The Last Knight -Geralt Of Ri...

Autorstwa TheAlmightyMavis

94 2 1

Man was never meant to know his fate, but that doesn't mean the temptation isn't there, doesn't mean that wit... Więcej

Kenric Godfrey (Face claim)


47 1 1
Autorstwa TheAlmightyMavis

It was early morning when I was called to the oracle's chamber with mother, "You'll leave within a fortnight Kenric," Agnes mumbled through hums.

"A fortnight?" Mother exclaimed, "so soon?"

I wasn't sure how to feel, my mind ran blank, "It's alright mother," I attempted to console her, "if this is what was meant to happen." I paused, my mouth had run dry. This wasn't meant to happen, this is not what the original prophecy told.

"It is," Agnes sat straighter, out of the trance she was in, it halted my thoughts, and I figured she would have a different reaction. "If this is how it must be, why not rejoice your majesty? Celebrate that his highness is not only able to know his destiny, but achieve it as well? That's something not everyone can say," She shrugged.

Mother's eyes were stuck on the floor even as she first raised her head, taking in what was happening. Her eyes finally shifted to Agnes, then they looked at me. Mothers brown eyes were looking into mine, similar to how she did when I was a boy. Her face contorted slightly in pain, but it settled as fast as it came, "you are very right." She breathed deeply and her usual energy and posture returned, removing whatever she was feeling, "I'll have to put preparations together for a celebration to see you off." She raised her hand into a wave and the knights opened the door, and she was gone.

I was stunned, "I should've become a politician," Agnes said from her seat.

I blinked away the feeling forming in my chest, "why do you say that?"

"I'm very adept at lip service," she smiled a toothy grin, I felt my eyebrows furrow, "don't give me that look." She laughed heartily.

I shook my head, "I'm unsettled."

Agnes reached for her food on a separate table, "why?"

"You know why."

"Don't be afraid of things that you and I can't control," She looked me over, "but that answer won't suffice will it?" She sighed standing up in front of me.

Agnes's eyes met mine as she put her hands on my shoulders, "I can't give you a better answer right now. But know that destiny is a wicked temptress, do not let her control you, things can affect many things, a type of butterfly effect if you will. Trying to control and change it yourself will make her snap at you."

"That makes no sense, 'things can affect many things,' are you illiterate?"

Agnes laughed, "you'll come to know what it means I suppose, now your mother and father will need to speak to you soon, be off."

As I was shooed off I had only one thought in mind, something is changing, whether with just me or the entire continent. Uneasiness settled again in my stomach.

That was half a year ago, my eyes were unfocused as I reminisced in the corner of a tavern, who knew being a supposed hero would be so uneventful, I stared into the bottom of the silver cup in front of me.

"Hello?" A voice seemed to stick out from the rest, he cleared his throat, "excuse me, sir."

I looked up, and he was speaking to me, "yes?" I said.

He seemed to straighten up, "Is there any chance that you are Sir Kenric?"

Should I tell the truth? This thought lingered in my head as I spoke, "why?"

"My name is Malik Vestor," he bowed, "the king of Temeria would like to enlist your help."

"Lord Foltest? Why would he need my help specifically?"

"Well, his highness is more interested in," he leaned in, "another royal to help handle the problem. Since you would know how to handle it if more social things were to become a problem." Malik pulled back.

I felt my face become contorted from the shock, how does he know? I composed myself, "and who's to say that I won't half-ass the job and walk away with the pay?"

"Because his highness is aware that there are certain organizations that would more than enjoy knowing that," once again he leaned in, lowering his voice more than before, "Vakili's prince is wandering about the continent without any kind of guard." Malik's eyes shot daggers into my own.

I sighed, trying to not seem deterred, "that does not intimidate me."

"Well, the job of monster slaying should be easy work for you, no?"

Silence fell between us, and I thought about it. If word got to my mother that I was actively burning bridges, simply because I 'didn't feel like it,' I do not know what she would do. I sighed, "I will take the job."

