The Red Bear Is in Nihonkoku...

By stevemichel111

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'Russians have shed an oceans of Blood for the liberation of the world 25 years ago, if the USA Became Stalin... More

A New Dawn
Rough Contact
Rising Tensions
Double Strike
Fall of Lauria
The Empire of the West
Victory and Meetings
The Papaldia Empire, Making waves
Troubles are Brewing
Swinging Tides
The Chains that Bind the poeple
100 years since the Revolution
Eve of The Great Eastern War
Demon Hunting
The Great Eastern War Begins
Raid on Daro
Declarations of War
Battle of Fenn(1)
Battle of Fenn(2)
Liberation of Altarus(1)
Liberation of Altarus(2)
Liberation of Altarus(3)
Back from the Ashes(1)
Back from the Ashes(2)
Bombs away!
The Fall of the Papaldian Empire(1)
The Fall of the Papaldian Empire(2)
A Interview, A Purge and a Escape
The Red Star Shines so Red
The World awaits the Red Bear
To the Moon and in between conferences
The 11 Nation Conference and the coming storm
The Cartalpas Raid(1)
The Cartalpas Raid(2)
An Old Foe Returns
The 2nd Great Patriotic War
Battle of Solongrad(1)
Battle of Solongrad(2)
Operation Red Storm(2)
Diplomatic talks
Nuclear Option
Operation Red Dawn(1)
Operation Red Dawn(2)
New meets Old
Battle of Bushpaka Latan
A People's revolution
A Great Restoration and a Glorious Victory

Operation Red Storm(1)

429 23 12
By stevemichel111

'Ukrainians, You who have Suffered under the Boots of the Hitlerites, Your fellow Slavic Brothers, Russians, Belorussians and Poles are racing towards Your Homes, For your Freedom and National Cultural Survival Resist and fight, the enemy, river by river, town by town is hurling itself out of your lands, We have come as Brother helping brother'-Vasily's letter to Ukraine, Sometime in Late 1943

Russian Lines In Vestal, December 9th 1642

As the Tanks and APCs Rolled forward, The Russian Infantry Ran behind them, wearing Their Winter Uniforms and masks that made only their eyes visible,  the Snow was knee deep, Perfect for the Russians, Across the entire front of 3600KM, Russian forces were smashing the Germans like a Boxer against a Baby, In one spot, the Bakowon Plains, which was the size of Belgium, was taken in just 2 days, Some Tank and Motorized Divisions had outrun the Infantry, Forcing Gaps that led to Germans Being attacked from all sides.

In the Far North, a German Division had been wiped out completely in Just 4 Hours, By now they had pushed 20 to 180Km along the entire front, Inflicting over 217 000 losses to Russia's 5000 losses, Causing general panic in the 4th Reich, Entire Armies were sent to reinforce Vestal, As they were being sent, the Russians continued to attack, Every River and Every Town was taken by storm.

In one Infantry Division of the most northern attack, the 117th Infantry Division Was currently taking a break from the assault in a Town they had just liberated, Most of the Town's Citizens had either been killed or were to afraid to Meet the Russians, Lieutenant Dimity Laren Sat down on a Destroyed German SS APC that looked like a 1960s SPz-11-2 Of West Germany, The APC was a Danger if you had no Tank or APC to help you, But the thin armor and weakness to Grenades meant it was east to deal with if you hide yourself. 

Lieutenant Laren had personally destroyed it and killed all the SS soldiers, Now he sat on the roof of the Turret while they Waited for new Orders, having reached their day 5 objectives. And their Tanks had to be pulled back due to lack of Ammo and Fuel, As he looked at the Snow, he made sure to keep a wary eye, in case of enemy attacks, As he heard the south and center were dealing with 24/7 Counter attacks as they pushed, leading to massive losses to the Germans, Laren Was lucky to be in the north, Where the Germans had less troops and almost no SS units, making their Job much Easier.

''Comrade Lieutenant, New Orders, We are to Hold out until the 11th'' said his Radio Operator

''Great, Comrades, We get to Sleep for once'' He Joked

As the Silence let in, His Radio operator, A 19 Year Old that was Drafted began to make small talk with Laren.

''Comrade Lieutenant, Why did you Join the Army?'' He asked

''Why did i Join? When i was 19 I Joined as it was my Duty, 7 years later here i am, why did you Joined'' Laren asked as he took out a Bag of Deer meat and began to cook it over the nearby fire. ''Or were you Drafted?''

