brute Force

By foreverfree5

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one year after events that formed brute Force More



4 0 0
By foreverfree5

forever free: this will be a one shot story so that way I can get it out during Halloween season

Y/N radio: Commander how long have I been posted here and what's the ETA of getting out of here

commander Bratton radio: one year and ETA will be a week from now

Y/N radio: alright sir out

commander Bratton radio: keep me posted

Y/N radio: copy that

His team was standing around waiting for the next dropship to come in to drop some Feral's eventually one of the ships lands and a large amount of Feral's leave the shop and line up for the squad has he takes a few steps forward putting his gun on his back and hands behind his back

Y/N: alright it's time to get all of you too your home's

As soon as he says this and the entire group of Feral's start to move with the team of confed Marines moves with the Feral's as a move down the tree and across the way on wooden box attached with rope going to the individual houses that are built into the tree until I get down to the ground level completing their objective to go to the base down closer to the forest ground level

Y/N radio: commander Bratton we completed our objective what are your orders

commander Bratton radio: we are reading that there's a lot of outcast are going to your direction keep an eye out we will send reinforcements if needed

Y/N radio: Roger that

confed Marine: what are our orders

Y/N: we defend the bass at all costs now our allies Feral's cannot fall here we must protect them even with our own lives if we succeed here drinks are on me if heat gets too hot I can call in reinforcements so keep a lookout for outcasts

confed Marines: right

As the squad prepares for the outcast rating party to assault their base they grew up together some of them with their weapons ready others on the lookout

Y/N: steady they can come out of anywhere

As the group continues to look around their surroundings seeing nothing but large trees and a swamp filled air with a couple of puddles of water the wind picks up with a breeze feeling the air as the soldiers tense up wondering when a shot will go off or a roar or any sign of movement in a dense jungle as the wind dies down a period of silence washes over them within an instant a single shot is heard but nobody was fast enough to react as one of the confed Marines falls to the ground dropping his weapon in the process with a bullet hole through his helmet when he drops to the ground lifeless everyone is surprised looking at their fallen comrade but the caption gets their attention as he sees a red outcast getting ready to fire but he shoots him first leaving him dead just as he finishes off the outcast he brudge of plasma fires in their direction as they quickly take cover in the direction the fire is coming from and return fire

Y/N: this is it this is what we have trained for give them hell!

confed Marines follow his orders as they take out a few of the outcast but with each fall and outcast more and more of them come out of the forest trying to get a foothold while others take cover for what little car there is out in the swamp the outcast try to go to some of the buildings that are further away from the base they manage to get there but not without standing casualties from the confed Marines and more fire is exchanged in between the two groups more of them go to the buildings making the Marines change position but in doing so they lose another member of their squad in the process with only three left they start to throw grenades hoping to thin out the ranks it does manage to kill a few but not the buildings that the outcasts have been taking cover in

Y/N: god dammit I'm going to have call for reinforcements

Just then though another Marine goes down leaving only two of them the last remaining Marine gets a little jumpy as his film Marines have fallen before him the outcasts on the other hand have become more aggressive as more fire is focused on the Marines trying to hold out as long as they can the captain calls for reinforcements but as he was about to finish in grenade falls to the feet of his last squad mate blowing him up in the process while the captain is severely injured by the explosion

Y/N radio: all confed Marines.... on this channel the forced ground base is lost... If you hear this the outcasts are coming up... *Grunts in pain*

??? Radio: come *static* do you hear me *static* reinforcements *static* are there *static* Force *static*

Y/N: *loses consciousness*

After the captain under the consciousness shortly after that a team is transported directly to their location special forces that was formed codenamed brute Force

As brute Force teleports in they are instantly engaged by the outcasts the leader Tex brings out two of his machine guns unloading on the poor outcasts while the one they call Brutus shoots a couple of rockets at the outcasts killing a good portion of them the one named Flint takes out the outcasts with precision accuracy and the one they call hawk through the couple grenades on the remaining outcasts killing them only one outcast remains as she turns invisible and runs to where he is hiding and slashes his neck with her power blade

Tex: looks like I mowed down all the outcasts sorry Brutus better luck next time

Brutus: that was a good fight almost as good as the time I broke your arm Tex

Tex: that was one game of arm wrestling

Flint: you boys never learn

hawk: *laughs*

the coast was clear Brutus goes over to the injured confed Marine and inspection

hawk: what's his condition?

Brutus: *kneels down and checks pulse* his life force is fading he will need medical treatment

Tex: *looks over at Flint* many more of those dogs

Flint: I got them*fire's as many as possible*

hawk: I can fix him up but it will take a while maybe less time depending on the damage *moved over to him and kneels down*

Meanwhile the other's company stayed in watching the surroundings hawk continues to heal confed Marine adventure here again consciousness and is healed completely the first person he sees kneel down beside him is a orange haired woman only for both of them to stand up

hawk: you alright?

Y/N: yeah I think so what in tardation are you guys doing here

Tex: we were sent here to back you guys up only to find most of you were dead

Flint: enough of that tex we are here now that is what is important

Brutus: ah it is good to be back!

