By shellyraichand

185K 6.5K 108

A heart surgeon but knows nothing about heart. A civil engineer who keeps on trying to build a bridge betwee... More

1. Ishitha singh
2. The party
3. Arjun Dahiya
4. subash Nagar
5. I Like him
6. I am not virgin
7. Engaged
8. Trust
9. Mrs.Dahiya
10. Hoodie
11. perfect
12. Alone
13. Home
14. period
15. pregnant?
16. secret
17. Abdhul Goni
18. Date night
19. Heaven
20. Day off
21. Australia
22. Babe
23. He is a Gentleman
24. paratha
25. come soon
26. Forty eight hours
27. Roja Mahal
28. Don't unfold
29. pendrive
30. Haldhi
31. Stay
32. Angel
33. cupcake
34. Are you drunk?
35. Enemies
36. Marriage
37. I don't wanna talk about it
38. papa
39. pizza
40. Green Diary
42. what about him?
43. where to pretty lady?
44. Barcelona
45. I am here wifey
46. My feelings are true
47. I love you
48. My home
49. Forever
Bonus chapter.

41. shot

2.5K 112 0
By shellyraichand

Author's pov:

Mr. Dahiya( Ishitha's father in law)

Mrs. Dahiya(Ishitha's mother in law)

"What the hell abdhul" Ishitha groaned when abdhul pulled her up from sofa by fisting her hair tightly

"What are you doing? " She tried to get out his hold but all in vain, his strength is not one can take lightly

The man dressed in black walked inside house  holding a gun

Ishitha's breathe hitched when he pointed it in her direction

"Scream bitch" abdhul shouted in  her ear

"Let the poor girl breath rocky" The other person smiled ,mischief lingering on his face

still holding gun in her direction he moved inside the kitchen to check for any people

"No raj" Abdul aka Rocky said

Ishitha's eyes teared up, her head is aching cause of pulling

It's no wonder they picked her as a way to attack her family

Finally the Enemies are here she thought

"Call your maa and papa ishuuuu" abdhul cooed throwing her down on floor harshly like she is some kind of animal

Ishitha felt betrayed but laughed inside her head
her own husband betrayed her why won't outsiders?

Abdhul  removed a gun from his back pocket

Hearing dangerous voices from outside the door
Mr. Dahiya expected there is something wrong he sensed it, the enemies, their arrival is always unannounced

He expected a surprise attack so he planned out everything in advance to protect his family

"Emergency, bring gaurds and cops to my location" He spoke into his watch which is more than a normal time showing device. The information reaches his personal assistant directly.

Mr. Dahiya pulled out a gun from his bag and shoved it into his sweat pants at the back

He shouldn't seem prepared to them,he has to act oblivious, he should show them he was unprepared and is feared.

But could ever a plan go smoothly?

"Ishu beta what are you watching?" Mrs. Dahiya oblivious to the commotion walked into that small living room thinking her daughter in law is watching some bond series on television ,she went to freshen up in common washroom so didn't happen to find killers entry

Mr. Dahiya forgot that his wife will faint if  situations like this occurs, he knows ishitha can manage, after all she is his brave daughter in law but his wife? A big no. But this plan has to go well.

Not to bring so much pain to the women he walked out of the bedroom drying his wet hair with a towel casually

By the time he showed up
The killers held women at gun point

While ishitha stood strong, the elder woman is panicking

"See who is finally out" abdhul laughed

"Hello old mother fucker" Raj said in repugnance

Mr. Dahiya knew about raj being the elder son of his enemy,today he saw the younger one. They look like their dick head father not in physical appearance though but in mental appearance.

"You have problem with me so leave them and do what you want with me" Mr. Dahiya said dropping the towel on floor and raised his hands up in surrender

"Not just you looser, your family should die" Raj roared pulling Mrs. Dahiya's hair roots hard, this act truly trembled Mr. Dahiya's body

Despite having a plan he panicked seeing what his love, his wife is going through cause of him cause of his Enemies.

Abdhul and Raj are not biological brothers, their so called father adopted them, to look after their business.

Many years back, cause of bankruptcy their father has no penny, and was in a dire need of money. He approached his old friend Mr. Dahiya for help

Ar first Mr. Dahiya was damn willing to help but after knowing his hideous underground businesses like links with trafficking, drugs, weapons Mr. Dahiya acted loyal and trapped him and other people who involved in that filthy shit and put all of them behind bars.

Mr. Dahiya killed all of them after their release from jail but unfortunately he  forgot about this adopted kids

"Call the cops" Mrs. Dahiya shouted to her husband

"Make him do that and you will see your lovely daughter in law  floating in pool of her own blood" That drained the little courage from Mrs. Dahiya's body in a second her face paled

That threw Mr Dahiya into a panic mode too

Little did Mr. Dahiya knew about raj was, he is aggressive, indecisive, skilled but not so clever just waiting for revenge.

