fics & requests // sam and co...

Por golbrocklovely

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these are short stories/one shots that I get asked to make on tumblr. YOU CAN REQUEST ONE TOO IF YOU WANT :) Más

if we ever meet again // c.b.
backstabber // c.b. (gang/mafia AU)
moment // c.b.
let's be honest // c.b.
when i look at the stars // c.b.
just so you know // c.b.
nothing at all // c.b.
not in my world // c.b. (vampire AU)
scars // c.b.
pop - up // c.b.
frat boy // c.b.
college!Colby headcannon
colby x tomboy!gf headcannon
home // c.b. (blurb)
cake tasting // c.b.
tattoo smile // c.b.
carnival ride // s.g.
never needed // c.b.
meeting colby's parents headcannon
eye for an eye // s.g.
meant to be forever // c.b.
your first kiss (ever) with colby headcannon
the ghost with the most // s.g.
not so alone // c.b.
smile for me // s.g.
all i could wish for // c.b.
mistletoe // c.b.
alone together // c.b. (blurb)
fallen angel // s.g. (blurb)
poltergeist // c.b. (blurb)
the monster // s.g. (blurb)
the phantom // c.b. (blurb)
dating colby headcannon
a witching hour // s.g. (vampire AU)
hunger // c.b. (vampire AU)
the monster // s.g. (pt 2) (blurb)
the phantom // c.b. (pt 2) (blurb)
candid // c.b.

we went mad // s.g. & c.b.

605 6 0
Por golbrocklovely

A/N: this fic is inspired by the scream franchise, which if you don't know has deaths, gore, and some stalking. so this fic reflects that to a degree. if that's not something you want to read, understandable. feel free to read any of my other fics :)

prompt: someone on campus is killing all of you ex-classmates. and you fear you're next. || college!sam and colby x reader

POV: First person, Y/N, she/her pronouns

trigger warning: murders, slightly gore and blood mentions, cursing, college setting, parties, drinking, douchy/emotionless bf, mentions of hs bullying, surprise/rollercoaster ending

word count: 6582


How could you have missed the signs? How could you not have known all this time?


Sam and Colby had talked about moving away from our hometown for years. They had major plans to move to L.A. and become big. But instead, they decided to go to our local state college with me, and half of our graduating class. And while I was confused by their choice, I was happy nonetheless. They were my best friends, and I was upset thinking that I wouldn't see them anymore after graduation. But I understood why they wanted to get away in the first place: everyone at our school bullied them. The number of times Sam and Colby had been shoved into lockers, or had food thrown at them in the cafeteria, or were just badmouthed... let's just say that high school was nothing short of hell for them.

Freshman year of college, while stressful, was fantastic. We all lived on campus, our dorms across the street from one another. Hell, I could even see their dorm from my window. We took a lot of the same core classes together, always making sure to work on projects and help each other out. We hadn't decided our majors yet and knew that this would be the only time we could be in the same classes together.

Things were good for a long time, all the way through the end of sophomore year. I was so excited to start the next half of college. It felt like the home stretch, even if we weren't close to graduating yet.

But our relationship changed, our friendship drifted apart. By the start of junior year, we were no longer friends. And the major reason for it? I started dating someone from our old high school. I had met him at the end of sophomore year and dated him secretly during the summer. His name was Davis, and back in high school, he was popular. He got into this university on a sports scholarship. And you might be wondering, was Davis someone that bullied Sam and Colby? No, he wasn't. But he was friends with those that did.

I didn't know that until I was already dating Davis. It was hard to keep up with who did and didn't bully Sam and Colby back in the day. I told Davis to apologize to Sam and Colby for what his friends did. At first he was a bit confused, but he did it regardless. Sure, it was at a party and he was kind of drunk. But it still counted... right? He later texted the guys about it and they said they accepted his apology.

However, they couldn't forgive me for dating someone like that. So, our friendship just... died.

