Natural Disaster Farming [MTL]

By 0003min

94.2K 2.3K 233

Title: 天灾种田记 / Natural Disaster Farming Author: 慕水之鱼 Chapters: 131 [COMPLETED] In 2050, the eruption of the L... More



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By 0003min

Chapter 51

The end of the world 42

Tang Xue and Qin Yue talked on the phone for half an hour. At the same time, Tang Xue sent a plan to rush out temporarily to Qin Yue. The plan details the nutritional and medicinal value of locust bricks, as well as the plans she wants to implement to turn waste into treasure.

After listening to Tang Xue's plan, Qin Yue couldn't help saying hello repeatedly. It would also be a good thing if it could really be implemented according to Tang Xue's plan.

Tang Xue wrote about the arrangement of worm bricks. If there is famine, worm bricks can relieve famine. If there is no famine, worm bricks can be used as fertilizer. No matter how you look at it, collecting worm bricks is a low-investment and high-return project.

At the end of the call, Qin Yue did not stop for a moment. She picked up her things and ran out.

"Xiao Zhang, drive, let's go to the district."

That night, an official vehicle arrived at the farm and several professional evaluators came down. In addition to turning around the farm, the evaluators focused on visiting the greenhouse plantation. Like everyone, everyone who enters the plantation will marvel at the growth status and estimated yield of crops in the plantation.

"We have seen no more than 1,000 or 800 greenhouses. We have never seen such a farm. Is it amazing?" While visiting, evaluator Liu Gong praised Jiang Yu, Tang Xue and others who accompanied the visit.

"Yes, there must be a particularly powerful agricultural expert on the farm. It is difficult for ordinary farmers to achieve such a high output." Evaluator Xu Gong couldn't help sighing.

"Well, I know it must be the credit of Team Leader Tang. I have visited the planting house under the responsibility of Team Leader Tang in charge of the base, which is really awesome."

Evaluator Qian Gong gave Tang Xue a thumbs up and gave another colleague Amway Tang Xue's achievements at the planting base. Qian Gong is a member of the Agricultural Science Expert Group of Beishan Planting Base, and his name is like Lei Guan's ears about Tang Xue.

Even if the agricultural expert group personally guides the overall state of the planting house, it can't catch up with the No. 6 plantation house under Tang Xue's responsibility, which is why everyone admires the little girl. The experts of the expert group did not think there was anything to be ashamed, but praised Tang Xue.

The winner comes first, not in identity and age.

After the evaluator entered the evaluation results in the system, a cooperation agreement passed quickly with the efforts of the parties. Backing against the big tree to enjoy the cool, holding the official golden thigh, some things that are difficult for individuals to do will become easy to turn against each other.

Through Qin Yue's bridge, Tang Xue and the official reached a cooperation agreement.

Tang Xue can release locust collection missions on official platforms and mobilize citizens to collect locusts. The public can exchange locusts for supplies, and the exchange rate and list will also be published at the same time.

Since Tang Xue's name does not have much materials, she can only use the existing industrial farm as collateral to lend to the official government. The supplies needed to collect locusts will be paid in advance first.

After the end of the task, the official will settle all the expenses with Tang Xue at one time, and then Tang Xue will return them in installments.

Because Tang Xue's farm is not alone, she negotiated this matter with Jiang Yu in advance. If Jiang Yu is willing to participate in the collection together, if she doesn't want to, she can only participate in her share.

And she hoped that Jiang Yu could participate, because the reason why she wanted to collect worm bricks was to plan for the future. Five years later, the sea level continued to rise, and City C had to move as a whole. All the industries currently established in City C will be in vain, including the current farms. When all the population of City C migrates to the western inland city of R, everything will start again.

And this batch of worm bricks will become the hope for future investment in City R.

Tang Xue explained her plan to Jiang Yu in detail. The matter about the dream could not be revealed. She only said that she was worried about the sea blue star environment and the future of City C. Now that the official has made a migration route and plan, it means that it is very likely to happen in the official forecast, so she wants to plan in advance.

After the two talked, Jiang Yu agreed.

After reaching a cooperation agreement with the official, the official even helped her contact the manufacturer of insect bricks, which is not only responsible for the production of insect bricks, but also responsible for the transportation of locusts and insect bricks.

How sweet.