Y/N: oh last thing I remember is contacting the rest of the Marines that outcasts were going up the tree I don't know what happened from then to now but it looks like *looks around at all the dead bodies* I've missed the party

Flint: *chuckles* yeah I'm damn good like that

Y/N: *under breath* yes you are

Flint: what was that?

Y/N: nothing anyways what are you guys doing now aside from helping what's left of my dead team

Tex: we came to take out the outcasts for weather lower their numbers

Y/N: ok well they came from the north so odds are they have a base there

Tex: alright

Brutus: I smell their scent

hawk: you never seem to stop amazing me

Brutus: *attempts to smirk*

Flint: all right people let's get going

Y/N: now hold on I'm coming with you I know the ins and outs

Tex: well good another mouth to feed

Brutus: we would be happy for you to join our pack

Y/N: alright I'll join y'all

They started to walk to the North but there was a hill in the way

Y/N: I ever thought I would get to see you guys

Tex: don't talk us up to much ok

Y/N: right sorry just trying to make conversation

hawk: don't worry about tex

Flint: he's just not much of a talking

Y/N: mm *looks over at Brutus* what about you Brutus

Brutus: if Vengar demands me to speak

Y/N: alright

*Time skip*

After a long period of walking and running after some time they have killed many outcasts eventually they make their way to finally getting to the base they came from all the way up North they were coming up to a base with not outcasts with humans

Flint: hawk what do you see

hawk: too guards one of them is a Militia and elite Militia

Flint: *looks through scope* elite Militia? More

Tex: Militia! Sounds like a party alright team let's go

Y/N: I'll be right on your ass

Brutus: *laughs*

Tex: right go

hawk: that is a bad idea me and Flint will stay behind maybe take out some of the militia while you distract

Tex: you have gotta be.... Fine!..... Just means more for us ah broody

Brutus: Vengar is with us

Tex Brutus both go to the intended location behind a half broken tree meanwhile Flint takes place laying down and takes a shot at the to standing guards

Commander Brighton radio: what is your status brute Force

hawk radio: we have found the enemy base we are about to eliminate some Militia

Commander Brighton radio: careful Militia are very dangerous

Tex radio: yeah we know

Commander Brighton radio: Tex watch your tone

Tex radio: right

hawk radio: I'll scout ahead

Commander Brighton radio: wipe them out

Brutus: they will die for Vengar!

Flint: are we ready?

Tex: ready

Brutus: aaahhh

hawk radio: guys there's a lot of Militia and outcasts and a cave leading to some where

Flint radio: see what you can find out

Tex takes out his gun's and start's run into the base Brutus follow's Tex kill's and distracting

Tex: *laughing at the Militia*

Brutus: the split's are screaming for Victory

They continue to kill any Militia as hawk walk's though the cave and finds a outcast in chains and Flint which's the main entrance mean while Y/N go's to a different direction as they continue killing

Y/N: how the hell do I get.....

Flint radio: you boy's doing good?

Tex radio: I'm having fun!

Brutus radio: Vengar

Flint radio: *chuckles*

Y/N: oh I have a keypad for a password

hawk radio: guys we have an outcast in chains


I put my gun on my back and holster it while attempting to hack into the mainframe well also hearing chatter over the radio about an outcast and chains some thing about this and the Militia being here

Brutus radio: Vengar has judged this outcast

Tex radio: I'm with Bruce on this one it doesn't make much sense for the outcasts to outcast one of their own but I'm not going to sympathize with them

Flint radio: Commander Brighton what should we do with the outcast

I finally make a breach through the security from the militia computer and there are files of each militia member however what I find interesting is there or also files of the outcasts as well and even files for the Feral's and more surprising files of patrol routes that we took a month ago and that exact location of our base how did this bastards learn about our base.... God damn it I forgot some of the elite units have cloaking technology otherwise we would have seen the outcasts scouting our base

Commander Brighton radio: Flint it would seem that the outcasts have outcast one of their own a potential ally see what you can learn

Flint radio: Rodger that

hawk radio: ok sir out

Mmm I'll send all this information Commander...... It is completed I turn around and unholster my weapon and move forward back from where I can turn to the left of this time continue down a kennicomb like hallway eventually coming across what looks like jail cells hard to tell though I switched on night vision through my helmet and it is definitely a jail pain on my weapon to the first jail cell I come across going to find a dead Feral Colonist "damn poor bastard" I continue forward looking through each cell only to find more dead Feral's as I continue through more eventually I start to hear footsteps on the far side of the jail once they make my way I crouch down in front of the pillar that is in front and take cover the footsteps get louder and louder until I find three figures one being a muscular man the other being a bulky lizard much like the ferals and the other is a shorter female giving a close look I noticed it is three members of brute Force I quickly move over to them slightly jump scaring them

Tex: *toughened surprised* shit I thought you were one of those a elite militia

"Ha! son they don't pay me enough to be elite soldier and I sure as shit ain't going to join the militia"

Brutus: many spirits live here

"Yeah that is because a lot of Feral's are Dead"