But even though I wasn't their friend anymore, I still knew them pretty well. And the moment we were no longer friends, something felt... off about them. We still shared the occasional class, so I saw them every other day. They seemed darker, broodier. And only ever with one another. But that wasn't that unusual for them. They relied on one another a lot.

On a cool fall day, shocking news broke on campus: someone was killed right outside the dorms late last night. Classes were immediately cancelled. Everyone was on edge. The university did its best to calm the nerves of its students, siting that we were in a major city and cities tend to have random killings happen. Police stayed on campus for the next couple days, and partying was prohibited.

Of course, that didn't stop the frat houses from throwing "secret" keggers in their basements. I didn't really want to go, but Davis begged me to. That I should "live on the edge" since I was never really a go-getter. So I went, and I was surprised to see Colby at the party. I waved at him, but his eyes glared back, and then behind me. I turned to see Davis, my face immediately dropping. I didn't see Colby the rest of the night.

The next day, the police finally released the name of the person that was killed on campus. It was in fact a student, but that didn't mean there was an issue on campus itself. Since we lived in the city, bad things were bound to happen to us too.

The name sounded familiar, and it finally clicked: it was someone from our graduating class. James Cooper. I didn't know him all that well, but I was still sad to hear he was killed.

Davis sort of knew the guy too; he had been on the hockey team. They had gone to parties together before, but he wasn't close to him. It clicked for me even more when Davis mentioned the hockey team: that guy shoved Sam and Colby into lockers our freshman year to impress his friends. He was a major dick to them for a while, until finally getting onto the hockey team and just ignoring all classmates that were "underneath" him.

...Maybe karma actually did work.

Less than a week later, another person was killed. This time it was a girl. She was found just outside of the library in some bushes. I knew who she was, remembering her from high school. She was a cheerleader, both years ago and now. Lizzie Campbell.

This was all so weird to me. In the two years of being on campus, I had barely heard about any robberies or petty crimes happening, let alone two murders. And on top of that, two of my ex-classmates? Davis shrugged it off, saying it was just a coincidence. But I couldn't shake the feeling of something not being right about all of this.

And as time went on, my suspicions became more of a premonition.

Two more students, back-to-back, were found. But what made it worse was this time one was in the dorms. And it was in my dorm too, two floors down. Security had everyone on that floor evacuate and go to other dorms for the time being. I, and many other students, didn't feel safe in the building. I decided to stay over at Davis' frat house.

They ended up throwing a last-minute party that weekend. I begged Davis to tell his brothers not to throw one, especially because of how insensitive it was and that they could be fined for it. He told me it was out of his hands, that he didn't decide whether parties happened or not.

How could he be so blasé about these deaths, especially since he even knew these people?

This was a side to him I had never seen, and I didn't like it one fucking bit. I couldn't stay there that night, so I trudged back to my dorm room. On my way there, I ran into Sam.

It was awkward to say the least. We talked briefly, and I told him how I planned to stay in my dorm since I couldn't stay at Davis'. Sam offered his and Colby's dorm instead; that it was much safer than mine, especially since I would be alone.

Part of me didn't want to go to their dorm, mostly because of everything going on between us. But he was right about it being safer, and I did miss them a lot.

I followed Sam back to his dorm. He informed me that Colby was out working on a project and wouldn't be back until later. Their dorm was nice and spacious, the benefit of being an upperclassman. It was like a mini apartment in some ways. We relaxed in their living room area and chatted for a bit. Eventually, the topic of conversation fell onto the recent murders. Sam spoke of whispers around campus that the killer wore a mask shaped like a melted ghost's face, that that was how he got in and out of the dorms. My skin crawled at the thought of seeing that mask and prayed that that wasn't the case. The killer could be anyone on campus, just lurking in the shadows.

I had this urge inside of me to tell Sam my theory. I knew we weren't close anymore, but I felt like he was the only one that would believe me.

I explained to him what I thought was happening: how all of the people that had been killed on campus were from our old high school. The killer was attacking those from our high school only, possibly hunting them down for some unknown reason. Sam questioned if that was true for the newer victims.