I huffed as I stood up, leaving a few coins on the table, as we walked out I could see a few curious eyes staring. "You would think a royal messenger wouldn't make it so obvious that he is a royal messenger," I said sarcastically walking out the door.

"There's much to be said about your attire as well," he scoffed, "but you'll find Lord Foltest enjoys showing his power to those he's anxious about."

It was slightly unsettling to think that Foltest's messenger couldn't keep himself from talking about his own king. How bad was he? This thought stuck with me as we rode on.


"We must make haste your highness!" Malik urged.

I've been using all my might to not kill him with my bare hands all morning, "I'm trying," I strained, "but we've been moving since dawn. We're only a half mile away."

His eyes looked back to me from his horse, "trust me your highness I would love nothing more, but she," he cleared his throat, "sorry, he is prudent about punctuality in this situation. Who knows how long we have."

"How long until what?"

Malik waved my question away, speeding up, "no matter, let's keep going," he yelled.

He is lucky that I'm out of my depth in this situation, otherwise, I'd already have let my might run weak. But this situation also was proving to seem, stranger and stranger, as time went on, I was beginning to question if Malik was who he said he was. Because if Lord Foltest needed help so urgently why didn't he come to me before? Or seek help from other places? And did mother let it get out that I am on my own out here? Did Agnes let her do that?

"What exactly is this beast his highness needs slaying?" Malik for the first time, kept his mouth shut, "so it is a beast. What is it?" I pressed, moving just beside him, "do you not know what the monster is?"

Malik kept his head and eyes straight, "no one knows for sure, but one thing I can say is, it's killing innocent men." He paused, "and that should be enough reason to help is it not?"

I turned forward, I decided not to say anything. Gods help me because I have no idea what I've gotten myself into.

We rode past the gates towards the castle, "that's the thing, you haven't told me a whole lot about, well, anything." The words hung in the air for a few moments.

"Does that bother you, your highness, that I decide to not tell you every detail?" Malik asked in an antagonistic tone.

"It does, very much so in fact," I attempted to sound confident. "Especially the fact that Lord Foltest knows I'm out here, and supposedly other royals as well."

He straightened, "how so?"

"Because if that was true, then royals would've already tried to kill me, or send help trying to get in good spirits with the next King of Vakili."

Malik halted suddenly, "alright. I'll tell you since it's about to become apparent when we cross that bridge." He looked at the bridge we were coming up to, "these orders to come and fetch you didn't come from Lord Foltest."

I knew it, "then who?" My mind started racing, was this going to be the time when I get ambushed? How did they find out? Was this the time I die? I could feel my hand absent-mindedly reaching for my sword.

"It comes from the king's mage, Triss Merigold." That was not the response I was expecting, "I can't explain anything else correctly, only she can, I'm her apprentice. Which is why I wish to not disappoint her, may we make haste now?"

My heartbeat slowed, I'd heard of Triss, Agnes said that she was one of the few mages she was friends with. It also helped me remember that from what she said about her, acting without orders isn't out of character. I simply nodded my head.

He wasn't lying about how it would've had to come out anyway, instead of heading straight to the castle we took a right to the outer parts of the castle.

We came across a few knights on patrol, only a head nod was exchanged between them and Malik. Soon we reached a cubby on the side of the castle wall, tucked away, you wouldn't even know it was here.

Malik walked in first, "did I not tell you to be here hours before now?" A voice said from inside,

I walked in, "I know but it just took a long time to get here with his whining," Malik gestured to me.

I sighed, "that's not the only reason why," a woman stood in front of Malik, Triss I presume, "Kenric," I bowed.

She bowed, "my name is Triss Merigold, this is Geralt of Rivia." She gestured behind her, I nodded my head to him but he stood there silently.

That name rang a bell somewhere in my head that I could not quite grasp, "nice to meet you both, seeing as I was led on until a few moments ago."

