Natural Disaster Farming [MTL]

By 0003min

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Title: 天灾种田记 / Natural Disaster Farming Author: 慕水之鱼 Chapters: 131 [COMPLETED] In 2050, the eruption of the L... More



1.7K 43 11
By 0003min

Chapter 25

Doomsday 16

At 2:20 p.m., this time is the working time. There are not many staff in the community office building, so they basically went to the area of responsibility to carry out tasks. Only a few female employees in the office hall are busy sitting in front of the computer, with their eyes jumping back and forth between the file and the computer screen. Everyone's keyboard is crackling, and there is a lot of information waiting to be entered into the system on the desk.

In the office on the right side of the office hall, there are only Jiang Yu and He Bin. They have been carrying out plantation renovation before. They just came back from the completion this afternoon, so the leader did not arrange work for them when they went to work in the morning. After returning, they have been helping their colleagues sort out the information in the office.

After answering Tang Xue's phone call, Jiang Yu immediately put down the information, picked up his mask and flashlight, and asked He Bin to go out together.

"Why are you going?" He Bin didn't know, so he still wore a mask and ran out with Jiang Yu.

"Save people, let's go first."

Hearing that it was saving people, He Bin knew that the situation was urgent and stopped asking more questions, but accelerated his pace.

There is a simple folding bed next to the door of the office, which is used by colleagues to rest. Jiang Yulu passed by and took it directly and carried it in his hand.

"What are you doing with this?" He Bin asked.

"Tang Xue found an injured child outside the gate of the community. He was almost dying. Let me find a stretcher and take it to the community hospital." Jiang Yu replied as he ran.

Yes, Tang Xue found a child in the green belt, a little girl, about 12 or 3 years old. The little girl's condition was very bad.

When Tang Xue found her, she was lying in a bushes with a green belt. Her body showed an unnatural twist, and her limbs were all displaced and entangled together, as if someone had hit a dead knot with her limbs.

The little girl's hair was pulled bald, and the wound had been scarred, obviously not recently injured. There are red and purple bruises on the orbital and chin, and the tidal red forehead hair is permed in a high fever, accompanied by cough. My lips are dry and seem to have not drunk water for a long time.

The skin on the body that is not covered by clothes is full of scars. Some are slender stripes, some are large bruises, and there are black-brown holes, which are burnn by cigarette butts. Some have become inflamed and rotten. In short, there is no good skin all over the body. As for the place where the clothes are covered, it will probably not be good.

The shocking scar stung Tang Xue's heart. It's so cruel! What kind of deep hatred will happen to a little girl like this?

Tang Xue tried to touch her body, and she immediately moaned and spered painfully. Tang Xue immediately stopped and dared not move her for fear of causing secondary damage. The little girl's bones were all broken.

I don't know who beat her like this and left her here, and I don't know how long it took to throw it away. The little girl's breathing has slowly weakened. If it is not cured, I'm afraid that her life will not be saved.

Tang Xue immediately took out her mobile phone and called Jiang Yu first, asking him and He Bin to come out quickly. It's better to find a stretcher and carry the little girl to the community hospital for first aid first aid, and then take the fast channel from the community hospital to transfer to the hospital.

After making the phone call, Tang Xue took out a red fruit juice from the ink bead space with her backpack, slightly supported the little girl's head and dripped into her mouth. Maybe she was thirsty for too long. After the red fruit drops into her mouth, the little girl swallowed it instinctively.

Fortunately, it's okay. It can still be swallowed, and maybe it can be saved.

Not a professional medical staff, I don't know how to save her. Tang Xue can only feed her some red fruit juice first, hoping to save her life. At present, the red vine can only bear annual red fruit. Tang Xue is not sure how much effect it can have. I hope the gods and Buddha can bless this child.

She has done everything she can do, just because she is in power, and she hopes this little girl can hold on.

Tang Xue thought about it again and picked up her mobile phone and called 110. At first glance, this situation is a criminal case. The community probably can't handle it. It's better to let professional people deal with it.

Jiang Yu and He Bin came very quickly. As soon as Tang Xue hung up the alarm call, she heard their footsteps.

The two almost ran over at a 100-meter sprint, and He Bin vowed that the last time he ran so fast was when he went to college to test 800 meters.

