Trollhunters: The Written Fut...

By TheWonderland04

227K 3.7K 7.3K

After the events of the Shattered King, the Trollhunter team finds themselves in a mysterious room surrounded... More

Becoming: Part One
Becoming: Part 2
Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?
Gnome Your Enemy
Waka Chaka!
Win Lose Or Draal
To Catch A Changeling
Adventures in Trollsitting
Bittersweet Sixteen
Young Atlas
Recipe for Disaster
Claire and Present Danger
The Battle of Two Bridges
Return of the Trollhunter
Roaming Fees May Apply
Blinky's Day Out
The Shattered King
Where is my Mind?
Party Monster
It's About Time
Angor Management
A Night to Remember
Something Rotten This Way Comes
Escape from the Darklands
Grand Theft Otto
Hiss Hiss Bang Bang
Hero with a Thousand Faces
Just Add Water
The Reckless Club
Mistral and Error
In the Hall of the Gumm-Gumm King
A Night's Patroll
Arcadia's Most Wanted
Bad Coffee
The Exorcism of Claire Nunez
Parental Guidance
The Oath
For the Glory of Merlin
In Good Hands
A House Divided
The Eternal Knight | Part One
The Eternal Knight | Part 2
His Choice

So I'm Dating a Sorceress

2.1K 36 64
By TheWonderland04

Author's Note:

Jim, please. Writing the dating scene was difficult. Why must you cause so many facepalms in the span of two minutes?

Also, it would be very nice if the computers stopped auto-correcting only one word and that being Tobes! It's not Robes!

Since this episode is pretty scary, we are posting it on a scary day! Perfect Halloween references.


Side Notes:

Please Enjoy!



A blissful morning appeared, the skies fading from a red to a beautiful blue as the alarm clock had been in view, 7:00 AM reading on the clock, a male voice speaking as the alarm buzzed.

"Good morning, Arcadia Oaks!" A pair of feet touched the wooden floor, crumpled paper laying upon the floor as the camera panned up to Claire who rubbed the tiredness from her eyes, upbeat music playing from the radio and a happy smile appeared on Claire's face after she let out a stretch.

From her usual sick attire, Claire had looked happy and healthy, the song adding pep to her step as she cascaded through her room. She pulled open her window, sticking her head out into the fresh air, enjoying the beautiful morning.

Ooh, yeah. It's all good and getting even better

Blue skies, only sunny weather

Claire looked up to the blazing sun, smiling and letting out the happiness that had been building inside of her, she felt finally cured.

"Man, I wish I could get out of bed like this."

"Right, even after getting sick, let me just get excited I have to go back to school after taking days off."

"Well, in Claire's defense, she thought she was dying, but in reality, she is closer to being possessed without knowing. I would do the same." Eli mentioned as the students glared at him.

"Can we not make jokes?"

It's the perfect day, ain't nothing wrong, cause everything's alright

She skipped, easily cleaning up the mess on her floor as she twirled into the hanging mirror of her room, coming back to do a funky dance with her shoulders.

It's all good when we get together, why not make it last forever

However, Claire's purple streak in her hair had completely turned white, but it didn't seem to affect her positive mode as she reached her hand over her dresser, skipping over the hair clips and going right to the lipstick.

Jim's attention instantly caught her lack of purple in her hair, he was curious on why that was. Perhaps it was due to the vast portal she had opened, ever since then, it slowly tainted into a plain color and he hoped it wasn't due to nothing with terrible consequences.

Why not make it last forever when you got what matters

It's all good and getting even better

Doo, do, doo, doo, do-doo, do

She puckered up, dressed, and rocked her usual look, the song ends as she danced to her backpack, picking up the scattered books. She pulled herself from the floor, gathering her things in her arms before yelping in surprise.

NotEnrique sat on her desk, next to her music player as he turned it off at the sight of her, smiling.

"Morning, Sunshine. Feeling better?" He said with a cocky tone Claire lightly glared as she composed herself, however, it didn't stay long after being replaced with a smile.

"So much better. I feel like I slept for a hundred hours last night."

"Right," NotEnrique dragged out, clearly having something to tell her. "And you weren't joyriding around town with your staff again?"


"You left it laying around last night." He held out her closed staff, Claire's face full of confusion as it was clear she had no memory of waking last night.

"Weird, I always keep it in here," Claire stated, putting it in the safety of her backpack.

"I gots proof. Mr. Beary McBearface saw the whole thing. Turns out he's a nanny cam," NotEnrique held the stuffed bear, reaching into the back and revealing a long cord. "Found out on accident. I had to, uh, ahem- erase a lot of footage."

"That's what she said."


Claire's eyes were wide as she watched the small Changeling plug the cord into her computer. The feed of her bedroom had appeared, for a moment, Claire had been sleeping peacefully.

"This looks like a direct-to-video squeal, but it's real." Her body rose from the bed, her body arching in the air as the blanket slid from her form, that was until the feed had cut out. Only for it to return a second later, her eyes still closed as she sat up, leaving her bed, however, instead of walking, she had simply floated away.

A student pulled out their phone, turning the volume up as it played the Exorcist soundtrack, the student said nothing as they kept a stern look at the screen, the rest of the class eyeing them.

"Well, that's fitting." Toby shrugged as Claire glared lightly. She wasn't glaring at anyone in particular, however, she did not know what to think about the situation at hand, and it was clear her parents didn't either for when she glanced at them, they were frozen in place.

Claire couldn't contain her gasp, the feed once again failing before she reappeared, eyes open but discolored, her mouth moving but the audio was silenced, not catching what she had said before a portal opened, her body floating through the opening.

"I don't remember doing any of that." She slammed the laptop closed. "I can't deal with this, I gotta go to school." She grabbed her backpack, the staff dropping and rolling beneath the bed. She quickly dropped to the floor, lifting up her sheets to reveal a vast pile of signs.

Jim stared at the screen, trying to piece everything together as he heard his mentor gasp behind him.

"Morgana has been using Claire to weaken our defense!" Blinky cried out, "when I meet Morgana!"

"Tell me about it," Claire muttered. "I'm sorry for what I cause in the future."

Jim looked at her with a smile, holding her hand. "Claire, none of this is your fault, we'll save you."

Her eyes were wide and full of fear as she reached for her staff, only to gasp and drop it, already fearing the weapon as she lowered the sheets, leaving the object with the stolen signs. NotEnrique watched her leave, no longer supporting a happy posture, more hunched and defeated than when she woke.

"Way to go, NotEnrique! You ruined her day!" NotEnrique gaped, struggling to speak.

The small troll grabbed the bear, holding it close to him as he glared as she departed. "Something ain't right with you, Big-Eyes." The door slammed shut before it had changed to the intro.

