𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝...

By nataliegarcia26

353 17 4

Alan and Isabel must work together to trap a common but very dangerous enemy. How complicated can things get... More

(1) 𝚂𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚄𝚙 𝚊 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚙
{2) 𝙰 𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜
(3) 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙰𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕
(4) 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑
(5) 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘔𝘦
(7) 𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚜
(8) 𝙰 𝙷𝚞𝚐𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝
(9) 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚜
(10) 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜
(11) 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝙶𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚆𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐
(12) 𝚄𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚅𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛
(13) 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚆𝚊𝚛
(14) 𝚁𝚎𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
(15) 𝙼𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍

(6) 𝘖𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘈𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘢

17 1 0
By nataliegarcia26

Emma : Isa? What happened? We heard you two yelling!
Isabel : I'm leaving!
Emma : Why?
Isabel : Happens that your uncle doesn't trust me! -walks away-
Emma : Oh hell no..

I barged into my uncle's office without any care in the world. He's going to hear me!

Emma : What the hell did you do?!
Alan : Stay out of it!
Emma : Why don't you trust her?! I know Isabel more than you and I know she's loyal!! She wouldn't betray us.
Alan : That's what she wants us to think. I saw her going up and down the city with Amalia's brother!
Emma : Did you let her explain?
Alan : I don't need to ask what I saw.
Emma : What you saw or what your guards saw?
Alan : My guards are my eyes.
Emma : Alan-
Alan : Leave! I want to be alone.
Emma : Dude.....you're being really unfair on her. Give her a chance to explain yeah? -walks out-

-phone call-

Pilot : Yes ma'am?
Isabel : Get the jet ready. I need you to pick me up.
Pilot : Yes ma'am! -ends call-

Emma : I just talked to him-
Isabel : I don't want to work with him if he doesn't trust me.
Emma : I don't know what's up with him honestly!
Isabel : Whatever it is I'm leaving.
Emma : Man fuck Alan and his mood swings.

S O N O R A  (12pm)

Osvaldo : Has Gustavo called?
Amalia : No
Osvaldo : If I'm being honest I don't think the plan will work. Isabel isn't stupid she's going to run a background check on him.
Amalia : She can't! I gave him a new identity and his actual identity is very well hidden.
Osvaldo : If you say so.

-phone ring-

Amalia : There he is!

-phone call-

Amalia : Hello?
Gustavo : I spent the day with Isabel.
Amalia : And?
Osvaldo : Put it on speaker.
Gustavo : She doesn't suspect a thing.
Osvaldo : I doubt it! She's smart.
Gustavo : She didn't ask much questions so I'm sure she doesn't suspect.
Amalia : So you were just with her all day?
Gustavo : Yes sister in order to gain trust I need to spend time with her.
Amalia : Make her fall deadly in love with you.
Osvaldo : Pft! If I couldn't do it he won't either. She's not that easy!
Gustavo : Don't underestimate me Sanchez!
Osvaldo : Actions not words.
Amalia : Shut up Osvaldo!
Gustavo : Anyway that's all I have.
Amalia : Well keep going!
Gustavo : What's the point exactly?
Amalia : Date her! Propose! Meet her family and we strike!
Gustavo : That's going to take years!
Amalia : I don't care how long it takes! You do that while we come up with something else.
Gustavo : Fine
Amalia : We'll talk later.
Gustavo : Uh huh -ends call-
Osvaldo : It's not going to work!
Amalia : Don't be so sure. That will keep Isabel distracted anyway.
Osvaldo : At least


I was walking towards my car as I pulled my suitcase but then-

Alan : Isabel wait!!!
Isabel : .......
Alan : Isabel!!!

I sighed and turned around to face him.

Isabel : What?!
Alan : Let's talk
Isabel : Oh now you want to talk? Well no!
Alan : Sugar please..
Isabel : Don't call me Sugar!
Alan : I'm sorry for not trusting you but I do trust you Isabel..
Isabel : ....
Alan : I apologize for thinking you were with them. It's just-
Isabel : I didn't know who he really was. I did suspect though. I was going to tell you and run a background check on him.
Alan : I believe you.
Isabel : You're lying!

I turned around trying to walk away but he grabbed my arm and spun me around to look at him as he held on to me.

Alan : I'm sorry......will you stay? I'll help you In everything you need to get to Osvaldo and Amalia.
Isabel : I need you to trust me.
Alan : I trust you.
Isabel : You sure?
Alan : Yes
Isabel : Beg me
Alan : What?
Isabel : -smile- Beg me to stay.
Alan : I practically am.
Isabel : Kneel
Alan : No
Isabel : -laugh- Okay I forgive you.
Alan : Staying?
Isabel : If you want me to.
Alan : Of course
Isabel : I'm gonna talk to Hector about our plan. Remember? About the SIM card?
Alan : Oh right right. Do you need me to do anything?
Isabel : No since everything will take place in Sonora. Thank you though.
Alan : Let's go inside it's cold.
Isabel : Mkay


I've been in bed all day. I've had a headache and get dizzy when I try getting up. I threw up like two times already too. I tried eating breakfast but my stomach wouldn't take it.

