Helluva Bodyguard! (Male Hell...

Von Calamity-boi

96.9K 1.6K 1.6K

Welcome to my second story! This one's gonna be a little different (Testing different tones of writing) so te... Mehr

Blood-Soaked. (Part1)
Shot A Kid.
Phycho Rednecks!
Spring Break O.N.S.
Millie To The Rescue!
Different From Him.
Update (Not A Chapter)
Harvest Moon Festival
Meet My Mom!
Happy Death Anniversary.
Loonie's Shots.
Crashing A Party.
Cupid's Chew Toy/Hotel Hell

S.S.D.D/Bio (Part2)

11K 161 416
Von Calamity-boi

A black and grey hellhound wearing a sleeveless hoodie is seen drinking his sorrows away in cheap bar in one of the many not so good parts of Hell.

Y/N: "....Same shit, different day. 21 years old and I still don't have a job. I'm lucky my dad was fucking loaded, because if he wasn't I would have starved a LONG time ago..."

As Y/N finishes his last bottle, he pulls out his wallet to pay, only to realize he didn't have any money.

Y/N: "Fuck."

The bartender shook his head, taking the bottle and throwing it into the trash before turning back to Y/N.

???: "It's on the house. Just one thing kid...promise me you'll get a fuckin job. I'm gonna be real honest with you. You walk in here, bring down the mood, start a fight every other day, then walk out like you've accomplished something. Shits gotta stop eventually, I can't keep buying new tables."

Y/N: "Yeah...yeah, I'll...find a job..or something. Thanks, Jason. Also, there's a stain on your mask."

Jason: "Not a stain you little shit. Now get the fuck outta my bar. And stop dumping you past on people when you get drunk."

Y/N walks up to the door, holding up two peace signs before mouthing 'Fuck you' as he leaves.

Jason: "Fuckin brat."

After walking out and flipping off probably the only friend he had, Y/N walks down the street, not next to it, literally in the middle of the road, before finally hopping onto the sidewalk after almost being hit by a green and white limo...with teeth?

???: "Oh no! Are you okay?! I'm so, SO sorry!"

As soon as Y/N turned around to bite the shit out of whoever the fuck almost hit him with their limo, he finds himself face to face with the Princess of Hell herself, Charlie Morningstar...or was it Magne? No one's really sure at this point.

Charlie: "Are you hurt?!"

Y/N just stood there and stared at her for a second, processing the fact that he was almost just hit by the Princess's car.

Charlie: "Oh no! Nononono! Vaggie! Bring the first aid kit-"

Y/N: "Just...calm the fuck down for a second. This just...doesn't happen often."

Charlie: "Oh! Sorry! I got so worried that you might have gotten hurt because of me that I didn't stop to realize how you'd react..."

Y/N: "Oh, you mean how I'd react to almost being hit by a car with TEETH, then having to stop myself from making the worst decision of my already pathetic life? Yeah, maybe you should ha....sorry. That wasn't your fault, I'm just angry...and drunk. But mostly angry...and also...drunk."

Charlie: "Don't worry about it! I completely understand! Bad day, right?"

Y/N: "...You have no idea."

Y/N and Charlie continued to talk some more, until Angel Dust rolls down the window and sticks his head out.

Angel: "Hey! What's taking so long?! You know there are a lotta people here who don't exactly- oh...who's that~?"

Charlie: "I'm almost done! Just a second! Sorry, I really have to go! Just one more teeny-tiny thing!....you're not gonna sue the Hotel because we almost hit you with our car, are you?"

Y/N: (....Is she serious..?) "No? Where the fuck would I even find a lawyer here?"

Charlie: "...That's..actually a good point- Anyway, like I said, really have to go, uuuum...oh!"

Charlie quickly runs back to the limo, grabbing a pen and a little peice of paper and scribbling something on it, before handing the peice of paper to you and hopping back into the limo.

Charlie: "Please, stop by anytime! So sorry for almost hitting you! Bye!"

