Farah Dowling WRITOBER 2O22

Por AzzurraMaglietta

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Collection of short works for Writober 2022, all Farah-centered. Prompts by fanwriter.it [pumpneon LIST] Mais

This is the sign you've been looking for
We wanted to be the sky
I can't explain and I won't even try
This is where the magic happens
Sinners [INTO MY ARMS #1]
If we ever stop talking send me a song [INTO MY ARMS #2]
Drunk enough to say I love you? [INTO MY ARMS #3]
Forget the maps... follow your instincts [INTO MY ARMS #4]
It's not me. It's you [WE SEE WHAT WE WANT #1]
Sweet dreams are made of this [WE SEE WHAT WE WANT #2]
Be naked when I get home [WE SEE WHAT WE WANT #3]
We see what we want [WE SEE WHAT WE WANT #4]
You are exactly where you need to be [FAKE MARRIAGE AU #1]
I am the designer of my own catastrophe [FAKE MARRIAGE AU #2]
It is what it is
People like you need to fuck people like me
'Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream
I licked it so it's mine
To the moon and back
Relax. Nothing is under control [YOUR THOUGHTS ARE THE POISON IN MY VEINS #2]
All we have is now
Find what you love and let it kill you [THE GIFT #1]
Late nights, early mornings [THE GIFT #2]
If you're sad, add more lipstick and attack
It was all a dream [THE WORLD BEYOND THE CURTAINS #1]
Trust me, you can dance / Tequila [THE WORLD BEYOND THE CURTAINS #2]
Everything is connected
Unleash your demons
What did I do last night?

Bad decisions make good stories

1K 41 6
Por AzzurraMaglietta

When the Best is gone -
I know that other things are not of consequence -
The Heart wants what it wants - or else it does not care -
You wonder why I write - so - Because I cannot help -
I like to have you know some care -
so when your life gets faint for it's other life -
you can lean on us - [...]
Not to see what we love, is very terrible -
and talking - doesn't ease it
- and nothing does - but just itself.
EMILY DICKINSON - Letter to Mary Bowels, Spring 1862