If the official can trust Tang Xue so much, the work performance of the farm planting industry and planting base has given her the greatest endorsement, which is also an official talent investment. Moreover, this cooperation between the two sides is a win-win situation. Tang Xue allows manufacturers to restart production and provide job opportunities for citizens to collect locusts.

Qin Yue handed in Tang Xue's plan directly.

The leaders of the central circle of C City carefully studied the plan and held an emergency meeting to discuss it. After the meeting, the authorities also decided to store a batch of worm bricks for future emergency needs.

Officials do not know yet that inconspicuous worm bricks will become life-saving food when the city is out of food.


According to the real-time broadcast, the locust army is still half a day away from City C. Unlike other locust-stricken areas, the people of City C are waiting to fight against locust infestation, but also have a faint excitement.

The official suddenly issued a notice on the system recruitment platform to collect locusts. 20 kilograms of locusts can be collected and can be exchanged for food, water or daily necessities.

In addition to issuing the collection notice, the exchange form and the address of the exchange point are also attached to the notice. Finally, the notice also prepared a safe locust trap instruction manual to teach everyone to catch locusts safely and remind people that while catching locusts, we must pay attention to the safety of life.

Moreover, the locusts marked in the red letter are inedible infestation and need to be processed by a special process in the factory before toxins are removed before being eaten.

gregar locusts release a large number of volatile compound phenylacetonitrile, and gregar locusts will immediately convert phenylacetonitrile into the highly toxic compound hydrocyanic acid when attacked. Quoted from Baidu)

The notice is pushed to every citizen's bracelet through the official system. If it hadn't been for the extinction of fraudulent text messages, citizens would have thought that the notice would have been a new type of scam.

In He'an Community, Li Guimei's house, her husband and son are also discussing this matter with her.

"Do you think the task of collecting locusts is real?" Her husband pointed to the information on the bracelet and asked Li Guimei.

"Officially released, how can there be a holiday? Look, there is our community office building in the exchange point listed below. I heard from the social workers today that 100% fidelity. Hey, unfortunately, I can't collect it, otherwise I will go even if I ask for leave." Li Guimei patted her chest and said.

In order to leave more opportunities to exchange materials to the people, the government requires all public and grassroots personnel not to participate in this collection task.

Li Guimei's husband patted his smooth head and said, "Don't worry, wife. Even if you can't go, I will definitely collect your share together. Then we will come back with the meat."

"What? Do you have meat to eat?"

As soon as he heard the word "meat", Li Guimei's son immediately jumped out of the sofa. He was naked and wearing only a pair of shorts. His mother said that she didn't go out at home anyway, and he didn't have to wear clothes, which saved washing clothes.

Li Guimei's husband patted her son's equally glorious head: "Would you want to eat meat? If you want to eat meat, go with your father to catch locusts.

"Okay, okay, catch locusts, change meat for meat."

Li Guimei suddenly said, "Son, do you know that locusts can also be eaten at normal times? Fried locusts are fragrant. I ate them when I was a child."

Her son's eyes were glare: "Really? What's the taste? When I have a chance in the future, I'll catch some normal locusts and fry them for me.

Li Guimei was stunned and didn't have much oil left at home. How could he fry locusts to eat?

"Well, what? In fact, fried locusts are not delicious. Besides, the locusts didn't washed when they came back. How dirty they were, but they still didn't eat them."

"Mom, I don't think it's dirty. Can you blow it up for me?" Her son insisted.

"Uh..." Li Guimei looked embarrassed. "Then wait until you catch it later."

Her son sighed deeply and knew that there were fried locusts. It was useless.

Li Guimei's husband had to rub her son's head to comfort him, "Don't be discouraged. Let's catch more locusts. When we change the meat, won't braised pork smell better than fried locusts?" Let's go. Now let's find materials to make a few tools to take advantage of it and try to catch more locusts.

After listening to his father's words, the child was resurrected with blood and followed his father to toss around with interest.

"You also need to be equipped with protective clothing. Don't crawl with locusts at that time. I heard that locusts will bite people." Li Guimei shouted.

"Who said that locusts can bite people? Isn't it a herbivore? Why do you still eat meat?" Her son replied loudly.


Li Guimei was dumbfounded again. She listened to what Chen Yun said. How did she know whether she would bite or not?