"And I apologize for that Sir Kenric, but this situation hasn't been approved by the king, yet."

"I will ignore the context of our current situation, but only because you are a friend of Agnes, Triss."

Triss smiled, relieved almost, nodding her head once more, "thank you."

"So what exactly am I here to help with?"

"A striga," Geralt said.

"Striga? I haven't heard of one in years, where is she?"

"In Princess Adda's crypt," Triss answered.

I felt my face contort, "I thought she."

"She did."

"We'll get to finer details later, but now that everyone is on the same page," Malik cleared his throat.

"Right. We have an audience with the king," Geralt walked beside her and looked at her, "well, we will have an audience with the king, as soon as possible. Let us make haste."


Triss walked with purpose through the castle with us in tow, I tried not to but my mind could only think of the few memories I had here. Triss stopped in front of a door that was guarded, "Is his highness in there?" She asked.


"We need an audience right now."

"His highness is currently," the guard tried to speak.

"None of that, it's very urgent, open up before I do it myself," the knights looked at each other and then reluctantly opened the doors.

I tried to follow but Triss put a hand on my chest to stop me, "no, you are our hail mary if needed."

"What?" I protested, but Malik put a hand on my shoulder, I turned to him, "then why was I brought all this way?"

"No need to be angry, you will still play a part," Malik reassured me.

A few moments passed, and Malik and I were standing in silence listening to the conversation when finally, "no your highness you don't understand," Triss walked out.

I looked to her for an answer but she gave a defeated look, but before I could say anything, the doors closed.

Everyone's reactions were swift, it was only a moment that the doors stayed closed, I was the first to charge in, "and who is this?" Foltest looked at Triss, "this is quite humorous, leave." The last part was directed to all of us but especially to Geralt.


"I apologize for wasting your time, your highness," Triss said, she was much more formal now that Geralt had left.

"No need, this is something that needs to be handled," I breathed deeply, "you were only trying to take care of it. But if you want to apologize, tell me one thing." She nodded, "how did you know that I was out here?"

She sighed, "Agnes," she began, "well any stationed witch or wizard, is required by oath to let the brotherhood know of any big changes with royals. Since your prophecy was read we've known, and especially since it's changed we know. No need to worry though, technically none of us are allowed to let any other kingdoms, or others, be aware of it unless you become a direct threat to any allied kingdoms."

"Then do you have any idea of why it has changed?"

"I'm sorry Kenric, but I don't. The only thing I can recommend is seeing Agnes again if you need any more guidance." Her brown eyes scanned my face with uncertainty.

I swallowed hard, I wish, "thank you Triss, Malik, may we cross paths again."

Triss nodded her head, "only if you don't act like a child," Malik sighed casually, receiving a look from Triss.

I smiled lightly as I walked out, after I was a few steps away I quickly changed courses. I can remember where the crypt is, as much as I can remember princess Adda and her kindness. Even though it's not much.

I walked around the corner and found Geralt kneeling down, I moved beside him, "figure you would have left," he said.

"Could say the same thing about you." I paused thinking about my next words, "so what do you think?" I asked, he only gave me a side glance with his golden eyes, "alright then," I stretched my words, "I heard you, before," he looked at me again, "when you spoke to Foltest,You know who the father of the child is?" He said nothing, again.

A moment of awkward silence followed, and he sighed, "maybe," he sounded like he was going to continue but was cut off by approaching footsteps.

"I thought you both said you were leaving," it was Triss, her arms crossed as she looked at us.

Geralt looked at her, "how could I? Just look at these views," he said sarcastically.

I cleared my throat, "this is something that has to be handled, not ignored until it cannot be managed."

Triss looked at the both of us, in defeat she said, "come on then," she walked past us and headed towards the crypt.

It was easier to get in than I was imagining, it was a shell of a palace, "Temeria reeks of secrets. I could sense them," Triss spoke, "just like these bodies before we entered. I imagine you both could sense them too."