After the intro, Jim was smiling as he dug through his locker, however, his short friend wasn't sharing the expression, watching Senor Uhl saunter past, walking with a coffee mug, the teacher seems to always wear that slight smile as he walked by.

"Well, looks like everything's back to normal. Speaking of totally normal things, what's going on with Gunmar's Trollpocalypse?"

"Yeah, totally normal."

"Blinky says we can't throw a wrench in his plan until we know what it is, but Aaarrrgghh thinks he's close to uncovering something." Jim closed his locker, turning in the direction of Claire who walked up to them, wearing a somber look and staring at the ground.

"Claire, you're back," Jim said happily, glad to see her. "Feeling better?"

"We gotta talk," Claire stated. From Jim's smile dropping, he wore a concerned look, walking with her, Toby following.

"Did you remember, how someone stole the election signs protecting the warehouse? I think I know who took them." She looked guilty, Jim's face hiding no emotion.

"The night the Gumm-Gumms attacked?" He asked before they were interrupted by a familiar voice, Darci appearing as she ran to her friend, happily.

Jim's posture shrunk as she was so close to telling him. He wanted her to tell him what was going on, he wanted to save her before it was too late, he couldn't lose her, not now, not ever. He wasn't sure when he would find out what was going on with her but he wanted to.

"Claire, you're back!" While Jim looked shocked and Toby looked purely excited, Claire had put a fake smile on her face, pushing away any negative feelings to greet her friend as if nothing was wrong.

Before the two could hug, Darci pulled back, "you're not sick anymore, right?"

"Nope," Claire said as her boys watched with a smile as the two girls shared a hug.

"Awesome, that was one killer cold." Darci pulled back before gasping. "We gotta celebrate now that you're back."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Toby squealed, the two new lovebirds wearing excited smiles.

"A double date!" They said in unison.

"If Claire's up for it, I am," Jim stated, leaning on the lockers but slipping. Claire chuckled at her clumsy boyfriend before looking up at the group.

"Yeah, it will be good to get out."

"See you guys tonight!" Darci stated as they started to walk off, Claire stopping at her locker.

"I'll catch up with you!" She cried to her retreating friends before yelling as she looked into her locker, her Changeling brother scaring her once again. "What are you doing?"

"Keeping an eye on you," NotEnrique said, hiding in the dark shadows of the locker. "Do you think a date is such a good idea, what with all your weirdness going on?" He acted out her possessed moment as he helped hand her the books.

"It was probably just sleepwalking."

"Sleepwalking? More like 'help, I'm being possessed by some crazy lady and acting like I need holy water splashed onto me!' Yeah, sleepwalking."

"Sleepwalking? I don't know," NotEnrique said, nearly coming out into view but Claire pushed him back in.

"Thanks for looking out for me, but I'm fine. Now, stay out of sight." She tried to close the locker but the Changeling's head had gotten in the way, being constantly slammed against the metal. He yelped as she finally got it closed, the scene changing to Jim and Toby in the gym.

NotEnrique tried to glare at whoever laughed at the scene. "It's like when you are going into the fridge and forgot a kid followed you."

"Wow, your commentary through all of this has been the most ungodly stuff I have ever heard and I'm not just talking about this one episode."

"It's because I'm funny."

"I think it's a good idea, Tobes," Jim stated, the two stretching. "It will be nice to have a night free from imminent danger." While Jim did the push-ups easily, Toby struggled.

"Never underestimate the dangers of a double date." Toby's body cracked as he struggled to lift himself up, grunting. "One wrong move and they will dump us!"

"Tobes, relax. I think you're being a little overdramatic." Jim came to a stand as Toby followed, not seeming so relaxed as he said he was.

"Relax? I'm relaxed. I'm a total dating guru." Toby bent down to retrieve a forgotten basketball, trying to make it into the nearby hoop, only to mess up terribly. Instead of colliding with the net, it had hit Eli who had spent his free time in the gym, reading a book.

The boy cried as he collapsed to the floor, nothing but a blur. "Ouch!" Toby tensed up, turning as his face held a look of fear and awkwardness.

"Pepperjack, get up!" Toby ran off, now being seen as he struggled onto the rope, Jim simply rubbing his wrist before climbing expertly.

Eli deflated at the sight of him being taken down by a ball, it still seemed he was unfortunate.

"Who reads in Gym class!?"

"It's okay. I know this is your first date."

"What? Darci and I went on a date last Tuesday." Toby stated, watching his friend make it up the rope while he grutned and struggled. "I'm nervous because this is your first date." Already, Jim had rung the bell, dropping back to the floormat with a smile.

"Claire and I had lots of dates."

"Trollhunting missions don't count, Jimbo." Said Jimbo swiftly diving from a dodgeball.

"You know, Claire and Jim have a unique relationship. They go through things together and when they say they are dying for the other, they mean it. To think about it, you guys go through so much more than normal people can experience, you two understand and risk everything for the other person." Barbara stated, smiling as her son looked at her, his face reddening as she continued.

"Just because it isn't classified as a normal date, doesn't mean you two aren't getting to know each other, showing one another you care, and all around being with them. It's like a date, just different because of secret responsibilities. As long as you are with them and experiencing them and what you do for them, I count it."

Ophelia nodded, "we may not see it, but you two love each other, just because you can't have normal dates like the rest of us. It doesn't stop you two. I should let you guys be happy."

"What about when we kissed on the bluff during Spring Fling?" Jim caught the ball, tossing it back before diving away, Toby holding a Dodgeball as he ducked from an oncoming one.

"You almost kissed, then you ran off to fight Angor Rot. Trollhunting mission."

"I get where you're coming from, Toby. But... We are all going to fight against you." Mary laughed.

"It was a date until Angor decided to interrupt." Claire stated, "we had time for ourselves. It was romantic. I'm never forgetting that. I wouldn't have it any other way."

"That's what happens when you're constantly being hunted!"

"I went to her barbecue."

"And fought your own clones." Toby yelped as a ball collided with his face, the two now somewhere else in the gym as Toby held his face, lightly scolding his friend. "Darci will be there, so you two can't talk about trolls. What else are you going to talk about? Promise me this. No Spanish, alright. You talk in Spanish when you get nervous around Claire."

"Okay," Jim stopped his stretch, moving to sit on the bleachers. "What's your plan?"

"Keep it classic, dinner and a movie. We just need to follow my three golden rules of love hunting."

"I already hate where this is going." Jim rubbed his forehead as Toby picked up the basketball that he had been trying to perch himself upon.

"Number one, the art of conversation. Pull inspiration from what's around you. Her hair, the food, ze ambiance." Toby cleared his throat and held the basketball high in the air, french music playing. He turned to face the ball, a flirtatious look on his face.

"Oh, hello. How did I not see you there? Your dimples are so exquisite, and your skin is so radiant and orange. Have you been to the beach?" He tossed the ball to Jim, the boy catching it with a shock. "You try."

