Under your spell

By Cxaosss

723 14 3

I don't give descriptions More

My friends

Their realization

113 4 1
By Cxaosss

Winnie: tell me,What year is it?

She asks moving Yn to the chair

Yn: it's 1993

He tells her

Winnie: sisters! We have been gone 300 years.

She says leaning on the chair

Mary: well, Winnie, how time flies, huh?

She says

Sarah: when you're dead!

As the 3 start laughing, Yn is still stone faced, he didn't think it was funny at all

Yn: you know what? I should probably go

He says to them as Sarah pushes him back down

Sarah: aww, stay for supper. And after that we can play~

She says while running her fingers around his neck

Yn: I might've taken you up on that offer if I was hungry

He says trying to get up again but is being held back by all three but just barely can he move

Winnie: how is thy moving?!

She says pulling with all her might

Mary: thee must have strong magic

She says grunting

Sarah: he has got some big muscles~

She says helping the two, but still fawning over him. Then max appears

Max: Hey! Let go of him!

He says walking toward them as the sisters let go of Yn who has pretty sore muscles now

Mary: roast him Winnie

She says angered

Sarah: yeah, I don't want him

She says while looking over to Yn and then starts fantasising about him, then Winnie just zaps the both of them with Yn being able to tank it but taking a lot of damage

Dani: Max, Yn!

She yells worriedly

She then flings Yn to a wall

Winnie: you. There.

Then the three of them laugh with Sarah just laughing sarcastically

Winnie: I haven't lost my touch, sisters, see?

She then turns him around to face her as Sarah practically gets on top of him and starts muttering something

Sarah: you're mine. All mine

She starts getting really horny then moves away to his shoulder and lays her head on it and rubs her hands on his pecs

Winnie: Hello. Goodbye

As she zaps him and levitates him upwards as blood starts coming from his mouth a bit and from the floor Sarah blows him kisses then Allison grabs a broom and smacks Mary

Allison: Mary!

She yells to get her attention

Mary: well, hello

She turns around and is hit with a broom that sends her stumbling back then Allison grabs a pan and smacks her on the top of the head with it and gets stunned as we go back to see dani take her candy bag and smack Winnie and Sarah with it

Dani: you leave him alone!

Then Winnie grabs dani but a black cat jumps on her stopping her

Dani: Yn! Let's go!

She say giving him a hand

Yn: yeah, you're right

He then realised that the black cat got off of Winnie and they need a distraction

Yn: all three of you get out! I said go!!

As the three run out and Yn climbs to the top and stands there until they notice him

Winnie: hey what's he doing?

She asks them and Sarah was the first to answer

Sarah: being hot~

She says while licking her fingers

Winnie: Sarah!

She yells to try and get her sister to pay attention

Sarah: What? I can't help it he's a hot man!

She yells back

As the three look back at him with the pink part of his top gone leaving just the grey part then he turns around with some sort of steam gathering around him

Mary: he's kind of creepy..!

She says as Yn turns around and Winnie fires another lightening bolt at him and he just hits it away

Winnie: what?!

She exclaims very scared

Winnie: run! Sisters get under cover!

She says scared of what he could do

Yn: didn't know how I did that but it's time to go

He says after smashing the case on the book and grabbing him, that's just what the cat told him ( I know I didn't include the dialogue but who cares)

Time skip

The gang arrives at a grave yard, per the cats orders.

Yn: wait, what are we doing here?!

Binx: it's hollowed ground. With hee can't set foot here

Max, Allison, and dani were so confused

Yn: oh, I didn't tell you that he talks

Binx: *in distance* follow me!

The group walks deeper and deeper into the grave yard

Binx: over here, I want to show you something. Give you and idea of what exactly we're dealing with

They get to a grave stone and the cat jumps onto it

Max: "William Butcherson"? "Lost soul"?

Binx: billy butcherson was Winifred's lover. But she was told by Sarah that he was making moves on her. So she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle, so he couldn't tell her secrets even in death. Winifred always was the jealous type.

Allison: You're Thackery Binx.

Binx: yes

Allison: So the legends are true

This statement gave Yn a dull expression

Yn: ah, well no shi-

Binx: Well, come along. I want to show you something else

Binx interrupts him because this is still a Disney knock off (somehow)

Time skip brought to you by chibi Sarah

Binx: because of me, my little sisters life was stolen. For years I waited for my life to end so I could be reunited with my family. But Winifred's curse of immortality kept me alive. Then one day I figured out what to do with my eternal life. Now, I'd failed Emily, but I wouldn't fail again. When Winifred and her sisters returned, I'd be there to stop them. So for three centuries, I've guarded their house in All Hallows' night, then I knew some airhead virgin might light that candle

Dani: nice going, airhead

Yn: I will throw both of you all the way across this cemetery and back, don't test me. But we're talking about three ancient hag ms versus the 20th century. How bad can it be

Binx: bad

Allison then almost opens the book but binx catches her

Binx:stay out of there!

Allison: why?

Binx: it holds Winifred's most dangerous spells. She must not get it

Max the picks up Yn's lighter

Max: well, let's torch the sucker

Max tries to burn the book but the flames go the opposite direction

Binx: it's protected by magic

I'm the background you can hear Winifred evil laugh as the. Witches get close

Winifred: it's just a bunch of hocus-pocus!

        New chapter over and out. Is it good or too cringey😅

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