The Hero Slayer - A Villain D...

By Pc3TheHunter

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What if Izuku Midoriya abandoned his dreams of becoming a hero early in his life, before he ever even met All... More

Izuku Midoriya Official Quirk Profile (MANDATORY READING)
Artwork - Redesigned Hero Slayer (AI)
ACT I - The League of Villains
Chapter 1: The Prelude
Chapter 2: A Day In the Life
Chapter 3: The Obstacle Course
Chapter 4: The Cavalry Battle
Chapter 5: The Tournament
Chapter 6: The Gravity Heroine
Chapter 7: The Villain and The Hero
Izuku Midoriya: Origins I
Izuku Midoriya: Origins II
Chapter 8: Intertwined Destinies
Chapter 9: The Inquisitors' Duel

Chapter NX-01: Witness Testimony I

187 5 1
By Pc3TheHunter

Access Folder: WHA_internalDatabase/guardianArchives/criminalInvestigationsDepartment/access_Hades/case_sortClosed/projectBloodborne/witnessTestimony

Access Testimony: Entry_0001

File Retrieved.

Access Witness Information:

Name: Kaina Tsutsumi

Profession: Hero [Public Hero Safety Commission - JAPAN] (alias Lady Nagant)

Open Retrieved File.



Access Code: 02-PX-JK-20-BLACK

Security Code Approved.

File Access Granted.

Displaying Testimony Transcript.

- Good evening, I will be serving as your interrogator for the duration of this inquiry. As an oathbound operative of the World Hero Association, full cooperation and compliance is demanded. Should your answers be deemed as falsehood or deliberately misleading, an information extraction specialist will be contacted. Do you understand?

- ...Understood.

- Under normal circumstances, witness testimonial declarations aren't treated like criminal prosecutions. However, this incident has attracted the undivided attention of the association, so the department has been ordered to comply with increased scrutiny and discretion standards. Though, I suppose the reaction is warranted.

- ...No Response.

- Let's begin with the essentials of the case. What was the reason for your deployment?

- Four months ago, my unit was ordered to investigate several scarcely populated northern villages in response to total communication silence from the professional heroes operating in their vicinity. Law enforcement agencies nationwide are mandated by the commission to provide monthly status reports. Usually speaking, bureaucrats from the administrative department conduct thorough examinations of offices that fail to deliver the reports. When the Smores agency failed to provide such a monthly report, the commission initially suspected negligence or simple technological malfunction. However, when the problem began spreading inexplicably to neighboring agencies, that's when we were called in.

- ...No Response.

- In total, there were five urban centers reported to have suffered a total communication blackout. The operation's first and final destination was Hihizen, the quaint small town of less than 10,000 that was the first to go dark. The commission had provided us with an armored carrier helicopter that functioned as our primary means of transportation, wishing to prevent a potential woodland ambush. Upon failing to receive any response to landing authorization requests, the unit exited the aircraft via rappel. I remember feeling unusually serene upon landing in the central town square, as though we had somehow stumbled into a sacred temple. The entire region had been immersed in an undisturbed stillness and quietude, invaded occasionally by the whistling northern breeze. The freshly preserved ruins of an abandoned village, once bustling with daily urban commotion just a few days prior, now served as the sole indication that there had once been a human presence. We conducted an extensive survey of the main boulevards with the intention of gathering reconnaissance and finding local residents. Regrettably, neither endeavor proved successful.

- ...No Response.

- Serving as the region's leading law enforcement center, searching the watchtower agency of the Campfire Hero: Smores seemed the logical continuation of the investigation. Should any information relevant to the investigation exist, it would undoubtedly be secured within the watchtower's fortified walls. As we approached our intended destination, we discovered the remnants of a violent altercation that had likely occurred between the MIA heroes and an unknown aggressor. The watchtower's defensive barriers had been raised presumably by the agency's residents, forcefully sealing all entrances and exits indefinitely until the lockdown procedures were deactivated, as per standard security procedure. However, the barrier was extensively damaged, as though it had been bombarded continuously with heavy artillery fire. Upon breaching the primary entrance of the watchtower, further evidence of a violent altercation was discovered. The main reception hall had been completely coated with human blood, its dryness suggesting that it had been spilled for some time. Given the substantial volume of blood one would expect a multitude of accompanying corpses, yet curiously they seemed to have been meticulously disposed of. In spite of impassioned protests from certain squadron members, we systematically searched each floor for information yet discovered nothing of relevance. Ultimately, we breached Smores' personal office located on the eighth floor of the agency...

That was when we encountered true horror.

- ...No Response.