"Uh– hi?" He grew awkward. "Your head is so round, you look like you're having a ball." He chuckled nervously. Muy Hermosa."

The ball was suddenly pushed down, "no Spanish! Now, number two. Physical contact. This is where the movie comes in, specifically, a scary one. It's why I picked Danger House 2: More House, More Danger."

"Oh, come on! Ladies love the Spanish, why must you take it from us? It's not like he is butchering it!"

"Okay, I've once heard about this crazy dream, I'm pretty sure I was on drugs because it was crazy vivid. But there was this house, two boys that look almost like Jim and Toby, one skinny and tall, the other short and fat, both having the same personality as you guys, you meet a girl and all three inspect a house where this old guy lived. The house was alive and ate every one."

"That's a weird dream..." Toby muttered. "Should I be honored you dreamed of us?"

"But it wasn't you! And for some reason, hearing Danger House made me think about it."

"You know what you should call your dream if you turned it into a story? Monster House!"

"What! That's amazing, I'm writing that down!"

Toby instantly perched himself next to Jim on the bleachers, raising his ball next to his head as if resembling his date and quickly doing the same to his friend's, Jim sitting in surprise at the sudden movement.

The boy seemed to be intimidating Darci, cuddling up scared to the ball. "Ooh! Oh! I can't look! It's so scary! Hold me close, tell me when it's safe to look." As Toby leaned into the ball further, Jim tried to get a closer look at his friend.

Darci raised her eyebrows as she watched, the rest of the crowd speechless as they watched Toby fondle a ball.

"Everyone else is seeing this, right?"

"And most importantly, rule number three! Above all else, never let them go to the bathroom together." Toby stated, pulling his shocked friend up.

"Why not?" Jim asked.

"Why not?" Toby mocked. "Girls don't pee! They conspire. They'll talk about us and that's when things will go south." Toby glared at the two balls they discarded, Jim's eyes wandering from his friend to the balls that were their main focus.

"Jim's face is priceless, he is so confused!"

"I mean, I would be too, just look at what is happening right now!"

Toby continued, picking up the ball. "Then when all goes well when we walk 'em home, we'll seal the night with a kiss." Toby fondled the orange sphere before locking his lips onto it, Jim groaning in disgust at the sight.

Everyone's eyes were wide, hands flying to their mouths as they grew shocked at the sight. Some students groaned in disgust as Toby blushed madly.

"You have got to be kidding me," Steve added as Mary was taking photos, just loving the scene. Even the trolls had watched with scared faces, not wanting to watch this either.

Behind Toby, the crowd of kids stood, staring at the boy in shock as Coach blew his whistle, reminding Toby he hadn't been alone.

"I told you, Domzalski! Quit making out with the equipment." Toby turned to look at him, pulling his lips away as he chuckled nervously, the class breaking out in laughter as Jim facepalmed. The scene was sealed with only the view of the ball closing in before it turned black.

"Wait, he told you before!?"

"Oh, this is so bad. I cannot believe this."

From the darkness, the scene smoothly changed into the door of the Arena of Trollmarket lifting up, Gunmar appearing as his team crowded around for his arrival.

A student groaned, falling back into their chair. "Just why! Why must you show us this fool!"

"Our Dark Lord has returned from his journey." Queen Usurna said, the said Troll stepping through the walkway of Gumm-Gumm soldiers, Draal following behind.

"My loyal followers, I have traveled far and have returned with the answer on how to bring forth our Eternal Night. The staff of Avalon." Gunmar wore a wicked grin as Aaarrrgghh had been listening in, wearing a helmet and holding a staff to blend in.

"My trusted advisor must have seen this coming." Gunmar started as Dictatious clapped, the large troll now circling him. "For he says, the Pale Lady speaks through him in visions." Gunmar seemed to be mocking him.

"Obviously, milord. The Staff of Avalon. Merlin's staff came to me in a dream. A relic of great power." Gunmar glared, standing behind the smaller troll and roaring, nearly knocking Dictatious over.

"Liar!" Dictatious whimpered as he was called out, bowing to the floor. "I spoke to the Pale Lady, she told me who you truly are! A Fraud!"

"Oooooh," Mary breathed out. "Someone is in trouble." She snapped her fingers. "He had it coming."

Blinky frowned, shaking his head. His brother had been caught and Blinky knew it would soon bite him in the rear. But watching his brother beg as soon as he had been called out was pathetic. He acted like he could handle it all but when it came down to it, he was nothing but a loser who couldn't face the damage he caused.

"Oh, please, Gunmar. After everything we've been through, I stayed by your side." He begged, resting upon his knees, holding his hands together in a desperate attempt to persuade his leader. "I betrayed my kind!" He gripped the vast troll's arm, only to be thrown off.

"Exactly, you have burned your bridges!" Blinky yelled out, shaking his fist.


"I know– I know how to find the staff!" Gunmar growled, a golden sword appearing in his hand as Dicatious whimpered under him, Aaarrrgghh had been watching closely, gripping his spear as the point of the sword was face to face with Dicatious. "No, please! Usurna! Usurna!"

She glared at him as he begged for her. "Traitor!"

The crowd oohed at the betrayal, hands coming to their mouths as they winced.

"You have earned your jus-!" Gunmar cried out as the sword was knocked from his hands, the spear that Aaarrrgghh had been holding was thrown before he launched himself at the Dark Lord. Gunmar stared at the mask that had been discarded, finding an angered Aarghaumont.

"Aaarrrgghh," However, Gunamr couldn't say no more, the former Krubera troll had rolled to grab Dicatious and took off from the Arena. "After him!" Spears were thrown, only embedding into the stone floor as Aaarrrgghh continued forward, Draal giving chase.

The crowd turned to face Aaarrrgghh in shock, not expecting him to blow his cover to save someone who had hurt his friends. It was strange to see but it seemed like Blinky was the one to voice all their thoughts.

"You save my traitorous brother? I am shocked." Aaarrrgghh just shrugged, seeming shocked himself, he was curious about his motive so instead of replying, he simply let the future do it for him.

Gunmar stayed behind as his army continued after the troll, the mask that had given Aaarrrgghh a way in was plucked from the ground, Gunmar's hands glowing as the gold power poured into the mask, shattering it instantly.

From his anger, the scene changed to Strickler who was sitting in his car, having just arrived at his destination as the engine had died down, the man stepping out, nervous with a small bottle clutched in his hands.

"Right, okay." He stopped at a door, breathing heavily as he hesitated to knock. "Courage." His knuckles rapped against the door, his face holding all his worry as he fixed his coat, the porch light shining over his figure as the door pealed open.

"Walt?" Barbara said, seeming confused about his arrival.

