Izuku: The Ultimate Weapon

By CotyMeanor

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What if deku was kidnapped at the age of 4. What if he was experimented on and was made into the ultimate wea... More

Chapter 1: Birth of the Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 2:Awakening
Chapter 3: New Beginning
Chapter 4: Enter Izuku Kayama
Chapter 5: My Hero Academia
Chapter 6:Life at U.A
Chapter 7: The Boys Are Back
Chapter 8: Assault on the USJ
Chapter 9: Burst Mode
Chapter 10: Season 1 Finale
Season 2 preview
Chapter 12:The calvary arrives
Not a chapter
Chapter 13: Shadow vs Mystique and Tournament battles
Chapter 14: The boy born with everything vs The boy who lost everything
Chapter 15: Last Man Standing
Chapter 16:Names
Chapter 17: Internships, Villains, and the Family
Chapter 18: Stain and Terra
Chapter 19:Shadow v Stain and Terra
Chapter 20: Shadow vs Sabertooth
Chapter 21: Sending A Message
Chapter 22: Wanted
Chapter 23: Shadow vs ALL!
Chapter 24: Battle of the Ultimates
Chapter 25: Poison of the Past
short stories
Chapter 26:Shadow vs Pyro
Chapter 27:Shadow and Bullseye
Chapter 29: Agents of Trinity
Chapter 30: Rings off
Chapter 31: Who is Izuku Kayama?
Chapter 32: Finals

Chapter 11: The U.A sports festival

1.5K 24 13
By CotyMeanor

He was walking down an alleyway. The sky was dark and the moon was out. He was walking and he looked around to see walls. He saw brick walls had words on them. The words said turn back, run away, and don't go in there. He didn't understand it, but he kept walking.

He felt someone holding his left hand and he looked towards it. He saw a green haired woman, this woman was his bilogical mother, Inko Midoriya. He and his mother kept walking until they came to a stop. He looked the end of the alley and saw a man with a bullseye cap on. Izuku widen his eyes in horror when he realized what this was.

He grabbed his mother hand, trying to run away but she wouldn't move. The man pulled a gun out and shot his mother, killing her. The man shot the gun again and this time he saw he saw his second mother, Rebecca Holiday. The man shot the gun a third time and this time he saw his present mother, Midnight. He screamed when he saw all three of their bloody bodies lying on the ground.

* * *


"MOOOM!" Izuku screamed as he woke up from his nightmare and Nemuri woke up from her sleep quickly.

"IZUKU!" Nemuri screams as she came flying into her son room. Nemuri saw Izuku on his bed sweat all over him and that he was breathing hard.

"Izuku! Izuku, breath! Takes deep breath!" Nemuri told her son as she saw that he was having a panic attack.

Izuku followed his mother instructions and did just that. After a few minutes he began to calm down and Nemuri brought him into a fierce hug.

"It's ok. It's ok." Nemuri was telling him over and over again while brushing the back of his hair.

' _He must've_ had _**that**_ _nightmare again. Izuku has not had that one in long time, it must be the stress of everything that has happened last week.'_ Nemuri thought as Izuku was still calming down.

"Izuku, are you feeling better now?" Nemuri asked her son and he responded.

"Yeah…I'm fine now. Thanks mom." Izuku said hugging her back and he hugged her to make sure that she was real. "Was it that **dream**." Nemuri said to her son knowing he knew what she was talking about and he hugged her tighter.

"Yeah." Izuku simply said said as he didn't want to relive that day again.

Nemuri understood her son, she then decided that Izuku and her were going to skip school day. Izuku, though had other ideas.

"I'm alright now mom, I promise. It's early and you need to get to UA." Izuku told her and she looked at him.

"No, I'm taking a day off and your are as well." Nemuri told her son seriously.

"I'm serious mom, I'm fine. It was just a bad dream, I had those before. Beside it has been a whole week since school was closed after the villain attack." Izuku told her and Nemuri still wasn't convinced.

"It just wasn't any dream Izuku, it was a dream of your final moment with your mother." Nemuri told him seriously and Izuku winced, the final moment with his biological mother has always been a sore spot. Not only was it the final day with her forever, but it was also the day he got introduced to Trinity.

"I know what it was, mom. I can never forget that day…but, please let me go to school today. It will help me clear my head. Also if anything happens, I will go right to Recovery Girl. Please." Izuku begged to his mother and she didn't want to let him go, but Izuku had used his ultimate weapon on her. He used his puppy dog eyes.

' _No, he can't go… but look at those- NO! Stand your ground Nemuri. Oh, NO! He's creating tears now. No…must…stay strong…and I can't.'_ Nemuri thought as she lost the battle in her mind and decided to let Izuku go to school today.

"Fine, you can go today." Nemuri said defeatedly and Izuku kissed her on the cheek as a thank you.

"Thanks mom, love you." Izuku said quickly as he went to the kitchen to get breakfast ready.

"I'm hopeless." Nemuri said as a rain cloud appeared over her head. Nemuri got her clothes on and went to the car to go to work early. Today was going to be the preparations for UA annual **Sports Festival** and all the teachers needed to be at the school early for a meeting.

"ZuZu, I'm heading out. Make sure on time for school today." Nemuri said to her son as she left the house.

"I will mom, I haven't been late yet." Izuku said as he ate his breakfast which was some eggs and bacon. Once the door closed Izuku fired his eagle pulse to see if his mother had left the driveway and she did. Izuku put his food down for a moment and went to his room and grabbed his phone. Izuku made a call to his new spy, Smoker.