- I was the first to breach the office, confident that I was prepared to confront any nightmares that would stalk forward from the shadows. I was the first to realize that we were not alone in that watchtower, for there was an unknown humanoid intruder standing before me. Initially, it exhibited little visible indications that it had even registered my presence, nor had it made the slightest movement. Instead, it remained fixated on attentively examining the horizon from the watchtower's panoramic view, like a raptor searching for potential prey. Though deep inside I had hoped to encounter a survivor of the massacre, my survival instincts flared violently. I discreetly alerted my squadron that I had discovered a potential active hostile, hoping to remain seemingly undetected. Within moments they had entered the office in tactical formation, our squad commander audibly ordering the intruder to identify themselves and surrender immediately. Despite the presence of substantial reinforcements, the primal warnings of immediate danger refused to dissipate, for good reason. When the intruder finally turned to face us, my blood froze with fear. The entity wore an obsidian mechanical combat helmet equipped with industrial respirator technology, connected through several arteries to an energy cell that intermittently pumped luminescent crimson serum. Everything below its collarbone was concealed by a sizeable tattered black cloak and a frayed vermillion scarf, though the inhuman sound of grinding metal suggested heavy armor lay beneath. In my frozen state, I finally became aware of what my unconscious primal instincts had realized. Scattered across the intruder's body were innumerable scars and stains born from untold violence, the most recent of whom precisely matching the description of expected aftereffects caused by quirks belonging to the missing heroes. The villain responsible for massacring 39 professional heroes was standing before a squadron of elite professional heroes, completely unfazed.

- The watchtower's entire architecture was intentionally designed to provide maximum effective surveillance range, keep an eye out for any trouble so to speak. If this intruder was actively watching and waiting for professional heroes, it would have almost certainly noticed your squadron approaching. But if that was the case, the intruder could have just sneaked out while your squadron was occupied breaching the tower. It doesn't make any sense, why would any criminal be willing to risk a direct confrontation with law enforcement, unless... Audible Pause... oh my god.

- That's right. Everything, this entire operation, was orchestrated to lure an elite squadron of professional heroes right into the belly of the beast. The entity had only pretended to remain ignorant of my presence in order to herd everyone to the slaughter. I tried to order an immediate retreat, but it was already far too late. Before anyone could even formulate the next course of action, it slaughtered three decorated and exemplary professional heroes without the slightest hesitation. From that point onwards, my memories become hazy. Being seasoned soldiers, the grief of losing comrades and the constant exposure to unimaginable violence were like old friends, and we knew the risks heading into this mission. But...seeing three comrades drop dead like flies right next to you with such unsettling ease, adrenaline and primal terror overwhelming your senses, nothing could have prepared us for that. During the next thirty seconds, all hell broke loose. The next thing I remember, I was freefalling from the shattered 8th floor windows of the watchtower. Acting on pure survival instincts and muscle memory, I managed to soften and redirect my fall with the heavy recoil of my quirk, enough to crash land on a nearby roof. The sounds of gunfire, various quirks activating, and agonized screams continued for only a few seconds after that. Then there was deafening silence. I knew then that I was the sole survivor of my squadron.

- ...No Response.

- After I had distanced myself sufficiently from the watchtower, I immediately attempted to contact headquarters to inform them of the situation and send reinforcements. However, I soon learned that my communication equipment was being disrupted through unknown means. Knowing full well that encountering the entity once more would prove fatal, the only option was to somehow travel beyond the effective range of the disruption. I figured that the surrounding forests could serve as natural cover, masking my movements from any potential hostiles that were hopefully either unaware of my absence or too occupied to hunt me down. How very naïve and hopeful of me. About fifteen minutes deep into the forest, I realized that there was something or someone silently trailing me. Sure enough, as though it sensed that I had become aware of its presence, the entity emerged from the woodwork.

- ...No Response.

- The entity stalked forward from the shadows uncharacteristically guarded and defensive, examining me carefully with the intention of identifying potential weaknesses. However, this apparent hesitance wasn't the product of fear in my abilities, but rather a strategic move that would optimize its likelihood of victory. I instinctively fired a warning shot, hoping to force the enemy to expose their quirk. I was stunned silent when they evaded the bullet nonchalantly by crouching downwards, leaping forward and beyond its trajectory. Even more curiously, it stood upright once more and continued to refrain from attacking, its attention now focused entirely on my elbow rifle- my quirk. That's when I understood how this monster thinks. All meta-abilities have fundamental weaknesses and limitations, they cannot override the natural order of the universe. For example, pyromancy quirks cannot ignite surfaces that are non-flammable because they cannot override the nature of fire itself. In other words, in theory, you could actually predict, counter, and overcome anything a meta-human might throw at you. That is how it functions. It constantly processes and analyzes information relating to our quirks, implementing effective counteractive measures within moments of first contact. It will relentlessly hunt you down, all the while gathering knowledge and adapting its strategy, until eventually your defenses weaken and fail. Then it moves in for the kill. The perfect killing algorithm.

