Just A Teaspoon Of Crazy

By Monatophobia

103K 4.3K 691

In a shocking event where young Sakura Haruno dies at an early age, A soul whom has wondered the vast alterna... More

Chapter 2: Awaken
Chapter 3: Meeting pineapple head
Chapter 4: Eyes
Chapter 5: Reality of Thoughts
Chapter 6: Troublesome
Chapter 7: Receding hairline
Chapter 8: Team 7
Chapter 9: Pass or Fail: Survival test
Chapter 10: Heliotrope
Chapter 11: Mission to Waves
Chapter 12: Protecting Tazuna
Chapter 13: Tree's and Training
Chapter 14: Stand on guard
Chapter 15: Loot and Boot
Chapter 16: I fight for myself
Chapter 17: The Terrible Twins
Chapter 18: The Chunin Exam Aproaches
Chapter 19: Turbulent Test
Chapter 20: Of Pages and Proctors
Chapter 21: Into the forest!
Chapter 22: Snake in the grass
Chapter 23: Three little sheep
Chapter 24: Boldness and Boredom
Chapter 25: Chained
Chapter 26: After Math
Chapter 27: Training For The Exams!
Chapter 28: Gotta Get Stronger!
Chapter 29: Last Day
Chapter 30: The Final Exam!

Chapter 1: Rebirth

10.6K 261 35
By Monatophobia


Hello! This is the first story I have ever written and posted please tell me how I did and what to adjust!


Death was not something I looked forward too.

When you are alive you don't realize how precious life is until you lose it.

Death is what makes you realize what you could have lived and how you could have lived it.

Life is warm, Death is cold.

Life is love, Death is regret.

Life is feeling, Death is quiet.

All I can do is think, I cannot feel a body.

I can feel cold.

I can feel my thoughts, and that is that wrenching pain I feel.

I had a life ahead of me.

I had a loving family, friends that comforted me, a roof over my head, a scholarship to a university, a boyfriend, a job.

I had it all, and to think all it took was one bus to end me just when I was on my road to succession.

How long have I been here, in this nothingness?

It feels like years, I have been drifting for years in this dark abyss?

Even though all of this happened, it made me remember that one quote from middle school.

"Life sure has a cruel way of showing us how good it can be."

Leo Christopher you did it again.

I just wish I could live again, I want to feel the roller coaster of life again.

'Dear child of mine, Elder one has put you through so much. I have offer you my hand and guidance. Whatever you wish shall be, everything will be added unto you.

'I just want to live again, I want to feel, I want to be strong enough to live above monsters and thrive among the dead'

'Whatever shall be, shall be'






'Lemme use my imagination...'


It filled the emptiness of this deep dark void, shattering the darkness like a broken mirror.

I could sense power, yet I could not feel it envelope me.

I knew this place, as if it was a friend I have not seen in many many years.


This was the cradle of all life, this place.

There was no physical ground beneath me but I had a sense of an entire world above me, filled with sparkling lights. But this was the bottom of the pit. The dark trench that cut through the skin of the earth. It didn't matter, Nothing mattered at all with this sense of overwhelming feeling with me.

So I ran as fast as I could, I pumped my legs and glided towards that light. My lungs were filled with breath and my heart filled with joy. It was that feeling you got just before getting on that roller coaster, That feeling when you tell how you feel to the person you love, The feeling when you are doing what you love in front of an audience.


I never wanted to leave this feeling of love, this feeling of belonging, this feeling of Life. Once I breathed out, it was as if they dissipated in my breath. 

A sharp pain woke me from my blissful journey.

My eyes snapped open to the blurry figure of a young girl standing over me, Her exuberant purple locks tickling my face as she spat on my clothing. Who am I, Where am I?

I winced, whoever I was thrust into wasn't doing so well. Slick red liquid trickled down my face, I put my hand on the wound self consciously.

"Hope you learned your lesson forehead girl, If you fight back again you won't be so lucky" I could hear the smirk on her voice as she walked away, the sound of footsteps followed her. Was I ganged up on?

'Get cleaned up you're a mess, real Shinobi don't waste time' A monotone voice sounded in my head.

