Natural Disaster Farming [MTL]

By 0003min

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Title: 天灾种田记 / Natural Disaster Farming Author: 慕水之鱼 Chapters: 131 [COMPLETED] In 2050, the eruption of the L... More



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By 0003min

Chapter 55

The end of the world 46

The Meteorological Bureau issued an early warning message about the typhoon. A super typhoon is about to make landfall on the southwest coast of China, reaching force 17 or above. According to meteorologists, this super typhoon will be the typhoon with the highest precipitation, the slowest movement and the widest impact in the country's history.

Before the typhoon made landfall, it had remotely controlled the continuous rainfall in many provinces of the mainland.

After the typhoon warning information was released, stormstorm warning, lightning and other meteorological disaster warnings were issued one after another.

Some citizens are very happy to learn that a typhoon is coming. A typhoon means cooling and precipitation, which is simply a manna from the sky for C city residents suffering from high temperatures and droughts.

The overall terrain of the Beishan District is relatively high, and the river is densely covered with a large lake, Longhu. Due to the dry climate, the river has long dried up, and the water level of Longhu Lake has fallen to an all-time low.

The long drought riverbed seems to be waiting for a nectar.

But they don't know that endless nectar is also a disaster.

After the typhoon warning was issued, the next day, it was rare for City C to usher in a cool weather affected by the typhoon. Cloudy weather, the sun is looming, and cool winds blow away the invisible heat on the earth.

Tang Xue received a notice as soon as she went to work and immediately went to the conference room of the planting department for a meeting and was not allowed to be absent. After explaining her work to the team members, she rushed to the conference room on the second floor of the planting department for a meeting.

When she arrived in the conference room, there were already a lot of people in it, basically the leaders of various planting groups in District 2. She found the area where the four team leaders were located, walked over, and was ready to find a seat.

"Xiao Tang is coming. Come and sit down." The leader of the same team greeted her enthusiastically.

"Good morning, Team Leader Lin."

Tang Xue walked over to say hello to him and took the opportunity to sit down beside him.

"Xiao Tang, congratulations. This evaluation, the 6 groups are the first again. I admire it."

Team Leader Lin really admired this young girl. The sixth group used to be famous for the whole team's poor planting skills. Each evaluation was either the penultimate or the penultimate, but since Tang Xue came, he has won the first place every time she was judged, which really impossible for him to accept it.

The planting strength of the first group in all groups of the fourth team is one of the best. In the past, it was in the top three in every evaluation, and I have won a lot of first place. Since Tang Xue came, she has never won it once.

It's a little unconvinced to lose for the first time. It can also be said to be a fluke, but every time I lose, I can only be as good as others.

"Where and where, in fact, everyone is very powerful. I'm just lucky, and there is also the credit of the team members. Usually, they do field management. I still have many shortcomings in my ability, and I have to learn more from my predecessors." Tang Xue waved her hand.

"Don't be modest. We can see all your ability, Xiao Tang. Come to Plantation No. 1 to help us make suggestions when you have time in the future. We will also learn to learn until we are old." Team Leader Lin extended an invitation to Tang Xue.

"I dare not. If you don't dislike it, I'll go and have a look. We will learn from each other and exchange our experience." Tang Xue generously expressed his willingness.

She has never been a self-cherished person. She is willing to share farming skills so that more people can get more harvests. In her dream, her farming experience is also taught by many agronomy experts and old farmers. They selflessly share their experience, hoping to harvest more food and let more people live.

However, not everyone is willing to accept the teaching of others. Literati are light. In fact, no matter which industry is similar, they think that their technology is the best and most accurate. She must make achievements to prove her skills and share the skills she has mastered.

As long as she makes achievements, there will naturally be people who want to learn. Yiyi

After Tang Xue agreed, Team Leader Lin couldn't wait to discuss with her. Just as the problems encountered in planting recently, when the two were chatting hotly, there was a contemptuous cold hum next to her.


The loud voice made the two chatters have to stop and turn their heads.

Xu Qin, the leader of the five groups, looked at them blankly, and the eyes of Team Leader Lin seemed to be looking at a fool.

"Team Leader Xu, what do you mean? I don't seem to have offended you, right?" Team Leader Lin couldn't stand her eyes and frowned and asked.