''Comrade Lieutenant I was Drafted, After the War I will return to my studies, How about you?'' he said while getting closer to the fire

''Me? I'm Fucking retarded as shit Comrade, Failed high school because i liked Western Films too much, Had to take it back in the Army, Almost didn't pass, That's why i'm staying in the army until I'm too old or Dead'' Laren said as he laughed ''Trust Me Comrade, It Ain't that bad once you get use to it''

As they cooked the meat, The sound of Gunfire ripped the silent snowy day, The enemy was still nearby, As the day continued, Some of the people left their homes to see the Russians, who were playing songs around a campfire and were rebuilding the burned houses with what they could find, In one House they Found a German Soldier hiding from them, But he was Captured, The Night descended and Lieutenant Laren would wait another day before new orders.

The Northern Forces of Operation Red Storm had it easy, they were the ones the furthest, followed by the center then the south, By the 14th of December the would arrive at the Zhukov Line, 225Km from their Original Position, Of the 100 German Divisions they faced, being 70 Infantry, 12 Motorized Infantry and 7 Tank Divisions had been Reduced to 62 Infantry, 8 Motorized Infantry and 4 Tank Divisions for the lost of 34 000 Russians, Not to mention the lost of 1100 ME-646 to the Russians 100 Su-57s.

Despite reaching the Zhukov line an entire 4 days faster than anyone expected them to arrive, the North under General Zhukov, who replaced the Other General after he Got sick from falling into a River and almost died from the cold. When he arrived and saw the golden opportunity to push further near a river called Tonor 50Km, And Operation Red Storm II Began on the 16th of December a whole 2 weeks earlier than planned, And another 2 German Infantry Divisions were destroyed while attacking them again, on Christmas day they reached the River with a small 2000 Losses.

Despite the North having crushed the Germans, The Center and south was having a harder time, Taking until New Year's day to reach their Objectives, In total the 2 other fronts had lost more men than the north, A total of 82 000 losses, For a total of 128 000 Losses, of which 93 000 Were Killed. Germany Had Lost a total of 28 Infantry, 14 Motorized Infantry and 6 Tank Divisions, reducing their forces by 1.18 Million men, but the 20th and 21st SS Army replaced only half of their losses, but this won't help them in the long run, as Operation Red Storm II would begin on the 5th, with the goal of reaching the Tonor river and its tributaries that was set 50 to 175Km away from the Zhukov line, To Create the best chaos to the Germans, The south would attack first followed by the Center 5 days after.

The Propaganda of Operation Red Storm Part 1 Was a Huge boost to the Home front of the United nations as proof that the 4th Reich could be defeated, And Many Towns and cities would be liberated, Depraving the 4th Reich of much needed Slave force, But strangely enough, on the 4th of January, Something strange happened near the Russian Port of Riga

International Waters near Riga, January 4th 1643

In a Row boat were 5 Sailors, pale and skinny, they had run out of water and food long ago, only the ice and snow have kept them alive, Despite them wearing admiral or Vice Admiral uniforms, they were not wearing any badge of their allegiance, They were traitors, but as men of Honor, they could not sell their souls to that vile cause.

For the past 8 weeks they have been trying to get to Russia, the only nation they felt they could live, at first they went on the wild ride by Yatch, But 2 weeks ago they stuck a mine and now they were on a Row Boat, how they managed to survive was a pure miracle, As they felt their life drain while paddling with the last Oar, A Loud humming sound began to emit itself in the Distance.

''Admiral...Ship Incoming'' A Fellow admiral in a whisper

The Admiral In Question looked At the Ship coming towards them, their Fog lights pointed right at them, As they got closer, a Rubber Boat came and stopped right next to them, The 5 Men in the Row boat cheered as they got rescued, But could almost not muster any Once of strength to get on the Boat, if they were back home, they would be mocked for how weak they were now. As they were given water and liquid food, they were taken back to the Boat, where the Russian Flag Flew in the wind. As the Got on the Boat, a Group of Russian Sailors and their Captain stood at the ready to greet them.

''Welcome to the RPS Kirov, you and you're men are safe now'' he said in Russian

The 5 Sailors looked at the Russian with a blank face, they could understand them but could not speak Russian or the common language in the world, if they revealed who they were, would they be shot on sight? As the Lead Sailor was about to sign something, a fellow vice Admiral was given more water and spoke before he could correct himself.

