The Falcon and Winter Soldier

By cumberdelicious

16.6K 157 33

Basically just a random book of SamBucky Oneshot. (Fluff/Angst/Smut) Warning should be given in any of part i... More

Sunday Mornings Gold
Lumpy Motel Mattresses
Don't Stop
Pest and a Half
Tell Me All about It
You Have Me
You Couldn't Handle Me
Dinner Date
Time Stone
Trying to Fly Ho-Ho-Home
Just a Dream
WinterFalcon 4in1 (i)
WinterFalcon 4in1 (ii)
WinterFalcon 4in1 (iii)
Is That a Lance in Your Pocket?
I Wish...
Steve's Notebook
A Treat for Every Trick
Our World

May I Have This Dance?

463 3 1
By cumberdelicious


Sam plans a community-wide dance at the VA and brings his family along. It's the silly dancing, the balloon games, and the sweet moments that remind Sam and Bucky that they wouldn't want life any other way.

When Sam came home from his Thursday afternoon volunteer counseling shift at the VA, he looked like he had just stumbled across a winning lottery ticket held out to him by Marvin Gaye himself. Bucky was immediately suspicious.

"What fresh hell do you have waiting for me now?" he groaned, setting down his worn copy of the Lord of the Rings.

"I have no clue what you mean," Sam nearly hummed, kicking his shoes off and hinging his coat up with a dance.

"You know exactly what I mean. Anytime you get like this, I typically am subjected to something embarrassing. Please don't tell me I have to go on Ellen with you again."

"Bucky. Baby! Light of my life! My Vibranium-fisted soul. Do you think I would do such a thing?" Coupled with his dramatized tone, he threw himself on the couch next to Bucky. "You wound me, my metal-armed lover!"

Bucky grabbed his irritating husband and pulled him in close. He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips sternly.

"Careful, Buck. You're gonna start something we can't finish before the girls' bus gets here," Sam chided, fluttering his pretty lashes. Bucky swatted him on the shoulder.

"Tell. Me. Now. Samuel," he growled, his severe look threatening to break into a seductive smirk. He didn't miss the slight shutter from Sam.

"Fine. But you take the fun out of everything. I'm planning a spring event for the VA."

Bucky was confused. Sam typically did things outside of his group meetings with the Vets. Sometimes they would have pizza nights or go on group outings to the movies or the bowling alley.

"Okay. That's good. Are you guys gonna go see a new movie?"

"No. It's more of-ah-more of a community event." Bucky nodded, his gaze fully on Sam, urging him to spit it out. "I'm hosting a community ball. The Vets, their families, and anyone in the community are invited to come and have a blast."

"That's great, Baby," Bucky praised. He felt that there was something else to Sam's event, but he was happy that his husband found such joy in doing things for others.


"Excuse me?" Bucky asked silkily, his proud smile turning into a petulant pout immediately at the rushed sentence. "Don't think I heard you correctly, Sam. Wanna run that by me again?"

"C'mon Buck, it'll be fun. Dancing, snacks, the girls all dressed up and having a good time? Please come to the dance with me?"

Sam had slid into Bucky's lap at the start of his begging. He held His face gently between his warm, callused hands. Bucky stared into those warm brown eyes and that gapped-toothed grin that he fell in love with all over again. Dammit, Sam knew how to convince a guy.

"Fine, but I'm not dancing and I'm not gonna like it," He grumbled. "Now, give me a kiss for my troubles."

Sam happily obliged, his grin never fading as they kissed deeply.

"A dance?! Like a princess ball?"

Sam smiled as Bucky tried to hide his fond grin behind a fork-full of mixed vegetables. Bex was in that princess stage in all but dress. She loved her dolls in their royal garb, but you wouldn't catch her dead in tights or ruffles.

"And the whole town's invited?" Emma-Jean clarified as she scooped up some mashed potato.

"Yes and yes," Sam beamed.

"Sissy, we're gonna dance like princesses!" Bex bounced, her food long forgotten. Emma-Jean grinned.

"Does that mean you're actually gonna wear a princess dress?" Bex frowned at that, her nose wrinkling in disgust.