- ...No Response.

- I am deeply ashamed to admit that I surrendered myself to panic, disregarding countless hours of mental conditioning in an instant. I fired repeatedly in random directions, convincing myself that it would be impossible for the entity to avoid each incoming bullet. Naturally, because combat missions are prone to degenerating into disaster at a moment's notice, the entity effortlessly side-stepped them all. I realized with horror that it had somehow adapted to the extreme speeds at which the bullets were flying, effectively making it impossible to land direct hits. That is, unless I somehow managed to throw the entity off its game. Instead of momentarily backing off, the reasonable but expected tactical decision for a long-range combatant, I rushed forward like a maniac. While the entity was reeling from my unexpected antics, I fired three heavy ammunition rounds consecutively from medium range, each striking the frontal chest armour with enough force to rupture armored vehicles like balloons. The impact shockwave managed to momentarily launch the entity away from my position, but my hail Mary only really succeeded in temporarily pausing its advance. It recomposed itself almost immediately upon landing, though its frontal armour had suffered serious damage. Though its facial features were obscured, the ambiance seethed with the killer's primal bloodlust. It was clear that its previous quirk-analyzing strategy had been abandoned in favour of urgently terminating our little duel. My survival instincts flared violently, anxiety sickness dangerously beginning to obstruct my senses. My body instinctively leaped away from the source of danger unconsciously, with the killer trailing closely behind.

- ...No Response.

- The killer had likely already inferred that my quirk was optimized for maximum distance combat and strongly disadvantaged at minimum distance combat. It knew that eventually I would attempt to distance myself again, even anticipating the precise aerial maneuvering that would be performed and strategized accordingly. Banking on the unavoidable difficulty of dodging midair, coupled with the fact that I would presumably be too shocked to react in time, it planned to skewer me right through the stomach. Admittedly that plan probably would have succeeded too, had I not intentionally baited that attack. I exploited the fact that the killer relied upon predicting and learning from my movements to lure it into the perfect kill zone. As soon as it was airborne, I fired another four final heavy ammunition rounds at minimum distance that cracked open its combat helmet like an egg. Likely fearing that the damaged armour would compromise its identity, it crashed landed violently into the surrounding wilderness and promptly disengaged. Deeming myself unequipped to pursue the assailant, I resumed the previous ongoing objective. Eventually I successfully escaped the effective range of the communication disruption and immediately contacted the commission, the aftermath of which has been thoroughly detailed in my report.

- I thank you for your testimony, Mrs. Tsutsumi. I sympathise with any emotional distress you have endured throughout this investigation. I suppose you'll be pleased to hear that I have finally been authorized to disclose sensitive information detailed in the official criminal investigation report conducted by the WHA, per your request.

- ...No Response.

- Following an extensive manhunt, all 13,751 missing residents were found nearly 4km away from their homes. According to medical first responder testimonies, all patients had been placed in induced suspended animation and relocated into a subterranean chamber. Once revived, patients were reportedly incapable of recalling any memories leading to their unconsciousness, suggesting that their memories had been tampered with. Otherwise unharmed, they were each returned to their homes following a precautionary medical examination. In response to this perplexing discovery, the prominent theory proposed by the investigative team is that the villain evacuated the civilian population with the intention of preventing unintended casualties. While the notion of a supervillain preoccupied with civilian safety is highly unusual, the association is decidedly more concerned about the notion of a potential accomplice. At this time, based on your testimony and evidence gathered, the investigative team does not believe the killer's meta-ability to be responsible for the residents' condition. Considering the scale and severity of the transgression committed, the possibility of multiple killers cannot be so hastily discarded.

- ...No Response.

- Audible Pause...the fallen corpses of your squadron were discovered on the eight floor and subsequently gathered by first-responders. Regrettably, there were no survivors among them. There existed no possibility of resuscitation, their bodies irreversibly mutilated and brutalized beyond medical care, even had they not been discovered deceased. I offer my sincere apologies Ms. Tsutsumi for your unimaginable loss. I am told they were all very important to you.

- No Response.

- In accordance with WHA regulations, thorough examinations will be conducted on their bodies before they are returned to their families. Though one may consider this practice insensitive or immoral, autopsy reports are integral sources of evidence in ongoing criminal investigations. With enough good fortune, there could be evidence uncovered that definitively identifies their murderer. Rest assured, their families will receive the closure they deserve, though naturally certain details regarding their deaths will be omitted due to international security concerns.