"CC, you there." Izuku said, Izuku calls Smoker CC incase anyone is listening even though Izuku makes sure that his phone is secured, but you can never be too safe.

"Yeah, I'm here." Smoker answered back as Izuku was getting dressed.

"What have you found on Killmonger and the League?" Izuku asked Smoker as he got dress.

"Killmonger, is a mercenary and is quite good. Has a spike quirk that you've seen, highly trained in fighting different styles, and the reason he's called Killmonger is because he wrapped quite the number of kills as a mercenary and in the army. Real name is Eric, went to MIT for a couple years before dropping out, after that he joined the army and did time overseas. A mission went wrong when him and a few others were declared KIA." Smoker told Izuku as finished getting dressed for school. Izuku made his way back to the kitchen to finish his food and continued talking to Smoker.

"What was the mission?" Izuku asked as began to eat again.

"No one knows and I been making a few calls to my old army contacts as well. They all tell me the same, that they don't know the mission or the people on it." Smoker told Izuku as he finished eating.

"What about the League?" Izuku asked this time.

"The League is a bit of a mystery. From who we interrogated we learned that the leader is a young man named Tomura Shigaraki." Smoker told Izuku and he began to think about Tomura.

"And the Nomu." Izuku asked this time.

"The Nomu is dead… well, brain dead to be specific. It doesn't answer to no one, it doesn't speak, and by the looks of it the thing doesn't even breathe." Smoker said and Izuku answered.

"That is to be expected. The Nomu only seemed to answer Tomura and Tomura alone. What else did you find?" Izuku said as he began to head the door.

"The Nomu did have multiple quirks and from Recovery Girl notes, this thing used to be human." Smoker said and Izuku was surprised.

"You mean to tell that thing used to be a human being." Izuku said surprised and Smoker heard it.

"Yeah, but not anymore. Whoever made this thing did tons of experiments to it." Smoker said as Izuku had left his house and made his way to UA.

"Alright keep me updated. Also anything from our side project." Izuku asked Smoker and he knew what the green haired teen was talking about. The side project being information on Trinity.

"Nothing new yet, I'll keep you inform when I get something." Izuku nodded to Smoker response.

"Alright, see yah, CC." Izuku said as he ended the phone call with Smoker.

"CC, out." Smoker said as he hung up, but not before leaving Izuku a gift. Before Izuku put his headphones in, he heard his phone ring and looked to see a text message from Smoker. Izuku looked at the message and saw that a picture was attached to it.

"I think she would want you to have this." Izuku said aloud as he read Smoker's message. Izuku opened the picture and widen his eyes. The picture that Smoker sent him was one with his mother, Holiday, and himself. Izuku was in front of Holiday his body young, short, and with an emotionless look on his face. While his mother was behind him with a hand on his right shoulder and a small smile on her face. The photo showed them to a be a city in Italy with the ocean water behind them.

"Mother." Izuku said sadly as he began to remember the videos of her. "I promise you… I will be a great hero, I will **destroy Trinity,** and **I will kill Wesker**." Izuku said determinedly as he remember his mother's final order.

Izuku continued walking to UA with his headphones in, but he couldn't enjoy the music even when the song playing was by his favorite artist Kendrick Lamar. The reason he couldn't enjoy it was because of the vivid and haunting nightmare he had. Normally Izuku would have dreams that were old memories, but this time it was a true **nightmare**. A nightmare where he witnessed all of his mothers die.

' _I won't let that dream become a_ _**reality**_ _. I already lost two, I will not lose a third. Mom won't like that I'm keeping secrets from her, but she has to understand that I'm the only that can stop Trinity and I'm only trying to protect her.'_ Izuku thought as he continued to walk and unknowingly he bumped into an old lady.

"Oh, I'm sorry young man." The old lady said to Izuku as she tried to pick up purse, Izuku saw this and stopped her.

"No, miss it was my fault and allow me." Izuku said as he picked up her purse and handed it to her.

"Aww, such a nice young man. I truly thank you." Izuku smiled at the old lady compliment, but for some reason he got a weird vibe from her. Like his senses was telling him that there was something off about her.

"Of course miss. Now excuse me, I must be own my way to school." Izuku said wanting to get away from the woman.

"Of course young man and do be safe." The old lady said as Izuku began to leave. Once Izuku was far enough from her, he fired a pulse to see anything strange to see that the old lady was still walking down the street. ' _Nothing out of the ordinary.'_ Izuku thought as he continued on his way to UA.

* * *


The old lady kept walking down the street until she was far enough from Izuku's range. She then turned into an alleyway and her body began to change. The old lady body morphed into a slim, teenage redhead. The red head then got her phone out and dialed a number.

"I saw him again. He looked distracted, something was definitely on his mind." The redhead said on the phone.

"Do you think he knows about you?" The person on the phone said.

"I can't be compromised. This is the first time he has seen me and it wasn't even **me** …but then again this is **him** where talking about." The redhead said and the phone responded.

"Exactly Mystique, this is Shadow we're talking about. You need to be more careful. The time to test Shadow is not far, you heard about the Sports Festival, right." The person on the other side phone said and Mystique nodded.

"Yeah, I know of them. That annoying **blue haired idiot** could never get of enough of those damn games." Mystique said and then realized what the person on the phone was implying. "You want me to test him at the Sports Festival, don't you." Mystique said and the person responded.

"Yes, it's when the whole world will be watching and we **all** will also be watching." The person said and Mystique understood her mission.