"Daddy, do I have to?" she whined.

"No Baby Bop," Sam laughed. "You can wear whatever you'd like."

"Papa, are you gonna come dancing with us? Even though you don't like people?" Emma-Jean Asked. Sam, who had spooned corn into his mouth, spluttered, corn flying in all directions.

"Who told you I didn't like people?" Bucky asked in shock, reaching over to pat his choking husband on the back a little harder than necessary.

"You always glare at Mr. Jones across the street--"

"He said our yard was ugly."

"-and the cashier at the store—"

"She said my hair was an unruly rat's dungeon!"

"-And the—"

"Alright, I get it," Bucky exclaimed. Bex was giggling and Sam was taking deep breaths as he tried to avoid another laughing fit. "I Do like people and I will unfortunately be attending this dance."

"Yay!" both girls cheered.

"We have to go shopping," Emma-Jean pointed out. "We don't have dance outfits... Well maybe Bex does."

"I wanna shop too!"

"That's a fabulous idea!" Sam grinned.

"What about this one?" Bucky asked, holding out a lilac, velvet dress with darker purple flowers on it. Emma-Jean scrunched her nose up at it.

"It's not fancy enough and it looks itchy."

Sam, who had been thumbing through racks with Bex on his hip, came sidling up, took one look at the dress, and shook his head in disbelief.

"What!" Bucky huffed. "It's a perfectly good dress."

"Yeah, for a tiny grandma," Sam allowed. Bucky stuck his tongue out at him. "Your maturity is what I love about you the most, Baby."

"What about you, Bex?" Bucky asked, ignoring his flirt of a husband. "Did you find anything yet?"

"No," she said. "Everything's too fancy and boring."

"Shall we switch?" Sam suggested. Bucky nodded and held out his arms. Bex went happily into them as Sam reached out a hand for Emma-Jean.

An hour later, both girls had found their dream outfits. Emma-Jean had picked out a baby blue evening gown with a tutu-like skirt, silver sandals, and some silver blue jewelry. Bex had found a t-shirt dress that looked like it had been splattered with rainbow paint, a pair of white play sandals, and rainbow feather earrings.

"Now it's your turns," Emma-Jean sang as they made their way through the bustling shopping center.

"Oh, me and your Papa have things to wear at home," Sam tried. He loved his girls, but the horror of what they might force him to wear in public was infinite in its possibilities.

"We got new clothes. You have to dress up too, remember?" Bex said, swinging on Bucky's arm.

"We could get ice cream instead," Bucky pointed out. Bex's eyes lit up.

"After shopping," Emma-jean said.

In the end, they compromised. The girls got to pick out shirts and jackets for them and they would wear dress pants and shoes they already had at home.

"This for Papa?" Bex asked. Bucky didn't even dare to look. He could feel his cheeks heating up as Sam snickered next to him.

"I don't think Papa likes rainbow flowers on his shirt, Bexy."

"Why not? Rainbows are pretty and we could match."

"What about this shirt??" Emma-Jean offered.

"I definitely think the ducklings would add a certain je ne sais quoi to his outfit., Sam threw in conversationally. Bucky quickly whipped his head around and stared in horror at the shirt Emma-Jean was holding up,. It was a respectable royal blue, collared button up, but the buttons were shaped like ducks.

"I like it," Bex cheered, clapping her hands in delight. Emma-Jean gave a self-congratulatory nod and Sam smirked.

"Well, Sweetheart, try it on," Sam encouraged. Bucky gingerly took the shirt from Emma-Jean as if it were going to bite him, and discretely flipped Sam the bird before retreating to the dressing room.

A minute later, he came out with the shirt on and Sam had to admit that the color looked really good on him.

"It's really nice, Bucky." He said, no hint of mockery in his tone. Bucky stood in front of a mirror and smiled, before glaring at one of the duckling buttons.

"You are so handsome, Papa," Emma-Jean gushed. "Will you please wear it?" Bucky nodded grudgingly.

"Daddy," Bex, who had disappeared into the racks of clothing, had reappeared with a familiar-looking color scheme on a shirt.