"Please don't do anything to the ladies I am begging you" Mr. Dahiya fell on his knees
It's time to act

Ishitha is observing everything, righ now she is fuming like a tornado inside ,is about to erupt just an opportunity is what needed.

"Where is your weirdo son, is he still fucking  the corpses at hospital?" This made ishitha see red, this was observed by her father in law
With a subtle head shook he asked her to stay calm

"This time you all are going to die" Saying this raj walked towards Mr. Dahiya leaving elder woman.

Mrs. Dahiya release a sigh upon getting released from gun point, but soon relief evaporated into air anticipation what next?

Raj stood before kneeling old man

"Make it quick raj" abdhul said, he was sweating, his grip around ishitha hair loosened

Ishitha looked around her surroundings when those dumbasses are making Ill jokes on her husband and father in law

There are no sharp things around her but a flower vase on tea table caught her attention

"Any last wishes old fucker?" Raj asked shoving his gun into her papa's chin

Her heart pace quickened,  she is gonna loose her father in law, what about Arjun?
her arjun will be devastated knowing this

Raj and abdhul are laughing like maniacs looking at kneeling old man

Dick heads fell for his act

Ishitha saw her papa pulling out something from back, taking this as an advantage she kicked abdhul where the sun doesn't shine meanwhile her papa shot Raj in the head, poor boy was so in euphoria of killing his dad's Enemies that his reflexes aren't fast enough to dodge bullet so died on floor.

"You bitch" abdhul groaned
Cupping his groin region, Mr.Dahiya pulled back his wife from groaning abdhul

Seeing his dead step brother  abdhul pointed gun towards the couple with shaky hands but before he could shoot ishitha hit him on head with the vase, earning a loud groan and crash at the same time, blood rushed out from his skull

When they thought its the end another two people emerged from main door silently

One guy with knife and other with gun, they pushed Mr. &Mrs Dahiya apart and pointed weapons to their heads

Ishitha took the gun from abdhul's dead body, her hands Shivering

"Put your gun down lady" One man spoke, they are looking very scary in masks

Soon enough cops and gaurds emerged through the main door, but what can they do?
Their boss was near gun point

The two men didn't panic but are shocked ,seeing their diversion Mr. Dahiya hit the killer with his elbow  loosening killer's grip around his neck, cops held that man soon

The other man moved back towards balcony holding Mrs. Dahiya , a knife near her neck

A guard emerged from balcony unlike others and shot the last killer in head from back

Ishitha sensed movements beside her leg only to witness abdhul pointing another gun towards her parents in law as gaurds and cops are busy checking rooms and building for more killers thinking abdhul was dead like Raj

Without wasting a second ishitha ran to shield them  and in the process got shot in her arm

Seeing another bullet coming from abdhul's gun Mr. Dahiya pulled the two women down along with him so it hit the wall behind them

Soon abdhul was  dragged by cops

"I won't leave you bitch" abdhul shouted, blood spilling from his mouth

Gaurd hit him on face before applying  hand cups

Ishitha fell unconscious by getting hit by the bullet, her inlaws took her to the hospital immediately, she is loosing so much blood

They have reached their own hospital, it's nearing midnight very few surgeons are there but she is sent into operation theatre for a surgery

Arjun is about to leave home after working the whole day, he is smiling remembering his wife, he is imagining her sleeping alone on bed hugging a pillow, her slight pout, her sprawled hair on pillow all those thoughts made his heart all mushy and happy

"Doctor Arjun your parents are here" A night shift nurse informed him through office phone

Arjun's heart beats hyped, what are they doing here now? At these hours?

He went out side and saw his parents sitting on guests sofa's, his mother's head is on his father's shoulder, she is sobbing hard even his father has tears in eyes. Both of their clothes have blood marks.

Arjun steps faltered with dangerous anticipations and possibilities running in head

What happened to ishitha? That one question bought tears to his eyes

"What happened to her?" He asked both of them, they lifted heads hearing his meek voice

Arjun is not ready to hear the answer whatever it is, he knows it's not good

"Tell me mom" He choked

"Baby sit down let me explain" His mother stood up to hold him but he shook his head and ran in the hallway to reach operation theater

He tried entering inside but nurses stopped him from going inside

Soon a pair of strong arms stopped him from going inside, ishaan held him tight

"Let them treat her Arjun" Ishan shouted

"I want to see my wife, I want to see her" Arjun shouted back

Nurse pulled the curtains aside to the operation theater for em to see, Arjun sobbed placing his hands on glass windows

Ishitha's mother fainted in her husband's arms seeing her daughter situation

Mrs. Dahiya felt so much guilt, if not for saving them ishitha wouldn't have been in this situation

"I am sorry arjun please arjun" His mother hugged him who is still crying on glass window even after the curtains are closed

