A Cyber's World | Book 2 of I...

By 0Lxnar0

12.7K 279 436

"After defeating the treacherous king and sealing the fountain from the Dark World, Kris and Susie yearn to r... More

Before you Read!
Prolouge - I'm With You in The Dark
Chp 1 - A New Day
Chp 2 - Castle Town Pt.1
Chp 3 - In Your Arms Pt.2
Chp 4 - A New Adventure
Oneshot - KFC
Chp 5 - A Cyber's World?
Chp 6 - Ultimate Transformation
Chp 7 - May I Have This Dance?
Chp 8 - Berdly
Oneshot - Lovesick
Chp 9 - Ride of a Lifetime

Oneshot - Trick Or Treat

623 11 21
By 0Lxnar0

🎃 Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃

Just as promised I have created a Halloween onehot, and it's a decent read.

Half of this oneshot is based on the video above. Check it out! It's really good :)
But I wanted to add my own ideas for the other half so I hope you like it

Hope you all enjoy this chapter/oneshot!

Ha/C = Halloween Costume

!Video above made by: Scarodactyl on YouTube!
!Art above by @angusburgers on Insta!


Kris's POV:

"Kris, now that you're too old to trick or treat, this year you get to give out the candy instead," Said Kris's mother. Today was Halloween, a time for knocking on doors for candy and jumping  out of nowhere to cause some scares. In Kris's opinion, this was pretty much their favorite holiday since they could prank and scare some kids. But their mom insisted that someone should stay back in the house and give out the candy. Seeing Kris as her only option, she asked them if they could, which they begrudgingly agreed. They held a large bowl of candy in their hands as they stared towards their mother. Kids were playing around out in the front yard too, impatiently waiting for Toriel. "Once I take the kids home I'm going to a Halloween party for grown-ups," She told them. She was also wearing a witch costume, while Kris just wore their usual lime green sweater. They couldn't buy themselves a costume sadly.

"I'll be back late, so go to bed by ten, alright?" Toriel told them, to which Kris simply nodded. "Make sure you give out the candy, and don't eat it all yourself," Toriel frowned with a knowing look. "Alright, bye Kris!" Toriel smiled. "Line up, kids!" She told the children who were still playing around. "Ahem. EVERYONE, line up!" She repeated more loudly. "Let's go everyone," Toriel said before she left with the trailing little monsters.

Yet, before Kris could turn around and go back in inside, they heard a call from their mother. "Oh. And Kris, please don't scare anyone this year," she scolded. Uh oh, she's caught on. Kris gave a shaky small nod until she finally left. Well this was going to be a boring Halloween...


Kris paced back and forth in their humble abode. Carrying the bowl of candy without a single knock from the door was starting to make their hands ache.

Knock Knock Knock!

About time. Kris opened the door to be met with their neighbor, Noelle. She was dressed as an angel, and pretty well too. "Hey Kris! Having a good time with your mom gone?" She asked them. Kris just stared back blankly as a response. "Remember last year, when my mom tried to ban Halloween!?" Noelle shook at the memory and had an embarrassed face. "There were all these protests, and some people picketed my house," She held a sad smile. "And she called in the National Guard," she continued. "Anyway long story short...I had to sneak out this year too," Noelle finished. And Kris knew already. She would sneak out every Halloween to go trick or treating instead of being stuck in the house. Which was the same predicament they were in. They wished they were out trick o treating out instead, especially with Y/N and Susie. And possibly causing a few scares wouldn't hurt.

'I wonder what she is dressed up as,' Kris pondered at the thought of what Y/N would be for Halloween. They wished internally that she could come over to their house. "Uhhh Kris? You there?" Noelle called out nervously which snapped Kris back to reality and out of the clouds. "I was wondering if you were gonna give out the candy?" Noelle smiled nervously. Kris rummaged through the options. Kris chose Sugar Snow. "Thanks a lot! See you around, Kris! And uh, please don't tell your mom I was here," Noelle asked pleadingly. Kris gave a simple thumbs before she left with thanks. Kris closed the door. Looking back at the bowl full of candy, they rummaged through the sweets until a specific treat caught their eye. Chocolate. "Make sure you give out the candy, and don't eat it all yourself." The words of Toriel replayed back in their head. 'One candy bar won't hurt,' They smirked.

