The gift of Eywa

By EtherealDynasty

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Follow Nova on her journey to Pandora along side her childhood friends-who may have a crush on her- Jake afte... More

chapter 1: pandora
chapter 2: test run
chapter 3: exploring
chapeter 4: uh oh
chapter 5:Omaticaya
chapter 6: training
chapter 7: mountains
chapter 9: ride or die... literally
chapter 10: learning
chapter 11: dream hunt
chapter 12: trouble
chapter 13: beginning of the end
chapetr 14: discovery
chapter 15: preparation
chapter 16: the war starts
chapter 17: dont give up
chapter 18: the end of war
chapter 19: results

chapter 8: hellish training

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By EtherealDynasty

Well apparently when me and Jake are training with Tsu'tey and Neytiri we switch so sadly Jake and I are not training together. Or at least for now... I hope.

So right now I am inside the hometree running with Neytiri, or at least trying to catch up to him. Honestly, it still amazes me as I watch him leap up the core trunks like a lemeur. I climb up the last section out of breath as he continues to lead me outside onto a large branch.

Through gaps of the foliage I can see other great trees which are scattered across the terrain, like enormous umbrellas above the rainforest. Neytiri strides out towards some kind of structure, a web made of thick woven fiber. Dark shapes clinging to it stir with a leathery rustling sound.

For some weird reason Neytiri makes a series of shrills and clicks. However I think he did that for a reason as one of the shapes moved towards us, emerging into a shaft if sunlight.

"Holy..." at a loss for words I stare in amazement and awe at the beast infront of us. A huge mountain banshee, much larger than the forest banshee. It is taller then a na'vi with a 10 meter wingspan. A leathery fwhoop like the cockpit of sails as it lands on a branch right infront of Neytiri.

"Do not look her in the eye" Neytiri feeds they a large scrap of meat to which they snatch and gulp down as he mummers to them whilst scratching their neck. They let put a signature shreick to which some of the other shadows respond in a similar fashion.

Neytiri flip catches his queue and gently connects it with the banshee's antenna. "Ikran is not a horse. Once shahaylu  is made. Ikran will only fly with one hunter in its while life." Whilst effortlessly, and smoothly, climbing onto its back. "To become tanronyu, hunter, you must choose your own ikran. He will choose you."

"Really! When can I!" I say with imaginary sparkles around me which for some reason cause Neytiri to laugh. In amusement or admiration, I don't know. "You really are strange, most would be afraid. Or at least nervous. But you will get yours when you are ready."

"Heeyaaaah" 'huh' I duck just in time as Neytiri and his banshee plunges off. They swoop down across the forest canopy, banks hard, letting put a cry and beating its wings for a power climb. And I can't help but stare in admiration and something else as I watch him sore freely throught he sky's.

My thoughts soon drift to Jake, Tsu'tey can be... a little bit rough at time so I can only pray for him if he his doing the same things as us. Aaand hope he comes back alive, or in one peice. That would be nice!

Shack- night/ext

Jake kindly volunteer to do the stereo video log as we decided to take it in turns. Whilst he doing that and arguing with Grace about having to do this, although in a hushed voice so that I could get some shut eye, I'm already in bed and slowly succum to the abyss of sleep. Tired after a long day of training and trying to get some beauty sleep, rest, for whats to come.

Now this means... teaching montage!

This time I am with Tsu'tey as Jake studies the way of the Omaticaya with Neytiri.  Speaking of Tsu'tey he and I right now are kneeling together inside the hometree. Tsu'tey touches his lips with is fingertips. "Seyri" he then touches his nose, ears and eyes in a quick sentence. "Ontu,   mikyun,    nari" I say, mimicking his sentence, although I already knew na'vi, I thought, why not mess with him.

Tsu'tey stands next to me, correcting my position as I draw a longbow. I can't help but shiver at the feeling of his hot breath on my neck, and without looking I could already tell he was smirking at my reaction. 'What, what are these feeling? Why do they... why do they make me feel so, weird?'  Our poor poor Nova, so innocent and naive that she can't even recognise her own feelings.

Seeing that I was lost in my thoughts he smacks my shoulder whilst barking out commands then repositioning me gently. 'Geeze, the only thing good I'm getting out of this is that my feet are getting more tougher so it makes it easier and faster for me to run.'


Neytiri leads me across a massive root and soon we are running 30 meters above the ground. I try to keep up with him as she and I weave in and out through trees. Neytiri climbs and leaps with ease of a spider monkey.

'I have to trust my body to know what to do. With Neytiri and Tsu'tey, it's learn fast or die... and I'd much rather live'

Suddenly Neytiri leaps off into space and falls, although I can tell he did it intentionally by be positioning and body language, I can't help but worry. He keeps falling until she catches a enormous palm leaf and gripping it, allowing it to droop to slow her fall. He then let's go and catches another one, repeating that step until he is one hard land.

'Genius, using the terrain to help them get around in a fast, safe way. Man, I can't wait to do that.' Takimg in a deap breath I decide to take a leap of faith and plunge down, grabbing a leaf every now and then to slow my decent. And soon enough, I'm standing right next to Neytiri, exhilarated to still be alive.

I could tell Neytiri was shocked that I decided to follow him and still came back alive. With that I wore a proud smile and let out a huff which cause Neytiri to chuckle. "You really are a crazy" He said with an adoring smile before continuing with our journey.

