The Lightning Flash

By MCChuckWriting

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This is part two of my "Sword Art Online" fan fiction series and if you haven't read part 1 which is called "... More

Chapter 1: Asuna's Trauma
Chapter 2: Sinon's Trauma
Chapter 3: The Dinner
Chapter 4: The Dungeon
Chapter 5: I Miss You
Chapter 6: Killing for a Reason
Chapter 7: Anger and Hatred
Chapter 8: GGO
Chapter 9: The Hecate II
Chapter 10: Bullet of Bullets
Chapter 11: Death Gun
Chapter 12: It's Your Fault
Chapter 13: No Backing Down Now
Chapter 14: I Have to Win This Pt. 1
Chapter 15: I Have to Win This Pt. 2
Chapter 16: Being Special Pt. 1
Chapter 17: Being Special Pt. 2
Chapter 18: A Father's Sins Pt. 1
Chapter 19: A Father's Sins Pt. 2
Chapter 20: Aftermath
Chapter 21: Forgiveness
Chapter 22: Round 2 of Bullet of Bullets Pt. 1
Chapter 23: Round 2 of Bullet of Bullets Pt. 2
Chapter 24: Round 2 of Bullet of Bullets Pt. 3
Chapter 25: Round 2 of Bullet of Bullets Pt. 4
Chapter 26: A Startling Discovery
Chapter 27: The Demon's True Face
Chapter 28: Kyouko and Asuna
Chapter 29: Piecing Things Together
Chapter 30: Family
Chapter 31: Bullet of Bullets Round 3
Chapter 32: Kirito vs. POH
Chapter 33: Asuna and Sinon Vs. Death Gun Pt. 1
Chapter 34: Asuna and Sinon Vs. Death Gun Pt. 2
Chapter 35: The True Face of Evil
Chapter 37: Far from Over
Chapter 38: Man of the House
Chapter 39: It's Not Fair
Chapter 40: The End

Chapter 36: The Lightning Flash

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By MCChuckWriting

Asuna used the palm of her hands to push herself up off of the sandy terrain that she had collapsed onto, the right side of her face still feeling numb from being slashed by Shino's red photon saber. Despite the blood covering the entirety of the right side of her face, none of it was, physically, painful for Asuna. Sure, it felt numb...but it paled in comparison to how much internal pain Asuna was feeling from being betrayed by someone she considered a, more than that...a sister. Someone she had invited into her home...hung out with after school...played VR games with and...even...had dinner with, alongside Kazuto and Yui. Now, Shino was standing a few feet away from Asuna, still holding her red photon saber, after having allowed Asuna to pick herself up. In the corner of Asuna's eyes, she could see the camera man smiling with glee at what had just transpired, almost like it was something that he had been waiting for, this entire time.

"There it is!" shouted the camera man, excitedly. "The moment that we've all been waiting for! Not going to lie, Lightning Flash, you aren't looking too good, right now, since my girl just knocked you on your ass. Hahahahahahahahahaha!"

"Shut up, Kyouji," commanded Shino, calmly, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry, Shino," apologized Kyouji, seeming hurt by the rejection in Shino's voice. "I...was just a tad excited is all. I thought you would be happier about all of this. Isn't this what you wanted? For her to be embarrassed and bloodied in front of everyone watching the Bullet of Bullets tournament?"

"That may be true...but I won't be happy with a simple strike across her face," claimed Shino. "She still has health left...until her HP bar is zero, there's no time for celebration. So, do your job and keep filming while I show the world how truly weak and pathetic, 'The Lightning Flash,' is."


The words hurt too bad that they wouldn't even leave Asuna's mouth.

"What...are you going to say something along the lines of, 'I thought we were friends,' or, 'how could you betray me like this after everything we've been through?'" asked Shino, mockingly. "If it makes you feel any better, my weaker self did actually consider you—"

"Sinon, I trusted you," interrupted Asuna, staring at the sandy ground beneath her so Shino couldn't get a good look at her face. "I...thought of you as a sister...I let you into my home...I let Kirito and Yui."

Shino noticed that Asuna was bending down to pick up her pink photon saber that she had dropped. As soon as she picked up the weapon, Shino observed that Asuna's right hand, that was holding the photon saber, was shaking, violently, which caused Shino to smile to herself, thinking that Asuna's fear of knives was getting the best of her at the most inopportune time. Unfortunately, little did Shino know, this wasn't the case at all. Asuna's right hand wasn't shaking in was shaking with fury.