"Alright, I'll wait till the Festival and when that happens we'll find out the truth." Mystique said as he hung the phone and when she did that someone called out to her.

"Hey baby, what you doing here all by yourself?" Mystique said as she saw three man that screamed trouble.

"I bet she's looking for some company." A another man on the left said to the middle one who looked to be the leader.

"Yeah, we can give you some company." The third man said on the right side.

Mystique knew what they were implying by the word 'company' and was angry. One: she didn't have time for this, Two: they were a group of disgusting garbage, and Three: they weren't even her type.

"Sorry boys, I have things to do and places to go, but do I know something that you can do. Why don't you three all drop your pants and fuck each other if you're so desperate for company." Mystique said in a cocky tone and the three men were all red beyond belief.

"Oh, so you got mouth huh. Well once we knock you down, the three of us are going to enjoy using that mouth of yours." The leader of the group said and Mystique just yawned ignoring the men.

"That's it bitch!" The leader said as he charged at Mystique and she just punch him hard in the stomach, knocking him out.

"Next." Mystique said simply as she checked her nails.

"Get her!" One of the remaining two men screamed as they both charged at her. Mystique saw one of them throwing a punch at her. She caught it and pulled him close to her, she then head butted him.

"And there was one." Mystique said as the last one of the group was shaking as he saw the woman he and his friends were attempting to rape change. The man saw the woman with white skin turn into a woman with **blue** skin.

"What the hell!?" The man exclaimed as he was in disbelief at what he saw.

"What, you don't think I'm pretty anymore?" Mystique said in a childish like tone as she walked closer to him. The man back was against a wall and to finish him Mystique grabbed her a white gun with a silencer attach.

"Wait, don't kill me! Please!" The man pleaded with Mystique and she looked indifferent.

"Were you going to let me go, if I begged." Mystique said to the man and he nodded.

"No, you weren't." Mystique said honestly as she pistol whipped the man in the head, thus knocking him out.

"Normally I would kill people like you, but killing you would be too much work." Mystique said aloud as she changed her skin tone back to white.

"I'll leave your three friends for alone for now." Mystique said as she was about to leave, but before she left, Mystique did something.

"On second thought, I should leave a message for you. That way you'll have a reminder if you and your friends ever try do this again." Mystique said to the unconscious man. Mystique proceeded to aim her gun at the man's groin and pulled the trigger.

"Their is your reminder, when you wake that is going to hurt a lot." Mystique said as she then decided to leave the unconscious trio in the alleyway.

' _I need to begin to make plans for the Sports Festival, I also need to be prepared. I'm going to be up against Shadow.'_ Mystique thought as walked and then smiled as she saw people stopped because they heard a loud scream coming from behind her.

* * *

Izuku made to UA on time and went to his homeroom. When he saw that everyone else was there as well. "Hey, Deku." Ochako said to the green haired teen as he made his away to his seat behind Katsuki.

"Hi, Ochako. How have you been?" Izuku asked as he took his seat.

"I've been good. I have been spending time with my mom and helping her around the house, but I do miss being at school." Ochako said as Izuku nodded.

"Yeah, me too. This past week has been boring, hopefully things will change and get better. In fact I know for sure that they will get better." Izuku said confusing the round face girl. Ochako was about to ask what he meant when the door opened revealing a person the class didn't expect to see.

"AIZAWA-SENSEI!" The class yelled surprisingly as they were in shock to see their homeroom teacher back so soon and for the fact he was wrapped in bandages making him look like mummy.

"Yeah, I'm here." Aizawa said lazily as he made his way to his desk, while the class was still to see in shock to see Aizawa up on his feet especially from the way he looks right now.

"Umm… Aizawa sensei, shouldn't you be resting still?" Mina asked as she saw the eraser hero take a seat. Now Mina asked this because Aizawa along with Thirteen were pretty banged up during the attack on USJ.

"In the hero job there is no time to rest. We got be back on our feet as quickly as we can." Aizawa told the students as he a few announcements to make.

"Now, USJ has shown you all what to expect as a pro hero. You all saw the danger and the what's to come with the job. Does anyone want to leave the class?" Aizawa asked his students and he was met with silence. Aizawa smirked when he saw this even though no one could see his face.

' _I knew that a few of them would stay, but I didn't think all of them would. These kids may have what it takes.'_ Aizawa thought as he continued the announcements.

"Alright, then get ready cause things are about to get tougher from here on out." Aizawa said confusing the students except for Izuku.

"The UA **Sports Festival** are coming up. The Festival is a UA hosted tournament where all the students will be competing with each other. All students are eligible to compete, whether they be from Support, General Studies, or even the Hero class. Whoever wins the Festival gets a big jump in their future career as a pro hero. This is an opportunity that you all should take seriously because the **world** will be watching." Aizawa finished saying as all the students looked determined to win the Sports Festival and some looked determined to show off their quirks.

"Alright, I going to Win!" Ochaka screamed loudly as people were surprised by her outburst.

"Get in line round face, because I'm winning the festival." Katsuki said confidently and when Katsuki said his statement everyone began to proclaim that they will win the Sports Festival.

"It's all good to see you all want to win." Izuku said as everyone turned to him.

"But, if **you or anyone else** who enters the Festival wants to win, they got to go through **me first.** " Izuku said and that made everyone remember that Izuku is most powerful student in the class and he has six quirks.

"Well, lets the games begin. Now get to class." Aizawa said as he left the classroom.

"Deku!" Ochako screamed to Izuku in the hallway and he turned to her.

