Azur Lane x Halo M/Reader)

By ObsidianWolf2591

43.5K 563 454

After being blown up in the middle of a battle, you wake up on Earth, but not quite your Earth [Best I can co... More

Bio [Redo]+(A/N)
Banished Bio+Covenant Bio+Swords of Sanghelios Bio+Yapyap
Ch. 15
U.N.S.C. Siren ship
Quick Note


437 4 1
By ObsidianWolf2591

After you had regained consciousness, you and George conversated

George: "Admiral, why do you keep the shipgirls here?"

(Y/N): "I don't know, but I've thought about getting rid of them. Hell maybe even scrapping them."

They hear a gasp

(Y/N): "Especially when they don't know how to mind their own business." You say while walking to the door

Upon opening it, you see the two that were eavesdropping

(Y/N): "Not surprised.......I was hoping you weren't like this."

Brooklyn: "Wait, it's not what you think-"

(Y/N): "Just get out of here." You see Amber Clad approach the entrance. "Come in."

After Amber Clad walks in, you immediately close and lock the door

(Y/N) [muffled]: "I assume you didn't come just to visit me."

Amber Clad: [Inaudible]

(Y/N) [muffled]: "I see......"

Amber Clad: [Inaudible]

(Y/N) [muffled]: "No, I don't trust them."

(Y/N) [P.A.]: "Savannah and Odin, get ready for departure, A.S.AP."

You walk out, with Amber Clad and the two shipgirls following behind

Deutschland: "What's going on?"

(Y/N): "It's none of your concern." You and Amber Clad speed up

Brooklyn: "We could help."

(Y/N): "We hardly even stand a chance, so you'd die quicker and it'd be pointless/meaningless."

Deutschland: "What makes you think that?!" She shouts irritated

You stop and turn around

(Y/N): "Your ships are steel and wood. I, along with my comrades, have Titanium-A armor plating and we still get taken out." You take a breath, "Speed doesn't matter, when you get a giant beam shot through you as it turns everything to glass."

(Y/N): "If you truly want to help, have everyone go back to their camps, I don't need you, any of you."

You catch up to Amber Clad


(Y/N) (R): "Who/What are we looking for again?"

Savannah (R): "A Valiant-class Supper-heavy cruiser and an Orion-class Assault carrier."

(Y/N) (R): "Damn, more mouths to feed and neither of them are a repair station."

Odin (R): "If it's a repair station you want, then a repair station you shall receive."

(Y/N): "What is he talking about?"

George: "Who knows."

-[Timeskip: 7 hours]-

(Y/N): "No luck." (R): "Anything to report."

Amber (R): "Negative."

Savannah (R): "I found them."

(Y/N) (R): "Odin?"

There was no response

(Y/N) (R): "Are you dead?......Let's.... head back."


[Because there's a Siren named Chaser, I'll put (u) or (s) or atleast when both are in a "scene"]

(Y/N): "So you're who we were looking for." You stick your hand out, "I'm (Y/N) a Phoenix-class colonial support vessel."

Valiant: "I'm Valiant, a Valiant-class Supper-heavy cruiser." She shakes you hand

Chaser: "I'm Chaser, an Orion-class Assault carrier, I don't remember any phoenix-class ship named (Y/N). Are you new?"

(Y/N): "No, I'm not actually, in fact I'm quite old, I'm the younger brother to the Spirit of Fire, by some odd months."

(The Spirit of Fire was made in 2473)

George: "Admiral, that would make you 87 years old."

(Y/N): "The mighty Bismarck/(Y/N) is not old."

Without a single word, Chaser runs up to you and hugs you, mumbling

George: "On the bright side, you'd be younger than Edinburgh and the others."

(Y/N): "Fun. Savannah, could you give them a tour."

Savannah: "Of course, this way."

Valiant follows, but Chaser stays lached to you

(Y/N): "Aren't you going to join them?"

She shakes her head, her face buried in your suit

It's when you hear sniffling and a light sob that you check on her

You bend down to her level

(Y/N): "Hey, what's wrong?"

Chaser: "W-why did y-you leave?" She asks, sobbing more

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Chaser: "After the Spirit of Fire was lost with all hands, you left for Reach, but I soon followed...." She pauses, her lips quivering "Then after the fall of Reach, you left me. You never came back." Her sobbing continued

You held her close, consoling her

(Y/N): "It's ok, let it all out."

Once she seemed to have calmed down, you apologize to her

(Y/N): "Chaser, I'm sorry for leaving you, I really am." 'Not like there were people controlling me.' "Do you want me to walk with you to the others?"

Chaser: "No, I want to stay with you. I don't want you to leave me again."

(Y/N): "You don't have to worry, I'm not going anywhere."

She pouts and pinches you

(Y/N): "Ow!"

Chaser: "Baka."

You see marines and the girls making their way to the mess hall

(Y/N): "Come, let's go to the mess hall, it's about that time."


Upon the two of you getting your food, and sitting down, you found yourself getting daggers glared at you

(Y/N): "Why exactly are you sit on my lap?"

She ignores your question

Edinburgh: "Master, who is this, and why is she sitting on your lap?"

(Y/N): "This is Chaser, a unsc ship. As for the other question,.....I don't know."

She has a yandere expression (I couldn't find an image)

Edinburgh: "You two aren't together are you?" She slams her fist into the table, scaring both of you

After a few seconds, she goes back to normal

(Y/N): "Edinburgh?"

Edinburgh: " ....I'm sorry master, please don't hate me!"

Odin (background): "There's the old man!"

Odin walks over to you with another person close behind

(Y/N): "So you're not dead."

Odin: "Why would I be?...... Anyway, earlier you said you wanted a repair station." He steps to the side. "May I present to you; Hygieia, a Cradle-class Repair Station." 'Let's see if he gets fooled too.'

(Y/N): "Hello, nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N), a Phoenix-class colonial support vessel and the Admiral of the UNSC."

Hygieia doesn't say a word and shakes your hand

(Y/N): 'This is awkward.'

Hygieia whispers to Odin

Odin: "I think I say one somewhere, follow me." The two leave

Edinburgh: "I wonder what she asked him."

(Y/N): "Maybe he asked about an infirmary, since he's a repair station."

Edinburgh: "That makes sense.........He?!"

You laugh at her reaction

(Y/N): "Well, I'll see you all later." You move Chaser and head to your office

You sit in your chair, proping your feet up, and move you cap over your eyes as you drift off to sleep


EVA: "It was bound to happen."

O.D.S.T.: "Yeah, but what do we do?!"

EVAV: "Calm yourself, we'll get them back."

O.D.S.T.2: "What if we're next?!"

EVA: "What did I just say, calm down." The spartan says, shaking the O.D.S.T.

EVA: "It'll be a quick rescue mission, just have to get there unnoticed...."

O.D.S.T.: "Why not just enter through the grav-lift?"

EVA: "Hmmmm, there will be Covenant but that would be an easy way inside."

O.D.S.T.2: "Let's do it!" They cock their shotgun


O.D.S.T.2: "Area secure."

EVA: "Let's go."

They go in the grav-lift, getting lifted into a ship
Once inside, there's no one waiting to ambush the three

O.D.S.T.: "Looks like-"

EVA: "Don't you dare finish that sentence."

Low and behold





Elite Officer: "Kill them!"

(1216 Words)

I'm sorry ok, I'll eventually get around to adding in Thel 'Vadamee, I'm just trying to figure out when/where he'll appear

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