Down the hall, a painting of a young Foltest and Adda was on the wall.

"Foltest and Adda, what happened to them?" Triss said to Geralt as she stopped to look at it beside me.

I looked into Adda's painted eyes, I can remember the few times I had met her. Even if we aged very differently she was kind to me, how she died, she didn't deserve it.

"Well not answering questions is a part of your brooding charm," she sarcastically said to Geralt.

I halted my thoughts as silence fell between them, Geralt started walking away, "pretty sure Foltest is the father."

My stomach churned, and my mind also grew heavy with this thought as we quickly made it to Adda's room. Everything was dulled from time, the sheets of her bed seemed practically crusted in the dust.

"Do you think he cursed her?" Triss said, "Foltest."

"Maybe," Geralt said.

I looked around the room, and eventually, my eyes landed once again on the bed, the sheets were messed about. I wondered how long they'd been like that, Geralt came beside me, he took a deep breath in, "very depressing isn't it?" I said.

He looked at me, "if that's how you see it."

Triss began toying with an old music box, it quickly turned silent, "Geralt, Kenric," she began, "letters. From Queen Sancia, Foltest and Adda's mother."


"A Queen mother cursing her own children for their affair, this could ruin the throne," Ostrit, the king's advisor, sighed, putting the papers on the table. I don't remember much of Ostrit from the few times I found myself here as a boy, only that he was cold to anyone who wasn't Temerian.

"Sancia wanted Adda to get rid of the child," Geralt added.

"It seems she refused many times," I said.

"You've served the family for decades," Triss said, "was Sancia involved in dark sorcery of any kind?"

"Of course not," Ostrit said.

"What was your relationship to Adda?" Geralt asked.

Ostrit's energy took a shift, "well, I like to think she saw me as a confidant. A protector even," he paused, looking to the ground in thought, "we used to talk a great length about her troubles. She could be very naive."

I looked at him, "she wasn't, in fact I believe she could be very formidable," I said.

Ostrit looked to me, "and how would you know? You're just some knight who," his voice faded slowly. "Oh, I know who you are, that face," he looked me up and down. "I should've known it as soon as I saw you, but the royal family of Vakili has come to be reclusive in a way in recent years."

I'm not sure why, but I couldn't hold my tongue, "that's because of."

Malik put a hand on my shoulder, "Kenric," he said softly.

"Kenric?" Ostrit sighed, "my, the rumors of the royal family of Vakili still having remnants of their origins are true, seeing as you've barely aged since I last saw you."

Geralt looked at me, seemingly giving an unsurprised face, "did she ever mention her brother?" Geralt changed the subject.

Ostrit turned to him, "well certainly not like this."

"She was ashamed," Triss said.

"Or she was frightened," Ostrit said looking at the papers then back up, "what if their relationship was not consensual."

My mind raced, from what I could remember of Adda and Foltest, if what was going on was like that. I never would've thought so.

"Hmm," Geralt began, "you think he raped Adda then cursed the child to cover it up?"

"Kings have done more for less," Ostrit shrugged.

"There's one wrinkle though," Geralt silently walked to Ostrit, leaning over him menacingly, "your scent was on her sheets."

"Geralt," Triss was attempting to split the two up.

"Old ones, and new ones."

"What would I be doing in a dead girl's bed?"

The wheels in my head began turning, "I smelled what you were doing." Geralt said in a deep voice.

I blinked as I came to the realization, I pushed Malik's hand off, "Kenric," Malik's voice was the only one in the room as Ostrit and Geralt held silent eye contact.

I would like to say I shoved Geralt out of the way but he seemed to step away as my hand touched his arm, It was a swift and abrupt movement, my fist made contact with Ostrit's face face.

"You bastard," I huffed.

Triss gasped, "Kenric!"