Knock Knock Knock!

A knock interrupted their small feast. Reluctantly they went up to the door and opened it up to see a familiar—annoying—bluebird. And Jockington was here too. He was spinning a basketball, while Berdly was unsurprisingly dressed up as a cop. "Kris! You got stuck giving out candy, huh?" Berdly gave a mocking look. Kris slightly frowned and wanted to close the door in front of his face. "Well, hook me up with the good stuff!" He held his wing out motioning forward the candy. Internally groaning, they begrudgingly gave him candy corn instead. "Thanks! You the best Kris!" Berdly winked, which Kris immediately moved their attention towards Jockington giving him a questioning look. "Candy? No can do, Kris. If this ball stops spinning, I'll die!" He exclaimed.

Kris decided to give Berdly some candy again this time. "Thanks, anyways, gotta roll, lotta houses to hit," Berdly told them, which they were relieved. Once he finished speaking, Kris slammed the door in front of his face and waited for the next trick o treaters.

Knock Knock Knock!

'Well that didn't take long.' Kris opened the door to see who came for the candy next. "Hoi!!! INTRODUCING!!! captem Temmeirius Kirk! captem Jean-Luc Egcard!!" Temmie showed off. Behind her was Catti who was clicking away on her phone. "And I'm Mrs. Voyager I guess," She replied in a monotone voice. Kris handed Temmie the Good Stuff. "thanx Krisp! luv long and prosper," Temmie said. Then, Kris weirdly chose to give Eg a Cadbury Egg. "Eg..hav FRIEND!!!" Temmie gasped excitedly.

Rummaging through the bowl, Kris handed Catti some Catnip Mints. "Thanks.." Catti muttered towards Kris. "thre to beem up!" Temmie exclaimed. And after that they left.

Back alone waiting for more trick o treaters again. Pacing around the house, holding the bowl of candy, Kris's mind flashed back to Y/N. When they both conversed on Halloween costumes during class, Y/N wouldn't tell them what she would dress up. "It's a secret." They recalled her saying.

Knock Knock Knock!

Kris perked up, and hurried over to the door. Unexpectedly, the door swung open the opposite way. A skeleton sat lazily on a bar stool. In fact, he wasn't even outside. Sans handed them a random Ketchup Packet. Kris just stared silently towards them, holding the Ketchup Packet. "You're supposed to say 'trick-or-treat,'" Sans winked towards Kris. They still stared silently towards him. And suddenly the door closed and he was gone.

Well that was unusual.

Knock Knock Knock!

Someone outside knocked on the door. Opening the door, they were met with Snowy and MK. "Not wearing a costume, Kris? Well I guess you never REALLY needed one haha," MK laughed. Kris slightly slitted their eyes towards them. "Wait, why are you looking at me like th-" Before MK could even finish their sentence, Kris just held out candy you need arms to eat. They acted clueless as Monster Kid was stunned to silence. "Kris, I-" Again, Kris just averted their attention towards Snowy.

Kris handed him Red Hot Sours. If they just give them the candy quickly, they won't have to see their faces any longer. "Haha, you got BURNED!!" Snowy cackled at his humorless joke. "You see, it's funny becau-"


Kris let out a sigh of relief as they slammed the door.

Knock Knock Knock!

Kris went up to the door and opened it. A knife was raised by a masked stranger. As they were about to slash the knife towards them, the teen moved their ski mask away to reveal Susie. Susie laughed lowly at her attempt to jumpscare Kris. Who just stood there, unfazed. "Hahaha! Gotcha!" Susie chuckled. Kris gave a small smile towards her. "You should've SEEN the look on your face!" She smirked. "Well..your face didn't exactly CHANGE, but, I know I got ya," Susie corrected herself. Kris decided to let her slide on that. "I don't think that was scary Susie," a voice giggled from behind. Kris immediately searched their gaze for the owner. "Oh yeah? Well I'd like to see you do one better? Don't you know how hard it is to scare them?" Susie moved out of the way to reveal Y/N. She was dressed up as a Ha/C. She caught their eyes, and they could notice a warm blush forming on her cheeks.

