Le Reine โžฉ Bill Weasley ๐™พ๐™ถ

By XTaliaBX

9.2K 321 12

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476 12 0
By XTaliaBX

The Dark Mark

What the girls are wearing:

𓆩 𓆩 𓆩 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆪 𓆪 𓆪

After the unexpected match of Viktor Krum catching the snitch but Ireland still winning, the Beauxbatons students went back to their tents with Madame Maxine, most of them was talking about the match. It was pitch black with only some lights illuminating the path they walked on, they had their wands out casting the 'lumos' charm so they can see where they are going once they got into the camp ground.

"I must say, the Quidditch match is way more entertaining than our house matches," said Camilla as they changed into their silk pyjamas.

"Yeah, I just don't like it when they get injured, like Aidan Lynch looked like he was hurt badly," said Aurélie.

"But he was fine! I'm still shocked that Viktor got the snitch and still lost!" Céleste exclaimed.

"The Irish chasers were just too good, Viktor probably just wanted to end the match on his term because he knew his team wouldn't have been able to catch up without it being a long match." Aurélie explained her reasoning.

They continued talking for a couple of hours until the three girls heard a lot of commotion coming from outside the tent, Juan came running into their room.

"There are death eaters! Madam Maxine ordered us to head to the woods now!" Juan exclaimed hurriedly in French, the girls grabbed their coats and put their shoes on and followed the rest of the students hurried into the woods following many others.

"Did Madame Maxine follow us?" Aurélie asked, still shaken from the recent events, the students shook their heads.

The others started arguing but Océan (who had thick curly hair) spotted three other teenagers.

"Where is Madame Maxine? We have lost her." Océan asked them in French.

"Er- What?" The gingers asked confused.

"No matter, we will be going." Said Aurélie, her French accent slightly mixed with her British accent.

"Oh, Hogwarts." Said Océan her French accent thick, Aurélie led the others away, after a hour of walking Céleste spotted Madame Maxine in the distance talking to members of the British Ministry.

"Oh! I see her, there's Madame!" Said Céleste suddenly, the students breathed a sigh of relief finally seeing their headmistress.

"Madame Maxine? Is it safe to go back now?" Their prefect, Joséphine Bonneville asked their headmistress.

"Yes, the British Ministry sorted everything out, let's get back to our tent." Madam Maxine explained to her group of fifteen students.

Because of the recent events Aurélie found it very hard to fall back asleep but she managed to eventually.

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The following morning Aurélie awoke to her sister shaking her awake.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Said Céleste giggling slightly.

"Shush. I barely fell asleep, what time is it?" Aurélie asked, her sister looked at her watch.

"Eight am. Madame said we can apperate back now, they need to take the portkey back at eight thirty." Explained Céleste.

"Great! Let's put our things in our bags then head off home." Said Aurélie happily.

Ten minutes go by and the twins have gotten dressed and put everything away in their bags. They said goodbye to Madame Maxine, their friends and the other students, Céleste linked her arm with her older sisters and they apperated back to Louvère Manor.

"Girls! Thank Merlin you two are ok. How are the others? Are they alright?" Their mother asked worriedly.

"Mama! We are fine so are everyone else." Said Aurélie, the twins hugged their distressed mother.

The twins talked to their mother, Katana as she read the Daily Prophet.

Just then their family snow owl, Hestia came through the open window in the living room carrying two letters.

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic,
Madame Maxine Headmistress

Dear Ms Louvère,

For your Seventh and finale year at Beauxbatons we have decided to make you head girl which means you get to know things in advance so this is why we are sending a slightly longer letter.

This year we will be heading to Hogwarts for the Triwizard tournament, along with the students of Durmstrang, everyone above the age of seventeen can enter, a list below along with your school equipment, also has other things you would need to bring if you want to compete. We will be leaving the day before Halloween as the selection of the champions is on the 31st October.

We hope you would enter to represent our school as you are head girl, even if you don't want to we are sure you would represent our school well when around other students from the different schools.

We hope that this year is good for you and we are honoured to have picked you for head girl.