"I...always...wondered why Klein...why was Klein targeted...and how Death Gun knew about him being friends with Kirito and I?" continued Asuna. "It was you, right, Sinon? It was your idea to kill make an example out of hurt me. To make me suffer."

"He was the perfect candidate," answered Shino, coldly. "Although, it's partly your fault since you and your dumb ass boyfriend were the ones, who introduced me to him. His little girlfriend is all alone, now, because of you, Asuna. Klein's your fault. It wasn't very heroic of you to let him die like that."


A scream echoed throughout the wasteland as Asuna dashed towards her former friend, ready to cut her down with her pink photon saber but her blade was thrusted into nothing but air since Shino had already teleported to a different location, behind her.

"Hm, interesting," commented Shino. "Anger wasn't the emotion that I was expecting you to feel towards me, first. I thought you would be crying over how your friend turned her back on you. Guess you're full of surprises, huh, Asuna? If you want to skip straight to the part where we fight, I'm more than happy to oblige."

Shino pulled up her menu screen while Kyouji started laughing to himself, drawing Asuna's attention, momentarily.

"How do you like that teleportation ability?" asked Kyouji, smugly. "It's an ability of my own creation and I gave everyone that was involved in the plan the same ability, in addition to the same apparel. That way, no one could ever figure out, who was truly under the cloak...hahahaha...and that includes Shino, of course."

As soon as he was finished with his explanation, Shino's apparel, immediately, changed. She was, now, wearing a black cloak and a skull mask with red piercing eyes...the common "Death Gun" outfit, proving to Asuna that Shino truly was the real Death Gun. Johny Black...Kyouji...Vassago...and all of the other Laughing Coffin members involved...they were nothing but pawns to Shino, who was the one in charge, the entire time. Asuna still struggled to grasp this but knew she didn't have any time to worry about it. She, quickly, checked how much HP she had and it read 45%, meaning that she had less than half left. It would have to be enough, though. She had to defeat Shino...for taking Klein away...for betraying her trust...for causing so much chaos in GGO. Kazuto wasn't around, this time. It had to be Asuna...she had to be the one to stop the real Death Gun. Asuna, without hesitation, dashed at her enemy, again, thrusting her pink photon saber right at her chest but, in an instant, Shino was gone and Asuna's attack missed.

"So reckless, Asuna," commented Shino, now behind Asuna.

Asuna felt the middle of her back go numb from a horizontal strike of Shino's red photon saber; Shino, immediately, followed this up with a round house kick to the small of Asuna's back, causing Asuna to fall, flat onto her stomach. This managed to drop Asuna's health to 35%. Shino teleported right next to Asuna and rammed her left combat boot into Asuna's side while she was still on the ground and this sent Asuna rolling, painfully, on the sandy terrain, dropping her health to 30%. Asuna attempted to collect herself but Shino teleported, again, not letting her have the chance. Shino was standing right in front of Asuna, once again, with her red photon saber held high over her head. Shino swung her red photon saber, downward, towards Asuna's head but, luckily, Asuna was able to roll out of the way, just in the nick of time, into a crouching position. While still in the crouching position, her jaw was met with a brutal knee strike from Shino, who had just teleported, again, and this sent Asuna onto her back. Shino thrusted her red photon saber at Asuna's throat for a killing blow but Asuna blocked the strike with her pink photon saber. Asuna could feel the heat coming off of Shino's weapon that was mere inches away from her throat and knew that if it did manage to make contact with her throat, it would deal massive damage to her HP.

"I don't know why but I was expecting more out of you, Asuna," said Shino in disappointment. "After all, you are the great 'Lightning Flash.'"

Asuna felt the heat coming off of Shino's red photon saber disappear, indicating that her opponent had teleported, again. All of the sudden, Asuna felt a hand grab her long, chest-nut brown hair and it yanked her head, backwards, dragging her body through the sandy terrain while Asuna could do nothing but kick and scream like a child, who was throwing a tantrum. Shino, while still having a firm grasp of Asuna's hair, began slamming her face into the sandy ground, repeatedly, dealing small amounts of damage to her HP. She stopped when she saw that Asuna's HP was at 20%. Asuna, without even looking, slashed her pink photon saber at Shino, who, easily, teleported out of the way, before Asuna's weapon could make contact with her. Asuna, at this point, was panting from exhaustion. There wasn't a doubt in her mind...she was outmatched against Shino in every way. On top of that, it seemed that Shino had mastered the teleporting ability in a way that the other players, who were pretending to be the real Death Gun, hadn't.