We looked up the email from the university, speaking on the recent victims. "The selfish murders of Christopher Smith and Sara Goodwin..." Chris was from my homeroom. He was on the swim team. He won tons of medals and was celebrated. And Sara... she had dated the quarterback sophomore year and was generally a popular person.

Oh god, I think I'm right.

Sam was surprised at how on point I seemed to be. It was a nice change of pace compared to being shrugged off by Davis. But he didn't fully agree with my idea. He considered that maybe this was a huge coincidence, that maybe the killer wasn't targeting our class, just the people that still hung out with one another. Maybe all the victims – Chris, Sara, Lizzie, and James – were all friends and the person that murdered them knew them all and was picking them off.

I snorted, "And what? They saw something they shouldn't and now they're getting I Know What You Did Last Summer-ed?"

"That could be it." He replied.

I sassed. "You can't be serious, Sam."

But he was. He didn't argue that he was right, just that if someone was attacking our graduating class, or our old high school, they would have to kill half the population of the university. So, it was unlikely that that was happening. Maybe Sam was right about that. Sure – there was definitely a connection. But it sounded more plausible that Sam was right on his part in some way.

Sam decided to call it night not too long after, stating he had early classes the next morning. I dozed off an hour after he went to bed, sleeping on their somewhat comfortable couch.

I jolted awake suddenly, the front door unlocking slowly. It opened, and Colby tip-toed in. His eyes locked with mine, and they widened.

"Hey..." He mumbled awkwardly.

He wondered what I was doing in their dorm, and I told him what happened with me and Sam. I asked him where he was all night, glancing at the neon red lights of the clock shining back 3:20 AM. Colby spoke of a crazy party at one of the frat houses.

But didn't Sam say...? Whatever.

I nodded my head at him, yawning loudly. He smiled, said goodnight, and shuffled off to bed.

The news broke two hours later - another body was found. Michelle Robinson. And this time, it was right outside of Davis' frat. He even saw the killer, or who he thought it could have been. A guy dressed in all black with a cloak and a mask running away from the house. But no one saw the body until the morning.

The mask... just like Sam said.

Campus was immediately shut down, all classes resuming online. Absolutely NO parties. How could the university think people were going to be able to learn when there was a killer on the loose? It was insanity to me.

I was forced back into my dorm. Police raided every car and dorm on campus to find clues. They determined after a thorough search that the killer wasn't a student, just someone that new the dorms well. No evidence was found linking a current student to the killings.

The day the police announced this, I got a very strange text.

UNKNOWN: if they only knew....

I didn't know the number or what it possibly could have meant. I tried not to think about it, already too concerned with everything else going on. The next day, however, I got another text from the same number.

UNKNOWN: what's it like knowing that people are dying on campus but your bf is throwing another party??? it's almost like he's celebrating their deaths. you really know how to pick them

I responded with what the hell are you talking about? and who is this? but the number never replied back.

Were they telling the truth though? Was Davis really throwing another party? He couldn't be.

I went straight over to Davis' frat house, and when I saw the brothers pulling a keg into the back of the house, I knew the unknown number was telling the truth.

I argued with Davis that night. How could he be throwing a party again after what just happened? He even saw the killer and he's just... shrugging it off like it doesn't matter. People he knew from school are dying and he doesn't care. It was gross and concerning beyond belief.

He rolled his eyes, saying that he wasn't close to any of the people that died, just that he knew them in passing. And they weren't throwing a party, just a kick-back with the boys in the house.

"Oh okay, that makes it all better..." I spat sarcastically. "Even if that was just the case, how are you in a partying mood?"

He groaned, walking away from me. "Oh my God, Y/N, you're such a buzzkill."

That was enough to set me off. I broke up with him on spot, not listening to another word he had to say. I held back tears as I raced back to my dorm. That was the last night I saw Davis.

And it was also the last night of the murders. At least... for a while.

Three weeks went by. This had been the longest period without any murders. It seemed as if things might have been getting back to normal. Even the university was starting to act the same again. The university announced the soon-to-be-open dorm that was right down the street from mine. I was even excited to stay there next year; I was actually looking forward to it - to senior year. To the future.