"Here." Tang Xue signaled them with the flashlight beam.

When he rushed to him, Jiang Yu saw a child curled up at Tang Xue's feet. His body was covered with scars and obviously suffered a severe beating.

"Fuck, which beast did it? Is this TMD still a human?" He Bin couldn't help bursting out after seeing the little girl's condition. It was really badly hurt.

"Help first."

Jiang Yu stretched out the simple folding bed in his hand as a stretcher, took off his black coat and spread it on the bed, and then gently picked up the little girl on the bed with He Bin. Although they were very careful and moved soft enough, they inevitably touched the wound, causing the little girl to moan again.

Tang Xue quickly came forward to appease, whispered in the little girl's ear, encouraging her to stick to it.

The little girl is very thin and skinny, holding it lightly in her hand, and has no weight. A girl aged 12 or 13 is normally 60 to 70 kilograms, and her weight is obviously not up to standard.

Three people carried stretchers to the community hospital. Fortunately, the hospital was not far away.

When she arrived at the door of the hospital, Tang Xue rushed in and called the nurse to save people. Soon a doctor and a nurse rushed to receive the stretcher, and the doctor asked the child's specific situation while checking.

Hearing Tang Xue say that the child was picked up on the road, they didn't know him, so the doctor didn't ask.

Taking advantage of the doctor's examination, Jiang Yu took a picture of the child's face. He thought he could ask the people in the community. Maybe a colleague knew the little girl.

Wu Jiuhua, a policeman in charge of He'an Community, rushed to the community hospital after receiving the notice from the command center, and criminal police colleagues also came together. After finding the caller Tang Xue, she also saw the little girl who was being rescued. The police recorder clearly recorded the little girl's miserable situation.

While Wu Jiuhua was taking a record for Tang Xue, He Bin whispered and said, "This is abuse, right? Will it be done by stepfather and stepmother?" Parents can't be so cruel.

"What kind of abuse? This is intentional killing." Tang Xue couldn't stand it indignant.

She doesn't like to downplay criminal cases into family disputes. In recent years, many criminal cases have liked to put a layer of family disputes. It seems that criminal responsibility can be reduced as long as it can be involved or blood or the relationship between husband and wife or couples.

Now we need to figure out the identity of the little girl. As Jiang Yu guessed, the police also believe that the little girl may live in He'anjiayuan community. Traffic was inconvenient after the haze of the end of the world, and it is very likely that criminals live nearby. Judging from the injuries on the little girl, the perpetrator is most likely to be her family. Her injuries are caused over the years, not temporary violence.

The little girl is still being rescued. The community hospital has contacted the First People's Hospital to send an ambulance and transferred it to the First People's Hospital for surgery. The little girl is not only traumat. There are organs bleeding inside and needs to be operated on as soon as possible. In addition, the brain seems to have been hit hard, and a CT is needed to check for congestion or other problems.

At this time, He Bin's phone rang. It was called by their leader. Seeing that both of them were missing, he called to inquire. He Bin told the leader about the situation and said he would go back immediately.

"I'll go back with you and just go to the community to find out the situation. Maybe I can find the victim's information." Wu Jiuhua said.

The girl handed over to the hospital Tang Xue and could go home, but she still followed Jiang Yu and others back to the community because she wanted to know the follow-up.

Wu Jiuhua is one of the policemen in charge of He'an Community, so he knows the community employees, and sometimes everyone has to work together. Wu Jiuhua printed out the picture of the victim for the community to identify and see if anyone knew the little girl.

I didn't know the staff in the office building, and many other employees went out and were not on the scene. Jiang Yu asked if he could send the photos to the work group so that everyone could see if they could find clues.

Wu Jiuhua looked at the criminal police colleagues around him, and his colleague nodded and said it was okay.

Jiang Yu sent the photo of his face to the work group. By the way, @ everyone, asked if anyone knew the little girl. The little girl's face is swollen and deformed, which is a little difficult to recognize. If she is not impressed, it is probably difficult to recognize.

After the photo was sent out, many people replied that they didn't know each other, but they were wondering what was going on. Jiang Yu didn't say much, but only said that he was a victim. The police suspected that he was from He'an Community, so please help identify or show the community residents around him. Does anyone know him?

