Young Royals - Alternate Story

By mumrryanddaddylou

18.2K 492 31

my version if young royals starting when August released the tape All rights go to Netflix and the owners of... More

the end

S2 oneshot

640 17 5
By mumrryanddaddylou

Hi guys...
In honour of season 2 being released (finally), I thought I would write a little something about what happens after Wille's speech.

The Crown Prince ended his speech, smiling at the love of his life, his Simon. The school applauded, some students stopping to film, in shock. Noone expected that to happen,least of all the Queen. She sat there in silence, and signaled to Malin to get Wilhelm off the stage.

The Queen stood up, walked over to her son, and gave him a hug, hissing in his ear "What the fuck have you just done? You have ruined everything we have been trying fix. Erik would be disappointed"

Wilhelm let go of his mother, took a step back, and started walking back towards the school.

On his walk back, he heard someone running, calling his name.

"Wille.... Wille"

"Simon?" Wilhem was confused

"I can't believe you just did that... I'm so proud of you... I hope you know that" Simon said through his tears.

"Are those happy tears?" Wille wanted to know
"Of course, I love you"

"Have a nice Christmas" Wilhelm turned amd continued walking.


"I'm kidding. I love you too. You're the love of my life"

The two boys walked together back to Wilhelm's room, and sat down together on the bed.

"My mum's gonna be pissed. I just did the one thing she told me not to do" Wilhelm started

"Hey... It's gonna be fine. I'm on your side, and he'll, half the school is too. Too many people got it on video, and none of them will take too long posting it. Your mother can't do shit at this point" Simon reassured

"Thank you Simme. You're the best"

Someone banged on the door

"Wilhelm. Let me in. Right now"

"Come in"

The Queen of Sweden walked into her sons bedroom, with a blank look on her face.

"You do know what you have just done?"

"Yes mother. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't know the consequences. I do truly want to be with Simon, even if it means I will never be King. And besides, if it does end up that way, you already have my replacement. Remember this. You cannot try and ruin my life like this ever again without a retaliation. And this is what Erik would have told me to do" Wilhelm made sure his mother knew he was not about to go back on anything he had done that day.

"I'm sorry Wilhelm. I have not been the mother you deserve. I am proud of you, it takes alot of guys to do what you just did. However, the Palace press office recommends that August take over effective immediately. I have decided that you will have until you become of age to prove yourself. That means being the perfect Crown Prince, and doing exactly what we say. You will be allowed to continue this relationship, on the condition that it doesn't distract you from your studies nor your duties as Crown Prince, and that you do not get into any scandals and keep it low-key."

"Hold up a second" Simon interrupted the Queen "we don't want to keep it lowkey"

"I understand that, and that is why when I say low-key I mean not all over newspapers and magazines. You can tell anyone you like, post appropriate things on social media, and go on dates wherever you like. I would recommend that you make private social media accounts for your friends and family so that you're not all over the media. That's all that is important to know right now, we will have a meeting at some point in the future with the press office. Is that okay with both of you?" The Queen finished her speech, looking at the two boys and smiling.

"Thank you Mamma" Wille got up and hugged her, much to her surprise

"I hope you know that I'm proud of you, your father is proud of you, and Erik most definetly is. And Simon, its nice to welcome you to our family"

The Queen had to go to the luncheon, leaving the two boys sitting on the bed in shock. Neither of them could believe what just happened. They looked at eachother, smiling, and then left for lunch.

Noone noticed them as they walked into the room hand in hand, except Felice, who quietly went up to them and gave Wilhelm a huge hug, telling him how proud she is. She then hugged Simon too, and then left them to go finish eating.

After the day of the 120th anniversary, Simon and Wilhelm were very happy together, going on little dates and sitting together in class, eating together, and walking around the school grounds. Happy in love.

The End!!!
I hope you guys enjoy reading, and let me know your thoughts and feelings on season two!
If you're interested, I wrote another, longer season 2 oneshot that is written better. Its called The Aftermath. Hope you enjoy reading it
All The Love X

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