Charlie quickly waves as the limo drives off, leaving Y/N confused.

Y/N: "What the fuck was that...? And...what is this??"

Y/N looks down at the peice of paper in his hand, which was an 'Invitation' to the Hazbin Hotel, complete with an address, multiple unicorns, and a frowny face with the words "Seriously, I'm so sorry" under it.

Y/N: "......Something isn't right with her."

Completely forgetting about everything that just happened, Y/N was back to walking in the middle of the street, listening to 'Monster' by Skillet, before almost getting hit by another car.


Y/N: (....Should probably get off the road before the next car doesn't miss.)

Just as Y/N made it into the side walk, he sees a pretty worn down flyer for a company called the 'Immediate Murder Professionals'. The drawing and writing were horrible, and it was covered in piss stains, so he could really tell what was on it, besides 'Bodyguard' and what looks to be most of an address.

Y/N: "Hm...Jason did say to get a job...fuck it. The pay is probably horrible, but I doubt I'll really have to do much. Win-win."

Y/N plugs his nose as he leans closer to the flyer, only being able to make out half of the address.

Y/N: "Looks like I'm going on a goose chase."

???: "Or you could, I don't know, look at the big ass billboard behind you?"

Y/N turns around to see a female Hellhound drinking a cup of coffee with a very unenthusiastic look in her eyes.

Y/N: "Huh. Must've missed that when I almost got hit by a car. Thanks, uh...what's your name?"

???: "...None of your business. Can you move? You're blocking the sidewalk."

Y/N: "You could have asked me nicely, instead of being a prick about it. But sure, go ahead."

Y/N steps into the street for a second to allow her to pass. She groans a bit  before walking past him without even batting an eye, whipping out her phone and scrolling on Sinstagram.

Y/N: (Guess she never grew out of that bratty teenager phase.)

Y/N looks at the dimly lit billboard, which still didn't contain the fucking address. Who the fuck makes an ad for a billboard without the address?!

Y/N: "And back to square one.. Can't be that hard to find, right?"

Oh how wrong he was. All of the flyers and ads he'd found were either so terribly drawn that he couldn't read them, or only had half the address, because some asshole decided to PISS ON ALL OF THEM!

Y/N: "I'm starting to wonder if this shit is even worth it!"

As Y/N angrily walks down what felt like the 200th fucking sidewalk that day, he saw a black van with the 'I.M.P' logo on the side in the parking lot of a tall office building.

Y/N: "I walked past this building like 10 times, are you telling me they were RIGHT HERE THE WHOLE FUCKING-you know what. I'm just gonna go in, get rejected, then grab another drink."

Y/N walks into the office building, and after a solid 5 or so minutes, comes across a door with the same 'I.M.P' logo as the ad and the van in the parking lot.

Y/N: (Let's just get this shit over with.)

Y/N knocks on the door and waits a few seconds. No response. He waits a little longer. No response. He knocks again, this time much harder, still no response. So Y/N did what any normal person would do. Resist the urge to kick the fucking door down and just open it to let himself in.

Upon doing so, he noticed that not only was the receptionist gone, but so was everyone else.

Y/N: (Great start already.)

Y/N notices a small bell on the deck in front of him, so he dings it...no response, so he dings it again...no response, and at this point he was getting irritated before he heard voices in another room down the hall. He was almost about to leave thinking they weren't here, but after that...he just got petty.

Y/N took the bell off the table, and one of the mugs currently next to the coffee pot, using it to make himself a nice warm cup of fresh bean juice- before sitting on the couch and dining the bell repeatedly.


???: "Ok, who's the fucking comedian that keeps ringing our- what the fuck?"

Y/N doesn't say anything, he just takes a long sip from his coffee.

???2: "Hey...isn't that my mug?"

???: "Yeah, whatever, shut up, Moxxie. Why the fuck is there a-"

Y/N: "Came for the job."

???: "Job? The fuck are you talking about??"

