"I'm Your Friend Tommy" [REWR...

By Devil_DreamerSunny

450 20 253

Guess who has come back with another book? Haha..save me from myself I already have enough book's as if- ____... More

~•Chapter 1•~

278 20 253
By Devil_DreamerSunny

3rd person's POV:

Tommy was walking around the Smp as he then stumbled upon Purpled, Tubbo, Ranboo and Quackity.

"Hey guys!" Tommy said as he got close to them.
The rest didn't seem to really care and or hear him except Ranboo but he had only smiled softly at him.

The rest continued talking as Tommy just stood there.
"Guy's?" Tommy said again.

"Oh hey Tommy!" Tubbo said in a cheerful tone.
"What do you need?" Tubbo asked.

"I was wondering if we could hang out" Tommy replied.
"Oh sorry Tommy but we already have plans." Purpled told Tommy.

"Oh well, can I come with you guys?" Tommy asked.
The rest kept talking not even paying attention to Tommy.

'why are they ignoring me?' Tommy thought to himself as the rest walked away.

They had already left and Tommy was just standing in one place with nothing to do so he decided to visit Techno.

//Time skip abt your car's extended warranty//

As Tommy was getting closer and closer to Techno's house he heard some shuffling noises in the bushes.

Tommy flinched at first but then continued walking as he thought it was a animal or something.

The shuffling noises didn't stop and curiousity  got the best of Tommy as he went to check where the noise came from.

When Tommy saw what it was that was making the noise low and behold it was Dream.

Tommy backed up as he pulled out a diamond sword and pointed it at Dream.

Dream flinched at first but then had a calm look on his face as he saw it was just Tommy.

"Y-YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN PRISON" Tommy yelled at which Dream did not respond, he only stared at Tommy.

"Now why the sword and disgusted look on your face?" Dream asked as he got up as he was sitting on the snow. He had shacked the snow off pretty quickly.

"Y-YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE LOCKED UP IN THE PRISON.." Tommy yelled as he slowly backed away.

"And im not.." Dream said in a extremely calm tone of voice.
He didn't seem to want to make any harm towards Tommy.

Tommy was a little surprised that Dream hadn't emitted any harm towards him so far..

Tommy took this chance and slashed Dream across the chest.
He was bleeding..and a lot..

"Oh.... I didn't see that coming.." Dream said rather oddly still calm.. he seemed to be numb to the feeling of pain..

"You're not gonna hurt m-me..?" Tommy asked after a while of silence surroundings the two as Dream did nothing.

"Why would I? I don't have a reason to do so anymore.." Dream explained as a soft warm smile was on his face.

"W-what do you mean you don't have a reason to..?" Tommy asked.
"Follow me.." Dream said as he turned around and walked before taking a look back to see if Tommy was following him which, surprisingly, he was..

Dream took Tommy to the top of a very high mountain which showed the part of the Smp that had it's own nation's and such. And the other half what seemed to be purely intact by the creations of people. (Unless you count villagers-)

It was all purely nature..after all village's didn't really count as they wouldn't expand themselves often and barely emitted any harm to their surroundings.

Tommy was amazed my the beauty of the land infront of him.

"I didn't want Lmanburg to be built because I wanted for this to be a peaceful place..for the plains to keep looking as beautiful" Dream explained before stopping himself and pulling up his mask revealing his face. In which had load's of scar's, lots of freckles on his face and what used to be vibrant green eyes now dark and lifeless....

Tommy was surprised as he had never seen his face before..

"But in most of your eyes it was wrong for me to do so..hence you locked me up and now that I escaped I came back up here only to find out that more nation's were built...." Dream continued explaining.

"You knew that the server would fall apart with the nation's didn't you?" Tommy said realizing what Dream was trying to say as the cold wind hit them as it was becoming nighttime and a beautiful sunset was seen from that high above.

The two just admired the sunset as Dream sat down on the snow.
Part of Dream's leg's hanging from the edge of the mountain..

"Tommy..." Dream said as Tommy looked at him.
"Im sorry...for what I did to you.." Dream said as he cut himself off.
Tommy would have thought he was tricking him so he could manipulate him but now that he knew the reasons behind his doings he knew he actually meant it when he said it.

"I forgive you.." Tommy said a little hesitant as he never thought he'd say this, or being used to the feeling of pity towards Dream..

"You can go now.." Dream said as Tommy looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?" Tommy asked.

"You were going to Techno's house weren't you?" Dream replied.

"Oh yeah.." Tommy said as he turned around and was now walking away. After a few steps he turned back to see Dream looking down at the ground..
Dream seemed hesitant to do something but what?...

After a few moments the realization hit Tommy about what Dream was about to do.

"Dream.." Tommy said as he took a few steps closer towards the other blonde at which had flinched but didn't turn around..

"You're not thinking of doing what I think you're gonna do...right?" Tommy asked.

Dream turned to look up at the sky as those words had hit him.
"..." Dream didn't respond as he just put his mask back on before asking "why haven't you left yet? Weren't you going to go tell someone im here?"

"I was but... I'd rather stay with you for a little while longer.." Tommy said as pity grew more on him.

No one could see it but behind Dream's mask he had a confused look as he thought he'd definitely tell someone he's here to lock him back up but he wanted to stay with him longer..
Dream for a second thought he cared but he then thought it was because he wanted to kill him himself just like he had multiple times..

