knew her son better than anyone and the regret over the things he had said was visible. She put a hand on his shoulder for a second but then pulled it back and tried not to break down and cry while going to her chambers.


"Was that necessary?", Aemond asked after a few tense minutes. He was obviously furious but trying to calm himself.

"Aemond.", Helaena warned while Aegon didn't even bother himself with answering his brother. He was peacefully eating his food.

"We should go hunting soon.", Daeron tried to melt the ice between the two brothers. "Though I must admit I had forgotten which beasts were living in the King's Wood. Would you remind me some time, Aegon?"

"Of course brother. You can always come to my chambers to talk.", Aegon said sweetly, then his eyes caught Aemond's unblinking one and smiled slyly. "Though you should inform me first. Since Aemond comes unexpectedly I never have a chance to ...welcome him properly."

"Yes, brother, you must definitely inform him first. Or you may catch him in an unfavourable position.", Aemond snapped back.

"Aemond.", Helaena warned again. "Aegon!", she raised her voice a little. "Leave us alone.", she sent the maids and the servants and the remaining kingsguards from the room. "Whatever this is going on between you, you will talk it right here and end it. You have no right to make anyone nervous. Mother had prepared this dinner to reminisce about father and have family time together. You had ruined it for her, do not ruin it for Daeron and me too."

"Yes, this thing between you two hurts all of us.", Daeron joined his sister.

"Tell it to him, he is the one who likes to be sly and make his business from people's back."

"I really wonder sometimes how can you keep looking at us!", Aemond yelled while putting the fork a little too harshly.

"Aemond that's enough!", Daeron yelled with frustration.

"You got your ammunition, go ahead, strike me then.", Aegon huffed.

"No one is trying to do that, Aegon. On the contrary, mother and I hoped that maybe that dinner would end things between you two before it properly started.", Helaena frowned. "But now I see that we are too late for that."

"I see everyone for who they are, Helaena.", Aegon snapped. "I don't need your or mother's console. She can go and keep doing favours for Rhaenyra and take care of her new family, you can go and do whatever you want to do, as usual.", Aegon didn't look at Helaena's hurt face and finished his fine. "I am leaving."

"Of course you do.", Aemond snorted, then yelled with great anger. "There are no sycophants here who can't fit you into the sky, right? Only your siblings, telling the truth to your face!", Aemond got up. "You are no fit for a king and the greatest embarrassment our family had to endure!", he then huffed. "Even Rhaenyra would be a better ruler than you."

Aegon laughed and rushed to Aemond, punching him in the face. Aemond was caught in surprise, he tried to fight him back but then Aegon punched him in his stomach, making him take a sharp breath.

Helaena and Daeron took a step back, Daeron pushed Helaena to stay away from them while she yelled. "Daeron please do something!"

Aemond took Aegon in a headlock and turned him around while punching his back. Aegon made the turn their positions and caught him by his shoulders and then Aemond hit his face with his elbow.

"Aemond please!", Helaena screamed and Daeron tried to get in between them.

"Aegon stop it!"

Aemond punched Aegon in the face twice and then pushed his body to the floor, starting to choke him while Aegon was trying to save himself.

"Aemond let him go!"

"Stop this, Aemond, stop it!", Daeron yelled and pulled Aemond with his whole power and Helaena rushed to Aegon's side to control him.

Aegon stood up, pushed Helaena's hand while coughing and saw the way Daeron pushed Aemond with great fury. "This all is happening because I am crowned king, isn't it? This is your siblinghood!", he yelled. All of you are blinded by envy. You and Rhaenyra, all of you! You all want something from me, you all expect something from me, you all are imagining someone else in that fucking throne, rather than me! Isn't it?"

Helaena covered his mouth with sadness and shock, Aemond was breathing deeply, his hair was a mess and his eye patch was off in the floor, Daeron took a deep breath and rubbed his face. None of them said anything to Aegon laughed with pain and left the room.

Minutes later they all were sitting on their chairs, watching the destroyed food and the room. "How did it become that?", Helaena softly asked while her focus was on the walls. "I know you two never got along but then you were fine, weren't you? It's been 15 years Aemond since he got crowned king. Yes, there was always tension but in the past few days you were good.", she tried to understand.

"I am sorry, I wouldn't do that in front of you."

"I am not asking that, I am asking when did that happen? Are we all too blind that we couldn't see the last straws? You were good this morning, talking and laughing. What changed in the past hours? How did it come to that? This is too much Aemond, too much!"

"He is not just our brother but also our king. You assaulted the king, you choked the king.", Daeron turned to Aemond. "You almost killed our brother."

