Reincarnation, I Want a Peace...

By al_fluffy1209

157K 8K 1.1K

Dying and getting reincarnated in a different world was not something ##### expected. Now going by the name K... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Kocho Family Information
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Guardian OC Information
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
100k Special Chapter
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 39

1.4K 79 30
By al_fluffy1209

Sweat rolled down Tomoe's face and she gulped, trembling in fear as the man possessed by a very pissed off demon approached her.

"N-Now, now... L-Let's be civil and talk about this... Neh, Kyoya?" She took a step back for only her heel to make contact with the wall behind her. 'Uh-oh...'

Kyoya's eyes gleamed as he approached her, tonfas in hand. "I'll bite you to death."

Adult Hibari swung down and Tomoe accepted her fate.

'I'm so dead.'

Before the Raid...

After Tomoe and Hikari had landed back in Japan, the red haired woman escorted her to their secret base in Japan. Kawahira was already waiting there, making ramen as one ancient alien usually does. Aiko snuck away from the Vongola base, stating that a problem occurred and she'd return as soon as possible. Juno and Momo arrived in the middle of the night from their secret departure from the Cavellone family base. Ao had yet to arrive, apparently the Cervello sisters were bugging him endlessly which gave him no time to slip out and escape.

Let's just say, it was a reunion full of tears and hugs between the almost complete group. But once that was over, everyone caught up and explained what they have been doing the past years, preparing for this moment. Hikari also confirmed to Tomoe that her family was safe, much to her satisfaction.

Jun and Milo were currently enjoying their time in Spain with Gintoki-sensei who was drinking on the beach doing salsa and bachata with pretty ladies while the boys trained endlessly to beat up Byakuran. Jun wanted to beat up Kyoya more than Byakuran though, let's just say he was still pissed 9 years later about the boy not putting a ring on his little sister's finger first. Her mother and father were in America with Arashi in the underground base, doing the best they could to help by managing the company and helping injured ally members recover.

Anyways, back on topic.

Now that she was safe from Byakuran's hands, Tomoe could let out her sky flames freely, as well as train with her box weapon. Aiko had informed her that the base was protected and no outside group would be able to get signals of the Vongola ring or her flames.

Slipping on her snow ring, Tomoe took a deep breath, letting her flames run amok as she imbued her flames into the ring, lighting it up before pressing it against her white box weapon.

"What do you think her box animal will be?" Momo asked quietly as she stared at her sky.

Hikari hummed. "Well it should be obvious, right Kawahira-san?"

The albino nodded. "Indeed. Tomoe's animal is her family's symbol."

Momo blinked. "Wait you mean- A BUTTERFlY?! How the hell is she gonna fight with that?!"

Kawahira shrugged. "If there's a will there's a way."

Her pure snow flames surrounded the box and the box opened, a bright light coming from it, making the room occupants squint. A chill seemed to pass over the room and when they adjusted their sight, the four saw it.

A butterfly with beautiful blue wings.

Silently, Tomoe held up her finger and the butterfly fluttered its wings, landing on her pointer finger.

"So you're my box animal, huh?"

Flap. Flap.

"Hm... Ironic to think I'd get a blue butterfly, but no matter." Gently, she used her other hand to lightly caress her box animal's wings. "I'll name you Isa."

"That literally means ice," Kawahira blurted out, exposing her.

"W-Well it's a pretty name."

"Going for a name that relates with your snow flames huh? Boring."

"Hey!" She pouted. "Then what about Rin?"

"Cold? Nah. Think of another."




"Nope, that name is already used in another fanfic the author made."

"What does that mean- no forget it. Oh! Maybe-"

Momo groaned, throwing her hands in the air. "Just do a name that isn't flame related at all!"

"..." Thinking for a moment, the ravenhead stared at her box weapon with a serious expression. "Yeet-"

Kawahira threw his shoe at her.