Arjun is sobbing in his mother's arms hysterically like a kid

"I can't live without her mom" Arjun choked

A group of cops and body gaurds entered the hospital
To inform their boss
"Sir everything is cleared and abdhul is behind bars"  Mr. Dahiya just nodded his head and dismissed them

"What happened?" Arjun asked his father

Heaving a heavy sigh he explained what happened few hours ago at their house

All are crying by the end hearing the incident

"What about the gaurds at the
doors?" Arjun questioned in anger

"They released poisonous gas, they all fainted" Mr. Dahiya said in a defeated tone

"Ashaa you go and rest beta, we will inform you about her condition" Ishan's mother said pitying the poor pregnant woman

"No maa i am alright, I will go after seeing bhabhi" Asha said despite her red eyes and weak body heaving a sigh she placed  her head on her husband shoulder

Arjun walked in hallways angrily for an hour then sat on a chair before the operation theater, his body trembling with fear, legs tapping continuously on floor

No one dared to aproach him
He look so intimidating in that broken state

After what felt like forever the door opened ,senior most doctor stepped out, all the family member ran to him

"Fortunately bullet didn't hit the artery so she is out of danger" Everyone breathed out

"And it takes few hours for her to open eyes, you can go see her after shifting her to ICU"
Doctor walked away saying this, he ran to hospital in the middle of sleep to treat big boss's daughter in law

Arjun couldn't control his tears seeing her wife laying on bed with many machines and wires attached to her body broke is heart, her face looks life less, she is sound asleep but her face is saying the pain she is experiencing

"You all go and rest I will stay here by her side" Arjun said or more like ordered

Everyone left  home around four in the morning cause they all know what arjun is experiencing.

Arjun took her left hand tenderly, pulled it to his lips slowly and  kissed every knuckle shaking heavily then sobbed like it's his last day of life

He didn't sleep, his eyes are paining, body asking for rest but his brain betrayed all of his body parts, it fears what if she wakes up while he is sleeping

Around eight in the morning ishitha's fingers moved, her brows furrowed soon Arjun called for doctors but unfortunately he is asked to leave the room

After half an hour the doctor came out to talk to Arjun but saw all her family members waiting for him outside

"Sorry to say this but the patient is so terrified of the incident and is not willing to see people not even the doctors " Doctor sighed and started speaking again

"But asked to allow only her brother but no one else" doctor left after prescribing medicines

Arjun knew it, the fear of people after involved in such kind of incidents, he is hurt that she is not ready to see him ,her husband, her love of life but he is happy that she is safe and sound and knew that it will take some time to come out of it.

"Ishu" Ishan ran to his sister
Who is busy staring outside the window at the sun

"Never fucking dare to leave me alone" He hugged her lightly on left side

"Seems like you are not happy seeing me alive" She laughed

"Don't say that, I was so scared"
He is crying like a kid in her arms

"Arjun is cry.... "

"Ishan i am so tired, I don't want to meet anyone"

"Okay take some rest then" He pulled away and patted her head lightly

"And ask mom to get my old room ready, I am shifting back home" Saying this she closed her eyes

Ishan felt that something is wrong but he is in no mood to analyse anything right now,
He is glad that his brave sister is alive

"How is she? " Ishitha's both parents and inlaws asked ishan

"She is good but so weak like yesterday"

"Thank god" Ishitha's mother smiled through her tears along with her husband

"Arjun go and clean up a bit son" Ishitha's father said

With a heavy heart he left the place, his brain is calm knowing that she is in good hands and amid high security

Five days passed just like that with Arjun and others without seeing her, at some point Arjun envied ishaan

Arjun is being restless to see her but he couldn't force her right? he is struggling ,even though he is working his brain is full of her,only her

Every time his parents come to see him he pretend that he is busy in work, but they know how much he is struggling inside

"Reports says she is alright but need lots of rest and food" Doctor announced happily

"We are discharging her in few hours"

Arjun felt happy hearing that,
Finally he gotta see his wife in person, there is a lot to talk with her

"Mom you tidied her room right? Or else  she will kill me" Ishan joked

"Your father did everything"

"Yes cause she is busy crying looking at ishu's pictures and bed" He said looking at his wife and kissed her head

Arjun's heart shattered hearing those words

Why is shifting to her parents house?

He is there to take care of her right?

Mr&Mrs Dahiya are still guilty about the incident so they didn't asked anything about shifting

"Why not our home" Arjun whispered brokenly, he felt wetness on his cheek and realised he is crying

"Girls need mothers arjun ,let her rest baby" Arjun's mom side hugged him

Like said they discharged ishitha, ishan carried her in his arms out of room

"Put me down ishan,I am not an amputee" Ishitha laughed

"You are a patient ishu" Ishan too laughed carrying her outside to their car with gaurds and family following them

Arjun is seeing everything, ishitha didn't paid any heed to him and it broke him more

In front of his eyes she was taken away from his heart
His heart bleeding
So fucking much

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