"Barbara, I'm not sure what exactly came over me, but I woke up and had to see you." He grew nervous, Barbara was ready to close the door but he had stopped her, desperate. "I know it's been a long time, I know I ran off unexpectedly and I don't know where I found the courage to knock on your–" He yelped as his face collided with the door, Barbara slamming it in his face, the porch light flickering off.

Strickler sighed in defeat, he was so tense, hoping it would have gone well, but sadly, it seemed like the universe had other plans. He had been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't realized a pair of eyes staring him down.

Barbara sucked in a breath, knowing that he didn't mean to do what he did, feeling regret and she wanted to hate him as some of it, he still caused. However, something in her told her to give him a second chance.

Now acting on it was the problem.

Strickler sighed, leaving the porch defeatedly as Barbara stood on the other side, watching him leave.

"He came back." She stood beside the door, listening to his drive off before the scene changed, Darci's voice being heard as the four walked through the busy streets of Arcadia, night had fallen and the group were nearing their destination.

Strickler perked up, seeming to change something within her, it wasn't much but she was thinking about him and he would take that.

"Mary texted me, like, "we're back together," She stated, NotEnrique's head appeared from a trashcan nearby.

"Tight Jeans Hank? Again?" Claire asked. Before Darci could reply, Toby sauntered over to a chair, pulling it out for her.

"A beautiful night. Just like my beautiful gal. Shall we?" He blows Darci a kiss, causing a giggle to escape the girl. Jim had been watching this, eyes widened as he quickly moved to copy Toby, only for Claire to end up on the ground instead of the chair that she had already been moving to sit in.

Claire looked mildly displeased as Jim laughed nervously pushing her chair in, the painful screeching noise of the legs against the concrete met everyone's ears, Darci and Toby looking awkward as they opened their menus.

Jim threw his head back as Claire laughed at his defeat. While she was glaring on the screen, seeing it now seemed to make her laugh more than anything.

"Please don't laugh," Jim said.

"Sorry, you're trying too hard, just be yourself you goofball. I love you for you. Toby is being a hopeless romantic." He blushed as Claire smiled at him, glad she wasn't mad at him.

"Oh, I heard the duck confit is stellar. I think I'll get that." Toby stated, Darci, smiling happily.

"Same! OMG, when I went to Paris with the fam, the duck was amazing!"

In a french accent, Toby leaned closer to her, speaking, "ah, Paree! Zee city of love! Tell me more!"

"Paris sounds so nice," Claire said, getting into the conversation as Jim watched silently. "I've only been to Mexico to visit my Abuelita."

"Ah, Mexico." Jim started, already off to a bad start. Before he could continue to embarrass himself, beneath the table, Toby had kicked the boy in the shin, Jim yelping as Toby gave a warning with the clearing of the throat. "Ow, ow, ow."

"Oh, so you can do a Paris accent but we can't hear Spanish!?"

From the glare that he was receiving from his friend, Jim quickly fixed his misplaced words. "How often do you think they wash these awnings?"

Claire gave him a confused look before their attention was turned to Toby and Darci, the conversation still going. "Because Parisians love me! What can I say, I'm fabulous." THe two lovebirds chuckled, Toby giving her an air smooch.

"So Claire," Darci started. "You saw the first Danger House, right? There's a deep lore."

"I haven't."

"OMG! So, where do I start?" As Darci dug further into her conversation, Toby turned to Jim, lightly scolding him.

"You promised no Spanish." They used the menu to have their secret conversation as Toby lightly tapped the table with his knee.

"Tobes, calm down, it was a natural part of the conversation. The date's going well."

"Oh, no. Code red, code red!" Toby whispered, Jim's eyes turning to land on Douxie, the same boy that had distracted Claire. Jim's face turned into a instant scowl, and he couldn't help but whisper.

Claire laughed at the two boys, while her day wasn't going to go well, she couldn't help but find the weirdos being hilarious.

"He's our waiter?"

"Gentlemen, ladies, what can I get you for today? Oh, Claire is it? Have you been rehearsing for the Battle of the Bands?"

"Yep! Feeling pretty good about our chances."

"Sorry, you're gut is lying to you– OW!" Steve cried, holding his head as Mary smacked him, glaring harshly.

Darci couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Don't fraternize with the competition. Okay, level with me." She turned to Douxie who had instantly put his pen to the pad, ready to take her order. "The duck confit, are duck feet really that good?"

As the conversation went on, Claire's world felt as if it was spinning, the visuals turning into nothing but a blur as she reached for her glass, Douxie's voice distorted in the background.

"Actually, Duck confit is a French dish made with a whole duck." Jim's eyes watched Claire with worry, she seemed out of it, slamming her glass to the table. Jim's attention was turned to Toby who harshly whispered his name.

"Jim! Jim! Stop him before he charms Darci too."

"Seriously, that's your girlfriend, you do it. He has to worry about Claire's health!"

"Steaks all around. Thanks, Doux, I'm sure you're busy." Jim stated, giving the menus to the older boy.

"Excellent choice. Now, how would you like your steak prepared?"

"Well done," Jim stated harshly as Toby turned to Darci.

"Well done?"

"Yeah, what he's having." Darci agreed. Suddenly, Claire growled, her voice was no longer the same, tainted with Morgana's haunting cry.

"Raw, dripping with blood!" Claire instantly let out a gasp, covering her mouth and seeming shocked at the outburst. The table grew quiet, Jim giving a nervous chuckle as they stared at her in shock. Douxie seemed nervous.

Everyone blinked, even Claire's parents looking mildly uncomfortable with the sudden outburst. "Okay, good we can all agree that this is the most concerning moment."

"Uh, as the lady wishes. Four steaks. One raw, dripping with blood." He stated, stepping out of view while repeating, definitely concerned.

"Uh, Darc, bathroom," Claire said, coming to a stand while the two boys watched with concern. While Jim seemed more worried about her voice, Toby was instantly on the fact that they had wanted to go to the bathroom together.

"Ah, rule three! Rule three!"

"Huh?" Jim asked before his instincts kicked in, leg flying up and whacking Toby in the nards.

All the men and Trolls winced, holding their sensitive spots as they watched poor Toby take the harsh shot. "Mental reminder, do not say Rule Three to a Trollhunter, got it."

"The other rule three," Toby whimpered, dropping to the table as his face contorted in pain, Jim's face growing from confused, to shock. Darci instantly turned, going to the shaking boy.

"T.P. are you okay? What happened." She looked up at Claire, "Claire, go on without me." Toby managed to give a thumbs-up as he moaned in pain. The scene changed to a faucet running, and Claire staring at herself in the mirror.

"Hey, looks like you avoided the OTHER rule three."

"Shut up."

"Come on. Pull it together, Claire." She spoke to herself, washing her face as she glanced back in the mirror. However, as her head hung over the sink, the image of her in the mirror had frozen, the room darkening.