(In the end, she decided on the name Yeet)

"It looks like everyone is finally coming together again," Aiko commented as she and Juno walked into the room where the others except for Ao and Tomoe were.

"Hey lovebirds." Momo smirked teasingly, looking at Juno's arm wrapped around the woman's waist. "Bet you had fun last night again."

"Oh hush. It's been years since we saw each other and I had to be stuck with your ass the entire time" Juno grunted, rolling his eyes as he removed his hand and pulled out Aiko's seat. She smiled gratefully and sat down before Juno went to his own seat beside her.

Momo snorted. "At least my ass is amazing."

"Don't lie, we all know it's flatter than a pancake."


"Oh my." Kawahira covered his mouth. "He went there." Aiko shook her head, chuckling.

Hikari smiled at the display of the two bantering, sipping her coffee as she sat between Aiko and Kawahira, Momo sitting beside Juno. Now the only empty seats were on the other side of Kawahira and the head of the table.

"Ao-sensei is arriving today, correct?" Hikari asked and Aiko nodded.

"He left unnoticed and will be arriving any moment now," Aiko answered.

Just then, Tomoe walked into the room wearing an all black one piece outfit, her nunchucks attached to her side along with her box weapon, her Vongola ring on her left hand middle finger. Looking around the room she saw everyone wearing similar outfits as hers.

She made her way to the head of the table and sat down. Her gaze traveled to the empty seat on her right. "All we need is Uncle Ao to be complete."

Juno nodded, a small twitch of his lips. "Complete... Yes, we will."

Momo put her chin on her hand, grinning cheekily. "Aw, someone's feeling all sappy. Did you miss us that much?"

A vein popped and the brunette kicked the blond from under the table. "Bitch."


"Jeez, I have to come back to a bunch of rowdy kids?" Everyone's head snapped toward the familiar voice. "I better be getting a pay raise."

There, Ao stood there in all his glory, wearing his matching outfit.

"Ao-sensei/Ao-san!" The others greeted happily and ran up to welcome him back.

Accepting their hugs, Ao smiled at all of them. 'They really all grew up well...' He then turned to Tomoe. "Glad you're safe."

"Of course." the snowy sky rolled her eyes. "As if he'd lay a hand on me without retaliation." Tomoe looked proud at her next words. "If Byakuran tried something with me then I'd make sure to annoy him."

Ao deadpanned. "You could beat him up a bit. That would be helpful." He sighed, pushing up his glasses. "Whatever. Now that we're all here... it's time to commence the next phase."

The guardians and Tomoe stood straighter at his words except for Kawahira who was enjoying his tea.

"Tomoe, your orders."

The girl's eyes widened at her uncle's words. That's right... She's their sky. Mustering up the nerve, she looked up at them all. "Tonight, we will be assisting the Vongola in the raid against Millifoire. Your orders are to support them."

"What about you Tomoe-san?" Hikari questioned.

"I will be helping Kyoya."

"But-" Ao put a hand on his student's shoulder, shaking his head. Seeing his expression, Hikari backed down, knowing that Tomoe had made up her mind. 'Damn Kochos and their stubborness.' "Okay."


The bespectacled male nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "Of course. I'll be waiting here and around. Good luck out there."

Nodding back at the male, she turned to the others. "You should know already, but don't interfere with the Vongola kids... However..." Tomoe smiled at them. "Go wild."

They all had grins and smirks on their faces at her words and turned away, putting on their cloaks and hoods.

"Understood, boss!"

Turning their backs, their black cloaks swayed, the white butterfly design fluttering.

Tomoe put on her own cloak, slipping on the hood as she looked back at her family one last time. "Stay safe, everyone."

The Kocho Family was now on the move.

"We have uncovered a defensive wall over what appears to be the roof of the enemy hideout!"

"Squads B and C report the same."

"Affirmative on the defensive wall!"

"We are about to commence the attack on the Vongola hideout," Irie ordered. "On my count, blow up the defensive walls and strike simultaneously!"