At this time, a female volunteer replied to the message, saying that the aunt of the neighborhood committee next to her said that she seemed to know the girl.

This neighborhood committee aunt is a part-time member of the community and the director of Building 28. She is usually responsible for the publicity of Community Building 28, and she lives in Building 28.

According to the aunt of the neighborhood committee, the little girl should be a resident of 701, 7th floor, Unit A, Building 28, He'anjiayuan. This family is a single-parent family, and a single mother lives with a little girl. The neighborhood committee aunt once went to her house to deliver the census brochure, because her house was very messy and there were many empty wine bottles, so she was extremely impressed.

Speaking of Room 701, Unit A, Building 28, the grid administrator in charge of the 28th floor suddenly jumped out and spoke. Recently, the residents of Unit A of Building 28 have responded very much to this family, because her family has not long begun to emit a strange smell. First of all, I smelled it from the people in Room 702 of the door. I thought it was the smell of rotten food in hot weather, so the neighbor knocked on the door to let her house deal with it.

As a result, a middle-aged man opened the door. From the cracks of the door, he could see the house in a mess, and the garbage piled up everywhere. As soon as he opened the door, a fierce smell came to his face, making 702 neighbors almost vomit on the spot.

The neighbor of 702 protested to the strong man, saying that his family smelled too bad and seriously affected other neighbors. The middle-aged strong man directly ignored the neighbor's protest, cracked, and closed the door in front of the neighbor.

Neighbors had no choice but to protest in the grid and wanted the community to deal with it. However, grid members can't force them to clean up, so they have to appease their neighbors in the group, and it is recommended that 701 clean up the house. It is not good for people to live in a dirty living environment.

The female head of 701 was also in the group, but did not reply.

In the past two days, according to neighbors, the smell is getting bigger and bigger. It used to be only outside the door, but now it can be smelled in the corridor and attracts a lot of flies. From time to time, flies can be seen in the whole unit building, as well as in the safe passage and elevator.

Neighbors come to theore many times, and the other party doesn't even open the door. Residents complained, and the grid administrator was also dizzy and didn't know how to solve it.

Single mother, middle-aged man, victim, smell...

All the clues gathered together, and Tang Xue had an ominous hunch.


Chapter 26

The end of the world 17

More and more clues show that there is something wrong with this family in Room 701, Unit A, Building 28. Wu Jiuhua plans to take a look with his colleagues.

Wu Jiuhua: "Do you want support, and apply for search warrants and arrest warrants?"

Comrade Criminal Police: "No, I have reported information in the public security system and applied for search warrants and arrest warrants. Since the outbreak of smog, new temporary regulations have been implemented to deal with special cases. Special circumstances are dealt with. Let's go now."

Sometimes time is life that can't be delayed for a moment.

The two police officers roughly discussed the action plan, intending to let the community workers pretend to come to collect information, knock on the door of Room 701, and then the police enter.

This plan was opposed by the grid administrator. The grid administrator in charge of Building 28 is a 30-year-old eldest sister who has a round figure after middle-aged fat. The eldest sister said that she knocked on the door of Room 701 more than once, but the residents inside refused to open the door. No matter what she said, she refused to open it.

Even if she knocks again today, I'm afraid that the people inside won't drive. It's better to think of other ways. Now it's all an excuse for centralized water supply and it's not easy to use water leakage downstairs.

Tang Xue proposed, "Now everyone is short of water and food. Can you use the registration information to get a piece of material as bait and lure the people inside to open the door?"

The criminal police comrade nodded and agreed, "This method is okay, and this grid member can't go. This one is not easy to deal with at first glance. It's better to find a thin and less threatening girl, which can reduce the vigilance of criminals."

The criminal police comrade looked around for a week, and finally his eyes fell on Tang Xue. He meditated for a moment, looked into Tang Xue's eyes and said, "Will you like to cooperate with the police?"

"Yes." Tang Xue almost nodded without hesitation.

The approval flashed in the eyes of Comrade the criminal police: "Very good, don't worry, we will keep your life safe behind you. You should also be careful. If you find that the criminal has abnormal behavior, immediately step back and avoid it, okay?"