Similar to Li Guimei's family, it happened in many families in City C. Everyone was rubbing their fists and planned to do a big fight. The whole family went out to catch locusts together and tried to make a small profit on this opportunity.

After the end of the world, most people were unemployed. Even if the government strongly supported the resumption of work and production, there were still a few people who could have jobs.

It is rare for the official to launch an exchange activity, and citizens are trying to make a lot of money.

Locusts could not flood into reinforced concrete cities in large quantities. All citizens went out of their homes and went to parks to the wild to the countryside, forcibly taking the lead.

The locust war is imminent.

In the notice of the relevant departments, the vanguard of the locust army arrived first.

Countless locusts gathered together, pressed black, densely in the sky like dark clouds. The gnawing power of locusts is amazing, and wherever they pass through, an inch of grass does not grow.

After the end of the world, the land was polluted, and many of the crops on the ground had dried up, leaving only yellow stems. Only the tenacious weeds and trees still survive, but the leaves are not as green, fresh and shiny as before.

The dense locusts landed on the tree, and the green leaves disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not long, a small three-meter-high tree left only bare branches, and even the bark was eaten cleanly.

"My God, it's terrible!"

"No wonder the locust plague is the most feared disaster for farmers. All the gnawed weeds have only roots, and the ground has been eaten up. If it falls in the farmland..."

People in the city rarely see locust plague and don't know the real harm of locust plague. Only when they see it with their own eyes can they know the horror of locust plague. Officials make a lot of efforts every year to prevent locust infestation, but these efforts are rarely known to the public.

There are no quiet years, but someone is carrying the burden for me and moving forward.

"What is everyone waiting for? Grab it!"

"Come on, grab it."


Chapter 52

The end of the world 43

In front of the office building of He'an Community, a long sunshade was built. Under the sunshade, there are a lot of people, and many community residents are queuing up under the sunshade. Among the people in line, there are men and women, old and young, with a rare smile after the end of the world.

There are all kinds of containers at everyone's feet, such as plastic bags, woven bags, buckets, etc. From the transparent plastic bags, it can be seen that they are full of locusts. Men, women and children are all bumper harvests.

"How many pounds did you catch? I think there are a lot in your bag.

Uncle Li, a resident, asked Uncle Jiang, who was behind him. The two were about the age and were a residential house in the same community. Because they usually like to rub two mahjong, they often played mahjong together in the chess and card room of the community. They were relatively familiar card friends.

"I didn't catch much, it's about a hundred catties. The main reason is that there are too many people in the place I caught. Everyone is trying to catch it desperately. It's like death. I dare not, so I grabbed it a little bit." Uncle Jiang replied modestly.

"Just blow you. You've been a little bit. If you try to catch it, how many locusts will you have to catch? I know how to brag every day. Uncle Li mercilessly punctured Uncle Jiang's cowhide.

"Hey hey, I'm young and strong. How can I lose to those young people? Those young people can't catch grasshoppers at a glance. I grew up in the countryside when I was a child, and it's easy for me to catch grasshoppers." Uncle Jiang smiled naively and asked again, "I think you have caught a lot and loaded three snakeskin bags. How much does it cost?" Did you catch it all by yourself?"

Uncle Li shook his head: "How can it be? This is caught by my family. My son and others are tired after catching it. They go home to bed. I'm coming over."

This time, Uncle Li's family went up and down and really caught a lot of locusts. After a while, he went home to discuss what materials to exchange with his family. I heard that you must exchange it as soon as possible. It's too late. Maybe the good thing will be replaced by others.

There are many people like Uncle Li and Uncle Jiang waiting while chatting, and they are discussing their great achievements in catching locusts. Not everyone is lucky to catch a lot of locusts. If some places are not well selected, they don't catch much. Some people not only did not catch locusts, but were injured, which made people laugh and cry.

There are two desks on the open space at the door of the office building, next to the desk is a floor-to-ceiling weighing, and behind the desks are four community workers. Residents hand over the locusts caught to the community workers, who will weigh them after inspection and enter them into the system. Residents can check the locust weight they collect in the bracelet system, or exchange materials on the bracelet system.

The four social workers are like operators on the assembly line, inspecting, weighing, entering the system, sending them to the warehouse, and then waiting for the transporter to load the car and send the locusts to the processing factory.

