U and I || Keyshipping - BoyX...

By thevoiceinmyheart

42.8K 1.1K 283

|completed ; unedited| 🛇contains: nsfw; yaoi🛇 10months now passed by since Astral returned to his own world... More

Chapter two: Astral's strange acting
Chapter three: Love is in the air
Chapter four: Tori finds it out! - Unwanted..!
Chapter five: Tori's jealousy
Chapter six: Astral's Fear
Chapter seven: Nightmares,
Chapter eight: Quarrel!
Chapter nine: Forgive me
Chapter ten: Tori apologizes
Chapter eleven: ZeXal
Chapter twelve: Embarassing things
Chapter 13: Weird events
Chapter 14: You are mine, Astral
Chapter 15: Help!
Chapter 16: Remedy for Astral
Chapter 17: Angry with Astral?
I'm sorry
Final Chapter

Chapter One: Astral returns!

4.9K 104 33
By thevoiceinmyheart

"Yuma! Yuma! Wake up! You'll get late to school again!"
It's a Friday morning and Yuma overslept again. His big sister Akari tried to wake him up with her shouts but it seemed to not really work. So she went in Yuma's room and pushed him out of his bed.

"Yuma!!! School!!!". Yuma woke up with a shocked look in his eyes.

"What're you doing sis!?! You pushed me out of my bed!!! That hurted!", Yuma said while he rubbed his head.

"I had no other choice. You have to go to school Yuma!". Yuma looked at his watch.

"Crap!!! Only 5 minuites left!!!!". He jumped up and quickly changed his clothes, took his duel lunch and ran out of the house.
He ranned all the way to school but had to wait at the traffic lights.

"no way!!! Come on...!! I need to hurry!!!" He thought to himself while he nervously waited for the traffic light to change the colour.
"Come on!!!! I'm running out of time!!!"
"What's wrong with that stupid traffic light!?!?"
After thinking this, the colour changed and Yuma ran over the street. He ran and ran and ran and obviously didn't make it to school in time. He came all exhausted in the classroom and sat down on his seat.

"20 minuites too late, Tsukumo", said Mr.Kay.

"It wasn't my fault!!! The traffic light didn't want to change its light!!!"

"So it took 20minuites for it to change light? I bet you overslept again...". Mr. Kay sighed and turned back to the blackboard, continuing his lessons.

After the first lessons, the duel lesson finally came.

"Yes! Now I can finally duel!" Yuma thought and looked around the place

"With who am I going to duel...." His eyes leaded him to a tree where a blue light appeared for a second. Yuma stared at the tree as he suddenly got interupted by Tori.

"Yuma? Are you alright?" she asked with a sweet voice.

"Yes, yes. I'm okay..." he still looked at the tree.

"Is something wrong with that tree, Yuma?", asked Tori and chuckled slightly.

"No, I just...ah, whatever. Let's go and duel, Tori!" He smiled and continued searching for a duelist, now with Tori. After some minuites of searching, Yuma shouted:

"Who wants to duel me???"

"Me, please" a familiar voice said. Yuma turned around and couldn't believe his eyes who was standing behind him a bit father away. His partner and best friend, Astral!

"You...you are..." Yuma stared an Astral and wasn't able to say a word.

"Seems like you are very surprised to see me after all that time, my friend" Astral said with a big smile on his face. Yuma ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"You stupid idiot! Of course I'm surprised to suddenly see you in my school after all that time!" Yuma said with tears in his eyes. He was very happy to see his partner again.

"I just thought that I may return to earth again. I finished everything with the Numeron Code and...well...I missed my best friend" Astral said with a smile. Yuma just smiled too and hugged him the whole time, he didn't wanted to let go. Tori came up to them too and smiled

"It's nice to see you after that time, Astral"

"Same with you, Tori. I hope that Yuma won a lot of duels in that time" Astral slightly giggled and smiled, Yuma looked at him with an embarrassed look

"Of course I won a lot of duels! I only lost some of them..."
"Well, that's nice to hear. Seems like my duel lessons improved" Astral smiled, so as Yuma did.

The two friends stayed like this for some minuites and than heard the bell.

"Brilliant...now I have to go to the next lesson..." Yuma sighed. "Than let's go, before you get late" Astral replied with a smile and flew in the school.

"Hey Astral! Wait for me!" Yuma said while running after Astral, both smiling the whole time.
Astral first arrived at the classroom and waited there for Yuma. As Yuma came too, they two entered the classroom and sat down. Ok, Yuma sat down and Astral flew next to him, like in the old times when they went to school.

After the lessons and the school finished, both went home, still smiling.

"Astral, I'm very glad that you are back"

"So am I....y'know, I watched you the whole time, Yuma"

"Watcha say!? Are you a Stalker!?" Yuma asked and laughed, Astral laughed with him.

"I really missed that. The times with you" said Yuma.

"Me too" replied Astral.

Minuites later, the two arrived at Yuma's house. Yuma went to the kitchen and sat down, waiting for his food. His grandma and Akari came a couple minuites later and already had the food ready. Yuma began to eat as they placed the food on the table and Astral stood next to him.

"You want some rice, Astral?" Yuma smiled and gave Astral a rice ball. Astral took it with a smile and ate it.

"Is that most important for you back?" Akari asked while eating

"Yes...yes he is..." Yuma replied with a smile and looked to Astral.
Astral smiled back and continued eating.

"Hey, Astral, do you wanna build my deck with me after dinner?" mumbled Yuma to Astral and he replied with a nod. And as they said, after they finished eating they went in Yuma's room and builded his deck.

"Tomorrow is weekend, so we two can do several things together! Uh...if you want that..." Yuma said. Astral winked and replied:

"Only if you duel me" both giggled.
"Ah...I really missed these times..." Yuma thought and looked at Astral.
"Let's get some sleep, Astral" he than said
"I bet you have to rest a bit" Astral smiled a bit
"I'm glad that you care of me, Yuma"
"I-It's not that I care of you....! I...I only don't want that you are tired or weak for our duel and than can't concentrate!"
"Ah...okay" Astral slightly giggled and than dissapeared with a "Good Night" inside the key. Yuma smiled and looked at the key that was hanging around his neck, like always.

"Good Night, Astral" he whispered before going to bed too.

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