"I understand, don't worry. I have practiced sanda since I was a child, and there is no problem with one or two strong men."

Although she is thin, she is also a woman with eight abdominal vest lines.

Policeman: "Even so, you can't take it lightly."

Tang Xue nodded: "Okay."

Seeing Tang Xue nodding and agreeing, Jiang Yu frowned slightly, his tongue licked and licked the back alveolar teeth, and followed him. Seeing this, He Bin quickly got up from his position and chased Jiang Yu.

The two policemen took Tang Xue to 28 buildings together. The police uncle also carried a bucket of XX Mountain Spring and two bags of five bags of instant noodles. Tang Xue held a bottle of Red Star Erguotou in her hand, which she borrowed from the canteen. According to the aunt of the neighborhood committee, the man in Room 701 should drink well. If water and instant noodles are not attractive enough, then this bottle of wine should be fatal to alcoholic men.

Liquor has many uses in addition to understanding alcohol addiction, which can both disinfect and dispel cold. The most important thing is that alcohol can no longer be bought on the market. People who smoke and drink alcohol are addicted to it. It doesn't mean that they can quit and need strong willpower. Therefore, the price of tobacco and alcohol in the exchange of things after the thick fog at the end of the world has been high.

The elevator stopped on the seventh floor. Before the elevator door was opened, it smelled a smell of fishy smell. When the elevator door was opened, the smell was stronger. Fortunately, everyone wore a mask.

The two policemen exchanged their eyes and saw solemnity from each other's eyes. Although I have guessed before, I still have some hope that maybe the female resident in Room 701 is still alive. However, according to the criminal police's experience, this smell is absolutely abnormal.

After coming out of the elevator, the others quickly hid into the invisible area of the cat's eye, leaving Tang Xue standing alone in front of Gate 701.

Sure enough, as the grid member said, no matter how Tang Xue knocked on the door, she ignored it. Standing at the door, she could clearly hear someone moving, but no one answered.

"Please open the door for 701 residents. The whole building is left and your information has not been registered yet. Please open the door and register."

Tang Xue wore a high ponytail and a mask, wore a red vest for community workers, a badge on her chest, and a writing splint and pen in her hand. The voice is soft and sweet, and the whole person's temperament is like a simple and lovely little white rabbit.

"Is anyone at home? Is anyone there?"

After knocking for a while, a hoarse male voice said, "What are you doing?"

"Hello, I'm the staff member in charge of statistics in the community. Your home hasn't been counted for the whole 28 buildings. Can you please open the door and help fill in the information? There are still two notices that you need to sign."

"No, get out of here!"

"Don't be like this, big brother. Help me. I'm also working. If I can't finish the task, I will be scolded and may be fired." Tang Xue softened her voice.

"The person who came before was not you." The man questioned.

"You said that the eldest sister was transferred to dispose of the garbage in the community because she didn't complete the task. If I can't complete the task on time, I may also be arranged to dispose of the garbage. The garbage is too dirty. I don't want to go. Brother, please help me."

"Oh, there is another thing. The neighbors of Building 28 report that your home taste is too big that attracts a large number of flies. Please clean the house as soon as possible, otherwise the flies may cause all kinds of epidemics. If your house is not cleaned up, an epidemic prevention department will come to clean up and disinfect it."

"Brother, can I open the door?" Tang Xue asked again.

"You can't clean up the garbage. It's none of my business. Get out of here!"

Tang Xue continued to whisper, "Brother, let's discuss how on earth are you willing to register? As long as you are willing to register, just mention that I'm a new employee. Our leader said that as long as I can register for you, you will become a regular employee."

The door was silent for half a minute before asking, "Are you... coming alone?"

Tang Xue just wanted to answer "yes", but she swallowed it back. The man's tight voice showed that he was nervous, so she smiled and said, "Of course not. I have a colleague in the next room. We came together. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. If I register, what benefits can I do?" The man asked again.

"Brother, I know your family. I heard from my colleague that you want to exchange wine with someone. I brought a bottle today. Can you see if it's okay? It's not easy to make wine now. It's easy for me to get a bottle.

With that, Tang Xue shook the wine bottle in the cat's eye, "You see, this bottle cost me half a month's salary. If it hadn't been for me for it, I wouldn't have been for it."