"Uh, do mirrors do that..." Everyone leaned back, feeling disturbed as Claire watched in shock, this was not happening.

"Dude, uh... what."

"Claire, can you leave the bathroom." Jim rubbed his hands together, fearing for the worse, he should have noticed the situation better, maybe Claire would be okay.

Claire lifted her head, removing the hands from her eyes, and instantly tensed at the sight of her in the mirror. Her hand reached out to touch it, but suddenly, the mirror began to move but didn't match Claire's.

Instead, a familiar voice appeared, the picture seeming to be a whole other Claire. "Hello, darling. Claire, is it?"

Claire gasped, moving back before her back touched the other sink, "this is not real." The reflection behind her began to move, facing her as the image was once again possessed and startling Claire.

"Sorry, dear. Did I scare you?" The frightened girl moved to the middle of the room, both of her evil reflections staring back at her.

"No, you only gave us all a HEART ATTACK!"

"This isn't real!" The reflection grew into more images of Claire, a wicked grin on its face. "I'm imagining this." Claire ran to the open door of the bathroom, screaming as an invisible force lifted her and threw her back in, her only exit being shielded.

"Mommy, hold me."

"If I was Claire right now, I'd be crapping in my own pants, like no time to run to the stall that's four feet away, I'm making fudge."

"That's sick, you're so sick."

"Who says that? Who on earth thinks of that phrase."


"You think I'm just a reflection you can run away from?" Claire in the mirror, instantly turned into a golden figure, burning green eyes that followed Claire's movements. "I'm under your skin."

Claire looked at her shaking hands, the room distorting. "Get out of me!" She slapped her face, hoping it would affect her but there was nothing but a simple giggle from Morgana.

"That's what she-" The student couldn't finish as they were tackled out of their chair, another on top of them.

"Stop it! Stop it right now! What is wrong with you?"

"You're only hurting yourself."

"Who are you?"

"I have many names. You can call me, Morgana." She chuckled, the room once again warping as Claire tried to fight.

"Stop it! Get out of me!" Claire rammed herself into the stall door, fire leaking from the mirror and turning into a ghostly figure of Morgana behind her.

"My, you are strong, strong enough to wield my weapon. Strong enough to be my gracious host. You open a big enough door, something's bound to escape."

"I am so sorry to say this, but I know she's bad and all. Morgana is absolutely dangerous and beautiful. I think I am falling in love. This is toxic but I need it."

"Okay, good, we were thinking the same thing." When the students received glares, one quickly defended their thoughts. "I'm sorry, if people don't want us falling in love with villains, don't make them attractive and a dream come true!"

"Look at her! She's a kingpin!"

"The portal, the sickness, the signs under my bed." Claire pieced together.

"You've already told Gunmar all he needs to know, but since I'm out and about, I thought we'd kill Merlin's Trollhunter as soon as we get him alone." She cackled, Claire, shielding her face as all Morgana's energy flew within Claire's mouth, her body lifting into the air as she screeched before landing in a hunched position, panting.

NotEnrique appeared into the window, "oi! You don't look so good." He hopped to her feet before he was grabbed roughly by the scruff. "Oi, me scruff!" Claire's voice had been replaced when she spoke, holding NotEnrique close.

"What a brave little mongrel. How sweet and stupid." She tossed the troll into a stall, his head colliding with the toilet, the last thing he witnessed was an evil smirk from Claire as the door closed shut, sealing him in.

Suddenly, Claire's body twitched, her head snapping, eyes sealed shut before she instantly froze. Her eyes were nothing but a black and golden hue, and as Morgana got comfortable within the body, the lights flickered on, Darci's concerned voice calling for her.

"Claire?" The golden eyes disappeared into her normal chocolate orbs, turning to face Darci with a smile. "You feeling alright, Claire Bear?"

"Uh, no."

Suddenly, her arm began to move wildly, Claire's other hand reaching to stop it as Morgana winced out, it was Claire was fighting for control, but Morgana kept it pinned to her side, forcing out a cough and altering her voice.

"Fight, Claire. Fight!" The crowd cheered Jim, biting his lip anxiously as he watched her struggle. He was speechless when he saw her become nothing but a vessel for Morgana but at least there was hope that they could still save Claire.

"I don't feel like myself tonight," Morgana played, leaving the bathroom while Darci closed the door, unaware. The two seated back at the table, Darci chuckling.

"So, did we miss anything?"

"You tell us. What did you talk about in the bathroom? Did you talk about us? Are we still good?" Toby nervously questioned.

Everyone facepalmed at Toby's antics, some holding the bridge of their nose as they tried to process his thinking.

"Dude, seriously. How many dates have you been on!?"

"Yeah, wait, what? I was gone for, like, negative two seconds."

"Felt longer! Felt a lot longer."

"Ugh, yikes," Darci stated as the camera focused on Jim and Claire, Jim unaware of the evil look from his girlfriend as he did a double take.

"Feeling better?" Jim asked.

"I feel like a whole new girl." Jim watched her movements, laughing nervously as Claire, or should we say Morgana in this state, blindly reached for the butter knife, once her hand landed on it, she locked it in her grip, a manic-like laugh escaping her.

Jim yelped as the knife was thrust toward him, only to be stopped by Claire who still fought. Morgana struggled to get the knife closer to Jim who moved out of the way, when she did manage, it was pushed back by Claire.

No one could speak, staring at the screen in disbelief. There was no way that this was actually happening like this.

The knife slipped from her hand, the sharp blade being thrown into the air before impaling in the wood, Toby yelping before both him and Jim inspected the weapon, Morgana laughing.

Claire facepalmed, not liking the sight of her nearly taking out her table with a knife. She was glad that she was fighting Morgana, not letting her kill Jim, but the whole scene just bothered her.

"Oops, butterfingers." Her voice was distorted, the table staring at her in shock.

"Your voice?" Jim questioned, causing the girl to burst into a fit of coughing.

"Oh, I think my cold has returned. But not to worry."

"But not to worry," Jim repeated before leaning towards Toby. "Is Claire acting weird?"

"It's called flirting, Jimbo. She's totally into you. She's giving you the eyes." The two boys turned to look at Claire who had a murderous look on her face, pulling the knife from the board. The two boys straightened up as Douixe arrived with their meals.

"Okay, whoa, whoa. Now we have a problem." Mary mentioned. "If you think that is what a girl does when she is into you, then you will probably die early."

"Exactly, I know they are unsure what is really going on, it doesn't help that we know by watching this, but come on! This is not flirting! One, Claire was playing with a knife, seeming to battle herself before laughing like one of those pyschos in a movie! She almost stabbed someone!"

"Yeah, I like you so let me kill you!"