"O Bex, I don't think—" Sam began, looking in horror at Steve's old 1940's costume-inspired shirt.

"Oh, Doll, that would look so adorable," Bucky piped in. "Has a level of, how you say, je ne sais quoi?" Sam pouted as Bex pushed the shirt into his hand.

In the end, Bucky chose the duckling button up and a matching duckling tie. Sam was able to convince the girls to go for a tamer white collared shirt with little Captain America shields for buttons and a matching Falcon tie-inspired tie.

The Wilson-Barnes family arrived early to the community center to set up for the dance.

"Hey Arnie," Sam greeted warmly "So glad you could make it."

"Hey my man," Arnold, one of Sam's regular members, greeted him. There were a few other regulars milling around the place hanging up balloons and streamers.

"Ooooh, look at the pretty gold ones!" Bex chirped. She enthusiastically tugged Emma-Jean over to a pile of unused decorations.

"This your family, Sam?" Tawnie, a newer member, asked as she climbed down from a step ladder.

"Yes, Ma'am. This my husband, James Wilson-Barnes."

"Nice to meet you, James. I'm Tawnie." She said warmly, holding out a hand.

"Hi Tawnie. And you can call me Bucky."

Tawnie looked over to Bex, who was enthusiastically climbing a latter with a large banner in her hands. Arnie was watching her like a hawk, a steadying hand on the latter.

"She yours?"

"Both of them," Sam said proudly, nodding his head over to Emma-Jean, who was braiding some red, blue, and gold streamers into a pretty design under the impressed eyes of Jimmy, and older Vet who had taken a liking to both girls when Sam had to bring them to group on the vary rare occasions Bucky or Sarah couldn't watch them.

"Beautiful family you got, Sam," she said with a smile. She turned and busied herself with blowing up balloons.

"Should've brought them wings of yours, Wilson-Barnes," George laughed.

"Nah man, would have taken all the fun out of it for folks like you. This way, you get to have a moment in the sky." Sam clapped the older, grizzled man on the back and smiled.

"George, you remember my husband?"

"Yeah. Still don't know how you caught such a fine man, Samuel. With that big head of yours." Bucky just laughed as he reached out to shake the man's hand.

"You're supposed to defend my honor, Baby!"

"Truth is a terrible burden to bare, Sam. And I must do it as someone who fraternizes with the very symbol of justice and all." Sam quickly lunged for a balloon to chuck at his head.

Bucky wasn't much for parties as a general rule, but he had to admit that as parties went, this one wasn't half bad. No one was giving him suspicious looks as he sort of skulked on the sides like some kind of bionic wall flower. Many of Sam's group members that he had met before came to talk with him every once in a while, many of them bringing their kids along to say hello. His arm was a huge hit with the little ones, along with the "duckies" on his shirt, and it made him smile.

"Alright now!" the DJ called over the speaker system. "It's time to get funky!"

A new beat dropped and Bucky stood there in awe as the entirety of the party stampeded towards the dance floor. He was content to watch this strange occurrence from the safety of his spot beside the drink table, but a warm hand tugged urgently at his elbow. Looking over, he saw Sam's indignant face and groaned internally.

"Yes, Doll? You need something?"

"Buuuuuuuuuuucky! You can't stand here during the Cha-Cha Slide!"

"I don't even know what that is, Sam. I'm not dancing."

"You loved dancing."

"Yeah, in the 1940s to music that didn't make me think an earthquake was going to shake the dance floor apart. And I don't even know the first thing about 21st century dancing."

"C'mon. It'll be fun! This song literally tells you what to do. It's like an old person instruction manual. It was literally made for you in mind, Baby."

"Calling me elderly is not helping your case, Samuel," Bucky said haughtily as he playfully shook Sam off. "Now go on, you don't wanna miss your dance."

Sam stormed off with an ominous "Fine, but you made me do this, Wilson-Barnes."

Bucky sighed in relief as he leaned back against the wall, watching the collective move in unison to the instructions. It was weird that the song was telling them what to do; Bucky couldn't remember hearing anything like that when he was growing up.