After breaking up with Davis, I ended up becoming friends with Sam and Colby again. I told them what happened, and they graciously accepted me back with open arms. It was nice to be with them again, for life to feel somewhat normal once more. But I couldn't lie: I missed Davis. I knew I shouldn't have, his weird lack of empathy for what was happening was alarming, but maybe something was going on with him and that's why he didn't seem to care. Or maybe I was trying to give him brownie points when he didn't deserve them. But I couldn't help but miss him. Even if I knew what he did was fucked up to me, I still cared. I worried something could still happen to him.

The killings might have stopped, but that didn't mean I wasn't still paying attention and on edge all the time. I think everyone on campus could feel there was still a chokehold in the air from the murderer.

I texted Davis after a month of nothing from him. I asked to meet up with him, but he never responded. My messages were going through, so he didn't block me. Sam and Colby caught wind of my texting and were highly against it, especially when I said I planned to go to the frat and see him for myself. According to Colby, clearly Davis either needed space or just didn't want to see me, so I should just stay away for a while. I considered what he said but decided to go anyway. I asked around at his frat house if anyone knew where he was, since I knew he wasn't in class. His 'brother' Kevin replied that they hadn't seen Davis in a long time. Like, almost a month.

...The last time I saw him as well.

My stomach twisted up in knots at the first thought I had.

Was he the killer?

There's no way. I was with him when the first killings happened. Maybe he had an accomplice? No. No, Davis wouldn't kill anybody, let alone people he knew from back in the day... right?

I can't tell Sam and Colby, even though they know my theory about the killer hunting people from our graduating class. I don't want to give them another reason to hate Davis. Not to mention, I must be wrong. There's no way Davis killed all those people. It was just a coincidence that he left and the murders stopped.

Unless... the killer got him too.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Maybe Davis left because of the killings. Maybe it was too much for him to bear. Maybe a family emergency happened. Maybe he couldn't handle the classes. There could be a laundry list of reasons why he left.

My heart skipped a beat when my phone buzzed on my way back to my dorm. The number wasn't the one I was hoping to see, and all the text did was make my thoughts spiral deeper.

UNKNOWN: do you miss me?


Our campus was known for its Halloween parties, and while I definitely wasn't in a spooky mood, Sam and Colby begged me to come with them to a random frat's party. Sam wanted to introduce me to his girlfriend and Colby didn't want to be left alone when they would eventually disappear off. I agreed begrudgingly. I dressed up in my costume from last year, a witch, and Sam and Colby dressed up as Batman and Robin; and by dressed up I mean they just threw on a t-shirt with the symbol. Walking into the party, I felt my skin tingle with anxiety. The music was loud and there were so many people around in an array of different costumes. I glanced around, hoping to maybe see Davis, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Stop trying to look for him. He clearly left because he couldn't handle the pressure anymore, whether from the murders or the workload." Sam stated, pulling my attention away from the crowd.

"Maybe he couldn't live without you so he left." Colby joked.

"Either way, don't waste your night looking for someone that's gone." Sam stood up pointing at me, "I'll be right back, let me go find my girl."

"Let's see how long it takes him this time." Colby rolled his eyes.

I stayed with Colby for a while, watching a table of zombies play beer pong. After two games had finally played out, I started looking around for Sam.

"Don't bother. Sam has a tendency to disappear off with his girlfriend and only come back around super late. I don't know, but sometimes I swear she's not real."

I questioned, "You've met her before, right?"

He shrugged. "Sorta. It was quick, and honestly, I was super drunk so it could have just been some random girl."

"Sam wouldn't lie about having a girlfriend." I argued.

"Yeah because if he did, I'm gonna make fun of him so fucking much," Colby chuckled. "I'm gonna go step outside and call him, see if he's around here. If you want, go... mingle, until I get back."

"Tell him to hurry back, with or without his girlfriend please." I laughed, watching Colby smirk as he stepped outside.