"Let's not talk about how she's already into Jim," Darci shrugged. "My girl can look lovestruck with him sometimes."

"They kissed on a rock for heaven's sake! They can flirt but, Toby! She better be into him!"

Toby blushed as everyone seemed to come for him, ducking his hand behind his face. He couldn't help but laugh at how quickly the crowd had pieced everything together.

"If my girl had the eyes like Claire, that grin and all-around behavior and that is how she showed me that she liked me, I'm running."

"Four steaks, rare." He placed the plates down as he continued to conversate. "I would love to hear your band sometime."

"Be gone, servant," Claire stated, not even looking at Douxie as she raised her hand.

"Oh, my apologies." Yet, he wasn't as hurt as he should have been.

"You heard the lady," Jim said, Douxie stepping away while Darci stared in concern.

"So, um... should we eat?" Toby chuckled nervously, everyone about to dig in before a possessed growl was heard, Claire had already devoured the plate, spitting out the cleaned bone within a second. She licked her lips while humming, Jim staring in shock.

Someone grinned with a nod, "that's my type of lady."

Everyone else had a different reaction, looking at the screen in a disturbing way as they tried to process what happened.

"That was..." Eli breathed out, Steve finishing his thoughts.

"Disturbing, impossible, mind-blowing!"

From then, the four teens walked through Arcadia, both Darci and Toby sharing an estranged look, lightly hunched over after processing what they have witnessed.

"Well, um. That was an interesting dinner." Darci commented.

"Never saw someone harf down a raw steak like that before," Toby mentioned before giving an awkward look. He reached for Darci's hand, the two freezing when the contact was made, smiles blossoming on their faces.

Behind them, Jim couldn't help but watch, seeming that he wasn't doing something right with his own date. He looked at Claire who wore a scowl, his hand unfolding and reaching for hers, however, before their fingers could brush together, Claire's hand moved from his, only to scratch any food from her teeth.

Jim looked to the side, defeated as her eyes landed on him. If it was actually Claire, she wouldn't have worn an irritated look as she pulled her finger from her mouth and gripped his hand.

Claire broke at his expression but before she could make a comment, another student had, seeming to read her mind.

"Listen, Morgana, act like you love him or so help me!"

Jim's reaction was instant. "Oh, your hands feel really cold. Are you sure you're up for a movie?" All he got for an answer was a dark smirk.

As they continued their walk, they passed a small siamese cat who instantly hissed at Claire's presence. Yet, Morgana took no liking to that. She turned with a possessed and echoed growl, eyes glowing and scaring the cat away.

Everyone jumped back in their chairs, if it was already scary while she possessed Claire's body, they did not want to know what it looked like with Morgana's face.

"Jeez, this is why I hate horror movies."

"This isn't a horror movie...."

"Really? Because it's making me want to cry and sleep with the lights on, so, agree to disagree."

"We should go somewhere else, perhaps you should take me home." From that, Toby gasped, quickly turning to them.

"Great idea! Walk her home! Darc and I will see you tomorrow, bye!" Toby quickly said, he and Darci ran across the street to the movie theater.

"No, don't leave him alone!" Someone cried, guilt instantly hitting Toby like a truck. It looked like he was so caught up with his date, wanting to be alone, that he probably didn't notice Claire's strange behavior.

He had left his friend so quickly with a murderous Sorceress, that he couldn't help but blame himself in this situation.

And if either Claire or Jim got hurt, well, Toby would definitely curse his own name, feeling bitter for what he had done.

"Oh, uh...'kay. Bye, Tobes!"

"Are you coming, little lamb?" Morgana asked, stepping in the wrong direction.

"Little lamb? Sure, but your house is that way."

"I know," Morgana chuckled, gripping Jim by the wrist and pulling him aggressively as she headed in the new direction. "We'll have to walk. I left my Skathe-Hrün at home."

"Your what?" Jim asked as Morgana froze, her eyes filling with worry as she tried to play it cool, however, she relaxed instantly when Jim had given the answer she was looking for. "Oh. Your Shadow Staff. I've never heard you call it that before."

"Quickly now," She pulled him along.

"A walk sounds nice!"

Back in Trollmarket, Gumm-Gumms grunted as they moved along, combing the pathways, Gunmar and Usurna following calmly behind.

"Find them! They can't have gone far." Gunmar commanded.

"Milord, the guards have searched everywhere. Neither Aaarrrgghh nor Dictatious are to be found."

"Someone doesn't want to get caught," Mary sang teasingly.

"It's like watching someone who cheated on their partner, it's so sad," Darci added as Steve laughed.

"She doesn't want to get her butt kicked!"

"And why did Dictatious cry for your help?" Gunmar spat. "What have you been plotting?"

"I do not know why that blind fool called for me. It must have merely been a last act of desperation." She tried to act innocent, changing the subject. "Did the Eldritch Queen tell you how we will vanquish the Trollhunter?"

Toby rolled his eyes at Usurna's antics. "Oh, come on! You were so jealous, cursing her name, saying she was nothing but a figment of your imagination. Now that you know you're in trouble, not wanting to be caught, you sit here like a fool!"

"That's what evil scums do!"

"Are we not going to talk about vanquishing the Trollhunter?" Eli commented as Jim shrugged, already used to such threats. While they had all been frightening, he couldn't lie that he was more scared now that both Morgana and Gunmar were hunting him.

He did have a little faith in himself when he had survived Gunmar's wrath, perhaps he could do it again.

He hoped.

"We will need the Staff of Avalon. And her faithful servant will aid us in our quest." The scene changed quickly, Gunmar and Draal slowly stepping into the Golden room, where Aaarrrgghh's and Dictatious' hiding spots were also within.

They had been taking refuge behind the crystals, yet, the blind troll had nearly given away their position when he had heard the sound of footsteps, peaking his head up and none too quietly speaking.

"Who is that?" Aaarrrgghh quickly pushed the smaller troll down, gasping when he spotted Angor's head being carried by Gunmar. As the Dark Lord ascended the table, Draal had tensed, turning back to look at where his old friend had retreated with Dictatious, completely missing them.

Gunmar stared at the stone head of the assassin, growling slightly. "Angor Rot, you shall rise again." He smashed the head into pieces, his hand reaching for the hammer as the bland eye rolled into view.

He chipped away at the stone casing, the familiar black and golden eye being revealed as its cover broke open. Gunmar snarled as he plucked the eye from the table, inspecting it.

"Oh, you have got to be joking me!" Jim cried out, throwing his arms up in desperation.

"Is that even possible, can he do that? I think that's cheating!"

While he had been busy, Aaarrrgghh continued to sneak around, stepping through a tunnel of blue crystals, a circle of guards waiting nearby. In a panic, Aaarrrgghh pulled Dictatious back as the guards were alerted to the noise.

"Follow stairs, find Blinky." Aaarrrgghh commanded.