Ostrit silently lifted his head up, hand on his face, he breathed heavily, "Foltest had no right." He said, "he seduced Adda." I stepped back, "abused his position." He looked over everyone in the room, looking for some kind of support, "he was always nagging her for attention. Always nagging! But he didn't love her." Ostrit thought on his words, "I loved her."

I pointed at him, "you cursed the woman you loved?"

"I cursed Foltest, not her."

Triss stepped forward, "countless are dead because of your jealousy."

"Countless are dead because of Foltest!" He said accusingly, "he spoiled Adda with his seed, he refuses to kill this striga. He lies to his people." Ostrit looked at me, "and yet you wag your finger in my face."

"You could've just exposed the affair, not curse her," Malik chimed in.

"And hurt Adda? Never. Her memory will not be sullied, not while I'm alive to protect it."

I felt my head fuming, "protect what?" I yelled, "protect whatever image you wanted to keep in your mind of her. And tell me Ostrit, how long did you have these obsessions for Adda? When she was a child, or after she 'confided' in you?"

"How dare you." Ostrit said.

A silence began, "tell us how to lift the curse," Geralt demanded.

Ostrit looked at him with new found confidence, "no. Foltest will watch as Temeria turns against him." He said, "just as he turned Adda against me."

Geralt slowly walked back to Ostrit, "hmm," then he hit him with much more power than I could, knocking him unconscious.

"Oh my god!" Triss exclaimed.

"Don't worry he's not dead," Geralt walked to his things, starting to walk out.
"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To prepare, tonight is a full moon," he continued walking, I bit my lip in contemplation, I scoffed then picked my things up then followed Geralt.

He looked at me, "what are you doing?"

"I'm going to help you."

Geralt stopped, then turned to me, "no you're not, I don't want to have to babysit a royal while saving another."

He tried walking away but I grabbed his arm, he stopped and looked at my hand then at me, his golden eyes seemed to intimidate me even when he did not mean to. "You won't have to babysit me, I have done my own training, why exactly do you think I'm here with no guards? I am able to manage myself, allow me to help."

Geralt stared at me for a moment, reading my face, he shook his head in defeat, "fine."


Night had fallen and we were headed to the palace, but Temerian knights blocked the way. I looked to Geralt, "what are we going to do?"

Geralt said nothing but walked to the edge of the bridge and propped up his gear, I didn't think he was going to take the confrontation route. He pulled out his sword and I did the same, the knights raised their swords in defense.

A small exchange was heard and the knight split to either side of the bridge making an opening for none other than Foltest. He walked to in front of them, he stood a few inches away from me.

Foltest looked into my eyes, "earlier, when I saw you briefly," he began, "I know you don't I?"

I bowed in respect, "Prince Kenric of Vakili."

"The Lone Knight of Vakili," he said under his breath, "I didn't recognize you because I wouldn't have expected you to look so."


"Un-tainted." He stated, "and young as well, your eyes are still the same, unchanged from war like I thought they would." Foltest looked into my eyes, "the same as when we were children,"
He whispered.

"Let's say my story is changing, as it seems yours has." I looked at him, "what happened along the way for it to turn into this?"

He looked at me then at Geralt as he put his sword away, and I did the same. Foltest looked at the ground, "I never meant for this to happen. Adda and I tried to stay away from each other."

Geralt walked to his things, "what happened has happened, it's what you do with what's left that matters now," I said.

"Will she," Foltest paused, "be normal?"

"It will take work," Geralt began, "she's been living like an animal her entire life."

Geralt reached out a pendant to Foltest, "do you mean to give me this because you don't think you'll see the dawn?"

"It's a gift for the princess, it's from a cursed princess I tried to save once," Geralt stated.

"And what happened to her?" Foltest asked in a lighter tone.

"I killed her," Geralt said flatly, Foltest and his shared eye contact for a moment.

"I envy you witcher," he began, "that you will never have to feel the pains of falling in love."