"Countdown begins! 3... 2... 1. Detonate!"

On his orders, the bombs exploded, destroying the defensive wall and alerting the Vongola.

"All squads, attack!" The soldiers jumped inside the base at the red head's command. "Your priority is to retrieve the Vongola rings and capture the guardians alive."

"What are your orders should they resist?"

"........kill them."


The soldiers looked around at the large empty room they were in.

"What's with this place?"

"A great hall or something?"

"Wha- WHAT THE HELL?!" Shouts made their heads turn to the source.

"Flock together in packs. Only the weak..." Purple flames burst alive as Kyoya stood there in a suit, tonfas in his hands. "I bite you all to death. Like cornered rats."

"It- It's a trap!!!"

"What's going on?" Tsuna questioned as the younger group ran down the halls. "A raid...? Aren't we ahead of schedule?!"

"It's a surprise attack by the enemy! It appears a large force has gathered about 2km away in a space planned for a warehouse," Giannini explained looking at the monitors.

"Hibari has already gone to receive them," Reborn communicated.

"Hibari-san?!" Tsuna yelled. "The enemy force is large in numbers, right? He can't handle that all by himself! We have to go and help him!"

"We must not!" Ryohei retorted. "We'd be defeating the purpose of Hibari putting his life on the line!"


"Hibari has single handedly engaged the enemy forces presently concentrated up there. Thanks to that, they will not have sufficient men to spare both here and in their hideout. If you want to repay Hibari for your actions, you must make your raid a victory," Reborn stated.

Yamamoto frowned. 'That guy... he'd known about this.'

Tsuna paled. 'How could we... Hibari-san...'

Gokudera grit his teeth. 'Damn him anyway. Always acting cool!'

"I have a signal from one of our surveillance points above ground! The coast is clear!" Giannini said. "Boss! Right now you can take hatch F and follow route B to cut straight to the enemy's base!"


"You know very well how strong Hibari is, don't you, Tsuna?"

"...I understand." 'I have to trust you!!!' "Giannini-san! Please open the hatch!"

"Yes sir! Hatch F is opened!"

With that, the Vongola group put on hard faces, running out. 'Let's go!'

Looking at the chaos happening below, the ravenhead held her nunchucks with a strong grip.

'This is it.'

Taking a deep breath.

'Time to face them all again.'

She jumped down.


Kyoya snapped his head up.


The room seemed to go silent as everyone seemed to be frozen in place, looking at the dust and smoke coming up from the crash.

"Hey hey hey." A silhouette was seen through the grey smoke. "One guy against an entire army? This isn't a fair battle at all."

Kyoya's eyes widened as the hood fell off the head of the figure.

Tomoe smirked, looking badass with her snow flamed coated nunchucks in hand. "Let me join in too!"

"Man, I know Tomoe-chan said to not interfere with the kids' battles, but this is boring," Juno sighed, twirling his dual daggers around.

Momo chuckled. "I totally agree with you Juno-kun! But..." a smirk made it to her face as the two stopped, coming face to face with dozens of enemies. "She did say we can go wild."

"Heh. Then let's do it."

Sun and storm flames burst to life, surrounding their figures.

"Let's go on a riot!"


Aiko and Hikari let out sighs, hearing all the explosions.

"We aren't supposed to attract too much attention to us, those idiots," Aiko mumbled, holding her sniper rifle.

Hikari sweatdropped. "Eheh... I mean, we're kind of like a backup or a clean up crew, right?"

The ravenhead nodded. "To an extent. Tomoe-chan allowed us to go wild and said to destroy the base, but we were supposed to do that until the Vongola got further to their destination."

"Oh well." Hikari shrugged. "We'll just speed up the process, right?"

"..." Aiko turned to her left, looking at the pipes. "Hey Hikari."


"I have an idea," she said as more enemies approached them. Aiko adjusted her sniper rifle and shot the pipes, making water flow onto the floor. "Mind giving those guys a shock?"

Hikari grinned.