Y/N: "You wanted a Bodyguard, didn't you?"

???: "Oh you're talking about those flyers I put up a month ago...well shit. I didn't expect anyone to actually take that seriously...fuck, uh, I don't have time for an interview or anything so...can you kill good?"

Y/N: "I'd say...moderately well, yeah."

???: "....Good enough! My name's Blitzø, the 'O' is silent! I'll be your bodd from now on! Please refer to Loona if you have any further questions."

Y/N: "....What 'O'???"

Blitz: "Exactly!"

Blitzø walks up and shakes Y/N's hand, before returning the room they were previously talking in, while the Hellhound from before sat at the desk.

Another Imp slightly shorter than Blitzø walked up to Y/N and held out his hand.

Moxxie: "Greetings, my name is Moxxie. Could I please have that back?"

Y/N could tell he was already annoyed, so he decided to piss him off a bit more.

Y/N: "Why? Is it somehow important to you..?"

Moxxie: "Not really, but it is my mug. I'd like to have it back."

Y/N: "But I'm using it now...plus, I don't see your name on it."

Moxxie: "But it LITTERALLY has my face, AND name on it!"

Y/N: ".....Where?"

Moxxie: "RIGHT THERE!"

Y/N: "Oh, is that what that little smudge is? Sorry, I can't read so must've mistaken it for something else."

Moxxie, knowing that was a lie, began to get visibly angry, having to be stopped by another Imp around his size.

???3: "Ok Hun, calm down. Let me talk to him. Hi! My name is Mildred, but you can call me Millie! Could you please give my husband his mug back? It's matching with mine, so it is somewhat important to him..."

Y/N: "Wow. You have a very strong accent....you from the Wrath Ring?"

Millie: "Born and raised!"

Y/N wastes no time in giving Millie Moxxie's mug, before sitting back on the couch and taking out his phone, leaving them both baffled.

Millie: "I- That's it? That's all it took??"

Y/N: "Hm? Yeah, fuck that. Last time I pissed off an Imp from Wrath, she tried to cut my tail off. I mean, she has a broken arm now, but she got pretty fucking close."

Y/N wags his tail to emphasize his point.

Millie: "Oh...well I'm sorry if I've somehow scared you.."

Y/N: "Scared me? Oh, nonono...I'd just rather not decorate the walls with your intestines."

Both Moxxie and Millie gave each other a "What the fuck was that" look, while the Hellhound at the desk finally looked up from her phone.

Y/N: "What? Did I say something wrong??"

Millie: "N-No...not at all."

Y/N: "Hi. My name, or rather, Our Name, is Y/N. So, you're probably wondering, 'Who the fuck are we??', right? Well, why don't we find out."


Name: Y/N L/N

Species: Hellhound

Looks: Black fur with small Dark Grey patches around his body.


Transformation: Y/N can transform into both a Human, and a 'Puppy'....it is not a puppy.



(Y/N also often wears a hoodie and a spiked choker, occasionally accompanied with a mask when in certain parts of the Human World.)

Aerokinesis: Y/N gained his father's ability of Limited Air Manipulation, meaning he can control wind currents, dissipate gases, and with enough effort, move storm clouds. Though, unlike the Goetia family, this doesn't come with any responsibilities, he just has wind powers to dick around with.

Weapon Proficiency: Y/N is quite proficient with many different types of of weapons, whether it be Handguns, Rifles, Axes, Kamas, but works extraordinarily well with these three.

Literally anything with a chain attached to it.


Great weapons. Just anything big and heavy.

Disadvantages/Bad Traits

'Not a People Person': Y/N has a very quick temper when it comes to other people. Especially when drunk. Jason has even needed to put up a sign at the front saying "Don't Fuck With The Hellhound..." in bold black letters.

Denser Than Lead: Someone could be very obviously flirting with Y/N, and most of the time, he wouldn't get it. Will also sometimes misunderstand someone if they're wording is a little too 'fancy' (Example, Y/N has no idea what "Fornication" is.)