In his curious distraction, he didn't notice the threats coming in at his twelve o'clock. Before he could even know to shore up his defenses, two sets of little arms wrapped around his knees and waste. Looking down he saw two sets of big, doe eyes silently pleading with him.

"This isn't fair," Bucky groaned, closing his eyes to try and resist.

"Papa, will you Pleeeeeeeeeaseeee dance with us?" Bex called over the music. "It's not as fun without you."

"We'll help you if you don't know how," Emma-Jean threw in. "Whenever I don't know how to do something, you and Daddy always help me. I wanna help you too."

Closing his eyes wasn't working. He couldn't resist the pure innocence of his girls wanting him to join in. He was definitely going to murder Sam in his sleep later for this though. With a sigh, he nodded his head and straightened up.

"Yay!" Bex cheered. Both girls let go of him to grab his hands and toe him onto the dance floor.

"Glad you could join us, Sweetheart," Sam said as he was going low. Bucky, who was awkwardly following suit according to the song's directions, leaned over and whispered in Sam's ear.

"Death, Samuel. That is what's awaiting you tonight." Sam just grinned, completely unbothered by the threat.

Sam and the girls helped bucky stumble through the remainder of the Cha-Cha Slide, the Cupid Shuffle, and the YMCA. Once Bucky got over the initial embarrassment and slight fear of drawing attention to himself, he noted how fun it was. Everyone was participating in the dances in whatever ways they could, and he saw nothing but smiles on everyone's faces. It didn't matter how absurd they looked throwing their arms around, hopping on one foot, or bobbing their heads, it was pure fun and no one was being judge for it.

"Now, we gonna take it back a little further than normal! Grab that special person, you know, the one that drives you up a wall but you couldn't live with out them? Yeah, grab them up nice and close."

As the music shifted to a familiar note for Bucky, he wrapped Sam in his arms and began to sway.

"You didn't." he said, a warm smile playing over his features. Sam gave him an innocent look.

"I didn't what, Buck?"

"Just shut up and kiss me."

Their lip's met as the trumpets gave way to the old timey voice of Louis Armstrong.

"Gee, I'd like to see you looking swell, baby. Diamond bracelets Woolworth's wouldn't sell, my little baby," Bucky sang, his voice low and sultry, as he spun Sam around the dance floor. It was as if he was transported back in time and the decades just melted away. Sam could see the way his blue eyes sparkled in the dim party lights. He could understand how the 1940s Brooklyn playboy had everyone swooning.

"'Til that lucky day, you know darn well, Baby. I can't give you anything but love."

"Thought you couldn't dance?" Sam teased breathlessly. Bucky leaned in with a chased kiss and flicked his nose affectionately.

"Hush, you. And don't think this gets you out of being murdered for using the power of our children against me." They both laughed, leaning comfortably into one another with no plans to move, even as the music changed back to 21st century pop for the benefit of the younger generation.

"Where are Emma-Bear and Bex anyway?" Sam asked. Bucky gestured with a nod to the far corner of the multipurpose room where a group of kids were playing some game with a few of the dislodged balloons. Emma-Jean was appearing to do some complicated dance move with a balloon on her head while Bex had one balanced precariously on her nose.

"They get it from you," Bucky laughed. Sam just shrugged with a grin.

Bucky had taken a break from the dance floor for the past half hour. He was starting to wind down from the excitement and was trying to determine what would be an acceptable time to whisk his family of extraverts home. Suddenly a new song started, and from the sound of the tambourine and soulful piano, it was a song that Sam had played a million times when he was driving or cleaning. Surveying the dance floor, he saw Bex race over to him with her arms out. Sam grabbed her hand and began to spin her. Bucky grinned and moved away from his safe spot for the second time that night.

He found Emma-Jean fiddling with a balloon in the corner where they had been playing, the other kids having moved onto other activities. Bucky could see she was starting to wane, but he'd figured he'd ask.

"May I have this dance?" he asked, giving her a dramatic bow. She giggled and held out her hand, allowing herself to be pulled onto the dance floor.