"Hey Kris," Y/N smiled, to which a small pink hue started to form on their face too. "Anyways, what are you doing cooped up in here? What, think that you're too old for trick-o-treating now, eh?" Susie nudged them with a playful grin. Quite the opposite really, they were forced to go stay behind and give out the candy. "Actually, we heard from Noelle that you had to stay in and give candy out," Y/N sighed towards Susie and turned her eyes back towards Kris. "Oh right, hand me some," Susie held out her hefty bag. Kris grabbed a handful of sweets and dumped them in her bag. "Hey, why don't you just bolt out of here? You know you can just leave the candy outside right?" Susie asked them. "Yeah! You can come and trick-or-treat with us!" Y/N beamed at the idea. Kris looked down at themselves and then back at the two. "I don't have a costume," they replied. "Pssh who cares? Doesn't matter if you don't have a costume or not. Come on, have some fun!" Susie exclaimed. "If you don't feel like it, it's alright, we can always stay over, right Susie?" Y/N added. "I guess," Susie shrugged. Kris stood still pondering. Then it clicked. They still had something that they could still wear..

"I have something," They finally said. "A costume?" Y/N asked. They gave a quiet hum of confirmation. "We'll wait here," Susie stretched and put back her white mask. Kris put the bowl of candy down and went upstairs.


Y/N's POV:

Y/N pondered at the idea of what Kris might have. At least she was able to at least spend Halloween with them, and Susie too. Y/N was sitting at the couch comfortably, waiting patiently. Susie on the other hand was restless. "How much longer will it take for them to put something on," Susie groaned. As if on signal, the two girls heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Y/N still noticed them wearing their green, yellow-striped sweater and brown pants, but the brunette had an addition to their usual outfit. A pair of red horns, attached to a red headband was worn by the quiet teen.

It looked adorable on them. Y/N couldn't stop adoring on how such a simple accessory could make them look endearing. She noticed the eyes of Kris noticing her stare and looked away while rubbing their arm subconsciously, blushing. Y/N blushed too. "It took you 30 minutes to put that on?" Susie asked them with disbelief. Kris nodded.

"Alright, let's head out now. There's still some houses out there that we gotta crash," Susie hurried over to the door with eagerness. "Jeez, we're coming we're coming," Y/N chuckled. "We can share the bucket if you want," Y/N turned to Kris holding out her bucket of candy. They smiled and agreed.


The three walked on the sidewalk. It was night, and a full moon lit up the night. Many young kids, who were monsters were knocking on doors wearing different costumes. The three of them had also visited houses and gotten some candy. Y/N's bucket was almost getting heavy, while Susie's bag looked like it was almost about to explode. "That's a lot of candy Susie," Y/N couldn't take her eyes off the large bag of treats. "Oh yeah. Gonna save this up, and will probably last me a month haha," Susie boasted. Both Y/N and even Kris let out a small laugh.

Suddenly someone bumped into Y/N. She almost fell but she immediately caught herself. "Are you okay?" Kris asked worriedly, their quiet voice soothing her ears. "Yeah I'm alright," Y/N reassured them. She was lucky she wasn't holding the bucket or else all that candy would've been gone. But who bumped her?

"Well well well. I didn't expect to see you here Kris," a certain bluebird spoke. Y/N tilted her head towards the bird. Until it clicked he was in the same class as her. She turned her head towards Kris, who had a frown towards him. "I thought you were stuck at home giving the candies out to the kiddies," Berdly almost let out a snort. "Ugh, what do you want Berdly," Susie barged in. "Oh nothing, I just didn't think the class's No.3 would be here is all," He replied. "And pfft, nice costume, Kris," Berdly held a laugh. Y/N furrowed her brows. Y/N stared towards Kris anxiously. They had their usual monotonous face. "Come on, let's just go," Y/N tugged Kris who didn't move. Even Susie was frozen to her spot. "I mean really, of all things, you chose to wear THAT? Only little kids would wear that, it wouldn't even scare a SINGLE person! And I haven't seen you wear that since-" Suddenly Berdly was lifted up by no other than Susie.