I wandered around the party, running into some people from my English Lit class. We started taking shots and bitching about the professors giving us so much work during the murders.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but it felt like it had been at least an hour, if not longer. I pulled out my phone, ready to text Colby where he went off to, and suddenly an urgent email went through. Everyone's phones around me started blowing up as well, gasps and screams being let out as people read the message.

Three students were just found dead on campus. Police advised everyone to stay indoors and if they were out on the street not to walk home alone.

"Fuck this, I'm getting the hell out of here!" Someone yelled deep from within the party.

A major rush of people started going for the front door, making it impossible to leave. Mayhem was breaking out, people were crying, screaming, and begging to get out of the house as soon as possible. I rushed to the basement, knowing there was an exit there since all the frat houses were built with the same layout.

Fuck! Where was Sam and Colby?

A huge group of us ran back towards our dorms. I stayed with the group as long as I could until I was alone, running to my dorm.

"Y/N!" I heard Colby's voice shout from across the courtyard.

I spun towards him, running up to him hastily. I fell into his arms, pulling him close.

My voice quivered. "Thank Christ you're okay! Where's Sam?"

"He's with his girlfriend in her dorm. McFranklin Hall." Colby informed.

"Oh thank god. Okay, let's just get back to mine since it's closer." I urged.

We got into my building quickly, jumping into the elevator. I finally was able to catch my breath for a moment, my heart still pounding. "Where the hell were you all night?"

Colby furrowed his brows, confused. "I wasn't gone that long, Y/N."

"You said you were only going to go make a phone call." I responded.

"Yeah I did, and then I guess I lost track of time." He answered.

We walked out of the elevator and down to my dorm. "How the hell did you lose track of time?"

He huffed. "Can we just talk about this later?"

I shook my head, pulling my key out. "No let's talk about this right-"

"Y/N?" He interjected.

"What?" I breathed, still looking at him.

"Did you leave your dorm unlocked?" He pointed.

My gaze fell upon my dorm. The door was open, but only a little. Like someone rushed to get out of it.

"Maybe we should head back to my dorm..." Colby backed up.

I stepped inside, pushing the door open all the way. "No I need to know what happen-"

I flicked on the lights and choked out a gasp.

My room was torn up, everything knocked over and on the floor. Someone ransacked it, looking for God knows what.

I shuddered, "W-who... did this?"

Colby bit his lip nervously. "I don't know."

"How did they even get in here? I locked my door, I know I did." I dissented.

His face twisted in disgust, covering his nose. "What is that smell? I think it's coming from behind the door..."

Colby pushed the door shut, jumping back as it slammed.

"Oh my god is that... blood?" He whispered.

#9 was smeared onto the door, still fresh from whoever broke in.

My mouth watered as nauseous rushed through me. "Nine... that was Davis' jersey number."

"Or... like how many victims there's been." Colby deadpanned.

My breathing labored at his tone. "There hasn't been nine victims. The three tonight make it eight."

Colby's eyes were cold as he turned to me, "Well, then maybe you'r-"

A dark figure lurched out of my closet, grabbing Colby from behind. I screamed out, staring into the melted ghost face mask.

"Run Y/N! R-" Colby yelled, his breath hitching as the figure's knife stabbed into his chest.

Pure adrenaline kicked through my veins as I bolted out of the building. I ran to the stairs, rushing down them as fast as I could. I wasn't sure if the figure was behind me, but I knew I just needed to run. As I finally made it to the street, there were no cars around. It was late, already one AM. The police sirens and glow of their cars were so far away, possibly on the other side of campus.

I rushed down the street, praying to find a lone car or business open so I could call for help. But everything down the street was dark, deserted.

The only building that seemed to be open or have lights on was the new dorm. I raced around it, trying to find a single unlocked door. I found one towards the back of the building, an emergency exit that hadn't been installed yet.

I needed to find a space to hide, knowing that once I felt safe, I could call for help. I didn't want to run through the open lobby, so I kept going up the stairs to the second floor.