''Thank You'' he said in German

At this, The Mood went from cheery to Killer in a Moment, All the Russian Sailors pointed their Guns at the Germans and the Captain had a face that could kill, the German Admirals could not even stand let alone fight or escape, the Whole of them waited for death, they had nothing they could say or do to escape this fate. But the Russian Called over a Sailor, after talking to him in a hushed tone, The Captain Turned and spoke again in Russian, then the Sailor spoke in Broken German.

''You...are...Under Arrest...Please do not resist'' The Russian Said

The German Admiral Felt his Knees give in, he would Live another day, As he cried from his pain, The Russians just looked at him and said nothing, As they were sent to Russia, the very Interesting thing about the 4th Reich, That their entire Naval officer corps is from the Army, That the Navy tried to prevent the Nazis to take Over, hence they were purged, These 5 Admirals and Vice-Admirals were some of the last survivors. They had escaped the 4th Reich and tried to Reach Russia In order to survive, And Hoped to God that Russia could save them from the SS.

The Story sounded so crazy that some didn't think it true, but after forcing other German Officers to tell the truth, it was found to be true, Which meant that the Navy had some serious undertaking and could be used to their advantage, after all a Empire built on a Vast naval force and Islands and Empty Oceans can Pop like a Bubble just as quick as it grew.

After being sent to Moscow, the 5 Admirals and Vice-Admirals would be made into VIPs, Spending their days in Moscow writing naval tactics and showing Russia all the Naval Bases they knew of, Planning for their destruction in the far future.

The Naval Expertise of these men would Aide Russia majorly in Late 1643 and Early 1644

New Ragna, Kingdom of Gra Valkas, January 20th 1643

Marshal Trajan and King Gra Gralux II Were talking about the success of the Russian Operation in Vestal, Which as of Yesterday, Reached their 2nd Objectives, Taking more than 200 000 Losses to the enemy while only losing 38 000 Themselves, Now the Frontline forces of the 4th Reich were at 6.2 Million, With the Russian Still at little over 6.8 Million, Gra Valkas was surprised by the speed and the damage they had done, it was way more than what Japan could have done.

''They have managed to do quite well, Marshal, when can we do something like this as well?'' Gra Gralux II asked ''And what of this attack on this island all the way in the south of the world, what is the report there?''

''Your Imperial Majesty, operation Tasho Is Ready for the 18th of March, But we only plan to kick them out of our Lands, for we do not have the equipment for a push further than that,  But we expect the enemy to be destroyed with relative ease, if we were to gauge their power to ours, it is no less than fighting Mu when we Invaded decades ago, A challenge in cities, but in plains we dominate.

And as for the attack in the most southern Island, they pulled away after weeks of heavy fighting, They lost around half of their fleet and 30 000 Marines but the 4th Reich had lost more than double those losses, From what the Images show, the navy lost as much as 3 times compared to the Russians'' Trajan Said

''But why attack there?'' asked Gra Gralux II

''Because it supplies our enemy with many supplies they need to keep the war machine at a steady pace, with half of the world under their control as of now, this attack drew away many units from areas that were needed, showing that they cannot hope to keep the war in a offensive footing for long'' Trajan said

the King nodded at his Words, After all he was the commander in chief with the most experience. the meeting continued long into the night.

Muish front, January 21st 1643

Technical Officer Myrus looked at the Muish Attack that was being undertook, it was Brutal, Tanks and Infantry were fighting to the point of brutality and they were winning, but at a Terrible price, a  near 1:1 Lost ratio no matter what they tried, the T-1, T-2 and T-3 were strong, but fell short of a Super tank they expected it to be, in the Skies, their Jets were often attacking against elite pilots, incurring heavy losses.

But they were learning fast, with their commanders learning quicker than they were dying it was only a matter of time before they were above the 4th Reich, Weapons from the 1970s and computers of the 1970s were also beginning to be built in Mu itself, allowing Mu to reach a even higher level of technology to the Late 1970s, which it would do by itself alone, The Muish Warship La Kasami X class being their first 110 000 Tons Carrier made domestically, called the MW Odo, Which was the newest pride of the fleet.

But today was a Day where a New Tank,Based of the Russian T-72A, Called the T-4, Which they were now doing a live combat test, it was more powerful than their other tanks and had a low profile, As Myrus looked at the Tank, A Gigantic explosion rocked the most forward T-4 and it was surrounded in Smoke. He looked Horrified. They had poured so much resources into making 7000 of them in mere months and now they were part of this massive attack.

''W-What?! No way! Can the 4th Reich really beat our Newest tanks just like that?!'' he yelled

As he did, the T-4 that was shot came out the smoke and fire its own round, The shell that should have destroyed the Tank, Hit at just the right angle to hit the most thickest part and cause no damage, The battle continued for many hours of back and forth until the Germans pulled back from heavy losses.