After seeing the wine, the man's firm voice obviously hesitated, "Is there only wine?" Didn't you eat?"

Even if you are addicted to alcohol, you can't be hungry.

"Yes, can instant noodles be okay? I brought two big bags, look!" Tang Xue raised the instant noodles at her feet again.

The man's tense voice completely relaxed, "Well, I'll register it for you."

The anti-theft door clicked and opened from the inside. The door that had been closed for a long time finally opened a crack.

The door was slowly pushed open, and the man slightly probed out of the crack in the door, as if he wanted to inquire about the surrounding situation. Suddenly, the door panel in his hand was pushed away vigorously.

And his eyes also scanned at the two uniformed policemen who had been hiding aside.

Between the lightning flint, the man cursed and stretched out his hands to clamp Tang Xue's neck and blackmail her hostage. The two policemen strode forward and were about to pull Tang Xue backwards. Tang Xue flashed sideways. At the same time, her long legs were bent and stretched, and kicked heavily on the man's chest.

Since eating red fruit, Tang Xue's physical fitness has improved significantly, and the increase in strength is even more obvious. This hit kicked out and directly let the strong man fly out and fall to the ground two or three meters.

As soon as the man who fell to the ground struggled to get up, he was tortured by two policemen. He just fell lightly, and the man lay on the ground and kept humming.

"Is it all right?" Jiang Yu asked worriedly.

"It's okay, don't worry." Tang Xue shook her head.

He Bin stared at this scene. I was obedient. I thought Tang Xue was a pure and gentle obedient girl, but I didn't expect that it was actually a cold and domineering overlord flower. It was just that foot, and the abundance was 1.8 meters.

Jiang Yu was not surprised at all. In high school, he saw her proud demeanor of the sports meeting and her feat of single-handing against the school bully. Unexpectedly, after so many years, the girl's demeanor was still the same, even more shining and dazzling than that of the girlhood, which made him reluctant to look away.

At that moment, his heartbeat missed a beat.

He Bin's worshipped eyes were a little embarrassed. Tang Xue raised her finger and shaved her nose and asked, "I should be a legitimate defense when I kicked him."

The man has been humming. Tang Xue was afraid that her foot would kick people out.

"Of course!" He Bin blurted out.

The two policemen laughed and said to Tang Xue, "It's okay. Don't worry. The little girl is good at it."


The man who was tortured to the ground suddenly angrily cursed: "Sinky Biaozi, thanks to me to believe you, you TMD...ah... woo-woo-woo..."

Before the scolding was finished, the curse stopped abruptly, leaving only the sound of "woo-woo".

He Bin looked at Jiang Yu in a daze again. Just now, he only saw Jiang Yu stride forward, squat down, and stretched out his hand on the man's chin, so that the man's chin couldn't close and he couldn't speak.

Jiang Yu stood up calmly and said casually, "The prisoner was so excited that he accidentally lost his chin."

After saying that, Jiang Yu looked straight at the two policemen. The two policemen looked at each other, and the criminal police comrade meditated, "Well, that's right."

Jiang Yu looked at Tang Xue again. Tang Xue quickly staggered his eyes and said, "I didn't see anything."

Finally, Jiang Yu's eyes swept at He Bin. He Bin suddenly hit a cleverness. He looked left and right, but he didn't dare to look at Jiang Yu. He still said, "This house is too dirty. It's full of flies. It smells too stinky. How can it live in people? Hey, what just happened?"

Very good. Jiang Yu withdrew his eyes with satisfaction.

He Bin's heart was complicated and agreed that he would be ordinary together. Unexpectedly, the friends around him suddenly became bosses. He Bin said that he wanted to be quiet.

"Nowadays, young people are amazing. They are all very good at it." Wu Jiuhua praised.

He Bin shook his head crazily. No, no, I'm not. I didn't. I'm an ordinary person.

"You all stand still and don't destroy the scene. I'll take a look first."

Comrade the criminal police stood up, took out a pair of gloves from his pocket, looked left and right, and walked to the inner room.

The man who watched him walk to the room and lay on the ground immediately struggled.

"Be honest, don't move."

