Lone Wolf of Cobra Kai

By chiza6996

87.2K 1.4K 252

Jackson Lawrence-kent moves into the valley right when his Dad opens up Cobra Kai, watch as he goes through... More

Bio/Info on Jackson for season 1-5
Ace Degenerate
Strike First
Cobra Kai Never Dies & First Time Together (18+)
Quiver & Helping a friend out
All Valley
Different But Same
All Valley (Mercy)
Mercy, Pt II
Back in Black
Fire and Ice
The Moment of Truth
All In
Take A Right
Glory of Love
No Mercy
Nature Vs Nurture
Now You're Gonna Pay
The Right Path
King Cobra
Getting Rid Of The Rust
The Good, The Bad, and The Badass (+18)
Feel The Night
December 19
Let's Begin
Focus & First Learn Stand
Then learn Fly
Open Season begins, Bicephaly
Match Point, The Hunt Continues
Silver Bullet
Party Time
The Fall
The Rise
Long, Long Way From Home
Downward Spiral
Extreme Measures
Bad Eggs
Head Of The Snake
Black Wolf cast
Return To The Pack
Fight Till You Can't Anymore...


1.6K 21 12
By chiza6996

||| Jack's POV |||

I chuckled as dad paced in the living room nervous

Jack: You tell Miguel, you're banging his mom?

Johnny: No. And we haven't had sex yet.

I stood up from the couch and walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder and walked to my room to get ready for my run

Jack: You'll figure it out!

I laughed a little imagining Miguel's shock to finding out his mom is going out with my dad but enough about that. I grabbed my water bottle after I was done tying my shoelaces and stepped out of my room and walked out the door and started running towards the beach

I came to a stop and took my phone out of my pocket when it chimed and saw a text from Eli saying there was a party later tonight at Moon's place and I smiled before I started a light jog across the beach controlling my breathing

Before I started increasing speed and chuckled a little loving the feeling of the wind hitting my face


I laughed walking into the house holding Tory's hand when we stopped and I sighed annoyed seeing the Miyagi-dos here and everyone was glaring at each other, and I looked down whispered

Jack: Fuck sakes

Tory and Amy glared at each other, and I pulled her with me

Jack: Let's go

We walked back outside, and I walked over to the table where the drinks were and grabbed a beer bottle

||| 3rd POV |||

Jack stood by watching Tory win again and he cheered

Jack: Winner and still champion! Tory!

The crowd cheered and Robby, Amy and Sam walked out, and Tory walked over to them while Jack continued drinking from his beer bottle

Tory: Well, look who it is. Maybe you'd like to play a little game

Robby walked over to Jack, and they did their handshake before watching the scene unfold and Jack turned to his brother

Jack: Heard your mom's going to rehab. You okay?

Robby: *Sighs* Yeah, atleast she's trying

Jack nodded and patted Robby on the shoulder

Jack: Everything's gonna be great. You've got a girlfriend now even though I don't trust her and your mom's finally sobering up

Robby chuckled and Jack handed him a beer which he gratefully accepted, and they clinked their bottles

Tory: New game

Both brothers looked over at the girls and saw Amy and Tory walking over to the stools and Jack helped Tory up while Sam helped Amy up and both girls were handed a cup

Jack: Legs up!

Partygoers: Three! Two! One! Drink!

Both girls started downing their cups as everyone cheered them on and Tory finished first dropping hers to the ground and smirked at the struggling Amy

Tory: Too much for you to handle?

Amy down hers and glared at Tory, while Jack shook his head and tapped Tory on the leg

Jack: I'll be back

She nodded and he walked into the house and saw Hawk watch as Moon and a random girl kissed and He shook his head feeling bad for his friend before he walked towards the stairs needing to pee really bad


He walked back outside just as Tory and Amy finished their cups again and walked over to Robby and sighed

Jack: This is still going on?

Robby: *Sighs* Yeah

He walked over to the keg and grabbed a red cup

Tory: How you doing over there, LaRusso?

Amy: I could do this all day

Tory: Yeah? Hey, Big Red, two shots of vodka

Jack walked over to Tory beer in hand and the shot glass as well and handed it to her worried about this

Jack: Are you sure about this?

Tory: You don't think I can beat her?

Jack shook his head knowing to tread carefully and everyone started cheering as Tory downed it in one go and Amy struggled for a moment before she breathed in and down the shot causing everyone to cheer

Jack watched as the two girls glared at each other before Chubs distracted Tory

Chubs: You got this Tory!

She looked at him right before she fell from the stool and onto the ground

Amy: Guess somebody couldn't hold their liquor. huh?

Jack helped Tory up

Jack: You Ok?

Tory: I'm gonna go clean up. Just leave me alone

She walked back into the house and Jack sighed and shook his head before he grabbed two bottles of beer and walked off


Amy stood at in the kitchen pouring some vodka into her cup and Robby walked over to her and grabbed the cup from her

Robby: Hey, what are you doing?

Amy: Don't worry. I'm-I'm totally fine.

Robby: No you're not. You're not fine. No more drinking.

Amy: What, I'm not allowed to party? And shouldn't you be bothering my sister? She is your girlfriend, right?