From down below me, the emergency exit busted open, the dark figure staring up at me as it raced up the stairs. My screams echoed off the walls of the staircase as I rushed through the second story door. I ran down the hallway, trying to find any room that was unlocked. The hallway was dark, only the occasional work light.

I could hear the slamming of the emergency door behind me. It was near; and getting closer. Fuck! I need to find somewhere to go. I just kept running, not knowing what else to do.

The building was almost in a circle shape, everything looping back around to one another. As I sprinted to the other emergency exit, the figure popped out, stopping me dead in my tracks.

How the fuck did he get over here?

I turned around, running back the way I came. As I got to an open living room area, the figure came down the hallway I was running towards. I spun around, gasping at the now two dark figures in front of me.

I backed up against the wall, the figures closing in. Tears clouded my vision as I stared at them, ready to die.

Suddenly they stopped, glancing at one another, and chuckling. Their laughs sounded familiar as they pulled off their masks.

"Sam...? Colby?" I sputtered.

Sam smiled. "In the flesh."

"Surprise." Colby smirked.

"W-Wha? What the- What the fuck?!" I screeched.

"What? Oh shit, did we scare you? Didn't mean to do that." Sam feigned concern.

Colby held back a laugh. "...Yeah, we're only sort of lying about that."

My body was frozen against the wall, "Is this some joke? A prank?"

"A prank? I think killing eight people is far past the point of a prank." Sam glared.

"Our sense of humor isn't that fucked up. What do you think we are, monsters?" Colby scowled, pointing his knife at me.

My stomach dropped as my heart raced faster. I could feel the color drain out of my face.

They killed everyone.

"No. No, y-you guys can't be serious." I cried.

"Oh, we're dead serious. Why don't you show her her prize, Colby?" Sam gestured.

"Sure. I'll be right back." Colby winked, backing away.

I moved forward as Colby turned the corner. Sam shoved me back against the wall, pulling out a gun from behind his back.

He pointed the gun at my chest. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I whimpered. "Sam, why are you doing this?"

"Don't worry, you'll learn soon enough." He grunted.

My eyes fell on Colby as he pulled Davis' tied up body from around the corner. He was alive, but barely; blood soaked his clothes, and he looked dirty.

"Oh my God Davis!" I wailed, trying to run towards him.

Sam wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly against him. "Tsk tsk, Y/N. I told you not to move."

"You've probably been wondering where he's been. He's been in here, just... chilling." Colby snickered.

I shook my head, tears streaming down my cheeks. "No, no, no. This can't be real. You guys-!"

Sam growled in my ear. "What?! We can't be killers? Oh trust me, Y/N... we are."

"And you know, all this happened... because of you." Colby spun the knife in a small circle, until he rested it underneath my chin.

"Because of me?" I uttered.

"Yes. You see, that night you made Davis 'apologize', he didn't actually do that. Maybe to you that's what he said. But to us, he said something totally different." Sam explained.

Colby mimicked Davis' voice, "'I remember you two dorks. Can't believe Y/N has put up with you two losers for so long. My friends did nothing wrong in high school. You guys deserved every single thing that happened to you. I ain't apologizing for shit.'"

"'Honestly the shit they did was fucking hilarious. And if you're not over it by now, that's your fucking problem.'" Sam chimed in, doing the same voice.

"Well... now it seems like your problem too, Davis!" Colby cackled, kicking Davis in the stomach.

"'You're not gonna tell Y/N about this. She's never gonna believe you anyway. I have her wrapped around my finger. She's in love with me, so you might as well accept this as my apology.'" Sam quoted directly into my ear.

"Do you know how upsetting it was knowing he was right? You would have never believed us. Especially when he sent that dumb poor excuse of a text the next day claiming he was sorry." Colby hissed.

"We would look like the bitter nerds that just couldn't get over their dumb bully." Sam replied.

"So you thought murdering our old classmates would make it better?!" I exclaimed.

"Every single one of them deserved it! They weren't just our old classmates; they were the ones that bullied us!" Colby lurched at me, getting into my face.