Wu Jiuhua suppressed the man hard, and He Bin quickly came forward to help.

After a while, the criminal police comrade came out of the room with a cold look as frost.

"How's it going?" Wu Jiuhua asked.

The criminal police comrade shook his head and didn't say anything, but took out his mobile phone and began to make a phone call.

"My colleagues and the forensic doctor will arrive later. You can go back first. This crime scene is not suitable for you to stay here." The criminal police comrade said seriously to Tang Xue and the other three.

"Is this hostess dead?" Tang Xue asked solemnly. Although she had a bad feeling, she always expected that her foreboding would be wrong and that people would live well.

Seeing that the three of them didn't understand and didn't want to leave, the criminal police comrades could only reluctantly say, "I'm dead. In this case, you must keep it a secret when you go back. Don't spread it up until the official announcement comes out."

The three nodded.

"How did you die?" He Bin asked curiously.

Comrade the criminal police took a deep look at He Bin. His eyes made him scared. He only heard the criminal police comrade slowly say, "You'd better not know. I can only tell you that it's cruel. This person is a demon, and beasts are not as good as beasts."

Thinking of the scene I just saw in the room and the little girl in the hospital, the criminal policeman really couldn't wait to shoot the man now. He was simply not a human.

Thinking of something, he looked in the room and finally fell on the refrigerator in the kitchen.

The large open kitchen, the refrigerator is facing the living room, and you can see it at a glance.

He walked into the kitchen, and there were two dirty dishes on the cooking table, which seemed to have not been washed after dinner. One plate seems to contain meat, and the other is a noodle residue. Looking at the two plates, his throat was itchy and his stomach was tossed, as if something was about to come out of his throat.

Then he firmly walked to the refrigerator, stood in front of the refrigerator, raised his hand on the refrigerator, and opened the refrigerator.

The man who was crushed to the ground by Wu Jiuhua and He Bin struggled fiercely again, as if he had used all the strength of breastfeeding. But after the criminal police opened the double-door refrigerator, the man suddenly disappeared like a broken balloon.

Looking at the contents in the refrigerator, Tang Xue's face disappeared in an instant, and her pupils widened in shock. Just then, her eyes were blindfolded by Jiang Yu, who was standing beside her. The warm palm gently put it on her eyes, cut off her eyes and thoughts, and changed the direction of her face with her wrist.

"Don't look at it." The deep and gentle voice has a soothing taste.

He Bin only took a look and fell to the ground in horror. He couldn't take care of pressing the suspect anymore.

"Fuck, this is the head."

The double-door refrigerator opened, revealing a woman's head. In addition, there is a lot of frozen meat.

"In addition to blood, there is a white bone in the room." The criminal policeman said in a hoarse voice.

Everyone understood what he meant in an instant.

"T呕, vomit..."


The criminal case in Building 28 caused a great sensation in He'an Community. The suspect was taken away by the police on the same day, and Room 701 was also blocked by the police.

Except for Tang Xue and the other three, no one knows the specific situation. Everyone only knows that there was a murder in Room 701. The murderer is the man living in 701, and he also abused and threw away the girl. As for the relationship between the murderer and the hostess, and why the child was thrown away.

There was also news from the follow-up hospital that the girl had a strong will to survive, the operation was very successful, and successfully passed the dangerous period. Now she has been transferred to the ICU. After a few days, she can be transferred to the general ward in a stable condition. According to doctors, girls are very reiliient and should recover faster than those who are also injured.

Hearing the news, Tang Xue's heart softened and finally did not waste her time.

As for what punishment that man will receive in the future, I believe that the law will make a fair judgment. By the way, after the thick fog at the end of the world, Chief No. 1 signed a special decree to severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts. Criminals with solid evidence and particularly bad circumstances can be sentenced quickly and a heavier sentence.

Wu Jiuhua said that they might soon know the result of the man's judgment.

After the incident, Tang Xue resumed her life between home and the canteen. The planting plan of the plantation house is also proceeding according to the plan. Many vegetables, fruits and miscellaneous grains have been planted. Just wait for time to cast magic, grow slowly and bear fruit.

This day was the day when the material truck sent supplies to the community as usual, but unexpectedly there was a problem.

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