Ao thrusted his spear at the last enemy in his way, the body falling down to the ground where his comrades once stood.

Letting out a grunt, he wiped the blood from his glasses with his shirt. "Kawahira is so lucky to be at the base relaxing. Sigh... I'm getting too old for this."

Irie grit his teeth at the sight. Not only were the Vongola getting closer to the research lab, he now had unknown individuals running amok around the base destroying everything. Not only that, Ao was AWOL when he needed him most! Damn!

He was agitated and worried, so much so that he decided to go and use his secret weapon.

"Irie-sama, we've lost contact with Baishana's wireless," the Cervello sister said.

"I see it. All the information in the command room is reflected here as well," Irie replied. "Those damn Vongola guys could actually make it this far. But, that's as far as you get!" Irie brought his ring to the box weapon standing on the control. "Come, it's time to awaken. My box, Melone Base." His box weapon took the form of multiple square boxes. "Permeation of... the flame energy to the bypasses of each box confirmed. All movable blocks will begin movement!"

"Uuu!" The moment he started to move the controls, the entire base shook, making everyone surprised by the sudden shakiness.

"What the hell?!"


"It's an earthquake!"

Ao grit his teeth, slamming his spear into the ground to keep balance. "Dammit!"

"I've determined the location of the intruders. Let me bring you to a more appropriate point. F10 block shift to 2-4-2" The base began to move and shake, changing.

"What's going on?!" Gokudera yelled.

"The floor?!" Yamamoto screamed in surprise, gripping onto Lal Mirch tighter as the floor below him lowered down.

"Kuh!" "No!"

Gokudera looked panicked as he reached down. "Grab my hand! Yamamoto!"

"Gokudera! It's too late! You're gonna lose your arm!"


The rain smiled before the floor completely dropped, causing Ryogei and Gokudera to stumble back.

"Uwah!" "That dumbass!"

Ryohei and Gokudera were met face to face with Gamma.

Tsuna panicked as he tried to open his bottle of dying will pills. He had to do this quickly before Spanner realized what he was trying to do.

Man, it really sucked being a prisoner.

'I can't get this lid off...'

"There," Spanner said and turned around, Tsuna froze, sweating. ".......Okay. Now go into hyper mode. Uh... just grab a weapon over there..."


"I want you to try it out so I can see." What a weirdo Spanner was. Wasn't he the enemy?!

"HUH? Um... But! If I go into hyper mode... I... think I'll be able to escape!" Tsuna responded.

Spanner stood up, hands on his hips. "So what if you do? We're strong. They'll kill you next time."


"Spanner may have a point. Without the X Burner, things'll be pretty tough," a new voice said.

"All... Alright!" Tsuna agreed before looking at who said that. "HUH?! Huh...?"

"But there's not much time." The hitman smiled.


Yamamoto looked at his phone, still carrying an unconscious Lal Mirch. "Eh? How can this be a dead end? As expected, the map and the actual route are different." A wall closed. "Uh ot, it shut!" Then, another wall opened. "Eh? It opened over here?" 'Such murderous intent! It's...'

The rain carefully put the woman downand grabbed his sword, coming face to face with the Phantom Knight, the greatest swordsman.

'This guy!!'

"It seems Gamma is quite injured," Irie spoke allowed, looking at the monitors. "Though he successfully took out the sun guardian, Sasagawa Ryohei, and has covered the storm guardian, Gokudera Hayato's body in wounds. We can assume he has done his job quite well. It seems when he is willing he is quite capable. As for the rest, if Genkishi is on it then we don't really have to worry."

"Irie sir... We have received information from the command room."

"What is it?"

The monitor changed to a soldier. "Irie sir. Our spies have come back from the Vongola base."

"They are back? I have received no information about them."

"It seems they were noticed by Hibari and the radio was destroyed. I will make way for the commanding officer."