"Wanna know what else is scary?" She went close to Berdly with a threatening glare within her mask. This time Berdly's confident grin started to falter and he started to shake. "What's more scary is your face getting bitten off, slowly and painfully," Susie fletched her teeth. The bluebird's eyes widened with terror until he was dropped, shaken. "I-I was just k-kidding," Berdly gave a nervous laugh. And after that he left. "Are you okay Kris?" Y/N asked them. They still looked unfazed, but the aura they gave off said otherwise. They gave a nod towards her. "You sure, dude? You know Berdly's always been a jerk," Susie checked on them. Once again they just simply nodded with no reply.

"Alright, let's hit the last houses and we can head home," Susie sighed.


After a few more houses, the three met up with Noelle again. Y/N could notice that her attention was mainly focused on the purple brute. "W-Wow Susie, your bag's almost full," Noelle told her with admiration. "Heh, yeah I know, gonna eat as much as I can when I get back home," Susie let out a low laugh. "I-I almost forgot to say this last time but y-your costume looks great," The young deer complimented Susie. As Y/N watched this even further, it was easy to put the puzzle pieces together. And Y/N developed a knowing look. "Yeah I guess. Your costume looks dope too," Susie rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Oh r-really?" Noelle flushed. "Do I really have to say it again?!" Susie growled, but from Y/N's she could tell she was embarrassed. "N-No you don't have to!" Noelle put her hands up trembling. Noelle then notice the two other teens behind Susie. "Oh hey Kris! Y/N!" She greeted. "Nice costume Y/N," Noelle gazed admiringly towards Y/N. "Thanks," Y/N smiled.

"You too Kris," Noelle said towards Kris. Her smile faltered though when she gazed upwards towards the brunette, noticing the addition they made the last time she saw them. "How's Halloween so far Y/N?" Asked Noelle. This was her first Halloween here in this town. "It's going great," She told her. "Except that know it all bird brain," Susie growled. "Oh, Berdly? D-Don't worry, I'll have a talk with him ," Noelle said. "You know Noelle, we should match next year," Susie suddenly told her. "O-Oh! T-That sounds g-great!" Noelle stuttered, her face getting red. "She definitely has a crush on Susie," Y/N whispered towards Kris. She was happy to see a smile form from them. They had been quiet this whole time, and she couldn't help but fret about them mentally. "She definitely does," Kris whispered back, agreeing.

Y/N then started to wonder why Kris was looking around frantically until they leaned in towards her. Her heart started to hammer within her chest.

"Wanna scare some people?" They said ever so quietly to her. 'Well it is Halloween..' Y/N thought. "Let's do it," she said. She almost let a giggle at Kris's surprised expression. And the two snuck off.


Susie's POV:

Susie could hear the two obvious lovebirds run off. They ought to thank her for giving those two a chance to spend some time alone. "What should w-we dress up as n-next year?" Noelle's voice snapped Susie back to reality. "Hm, how about you be a deer and I'll be Santa!" Susie said, thinking of the idea. Then she realized her mistake. "I'm already a deer," Noelle replied. "Then I'll be a lion and you be a gazelle," Susie said. She realized another mistake again. "That's-" "WHAT ABOUT ALPACAS!?" Susie blurted. Noelle gave a defeated smile. "Yeah I got nothing," Susie gave a huff, now blushing slightly. "Well how about we go trick-or-treating for now. We can talk about costumes tomorrow!" Noelle smiled brightly.

"Okay," Susie muttered. Susie slid her ski mask which hung atop of her eyes. It was getting slightly stuffy in there and it was getting annoying. Either way, Noelle approached a house, ringing the doorbell. Susie stood behind her, waiting. Looks like she'll be getting more candy. At the thought, she grinned with delight, revealing her sharp teeth. The door opened. The person inside was holding a bowl of candy. Susie gazed hungrily towards the candy.