"I am telling you, this is the worst idea ever."
"But I have to know the truth! I really believe it's going to be you, but... you know, being an arranged marriage and all..."
"Which is exactly why this is the worst decision we could make, Steve! You do realize there's a reason if people stopped using this spell?"
"Well, yeah, because sometimes the name that appeared did not belong to the rightful spouse..."
"Worst" you said, exasperated. "Sometimes the name belonged to someone too older or too younger, or on the verge of death, or simply living on the opposite planet of the Seven Realms-"
"Yes, okay, but all this won't matter in our case!" your fiancée insisted. "I know it's you... and frankly it hurts me that you have so little faith in us."
"You know I care for you," you explained patiently, "but love is a different thing. We talked about this, Steve. And, as you said, it is an arranged marriage, a political union to increase our families' power and influence. It's very unlikely that we would turn out to be each other soulmate."
You had tried to put it delicately, but the truth was that you knew without a doubt that he wasn't your soulmate. You had accepted this marriage because, hell, you hadn't fallen in love in over ten years and you were coming to terms with the fact that probably you wouldn't fall in love again, ever. You might as well marry a pleasant guy you knew you could be friends with, be done with the whole nuisance and focus on your alchemical researches.
"Yes, yes, you've always been clear" he replied, blackening his gaze. "But I really think we have a chance. Don't you want to know for sure?"
"And what if my name is not the one that appears in front of you?"
"We get married anyway, of course. If it's not you it's likely that I won't even know who the person is, and the same goes for you."
"I... I don't know, Steve..."
"Please" he begged, looking at you with the puppy eyes that always got you to say yes. "You know that two fairies are needed to perform it... I cannot do it alone! Please please please!"
"Oh, fine!" you snapped, crossing your arms and glaring at him. "But if anything goes wrong-"
"The responsibility is all mine!, yes, I promise! Don't worry" he said, happily hugging you, "there won't be problems. I still think it's going to be you."
"I highly doubt that" you muttered under your breath as Steve took your hands in his and started to pronounce the incantation. "Animae duae..."
You completed the formula with the last words, "Animus unus", watching Steve's eyes light up with his magic, and the you held your breath.
A small golden cloud was forming in front of you two. Some letters started to emerge. After a few second the letters were a name, shining in front of Steve. The name belonged to a specialist that had been at Alfea in the same years you and Steve had attended it.
"What?" Steve said, gaping at the words. "But... I'm not-"
He fell silent, watching the letters change form and flying in front of you.
When you read the name written in clear, golden letters you almost fainted - or barely repressed a scream of frustration.
Farah Aemilia Dowling .
"What?!" shouted Steve, as thunderstruck by your result as he had been about his own. "Headmistress Dowling?! No," he said, starting to walk in circles in the room as the golden cloud disappeared, "we must have done something wrong. I've never been attracted to a guy, and you- I mean- Headmistress Dowling?!"
He stopped and looked at you. You hadn't moved, hadn't said a word.
"Wait. Why am I the only one who seems surprised here?"
You sighed, sitting down and passing your hand on your face.
"I don't know, Steve. To be honest, I always thought you were bisexual. So I'm only surprised about you being surprised. Besides, Alistair is gay, so you won't have problems if you want to speak to him about all this. I think he's one of Headmaster Silva collaborators, now?"
"O- okay," he murmured, disconcerted. "But what about you? What about miss D-"
"What about it?" you said angrily, staring at your hands.
"I mean," he said, carefully, "did you... I don't know, like her when we were students? I remember you used to be her assistant-"
"No, I did not like her, Steve" you retorted. "I was in love with the woman! And I thought all this was behind me, I really did. And now, thanks to your brilliant idea, I discover that she's supposed to be my bloody soulmate! It's practically magic telling me I will never be able to forget her!"
You knew you were shouting, but this thrice-damned spell had reopened a wound you had thought was healed.
"Okay" said Steve, and then he chuckled weakly. "I shouldn't be surprised about you falling for the most unattainable fairy of the magical realms, I guess. You always go for the toughest option."
"Yeah," you whispered, "lucky me."
"But does she know...?"
"Of course not!" you answered, looking at him in alarm.
"Why didn't you tell her?"
You snorted. "For one thing, I was her student and her assistant, she would have never touched me with a finger. Secondly, I don't think she likes women. Everybody talked about her and mister Silva having an affair, do you remember? And third, even if she liked women, she wouldn't be caught dead with someone like me."
"I beg you pardon?" said Steve indignantly. "You're the most stunning and brilliant fairy ever to graduate from Alfea! Of course she would consider you!"
"Yeah, right."
"Hey," he said, taking you in his arms, "stop thinking bad things about my future wife, understood?"
"Oh, Steve" you answered, sadness evident in your voice. "Do you really think we should get married? We can't erase this knowledge. There's nothing to be done in my case, but you... you could go to Alistair, try to know him better. You could be happy."
"No," he replied firmly. "We will do what we said we would do. We will get married and we will forget about this."