"I suppose I should thank you, Asuna," claimed Shino, now standing a few feet away from Asuna. "You really did help me overcome my fear of guns...or, at least, you helped my weaker self overcome her fear of guns...I, personally, love guns. That's why I'm looking forward to using my...Death Gun...the same gun that I used to kill deal the finishing blow to you. That'll prove to everyone watching that I do, in fact, have the ability to not only kill players in the VR world but the real one as well. My Death just that powerful...hahahahaha! It's sad, though. Despite, helping my weaker self overcome her seems that my weaker self wasn't able to do the same for you. I suppose I should apologize on her behalf."

Asuna hadn't even realized it but her right hand that was holding her pink photon saber had begun to shake, violently. She had been holding the weapon for an incredibly long time...far longer than she had, up to that point. It seemed Shino was correct. Asuna hadn't completely gotten over her own trauma. Did that mean...Asuna was going to lose? Shino used Asuna's moment of hesitation to her advantage and teleported right in front of her and slashed both of her knees with her red photon saber, resulting in Asuna falling to her knees, with 10% of her health still remaining. Shino then, horizontally, slashed her red photon saber across Asuna's chest, dealing an additional 8% damage, leaving Asuna at 2% health. Shino held her red photon saber at Asuna's throat, almost like she was considering the option of slashing her throat and just being done with her. Shino managed to stop herself, though. Asuna was still holding her pink photon saber but her right hand was trembling so bad, that she couldn't force herself to move it, in order to fight back. All she could do was accept her fate, it seemed. She was going to lose to Death front of everyone front of her friends...her mom...even Kazuto, who she imagined was disappointed in her. After the countless times Kazuto had shown bravery and determination...after he had cleared SAO by himself...after he had saved her from Sugou...she couldn't even win this one battle by herself. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that if Kazuto was the one fighting Shino, he would have been able to beat her using that very bravery and determination that he was known for her mind...Kazuto truly was a hero while she was nothing more than a fake. That's all she ever had taken Asuna this long to realize that, even though she hated to admit it, she was never "The Lightning Flash" or the "Second in Command of the Knights of the Blood Oath." Those...were just titles...that allowed her to pretend like she was a stronger person than she actually was. The real Asuna Yuuki was just a scared and lonely high school girl, who had spent her entire life trying to impress a mother, who would most likely always be disappointed and ashamed of her, no matter how hard Asuna tried. The real Asuna Yuuki was just a naive girl, who put on the Nerve Gear, originally, as an act of defiance against her mother. The real Asuna Yuuki was the girl, who had isolated herself in that inn during the first day of being trapped in SAO. The girl, on her knees, about to be slain by the real Death Gun...that was the real Asuna Yuuki.




"Damn it, why isn't Asuna doing anything?!" asked Kyouko, in frustration as I was watching the live stream of the third round of the Bullet of Bullets, right beside her.

I was still attempting to process everything that had just been revealed on the live stream, especially the fact that Shino Asada, a girl who Asuna believed was her friend, was actually the real Death Gun. This was something that I had just figured out, before even watching the live stream, alongside, Asuna's mother. It was what Agil had told me over the phone...that when he arrived at Shino's apartment, no one ended up making a move on Shino's real-world body. That news didn't sit right with me. Why wouldn't a member of Laughing Coffin be on standby, near Shino's body, since she was, usually, always around Asuna and I? This led me to only one conclusion...a conclusion that I didn't want to believe was true. That Shino...was somehow involved with Death Gun and Vassago. Although, I never would have thought that she was the one behind everything. I could only imagine what Asuna was going through, right now. She clearly wasn't in the best mental state to be fighting which explained why she wasn't fighting at her best and why she was seconds away from being beaten by Shino. Asuna's body may had been safe in the real world thanks to her mom and I but...if she lost to Shino in the VR world...I knew she would never forgive herself if that happened. But, to be honest, I wasn't really worried about that happening which is why I did nothing but smile, despite the harsh predicament Asuna found herself in. Kyouko looked at me funny because of the expression on my face.

"How could you possibly be smiling at a time like this?!" questioned Kyouko, angrily. "Asuna is about to lose to that...little bitch, who pretended to be her friend!"

"No, she isn't," was the only thing I said in response, with confidence that took Asuna's mom off guard. "I...know how strong Asuna is...better than anyone. She'll win. After all of the times that Asuna's put her faith in me, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't do the same for her when she needed it the most? That's why...I believe in Asuna Yuuki...I believe in 'The Lightning Flash.'"

