Rainbow Six:Come and Get Me (...

By someR6weeb

4.7K 78 9

Y/N, a former DEVGRU operator served thirteen years in the Navy. After being medically, he decided to take hi... More

Ela Reimagined
Ela Bio
Part One:Just the Start
Part Two:On The Run

Part Three:Kicked Up A Notch

278 10 2
By someR6weeb

October 10, 2021
Seattle, USA
11:46 PM
(Third Person)
Screaming and kicking echoed throughout the Best residence."You know I find it ever so helpful that you guys had the entirety of this apartment sound proofed. I also find it kinda ironic that you're screaming acting like someone's gonna hear you. It's just me and you, and your daughter hiding in the bathroom." Y/N spoke to the husband who was tied up to a chair."Leave my daughter out of this!"

Annoyed by his loud yelling the frogman punched the man in the stomach."Jesus you're annoying." Knowing that this loyal husband wouldn't rat out on his wife he decided to up the ante. After some rummaging around in the man's closet he found some ring of great use. Gardening sheers, and they were rather sharp."Have you clipped your fingernails recently?" The bruised and beaten man gave a confused look.

"How about I give them a trim?" He held the sheers up to his pointer finger. In one swift he cut off the tied up man's pointer finger. He screamed and writhed in agony as blood spewed from where his finger once was."Now are you gonna listen? Do yourself a favor and tell me where your wife is and you can save yourself and your other nine fingers you've got left." The man then got his screaming under control.

Y/N realized this wasn't gonna work either. He'd have to go all the way with this. Sighing he went to the bathroom and pulled the shower curtains to the side to reveal a ten year old girl hiding in the tub. She shook with fear as the tall man picked her up out of the tub by her arm. Knowing she shouldn't have to see her father in the gruesome state he was in he tied a shirt around her head, blinding her.

He then walked her out to where her father was tied up and had her stand in front of him."What are y-you doing with her?" The father questioned as the frogman unholstered his SIG before proceeding to aim it at the back of the child's head."STOP! PLEASE DON'T! SHE IS JUST A KID! LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!" He screamed as he kicked and tried to get out of his seat."Mr. Best you're not listening to me are you?"

"I said I want a location of where your wife is. Are you really willing to risky you daughter's life, a child that has barely been given the chance to live?" The man now wept."Oh Mr. Best don't cry. We've only just gotten started." He said as he now dropped the girl to her knees gently with the gun still at her head."A hotel." He said through his sobs."Oh so you've finally decided to speak up? Well that's just fantastic."

Y/N leaned in close to the man and whispered,"What fucking hotel?" After getting the name of the hotel the man was pleased."Well it's time for me to leave. I'll call you an ambulance in ten minutes so hopefully you don't die before then." Now that he had the information he needed, he needed to act fast. Quickly the armed man headed back to his safe house and got into his combat uniform and gear.

"After what I did to that guy they're gonna know what I'm up to and probably move her but more than likely no later than tomorrow. So I should probably head over later tonight and scout the area." And that's exactly what he did. He hopped into the car he had evaded police with earlier in the week and headed over to the hotel. Sitting in the passenger seat in a box was a homemade IED.

Knowing the chief would be heavily guarded he checked for vehicles her security detail would be riding in. After some looking around he found a car not too far off from hotel entrance. It had a government license plate and seemed to be armored. Quickly after making sure the coast was clear he hopped out of his car, IED in hand, and placed it directly under the vehicle."Now we wait." He then hopped in his car and parked.

He parked across the street and waited. With his rifle in hand and remote detonator in the other he watched the front entrance with his eyes glued to that front entrance. An hour or so would pass before the power to the front entrance cut killing the lights as well as his view. Lucky him he had his NVGs. After flipping them on some movement caught his eye. It was a group of five and they were entering the armored vehicle.

"Shit." As the car was about to pull up he flipped the switch to the detonator. With a loud boom and a flash of light the car was lifted into the air a good foot before landing upside down. Quickly he disembarked from his vehicle with his rifle at a low ready position. As he approached, one of the passenger doors opened and out crawled a man kitted out in multicam gear. With the dust in the air he couldn't see Y/N approaching.

He got up and leaned against the overturned car for support. Though the dust and smoke he saw Y/N approaching and attempted to raise his rifle only to receive four rounds to his front chest plate. With a few ribs broken and the air knocked out of him he slumped over. Peeking into the open passenger door Y/N saw three unconscious operators along with his target. He slung his rifle to his side and kneeled down.

