Jealousy- S.H. x Fem! reader

By FranticRomance

27.6K 446 64

(please understand that this is not edited and is my first book that I wrote a long time ago) Y/n Henderson i... More

Information you should know
🌗S1- Chapter 1
🌗S1- Chapter 2
🌗S1- Chapter 3
🌗S1- Chapter 4
🌗S1- Chapter 5
🌗S1- Chapter 6
🌗S1- Chapter 7
🌗S1- Chapter 8
❄️S2- Chapter 1
❄️S2- Chapter 2
❄️S2- Chapter 3
❄️S2- Chapter 4
❄️S2- Chapter 5
❄️S2- Chapter 6
❄️S2- Chapter 7
❄️S2- Chapter 8
🎆S3- Chapter 1
🎆S3- Chapter 2
🎆S3- Chapter 3
🎆S3- Chapter 4
🍃S4- Chapter 1
🍃S4- Chapter 2
🍃S4- Chapter 3
🍃S4- Chapter 4
🍃S4- Chapter 6
🍃S4- Chapter 7
🍃S4- Chapter 8
🍃S4- Chapter 9

🍃S4- Chapter 5

496 7 0
By FranticRomance

We are back on the road since I finally calmed down...I'm holding onto Steve's hand for dear life, considering anything could happen.

But I couldn't get his words

"Daughter. Your father."

There was no way he, Vecna was my Father, right?

We finally reach the Wheelers house and See Nancy and Robin waiting for us. We get out of the car and Nancy and Robin run to Max and hug her to which she hugs them back.

"Are you okay?" Robin asks

"Yeah, I'm okay" Max saids then looks at me to which the other two do to

"Okay...what happened?" Nancy asks

We now sit in the basement as I explain what happened, what happened in the upside down. I decided to leave out the whole I'm his daughter thing...I didn't know if it was I decided to not tell them

Everyone decided to take turns staying up at night watching over Max and I. All though Dustin fell asleep during his shift.

"Do you wanna go upstairs?" I ask Max since the basement was boring

"Yeah" Max reply's and up the stairs we went... we were greeted with the smell of food and honestly I could eat. Mrs. Wheels then sees us approach the kitchen

"Good morning, ladies, do you want some pancakes?" Mrs. Wheeler asks

"Yes, please" I say

"Sure" Max saids to which Mrs. Wheeler then hands us two plates of pancakes. We walk to the table where Holly was drawing and sit down. I look over at the stack of paper Holly has and crayons. I look over at Max seeing her looking at them also.

"Hey Holly?" I ask looking over at her to which her head shoots up "Do you mind if we draw too?" To which she shakes her head so I grab paper and a few crayons and place them in front of Max and myself.

We have been drawing pieces of the house we saw trying to put it together. While I'm taping the pieces I don't even realize that Nancy and Dustin came upstairs. I finish taping and then Notice Nancy hovering over me looking at the house Me and Max created.

I look over at Dustin seeing him making his way to the food

"May I?" Dustin asks

"Absolutely" Karen saids

"Yeah, why not? Take us for all we're worth." Ted saids

"Okay" Dustin saids and I laugh and turn back to the drawing

"Hey" I say to Nancy as she sits down

"Hey" Nancy saids "you guys okay?"

"Just couldn't sleep" Max saids "People kept blasting music in our ears for some reason"

"But Holly let us borrow some of her crayons. We've been having a fun morning, right, Holly?" I say

"Mm-hmm" Holly goes

"Is this what you both saw last night?" Nancy asks

"I mean... kinda just it wasn't exactly put together it was in different pieces... it looked like a broken house" I say

"We thought it'd be easier to draw it out than to explain it" Max saids

Nancy then looks at another drawing of Chrissy and Fred "Is that...?"

"It was like they were on display or something. And then there was this red fog everywhere" I say

"It was like a dream. A nightmare." Max adds

"Do you think Vecna's just trying to scare you guys?" Nancy asks

"With Billy? Yeah...I mean I don't know what you saw..." Max saids looking at me to which I don't say anything because he didn't show me anything...he said stuff "But when we made it here... I don't know, something was different. He seemed surprised, almost."

"It was like he didn't want us there." I add

"Maybe you infiltrated his mind." Dustin saids "He invaded your mind, right? Is it that big a leap to suggest you somehow wound up in his? Like Freddie Krueger's boiler room."

"Freddie Krueger?" Holly asks

"He's a super burned-up dude with razors for fingers. And he kills you in your dreams." Dustin saids

"Dustin seriously!" I scold as me and Nancy glare at him

"Sorry. It's a movie. It's not real." Dustin tells Holly "Just... think about it. What if you somehow unlocked a back door to Vecna's world. Like, maybe the answer we're looking for is somewhere in this incredibly vague drawing...God we need Will."

"No shit" Max saids

"It's just a house Dustin" I say "Anyway we tried them again this morning. And it's the same busy signal."

"Is this a stained glass with rose on the door?" Nancy asks

"Yeah" I say

"See? We aren't so bad after all" Max tells Dustin

"Yeah, well, it helps that I've seen it before." Nancy saids she then takes a marker and fills in the windows of the house "This isn't just any house" Nancy saids "it's Victor Creel's house." She then gets up to which I do too

"Where are you going?" Dustin asks

"Waking the others" I say

We pull up to the house and get out. We see the door being bordered up and the house looking like a complete mess and haunted

"Yeah, that's not creepy" Steve saids

"What exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shithole?" Lucas asks

"We're not sure" Nancy saids "We just know this house is important to Vecna."