Kyouko sighed and took a deep breath, before nodding her head in agreement.

"Y-You're right...m-my entire life...I've failed to put my trust and faith in my daughter, when she more than deserved it. Not this time, though. I...I believe in Asuna...I believe in 'The Lightning Flash' as well! Kick that bitch's ass, Asuna!"




The sight that Kiko and Honoka were watching on the live stream of the third round of the Bullets of Bullets made the both of them worry for Asuna's safety, especially Kiko, who sensed the danger that she was in.

"This isn't good," said Kiko, nervously. "One more strike and Asuna will be eliminated by that psychopath. Damn it. This pisses me off. That same bastard that forced Asuna to eliminate me in the tournament is going to makes me sick! I-I wish I was still in the tournament so I could help Asuna beat that piece of shit!"

"She'll be alright," claimed Honoka, forcing a smile on her tired and bony face. "This...isn't the first time that she's faced adversity...she cleared SAO...despite not having any prior video game knowledge. Plus, she managed to best you, Kiko, which is no small feat. I...still believe in her and that'll never change, even if she does lose because...when I grow up, I still want to be someone just as strong as 'The Lightning Flash,' Asuna Yuuki!"




"Asuna...Asuna...Asuna...Asuna, are you listening to me?" asked a voice that seemed to be calling out to Asuna, who, at the moment, could only see white.

Slowly, a recognizable setting began to appear before her eyes...a landscape...that would be engrained in her mind for the rest of her life. It was Aincrad, specifically, at night. When she came to her senses, fully, she realized that she was inside of a forest, sitting in front of a campfire that was causing her body to feel warm and cozy. It was strange because it all seemed so familiar to her. Asuna looked up at the starry night sky and the bright and beautiful full moon that was out.  It reminded her of just how pretty and realistic the world of Aincrad was, despite being a form of purgatory for her.

"Asuna, you look like you're zoning out a bit," commented the same voice that had been calling out to her, before.

She turned to her right, where the voice was coming from and her heart sank in her chest when she saw, who was talking to her.

"Y-Yuki," said Asuna, on the verge of tears.

Sitting next to her on the ground was the very first friend that she had made in the world of Aincrad...the girl responsible for teaching Asuna about the basics of how the world worked...the girl responsible for motivating Asuna to always keep pushing forward and even the one, who put the idea of becoming a front-line player into her mind. Unfortunately, she was a friend that had died back in SAO and Asuna was cognizant of this fact which saddened her, instantly, since it made her come to terms with the fact that what she was experiencing wasn't real.

"Is something the matter, Asuna?" asked Yuki, concerned.

Asuna knew talking to her would be pointless since none of it was real but...whether it was real or not...she was grateful to have someone to talk to, right now.

"A-After you died, Yuki, I sad...depressed...suicidal even," admitted Asuna.  "You...would have been so disappointed in me. Although, I ended up finding another reason to live through Kirito, when he found me for the first time. He...He was a really skilled player...just as skilled as you were...maybe, even more so. I...really wish you could've met him. I think the two of you would have gotten along well. I did manage to become a frontline player, though, haha."

"The second in command of The Knights of The Blood Oath," said Yuki, already knowing Asuna's title. "In other words, the second in command of the largest guild in SAO. That's a little more impressive than just being a frontline player. Although, selling yourself short seems like something you would do, hahaha. You're always kind of hard on yourself, Asuna, especially after all of the horrible things you've had to go through. Can I tell you something?"

Asuna nodded her head, yes.

"If the roles were reversed and you were the one to die, instead of me, Asuna, I would have become just as depressed and heartbroken as you did...maybe, even suicidal as well. Those dark thoughts...can happen to anyone. They happened to Kirito, even, didn't they?"

The image of the rope burn scar that was permanently on Kazuto's throat from him trying to hang himself when Asuna was captured by Sugou appeared in Asuna's mind. She had gotten used to the scar and accepted the fact that he had tried to take his own life when he was at his lowest. How could she have stayed mad at him when she had tried to do the same thing, after Yuki died...just in a more roundabout way?

"Can I tell you something else, Asuna?"

This time Asuna hesitated, before nodding her head, yes, again.