Seeing that her seatbelt was keeping her in he pulled out his Leatherman multi tool and cut her seatbelt. With that out of the way the frogman dragged the woman from the car before laying her face first on the ground. Swiftly he zip tied her hands behind her back, gagged her mouth then dragged her back to his car where he threw her in the trunk. Not wasting another second he hopped in the driver seat and sped off.

With a feeling of accomplishment he headed to his safe house. Once there he parked in the garage and quickly closed the garage door. Looking at the trunk of the car he chuckled. Once he popped it open he was met with the sight of the police chief trembling in fear. Without hesitation he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of the trunk and towards a chair in the middle of his garage.

There she'd be tied up and bound to the chair. She kicked and screamed to her best efforts but nothing seemed to get her out of the chair."Seeing you like this is quite entertaining. You remember me don't you?" Y/N said as he knelt down in front of the woman so she could get a good look at him. She tried speaking but was gagged with a rag."Stop trying to talk when there's shit in your mouth." He removed the gag.

"Please let me go!" He laughed a little."Now why would I wanna do that? You had my family killed when you tried to kill me. Now what I wanna know is why? Why did you try to kill me?" She sat there in silence."Why don't you be more like your husband who sang like a fucking bird? Or do we have to kick things up a notch?" She began to hyperventilate before saying,"Y-You w-won't kill me. You n-need me."

"But I'm not telling you shit." Y/N only shrugged as he slowly walked away before coming back with a baseball bat."Oh I'm gonna kill you. But it's your decision whether I do it slow or fast." She stared at the metal bat he held."If you don't tell me anything, I can always go pay your husband another visit and leave your daughter an orphan. But like I said, it's all up to you."

He then set up a camera in front of her and pressed play."So? Are you gonna talk?" She only looked down at the ground silently."Looks like I'm gonna have to toy with you a little." He then slammed the bat into her kneecap with all his strength and not only dislocated it but broke it. She screamed out in pain as he then swung again and again effectively crippling her leg."Think. This could either last hours. Or, only a few seconds."

She stayed silent as she heaved before saying,"I was h-hired to make i-it look like a g-gang shootout. They w-wanted you dead." Hearing this peaked Y/N's interest."Who?" He questioned but she stayed silent."Who goddamn it!?" He barked making her flinch."I c-can't say! They'll hurt m-my family!" "I promise you that if you don't say I'll do a hell of a lot worse than what they plan on doing to your family. Now speak."

A few seconds of silence passed before the chief spoke."T-They call themselves t-the white masks." That name instantly resonated with him."Why? Why did they hire you?" He questioned seeming to grow more agitated."They s-said t-they had run into you i-in Africa. T-They said y-you and your team w-were disrupting their arms buildup. They wanted you dead."

"T-They s-said if I didn't k-kill you t-they'd kill my family." Y/N then unholstered his P320 before pointing it at her head."You should've told someone. Instead you chose to cower in fear and comply. You're pathetic." Without another second to waste he pulled the trigger sending a 9mm hollow point through her temple. With that he stopped recording and picked up his phone and dialed the police.

He told the dispatcher who he was, where he was, and what he had done."I'll be out in the driveway unarmed with my hands up." He said before hanging up. Y/N then went out and did what he said he'd do. He removed his equipment and went out with his hands raised. It only took a few minutes before a swarm of officers arrived with their weapons drawn on him and barking orders.
(Third Person)
It was a cold early foggy morning when Ela woke up feeling sore in a hospital bed."What the hell happened?" She thought to herself before all the memories began to flood back. The sudden explosion from beneath their car. Them being launched in the air and flipped upside down. After that she couldn't remember anything else. Where was the VIP? Where was the chief? Was she okay? Was she safe?

Just then a nurse entered her room."Oh, Ms. Bosak you're awake. How are you feeling?" She then began to unhook herself from the machines."Where are my teammates?" The nurse was stunned by this but answered."In their own rooms and are well." Ela then looked to her right and saw a TV remote and turned on the TV before switching to the news channel. Almost immediately she realized what had happened.

"As of recent news, the police chief was killed after being beaten and tortured by the fugitive Navy SEAL, Y/N L/N. The fugitive also recorded the killing but also captured a grueling confession. The police chief had been working with a known terrorist organization and had conspired to kill Mr. L/N in a drive by shooting. Mr. L/N escaped the situation unscathed but his family did not."

"Mr. L/N lost not only his wife but also his young daughter." The news reporter would go on to say that his trial would be soon but as of now he was being held in a prison. Ela was now feeling conflicted."So we were protecting someone dealing with terrorists?" She thought to herself. She sighed and payed back in her hospital bed."Six is gonna be so pissed."