- International security concerns? This paramilitary operation was conducted by the Japanese Public Hero Safety Commission within Japanese jurisdiction. Why would the WHA be interested whatsoever in our domestic criminal cases, unless...Audible Pause... this isn't the first incident of its kind, is it?

- Audible Pause...I'm afraid all information concerning this operation has been universally restricted and classified top-secret. Unfortunately, I possess neither the clearance nor the authority to transmit confidential intelligence of this nature. The investigator discusses discreetly with his direct superiors through a previously concealed communication device. All details of this discussion were redacted following the conclusion of the investigation interview. Audible Pause... though I suppose an exception is necessary in these unique circumstances.

- Unique circumstances? I'm afraid I don't follow.

- Since its inception, the WHA has remained dedicated to preserving international security and stability. Guided by its unwavering faith in the integral principles of law and order, we successfully averted the meta-human catastrophe that emerged during the 21st century and restored a semblance of normalcy. Or should I say, that was the fancy speech the bureaucrats from the PR department concocted to ease the masses. I won't insult your experience and competence by reciting this propaganda, soldier. Hidden behind the smokes and mirrors of this so-called Golden Age of Peace, reality isn't nearly as smooth sailing as they pretend it is.

Over the past few months, there have been hundreds of professional hero fatalities reported nationwide, and the list keeps on expanding. Contrary to the fabricated information purposely leaked to the media, this phenomenon isn't being caused by an unfortunate increase in tragic accidents. These professional heroes were hunted and butchered by an unprecedented serial killer, a supervillain that's being referred to internally as the Hero Slayer. Unfortunately, the three dozen criminal investigations conducted thus far have yielded virtually nothing in substantial evidence. That is until now. This time, the culprit committed a critical error.

- I'm not sure I understand.

- Allow me to elaborate then: the culprit failed to silence a direct witness, you. In each of the previous cases, there were simply no living witnesses left to provide concrete testimony. That's the reason yours has been requested seventeen times. You are quite literally the exclusive source of evidence in this investigation. Naturally, the appropriate witness protection security measures have been implemented and then some, though I can't imagine that being confined to a maximum-security bunker has been pleasant. On that note, I suppose you'll be pleased to hear that you've been approved for immediate release. Given that you have been granted a leave of absence and henceforth relieved from your duties as a professional hero, I strongly suggest relaxing and putting this case behind y-.

- Though your concern is appreciated, I'm afraid I must officially refuse the leave of absence the commission has offered. I simply cannot rest my conscience knowing that the monster responsible for slaughtering my comrades remains at large. Instead, I personally submit an official request to join the investigative team.

- Audible Pause...*audible chuckles*... I might have to recommend you for psychological evaluation Mrs. Tsutsumi for making such an outlandish request. You have just danced with death, escaped its eternal embrace through nothing short of a miracle, and now you demand a second cours? Not to mention, we cannot overlook the matter of your personal investment in this case. You known HSC regulations state that should any evidence be uncovered suggesting that professional objectivity has been compromised due to internal concerns of a personal nature, that the personnel responsible is to immediately removed from the investigative team and severely reprimanded.

- Granted, however given that I am the sole living witness as well as the first professional hero to engage this Hero Slayer in direct combat and return alive, I believe that my personal experience may prove beneficial to the ongoing investigation. When the day comes to finally bring him in, I want there to be the least number of friendly casualties as humanly possible. I must suggest that you seriously reconsider your answer, sir.

- Audible Pause... you know Mrs. Lady Nagant, I think you're exactly the type of officer that the WHA is looking for.

End of Transcript.

Words: 3182

Published: February 5th, 2023

Author's Note: Believe it or not I originally wanted to release this chapter on Halloween 2022, yet I ended up completing and publishing this over four months later. Guess that about sums up my poor update schedule.

I have previously mentioned that I am committed to publishing only chapters of exceptional quality, even if they compromise the frequency of updates. This means including proper grammar, mood/tone setting, imaginative descriptions, subtle foreshadowing, comprehensive plot development, among others. Constructive criticism from readers in this area is greatly appreciated.

For those of you who are confused about what just happened, the testimony detailed in this classified World Heroes' Association document happened before the events of the first chapter. I invested substantial effort into ensuring that I accurately portrayed the Hero Slayer in the perspective of the professional heroes: a symbol of despair whose presence serves as an omen of death and tragedy for those who have undeservingly been crowned the guardians of peace and justice. I did mention Izuku's been a ruthless villain for years in the description (which none of you probably read lol)...

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