"I'm so proud of you," praised Yuki, smiling. "Not only did you help clear SAO and rescue so many people, who were trapped in this game but you also, protected the person you loved the most...even if that meant taking a life. That, in my opinion, shows a lot of strength. You've had to accept so many losses as well...mine...Lisbeth...Klein...that shows a lot of strength's not easy to move on, after losing so many people you care about. On top of all of that, right now, you're fighting against someone, who's trying to cause people harm in the VR setting, again. You're're holding back...or, at least, that's how it looks to me. Sure, your strikes are fierce and full of anger but...they're a bit reckless and slow...that's not like you. Speed is your specialty, right? You should be using your speed to your advantage, especially because you've upgraded it so much, right? Plus, there's still that one thing you haven't tried, yet...however, it seems you're ready to give up, instead. Is it...because you care about this person you're fighting?"

Asuna gulped and couldn't deny what Yuki was saying.

"Y-Yeah, even after everything she's done, I-I still don't want to hurt Sinon. S-She's my, she's more than that...she's like a sister to me. A part of me still believes that the girl I had spent so much time with is in there, somewhere, and that this 'Death Gun' personality is just one part of Sinon...not who she is as a whole. Or, at least, that's what I, foolishly, believe. Kirito wouldn't let that stop him from doing what needs to be done."

"There it is, again," pointed out Yuki. "You're always comparing yourself to Kirito. It's okay if the two of you are different, hahaha; actually, your differences are probably why the two of you get along so well. Kirito keeps a lot of his emotions bottled up inside while you have a tendency to wear them on your sleeve more. There's nothing wrong with that, Asuna. It's what makes's what makes you, Asuna Yuuki. Use those emotions to show your friend the error of her ways because if she beats you, then you're going to lose Sinon to this 'Death Gun' personality. Don't feel like you have to win against her to avoid embarrassment or whatever it is that Sinon wants to accomplish with this grand plan of hers. What's there to be embarrassed about, anyways? Nobody that matters is going to care if you lose to Sinon...they'll love you, no matter what. Although, I have a very strong feeling that, right now, all of your friends...the people you've helped...your family...Kirito...Yui...they're all believing in you...believing that you're going to get back up and keep fighting. Hahaha, and you know what; I believe in you too, Asuna, and I'll never stop."

Yuki glanced up at the night sky, for a moment, while Asuna thought about what her friend had just told her.

"Asuna, look!" shouted Yuki as she pointed at something in the night sky.

Asuna looked at where her friend was pointing and the sight she saw was something that she never thought she would see in a VR setting...a shooting star. The colorful and vibrant sight took Asuna's mind, completely, off of all the worries that were circling around in her mind and, rather, filled her with something...that she had been missing...the will to fight. Just seeing the shooting star was enough to make her stand up as Yuki did the same.

"Good luck, Asuna," said Yuki, her smile seeming a bit sadder, this time, knowing that this was goodbye. "Although, you won't need luck because I'm going to be looking over you just like I have this entire time."

"Thanks, Yuki," returned Asuna, wrapping her arms around the girl to give her a goodbye hug.

Asuna couldn't prevent the tears from coming out of her eyes, any was just too difficult.

"Hey, Asuna, do me one more favor, will ya?" whispered Yuki. "Close your eyes and say this phrase...say this phrase...and show everyone, who the real Asuna Yuuki is."




This is a moment that I've been waiting so long for...that look of defeat on her face as I have my photon saber at her throat...this couldn't be any more perfect, thought Shino to herself, as she stared into the empty and defeated eyes of Asuna. The girl...that everyone always compared me to...every...single...fucking day of my life...all it'll take is one more strike and the world will see just how weak she truly is. The world will see that she isn't anything special...she's no hero...she's no better than I am. All of those kids, who asked why I couldn't be strong like her...none of them could have possibly known the things I've had to go through...the things that I've lost. I lost my dad in a car accident. My mom was shot in front of me by that son of a bitch with the damn beanie. And...they all treat me like I should just be able to get over it's just something that I can move past. Bullshit! Just because this stupid little bitch was able to escape from a death game, that doesn't mean it's the same as overcoming all of the shit that I've had to! None of that matters, anymore, though. I'll never have to hear that comparison, again, once this pathetic excuse for a so-called hero dies. Someone should be at her bedside in the real world, ready to kill her as soon as I'm done with her. Plus, the whole world will see me kill Asuna with my Death Gun thanks to that useful tool, Kyouji. It's time to end this, Asuna Yuuki. Although, this has been fun, to be honest. It's a shame, though. Unfortunately, this plan was always self-sacrificial. Now, the whole world knows I'm the real Death Gun and, without a doubt, I'll be arrested in the real world as soon as I log out. The police are probably already on their way to my home, haha. I don't give a shit, though. I'll gladly rot in prison knowing that I beat you, Asuna Yuuki. I beat the same girl, who everyone wondered why I couldn't be more like!

