One Tree Love

By ShortySKS

3.8K 147 48

No this isn't a one tree hill story, this is a Gilmore Girls story, because I can't stop, and yes, its a Tris... More

Meet the OC's (Changing Lola's Face Claim)
The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton
β˜ƒοΈπŸŽ„Please Read!!β˜ƒοΈπŸŽ„
Kill Me Now
Cinnamon's Wake
The Twins Birthday Parties


877 33 10
By ShortySKS

How have I never written a Pilot episode for Gilmore Girls before?

Lola and Rory walked down the street together. "You really don't have my Macy Gray CD?" Rory asked her twin who sighed and rolled her eyes. "Babe, you already searched my room and backpack, and my hidden snack stash. You would know if I took it. Mom probably took it to listen to in the car." Lola explained for the fifth time before they walked into Luke's together.

"Hey, it's freezing." Rory greeted their mother as they sat down. "Oh, what do you need? Hot tea, coffee --" Lorelai questioned her daughters who smiled. "Lip gloss." They said at the same time, while they didn't wear a lot of make-up they all enjoyed a nice gloss. The mother of two grinned pulling out her make-up bag.

"Aha. I have vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and toasted marshmallow." Lorelai listed off, Lola shook her head in amusement.  "Anything in there not resembling a breakfast cereal?" Rory asked while Lola grabbed the toasted marshmallow and putting it on. Lorelai pulled out another bag. "Yes. It has no smell, but it changes colors with your mood." She said placing the bag on the table, the twins shared a look.

"God, RuPaul doesn't need this much makeup." Rory scoffed in disbelief, picking up one of the makeup bags. "Wow, you're crabby." The oldest of the three said, watching her youngest. "She lost her Macy Gray CD and we both need caffeine." Lola explained smacking her lips with a smile, Lorelai nodded in understanding.

"Ooh -- I have your CD." Lorelai said pulling the case out of her purse. "Told you." The older twin taunted, shrugging when her sister shot her a glare. "Thief." Rory spat playfully making her twin laugh as she picked up her CD. "Sorry and I will get you two some coffee." The woman said picking up the two spare cups on the table and heading to the counter where Luke was at.


The twins approached their mother who was on the phone, unintentionally matching, they kissed her on the cheek before slipping behind the counter, looking for stamps. Michel watches the girls, waiting for his boss to get off the phone to say something. 

"What is your offspring doing?" Michel questioned as he turns towards Lorelai. "We need stamps. Can I take these?" Rory answered holding some up while Lola smiled innocently, just so she could irritate the man even farther. 

"Take them."

Michel and Lorelai said at the same time. "What's with the muumuu?" The twins mother questioned gesturing to Rory's baggy sweater, that looked identical to her sisters, except Lola had tucked it into her jeans making it look less baggy. "Stop." Rory ordered, she had already gotten enough of it from Lola who was complaining about not letting her style it to make it look better.

"No, I'm just saying. You couldn't find one made of metal in case anyone has X-ray eyes?" Lola giggled at her mothers comment while Rory groaned. "And now we say good-bye." Rory said grabbing her still laughing sisters arm and began to pull her away. "Oh, hey, have Michel look at your French papers before you go." Lorelai called out stopping the twins.

"Excuse me?" Michel questioned not looking up from where he was sorting the mail."That's be great." Lola said pulling her essay out of her purse. "Come on, Michel. We'll tell all the ladies what a stud you are." Lola continued with a playful grin, the man rolled his eyes but still didn't look up. 

"Hm. I believe that memo has already been sent." The french male said sarcastically. "Oh, please, Michel. Pretty please with sucre on top. I will stop talking like this." Lorelai pleaded with a horrible french accent. "Leave it. I'll look at it if I get a chance." Michel caved just to make the woman stop talking like that.

"It's due tomorrow. And pay special attention to the grammar." Rory said as the twins put the papers down before leaving the Inn together.


The twins were walking to school with their best friend Lane. "When are you going to let your parents know that you listen to the evil rock music? You're an American teenager, for God's sake." Lola commented watching the girl put on a shirt over her pink long sleeve while she holds the girls backpack, Rory holding her jean jacket.

"Lola, if my parents still get upset over the obscene portion size of American food, I seriously doubt I'm gonna make any inroads with Eminem." Lane explained, the older twin laughed under the breath as the three girls stopped next to a bulletin board. 

Lane takes her jacket back looking at the board. "I have to go to that." The Korean girl said, nodding towards the sign, taking her backpack and putting it on. "The hayride? You're kidding." Rory said with wide eyes as the girls resumed walking towards their school.

"My parents set me up with the son of a business associate. He's gonna be a doctor." Lane explained with a shrug. "How old is he?" The younger twin asked, linking her arms with her sisters. Lola smiled softly, these were two of the most important people in her life, she did know what she  would do without them.


"So he's gonna be a doctor in a hundred years." Lola said sarcastically, grinning when they both laughed softly. "My parents like to plan ahead." Lane continued with a nod, the twins grimaced, shaking their heads. "Hey I have to run ahead. Ms. Williams wants my paper before school starts." Lola said quickly, both of them nodded, their creative writing teacher was a hard ass when it came to Lola's papers. He always said that she had a bright future as an author. 

"Have fun with the future doctor. And I love you." With that, Lola took off ahead of her sister and best friend.


The twins changed out of their school clothes before heading to the Inn again. "We spend so much time here. We should be paid for it." Lola joked as they walked towards the kitchen, Rory laughed softly. "Mom?" Rory called out as they walked in, the twins looked at the two woman who couldn't keep the grins off of their faces. 