This was part of Mu's Ongoing Offensive, Called Operation Neptune, With the goal of pushing to Nigrat's Center point, thus making the 4th Reich less powerful, despite pushing to the border and past it in some parts, all it did was a 650 000 Dead list for a 590 000 4th Reich soldier killed as well, it was not a nice trade off. after Myrus submitted his report, the offensive was called off. As the Night came, The SS Tried to attack where Myrus was, for he had a reputation of Making Propaganda of the SS Having small Packages, Which as one may imagine pissed them off.

But they found out of the Plot to kill him for the 5th time, As the Division charged the Muish line, Myrus looked with a Face of Indifference to them, getting cut down by the machine Guns and Flamethrowers right where they were coming from, As Myrus saw the SS getting closer, but they had to climb over their own dead comrades, After a while the Cannons fell on them and the SS pulled back, 8000 Died for nothing, Myrus Laughed to himself.

''So stupid, no wonder why they failed to take the world over already'' he said as he lit a Cigarette and took a long drag 

The Night was now quiet but the cries of the dying of both sides, war is hell, but for men like Myrus it made their life to find new way to wage war, the T-4 was his own idea, He would feel something for the enemy, but after his home city of Otoheite was attacked, and his Mother was killed, he wanted to see as many of them killed as possible, making his superiors worried of genocide, but they understood his anger.

As he finished his Cigarette, he took out a Pistol and Shot a Dying SS officer, he felt his anger go down a bit, as he placed his gun back away, He decided that today was enough, And would come back to report his Boss the Good News.

Myrus's Hate of the 4th Reich was Larger as their crimes became known to more and more people.

Russian Su-57 Formation, Skies over Vestal, January 22nd 1643

Pilot Alexansky lobin Was with his other 4 Pilots in formation, flying high above the skies. today they were to destroy the Luki Luka Bridge, this would be the signal to Begin Operation Red Storm III, The last part, which was to destroy the south and create a large Bulge on the continent , In a way to make the situation be Pre-Bragation on  the eastern front, The Hope of The Stavka was that in their attack, they can inflict enough Veteran Losses on the 4th Reich to create a serious Problem, As they flew, One of his pilots radioed in.

''Misha, Is it you that will fire the Missile? or was it Lobin?'' Gregory asked

''Misha is firing, we all fired at a bridge already'' Lobin said

Lobin then looked at his Radar, the Bridge was now only 120Km Away, He retook his radio.

''Boys, We are now 2 minutes and a half away from target, get ready for anything'' Lobin said

''Fucking right Jew master, After this You Buy me a Drink?'' Misha said

Lobin was a Russian Jew, While his Pilots were all Ukrainian Jews, Leading him to be called the 'Master Jew' as a Joke, but they got into a lot of shit when they called him that in front of the locals, who feared him as some sort of slave master, leading him to be force to not leave base in fear of starting a literal pogrom against the Red Army.

''Hey! What did i tell you about calling me that? I don't want to face another tribunal'' Lobin said

''Sorry, Its a force of habit'' Misha said

''Yeah and i'll make my fist in your Face a Habit as well'' Lobin joked

the 5 pilots laughed as they got closer, once they were 40Km from the Bridge. Misha aimed a air to surface Missile, the Kh-59 and fired, the sonic boom cracked the air, and within minutes a Large Orange painted the clear blue skies. The Bridge was Gone, And as a Bonus, They saw many dead soldiers around, always a Plus.

''Good Job Misha, Comrades, Return to Base'' Lobin said

Operation Red Storm III, the last part had begun.

Fuhrer Plane, Skies over the 4th Reich, Same time

The Fuhrer and all his Marshals that were not yes men or SS Marshals were in the Middle of a Flight to go to Vestal and Restore order, they could not allow the Russians to achieve a success, they were all gloomy and angry, While discussion how they would deal with the Russians with massive and swift Destruction with Missiles.

But what they didn't know, is that a Plot by Nazi Party Propaganda Director, Joseph Stahl, Who since the defeats after initial gains, convinced the SS and the Yes men that to win they just needed to Invade and destroy Russia with everything they had, And soon they were making moves to take over, after the Fuhrer and his closest Marshals that were all 'Independent' left on their plans, the easiest coup in human history happened, saying he died and made Stahl the new Fuhrer, and he into law immediate to increase the army by 2 fold and to plan a invasion of Russia.