Shino performed the hand technique in order to quick-select her handgun with her left hand while still holding her red photon saber at Asuna's throat with her right. The photon weapon de-materialized and was replaced with the weapon that Shino had nicknamed "Death Gun." The Type 54 "Black Star"...the same weapon that the man that had killed her mother wielded on the day of the post office incident...a weapon that she would never forget the appearance of, no matter how badly she wanted to. She pressed the handgun against Asuna's forehead and wrapped the index finger of her right hand around the trigger as a sadistic smile appeared on her face.

"This is the day...that the weaker Shino Asada dies," Shino said to herself, loud enough so that Asuna was the only one that could hear it.

As the words left Shino's mouth, she noticed something strange in regards to Asuna's expression...there was just a spark of her eyes. It caught her off guard so much that she hesitated for just a second, allowing Asuna to mumbled something, quietly, to herself as she closed her eyes. Then, in an instant, she was gone. Asuna Yuuki was no longer on her hands and knees at Shino's mercy. She had disappeared just like Shino would when she used her teleportation ability and the only thing she had left behind was a streak of what looked like pink lightning.

"W-What the fuck?" asked Shino, a hint of panic in her voice. "W-Where did she go? There's no possible way that she has the same teleportation ability that I do...and...what's with shit?"


In the blink of an eye, something passed Shino at an inhuman speed and had managed to slash the right side of her Death Gun mask, making it impossible for her to see out of it.

"Ugh, damn it!" cursed Shino as she pulled up her menu screen with her left hand and, quickly, unequipped her Death Gun mask so that she could see, again. "Asuna! I don't know what the hell this is but—"


The same sound as before but, this time, Shino was dealt a horizontal strike across her chest and, again, she wasn't able to see Asuna when she landed the strike. The only thing she caught a glimpse of was a pink lightning streak that was, now, in front of her.

"Shit!" yelled Shino as she used her teleporting ability to move to a different spot so she could have a moment to think.

As soon as she teleported to her new location, she witnessed a pink blur and felt another slash to her chest, this time a vertical one. That was three hits Asuna had managed to land on her, successfully. One of which, she was able to do, even after Shino had teleported.

This level of speed...isn't normal, thought Shino to herself, annoyed. How the fuck is she doing this? doesn't make any sense. This...this shouldn't be possible! Why...why the fuck is this happening?!

While Shino continued to get angrier and angrier, several more pink blurs shot past her, one from the left, one from the right and then one headed right for her. The first two resulted in two diagonal chest slashes and the last one made contact with the left side of Shino's face, drawing blood. 6 total strikes...6 total strikes had been dealt to Shino.

"Asuna, you're really starting to piss me off!" hollered Shino, not being able to contain her rage, any longer. "You aren't going to ruin this for me! I'm not going to lose! I can't fucking lose!"

All of the sudden, Shino felt three more attacks land against her back, in varying directions, making for a total of 9 strikes that had landed against Shino. Of course, when Shino spun around, the only thing that she was able to catch a glimpse of were pink lightning streaks.


At this point, the only thing Shino could do was laugh at what was transpiring around her. Her mind, slowly, began to crumble, as she realized that she was a few hits away from actually being eliminated by Asuna. After everything she had sacrificed for this moment to happen, it was a couple of attacks away from all being for nothing and her mind just couldn't accept this. There were so many words that wanted to leave her mouth but there was only one sentence that Shino could muster, at this point, as she was losing her mind.

"I-I hate you. I hate you! I hate you! I fucking hate you, Asuna Yuuki!"




"W-What's happening?" questioned Asuna's mother, confused at what was happening during the livestream.

I couldn't blame her for not understanding what was happening since I had seen it all as well and was still coming to terms with it. Although, the look on my face wasn't one of confusion...a smile was plastered on my face...a proud smile. It had seemed like Shino was going to execute Asuna in the same way she did Klein and then, in an instant, Asuna disappeared, leaving behind a pink streak of lightning. I was pretty sure her mother missed it but I was able to catch Asuna closing her eyes and muttering something before this happened. There was no way for me to know for sure, what she had said...but I had a strong hunch since I took the same chance when using the skill when fighting Vassago. My only question was when Asuna managed to learn the "Meditation" skill...or if she had even learned it in the first place? Could it have been possible for Asuna to use the skill...without even learning it...just because her will was that strong...or was there another more plausible reasoning? I figured I would just ask her about it, later. Interestingly, it seemed that the "Meditation" skill was effecting Asuna in a different way than it did skills were always more power-focused while Asuna's leaned more in the speed category so this made sense. The "Meditation" skill must have increased her speed to an insane number which allowed her to move at speed similar to...