My eyes widen at Colby's words. He was right.

"The first one, James. That was my doing. Total accident, B-T-W. It was right after we stopped being friends, I was upset and we bumped into each other," Sam recounted nonchalantly. "He recognized me from high school, and he called me his favorite name – you know, the old one he used to call me all the time back then. I blacked out, and when I came to, I had strangled him to death."

"I killed Lizzie after seeing you at the party with Davis. You know, she was always so desperate, even back in high school. And she tried to get with me, and when I shot her down, she all of sudden remembered me. Started calling me a loser, and all this other stuff. It didn't bother me at first, but then she brought up Madison and how she told everyone in school how bad I was our first time. So... I killed her." Colby shrugged.

"We didn't even know we had done these crimes until we both confessed to one another. And then from there, we just couldn't stop." Sam revealed, tightening his hold on me. "We basically went back and forth, one for one. Except Colby went a little rogue and killed... what was her name? Michelle. That night you were at our dorms. That... that one almost got us caught. Especially since you basically had pieced together that the killer was going after old classmates."

"I'm sorry. What can I say, Michelle actually surprised me," Colby chuckled darkly. "I was working on a project with her, we went to a party and... well, it doesn't matter. Just know it was fun leaving her body outside of Davis' frat. Too bad he saw me leaving. But that was when we realized Davis might actually be useful after all."

"We got a burner phone, texted you once or twice, and things just fell into place. You broke up with him – because let's be honest, we didn't force him to throw parties after everyone's deaths. That was all him. And his lack of caring? Also all him. So again, you really do know how to pick them," Sam joked. "And once you guys were done-zo, we realized kidnapping him and making him disappear would make you question if he was the one who did it."

"Plus, we had mid-terms." Colby added.

"How did you keep him here for a month?" I questioned.

Sam scoffed. "A month? No, we only just kidnapped him. Who the hell told you he's been gone for a month?"

"A brother at the frat." I remarked.

"Yeah, no. He's wrong. Prior to that, Davis was actually ignoring you though. He was pretty upset about you breaking up with him." Sam related.

Colby stared down at Davis who shook with fear. "He didn't expect it since you were so wrapped around his finger."

"I just don't get it. Why would you do this?" I choked.

"We wanted to forget high school, we really did. The plans we had for life outside of this state were just too big. So, we made them smaller, thought going to the same school as our best friend would be fine and sure, we'd have run ins with old high school assholes, but who cares? That was years ago. We've all moved on, right?" Colby huffed.

"The thing is, when you deal with people who peaked in high school... life doesn't move on for them. Their glory days consisted of making our lives shit day in and day out. They get to go on and not have to relive the trauma. Hell, they didn't even have to pay for what they did. And what about that is right?" Sam spun me around to face him, his eyes glaring into mine, "Why do they get to live when a part of me and him died back then?"

His cold stare left me speechless. "I-I –"

"And then... you go and date one of them?" Sam shook his head in disappointment. "Now that... that's fucked up. Which is why you have to die too."

"Wha? No, no. Sam, Colby, please!" I begged.

Colby grabbed my arm, both of them gripping onto me. "There's no point in begging now. You chose your fate the moment you picked him over us!"

"Please don't do this. Just let me go and I won't tell anyone." I pleaded, lying.

Sam cocked the gun. "Yeah, right. You have a good moral compass on you, I remember our philosophy class together."

"Wait! Can I kill her?" Colby interrupted.

"What, no dude. I'm the one with the gun, let me do it." Sam protested.

Colby frowned. "But that's no fair, you killed more people than me."

"No I didn't. We killed the same amount. I made it even tonight." Sam bickered.

"Yeah, well, if you kill her than it's uneven." Colby complained.

"Then you can kill Davis and that way it's even." Sam compromised.