I'd forgotten that most witchers don't experience emotions, but Geralt seemed to be showing some kind of emotion since we met. Why would he have stayed and helped if not?

I awkwardly stared at the two of them as they looked at each other. Geralt turned and grabbed his things, Foltest cleared his throat and waved a hand, all the knights including him left with it.

Geralt didn't say anything for a moment, we walked through the halls, and once again made it to the painting on the wall. I stopped, looking at it again.

Geralt seemed to stop with me, "we're you close with her?"

I looked at him and he was looking at the painting, golden eyes fixed on it, "no." I said blankly walking away.

"If that's true then I'm a horse," he said blankly, walking behind me.

I sighed, " we weren't close, that's true." I looked at the ceiling as I walked, thinking about it, " we really only talked a handful of times, but you could say that the good relationship between Vakili and Tameria played into that." I paused, considering it, " she was kind to me, when I was here once Foltest picked on me, he could be very cruel since they were a few years older. Adda defended me, and made sure every other time I would come with my father I wasn't picked on."

Geralt stayed silent, listening to me I stopped, I didn't want to ask but I couldn't help it, "is it true?" I stopped and turned around to face him.

"Is what true?" He said looking at me.

"That witchers do not have feelings?" I asked, he stayed silent, "well I only ask because I have met a witcher before and he seemed very compassionate."

Geralt stared into my eyes for a moment before walking ahead, "it depends on who you ask, and on what you think."

I wasn't satisfied with that answer, but I let it go and followed him to Adda's room. When we entered Ostrit was tied to the bed, he slowly gained consciousness, "Witcher, this is madness!"

"I didn't expect this from Foltest," I smiled.

Ostrit scoffed at me, "what are we doing here?"

"How can we lift the curse?" I asked

"No. This is not right," Ostrit breathed, "Foltest must pay for what he did."

"Explain that to her," Geralt said.

"Carry me out I order you," Ostrit demanded.

"Tell me how to lift the Curse," Geralt ignored him.

Ostrit looked between us breathing heavily, "she was hiding from the brotherhood," he paused, "she sold me a lamb, she told me to wait until a full moon, to wait and then to kill it." Geralt kneeled to in front of him, "and then I recited some silly chant, and then I bathed in the lambs blood until sunrise, until the rooster crowed three times. And that's all."

"That's sick," I said looking down to him.

"Not to me, because I knew who I was doing it for. Now please let us leave!"

"What was the chant?" Geralt asked.

"It was years ago I cannot remember it."

I drew my sword, "unless you wish to die here and now, you will."

Ostrit's eyes stared at the blade in worry, he looked around trying to remember, "it was elven."

For a few moments he was mumbling very sloppy Elder, until a few words that fit together came about, "shit," I said.

Geralt quickly got up and went for his things, "what is it? I've done what you've asked! What more can I do?"

"Nothing," I stammered as I tried to shove a dagger into a holster on my pants.

"Unless you can keep a striga out of her crypt until a fucking rooster crows three times," Geralt said sharply, I almsot wanted to laugh because it was the most he'd spoken in one sentence, and with such annoywance. He stood up with an elixir in his hand, he quickly downed it.

"You're gonna have to fight her until dawn," Ostrit realized.

Not even a second later, a very sharp and disturbing screech echoed through the castle, I looked to Geralt for what to do next, I was going to ask but was stunned by the fact that his eyes had gone black, and his skin paler than it was before.

Geralt began walking out of the room, "wait!" Ostrit yelled as I began to follow, "you'd leave a man bound to die with such indignity?"

"You're not a man," Geralt said flatly.

"Do you think he'll die?" I asked.

"Most definitely."

As we walked a loud yell could be heard, it was Ostrit, good thing I didn't bet any money on him not dying. Shortly after a louder shreek, almost a call could be heard down the hall from us, footsteps followed, with clicking of her coming closer.

"Stand back," Geralt said, gripping onto the chain he brought from before, I wanted to protest but before I could he began swinging it around, gaining speed each time around.