"Ha...hahahahahahaha," I began to chuckle to myself at the realization.

"W-What's so funny?" questioned Asuna's mother, who must have been even more lost by my reaction to what was happening.

"I...just remembered something," I answered, still smiling. "During my first encounter with Asuna in SAO, I managed to see her taking on a group of enemies in a dungeon and, in my mind, I described a shooting star...because of her incredible speed and beauty. It's...silly, I know but, right now, it looks like she really is moving at the speed of a shooting star...or, a streak of lightning might be more appropriate."

After my explanation, Asuna's mother shifted her gaze back to the computer screen, in amazement by the phenomenon that was happening during the live stream.

"Asuna would always say that she pretended like she was someone else in SAO because she was scared to reveal what she was really like to other players, myself included," I recalled, looking back at the computer screen as well. "Although, that girl fighting, right now, as nothing more than a flash of pink lightning...there's not a doubt that's the girl that I fell in love with...that's the real Asuna Yuuki which means...that's...the real 'Lightning Flash.'"




Asuna had no idea how it had moment, she was speaking to her old friend, Yuki, while in the familiar world of SAO and then, in the next, she was muttering words that this same friend had told her to speak. Now, she was shooting through her surroundings at nearly uncontrollable speed, slashing her pink photon saber at Death, at Shino Asada, knowing that the only way to save the girl, who had helped her with her trauma all this time, was to defeat this "Death Gun," once and for all. She had to show Shino the error of her ways and the only way to do this...was to defeat the Death Gun personality. Asuna had already managed to land 9 strikes against her former friend that had betrayed her and Shino's health was sitting at 25%, meaning Asuna still needed to land a couple of more strikes in order to eliminate her. However, Asuna didn't have any idea how much longer this ability of her moving at the speed of lighting would last. She pushed this worry to the back of her mind as she shot through the air in Shino's direction, almost at the speed of light and slashed both of her knee caps, causing her to fall to her knees at 20% health. Asuna created a small distance between the two and positioned herself so that she was right in front of Shino and then held her pink photon saber in front of her body in a similar position to how she would hold her rapier back in SAO. She put a slight twist in her stance, took a deep breath and shot, right at Shino, again, and thrusted her pink photon saber straight ahead of her at the middle of Shino's was the same sword skill that she had used countless times in SAO...the sword skill, "Linear." Asuna's pink photon saber stabbed Shino in the gut as Asuna let out a guttural battle cry and her eyes turned an electric pink color; the strike was so powerful that both girls were sent flying through the air, with Shino's health, now, sitting at 8%. Asuna wasn't ready to give up, though, and, in a split second, Shino smashed, back-first, into a large boulder, taking all of the environmental damage while Asuna received none. As soon as Shino had been pushed through the boulder, the effect of the "Meditation" skill had worn off and Asuna and Shino both rag dolled onto the ground, under them, with Asuna's pink photon saber still sticking out of Shino's stomach. Despite this, Asuna's health wasn't at zero...when she checked how much HP she had left, it read 1%. Asuna's entire body was more fatigued than it had ever been during her time in the VR setting but she picked herself up off of the ground with all the strength she had left and she made her way to check on Shino, who was lying on the ground, staring up at the sky, above her, with the pink photon saber still sticking out of her stomach. Asuna checked Shino's HP and it read 1% as well. Shino's eyes shifted from the sky above her to Asuna, their eyes meeting and, for a brief moment, Asuna thought she recognized her friend in the face that was staring back at her. Unfortunately, this familiar face disappeared and was replaced with a look of pure, unbridled hatred.

" ruined everything!" shouted Shino, rage emanating off of every word. "T-This was be my moment! My moment...where I proved to everyone that I'm better than 'The Lightning Flash,' Asuna Yuuki! After everything...I still...wasn't fucking enough. Damn it. Damn it!"

Shino, to Asuna's surprise, pulled up her menu screen and went to the "log out" button.

"This isn't over, Asuna...I promise you...I will make you pay for this...I'm going to make you suffer in ways that you can't possibly imagine!"