"I'm afraid that's out of the question" a voice said and your heart skipped more than one beat.
You and Steve turned at once, looking at the door.
You went pale.
"Headmistress" said Steve, throwing a quick, worried look at you, "what are you doin-"
Then he noticed Alistair standing behind her, a baffled look in his eyes.
"Don't you two even know what you have done?" miss Dowling said, her voice low and vibrant with anger. She looked at you. "I always knew mister Alden wasn't the brightest of our graduates, but I expected better from you."
"Headmistress... I... I don't- I didn't think-"
"No, you didn't think!" she interrupted in a hard voice. "And you aren't thinking! Do you realize that the spell you just performed is a magically binding contract? I thought you two were about to get married! What did you do, you thought 'Oh, I'm so sure that he is my soulmate' and casted an ancient spell to prove it?"
You glanced at Steve, who had the decency to look ashamed.
Then miss Dowling's words sank in, and he asked her: "What do you mean, a magically binding contract?"
"I mean that your bride is now married, but not to you."
"What?!" you both cried out.
"This must be a nightmare" you whispered, your head spinning.
The Headmistress' lips were as pursued as ever as she watched you sit down.
"I'm sure it is" she spat out. "But you brought this on yourself. And me. And mister Winter, I should add."
"No," you replied urgently, "Headmistress, I didn't mean it like that-"
"Wait," said Steve, "do you mean that we... that I am married to...?"
"I am willing to give it a try" said Alistair with a small smile. "Always liked you, to be honest. I would have appreciated if you told me, but-"
"Might I suggest that we take a moment to speak in private with our... newfound... partner?" said miss Dowling, taking control of the situation.
"Fine by me" said Alistair. "Is there another room where we can go, Steve?"
"I- yes, sure" Steve murmured, walking towards the door, clearly still too shocked to process what was happening. When he was at the door frame her turned to look at you.
"Go," you said with a weak smile, "I'll be alright."
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"I do not intend to kill my soulmate, mister Alden. Just go, she'll be fine" hissed the Headmistress.
As soon as Steve had closed the door behind him you started: "Headmistress, I didn't mean that being married to you would be a nightmare-"
"Farah" she said tiredly, taking a chair and sitting in front of you. "Just call me Farah. And don't worry, I know I'm not a catch."
"What? No, you-"
"There's no need for lies and flattery. I am angry that you did something so stupid, but what is done is done. We need to talk about how we are going to handle all this..."
"Is there nothing that can be done?"
"To break the spell? No. We are bound to one another until we die. You sealed the soulmate bound when you pronounced the incantation."
"And what does it mean... for... us?"
Headmistress Dowling sighed. "This is ancient magic, and it hasn't been used in hundreds of years. I am not sure about the details. We will always be drawn to each other, that is unquestionable. To the point that is might be more practical to live close - our bodies might be in physical pain if we were separated for too long. Also," she added, and you were surprised to notice her ears reddening, "it is said we will be unable to be... intimate with others. But I don't know, I have to research and see what I can find on the spell. This is all speculation."
"Headmistress, I am so sorry," you began, aghast. Gods, what had you done? She must hate you. "I apologize, I don't know if you'll ever forgive me-"
"Farah" she corrected. "I told you to call me Farah. And don't apologize. This won't make much of a difference to my life, but I'm sure being stuck for all eternity with your old Headmistress at Alfea is punishment enough for you."
"Hardly" you murmured without thinking, and then you clapped your hands on your mouth.
Miss Dowling's eyes widened. "What?"
"N- nothing..."
"Did you just say 'hardly'?"
You nodded, a lump in your throat, unable to say another word.
She stood up and laughed, a hollow, pungent laugh. You frowned, confused.
"Well, if you think that's not punishment, let me tell you the best part" she said bitterly. "Until we... consume our union at least once, we will be tormented by dreams and the gods know what else. We can try to avoid it, and see if we can find a solution, but it is possible that we will have to do it at some point if we want to stay sane."
"When you say... consume our union," you repeated, your mouth dry, "you mean..."
"You know what I mean" she replied darkly, her back to you.
"You mean... we will have to make love?"
She turned, an odd expression on her face. Was she angry because of your choice of words? Surprised? Or what?
"I mean we will have to fuck, dear. No need to soften the blow. I am not the one who's getting the worst end of the deal here."
You turned red at her unusually crude sentence, and then you asked yourself what in the Seven Realms did she mean. Gods, you felt so guilty. You had trapped her into this and she thought having sex with her could be a punishment for you?
"If you think that" you took a deep breath "fucking you is going to be unpleasant to me you are a fool, Headmistress."
Miss Dowling looked at you, her eyes wide. "What?"
"You heard me. I said... if you think I do not desire you, you're... a bloody idiot."
"Why are you- oh, don't lie to me" she said, a tormented expression on her face. "I deserve the truth, as harsh as it might be."
"I am telling the truth... Farah."
She stared at you, speechless.
After maybe a minute she stepped forward, asking in a whisper: "Are you telling me you're not disgusted by the spell's response?"