The striga screeched once more and Geralt threw the chain at her, it wrapped itself around and she screamed as the silver burned. Quickly the chain was snapped as the striga broke free, "fuck." Geralt grunted.

The striga leaped and Geralt pushed me away, "Geralt!" I yelled pulling out my sword, striking it it was thrown off of Geralt and turned to me, it charged and screeched at me.

It's movements were swift as it attempted to doge my blade, Geralt shoved it into the wall, "I was handling it," I breathed.

"Sure," he said, then his attention was back on the striga as it tried to hit him, Geralt pushed her, then raised his arm sending a force of energy out pushing her even farther.

"Neat trick," I smiled, Geralt stayed silent as he walked to the striga, it charged him but he seemed un-effected by it.

He stood his ground as it swung at him, he picked up an old iron torch from the ground hitting her each time she came. It didn't last long as she hit Geralt into a separate hall, he was on the floor and the striga was on top of him, I reacted quickly stabbing her in the back.

She knocked me back, and I landed on my back, while trying to gain my balance, she had Geralt by the shoulders slamming him into either side of the hall. Geralt gripped her head, squeezing it, the striga reacted, then had him again on the ground and then flung him to the end of the hall, his sword clanged past him.

I ran after her as she ran to him, but the floor collapsed under them when Geralt sent out another wave of energy, I ran to the hole, "Geralt!" I yelled, "Geralt?"

"Shut up," he called out.

I jumped down the hole stumbling to the ground, "oh that was a bad idea," I reached for my back. I stood up slowly and Geralt was knocked unconscious, I brushed rubble off of him, "Geralt."

He was startled awake, Geralt only spared me a glance as he quickly walked to the door and put a force field on it, he stumbled onto the doorway, "are you alright?" I asked walking to him.

He looked at me, breathing heavily, "fine enough."

I nodded, "where is she?"

Geralt didn't respond only looking around the room, he walked and I followed slowly behind. A feeling in my stomach formed and I turned around, unexpectedly I was pinned to the ground by the Striga, she shrieked in my face, and the smell of her breath almost made me pass out. Geralt grabbed her and threw her, then reached out a hand, surprisingly to help me up.

She came back and pushed Geralt into a pillar, he let out a groan of pain. Before he could get up the striga pulled him by his back and threw him forward, before she could do it a second time I swung my sword at her gaining a hit on her side.

The striga quickly kicked me into the wall, then proceeded to run for the door, but was nocked back by the force field put on it. Geralt stood to meet her in the centre of the room as she charged him, he took a swing at her and she was knocked backwards. I struggled to get up, as he continued, I could feel light hitting my face, "Geralt!" His head snapped to me, "the sun!"

His eyes quickly looked at is as the sun was shining on the coffin, the striga's did as well, it quickly turned into a race for it as the both ran for it. I pulled a dagger from my pant leg and threw it, it stopped her but only for a second. Her and Geralt leaped for it, and he shoved her away, the striga's recovery was slowing down, because as she tried to stand Geralt was wiggling his way into the stone coffin.

Geralt's groans to close it could be heard, the Striga quickly ran to it trying to open it, I could feel a surge of energy, he blocked himself in. The striga screamed banging onto the stone, crying to be let inside of it. I took a deep breath and she heard it, her head snapped to me, she ran to me, I raised my sword and stiked her, this time she did recover, she only scurried away into a corner, screeching quietly. Her stature seemed to become smaller slowly.

I took deep breaths and sat on the steps in front of the coffin, leaning my head on the hilt of my sword. I closed my eyes, feeling my heartbeat slow as my adrenaline went down.

I sat there for a while, I occasionally looked up and the striga slowly came to resemble a girl, covered in black slime. I groaned trying to stand, the coffin's top began to open, I looked as Geralt slowly stood out of it, we looked at each other, "you look like hell." I smiled weakly.

Geralt scoffed with a light smile, "you as well."