"I wouldn't kill him, I just tried to teach him a lesson.", he rubbed his face. "I am truly sorry that this night got ruined. But you all saw it, he started first."

"Aegon is not alright, you know this better than all of us."

"Aegon hadn't been alright since forever."

"Aemond,", Helaena took a deep breath. "tell me what caused this."

"He found out about the servant girl.", Aemond whispered. "And had a fight with Criston."

"About what?"

Aemond tried not to look at Helaena but she insisted. "When he went there to remind him of this dinner he found a girl in her bed and then Criston scolded him."

"Criston doesn't have a right to scold the king.", Daeron huffed.

"He is married to our mother.", Helaena answered. "He has no right to scold the king, yes, but he has every right to scold Aegon Targaryen."

"He had been already angry. He lashed out at my mother, and I was the next target. I am the reason for his anger, not Rhaenyra or mother or father and not even Criston."

"Despite all, you should've kept your calm, brother.", Daeron got up from his chair and walked towards the windows. "Now let's wait until mother hears that."


The next morning Helaena woke up early and decided to check on Aegon first, before going to their mother to talk. When she entered the room she saw Aegon was already awake and dressed up all in black. Their eyes met from the mirror and Helaena frowned.

"You never woke up at this hour."

"I call for the immediate small council meeting."

"Aegon, whatever you are going to do, please don't. Aemond is our-"

"I will abdicate."

Everything stopped around Helaena. "What?", she was dumbfounded.

"I will abdicate.", Aegon said again with a hint of a smile and then turned to Helaena, something mad was shining in his eyes. "Isn't this what all of you want? Me off from the throne? You, Aegon, Rhaenyra, Daeron, fuck, even mother thinks I am not fit."

"Are you drunk?", she blurted.

"No my sweet sister.", Aegon walked towards her and held her hands. "On the contrary, I have never been this sober in my entire life."

"Then you had lost your mind."

"Maybe I did.", he pouted and shrugged. "But imagine, me abdicating, you can get rid of me and marry with your heart's choosing. And let Rhaenyra and Aemond fight for the throne.", he frowned for a second. "Though you are older than him, so the war would be between you and Rhaenyra. Well, I won't care. Rip each other alive."

"Aegon,", Helaena took a deep breath. "Aegon this is madness. I beg you to stop for a minute and think about the consequen-"

"Oh I did!", he yelled. "I had been thinking about the consequences of everything in my entire life and yet I am not enough. I tried my best for everything, but some people are just not suitable. Fuck, even if I would be Jaehaerys reborn, it wouldn't be enough for mother or father!", he frantically turned around and took a ring from his desk.

It was Viserys' ring that symbolized his rule.

"See that? It belonged to my father and my mother gave it to me on my coronation day alongside Blackfyre and Rhaenys' dagger. She told me this had symbolized her love and support for me. And this is sister, what all of you are after. All of you!", he threw the ring away and Helaena jumped. "I don't want it. I never wanted it. And it's enough now. You can have it. I don't want any of this."

Aegon didn't listen to her and went to the council meeting room, waiting for the others. While Helaena rushed to Alicent's room. The guards tried to stop her but she didn't listen and entered the room. Alicent was sitting on the bed with her messy wavy hair and a white nightgown, her eyes were puffy because of all the crying she did last night and Criston was kneeling in front of her, holding her hands and probably consoling her.

"Helaena can we please talk later.", Alicent didn't turn to look at her and spoke with a shaky voice.

"Mother you must help!", her heart was beating so loud that she was sure the whole castle could hear.

"What happened my dear?", Alicent turned while wiping her eyes.

"Aegon had lost his mind.", Helaena spoke quickly. "He had ordered the council meeting to star immediately."

"Is he awake-"

"He will abdicate from the throne."

Alicent and Criston looked like statues for a second, both frozen and in shock, mouth open, couldn't blink. "What?", Alicent finally whispered and urgently started to dress.


"Is your intention killing me?", Alicent had a hard time breathing properly, her heart was beating frantically and cold sweats covered her whole face. There was a sharp pain in her left arm and she had a problem speaking with all the sharp breaths she took. "Do you have any idea what is going to happen if you abdicate when the whole fucking realm is here?"

"Rhaenyra and Aemond will tear each other down for the throne.", he shrugged. "My bet is on Aemond. He always wanted the things I have a little too much, Rhaenyra doesn't stand a chance."

"Aegon!", she yelled and hit the table. "This isn't one of your tourney bets, this is your life, our lives!", she yelled from her throat, everything was hurting her.