Before Asuna could say a word to her former friend...that had been her enemy this entire time...Shino was shrouded in a blue light and disappeared...she had logged out...which meant...that it was over. Asuna had won...not only her fight against Shino...against Death Gun...but the entire Bullet of Bullets tournament as well. Large, congratulatory letters flashed in front of Asuna, informing her that she had, indeed, won the first ever Bullet of Bullets tournament.




"Hell yeah!" shouted Suguha with glee, surrounded by her parents Midori and Minetaka. "That's my brother's kick ass, girlfriend!"




"I told you that she could do it...she is 'The Lightning Flash,' after all," claimed Honoka, before erupting into a bad cough from her illness.

Her sister, Kiko, grimaced at the nastiness of the coughing but couldn't help but smile at her sister's words...because she was right...Asuna Yuuki, truly was someone that was worthy of being looked up to by her younger sister.




"Wait, you actually know that girl, Masao?" asked a girl with long, dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes, who was hanging out with the same boy, that had found himself obsessed with Asuna Yuuki to a harmful degree...since she was the first girl, who ever showed him kindness...the first girl, that is.

The girl sitting next to him, now, was a transfer student, who had moved to Masao Takehiko's school, two weeks ago. She was being treated like an outcast by most of the students and he took notice of this. Masao also, remembered the advice that Asuna's boyfriend, "The Black Swordsman," had given him which was to move on. So, he took a chance and actually listened to the advice. He forced himself to have the courage to talk to the girl that he was now sitting next to and the two had been hanging out, ever since. Still, seeing Asuna win the Bullet of Bullets in such spectacular fashion made Masao smile in remembrance of the reasons why he, originally, fell in love with Asuna, in the first place.

"Yeah, we used to go to the same school when we were younger," answered Masao, honestly.

"She's so fucking cool!" complimented the girl with dirty blond hair in admiration.

"Hahaha, yeah, she is," agreed Masao.

Good job, Asuna, thought Masao to himself. I'll...never forget the kindness that you showed me when I was younger when no one else would. Thank much, deserve this victory...and so many more.




"Yeah, that's my daughter!" screamed Asuna's mother, after witnessing her daughter win the Bullet of Bullets tournament. "I'm...I'm so...proud of you, Asuna...and...I'm going to tell you many times, the next time I see you."

It seemed that Asuna's mother was being overwhelmed by her emotions and I couldn't blame her. My bad ass girlfriend had not only bested Death Gun but won the Bullet of Bullets tournament. I couldn't be any prouder of her if I tried but, unfortunately, I had a strong feeling that Asuna wasn't feeling very festive about her victory. Because, despite winning the tournament, she had lost something even more important...a friend...a really...really...good friend.

Author's Note:  Hello, thank you so much for reading this week's chapter!  I apologize for how long it ended up being but I wanted Asuna's big confrontation with Shino to be the best I could possibly make it.  I'm not sure how I ended up doing but, hopefully, it didn't turn out too bad.  It was also, nice to bring back Yuki in this chapter and that small little scene that her and Asuna shared was an enjoyable one for me to write since it has been a while since I have written a scene with Yuki in it.  When I first started writing this fan fiction, I had this image in my head of Asuna dashing through the air as nothing more than a streak of pink lightning and it was always my intention of having Asuna beat Death Gun in this way just because I thought it would be, visually, cool and fitting for Asuna since her nickname and the name of this fan fiction is "The Lightning Flash."  I was pretty inspired by the scene in the anime, where Asuna gets her wings in "War of the Underworld" and starts dashing through the air as nothing more than a pink beam of light and then proceeding to wipe the floor with Vassago, after being cheered on by her friends and Yuki, who shows up in this scene as well.  To be honest, this is one of, if not, my favorite scene in the anime and it's, most likely, the reason I got that image of Asuna dashing through the air as nothing more than a pink streak of lightning in my head, in the first place.  I just kind of wanted to put my own spin on this for her big fight against Shino.  We got to see a couple of returning faces in this chapter as well such as Masao, Kiko and Honoka and I was happy I got to include them in Asuna's big moment where she was able to defeat Shino.  Although, as you can probably tell from Shino's last words, her rivalry with Asuna isn't quite finished, yet, despite losing in the Bullet of Bullets tournament.  I will say that I do plan on "The Lightning Flash" being the last SAO fan fiction that I write, at least, for a while so I don't really plan on leaving any unresolved plot points.  I'm hoping to wrap everything up in a satisfying way in the next four chapters or so and I already have a good idea of how I want to end the fan fiction series as a whole.  I really am grateful for all of you that have followed this fan fiction for so long and will do my best not to disappoint you with these last couple of chapters.  I will see you next week!  

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