Flint: well in any case we have to go and find hawk

As we begin to move again to her location as we leave from the tree to come up from Air from underneath the tree kilometer away from it I look around as I can't see shit so I turn off the night vision I noticed that there is a complete sentence in the swamp like area that we are currently in it and according to my heads up display "I have trapped where hawk went and shows that there is a cave couple meters away"

Tex: what are we waiting for let's go

I take the charge and the rest of brute Force follows me and we go to the cave no guards inside as we continue down further into the cave hawk is standing in front of a outcast Sherman unfortunately it seems that the entrance collapsed from what sounded like an explosives "shit they blocked us in"

Brutus: Vengar will guide us out into the light

Tex: right

After that extremely loud entrance hawk turned around and noticed that we were standing there

hawk: good you guys made it this outcast has been knocked out ever since I found them

Tex: so it came with this way for one outcast well I guess it can be useful for target practice

Flint: can you think of something aside from killing for once?

Tex: no you know me

Brutus: if he is not enemy we must free him perhaps he knows a way out and if so commander Brighton will want to know

hawk: right Brutus that's exactly what I was thinking unfortunately my blade won't cut these chains

Brutus holsters his weapon and begins to walk over to where the outcast Shaman is "I'm not sure that's a good" the chains are instantly broken by brute Force from Brutus as the outcast Shaman falls to the ground he manages to catch himself confirming that he was not unconscious and slowly gets up

Outcast shaman: I have forgotten for how long I have been there thank you my new friends I am in your debt..... Forgive my previous transitions Vengar

hawk: do you know of a way out of this cave the entrance was blocked

Outcast shaman: yes I do there is another way they brought me down here from that way but it's on the other side of this wall

*Time skip*

As we make our way towards the exit there is a large cave with multiple stairs and leading upwards tex is the first one to go up the stairs before the outcast Shaman could even say anything

Outcast shaman: this is the way out

Flint: this is great news

hawk: careful guys there may still be militia out there and outcasts

It seems to me and Brutus are the only two that are being cautious and watching the shamans every move meanwhile the other two make up further while tex makes sure to all the way up to the top

Brutus radio: Commander Bratton

Commander Brighton radio: I read you Brutus what is your situation

I get on the radio to give him an update 'sir we are in a hell of a handbasket the elite militia have files that you need to see and they appear to be working with the outcasts as well as we freed a shaman outcast and he is helping' as I make my way past Brutus and continue jogging up the stairs

Commander Brighton radio: yes I seen the files disturbing stuff but also proves that this planet is not fully under our control when you get back with the outcast and brute Force you will be debriefed all of you

'Roger that sir' I look behind me to see Brutus nod's at me eventually we catch up the tex only to see a transport ship come down from the sky

Flint: *laughs* right on time


Y/N: what in Sam Hell I thought we were going to be forecasted not be sent a goddamn transport

Just then as it lands to confed troops exit the ship and secure the location

Y/N: boy am I happy to see you fellas

Confed trooper: sir Commander Britton has sent us to go to the nearest Ally base for you to be forecasted he cannot send a rally point this far down in this shit part of the planet

Y/N: really? I guess they're still needs to be some improvements oh well I'm tired of running in this shit anyways

Tex: come on big dog you're riding with us!

Brute force is the first one to enter the transport as the three confed troopers secure the location and once they are in they follow suit and the transport lifts off as a move to the nearest allied base silence is all that is heard as well as some strong winds once they arrive at the base the doors of the transport open up and the team walks out of it and goes to another section lower from where the landing pad was where the forecast system is deployed

Outcast shaman: I cannot forecast

Tex: don't wear a little doggy I'm sure the confed will be more than happy to transport you to the ship where commander and Breton will see you

Flint: tex he's not hot dog stop insulting him!

Brutus: I concur to this

Tex: all right all right anyways forecast out *text is teleported to the ship*

Brutus: if you are with us brother one of the clans will forgive you

Outcast shaman: for what I have done forgiveness is not one of them I must repent only then can I be forgiven

Both of them put their heads together and break off Brutus then goes to the forecast and is teleported leaving two members of brute Force left the outcast shaman shortly leaves after that has he enters the transport and leaves with the rest of the convent troops

Flint: well I am tired of this mission can't wait to sleep in my own bed!

hawk: sure will be nice what about you?

Y/N: me no I still have to debrief Commander Breton will want to know everything that went on down here pretty big stuff

Flint: oh yeah well maybe if you're not busy after that debrief you and I can get a drink after

Y/N: fraternizing is not something I do and besides you and me are on two different teams I'm a soldier and your a special unit

hawk: come on Flint we got to go we can discuss those later

With that all three of them enter the forecast system and teleport to the ship

forever free: holy hell I tell you what I had no f****** idea what I was doing with the story and I will never make a boring ass story like this ever again I deleted it once before cuz I absolutely had no idea what I was doing with it at least with this one it was slightly better but it was still s*** so this is a one shot story and there will not be a part 2 because f*** this story I just wanted to pay tribute to an old game that was released on the original Xbox and maybe have a romance in the story or not so I honestly don't know it's left up in the air for you to determine on what goes on next but for me this is it I am still working on a lot of stories one of them being a cyberpunk story because I might as well tell you here and the other one is more resident evil stories as well as some more Halo stories and all of that

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