Hector : -walks in- Hey baby.
Arlene : Hi..
Hector : I brought you some tea.
Arlene : Thanks..

I slowly sat up and leaned against the pillows. Hector came over and sat on the edge of my side handing me the cup of tea.

Hector : Careful, it's hot.
Arlene : What kind is it?
Hector : Ginger
Arlene : Okay..
Hector : Are you sure you don't want me to call a doctor?
Arlene : No it's nothing. It'll go away by tomorrow hopefully.
Hector : Well if it doesn't go away I'll call in a doctor.
Arlene : -sigh-

-phone ring-

Hector : It's Isabel.......

-phone call-

Hector : Hello?
Isabel : Hey brother!
Hector : Hey isa! How're things over there?
Isabel : Good I guess. You guys?
Hector : Arlene's a little sick but other than that we're fine.
Isabel : Awww I hope she gets better. Anyway I need your help.
Hector : With?
Isabel : I have a plan.
Hector : Let's hear it.
Isabel : We send guards to follow Amalia. Once she leaves the house, send two people to follow her. One, will ask to borrow her phone. That person will slip in a SIM card we can hack into and listen to phone calls and read text messages. The other person will distract Amalia. I'd send Arlene but if she's sick-
Arlene : I'll do it.
Hector : No baby you're sick.
Arlene : I'm sure I'll be fine by tomorrow.
Hector : Okay..
Isabel : You understand the plan?
Hector : Yes
Isabel : After that's done I need you to send me the SIM card.
Hector : Alright I'll get everything set.
Isabel : Good luck! Call me when the plan is on.
Hector : I will! Night sis!
Arlene : Night Isa!!
Isabel : Night fam! -ends call-

The Next Day

Hector : Okay so this is what you're going to do. You're going to go up to her and ask if you can make a phone call because your phone died.
Claudia : Okay
Hector : While you do that, Arlene will distract her. You take that time to slip in this SIM card.
Claudia : Do I just slip it in?
Hector : Yes
Claudia : Got it!
Guard : Boss! My colleague just informed that Amalia has left her house. She's around the city.
Hector : Perfect! Good luck girls. Be extra careful.
Arlene : We will! Come on Claudia.

-phone call-

Isabel : Ready?
Hector : Yes, Arlene and Claudia just left. Amalia is out in the city.
Isabel : I told you she'd be easy. She can't stand being locked in for long.
Hector : Now we wait.
Isabel : Is the SIM card ready?
Hector : Yes
Isabel : Great!
Hector : I'll let you know when we finish.
Isabel : Mkay -ends call-

Alan's Office

Isabel : Looks like the plan is just starting.
Alan : So all we have to do now is wait to see how it turned out?
Isabel : Yes
Alan : Hm
Isabel : Man I really hope it works..
Alan : It's your idea so I'm sure it will.
Isabel : Complimenting me now?
Alan : It's the truth.
Isabel : I'm flattered! Thanks Alan!

-phone ring-

Isabel : Oh...
Alan : Gustavo?
Isabel : Mhm
Alan : What are you going to do with him?
Isabel : For now pretend I don't suspect of him. Then I'll see.
Alan : Aren't you going to answer?
Isabel : I guess.........

Isabel : hello?

-phone call-

Gustavo : Hey Isabel! Are you busy today? I was thinking we could grab some dinner.
Isabel : Oh um......sure!
Gustavo : Great! I'll meet you at The Kitchin at seven?
Isabel : Sure!
Gustavo : See you there. -ends call-
Alan : Date?
Isabel : It's not a date. Plus I have to stay on his good side. I don't want him to think I know what's up.
Alan : Then?
Isabel : I don't know. I don't have a specific plan right now. I'll think of something later. For now I have to go get ready.
Alan : Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow?
Isabel : What?
Alan : Dinner? Tomorrow?
Isabel : Why?
Alan : Because
Isabel : -smile- I guess I can squeeze you into my schedule.
Alan : I'm looking forward to it then.
Isabel : I'll see you around. -walks away-


All three of us are now at the mall. Specifically at a clothing store.
Amalia is looking at some designer shoes while Claudia is close by.
I'm hiding behind a tall clothing rack  as I watch them both.

Claudia : Excuse me?
Amalia : What?
Claudia : Could I use your phone? Please? I need to make a phone call and I forgot my phone...
Amalia : Fine....here!
Claudia : Thank you!

Once Claudia had the phone in her hands, I came out. I walked near Amalia's way without looking at her. The goal is for her to come up to me.