"Wha- What happened? Where am I? Who am I? How did this Happen?" The questions flew out my mouth like bullets from a gun, I could feel my hands shaking there are blood on my hands and face, smeared on my clothing like battle paint.

'I am Sakura Haruno, I am who this child would have developed into if you hadn't taken my place' The voice answered, I still had so many questions to ask.

'You are in Konohagakure, The village hidden in the leaves, Your name is now Sakura Haruno' The voice spoke before any words could fly from my mouth, I was still shocked as to the sudden change of location.

"Konohagakure?" I muttered, I shook my head and let out a weak chuckle, The only place like that was in a dumb anime everyone watched growing up.

"Konoha is a make belief village, it's not real." I stated confidently, my mind was still trying to catch up with what was happening.

'walk straight forward until you see a road' The voice instructed.

"Can I call you Inner, like how you did in the anime?" I asked, my voice suddenly sounding small.

'I do not care what you call me, I will disappear when you have grown to not need me'

I giggled to myself as I walked down straight till I hit the road Inner was telling me about.

'Take the next left and your at the park, alert an adult there I cannot talk for long, I fade with each time I am here' Inner suddenly shut down, like turning off a radio her musical voice was no longer played for me to hear.

Nonetheless I followed her instruction, Once I saw the playground I stumbled as fast as I could to the nearest adult, A tall woman with raven hair. My small hand tugged on the bottom of her dress to get her attention.

The woman turned around and looked around to see who it was, Once I waved at her she looked down at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see- Oh Kami are you bleeding?" She gasped, her onyx eyes focused on my cut below my hairline.

My eyes widened when I realized it was none other than Mikoto Uchiha whom I flagged down for help. Que the tears.

"I-I don't know where my Mommy is, She told m-me to stay h-here and then I f-followed some girls *hic* to play with them, B-but they called me n-names and hurt me up real bad!" I sniffled and wiped away some 'tears' with my hand.

Mikoto gasped and looked around, Lets find your mother real fast okay! Don't cry, we'll find her" Mikoto's soothing voice made me sleepy, I felt very peaceful in her arms and tried not to squirm too much.

"Itachi, watch Sasuke for me, I need to run an errand" She exclaimed to the two young raven-haired children. The older one stood up abruptly, his questioning look softened when he saw the blood on my face and clothing.

"Mother you can't just steal people's injured children" He deadpanned.

Mikoto ignored him as she turned her gaze to me.

"What's your name hun?" She asked me softly, I could tell she was trying to hurry.

"Sakura Haruno" I answered, my gaze turned to her face and didn't leave her face until we started walking again.

"Oh, Are you Mebuki's daughter!" She gasped, I nodded my head.

Mikoto looked worried and relieved at the same time.

"Thank goodness I know your mother." She smiled. 

It took around 15 minutes to get to the final destination, Mikoto stopped at a white house with a red roof. She let out a breath of air she was holding for the last minute, she stepped closer to the door and raised her hand to knock.

Immediately after I could hear a "Coming!" from inside. 

The door swung open, a blonde woman with forest green eyes stepped out, her eyes immediately widening in fear.

"Sakura! What happened, you're bleeding!" Mebuki exclaimed with a worried expression plastered to her face.

She picked me up out of Mikoto's arms and rushed me upstairs

"Feel free to come in Mikoto!" Mebuki yelled from upstairs. she was wiping my wound with an alcohol wipe, It stung like a bitch but I didn't let it show. Putting the gauze on the wound felt strange, In my last life I had never needed gauze, I was the nerdy kid who stayed inside all the time.

I yawned and blinked a couple of times, I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Kaa-san, I'm tired can I just sleep?" I asked her with yet another yawn.

Entering a body sure was tiring, I guess I never had that accounted for. Mebuki led me to my room and placed me on the bed, She tucked me in the soft fluffy blankets and kissed my forehead. I couldn't remember the last time my mother tucked me into my bed. 

I couldn't even remember my own name, anyone's name? They are slowly fading, only my memory of the known future of this world is present. Memory of a future that is not meant to be.

I could hear Mebuki shutting the door partially and walk back downstairs, her loud voice was like an anchor tied to me foot, It dragged my down through the depths of sleep until I hit rock bottom.


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