"You are telling me, that I must see my brother once again! I despise the future ahead!"

"You're not coming with me?" He was handed the key.

"I distract, you escape."

"But why? Why would you save me?"

"You say big words. Tell Blinky about Angor Rot." Aaarrrgghh didn't let him speak, he jumped out toward the guards and roared, leading them back into Trollmarket and away from the sealed exit.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, they couldn't help but laugh, Aaarrrgghh's reasoning had been explained in such a simple but adorable way.

"As long as you save him for nothing else," Blinky hissed out, crossing his four arms.

Dicatious nervously made it to the staircase, while his unexpected partner sped through the bare streets of Trollmarket, avoiding the spears that were embedded in the ground. They gave chase, Draal, and Gunmar watching from the distance.

"After him!" Their dark leader commanded, Draal acting immediately. Aaarrrgghh panted, knocking things over in his path in hopes to slow down the speeding boulder of Draal that followed behind.

Deciding it wouldn't work, Aaarrrgghh grabbed a crate, waiting for the blue troll to stick the landing before he tossed it, the wooden box knocking into Draal's head and stunning him. Aaarrrgghh froze when he reached the cells, staring at an exit that waited above, Draal's snarl echoing towards him.

Draal said nothing, his mind, however, was running a mile a minute. He was thankful that Aaarrrgghh was not hesitating. He did not want his safety put over their own (which Jim had an annoying habit of doing) and was willing to smile.

Granted he was being controlled and did not want to see himself cause danger to his friends, but seeing that Aaarrrgghh was so far getting away and taking necessary steps, it made him happy that he would be safe.

Acting fast, Aaarrrgghh climbed the cages, leaping from one to another, disturbing a group of Gnomes that sat in a cage, a skeleton of one of their comrades laying nearby. Draal growled as he arrived, inspecting the area, and finding it empty.

"Well, that's awkward," Toby muttered.

"Do you think since the nice Trolls don't inhabit Trollmarket anymore, the Gumm-Gumms paid no mind to the prisoners and the Gnomes ate their friend out of survival?" Eli asked as Mary groaned in disgust.

"That's so gross!"

"Those holes look big enough for those Gnomes to go through," Darci stated.

However, before he could look any farther, Aaarrrgghh appeared, knocking him to the floor with a swift punch. Draal grinned as he watched Aaarrrgghh begin to flee again, catching up rather quickly as they butt heads.

"You know, it makes sense on why he's fighting, but I would have hidden until they left, probably because I'm a scardy cat."

"The Pale Lady has a plan for you too, Aaarrrgghh," Gunmar spoke through Draal. "You can't escape!" Aaarrrgghh leaped away, the two jumping from cage to cage. "Don't you see? You're all players in a greater game! Fighting is futile!"

Aaarrrgghh said nothing, pushing the distracted troll into a nearby cage and slamming the door. He ripped it from the chains, looking up at the exit which was barely a foot away, and began to climb the chain.

Unfortunately, Gunmar's hand slammed onto the controls, Aaarrrgghh's face filling with desperation and terror as the chain broke loose, both the large troll and the metal links falling from the great height.

The fall disoriented the troll, spears instantly pointed at him as Gunmar began to walk away. "I need him alive, for now. I have plans for you." The haunting echo of his laugh made it to Dicatious who shivered at the sound.

The Trollhunters had their hearts in their throats, sending him on these missions was already risky as it is, but now seeing Aaarrrgghh so close to freedom and having it ripped away, within in the hands of Gunmar who stated he was useful.

The moment was heartbreaking, they were already going to lose Aaarrrgghh once, a second time was not an option.

They knew they couldn't say anything, it seemed they were the ones that wanted him to continue on the dangerous path, however, Aaarrrgghh had also fought to do it, it would be an endless conversation just for one to be right.

He had made it nearly to the top of the steps before the scene changed to Claire and Jim stepping into the dark house.

"Are your parents away?"

"Gone for the weekend." She sang lightly, Jim's posture instantly picking up as he smiled.

Ophelia silently watched the boy's reaction as he realized that they were in fact, gone. They knew they were harsh, he couldn't make amends but they didn't want him to feel completely unwelcome.

Perhaps it was knowing what really happened and that he was saving their family.

"Oh, well. I can stay and make you come hot soup or–" He yelped as she nearly closed the door on him, the wooden frame shaking as it was slammed shut.

"Sit. I'll be back down in a minute." Jim shrugged, moving to the couch and clicking on the television.

"Oh, first Danger House," Jim said excitedly as the woman spoke on TV. "This could work, classic Danger House." As he relaxed, Claire had been standing hunched by her bedroom door, which had opened by itself before she stepped inside.

Her eyes closed after inspecting the clean room and her hand was held out, the staff instantly flying into her grip. Her eyes opened when the staff did, glowing with a golden hue as a scream from the TV was heard, her grin turning murderous.

"Okay, that part was like straight out of a horror movie and I am extremely uncomfortable," Toby said as he inched down in his seat, everyone else disturbed by the scene.

"I don't like this, can we not watch?" Steve muttered as Eli inched closer, ready to jump behind the large blonde if any jumpscares occurred.

The worst part was, this was real life. This wasn't some horror movie where your adrenaline was pumping. It was praying that their schoolmates would make it out alive.

"Girl, that look does not look good on you," Mary commented, inching back in her seat.

Jim inched closer to the TV, sitting on the table as the woman cried out for a man named Richard, and while Jim made quiet comments about what happened in the movie, he didn't realize it had also been occurring behind him.

"Look behind you," Behind him, Claire slowly appeared from the portal, staff raised in a deadly position, ready to strike. "Don't be stupid, look behind you!" The woman screamed also causing Jim to jump back and scream, the staff instantly stabbing the table where he had just been a second ago.

"Jim, listen. You should really take your own advice."

Claire's heart instantly shattered at how close she was to succeed. Jim's life is in danger and it's all because of her. She wanted to leave the room, she didn't want to know if Morgana would win the fight, she couldn't handle that thought.

Yet, something told her to stay, almost as if she wanted to know the fate both she and Jim would receive. Would he still love her?

Jim looked up at his hovering girlfriend. "Ah! What are you doing?"

"Trying to kill you!" She went to stab him once more as Jim grabbed a book, using it to dodge the blows of the staff.

"I thought the date was going well! Claire, what's going on?"

"Well, where have you been this whole time? That date was sad."

"Yeah, the date going well? Have you and Toby not been on any?" Steve joked as Toby slightly rolled his eyes.

"Jim, please."

"There is no Claire," she stated, disappearing into a portal before appearing behind him and kicking him onto the couch, "I am Morgana!" She cried as Jim cradled his stomach, the TV turning to static.

Jim coughed, "who?" She froze, looking disappointed.