"What's up, Ochako?" Izuku said to the round face girl as he saw Tenya behind her.

"I just want you know that… I am going to beat you." Ochako said an a determined tone and she surprised Izuku once again. ' _Ochako is dead set on winning this tournament. I wonder if she trying to prove herself to someone.'_ Izuku thought as he saw the look in Ochako eyes.

"Hey Ochako, why do you want to win so badly? I get that some want to win to increase their chances at becoming pro heroes, and others want to win just to win. But what about you?" Izuku asked the brunette girl and she laughed sheepishly.

"I want to win because not only it will increase my chances of getting a good internship with a pro, but also I… I want money." When Ochako said that she wanted to win because of money both Tenya and Izuku raised their eyebrows curiously.

"You… want money?" Tenya said as he and Izuku were trying to make sense of what their friend said.

"Yeah, you see my parents run a construction company and it's not doing well." Ochako said and Izuku realized why she wanted money.

"And you want money to support your family construction company right, Ochako." Izuku said and Ochako nodded shameless.

"Yeah, my parents always came home tired and all I ever wanted to do was help them out, but my mom and dad told me to follow my dream. So I decided to become a hero so I can make lots of money so I can support my family." Ochako told her friends and they understood her dream, Izuku even finds the dream admirable

"There is nothing wrong with being a hero that wants to make a living." Tenya told Ochako and Izuku had some things to add as well.

"Yeah there is nothing wrong that, but you should continue to work hard to become a great hero. Your parents want you to follow your dream, so keep going higher. Don't just stop with the money, work hard to become hero that's in the top 10. I know you could do it, Tenya knows it, and you know it. So, keep aiming high Ochako." Izuku told Ochako and she looked at Izuku with awe. Izuku speech gave Ochako a new goal to become a great hero, and not to the mention Izuku also gave a blush to the girl's face. Ochako was about to say thank you when an unexpected guest came.

" **YOUNG KAYAMA!"** All Might screamed to the trio while doing poses. Tenya and Ochako looked at All Might in surprise while Izuku looked at All Might with a sweat drop and a smile.

"Uhh… yes." Izuku said coming back to earth after we he just saw.

" **Lunch, you wanna eat together."** All Might asked as Ochako laughed at the way the number one hero asked her classmate.

"Sure." Was all Izuku said as he told Tenya and Ochako bye for now.

* * *


"I wonder what All Might wanted to speak to Izuku about?" Ochako asked Tenya and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Most likely to talk to Izuku about the incident at USJ. From what you all have told me, Izuku did fight that monster alone." Tenya said to Ochako and unknown the two Shoto was listening closely to their conversation.

' _Izuku and All Might.'_ Shoto thought curiously as he waited in line.

* * *


"My boy, have you been?" All Might asked Izuku and he responded.

"I've been good All Might, still trying to get more time out of Burst Mode, but I'm more worried about you." Izuku said to his mentor which also confused the number one hero.

"What do you mean worried about me?" All Might said to Izuku and he took a sigh.

"Your time limit. You went over your hours again. Are you still able to be a hero?" Izuku said to All Might and he nodded.

"Don't worry my boy, I can still go." All Might said to Izuku as he nodded and All Might began to tell him why he really brought Izuku here. "Young Izuku, I'm sure Aizawa has told you about the upcoming Sports Festival right." Izuku nodded wondering where All Might was going with this.

"Izuku, this is a great opportunity for you. As the future Symbol of Peace, I want you to show the world that **you** have arrived. **Seize the moment** and show the everyone the power of a future hero." All Might said to Izuku and he smiled.

"Seize the moment, huh." Izuku said liking how All Might said the sentence. "Yeah I'm going to do just that. Also don't worry about me showing the world that I have arrived, that was my plan going in to the Sports Festival and I'm going to make sure **everyone knows about me.** " Izuku told his mentor determinedly and All Might could see it in Izuku eyes, his apprentice had something planned.

Whether it be for the students, pros, or even the people watching. Izuku is going to **steal the show** and make sure no one ever forgets this year Sports Festival.

"Very well then, Izuku. I hope to see you do well." All Might said to Izuku as he left the break room and headed back to his class.

' _Everyone will know that_ _**I am here**_ _and_ _**they**_ _will know that I be_ _ **coming for them**_ _.'_ Izuku thought as he made his way to his next class. When Izuku got back to his class, he saw that there were students that were not in Class 1A leaving the door.

The time has come to show the world the power of the next generation. Everyone realized that this is a moment that can not be squandered. The training has begun because come the Festival everyone will be your enemy.

* * *


Shoto is training in his family yard, his father watching him from a distance. Katsuki is working out with Eijiro an a gym, Tenya was running laps on race course, and Momo is training in a gym with some trainers. Everyone was pushing their limits to be ready for the Sports Festival for they will not be facing just each other, but also **new faces** as well.

We now find Izuku with his headphones in his ear training in a gym, heavy sweat dripping on him as the grey tank top was proof of that. The sweat was all over the teen as he continued to punch the punching bag.

Izuku was to listening to _Reminded_ by Drowning Pool as he was punching the bag with all sorts of combinations, even throwing kicks. As Izuku was punching the bag images started to appear in his mind. The images were the sins of his past. Images would appear every time he threw a punch and it was a haunting image that he would see.

Images of dead bodies on the ground, images Bullseye, an image of Wesker, and finally the worst of all images of his mothers dead. The final one making him loose it and he let loose a scream as he punch the bag, unconsciously channelling OFA. The punch not only broke the sand bag from the chain, but also shattered the bag itself letting sand fly everywhere. Izuku saw this and went to grab another bag from the ground.