The screen changed to injured soldiers. "Irie sir, we are still battling with Hibari Kyoya! Additionally a new unknown person has been assisting him in battle. There are many injured people. However at the moment we have the upper hand! They're defeat is only a matter of time."

Irie frowned. 'Another unknown?' "I see. If you don't underestimate our opponent then the results should be satisfactory." The screen changed back to the other soldier. "So, what was the second piece of news?"

"Yes sir. As we have been investigating the black box of Spanner's Mosca... we were unable to find any information regarding the 10th Vongola boss dropping into the sewer as Spanner had suggested."

The male paused. "What the hell? And what the hell is Spanner saying now?" Irie pondered.

"We can't make contact with him!"

"How can that be?! Ask him for a reason, I don't care if you have to wake him up!"

"We tried that already sir," a new person said and the monitor switched into Spanner's room.

"Iris and Gingerbread!"

"But I was amazed. This base became like a jigsaw puzzle," Iris commented.

"You can save those comments for later! For now, where the hell is Spanner?!"

"There is a large chance that he is somewhere in the base with the Vongola. It's also possible that he is hiding the Vongola," Gingerbread suggested.

"What?!" Irie shouted. "Are you saying that Spanner has betrayed us?!"

"From now on we will be searching for the Vongola and the unknown invaders. You understand, right?" Iris said. "If Spanner has betrayed us... what should we do?"

Irie looked down at the ground before his eyes seemed to darken. "If he resists, kill him. I will be the one to notify Byakuran."




"Well then."


The Kocho guardians faced each other, appearing from different hallways.

"Looks like when the base changed we were brought closer together," Ao theorized. "Alright. Stick together for now."

"Yes sir."

"Lord Irie! There's trouble!"

"What is it?!"

"Even more unknown newcomers have infiltrated the base."


"We were on guard! But the enemies were impersonating as the recon force!"

"Impersonating?!" Irie repeated incredulously.

"I think they were probably using a mist illusion."

"An illusionist?! You said the recon force had returned?! How many?!"

"We're confirming that now!"

Irei's jaw clenched. "Reinforcements from the Vongola... Do whatever is necessary. FInd them and kill them!"

Chrome, Lambo, I-Pin, and Kusakabe have joined the battle.

"Three people?"

"Yes sir. It was a reconnaissance unit of 3, one of the people being Commander Kola. The enemy seem to have taken the shape of them and infiltrated. One person is still identified as unknown, but during all the rush of the attack on the prison cell, two people were caught on camera. This is the image from that time."

"That's!" Irie jolted. "Chrome Dokuro from ten years ago! She's still alive... Alright. That's enough information. Right now, there are now blind sports in this base, we'll be able to collect more Vongola rings this way."

Yamamoto laid on the ground defeated and Lal Mirch could barely do anything to help him with her current state.

"Vongola guardian of the rain. I respect you for showing your face. I get to bury you with my sword at its best." He raised his sword. "Farewell."

Just as Genkishi was about to swing his sword down, the wall beside him shattered into pieces, pieces of debris being thrown everywhere. His eyes widened.

"Hey you." A box weapon. "That's nice." A lit up ring. "Did you just get that white round machine installed?" A hedgehog floating in the air with a giant spiked ball behind it.

Hibari Kyoya has arrived on the scene with a fully kidnapped Kocho Tomoe hanging over his shoulder!

"This is bad, Irie-sama!" A Cervello sister exclaimed. "Three blocks after the research ground has been destroyed!"

"Des... DESTROYED?!"

Things were going to get even more wild...



















"Did Irie seriously forget about us?"

"...Yeah. Anyways, let's keep going."

A/N: I made time to write and update this. Not much action and I'm skipping around a lot but I just want to hurry and get this arc done but I don't want to skip too much y'know? 

Anyways college got me like ughhh. I wish it was break already so I can relax and have more time to write for this and my other books.

Also if this book reaches 100k expect a 100k Special Chap full with many stories (if you read my HQxKNB story u should know)

Happy early Halloween :)

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