Colby breathed. "Oh oka-"

I punched Colby right in the face, knocking him back into the wall. I kicked Sam hard in the dick. He groaned loudly, dropping to his knees. The gun flung away from him, next to Davis' body. Colby's hands were suddenly around my neck from behind, choking me. I fought against his hold, elbowing him hard in the chest. Sam recovered from my kick, jumping up and pushing me back into Colby's hands. He held Colby's knife up against my chest, ready to stab me.

A loud gunshot echoed off the walls of the dorm. I felt a sharp, agonizing pain in my side. My vision blurred from the pain and lack of oxygen, and suddenly all was dark. Quiet.


Y/N's body dropped to the floor as Sam and Colby turned towards Davis, who somehow came loose from his binds.

The gun was in his hands, pointed at them.

"Holy fuck, you shot Y/N!" Colby boomed.

"No! No! Fuck! I meant to shoot you!" Davis stammered, pure shock coursing through him.

"Oh my god bro, you actually killed her?!" Sam laughed. "Wow... you made this so much easier for us."

"Don't you step any closer! I'll fucking kill you too!" Davis turned towards Sam, his finger on the trigger.

"Gonna be hard to do that. There's only one bullet in the chamber." Sam stated.

Davis stared at the gun, trying to open it to see if Sam was telling the truth. Sam rushed up to him, stabbing him in the chest hard.

Sam blinked. "Just kidding."

Davis' body collapsed on the floor, and Sam bent down and stabbed him three more times, each with more fury than the next.

"Aw man... I thought I was gonna kill Davis." Colby pouted.

"Shut up, Colby. Okay, we gotta make this look like we fought. Put your mask on him. I'll take my cloak off and leave it next to him. Then we gotta make ourselves look... beaten." Sam barked.

Colby nodded his head, taking his mask and placing it on Davis' dead body. Sam tore his cloak off, leaving it next to Davis. The extra mask and cloak they discarded, leaving it in the room where Davis had been held captive. They made sure to clean up somewhat, wiping their fingerprints off of all weapons.

"Alright so... I think we should at least give each other a black eye. Maybe a couple slices too." Sam dictated.

Colby agreed. "Okay, should I go-"

Sam punched Colby in the face, snorting after Colby winced and backed up.

"She already punched me bro! You didn't have to do that!" Colby whined.

"Sorry. Go ahead, take it out on me." Sam pulled his arms back, closing his eyes.

"Man, I don't know. I'd hate to h-" Colby decked Sam across the face, his rings cutting up Sam's bottom lip.

Sam winced. "Fuck! Okay! Shit. Alright, I'll slice at you once, and you do the same."

"Okay..." Colby mumbled.

Sam grabbed the knife, swiping at Colby's abdomen.

"Ow! Fuck, that hurt." Colby grimaced.

Sam rolled his eyes. "You're such a baby."

"Give me the knife. Tell me how it feels." Colby yanked the knife out of his hand, jolting it into Sam's side.

Sam grunted deeply, holding his wound. "Why don't you cut a little deeper next time, Colby?"

"Sorry, are you okay?" Colby asked.

Sam pulled out his phone, "Yeah I'm fine. Alright, that's enough. Time to call the police."

"Dude..." Colby exhaled happily. "I can't believe we're getting away with this."

"Justice is finally being served." Sam grinned.

Sam called 911, giving an Oscar-worthy performance on the phone. He even shed real tears. The police were over in a flash. Sam and Colby limping down to the lobby of the empty dorm to meet them, for dramatic effect. They made sure to make themselves look exhausted from the crazy night they just endured. They told the police what happened – they saw the figure murder Sam's girlfriend, one of the three that were killed tonight, and they followed him over to this building where they saw him dragging Y/N in. It was Davis, Y/N ex. He kidnapped her and killed her and tried to kill them as well. But they were able to fight him off and stab him.

They were escorted to the ambulance, a crowd of students lining up outside the building as they were being checked out.

Sam and Colby smiled at one another as they were loaded into the ambulance, needing to be fully checked out at the hospital.

A loud yell rang out as Y/N's body was brought down on a stretcher. EMT's surrounded her as they pulled her into a different ambulance.

"WAIT! She's got a pulse!"

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