Mood Swings: Y/N, mostly while drunk, will have sudden mood shifts from sadness, to happiness, to anger, then happiness again, making him very hard to control when he's drinking. Completely changes when he's "Wasted" though, maintaining a goofy attitude until he's sober again.

Mild PTSD: Due to having an abusive father, Y/N will often become scared or panicky when someone raises their voice at him.

Advantages/Good Traits

Loyalty: As much as he hates it, Y/N finds it difficult to get rid of people he cares about, and will often listen to orders without complaint.

Softie: Y/N often puts up a badass 'Tough Guy' act, but really cares for his close friends and family.

True Carnivore: Not really a trait, but Y/N has a deep, almost sexual love for meat. Do not take him to restaurants without setting very strict rules.

'I Have Morals': Y/N refuses to drink in front of children, and those he considers close friends or family, unless given permission.


Y/N has a deep hatred for the color purple, and every shade of it, due to its similarity to his father's eyes.

Y/N's least favorite vegetable is Celery.

K-Pop. That is all.

Anyone singing in a car. Even if they're good at it, he'll get annoyed eventually.

Pop Music. He doesn't hate it, but will refuse to listen to it if given a choice.

Y/N doesn't like apples, they just seem like an asshole fruit.

C.H.E.R.U.B. He despises C.H.E.R.U.B.

Scars. He doesn't mind them on other people, but each of his carry a painful memory, and he has no way to get rid of them.


Goth Girls. You know where I'm going with this, don't act surprised.

Anything that isn't Pop Music. Literally anything.

Y/N has two favorite colors, one private and one public. Those colors are Black, and Pink. Guess which one he doesn't talk about?

Y/N often enjoys being extremely sarcastic, just to get on people's nerves.

Will never say it out loud, but enjoys hugs, high fives, and most other forms of physical contact, due to being severely touch starved for most of his life.

Social Media. Almost never posts anything but enjoys watching the chaos that always unfolds every few days.

Y/N: (And there you go. That's me- you - us??? I don't fucking know, it's a thing, figure it out yourself....myself? Ourselves??? I can't fucking think- ANYWAY! We caught up? Good.)

After the couple walks away, Y/N gets up and makes his way over to the Hellhound that was a dick to him earlier.

Y/N: "Hello, None Of Your Business. I forgot to ask, what kind of name is that? German, maybe?"

Loona: "......."

Y/N: "Hello~? You there, Miss' Your Business?"

Loona: "......"

Moxxie: "And there she goes. I'd stop wasting my time if I were you, she'll never-"

Y/N: "Uh huh, just gimme a second."

Y/N leans across the desk, a few centimeters away from Loona's ear, and takes a deep breath before-


Not expecting a sudden high pitched whistle in her ear, Loona jumps in her seat, accidentally tossing her phone into the air as she turns to Y/N, who lazily caught her phone while keeping eye contact.

Loona: "The fuck?!"

Y/N: "Ah. I finally have your attention."

Loona: "Could you give me my phone back??"

Y/N: "Nah. Not till we start over. So, Miss' None Of Your Business, mind telling me your real name?"

Loona: "You already know it, so does it matter?!"

Y/N: "I have no idea what you're talking about Miss. I'm merely trying to introduce myself to you, and you keep making it difficult."

Loona: "Loona. You happy now?"

Y/N: "I'm never happy. but I am satisfied!"

Loona: "Great! Can I have my phone back now??"

Y/N: "Hm...I don't know. Not sure I like your- wait...you follow Wally Wackford on Sinstagram?? Wait..Wally has a Sinstagram???"

While Y/N was busy being flabbergasted about Wally Wackford knowing how to use Sinstagram, Loona quickly snatches her phone, much to Y/N's annoyance.

Y/N: "You're no fun, Loo-Loo."

Loona: "Eugh. Never call me that again."

End of P2

2915 Words


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