It was your turn to laugh. "I am deeply sorry I've got you into this without your consent - I had no idea the spell included a magical binding. But I'm not surprised, and definitely not disgusted. I... gods, do you want the truth?"
"Yes" she murmured.
"I used to think I loved you. It took all my willpower to walk away from Alfea without telling you. And I've never fallen in love again since. So, you see, it appears that the spell knew what it was doing."
She took another step, closing the distance between you two. "Swear you are telling the truth" she whispered.
"I swear on all that is good and sacred."
Farah cupped you face. "What would you think of me if I told you I had similar issues when you graduated?"
You had stopped breathing, moving, thinking. Only your hands had taken a life of their own and were resting now on her hips.
"I'd think that this was a dream" you murmured, unable to believe what you were hearing. "And I'd think I was the luckiest fairy in the Seven Realms for having being blessed with such a dream."
"And if I told you I had lost all hope of falling in love again... before I met you?"
"I'd think that perhaps you are truly my intended... as I am yours."
Her amber eyes, now darker with emotion, were fixed on your lips.
You couldn't wait any longer. Hoping she wouldn't push you back, you leaned forward and kissed her.
Not only she kissed you back; she pulled you against her warm body. You felt her arousal in the air, in her magic vibrating around you. Your arms wrapped around her neck, and as you opened your mouth to taste her lips you rubbed your body against her, dying in the feel of her soft curves against yours. She groaned, and her mouth found your neck, leaving a path of kisses on your chin as her hands caressed and explored your body.
You never wanted her to stop.
"Farah" you whispered, and she slowed down, pulling away.
Your eyes lighted up, and next second your clothes were gone. "See how the idea of your touch is distasteful to me?"
Her eyes roamed on you. "You're a vision" she said in the huskiest voice you had ever heard. She reached out and touched you, her delicate fingertips caressing you skin, tracing the curve of your breasts. Then she pulled you into her again, her mouth on your cheek and then on your lips, her fingers teasing your warm, supple flesh.
Then one of her hands went down and touched your quim, as light as a feather.
"Gods, you're so wet" she whispered, slowly sliding a finger inside you. Her head leaned down and her mouth covered a breast, her tongue rolling your nipple as her finger worked on you below. You moaned, all coherent thoughts disappeared from your mind.
She pulled her finger out of you as her thumb started to stimulate you, then she pushed the finger back inside. She pulled out and reentered, again, and again, her mouth sucking at your breasts, and with each plunge she made the movement more intense.
You felt your body tensing, your muscles tightening around her finger and the growing pressure built inside you.
"Please don't stop" you managed to say before crying out in pleasure.
She took you literally and she didn't stop until you whined, still shaken by the waves of your orgasm, "That's enough, Farah. Come here, kiss me."
She complied, her tongue delving deep into your mouth.
"I might have gone too far" she murmured when she pulled away. "Maybe we should-"
"Don't even think about it" you replied. "I will not stop until I have seen you satisfied."
"And what do you mean to do to reach that goal?"
"For starters... may I undress you?"
She smiled. Her eyes lighted up, and a moment later she was as naked as you were. Her body was exactly like you had always imagined it - aging, and perfect.
You pushed her down until you both were kneeling on the carpet, and then you started placing kisses all over her skin - lips, cheek, neck, breasts, belly, down to her mound...
You laid back on the floor. "Come here" you said, guiding her until she was straddling your face, and then you added: "Ride my lips. I want to feel you pleasure yourself on my face..."
Farah's eyes closed and you heard her taking a sharp inhale. You grasped her hips, making her move against you, letting her feel your tongue inside her. She moaned and her eyes opened, looking down at you. She began to rock, following the rhythm of your suction, as her hands flew to her own breasts. You tried to keep your eyes open and watch her expression as she fucked your face, her pleasure building. It didn't take long for her to start spasming against your mouth, screaming out loud. She was so beautiful in the throws of passion...
Then she collapsed on you, her eyes still closed and an expression of pure bliss on her face, wrapping her arms around you possessively.
"I'm not done having you" you murmured, her taste fresh on your lips. "I am not done feeling you - hearing you - tasting you, Farah."
"I should hope not" she replied in a whisper, her eyes still closed. "After all, I am yours now."
"So, do you think that ultimately doing that spell wasn't such a bad decision?" you asked, smirking.
"It was a terrible decision" she answered, trying to use her best professorial voice and failing. "But sometimes bad decisions make for good stories."
"Do you think this is going to be a good story?"
She smiled, placing her head on your chest and letting you play with her golden hair. "It was certainly a good beginning."


So. Here we are, 31 days, 132 pages, 21 stories later. Last day, last chapter.

Thank you, so much, to all of you for your constant support.

Today I barely had the time to breath, and I am not satisfied with a last installment so quickly written, but I really wanted to conclude this.

It has been an amazing month.

If you arrived here and you enjoyed the ride leave a comment - a few words, an emoji, whatever - to let me know!

Eternally grateful to all of you and to miss Emily Best for her artistry.


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