Her thoughts then traveled back to her teammates. With a groan she sat herself up in her bed before getting up and heading to the room next to her which held Craig. He seemed to be pretty beaten up considering he was shot four times in his front plate. In the next room laid Erick who was awake."Hey how are you feeling?" Ela asked as she made her way to his bedside."Just some bumps and bruises. And you?"

"Same here. Craig got it the worst so far. I'm guessing he got out of the vehicle after the blast and took a few rounds. I read his report on the door and it says he has a few broken ribs." Erick rubbed his eyes and sighed."Did you see the news?" The female operator nodded."Total fucking bullshit. To think we were protecting a woman like that." Erick said as he looked a bit angry.

"We had no idea so don't beat yourself up on it. I'm just curious as to how this guy's court trial is gonna go. According to the news after smoking the chief he called the cops on himself and turned himself in." Erick raised his eyebrows in surprise."I mean I don't condone what he did but I understand why he did it." Ela nodded in agreement."Heard he tortured the chief's husband so he's gonna see a lengthy sentence."

"Jesus. Yeah I don't doubt it. I'm sure the guy will be fine though." Ela said as she stretched her back and felt relieved knowing that she'd be heading back to base soon.
Exactly a month would pass before Y/N would be held on trial. The trial was expected to be quick. Although some argued he did the city a favor by getting rid of a corrupt police chief, what he did was still illegal by law. Adding on to that he shot an officer which wounded him. So there he sat at the stand in front of the jury and next to the judge. His lawyer was a former friend of his who insisted he work for him free of charge.

"Mr. Charles please step forward and present your case." The judge ordered as Y/N's lawyer then stepped forward."Your honor and the jury, our client here, Mr. L/N has been through a lot. Not only did he deal with the murder of his wife but his young daughter. Y/N here, isn't an evil man. He's the type of man this city needs...the type man this country needs. Because citizens of the jury we all know this country needs help."

"Especially this city. It needs it now. Not today, not next week, we need it now. Crime and corruption is rampant and the cops can't handle it alone. We need men and women who are willing to take matters into their own hands in order to insure these streets are safe. This is the very type of man that the court here is trying very hard to lock away in prison. This city needs these people."

"Y/N L/N here wanted to help, and stomp out this corruption. But he did it wrong and took it too far. He killed and maimed people, it's against the law. But here's the thing, he's not a common criminal, he's not malicious in intent, Mr. L/N is actually a good man. He just doesn't know the difference between right and wrong anymore and he doesn't need punishment for that. He needs help. He needs our help."

"That's the kind of man Y/N L/N is. And now you have to decide what kind of jury you want to be. No further statements your honor." With that Charles sat down. Y/N sat in the stand with his hands cuffed looking bothered. He then tapped the mic lightly to make sure it was on before saying,"Your honor, can I say something?" The rather pudgy judge turned her head to look at him."Uh I...I suppose."

Y/N stayed silent for a moment before letting out a soft chuckle."Yeah those uh...people, the ones I put down, the ones that I killed...I want you to know I'd do it all again." There were gasps and whispering amongst the jury and court."This is a circus, it's a charade, it's an act. It's bullshit about how crazy I am, I ain't crazy. I know what I did. I know who I am. And I do not need your help."

The court room was now silent except for Y/N's booming voice echoing throughout it."I'm smack dab right in the middle of my goddamn mind and any scumbag, any lowlife, any maggot piece of shit that I put down I did it because I liked it!" He barked out causing the court to erupt in chatter and gasps."Order in the court! Bailiffs please remove the suspect!" Y/N kicked and shouted as he was dragged away.
Two months would pass. The former SEAL was getting used to his daily life in prison. He woke up, ate breakfast, showered, brushed his teeth, meditated, read a book, worked out, meditated some more, ate lunch, read a book, ate dinner then slept. It was a nice and neat routine that helped him stay focused and keep some sort of discipline left in his life. One day while working out he was pulled to the side by a guard.

"Brown, someone is here to see you." The guard stated. This had him wondering who could be here to see him. He brushed it off but followed thinking that it was more than likely another reporter trying to milk some sort of story out of him. He was led into a small room with a metal table in it with one chair on one side and one on the other. It almost resembled your textbook police interrogation room.

In the chair across from him sat a tall, lanky, and almost nerdy looking man wearing glasses."Mr. L/N it's nice to finally meet you." Y/N cocked his head to the side slightly confused as to who the man was."Am I suppose to know you or something?" He questioned with a monotone voice."You can call me Harry."

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