He looked at the girl, she was nacked curled in the fetal position on the floor facing to other way, Geralt slowly walked to her. He ripped of a bit of his armour that was now destroyed as he did, Geralt sighed as he kneeled down to her reaching for her shoulder and turning her towards him.

She snarled, and swung at Geralt knocking him back, "dammit," I exclaimed, standing up to push her off.

Geralt stopped me with a simple, "no," he groaned trying to push her off, she eventually got close to his neck, as did he to hers.

She yelped, and backed away to the wall, Geralt reached for his neck backing up into the wall opposite to her. I went to Geralt, I moved his hand and she'd bit him, hard enough to draw blood. As I looked at him, Geralt kept looking at the girl with an unreadable gaze, he seethed through breaths heavily.

His eyes looked at me, "don't die," I said as his body slowly went slack, "Geralt!" His eyes closed, I felt his throat and he still had a pulse, but it was very light, "thank the gods," I breathed.

It was quite, the only thing that could be heard was the girl's gasping, I looked at her, her eyes were wide in fear. "Hey," I said lightly.

She looked at me in confusion, she let out a noise that was nothing close to words in response. I stood up causing her to back up a little. I came close to her, she kept letting out a noise to intimidate me.

I would've left her there if there wasn't the risk of her running off, I knelt in front of her, she shot daggers at me with her eyes. She let out another noise, I reached out a hand to her, she stared at it, looked back to me, then growled and scratched my hand away.

"Fuck," I groaned, breathing through my teeth I looked at my hand ind a big gash was on it. "Sorry princess," I breathed, reaching a hand out and letting my energy run through my fingers.

She passed out onto the floor, I took my cloak off and put it onto her. It's been a while since I've done any kind of magic, well because I barely have any magical power at all, small tricks is about it.

I put her over my shoulder, she was surprisingly light, seeing as she's only ever eaten grown men, I walked over to Geralt and stood over him. I sighed, regretting all my life choices, reaching for his armor and started dragging him, "what do they feed you?"

My body ached as I brought them to the castle, if I'd known it would've ended up like this, "I should've just let her eat me," I groaned

It took a while but I made it to the castle, I was met with a group of people, "she's alive, be careful, she will wake in time. And she will not be happy," women emerged from the group carrying her to the castle.

Men tried to take Geralt, "it's fine I will take him to Triss."

Which I did, when I made it in Triss looked me up and down, then to Geralt, "seems like you two had fun," Malik laughed.

I put Geralt on the table then tried to leave, "where are you going?" Triss asked.

"Back onto my 'quest to achieve my destiny,'" I said sarcastically.

"At least let me take care of your hand," Triss said.

I sighed, giving in I let her take care of my hand. I was sitting next to Geralt, who was still passed out, "I take it the princess is alive?" Malik leaned on the table infront of me.

"Not surprised you know," I looked at him.

He passed me a rag, "wipe your face, wouldn't want your skin to stay stained too long," he smiled.

Malik looked at me for an extended period of time, "I guess not," I said lightly, trying to not seem deterred.

"Move," Triss said pushing Malik away, she reached for my hand, "it should only be a moment and it will seem like it never happened."

"Good," I stood getting ready to leave.

"Aren't you going to stay till Geralt wakes up?"

"No," I shrugged, "tell him the princess is alright, and I said goodbye."

Malik put a hand on my shoulder, "may we never see eachother again," he reached for my hand.

"Well now you've jinxed it," I smiled shaking his hand. I looked at Triss, "this time it's a real goodbye, thank you for your help."

"Of course," she smiled.

I walked out, the cold gripping onto my face in an instant. I probably won't see Geralt, or any of them again for a long time, the continent is too vast, and I have things to do. So why  stay? This is what I thought as I left Temeria.

I know that this was already published, but I accidentally removed it😭

My writing style has changed but not that much, there's no point in rewriting the whole first chapter💀

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