"You're happy." Lola pointed out with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah." Lorelai nodded happily, pretty much dancing in her spot. "Did you do something slutty?" Rory questioned fiddling with the end of her sleeve as the twins watched their mother. 

"I'm not that happy." The mother of two denied quickly, Sookie laughed softly as the girls looked between the two woman. "Here." Lorelai said giving each of her daughters a paper shopping bag, the twins once again shared a look, they could almost read each others minds. 

"What's going on?" Rory and Lola asked at the same time receiving a glare from their mother, she hated when they did that, it freaked her out sometimes. "Open them." Lorelai ordered, the twins sighed but opened the bags together.

The twins each pulled out a long plaid skirt, looking at them in confusion. "We're gonna be in a Britney Spears video?" Lola asked playfully, Rory laughed at her twins question. "You're going to Chilton! Oh, sorry." Sookie exclaimed, apologizing when Lorelai smacked her arm. "Mom?" Rory asked as both she and Lola smiled hesitantly.

"You both did it, babe. You guys got in." Lorelai said happily, Lola squealed happily in place, she wasn't as smart as her twin, yes she had good grades, and they both had 4.0 GPA, but that's because while Lola could score amazingly on tests, assignments always came difficult to her unless it was an essay, so she normally made a lot of mistakes and had to have Rory look over them before turning them in so she could redo the ones she did wrong.

(To clarify, Rory doesn't do her assignments, she checks over them when Lola is finished, if she got something wrong, Rory would tell her and work with her to fix it. Just like Lola looks over Rory's essays so that they can be better and tell her how to write it better.. Basically they rough draft each others work before doing the final draft. Yes I had to add this, because it kinda sounds like Rory did Lola's work, but I didn't know how else to word it.)

"How did this happen? You didn't -- with the principal, did you?" Rory questioned, her mind still trying to catch up with the fact that they got into a private school. "No, honey, that was a joke. They have two open spots. You're gonna start on Monday." Lorelai explained softly.

"Really?" Lola asked, she was already excited but she needed the conformation. "Really." Lorelai nodded. "I don't believe this! Oh my God, we're going to Chilton!" Rory said happily as the twins moved in to hug their mother. "Yeah."

"Sookie, we're going to Chilton." Lola said after they pulled away from their mother. The twins hugged the woman who was like an aunt to them. "I'll make cookies. Protestants love oatmeal." Sookie promised happily. "We to call Lane." Rory said pulling her twin towards the door before they stopped and hugged their mother again. 

"We love you." Lola said softly, Rory echoing her. "I love you guys too." Lorelai answered, the twins squealed again before actually leaving.


The twins walked out onto the porch wearing their new skirts which fell a little bit over their knees. "Wow, it makes you guys look smart." Sookie gushed running her hands down the girls skirts. "OK, no more wine for you. Mom?" Lola joked before the twins turned to their mother.

"You look like you were swallowed by a kilt." Lorelai commented, Lola nodded in agreement. "A little above the knee please." Lola said using hand to show her where she wanted the skirt to fall. "Fine, you can hem it, a little, only a little." Rory caved with a sigh, Lola had warned her. 

"OK. Or I could hem it a lot." Lorelai said as the four of them went back inside. "No, you're not." Rory denied with a smile. "I can't believe tomorrow's our last day at Stars Hollow High." Lola said plopping down on the couch, Rory was getting her skirt hemmed first. 

"I know." The twins mother said, Lola was the only one to notice that her mother tensed a little at the mention of their last day at Stars Hollow High. "Today I was so excited I got dressed for gym." Rory explained as she stood on the stool as their mother knelt down to see better.  

"You're kidding." Lorelai said with a scoff. "And she played volleyball." Lola said narrowing her eyes as she yawned, she pulled off her skirt, her shorts underneath. "I'll be in my room, I'm just going to lay down for a little."


"How much?" Lola asked leaning on the door frame to her mothers room after Rory had gone to sleep, she had left her sweater in her room. Lorelai glanced at her oldest before sighing and patting the seat beside her. Lola sat on the bed taking the two letters that her mother handed her. 

"That's a lot of zero's." The girl murmured, shaking her head. "I promise, i'll figure it out." Lorelai said, snickering when her daughter shot her a look. "I'm asking my mother." She corrected, Lola smiled sadly. "I know how much you hate that. Thank you." Lola responded with a soft smile. "You two will have everything, no matter how much I hate having to ask my  parents." The mother answered hugging her daughter to her side, and kissing the side of her head.

"I was just struck by inspiration." Lola exclaimed shooting up. "For a story?" Lorelai asked, her daughter was amazing when it came to stories. "Yeah. Thank you." Lola kissed her cheek before heading to room to sleep.


Lola sighed as she sat in her bed. "Are you mad at me?" Rory asked from the doorway. "No Rors. I could never be mad at you." Lola said and Rory walked into the room and sat on the foot of her sisters bed. "But?" The blue eyed twin questioned. 

"But, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I get it, he's new and he's cute. No boy gets to determine your future. If you like him, and you think he likes you, which I think he does, then he shouldn't be upset that you're taking this chance. If he has a problem with that, then he isn't worth it and you deserve so much better. No man, woman, boy or whatever should be your life, he should just be part of it." 

Rory thought for a minute before nodding. "Can I stay in here with you?" Lola nodded, scooting over so that her twin could slip in as well. 

"I love you Lo."

"And I love you Ro."

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