Xu Qin raised her hand and raised her hair, sneered and said, "It's not offended. I'm not interested. I just think some people are stupid. If others can teach real skills, you will teach your apprentice starve to death, don't you know?"

Team Leader Lin was suddenly choked and speechless, and his eyes at Tang Xue were also a little embarrassed.

Team Leader Tang Xuechonglin smiled and said that he didn't care, "You can try it on a small range first, do a comparison test, and do it according to the method I said, which should be helpful for the poor budting situation."

"Okay, I'll go back and have a try. If there is any questions, we will communicate."

"Of course, you are always welcome."

Seeing that Team Leader Lin was still muttering with Tang Xue, Xu Qin couldn't help rolling his eyes. He was really a fool.

Soon after, the mayor of District 2 walked into the conference room with four captains, and the meeting officially began.

The main content of this meeting is to assign the task of fighting the typhoon. According to the weather warning, this typhoon is a strong wind accompanied by heavy rain, which may last for more than a week. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen plantations and dredge and strengthen drainage systems in advance to prevent typhoon weather from collapsing and heavy rains, causing unnecessary losses.

Planting teams must cooperate with the logistics department to complete this task, and must strictly implement the disaster prevention manual issued by the base to reduce the impact caused by bad weather.

While fighting the typhoon, it is also necessary to ensure the normal production of plantations, because the whole planting base is related to the future food rations of the people of City C.

After the meeting, everyone was ready to end. At this time, Xu Qin suddenly stopped the captain of the four teams and said that she had something to report, and let the team leaders of the other groups stay.

Everyone didn't know, so they had to sit down again.

"What do you have to say now? Didn't you listen to the district governor? The task is urgent. Can it be divided into priorities?" Captain 4 can't stand the fire. The typhoon is coming soon. The prevention work is urgent. How much does it need to be discussed now?

"No, it must be solved now, otherwise the work in our plantation will not continue." Xu Qin also had a tiger face and insisted.

"Okay, then you think I should listen to how important it is." 4 The captain patted the notebook in his hand on the table and sat down in the chair again.

"He Wen must be taken away from Group 5 today. I don't want this team member anymore. She has seriously interfered with the normal work of the other team members of Group 5, and has also seriously affected my normal work in Group 5. The more Xu Qin spoke, the more angry she became, and his tone became more and more stiff.

Before Xu Qin was planted in a vegetable greenhouse in Beishan District before the end of his life. Later, all the vegetables withered and lost all his life. The planting base recruited farmers who were good at planting, and she immediately came to sign up. Thanks to her vegetable cultivation experience, she was assigned to five groups as team leaders.

Before Tang Xue came, the sixth group had always been at the bottom of the whole team. The performance of the fifth group was only better than that of the sixth group, but because there were five groups at the bottom, they could fly at low altitude every time and passed safely.

Since Tang Xue came, the six groups have jumped into the top of the team. The bottom one is gone, and the fifth group becomes the bottom one of the whole team. Two times in a row, the five groups are the last. If you get the last place again, the whole group will wait.

Xu Qin blamed the big star He Wen, believing that it was because she made the male comrades in the fifth group unintentional to work, which led to the tasks she sent could not be completed on time, and finally led to the lowest performance.

In the past, she wanted to take He Wen away, but the captain always disagreed, saying that she was the same everywhere, and she was the only female team leader in the whole team. Although the captain later promised to give some care to the five groups in other aspects, and she promised to accept He Wen, now she believes that the care given to the five groups is not enough to offset He Wen's influence at all.

"You stopped us here, that's what you want to say? Xu Qin, do you have any brain? Is it time to talk about it? Let's wait until the typhoon is over, and now go back to arrange the task first. With that, Captain 4 wanted to leave.

He Wen is a hot potato. He is hot everywhere. He can only drag it for a day.

Xu Qin had already seen through Captain 4's idea and immediately stopped him, "No, it must be solved today. I firmly won't want He Wen. At the beginning, you said that He Wen was placed in Group 5 because I was the only female team leader, but now it's not. Tang Xue is also the team leader, so you transferred He Wen to Group 6. "

"Oh, I said, let's wait until the typhoon is over. Now let's arrange the task first."


"Xu Qin, do you want to deduct points?"

"Today, if you have deducted points, you must do it."

Xu Qin seemed to make up her mind not to let He Wen, and tried to get rid of her after being deducted points. This made many people wonder what He Wen had done and made Xu Qin make such a big decision.