In the commens

Avatar Norm formally greets Mo'at. The matriarch looks on as Grace kneels to hug children she knows. 'I think?' I could see the sparkle in her eyes as she chats in na'vi with them. She has been longing for this moment. Grace looks up to see Neytiri approaching her and she gives her a awkward smile before making the formal gesture of greeting of 'I see you' although I can't hear the rest of their conversation as I am too far away I can tell that they are getting on alright.

Another day of training

Tsu'tey kneels on a game trail, pointing out tracks in the mud to me. He touches the edges if the plants around her and sniffs the air. 'I'm leaning to read the trails, the tracks at the waterhole, the tiniest scents and sounds. Tsu'tey will be taking over this area for the time being as Neytiri handles Jake's.'

Me and Tsu'tey watch through leaves as a hers of huge armoured sturmbees walks through the shallow end of the lake. In the middle of the herd were babies who are sheltered form predators by their parents legs. I can only stare in awe at the strang and wild alien tableau.

In another place Tsu'tey stands completely still. We'll except for his ears which seem to move with a life of its own. His eyes are closes as he speaks very softly to me. "When you hear nothing you will hear everything. When you see nothing you will see everything"

"As poetic and cryptic as that sounds, sometimes I can't understand what your saying Tsu'tey, y'know?" The said male and I creep very quietly whilst stalking a large male hexapde, a six legged deer like creature.

I expertly nocks a arrow and draw my bow as Tsu'tey watches. I take a bead on the hexapde, tracking its movements for a beat and with a draw of a bow I realease my arm. 'It's been a month and I still am not avoiding to kill. Both Neytiri and Tsu'tey say the forest hasn't given permission. Though, I glad. The though of me killing a animal doesn't sit right with me. Although I suppose I gonna have to get use to it.'

Tsu'tey and I crawl beneath the undergrowth. He points which then leads me to part some leaves revealing a mother viperwolf bringing meat to her cub which frisk around her legs and lick her face.

We both mover through the night forst, surrounded by shimmering galaxies of boiluminescence. To which I can't help but stop to stare at in awe to which Tsu'tey chuckles at my expression. "Come. We must not waste time." Hearing that we get back on track as we move gracefully and soundless, like two forest spirits.

The pupils of nova's cat eyes have dilated as the night forest floods my brain with millions of bio-sorces. Me and Tsu'tey are bow fishing from a dugout canoe over huge glowing anemones at the bottom of the pool.

A silhouette of a large fish swam against the pastel glow and snap. I drill it in and hold the fish triumphantly. I also may or may have not did a little celebratory dance to which Tsu'tey laughed at. That was the fist time I saw his look so happy and it made me so excited inside that I burst out laughing to. But sadly our fun time ended when we had to go.

...  Another day  ...

Tsu'tey stands close behind me, adjusting my position as I draw my bow. Only now her hands are gentle as they move on my arms and shoulder. Aware of his touch my focus is broken. Turning to him our eyes meet before he quickly pulls away with a... spooked look? Although I'm pretty sure I had the same look. When our eyes met a jolt of electricity corsed throughout my body. 'What was that about?'

At night we enter a clearing filled with chest high ferns. Tsu'tey signals for me to move as we approach a creature perched on a fern. As I approach a snap sound that didn't resonate frome either Tsu'tey or I caused the creatures long spin to whip into a circle, unferling a boiluminescence membrane, opening like a Chinese fan it flys off like a frisbee.

The fan lizard floats across the clearing. Tsu'tey plunges among the ferns and with a sharp cry an explosion of colour as dozens of fan lizard take flight. Grinning widly he hops around like a little boy until they have all taken flight, which of corse made me laugh in amazement. For the first time Tsu'tey seems so carefree and unguarded, it wonderful. Totally himself with me.

Tight on my avatar body I draw my bow, my eyes focused in intense concentration. A beat passes and before you know it, the arrow is already flying. Walking up I pull the arrow out of the the twitching body belonging to the hexapde.

Opening my mouth I speak haltingly, but with feeling in na'vi. "I see you brother and thank you. Your spirt goes to ewya as your body stays behind to become part of the people"

I can already sense that Tsu'tey is watching with approval, even without looking. "A clean kill. You are ready." 'Oh boy. I'm in trouble."

Shack- night time

Lying in the link Jake and I wear exhausted looks. While Norm and Grace help him into his chair as I tiredly get out. "Huh... you're both losing weight here." Gracie hands us both a microwave burrito. For some reason, I've gotten so used to eating na'vi food that human food looks more alien than theirs. Jake and I bite into it and unenthusiastically while Jake talks to Grace.

"We mad a kill today. We ate it. I know where the meat came from." I guess Jake knew what I was doing. Tsu'tey must have told Neytiri who told Jake who now told Grace. "This body Jake. Same with you Nova, not your avatar body." Grace says with a voiced laced with consern.

"Yeah yeah" Jake says with no enthusiasm, it's like he doesn't even care. Although I can't say I'm doing better. "Jake you should listen to her, we both should. We need to take care of ourselves. Otherwise we're going to die by starvation instead of by this jungle" huffing Jake let out a yes. Smiling I kiss him on the cheek before heading off to bed, missing the blush that adorned on his face and a smile of content.

The last thing I heard was Grace teasing Jake or something that I could not understand as Jake try to change the subject by turning to the photos in the wall and questioning them. The last thing I heard was from Grace," this is not our world Jake, we cannot stop whats comming." That's were my eavesdrop dropping was cut off as I could no longer hear them cause I was out of range. Though I didn't really care as I climbed into bed. My thoughts looming on what's to come.

Tomorrow me and Jake are going to go ride a banshee and become a full fledge hunter. Or at least try.... This is very much a try or die situation... And I'd rather be on the living side.

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