Below is the normal school list along with extras for the tournament, I know you have a sister who you can tell about the tournament but you can't tell anyone else until we announce it at school when you come back.

Yours sincerely, Professor Monet, deputy head  (Transfiguration Professor).

Aurélie saw the other piece of parchment and saw the list of equipment and other supplies they would need for the year and she also saw her head girl badge which fell onto her hand, Céleste saw and gasped, Katana looked at her girls confused until she also saw the badge in her oldest daughters hand.

"Oh Congratulations Élie! What else does your letter say?" Katana asked her eldest, Aurélie started explaining about the tournament, she also told her sister that she can't tell anyone until it was announced at school, her sister agreed not to tell anyone.

"Mama? Do we still have time to got to Flamelstone street to get our stuff?" Céleste asked.

"Yes, we can go today if you like? It's not that late in the morning so we have enough time," said Katana.

The twins were hungry as they didn't have breakfast and it was nine am already, Katana made the twins some crepes and they both had it with Nutella (chocolate spread), they then decided to have a shower, Celeste changed into a red, long sleeved cropped shirt with blue denim shorts and white sandals and put on some light make up, she also curled her hair and did a half up and half down hairstyle, matching her older sisters hair. Aurélie changed into a navy blue romper with a white cardigan incase she would get cold and white sandals, both twins also grabbed a small handbag that also had extension and a weightless charm so it would be easier to carry everything.

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Flamelstone street wasn't as busy as the Louvère family thought it would be but Aurélie and Céleste still saw a lot of their fellow classmates.

"Mama? We have a few different books this year, I think they are British ones." Said Aurélie.

"Maybe you will be taking some lessons at Hogwarts? That will be fun won't it?" Said Katana.

"I wonder if the Hogwarts and Durmstrang students are hot." Céleste asked out loud, Aurelie shook her head at her sister, slightly amused but still concerned.

"Girls, what about you go get all your books and supplies then meet me at the Boutique in a hour and a half?" Katana asked her twins, they nodded and promised to stick together.

A hour later Aurélie was dragging her sister out of the pet store.

"We can ask mama later Lessie, I need to get more ink and quills then we can go to the boutique to pick out dresses for the Yule Ball." Said Aurélie, Céleste huffed out annoyed but followed her sister.

Thirty minutes later the twins spotted their mum outside the boutique and the three went inside.

"What type of dress do you girls want?" Katana asked.

"I think elegant and classy." Aurélie replied with, Céleste agreed with her sister.

"Maybe something matching but different colours? I want maybe a light pink." Said Céleste.

"Maybe a light blue or royal blue for me." Said Aurélie.

The Louvère's spent nearly two hours in the Boutique looking at all the dresses, heels, jewellery and even some make up and looks to go for that matches the dresses they picked out, the dresses where put into a bag so it wouldn't crinkle and the heels into shoes boxes, the make up secure protectively in a box so it wouldn't break either along with the jewellery.

After the boutique Céleste convinced Katana to go back to the pet store and allowed her to get a pet, Aurélie was also allowed to get one.

"I think I want a Kitten! They are so cute!" Said Céleste, and she headed towards to where they were, Aurélie followed as she wanted one herself.

Aurélie found a small grey kitten which was a boy and Celeste found a white kitten which was a girl and it turned out the two kittens were twins which the sisters found hilarious. For Aurélie she named her kitten Cosmo and Céleste names hers Stella.

Once they were done with the pet store they went back to the Café where they can use the floor network to head back home.

𓆩 𓆩 𓆩 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆪 𓆪 𓆪

"Girls, why don't you take all your stuff and put them in your trunks? It will save time next week." Katana suggested, the twins agreed and carried their stuff to their rooms.

Their trunks were placed at the bottom of their bed. Aurélie decided to put in on her bed to make it easier, she added the extension charm and a weightless charm so the trunk wouldn't be heavy.

"Élie? What are you wearing to travel in?" Her sister asked stepping into her room.

"Maybe some loose trousers, a simple shirt with maybe a lightweight jacket and my normal bag. You?" Said Aurélie.

"Probably something similar." Said Céleste

published: 11/6/2023

edited: 11/6/2023 (by Sav)

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