"The Eldritch Queen. Baba Yaga." Jim looked confused. "The Pale Lady. Ugh, I have many names!"

"Sorry, still drawing a blank." Jim leaned back before Morgana raised, covered in a golden hue and her voice distorted.

Despite the situation, the crowd laughed, loving how Jim took the moment to be sassy as his strongest enemy had come for him.

"I am your doom-" She cried before a pillow collided with her face. "Did you just hit me with a–" Another one. "Pillow?"

"I'm not going to hurt Claire!" Jim yelled, armed with more before Morgana grunted with anger. She held the staff close, closing her eyes and speaking an incantation.

While Claire was tense, knowing that his life was at stake because of her, she couldn't help but smile as Jim was his normal selfless idiot. He didn't want to hurt her, so he risked not using his weapon against her.

While it pained her to realize how defenseless he was and that this fight was not fair, she couldn't help but notice how sweet and caring he was.

"Drooma katorth-a myntarth-a klar."

"I don't know who you are, but you have to take it down a notch.

"Drooma katorth-a myntarth-a klar." The room began to shake, furniture and items around the house clattering as it all began to tremor. "Drooma katorth-a myntarth-a klar."

"Sorry about this, but for the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command." He donned his armor, however, she continued to chant, a portal opening from the floor and sucking nearly everything into it.

"Oh great," Jim muttered as Eli squeaked in surprise behind him.

"This is not good! Who knows how strong Morgana is? And you're all alone!"

"Thanks, Eli for pointing that out."

"Drooma katorth-a myntarth-a klar."

"Claire, if you're seeing this, I did not mess up your house again!" In response was nothing but a shrill shriek, Jim yelping as he was pulled into the force. He leaped to the couch as the table was sucked in.

Morgana smirked, her magic causing the books to fly from the shelves as Jim used his shield to block the oncoming blows. However, he dove from his spot as the television instantly crashed into where he had just been.

Javier and Ophelia watched in shock as their house was once again trashed. Of course, they worried for both Jim and Claire's safety, but the fact that another Trollhunting incident had occurred within their home, was mind-boggling.

"I am your doom!" Jim tossed the end table, yet, Morgana had forced it to stop, but that didn't prepare her for the oncoming blow as Jim through his body against the table, knocking Morgana to the floor, and landing on him.

She snarled as she pinned him, seeming to want to bite him before she lifted him back in the air, Jim having a death grip on her staff. They fought for the staff, throwing one another back and forward.

Jim wasn't in much of a good place, both feet on the edge of the portal, doing his best not to be pushed in. However, from the force of his legs that had pushed the opening much larger, Morgana cackled at the loss.

"Come on, Jimbo!" Toby cried out towards the screen, not liking how his friend was alone and struggling while Toby enjoyed the date he was on.

Blaming himself seemed reasonable. They should have noticed Claire's weird behavior and if he wasn't so caught up on having a good night with Darci, he would have cared for his friends. He had pushed them away and it seemed due to thinking their weird behavior would ruin the night.

If Toby hadn't pushed them away before the movie theater, maybe his two best friends would be okay.

But they're not. And watching Jim so close to being gone, his heart raced.

The couch had been pulled towards them, Jim yelping as he was pressed against the back of it before being tossed to the side. He watched in shock as their furniture slid into the vast mouth of the black hole, but his gasp turned into a yelp of pain as a painting had knocked into the back of his head.

"You think I'm powerful now, just wait until the Eternal Night frees me from my prison!" Jim struggled to stand, being whacked by flying objects as he held himself against the wall but lost his footing when a desk slid into him.

Jim fought to keep himself out of the portal, climbing up the desk as it fell in and continuing to leap on the furniture that had been coming his way. He finally managed to make it but when he lifted his head, Morgana had been there, staff raised before she used it to push him in.

Everyone winced, and Barbara, covered her mouth as she watched her son fight for his survival. The impact was strong and the way he had folded as he flew to the one thing this Morgana had wanted to trap him in.

She shook in her seat, praying he would make it out alive, and that Claire would be free from the hold of the Sorceress.

Jim yelled as he gripped the side of the portal, desperately hanging on as the furniture fell into nothing but darkness.

The crowd let out a panicked cry, watching as Jim struggled to fall through, desperately hanging on.

Claire couldn't help but slouch away from her boyfriend as she watched herself harm the one person she had promised to protect. It seemed as if she was nervous to tell him already, however, watching her try to end his life, knowing she couldn't do a single thing made her feel even worse.

She should have told him, he would be safe.

From her.

Speaking of Jim, he kept his eyes trained on her, unsure how to react. He knew she was racked with guilt, her body language couldn't hide any feelings. Yet, she slouched away from him, almost as if she couldn't be near him.

Would giving her a comforting touch only make it worse if she was already blaming herself and wanting to stay away so she didn't hurt her further?

"Claire," he started, sucking in a breath. "I'm sorry I didn't pay close attention to how you are acting. If I would have noticed–"

"No, you have nothing to apologize for. I am the one who kept it from you, it seems like it did more damage than good. I wouldn't do this to you."

"I know, but we both should have been more cautious." He gripped her hand, Claire growing tense. "I will never, ever let this affect us." She tried to give him a smile, but it came out rather shaky.

He would take that.

"Claire! If you're in there, do something! Anything!"

"Claire is not here!" She cried, readying the staff for the final blow.

"No, but her brother is!" NotEnrique yelled, using the portal's force to pull him to her, using a pan to knock her unconscious. The yellow glow died out, Claire and the staff dropping to the floor, the portal closing on Jim as he reacted, managing to get out before it swallowed him.

Everyone seemed to let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. While they had faith in Jim's strength, Morgana seemed incredibly strong and the future was unclear, meaning using the excuse that Jim was still in front of them, could no longer work.

Even glancing at Blinky, they noticed how tense the troll was, perhaps it was that Morgana was able to be in the outside world, possessing Claire, or ready to kill Jim, already powerful enough, it was unsure if it had been all of the above or what was truly bothering him but he looked as if he had stared death in the face for the first time.

"Nobody grabs me scruff!" NotEnrique hisses, about to smack her once more but Jim had caught the pan.

"She called herself Morgana. Who is that?"

"Uh, not somebody you want to date," NotEnrique answered before the scene turned black, ending the episode.

"So, we are just going to sit around and let some powerful witch corrupt my daughter, even destroying our house in the process?" Ophelia cried out, coming to a stand.

"We won't leave Claire in this state now that we are aware. I cannot promise the future but I can assure you that in our power, we shall try to free her." Blinky started.

"Not try, do." The angered mother corrected before setting herself back in the chair. Claire glanced at Jim, noticing how his eyes were saddened at the sight of her distress.

"We can do this," Claire muttered, grabbing his hand.

"I know."

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