Among these four people is He Bin.

After Tang Xue reached a cooperation agreement with the official, she appointed He Bin as her agent.

She and Jiang Yu not only have their own work to do, but also mainly grow farms. They don't have time to come back to manage the collection task. In order to share the burden of He Bin, Tang Xue also found a helper for him, that is, the Lobby Brother Tang Dynasty.

The two cooperated to help Tang Xue collect locusts and make insect bricks.

There was a locust outbreak in City C. Due to the early deployment of preventive measures, the losses caused by the locust infestation were controlled within a certain range, and because a large number of citizens caught locusts, the number of locusts was greatly reduced, which not only defended City C, but also reduced the scale of locust infestation for other cities.

The factory that makes worm bricks is also working overtime.

In order to make worm bricks, the factory specially modified the original assembly line to make it more suitable for worming brick production. A bag of locusts poured into the entrance of the machine and went through cleaning, baking, powder, screening, disinfection, adding ingredients, pressing and other processes. When they come out of the assembly line, they become worm bricks.

The encapsulated worm brick has a shelf life of 3 years.

After nearly 20 days of production and processing, all the worming bricks were finally processed. Some of the worm worm bricks belonging to Tang Xue were sent to the farm for storage by factory transport trucks, but most of them were stored in official warehouses. Tang Xue signed a lease agreement with the official to lease the official warehouse to store worm bricks.

Tang Xue now owes not only a large amount of official money, but also a lot of rent and interest.

In order to pay off the arrears as soon as possible, Tang Xue had to work overtime in the farm plantation.

After checking the potato planting tank, the stone seedling raised his bracelet and looked at the time. It was already 10 p.m. She turned her sore wrist and moved the substrate several times today, and her arm couldn't stand it.

She turned her head and looked around and didn't find Tang Xue.

"Tang Xue, Tang Xue, where are you?"

"I'm in the sixth room."

Far away, Shi Miao heard Tang Xue answer.

"Let's go. It's getting late. Go back to bed."

"Go back first. I'll leave right away, and there's a little bit. I'll leave after it. You go back to rest first."

After getting along with each other during this period, Shi Miao also has a little understanding of Tang Xue's personality. He usually looks soft and easy to talk. But as long as it comes to planting, it's like changing a person. It's absolutely the same. It's useless to persuade you.

"Then I'll go back first. You should go back early to rest. I really have to go to work tomorrow."


Shi Miao sighed and had to go back to rest first.

After Shi Miao returned, Tang Xue worked in the plantation for more than two hours until after 12 o'clock in the middle of the night to go back to her room to rest.

While holding her sore neck, she climbed the stairs upstairs and thought to herself: If she was the heroine of the novel, she would be the worst heroine. Any heroine with a golden finger would be the same as her. If she had a golden finger, she only dared to keep a low profile and cautiously and use it carefully. She fell asleep in bed every day to pay off her debts. .

Shouldn't the boss help her pay off all her arrears directly and contract a fish pond for her?

Thinking about it, I couldn't help laughing.

Forget it, she still prefers to rely on herself. Although she is tired, she is comfortable.

She prefers the sentence "Why do good wind rely on strength, send me to Qingyun"? She prefers the sentence "Why do good wind rely on strength, I can go to Qingyun."

As soon as I climbed to the third floor, I saw that the door of Jiang Yu's room was still open. When I passed by the door, I happened to see him busy in front of the computer.

Jiang Yu heard the footsteps and turned his head to look over.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Tang Xue asked.

Jiang Yu stood up and closed his laptop, came out, and said in a low voice, "Aren't you still awake yet?" I didn't rest until now."

Tang Xue turned around and said, "I owe so much debt to the official, I have to pay it back as soon as possible."

"In fact, don't worry. If you work so late every day, you can't stand it after a long time. We just need to pay it back within the specified time. If it really doesn't work, I also hoarded a batch of materials, and you can return them to the official first." Jiang Yu looked at the faint dark cyan color in her eyes, and his heartache flashed through her eyes.

"How can I pay it back with your materials? Don't worry, I will definitely be able to pay it back at the specified time. I just want to pay it back as soon as possible. What is my workload? Whoever lives now doesn't do my best."