"Here you need it.." Tommy said handing over something to Dream at which the older blonde turned to look to see bandage's on the younger's hand.

He was hesitant but took it and healed himself..
"I'm sorry about slashing you in the chest.." Tommy said as he sat next to Dream.

"It's alright.. I've become pretty numb to the feeling by now..and I get why'd you'd do that. After all you have a reason to." Dream replied.

Silence filled the atmosphere which was very calming yet a bit akward for them.

"Since I cant visit the smp as I'll get put back in prison how have things been?" Dream asked.

"It's been pretty good other than almost everyone ignoring me.." Tommy replied.

Dream seemed shocked at what he said. "W-what do you mean most- how many people haven't ignored you so far..?" Dream asked in a worried tone.

"Well if you can count Ranboo who has seen me a few times and a spider which I have pretty much adopted as my own then 6" Tommy replied.

"Oh really? Well what's their name?" Dream asked at which Tommy replied with "Shroud".

"Who are the other 4 people?" Dream asked out of curiosity.
"Guess" Tommy said in which Dream tried a few times and got 3 of them already which were Techno, Phil and Wilbur.

"Last guess!" Tommy said as he stared at Dream waiting for an answer.

"Tubbo?" Dream asked at which for his surprise Tommy had said no.

"Out of all people I forgot Tubbo but at the same time he's been ignoring you!?" Dream exclaimed.

"He did a few hours ago..why yes he's been speaking to me but only a little as he's accordingly 'busy' but then I find him having fun and when I ask him why he isn't working he just ignores my question" Tommy explained.

Dream felt pity of the blonde besides him before asking "so who's the last person?"

"Oh-" Tommy replied remembering he never told him.
"Well funny thing that would actually be...you.." Tommy replied.

Even though no one could see it Dream looked at Tommy with a look of 'are you serious rn!?' as he couldn't believe what he heard.

"Really?" Dream asked as Tommy nodded.
They kept chatting for a little while longer as their bond grew.

"Agh!" Tommy whimpered as he almost fell of the cliff but Dream was there to save him before that happened..an arrow was shot at Tommy in his arm and then another but this time passing through Dreams hand as he prevented it from hitting Tommy.. they forgot the sun was setting and it was now nighttime..

There were mobs everywhere.
"Fuck! I forgot it was almost night!" Tommy said as he grabbed his sword.

"Guess that make two of us.." Dream replied as he took out a netherite sword and killed most of the mobs but had to run away as they were spawning at an extremely fast speed..

Phil's POV:

I heard some knocking on the door and went to open it only to find Dream.. wait-...DREAM!?

"Uhhhh now's not the best time Phil!" I heard him say as he entered while he was grabbing Tommy in the arm who was a bit injured.

"Tommy!?" I asked worriedly as I ran over to him.
"Are you ok!?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine..but Dream-" "Dream..WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE TO TOMMY!?" I yelled as I looked at Dream.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" he yelled back.
I was about to yell back but then Tommy grabbed my arm before saying "he's right..we were attacked by a swarm of mob's but he did nothing wrong he wasn't going to harm me..".

"What!? What do you mean he wasn't going to harm you!?...no don't tell me he's manipulated you into being by his side!" "He did not manipulate me Phil!" Tommy yelled back at me.

Dream's POV:

I just stood there as Tommy and Phil kept fighting..
I didn't like this yelling.

"Dream?" I heard someone say but I couldn't see them but quickly realized who they were.

'Nightmare..?' I thought to myself.
"Remember how I told you to deal with your Phonophobia?" He asked me at which I remembered.

'try to stay calm, breath in and out and if that doesn't work just go to another room without the noise..' I thought to myself.
"Now do that and you'll be fine ok? You remember what happened the last time you did..right?" I heard Nightmare say as I remembered last time..

It was working at first but it was becoming to overwhelming as the other two's yelling became  louder. I had to leave..they didn't notice I left..

There were no mob's and since I knew Phil would kill me I went back to the mountain where me and Tommy were except I didn't go to the edge. I went into a cave.

"Guy's? Are you still here?" I said as my voice echoed throughout the massive cave.

I heard something coming... I took my mask of and smiled softly as I went closer to the noise.
I heard a gasp from a distance. "Guy's he's back!" I heard a small creature say as they ran to hug me. "Nice to see you too-" I said before I got cut off by load's of more blob's coming to hug me. They were all in their human-like form.

"Ok! Ok! Calm down.." I said for them to calm down.
"Dream..what happened to your hand?" I heard one of the blob's who's name was (Haha unexpected surprise for a friend-) Koi.

"Let's just say that there were too many mob's and a skeleton shot me in the hand- but I'll be healed don't worry!" I said as I knew most of the blob's were worried. They are sad when they're worried so I tend to try to not make them worried.

"Here!" I heard another blob named Alice say as she handed me some supplies to heal myself.

Most of the blob's seemed to want to play but it was way to late for that as they prefer playing outdoors when they get the chance but due to mobs we couldn't. "But we want to play!" I heard one of the blob's complain.

"Yeah but I need to rest and so do the rest of you but I promise tomorrow we'll play" I replied as most of the blob's frowned.

"Fine" all the blob's said as they all went to sleep.
Except those with insomnia which even tho I tell them not to go outside in the night they tend to do so anyways, but I don't really know where they go.

I went to my bed and laid down.
I remembered the time I spent with Tommy today... 'why was he caring for me?' I thought to myself but quickly shook that thought off and fell asleep.

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