"You better clean that up." Izuku looked to see the owner of the gym.

"I will, don't worry." Izuku said as he went back to punching the bag. ' _I have… no,_ _**I must**_ _be ready.'_ Izuku thought as he continued to punch the bag.

* * *


The day that every student in UA has been waiting for has come, the day of Sports Festival has arrived. People were coming into the arena, filling the stadium to full capacity, fireworks were going off, and there were cameras everywhere. The doors opened and all of the UA students wearing their gym uniforms made their way to the center of the stadium.

Izuku, was in the locker room getting ready when he received a text from Smoker. The text simply said that Smoker will be watching. Izuku smirk when he read it and before he left Izuku ran into a purple haired boy, with pale skin.

"Something the matter." Izuku said to the mysterious boy and the boy told Izuku something.

" **Hitoshi Shinso** , remember that name." Shinso said to Izuku as he left the room, the teen just stared at his back then left to join everyone at the entrance.

"HELLO, EVERYONE!" Present Mic voice boomed throughout the stadium. "Welcome everyone to the UA annual Sports Festival!" Mic screamed and the crowd erupted in a roar of cheers.

"I am Present Mic and I will be commentator along with my partner in crime… Eraserhead." Mic said as the camera was on him and a mummified Aizawa.

"You do not need me for this, you know that right." Aizawa said simply not wanting to be in the box at all.

"Where's the fun in commentating alone. Now, today the students will be competing in three festival events." Mic said as he had everyone attention on him.

"The first event will be the obstacle race, the second will be a random event, and the last but certainly not least is the tournament battles. The winners of the second event will make it to the tournament, where the students will do battle and the winner ultimately wins the Sports Festival." Mic said as he finished explaining the events in order and when Mic finished Shoto walked up to Izuku.

"Izuku." Shoto called to his classmate and he turned to him. Both of the top students of Class 1A eyed each other, both not saying anything until Shoto decided to speak.

"I will defeat you here and today." Shoto told Izuku simply and strangely Izuku smiled.

"You will try… and **you will fail**." Izuku fired back at Shoto which made the dual quirk user glare at him. Izuku began to tell Shoto something as he left.

"You will never beat me, until you accept that **other side of yours** … and even then it's still a long shot." Izuku said as the halfa hero left him.

"Now we will have the guest referee make her appearance." Mic said as eyes turned to the door and out came Izuku mother Midnight doing a sultry walk to the stage.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the UA Sports Festival." Midnight said as she was on the stage, Izuku groaned when he saw the looks on male students faces when they saw his mother.

"Before we start the Festival we will have a student representative come to the stage and do the pledge. ' _She is going to choose me.'_ Izuku thought lazily as he knew his mother plan and he was right.

"Will my son and Class 1A president, Izuku Kayama, please come to the stage." Midnight announced in the microphone and everyone eyes were now on Izuku as he walked to the stage.

The people in the stands were in shock that the rated +18 hero had a son and some of the girls blushed when they saw Izuku. Izuku stood in front of the stage with his eyes closed. The pros, students, and attendants all looked at the boy wondering what he was going to say, the camera focused on him making him appear on the jumbotron, as **the world eyes** were now on him.

* * *


In the bar the League of Villains were watching Izuku on the flat screen TV that Killmonger ' _borrowed'_ from someone. Killmonger with a drink in hand, his eyes on the TV, and Tomura eyes on the TV as well. AFO in his hideout, sitting in his chair hooked up to a life support system watching the Festival as well.

In a hidden location a group of deadly villains watched Izuku on a massive monitor. "Well look at Shadow, he's gotten quite handsome since I last saw him." A woman said and she looked at man sitting down with a cap on his head shuffling playing cards. The man shuffling the cards was none other than Bullseye and he looked up to an office where a man was watching the screen as well.

"Looks like the boss will be watching these Festival's as well." Bullseye said with a smile on his face as he looked back at screen.

In a warehouse a woman was watching the television with the Izuku face showing, behind her was a tall man with a stoic look on his face. In an another part of the world a boy and his crew were watching the sports festival. At an expensive hotel a woman had an eye on the screen showing Izuku. In a forest a group of people were watching the television and finally in a cabin a boy with silver hair and a girl with red hair were watching the games as well.

* * *


Izuku had finally open his eyes and finally began to speak. "I'm not gonna to lie, I really don't know what to say, except win." Izuku said looking at everything in front of him.

"Win,Win, Win and **forget everything else.** All that matters right now is winning. We have the eyes of the world on us, show them the talent of **the next generation of heroes**. Show them who will carry **the torch** next, show them **your power** , and most importantly show those plotting in the darkness what they have to **fear**. Someone told me to seize the moment and to tell the world that I have arrived. I have full intention on doing just that, but what about all of you? These are brightest lights that anyone of you could ask for. **Will you rise to occasion or will you fold and break."** Izuku said looking directly at students now as he flipped his hair back and began to speak to them.

"To those that got here by skin of they teeth, the formula is the same… **you win and repeat.** Though watch for the **quiet ones** cause they **bringing the storm** , but know this. Those with a chip on their shoulder… always have **something to prove**. After today there is no more **crying and whining**. You all better pick up the slack, because there is no guarantee that **any of** **you will ever be back.** " With the last sentence Izuku left the stage leaving a crowd and sea of students jaws dropped.