"Trick or Treat!" Noelle exclaimed towards the stunned neighbor. They were staring towards Susie with fear. The two stood there waiting for candy to be deposited and confused with the person's scared expression. 'What's their big deal?' Susie raised a brow. "Go away," they said with a shaky voice and then slammed the door in front of their faces.

Susie had an idea of why that just happened. 'Oops.' "Heh heh...why don't we go to another house?" Noelle laughed nervously. "Sure," Susie simply replied. The two continued on trick or treating. Some houses gave the somewhat same result that the first house they knocked on together. But overall, hanging out with Noelle was something Susie would gladly do again.


Y/N's POV:

Y/N and Kris were in a bush. What were they waiting for exactly? Y/N had no clue, but she decided to trust Kris and go along with it. It wasn't too comfortable inside the bush as a couple of twigs would poke Y/N whenever she moved just an inch. When she had finally settled down though, butterflies fluttered in her stomach by the close contact she and Kris are almost making.

Her eyes averted upwards to where she gazed silently to Kris's fake red horns. She remembered a while ago how Berdly had said that Kris wore this before. And how Noelle gazed at them with an expression Y/N had never seen before because they were wearing this headband. Faint scarlet red eyes suddenly met her E/C ones. They were mostly covered in Kris's long maroon bangs. The two just stared at each other, and Y/N could feel the heat rising on her cheeks. "Have you worn that before?" Y/N pointed up above her own head, motioning the accessory Kris was wearing. Kris stayed silent for a moment, not looking at Y/N now. It looked like they were lost in thought, or were looking back in their past. "Yeah, when I was younger," They answered softly. "For Halloween?" Y/N asked. They shook their head no, taking Y/N aback. "All the time," they muttered.

Y/N gave a confused glance. "I wore it all the time as a kid," They confessed, now looking embarrassed. "Why?" Y/N asked gently. She didn't want to push Kris. She did want to know, but she didn't want to make Kris more uncomfortable or worse, bring back bad memories. It looked like Kris was taking this in consideration, just from telling from her expression that it was optional to answer. "I wanted to be like everyone else. A monster," they shared quietly. "But I can never be a monster. I'll always be a human. I can't be like everyone else." They said with a sad smile.  Y/N had listened intently, absorbing every word.  Without a second thought, Y/N wrapped her arms around them, not caring if she messed up her Ha/C costume. Much to Kris's surprise, they didn't hesitate to wrap their arms around her too. "Besides it fits you," Y/N admitted. Y/N could guess that Kris blushed at her statement. The two stayed within the other's embrace for a while until they let go at the sound of incoming footsteps.

They both had remembered what they hid here for.

Staying quiet, two distinct voices were having conversations. Y/N felt a poke on her arm, and turned towards Kris. They didn't say a word, but they signaled with their hands that they would jump out on the count of 3 with their fingers. 3..2..1..


The two jumped out to see two monsters that had a look of shock. A bird like monster was screaming at the top of his lungs with a high-pitched scream. Y/N held a laugh, but Kris didn't. They laughed at their result, and Y/N couldn't help but feel happiness swell up inside her. It was contagious that she couldn't hold her laugh anymore. "Kris!?" The voice chirped with exasperation. It was MK and Snowy.

Without even saying a word the two ran off with large grins. Leaving the two dumbfounded monster on shock.

This was probably the best Halloween Y/N had ever experienced.


Word Count: 3637 words

Hoped you love this oneshot
As I was writing this oneshot, these ideas for these added scenes just popped up in my head and as I progress new ones would pop up too. I actually enjoyed writing this oneshot and that I was able to add my own story ideas too!

Anyways what did y'all dress up for Halloween if you did?

If you don't celebrate Halloween, then I hope y'all had/have a great day today

Also look what came out! Please check this out it's amazing! The animator really made this look great 😆

Hope you enjoyed this chp and stay safe!

So until then, stay tuned


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