Amalia : Awww would ya look at who it is? My husband's lover. It's sad you need protection and don't know how to defend yourself.
Arlene : Oh I know how to defend myself. It's just my husband wants me to be extra protected.
Amalia : Your husband? No sweetie that man is still my husband since we never divorced.
Arlene : To the law, you're dead! Therefore, he's more my husband than yours. I'm the one with the tittle.
Amalia : If the law finds out I'm alive your marriage will immediately be invalid.
Arlene : If the law finds out you're alive they'll immediately throw you in jail for faking your death!
Amalia : And I'll spill everything I know about the cartel because honey, I know a lot and Hector knows it. Why do you think he hasn't done anything to throw me in jail Hm?
Arlene : He's doing it for his cartel not to save your ass.
Amalia : He can't kill me. There's a contract remember? The Spanish Mafia knows I'm alive therefore the contract still stands. If anyone from The Sonora Cartel kills me the contract breaks. If the contract breaks, Hector loses a big partnership that means tons money!

All of a sudden I started feeling dizzy.
Oh god please not now...

Claudia : Thank you so much! Hers's your phone.
Amalia : Yeah whatever!

Oh thank god the plan worked but now we have a problem. I don't feel good and- .....

.......everything went black...

Guard : Mrs Martino!!

This is my chance to do something...

Amalia : I'll call an ambulance!
Guard : Dude! Call boss!!
Guard 2 : On it!

-phone call-

Hector : Yes?
Guard : Boss!! Mrs Martino passed out!
Hector : What?! Where are you all?!
Guard : At the mall! An ambulance is on the way!
Amalia : -walks away-
Hector : Don't let the ambulance take her until I'm there!! I'm on my way!!
Guard : Yes boss! -ends call-

After I called an ambulance I came outside and got into my car.
I have an idea...

-phone call-

Osvaldo : What?
Amalia : I bumped into Arlene at the mall. She passed out. I called an ambulance for her. I'm in my car now. Do you want me to follow? This is our chance to get her.
Osvaldo : Follow but be very careful! Tell me who she's with.
Amalia : I'll be informing you. -ends call-

Oh shit.......Hector is here!
Fuck fuck fuck this complicates things! UGH! Now I have to be extra cautious.

After the ambulance left, the guards followed behind them. I followed behind them too but from afar. I can't risk getting caught.


Arlene : Mmm...
Hector : Baby..
Nurse : Ma'am? How are you feeling?
Arlene : What....what happened?
Nurse : You passed out. You're on an ambulance on the way to the hospital.
Arlene : But I'm fine..
Nurse : No ma'am your body is weak right now. We'll have to run some exams at the hospital.
Arlene : Hector...
Hector : You'll be fine babe. You need to get checked. You haven't been well lately
Arlene : I was fine this morning..
Hector : Maybe but it's back. You have to get checked Arly.
Arlene : Okay...


Emma : Woah! Where are you going looking hot?
Isabel : Haha thanks! I'm going out with someone. It's kind of a job.
Emma : Oh?
Isabel : Alan can explain to you.
Emma : I'll ask him! Have fun Isa!
Isabel : I'll try! -walks out-
Emma : Hey Alan?
Alan : Yeah?
Emma : Do you think I can go to Tijuana next week?
Alan : What for?
Emma : Well.....it would be Bruno's birthday next week and I want Evan to take him some flowers. Like we do every year.
Alan : Yeah just go with guards. I need you protected especially with Amalia on your back.
Emma : Yeah..


Amalia : Hello!
Receptionist : What can I help you with ma'am?
Amalia : I'm here to visit Arlene Martino. What room is she in?
Receptionist : Unfortunately no one can go in but her husband and her sister in law.

I pulled out a few bills and slipped it under her window.

Amalia : I asked what room is she in?
Receptionist : ......206
Amalia : Thank you! -walks away-

Arlene's Room

Nurse : We have the results.
Hector : Is everything okay?
Nurse : Perfect!! Mrs Martino, you're pregnant! Congratulations to you both!
Arlene : What...?
Hector : Baby......you're pregnant. We're pregnant!!
Arlene : Oh my god....

Hector came to me and gave me a tight hug. I can't believe I'm pregnant. This was so unexpected but it's the best news!

Hector : -kiss- I love you my baby.
Arlene : I love you too!! Oh my god we're having a baby!!
Nurse : Just make sure you take care of yourself. No carrying anything heavy, no alcohol no stress and no worrying. We'll run some extra tests and you'll be able to leave tonight.
Arlene : Thank you!
Nurse : Of course! Congratulations once again. -walks out-

-phone call-

Amalia : I'm in the hallway of her room. The nurse just walked out but Arlene is inside with Hector and there are two guards guarding the door.
Osvaldo : This is what we're going to do-

To be continued.....

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