"Because Max and y/n saw it in Vecna's red soup mind world?" Steve asks



"Maybe it holds a clue to where Vecna is. Why he's back. Why he killed the Creels. And how to stop him before he comes back for either Max or y/n." Dustin saids

"We don't think he's in here, do we?" Lucas saids

"Guess we'll find out." Max saids

I then pull the board down with the flick of my wrist as I say "timber". We then see the red rose glass stained door and I feel like he's watching over me

"Y/n" I hear him say in my head "What are you doing here, you two" i remember him saying

Steve tries to open the door to which it doesn't budge

"It's locked" Steve saids "Should I knock, see if anybody's home?"

"Haha, move" I say making my way to the door and grabbing the fort handle. I unlock the door, and twist it open. We all walk in with the flashlights Dustin gave us

"Looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill" Lucas saids

"Where'd everyone get those?" Steve asks Dustin talking about the flashlights and Dustin turns to him

"Do you need to be told everything?" Dustin saids to which I snort a laugh "You're not a child"

"Thank you" Steve saids and I walk away down the hall. I look around the walls and then I see it...the clock

"Hey, guys, You all see that right?" I ask to which everyone swarms around me

"Yeah" Dustin saids

"Is this what you guys saw?" Nancy asks "In your visions?" The chime echos through my mind.

"I mean, it's... just a clock" Robin saids Yeah, a creepy one "Right?" She asks and I don't take my eyes off of it. Robin walks up to it and brushes the dust off the screen "Like a normal old clock."

"Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks? Maybe he's, like, a clockmaker or something?" Steve saids

"I think you cracked the case, Steve." Dustin saids

"All I know is the answers are here. Somewhere." I say "Okay, everyone stay in groups of two"

"Robin, upstairs" Nancy saids to which they walk upstairs. Max walks over to Lucas and drags him with her.

And I look over at the people left which was of course Steve and Dustin and I smile. Steve sighs then takes my hand and we walk upstairs with Dustin trailing behind us

"Was that a sigh?" Dustin asks

"No, I did not sigh." Steve saids

"Why'd you sigh?"

"I didn't sigh. Just come on, dude."

"You sighed" I say

"I heard you" Dustin saids

"I just would like time alone with y/n, okay?" Steve saids

"Okay, she's my sister, you guys are always together"

"Oh my god, shut up, the both of you" I say and bring my hand to my temple getting a headache from the two bickering



We then split off somehow. I walk down a hallway alone and find Steve rushing out of a room almost knocking me over

"What's wrong?" I ask

"There was a spider." Steve saids


"It's a black widow" he turns around and closes the door "Don't go in there"

"Oh, oh" I say as I see spiderwebs in his hair "wait, just..." I say trying to get them out but he walks over to a mirror

"What? Something? Shit"

"Stop moving" I say


I reach and get the webs out "I just...I got it. I got it."

"Thank you"

"If there's a spider nest, you're never gonna find it." Robin saids passing by us "till it lays eggs and the babies spill out."

"What's wrong with you" Steve asks to which Robin and I laugh "Robin, seriously. She's got problems"

"Yeah tell me about it" I say "All right, I'm done, you'll be okay"

He turns around and leans his forehead on mine and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world and stuff, maybe we can actually have alone time"

"We are right now"

"You know what I mean"

"Yeah....That would be nice"

"Yeah, I think so too"

I grab the side of his face and give him a quick kiss and smile

"Guess we should, uh, get back to the investigation." He saids to which I nod "The obvious things are not what people observe. Or... Do...Don't observe. Or... Sherlock Holmes" I smile and shake my head at his dumbness, and grab his hand

"Come on loved boy" I say and pull him along with me "It's actually "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes." I say

"Yeah I don't follow" He saids to which I chuckle

"Okay" I say and lean my head on his shoulder

We all now stand in a room around a chandelier that is flickering.

"It's like the Christmas lights" Nancy saids

"The Christmas lights?" Robin asks

"Yeah, when Will was in the upside down, the lights... came to life." I say

"Vecna's here" Lucas saids "In this house, just on the other side" suddenly the lights go off

"I think he just left the room" Robin saids

"Did he hear us?" Max asks

"Can he see us?" Steve asks

"Headphones." Lucas saids to which Max and I put our headphones on.

"Wait, wait, Everyone, turn off your flashlights and spread out." I hear Nancy faintly say to which I turn my flashlight off

"We're not gonna be able to see if we turn off our flash...lights." I hear Steve faintly say to which I take his flashlight turn it off and walk off. To which he follows after me.

We walk down a hallway looking left and right. After a while Steve drags me to a room. We see Robin's flashlight flickering. Then it just turns off. Steve's flashlight then starts to flicker

"Whoa...Oh, I think he's moving. He's moving. He's moving." Steve then continues to walk up the stairs with everyone following. He flashlight then flicks off "I lost him"

"No you didn't" I say looking though a door seeing a flickering light. I open the door to reveal a attic. I walk in to which everyone does too.

"It's an attic. Of course it's an attic." I hear Robin say as we all walk up the stairs

"Hold up, guys. What if he's leading us into a trap?" Dustin saids to which we ignore and continue on "Guys, guys. Shit."

We find a lightbulb in the middle of the room buzzing and flickering.

"Flashlights" Dustin saids to which we look at our flashlights to see them flicker too.

We stand in a circle around the lightbulb and point our flashlight up at it. We stare at the light as it continues to buzz and flicker

"Okay, what's happening?" Steve asks

After standing there studying the scene, the lightbulb busts then our flashlights bust one by one.

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