Captain 4's always smiling face suddenly sank, and his eyes looked at Xu Qin serious.

"I'm sure I don't want it. I told you that if I don't want He Wen, all the usual priority policies will be cancelled." 4 Captain is right.

"Cancel as soon as you cancel. I don't care about it." Xu Qin said firmly.

"Okay, then transfer He Wen."

Captain 4 finally let go, but he was also worried about where to transfer He Wen. He looked at all the team leaders.

"Lin Dong, how about transfer He Wen to Group 1?"

Team Leader Lin was surprised and said, "Captain, there are already 6 people in our group, and they are full."

"Oh, yes, I forgot." The captain patted the forehead and then realized.

There are still three left, six groups, eight groups and ten groups left.

The strength of the 8th and 10th groups is also in the middle and downstream of the whole team. It is very likely that He Wen will be directly at the bottom. It seems that there are only six groups that can do it.


It's a little bullying.

There's nothing he can do. Captain 4 still asked hard, "Tang Xue, would you like to arrange He Wen in Group 6?"

Tang Xue looked around and found that everyone didn't seem to want this big star.

"Don't worry, don't let you ask for nothing. In the future, six groups can choose and distribute materials for planting tasks arranged by the base. Six groups can also be given priority. There will be material subsidies at the end of the year. How about it?"

Can you choose planting tasks? Tang Xue's eyes lit up.

The base will assign planting tasks to each district, such as planting a certain crop, and how much the yield needs to be achieved. However, which plantation planting planting and what kind of varieties and quantity are arranged by the team according to the requirements of the task.

After receiving He Wen, the captain can allow Tang Xue to choose the varieties to be planted.

"I agree." Tang Xue quickly nodded.

"You have thought about it. If you promise, you can't change it." 4 The captain specially emphasized.

"No problem."

The captain finally breathed a sigh of relief, "That's the decision."

Tang Xue received He Wen, a big star who was afraid of others.

The matter was perfectly solved. The team leader was busy going back to arrange the fight against the typhoon, and Tang Xue fell to the end. She participated in this kind of disaster-resistance mission for the first time, and the captain was worried and needed to explain more words to her.

"Okay, that's all. Go back and arrange it well. After checking what the requirements are, you can directly apply to the logistics department." The captain told me.

"Okay, thank you, captain. Then I'll go back to work first."

"Okay, let's go."

Tang Xue walked alone in the direction of the plantation room. While walking, she thought about what the captain had just explained and how to arrange the task later. Halfway, a white figure suddenly rushed out of the roadside.

A large, fluffy white smiling angel stood in front of her.


Chapter 56

The end of the world 47

How can there be a white, fluffy and clean Samoyed in the planting base? At the end of the world when people lack food and clothing, a dog is still strong and smooth. Why?

Of course, it's because I was reborn well.

Reincarnation is a technical job, and so is true for dogs. They are in the stomach of the richest man's family, and they are also the second generation of dogs after birth. As we all know, there is only one dog in the planting base, which is the beloved dog of Liu Feifei, Minister of Logistics.

It is said that the name is Coke.

If other people lack food and clothing, the richest family will definitely not, otherwise they will not cooperate with the official planting base. No matter what era it is, some things will not change, such as the gap between the rich and the poor, the class, etc.

The advent of the world will make the gap smaller, but it will never disappear.

The Samoyed Coke stood on Tang Xue's must-go road and grinned and showed a smiling face to Tang Xue. Most of the girls are plush controlled, and Tang Xue is no exception. She has no resistance to this fluffy dog.

But this is not a good time to play with dogs. She has to go back to the disaster-resistant task. What's more, this is still the richest dog, one of the species to stay away from.

Tang Xue could only move her footsteps and detour around the dog.

When passing by the dog, the dog suddenly barked at her, "Wow!"

Tang Xue was shocked and looked at the dog in surprise.

The dog stepped to her, circled around her, and sniffed on her calves from time to time. After a while, he sat straight at her feet, looked up at her, and shouted at her twice: "Wow."

What do you mean?

Tang Xue can't figure it out. She doesn't know dog language.

Don't want to waste time, Tang Xue raised her foot and left, no longer care about the dog. Anyway, no one dares to hurt the dog in the base. But she never thought that no matter how fast she walked, the dog followed her until she entered the plantation room that the dog was blocked from the door.