As Izuku was leaving the stage, the camera was still on him. Everyone saw his eyes and could tell that Izuku means business. "Well… let the festival begin." Aizawa said into the microphone as he had a his creepy smile on his face, though no one could see it. Aizawa was glad that Izuku said what he said. There too many students that think UA and the hero world is game.

' _This kid is about to steal the show. Guess I will enjoy this commentary job after all.'_ Aizawa thought with his creepy smile still on his face. "Everyone line up, we are about to start the obstacle race!" Midnight said as she cracked her whip.

The students all lined up ready for the doors to open and ready run, but none were ready like Izuku. For some strange reason the teen got **excited** when he found that he would be **racing**. It's like he was a caged acheetah and he wanted to run **really, really fast**.

Shoto lined up on Izuku' left side, and for some strange reason Minoru lined up on his right, while Hanta was behind him. Izuku didn't pay attention though, his body was itching…no, screaming for the doors to open quicker. Present Mic was still explaining the rules of the race and Aizawa decided to interrupt him when to saw Izuku face.

"Midnight, Mic, start the race or Izuku is going to kick the doors down." Aizawa said as he saw Izuku face and the cameras were back on him. When everyone saw Izuku face their bodies shivered. Izuku face right now was an exact replica of his mother when she is ready to inflict pain as the dominatrix. Midnight look at her son with pride and wiped a fake tear away as she began to start the race. ' _That's my boy.'_ Midnight thought as she began the pre race ceremony.

"On your mark." Midnight said and the students got into positions.

"Get set." Everyone started to kneel, but some student eyes were on Izuku.

" **GO!"** Midnight screamed and when she did all hell broke loose.

In a blink of an eye there was a pillar of ice where Izuku was standing and a lot screaming. The screaming came from Hanta and Minoru. When Midnight said "Go" Shoto summoned ice to freeze Izuku in place, while Hanta fired his tape, and Minoru threw his grape balls.

"Did we get him?" Hanta asked and there was an answer from Aizawa.

"No, you didn't." Aizawa lazily said as the students saw that Izuku wasn't trapped by the ice, tape, or grape balls.

"TOO SLOW!" Izuku yelled to everyone as he was already gone.

* * *


" **GO!"** When Izuku heard the word sound of the go from his mother, he accelerated so fast through the doors and took off running. His feet kept going straight, even if he wanted to stop he couldn't. His body just kept telling to run. He took one look back and saw that Shoto and other students tried to stop him.

' _To slow, Shoto.'_ Izuku thought arrogantly as he kept running to see zero pointer robots. ' _This… is gonna be fun.'_ Izuku thought as the Festival has officially begun.

* * *


"Shadow is about to blow out these kids out the window in this race, I mean this isn't even fair." A woman watching said watching the TV.

"Shadow **is** the fastest in Trinity." Bullseye said which made some in the room give him a doubtful look.

"You're only saying that cause you trained him." The woman fired back and Bullseye rolled his eyes.

"Shadow is fast, but none of us know who really is faster between him and **his brother**." A another woman voice came. This one more elegant and the previous one.

"Oh… it's you. Back from that mission in Rome already. How was it?" Bullseye said to the mysterious woman and she nodded.

"No witnesses and no evidence." Bullseye nodded and spoke to the women.

"I guess you're right. Those **two** never did have an opportunity to see who was **faster**." Bullseye said as he turned back to the race. Wesker eyed Izuku closely through his black shades. ' _Give me a show my son.'_

* * *


"And he's off and… **gone**." Mic said in a shock tone as he and everyone else saw that Izuku was flying down the course. Izuku had already made to the robots which is the first stage of the race.

"Izuku, is coming up on the robots." Mic commentated as Izuku was still running to the robots. Izuku saw two zero pointers on his right and left were about to strike him. Izuku smirked and channeled OFA to his speed and flashed passed them. The speed and power of the flash step obliterated the machines causing massive explosions. Izuku kept on running when he saw that no one was in his path.

"Holy crap." A spectator said as he echoed what everyone was thinking.

"What are the rest you doing?" Aizawa said to the students that were in shocked at the display of speed and power that Izuku shown. "This is a race, **get moving**." Aizawa said with some emotion, which is strange for him to do. The students heard and obeyed as they began to run to the course as well.

"Mic, what is the record to finish the obstacle race the fastest?" Aizawa said in microphone, already knowing the answer.

"The record is 2:45 set by All Might." Mic answered his best friend and Aizawa leaned back in his chair.

"Yeah, he's gonna beat it." Aizawa said loud enough into the microphone so everyone could hear and some started to think that Izuku could do it as the camera went back to Izuku, the boy still having his mother face on him.

Izuku was in another world, no robot that came across him could touch him. He was just too fast. Izuku couldn't believe that he was moving this fast and he didn't want to stop. Izuku was going so fast that he was leaving a trail of behind him and as he was running he heard a voice.

" **Is that as fast you can go?** " When Izuku heard that he looked behind him and saw nothing. ' _That's impossible. None of the students should be able to keep up with my speed.'_ Izuku thought as he turned his head forward and when he did heard the voice again.

"C'mon **Shadow** , you can do better than that." Izuku turned his head to the left and widen his eyes. Izuku couldn't explain what he saw, a broad statement would be a ghost, or a better term is an apparition of a **blue haired boy,** wearing gold limiter rings.

He could see completely through the ghost, but he could tell that the boy was smiling. "What the…" Was all Izuku could say before the voice interrupted him.

"See you at the finish line, **brotha**." With those words the ghost took off faster than Izuku thought and left **him** in the dust. When Izuku saw that and with the words spoken something in him snap.