As the Fuhrer on the Plane continued to look at the Map, He felt the entire plane get rocked by a massive explosion, he and everyone inside was killed before they knew, killed by a SS Surface to Air Missile hitting them right before they arrived at Vestal, In the aftermath, a more radical 4th Reich would prepare to Invade the Russian Union with Riem as a Disguised to their plans in mid 1643.

The Rate of Killings in the world would climb by 100 fold as the SS was given the green card to kill everyone that did not fit their narrative, In Russia, the fact that the 4th Reich seemed to be now even more hell bent on world domination was absurd, and the Idea of M.A.D began to get stronger and stronger

In March they planned to send Aleander Valkov to Meet with Ribbentrop once more to try and make a Negotiated Surrender from them, to prevent more bloodshed, but only time would tell.

Holy Mirishial Empire Runepolis, February 1st 1643

Inside the Imperial Palace the Emperor was in a Meeting with Chief of the Army, Donald Riet, The War was not going well for them and the fact that Russia was doing better than them made the Emperor very angry. Everything about Russia Sickened Him, Socialism, Pro-Worker laws and Republicanism and more made him angry that such a power could even exist, if the 4th Reich wasn't so powerful he would of attacked them by now.

As he started into space, Riet called him back to reality.

''Your imperial Majesty? Are you Listening?'' he asked

''Ope! Sorry Riet, I was deep in thought, What were you saying?'' he said while sipping on some Tea

''I said that the Russians may have just provoked the 4th Reich in a All out Invasion of their lands, a Captured enemy Detailed Plans shows that 3600 Ships, including the Gross Adolf will attack Russia, Heading south of us, with this Large Fleet, over 20 Million Soldiers, 15 Million of them being raw recruits, will also invade, This will surly kill Russia and eliminate them from the War.'' Riet said with terror

How the HME found the Plans was simple, a SS Officer with the Plans but with the actual route by the far east of Vestal, now West being written out. They then gave it to the HME as part to slander the HME, if they helped, they would lose, if they didn't and Russia Barely lived, the anger would force the HME to be without help from Russia, which had been selling AK-47s and IS-1s to them for weeks now. It was Bold but smart.

5600 Ships, That was too many to even conceive, The Emperor went back into a Deep Mood. After a Few minutes, Riet once more broke the Heavy Silence.

''Your Imperial Majesty, What shall we do? Should we tell the Russians? They would be more than happy to accept our Aide'' Riet said

''You'll Shan't Riet'' The Emperor said

''what? Why?'' Said Riet

''Because, if the Russian lose, then the Scourge of Republicanism will finally be destroyed, And the world will have one less enemy to deal with, even if they are pulling small victories against the 4th Reich, we know without a monarch they cannot have much stability of honest men, sooner or later the state collapse of their 'Union' will come, if it was to happen when they won this world war, the world will fall into more chaos, we need to prevent this, Burn the papers'' The Emperor said ''But prepare for an attack against their navy once it comes back with out reserves.''

Riet just looked at the Emperor and began to sweat a lot, if the Russians Found out, they could attack them instead, but he also hated Republicanism, so he decided to follow the words of the Emperor.

''Yes Your Imperial Majesty!'' he said as he took a Lighter and burned it

The HME had just played a Dangerous game, and the Distrust in Russia to the HME would only grow after they began to act weirder than usual

Vestal, Southern Front, February 1st 1643

Today was the day to begin Operation Red Storm III, After days of Delay due to a German Attack in the center which saw 122 000 Losses to 7000 After days of attack, they were finally ready, The 1200KM front from 2 months ago had been reduced to 900Km now, because after crossing the 50% mark in the continent, the front line as a whole got smaller and smaller, but the German Fanatic resistance got larger and larger.

Now the Russian Southern Front, Commanded by Marshal Batov before he was to retire, was soon ready to assault the Germans.But they had one place they had to take before the entire front could attack, a small town named Stalino, Where the German 18th SS Motorized Infantry Division claimed as their base. In reality, the entire town had been killed by the SS and Hung in front of the Russian Lines, the scene made the Russians sick, hence the need to get rid of the city.

Over 1000 Cannons were pointed at only 5KM from the Town and 50 000 Infantry ready to Attack, As Marshal Batov at the Front looked at the Town, he was excited for the attack that was coming, All of the sudden, the sound of hundreds of Cannons roared to life, and within seconds the town turned a shade of dark Orange.

Operation Red Storm III had commence, the last part and hardest part of the Operation.

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