Tang Xue summoned a meeting of team members in the plantation room to arrange disaster relief tasks. When the group meeting was over, Tang Xue and the team members began to prepare for the task, and suddenly found that there was one person and one dog standing outside the planting house.

The man seemed to be a little afraid of dogs. When he saw a dog sitting at the door of the planting house, he was so scared that he was stiff and dared not breathe. It was not until Tang Xue and others came out that the embarrassing atmosphere between one person and one dog was broken.

When the dog saw Tang Xue coming out, he shouted at her again, "Wow!"

"Oh, why is Coke here?"

"Ah, why is He Wen here?"

Two team members blurted out at the same time, with one voice. Coke is a star dog in the base. No one knows it. He Wen is also a celebrity in the base. No one knows it. It's really surprising that the two appear at the same time.

Tang Xue only remembered He Wen's matter, so she simply explained to the team members, "He Wen has been transferred to Group 6 from today, and he will be the team members of our 6 Group in the future."


"How come?"

All four team members were surprised by the news. It seems that he never thought that He Wen would transfer six groups.

"Well, let's talk about this matter later. Now let's work first. He Wen, you go first..." Tang Xue looked at the four team members in the eye group and thought about it and said, "Work with Sister Hu today. Let's talk about other things after you are done to prepare for disaster relief."

"Sister Hu, take He Wen today to familiarize yourself with the work of our six groups."

"Okay, team leader, don't worry." Sister Hu agreed with a smile.

"Well, now hurry up and move quickly."

"Team leader, what about Coke?" The black girl asked. The black girl was also very greedy for Coke's fluffy hair and her eyes were ready to move. If possible, she must want to go up and play with the dog now.

"Don't worry about it. I'll say hello to the logistics department later. I guess it's lost. I don't know how I'll come here. You go to work first." Tang Xue waved her hand and motioned them to act quickly.

"All right!"

The black girl was reluctant to go back step by step.

Tang Xue looked at the white Samoyed, who was still squatting at the door, raised her bracelet and took a beautiful photo of it and passed it on to Jiang Yu.

Tang Xue: Did your minister's dog lose? Squatting at the door of Plantation Room 6. Why don't you find someone to get it?

After waiting for a minute, Jiang Yu didn't reply.

Maybe I didn't see it when she was busy with work. Tang Xue couldn't wait here. She had to do her own thing first. Unexpectedly, this Samoyed didn't know what was going on, and he also followed Tang Xue. No matter where she went, Samoyed squatted at her feet.

What's going on? Did you rely on her?

If she couldn't figure out the reason, Tang Xue didn't care anymore, but devoted herself to her work.

I was busy for two hours. I found that Jiang Yu hadn't replied to her message yet. It seems that the logistics department is very busy today. Tang Xue wiped the sweat over her forehead and looked back at the big white dog squatting not far behind her.

White Samoyed stared at her with a pair of watery dogs, which made her involuntarily softened and couldn't help touching it twice.

"Are you thirsty? I'll take you to drink some water. Tang Xue patted the big dog on the head.

The dog followed her back to the plantation to drink water as if he could understand her. She found a clean one that was easy to pour some water into the dog, and the dog quietly bowed his head and drank it.

"You said why your master didn't come to you now. Didn't you forget you? Or did you sneak out of yourself?" Tang Xueyou stretched out her hand and touched it twice on its fluffy and soft hair.

"Wow." The dog looked up and barked twice as if answering her question.

"It's useless to call. I don't understand."

The dog was so clever that Tang Xue was overjoyed and pretended to take out two pieces of beef jerky from her backpack. This beef jerky was made by Tang Xue and occasionally used to satisfy his cravings.

The dog happily rolled the beef jerky into his mouth, chewed it in two, and looked at her eagerly.

"Just eat two yuan. I don't know if you can eat it. It's not good to eat a belly."

At this time, the bracelet rang.

Jiang Yu finally sent her back.

Jiang Yu: Come here right away.

Tang Xue looked at the dog and said, "You can go home right away."

After five minutes of rest, Tang Xue continued to work again.

Before long, I saw a special car from the base coming to Plantation No. 6.


As soon as the car arrived, before it stopped, it heard a pleasant and clear female voice.


A fashionable beauty in a burgundy dress and silver flat shoes painted exquisite makeup came down the car.