"HELL NO! Get back here you slacker!" Izuku screamed as he channeled more Chaos to catch up the ghost boy. Gone was the face of his mother or his **sicko** face, now replaced with face of determination. Izuku did not care that at this moment this boy feels familiar to him and the fact that he called him **slacker**.

All he knows right now is that he is **not losing this race** , especially to that boy. The camera was on Izuku throughout the entire time and made people wonder two things. One, why was his bracelets glowing and two, who was he speaking too?

"Uhh… who is he talking to?" Mic said aloud as he and everyone else was just as confused.

"Who knows, but whoever the kid was speaking to just pushed him to another gear." Aizawa said as he saw Izuku face and Aizawa knows, when that face comes on Izuku shit is about go down.

"Looks like some of the students made it past the robots." Aizawa said and Mic commented.

"Yeah, but Izuku is waayyys ahead of them. I'm not trying to be that guy here, but these kids have already lost the race." Mic said and Aizawa nodded his head agreeing with his best friend. "Right now, this is a race for second place."

* * *


A boy was laughing while grabbing a soda can. "What are you laughing at?" A another voice came this one hard and tough.

"I'm laughing at that face." The boy said as the other two boys looked at TV to see Izuku's face.

"I know that face all too well. Shadow made it every time we faced each other." The boy said laughing as he went back to his seat on the couch and continued to the watch the Festival.

* * *


Izuku was ticked off because he was still trying to catch up to that the boy and now the boy was now taunting him. The boy decided to now backpedal which is amazing for someone moving at high-speed and throw funny faces at Izuku which really pissed him off.

"That's it!" Izuku screamed as he channeled more Chaos making the rings glow brighter. The extra power from Chaos gave Izuku the speed to now run side by side to the boy.

"Ohh… so you do have some speed." The boy said as he and Izuku were approaching the second stage which is the cliff jump or the Fall.

"Izuku is approaching the Fall. Let's see what he does folks." Mic continued to commentate as the crowd watch the jumbotron to see what Izuku will do. Izuku didn't even pay attention to the cliff jump. No, his eyes were slowly on the boy and as the jump was approaching Izuku let his speed do the work.

Izuku and the boy were moving so fast that when the jump came, they both jumped completely over it in one try. Both boys landed on their feet and the moment their feet hit the ground, they looked at each other and took off in a burst of speed.

"He made in one JUMP!" Mic screamed as he couldn't believe what he saw, hell no one in the stadium could and they were there live to see it.

"This kid is unreal." One spectator said in shock and everyone would have to check their pulse for what Izuku did next.

Izuku and the mysterious ghost boy were still running neck and neck. They were coming up on the final stage of the Obstacle race which was the land mine field. Izuku saw that the land mines was coming into view, but he didn't stop and neither did the ghost.

"Let's kick up a notch." The boy said Izuku in a cocky tone and Izuku snorted.

"Try to keep up, slacker." Izuku said as red streaks and a gold aura covered Izuku's body. Izuku had went into Burst Mode and a bright gold light emitted from the boy wrist.

All Might spit up blood as he couldn't believe that his successor had went into Burst Mode. ' _When I said show the world that you arrived, I didn't envision this Izuku.'_ All Might thought as he and everyone else watched Izuku.

Izuku speed went to a whole new level in Burst Mode, right now Izuku looks like a flash of green lightning running across the course. In Burst Mode he is at his fastest and to dahis surprise the ghost was keeping up with him. ' _This guy_ _**is fast**_ _.'_ Izuku thought as they continued to run and both were creating a massive dust cloud behind him, well mainly Izuku was.

"Izuku is approaching the Land Mines, if he's get past this he will have a clear path to the finish line." Mic continued to commentate and Aizawa snorted.

"If he get past. Mic, everybody knows he going to pass it." Aizawa said as he looked back to the screen.

Izuku saw the land mines coming and there was no stopping in his mind. ' _ **I'm not stopping.'**_ Izuku thought determinedly, refusing to lose this race. Izuku and the boy boosted their speed for the final time and unknowingly created a sonic boom.

The boom making a massive noise that sounded throughout the stadium, blowing some students away from the sheer power of it. Izuku and the boy charged through the minefield, setting every single one of the mines off and causing massive explosions. Jaws hit the ground and eyes widen throughout the stadium.

"HOLY SH-" Mic didn't finish as Aizawa cut him off.

"Mic, kids watch this." Aizawa scolded his best friend, but who could blame Present Mic

"Hey, do you guys see that?" A student pointed in the air to see a bunch of purple smoke clouds. Everyone saw the smoke, some students were still at the fall and some had crossed it, but were blown back because of the sonic boom that Izuku created.

"Damn it." Katsuki said roughly as he fired explosions to cross the fall again and make his away to the finish line.

" _You will never beat me till you accept that other side."_ The voice of Izuku came in to Shoto mind as he witnessed power of Izuku. ' _I will defeat you without his power. My mother is here, watch mother as I show the world what I can do with_ _**your power**_ _.'_ Shoto thought as he made his way over the fall.

"HE CHARGED THROUGH THE MINEFIELD!" Mic screamed into the microphone making some people grab their ears.

"Mic, lower your voice." Aizawa told his friend even though he was shocked as well from what Izuku just did.

That said boy was now running through the tunnel with the blue haired ghost still beside him. Izuku saw the white light at the end the tunnel signaling that he was at the end of the race. Izuku looked to his left too and the ghost looked at him. They both then turned their heads straight and made a proclamation.