Jiang Yu sighed slightly.

"Well, you go back to the room first. I'll carry the water for you. You can take a shower and go to bed early."

"No, I'll wait a minute..."

Jiang Yu went downstairs to carry water before Tang Xue finished speaking.

Well, although she doesn't have a domineering boss contracted with the fish pond, she has a friend who supports her work and carries her bath water every day.

Jiang Yu brought up a little too much water today, which was enough for her to take a hot bath comfortably. The work of farming is not as relaxed and comfortable as described in the novel. On the contrary, it is very tedious and hard.

I sweat every day, and my clothes are wet, wet and dry, and there is always a sticky feeling on my body. Taking a hot bath before going to bed is the happiest thing every day.

Fortunately, the farm has made a deep well, otherwise the water that only needs to be connected at the time of the water supply every day will only be enough for more than a dozen mouthfuls of people on the farm to drink.

The next morning, after Tang Xue was combed, she took a red fruit liquid from the ink ball space and poured it into her mouth. After drinking the red fruit juice, Tang Xue suddenly felt that the soreness and fatigue on her body gradually dissipated. After the advancedment of the red vine, it can bear two-year-old red fruits, and the number of red fruits has also increased.

After listening to other people chatting at breakfast, I found that it was New Year's Eve tomorrow.

Tang Xue took a look at today's weather forecast on the bracelet. It's sunny today, with a maximum temperature of 36 degrees and a minimum temperature of 27 degrees.

This New Year is probably the most special Spring Festival for natives.

There are still many New Year decorations used before on the farm. The employees discussed, found those decorations, decorated the farm, and had a lively and festive Spring Festival.

A group of older employees Aunt Li and Aunt Qi are discussing what kind of New Year's Eve dinner should be prepared for tomorrow's Eve dinner. The young people Qi Shiyu and Li Wenbo were thinking about how to decorate the farm.

Tang Xue looked out of the window with her face in her hand and thought that the Spring Festival was coming again.

Except for the rotating personnel, the planting base will have one and a half holidays, on the afternoon of New Year's Eve and the whole day of the first day of the lunar month. Tang Xue thought, whether she would go home to celebrate the Spring Festival with Tang's parents, or take over Tang's parents for the Spring Festival.

Since she came to the North Mountains, she has only gone back twice, and she can only stay for one day at a time. Tang's parents can only adjust their vacation time to cooperate with her, otherwise the family may not even meet her.

Since the Spring Festival is over, she also wants to reunite with her family.

Jiang Yu and Jiang Chen are both on the farm. They are likely not to go back for the Spring Festival. If she wants to go back, she can either take the official logistics car or have to drive back by herself.

Tang Xue is going to call Tang's father and ask for his opinion.

On the way to work, Jiang Yu suddenly asked Tang Xue how she planned to spend the Spring Festival.

"I haven't figured it out yet. I want to go back and accompany my parents, but if you don't go back, I may have to take the logistics bus, but there must be a lot of people taking the logistics bus during the Spring Festival, and I don't know if I can arrange the position."

"Then why don't Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang come to the farm for the Spring Festival? The farm is also your property. Why don't you let them spend the Spring Festival together? It's more lively if there are many people." Jiang Yu suggested.

"However, during the Spring Festival, my family will definitely be with my uncle's second uncle."

"Then you can also let them come with them."

"Is that OK? There are a lot of people. There are four people in my uncle's family, and there are six people in my second uncle's family."

"Of course, there happens to be vegetables and meat in the plantation room. Kill two more rabbits then."

"No, rabbits should be kept to breed. Now the number of rabbits is too small."

"Then'll kill two chickens?"

Tang Xue refused without hesitation: "Then it's better to kill rabbits. It's easier for rabbits to breed faster. Er... I haven't decided to come yet. Don't worry. When I ask my father, decide whether to come or not."

Tang Xue solemnly thought about this possibility and felt that it would be better to come to the farm for the Spring Festival together. When the main city moves to the North Mountains in the future, she plans to arrange the uncle's family on the farm. The second uncle's family should be assigned residence in the position of the second uncle, and there is no need for her to worry.

Before she thought about it, Jiang Yu said a word and immediately pulled her attention away.

"The logistics department needs to recruit a group of new employees recently. Do you have any choice to recommend?"

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