Presumably this is Liu Feifei, the head of the base, the head of logistics department, and the most famous richest daughter. A standard life winner at the end of birth, the heroine of Shuangwen.

From the interaction between Liu Feifei and the dog, it can be seen that he cares about this dog very much. No wonder he came out to pick up the dog in person. After a relationship, Liu Feifei wanted to get Coke into the car, but Coke refused to drill into the car. Even if you put on a dog rope and pull it in the car, you will never go in.

"Coke, go in, hurry up."

"Coke, obedient, get in, hurry up."

"Coke, look, there is your favorite snack in the car. Go in."

No matter how Liu Feifei coaxed, Coke refused to go to the car, which made Liu Feifei frown in a hurry. Coke not only didn't get in the car, but also looked back at Tang Xue. The dog's eyes were full of desire.

Is this dog also a foodie?

There was nothing she could do. Tang Xue had to grab another handful of beef jerky from her backpack, walked to Liu Feifei and said, "Try this."

Liu Feifei then looked at Tang Xue and stared at the beef jerky in Tang Xue's open palm.

Liu Feifei didn't respond, but the cola smelled it and immediately raised her front leg at the beef jerky.

Tang Xue immediately raised her arm to prevent him from succeeding.

Liu Feifei suddenly realized that she quickly took the beef jerky in Tang Xue's hand. As soon as she threw the beef jerky into the car, Coke got into it.

Well, you can send this great Buddha away.

Liu Feifei never thought that her carefully prepared dog snacks were not as attractive as other people's beef jerky. She looked back at Tang Xue and said, "Thank you."

Tang Xue's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise and said with a smile, "You're welcome."

I thought the richest daughter would be very cold, but I didn't expect it to be polite.

Liu Feifei looked up at plantation No. 6, then turned around the car, closed the door, and slowly left.

Tang Xuemu sent the car away and couldn't help sighing that she had all met the two women in the base who should be far away on the first day of the New Year. Forget it when you meet it, and you have one. Is this whether she didn't read the almanac when she went out, or did it indicate that she was not good this year?

At noon for lunch in the canteen, I met Jiang Yu and the Tang Dynasty.

The Tang Dynasty came to the base for an interview with them this morning. She never received any information from the Tang Dynasty. She thought the interview was not over yet, but she didn't expect to have directly participated in the work.

"I've been hired and work directly?" Tang Xue asked in surprise, is the base so efficient now?

"Luckily, a super typhoon is coming. In order to fight the typhoon, the logistics department is the time to be short of people, so if there is no problem after the interview, it will be hired directly. The contract has been uploaded to the system. Don't worry." Jiang Yu explained.

There were only 5 of the 60 interviewees who participated in the same batch as the Tang Dynasty, and all the others were hired. They only took up work half an hour after pre-job training. At present, the logistics department is too short of people. The recommended people have already been screened with backtones, and there is basically no big problem.

"After I was hired, Jiang Yu directly put me into his group. I'm following Jiang Yu now. Don't worry about me." The Tang Dynasty said as he cooked rice in his mouth. After working all morning, my stomach has long been empty.

"That's great."

Not long after Jiang Yu arrived in the logistics department, he was transferred to the team leader because of his excellent ability. There were 9 team members in the group, and now there are 10 in the Tang Dynasty.

The Tang Dynasty took advantage of the meal to publish the whole good news in the family group. The family was very happy to hear the news, and the uncle and aunt couldn't close their mouth with laughter.

Since learning the news of the typhoon, all employees on the farm have also taken action not only to strengthen plantations and dredge drainage systems, but also to check the typhoon resistance of other buildings.

Tang's father, Tang's mother and second uncle's family had returned home on the afternoon of the first lunar month. The uncle and aunt, as well as the son of the Tang Dynasty, still stayed on the farm waiting for the Tang Dynasty.

When the farm staff were busy preparing to fight the typhoon, the uncle and aunt also helped. Now that the Tang Dynasty has been officially hired, the uncle and aunt are relieved. They are going to take their grandchildren home in the afternoon.

The super typhoon is coming, accompanied by heavy rains and heavy rains. The waterlogging in the main city is certain. The terrain and drainage system of Xincheng District are good. Tang Xue's family and Erbo's family are in Xincheng District, but the situation in the old city is different.

Uncle Tang's house is in the old city.

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