Robby sighed and looked around

Robby: Where's Sam?

Amy: I don't know

Robby: Just wait here

He walked away and she poured another drink and Aisha walked over

Aisha: Maybe you should slow down

Amy: You're just pissed off because I kicked your friend's ass. You can consider that payback for what you guys did to our dojo.

Aisha: I had nothing to do with that. And neither did Tory or Jack.

Amy looked at her before going back to her drink

Aisha: Why do you think Jack and Miguel returned Mr. Miyagi's medal?

Amy: They didn't return it. Demetri found it in the back of the dojo

Aisha: No, they took it to your house. They said they gave it to Robby.

She dropped her cup onto the counter and Aisha looked at her worried

Aisha: Amy?

Amy: I... I just. I just need some air

She turned and walked out to the pool.

While up on the roof Jack laid looking at the stars and pulled out the dog tags he got from when he's uncle died and rubbed before he sighed and put them back in his pocket and down the beer bottle in his hand and stood up groggily and started climbing back down


Jack walked out the house and towards the pool and saw Amy sitting on one of the chairs and sighed before muttering under his breath

Jack: Fuck sakes

He turned and tried to walk away but she saw him

Amy: Jackie wait. *Sighs*

He turned around and looked at her to continue

Amy: I'm sorry

Jackie: For what exactly?

Amy: Aisha told me everything. that you weren't apart of what happened to our dojo. And I didn't know you and Miguel returned the medal. It was really important to my family... and to me. So, I'm sorry and thank you

Jack: Well, it shouldn't have gotten stolen in the first place. So, I'm glad you got it back

Amy: Me too

She tripped and Jack caught her, and she looked at him before she started leaning forward and Jack chuckled a little before flipping her into the pool

Jack: That Should Wake You The Fuck Up! I'm not a cheater, Ames.

He turned and walked away just as Amy pulled herself out of the pool and sat by the pool while inside Tory saw everything happen and was happy to know Jack wouldn't cheat on her but was pissed off at Amy for trying that


Jack walked into the party pretty pissed off so when he heard everybody laughing and looked at Hawk who was glaring at Demetri who stood on the stage, he walked onto the stage and grabbed the mic from Demetri right before...

Hawk: Screw Mercy. You're a corspe!

Jack grabbed Demetri by the hem of his shirt and pulled him close and headbutted him square on his nose crushing it on impact while the others stood at a stand off

Jack: You wanna humiliate your best friend? Well, you should know he kept me from beating the living crap out of you but now that you did this. I don't think he wouldn't mind if I got a couple hits in before he beat the shit out of you.

Jack reeled his hand back and punched him just as sirens started blaring and he let go of Demetri looked around

Partygoer: Cops!

He rushed through the scrambling crowd looking for Tory and caught Hawk

Jack: You seen Tory?

Hawk shook his head before running away and Jack rushed out the back and towards where he parked his bike and found Tory sitting on the pavement next to it and he walked up to her

Jack: Hey

She got up and kissed him deeply

Jack: What was that for?

Tory: No reason

He smiled goofily and they got on his bike, and he kicked the stand her wrapping her arms around him and he sped off down the street and towards her apartment


They got to her apartment and hopped off and walked towards the door and stopped turning to each other

Tory: This is me

Jack: *Chuckles* Yeah

He cupped her cheeks and kissed her before leaning his forehead against hers both of them smiling

Jack: I'll see you at school?

She giggled and nodded

Tory: See you at school

He walked back to his bike and got on putting on his helmet before speeding away smiling all the way back to his place

He got to his apartment and kicked the standout switching off the bike and hopped off walking into the apartment smiling before his smile dropped when he saw Amy, Robby and Sam standing in the living room

Jack: What the fuck are you doing here?!

Johnny walked out of his room carrying blankets and pillows and sighed when he saw his other son glaring at Sam and Amy

Jack: I said what the fuck are you doing here?!

Robby got up and looked at Jack scared a little since this is the first time in a while, he's seen Jack angry like this

Robby: Jacks, look we didn't have anywhere else to go. If we went back LaRusso would've killed me for bringing his daughters back home wasted

Robby tried reasoning with Jack who sighed calming down a little and turned around walking towards the door and Johnny looked at him

Johnny: Where are you going?

Jack: If I stay here I might do something that might bite me in the ass later on so I'll be back in the morning

Amy: Jacki---

Jack: You better shut the hell up, before you make me do something that I might or might not regret doing. Because after what you tried to do at the party, you don't have the right to talk to me.

He walked out the apartment and got on his bike speeding away


Jack pulled up in front of Tory's apartment and hopped his bike and walked up to the door and sighed before knocking, Tory answered and looked confused when she saw Jack

Tory: Jack?

Jack: Is it okay if I crashed here for the night?

She nodded and walked back inside, and Jack walked in and closed the door behind, and she grabbed him by the hand and dragged him to her room before kissing him and they fell onto the bed and cuddled falling asleep in each other's arms smile on their faces

||| To Be Continued |||

So, the next chapter is going to be the school fight and I just wanted something

Should I follow cannon?

And if I follow cannon who should fall?

Jack or Miguel


 I don't follow cannon and there's only minor injuries

Let me know until next time, See Ya!

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