"Oh is this what you care about? Your life?", he faked a pout. "Don't worry mother, you may not be the de facto ruler while Aemond rules, but you still would have-"

Alicent walked to him and slapped him as hard as she could. "Snap out of this, Aegon! Talk to me, tell me what happened-"

"Men would for less than this.", Aegon's voice froze Alicent's veins. "Aemond should feel lucky that my final act isn't punishing him, though both you and he deserve it. My mercy is too much-"

"Your mercy?", Alicent let out a loud laugh, while putting one hand to her heart because it was truly hurting her. Aegon looked concerned for a second but then masked it. "What if the council appoints Rhaenyra as the queen? Did you think what would happen then? To you, to your brothers? Your children and Helaena?"

Aegon didn't listen to her and bonded his hands behind his back and watched the door with a straight face. Alicent's breaths got fastened and the pain made her close her eyes. The door opened and the council members entered the room -including Helaena, Criston and Rhaenyra.

"What is it my king?", Tyland asked. "Isn't it too early for a meeting? Is the Dorne getting invaded?"

"My son please.", Alicent whispered for the last time.

"I had gathered all of you here to announce something."

"What is it, your grace?", Rhaenyra looked to the miserable-looking Alicent and then to Aegon and frowned.

"I am abdicating the throne.", Aegon said and while everybody looked shocked, a small smile formed on Rhaenyra's lips but only to disappear seconds after.

"Alicent!", Criston yelled loudly and rushed to his wife's side. Aegon turned to his mother with wide eyes, Helaena and Rhaenyra followed Criston. Alicent passed out in Criston's arms and for a second Criston couldn't hear a breath.

"Maester, now!"


"My prince?", a soft voice called for him while Aemond was walking inside of his mother's gardens, waiting for her arrival. He didn't sleep last night and had a terrible headache and a permanent frown already took place on his face. He turned towards the voice and saw a fragile girl, his possible betrothed Moira Reyne.

He never judge people according to their looks, he thought he had no right to it. He was no better, he lacked an eye, and no matter how pretty the little stone in his eye was, men and women were scared of him. But even Aemond could tell the girl was beautiful. Not in an exotic way like the Dornish or ethereal like Valyrians or wild like the Northerens. She had a very soft, calming beauty. Her copper hair had been tied in a small bun, her short bangs covered her forehead. She didn't have heavy make-up as some elder ladies did and Aemond wasn't sure if the pinkness on her cheeks was caused by a mere blush or if it was made.

She was wearing a baby blue dress with a blue ribbon belt just below her chest. The arms and the top of the trees were covered with small diamonds and embodiments, she wore a blue ribbon on her neck with a small diamond hanging on it, the same diamond also covered her earrings, and there was only a single ring on her right hand, a ruby lion, the symbol of her house.

"Lady Moira,", he spoke elegantly. "pardon me, I was not expecting you here."

She frowned for a second but then disappeared. "The Queen Mother summoned me here, my prince. To have breakfast and talk."

"Hmm.", he turned to look at the extravagant breakfast table. He should've noticed it sooner. There was no way two people could finish it. "It seems my mother forgot the inform me."

"If I caused any distress-", she tried to explain but Aemond raise a hand to stop her, and even forced himself to smile a little. Very little.

"None at all, my lady. We haven't been officially introduced to each other, I believe?"

"No, my prince. You were absent when I arrived."

"Yes, the council matters.", he tried to find an excuse. "I wouldn't wish to bore you with them, my lady."

Moira only smiled and looked around in a nervous way. There were only two servants in the room, they were looking at each other and then at the two people in the room.

"My lady, may I take your leave?", Aemond finally talked after minutes in silence, still trying to be kind. "It seems my mother cannot make it to this lovely breakfast, and I'm afraid that it wouldn't be suitable for us to be alone here, without a chaperone."

"Of course, my prince.", she bowed her head but then stopped. "But what if the Queen Alicent would come after we had left? Wouldn't she taken ill with me?"

"Not even close.", Aemond frowned, trying to brush away the girl's fears. "You will see in time that my mother is a kind soul. She would never bear ill feelings to the people who didn't cause him great harm."

"Yes she is even very close with Princess Rhaenyra.", Moira smiled but then horror covered her whole face. "Your grace I am so sorry, I didn-"

"You can calm down, I am not offended.", he wasn't offended, no, but he was shocked. "As I said, Lady Moira, my mother wouldn't think bad about you. Now, I must go and check on her because she had never missed a meeting before.", then he kindly bowed his head and left.

"I crossed a line, haven't I?", Moira asked desperately to the servants in the room and both nodded.

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