" **I'm going to win!"** The boys screamed as the white light was coming up close. Izuku and the boy ran into the white light never slowing down and when he emerged Izuku he saw a wall. Through all the excitement Izuku forgot that he needed to slow down.

"Shit!" Izuku screamed as he tried to stop himself from crashing.

Izuku put his feet down hard, trying to stop himself from crashing into the wall. The ground was breaking from the speed that Izuku produced and Izuku was doing everything he could to stop himself from hitting the wall. Izuku eventually was able to stop him as the tips of his sneakers were touching the wall when he came to full stop.

Izuku got up from the ground and saw that jaws were on the ground. "Ladies and gentlemen the winner of the Obstacle race is Izuku Kayama." Aizawa said as everyone was still in shock at what they saw from Izuku and that after charging head first into a minefield Izuku didn't have a scratch on him.

"WE HAVE A NEW RECORD!" Present Mic exclaimed as Izuku and everyone else in the stadium turned to the jumbotron. What they saw an image of Izuku, a speed time that said 2:10, and the word new record written underneath his name in gold lettering.

"The class 1A president now holds an another new record in UA, eclipsing the number one hero All Might!" Mic screamed into the Microphone so everyone heard him and it was soundless for a few seconds, with Izuku feeling little bit uncomfortable. Then all it took was one clap, one cheer, and one attendant standing, which led to an eruption of cheers from the crowd.

The stadium that day possibly beat Arrowhead stadium in Kansas City as the loudest stadium on the planet. The cheers were coming from everywhere in the building and outside of the building. The people, hell the pros never saw anything like Izuku. Izuku was overwhelmed with the cheers that he was getting, he took a sigh and decided to bow to everyone.

"I told you that there are not many people like him." A certain flame hero said to his wife and Rei looked at Izuku in shocked just like everyone else did. Izuku was waving to everyone in the crowd and his eyes eventually landed on Shoto mother.

When Izuku saw her images flashed into his head on a woman whose hair was as white snow and this said woman was **freezing** everyone in her sight. ' _What the hell?'_ Izuku thought as he shook his head to recover walked to wall and leaned on it as he waited for the rest of the students to show up.

' _What the hell was that about back there in the race? Who was that guy and why did call him slacker? Also, why did I see those images when I saw that white haired woman. I believe that woman was Shoto's mother. I need to talk to Smoker when I get chance, hopefully he may know something.'_ Izuku rambled in his head as he saw other students head to the end.

Izuku saw that Shoto, Katsuki, and others among his class had made to the end. All of them looked at Izuku who was smiling. ' _The race was a good warm up. Now, I'm itching for a real challenge.'_ Izuku thought as he smiled seeing other students make to the end.

"The race is officially over, now we move onto second event. Get ready everybody cause the show is just getting started." Mic said as the students looked determined to carry on.

* * *


"Damn." Was the only thing Killmonger could say after he watched the race. Tomura was know better and AFO stayed silent.

"That race was a cakewalk for Shadow." A woman said as now many people were watching the Festival.

"So, Bullseye, you think your boy could win the whole thing." The woman asked the Trinity agent.

"Is that a rhetorical question. Though I will admit those red streaks were new, I wonder if the kid developed a new move." Bullseye said as the camera showed the other students from different angles.

"This Festival will be most interesting. I hope to see more of your skills, my son." Wesker said aloud as he watched his creation from his office.

* * *


"Shadow has gotten stronger, hasn't he **Omega**." A woman said to Omega. Omega didn't say anything, he didn't move, or nod. He just looked the TV stoically.

The woman at the expensive hotel smirked at Shadow display of power. "Those boys never change." The woman said as she sipped her umbrella drink. "I guess I should head back to the team."

"Looks like I need to get stronger, I can not fall behind to Shadow." A boy said as he watched TV.

"Will do that after the festival is over." A woman voice came and the man turned to her.

"Fine. For now we watch, then after we go back to training, got it **Bee**. We have to be prepared." The boy said to two individuals in the room and they nodded to him.

"Shadow has gotten strong hasn't he." A woman said to her friend next to her and the boy was just nodded. "Do you think that **Endeavor** is there, at the Festival I mean." The woman said and the boy shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, I guess you are right **Sliver**. " The woman said and then snickered. "Imagine how that idiot is gonna be after seeing to Shadow's race." The woman said and the boy smiled.

"God damn, Shadow. That was some speed he displayed." A boy said to his friends and they groaned. "What?" The boy said wondering what made his friends annoyed.

"You and him are going to race each other again." A voice said not the tough one but a gentle one.

"Of course we have to race each other. I will never admit that he is faster till he beats me. The boy said determinedly and his friends went back to the Television.

"You will never change will yah, **Sonic**."

* * *


The students had made it, some were tired, some were still ready to go, and some didn't know what to think after the race, but they all knew one thing. That if anyone one of them have a chance at winning, they would have to defeat **him**.

Him being the Class 1A president, the man who passed the entire exam with a 100%, the man who conquered All Might Obstacle Race record, and now the man who might just win the Festival. Izuku Kayama has just become **public enemy number one** in the eyes of the students and he was more than ready to accept the challenge.

**To be continued**

**DBZ NARRATOR VOICE:** **The games have begun. Izuku started with an absolute obliteration of his competition in the race. But can Izuku do it again, especially when the next event requires teamwork. How will Izuku survive when he is enemy number one and everyone wants him to lose. Find out next time in Izuku: The Ultimate weapon**

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