When you walk, I wanna walk with you.
When you talk, I wanna talk some too.
Now aint that love? Aint that love?
Oh, Aint that love that I feel in my heart?

Sam was swinging Bex around as they did flailing arm and leg movements. The crowd was giving them a wide birth as they danced to the sweet song.

Bucky and Emma-Jean were twirling as he showed her how to do the waltz. When ever one of them did a misstep, they giggled. Eventually the dance lesson gave way to who could do the silliest movement, and Bucky couldn't keep the grin off his face as he gazed adoringly at his happy daughter.

Baby, won't you let me hold your hand?
I wanna squeeze you as tight as I can.
Baby, don't you need me by your side?
To protect you and be your guide.
Baby I'm so in love with you.
I'd do anything you'd tell me too.
Now, aint that love?
C'mon now, aint that love that I feel in my heart for you?

When the song ended, Emma-Jean leaned sleepily into Bucky, her brown eyes heavy.

"You're a good dancer, Papa," she said around a yawn. Bucky moved his metal hand to smooth down her braids that had become windswept from all the spinning.

"You're not so bad yourself, sweetheart. Now let's find your Daddy and Bex. It's getting late."

Before they could move, Bucky caught sight of Sam walking up to him. Bex, who looked just about done in herself, was snuggled against his chest.

"You ready to go home?" he asked, smiling down at Emma-Jean.

"Alright folks. Last song of the night," the DJ called. "You don't gotta go home, but you gotta get the heck outa here! This is for all my fathers and their little girls."

A gentle, rolling guitar started soon after, and Sam and Bucky smiled softly at the lyrics. Sam passed a partially-sleeping Bex to Bucky and scooped Emma-Jean into his own arms. Gently the two men swayed as the music played and the room began to empty out.

She's got lots to learn though she is sure to know
That I'll quietly spot her anywhere she goes.
Now our little lady's out with Daddy for the day
She fought the yawns, but couldn't stay awake.
As I place her in the car, she's out like a light.
Cause she knows I'll get her home alright.

Sam and Bucky slowly made their way towards the exit, whispering their goodbyes and cleanup plans for tomorrow as they passed. Bex had fully fallen asleep and Emma-Jean was right behind her. Bucky marveled at how still and peaceful the little ball of wriggling energy, also known as Rebecca Wilson-Barnes, was in sleep. Sam was watching as Emma-Jean's breaths slowed and how her little lashes fluttered as she finally let herself fall completely into sleep. There was nothing that could be more beautiful.

The night was warm, but not uncomfortably so as they walked to the truck at the edge of the parking lot. They could faintly hear the music still playing from inside.

If time could only give me a moment to reflect.
To smile on all that has been to treasure what is left.
Though I won't always be here this you surely know.
That I'll quietly spot you anywhere you go.

Once they settled the girls in their seats and covered them with spare car blankets, they climbed exhaustedly into the front.

"So?" Sam said, turning his head to smirk at Bucky expectantly.

"Alright, it was fun. I can admit that."

"Does that mean?"

"We are not going clubbing for our date nights, Samuel," Bucky said sternly. Sam shrugged.

"Worth a shot."

Sam turned the key in the ignition and it roared to life. As if they had planneed the movement, both men simultaneously craned their necks to peer at Bex and Emma-Jean. Bex had a thumb in her mouth and her fine, brown locks fell into her eyes as she snored lightly. Emma-Jean was cradling her end of the blanket like a teddy bear, her mouth partly opened as she sighed softly in her sleep.

Sam smiled gently, lacing his fingers with Bucky's as they sat in the moment, committing it to memory. Neither of them ever wanted to forget this night. Not the silly balloon games, not the robotic way Bucky "walked it by himself" during the Cupid Shuffle, not Sam almost busting his ass during YMCA, and definitely not the overwhelming feeling of cradling their girls as they slipped off to sleep with not a worry in the world.

And when we are apart remember it is not the end
You know enough to know we'll meet again.
I'll be waiting by the gate standing just inside.
'Til I know you've made it home alright.

The music faded into the night as Sam pulled out of the parking lot and on to the quiet road that would lead them home.

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