Brothers Adventures Side Stor...

By Shinichi2504

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Side Story of Brothers Adventures! What will happen if Shinichi's and Conan's siblings bond disappear just be... More

Ending Chapter

Main Chapter

348 15 1
By Shinichi2504

Contain and Mentions of Child Abuse!
Possible mentions of Bad Words!
A lot of time skips










The sound of the girl screaming voice wakes up all the neighborhood except the person she's going to wake since the person was very tired after the long flight from LA to Tokyo and just arrived home right at 3 AM


"There's that booming voice as usual" said the boy as he put down the blanket and stand up

Kuroba Kaito

That's the boy's name, he's a student of Ekoda High School and seems to be famous magician and prankster in Ekoda High for his amazing magic tricks. He has a secret, he took the role of the infamous phantom thief, Kaitou Kid. He's the second generation of Kaitou Kid, the first was his father, Kuroba Toichi

Kaito is now at his neighbor house to eat breakfast with his childhood friend, Nakamori Aoko and her father, the Inspector of the 2nd division and Kaitou Kid leading task, Nakamori Ginzo. Kaito already with his school uniform since it's school day

"Good morning Kaito-kun, how's the flight last night?" asked Inspector Nakamori to the boy
"Tiring... If my plane didn't get delayed for a day, I would have arrived on Sunday morning" said Kaito as he eats breakfast
"Well your luck never change Kaito. How's Chikage-san?" said Aoko as she sits down beside her father
"Same as always hahaha... So did I miss any news keibu?"
"No, not really. Kaitou Kid hasn't given any notices and all so it should be fine. He also didn't contact that rich old man or his usual rival either" said Inspector Nakamori as he drinks the coffee
"Why would Kaitou Kid contact the high school detective if he can solve it in advance" said Aoko laughing
"Eh? Does she mean Meitantei? But my rival is Tantei-kun" thought Kaito surprised
"He always does that as if he knows that Kudou Shinichi-kun can't defeat him. Seriously that thief" said Inspector Nakamori angrily

Kaito seems confused by the talk since usually Inspector Nakamori talk about Conan but this time, he talks about Kudou Shinichi. Before Kaito ask more, Aoko stop him and said to hurry since it's almost time for school


At Ekoda High School

"Good morning!" shout Kaito happily in class
"Kuroba! How's LA?!" said a few boys coming toward him
"It was fun"

Kaito goes talking with all the boys while Aoko goes to her chair until suddenly her friend, Keiko goes to her while showing her phone which to be some news

"Aoko! Have you seen yesterday's news! High school detective Kudou Shinichi just help a robbery case!" said Keiko happily
"Ah I heard of it, my dad boost it proudly because the case was solved. He said that he almost got that case since it's already been a very long time" said Aoko laughing

Kaito who overheard the conversation start to get confused. From what he knows, robbery cases are for 3rd division and usually Conan who get into those cases since Shinichi known for his cases from 1st division instead.

"Ah not only he's a great detective, he's smart and of course, the worthy rival of Kaitou Kid!" said Keiko fangirling
"What?!" thought Kaito surprised
"That's expected from the Kid Killer after all" said Aoko
"Kid Killer? Shouldn't that be Edogawa Conan?" asked Kaito who look at them
"Edogawa? Who's that?"
"Oi oi... what is going on" thought Kaito start to get confused

Before Kaito presses more into it, the teacher comes in and start the lesson but Kaito didn't listen to any of it and just confused by sudden act of his friends and Inspector Nakamori about Kid Killer. After school, Kaito hurriedly go to the bar where his father's and also became his assistant, Konosuke Jii is working. After that talk with Aoko and Inspector Nakamori at their home and at school, he became curious of his rival activity for the last month

"Jii-chan! Can you look at Edogawa Conan's activity for me" said Kaito
"Edogawa Conan? Who's that?"
"Even you Jii-chan, Edogawa Conan! You know the Kid Killer!"
"Kid Killer? You mean Kudou Shinichi?"

Kaito seems confused on Jii's reaction to Kid Killer. He knows that Jii would never trick him like this so he just shock in place hearing the statement

"The Kid Killer is Kudou Shinichi? You got to be kidding" said Kaito
"You fought him countless times, you even send advance notice to him before send it to the police"
"Also speaking of notice, I already make the notice that you ask me to do few days ago"
"Sorry Jii-chan, but cancel that heist for another time. I have a bigger problem in this, can you look into Kudou Shinichi's activity" said Kaito serious
"Ooh.. okay, just a moment" said Jii as he takes out his laptop

Kaito feel his head about to explode by the fact that happen around him. His rival was gone and forgotten so he hopes that his rival's big brother know anything about it. Jii told him that Kudou Shinichi has no case involved this few days so he should be at home so Kaito take his motorcycle keys and goes out from the bar leaving the confused Jii


Time Skip~

At Kudou's house

Shinichi was watching TV alone until suddenly the lights turn off and the window got wide open. Shinichi was surprise to see someone wearing black clothes and hat as if hiding his face barge into his house

"Who are you!" shout Shinichi in anger
"Relax, Meitantei... it's me"

Shinichi eyes shot up as he sees what he has seen. Kaitou Kid pay him a visit without any notices

"Kid?! That's rare, you usually leave a notice if you want to visit" said Shinichi smirk to him
"I came here to ask you something" said Kid serious
"What is it? You even bravely barge into my house"
"Do you... have a little brother?"

Kid was hoping very badly that the high school detective said that he has one but living in LA with his family but it seems his hope crushed when Shinichi showed a confused face

"Did you got hit by a rock or something? I'm the only child in the family. I'm sure you already check on my profile when we first meet" said Shinichi seems can't understand

Kid looks in shock as the whole world fell apart, he looks around and notice that most of the pictures in the house are just the family of three. Which is confirmed everything. Edogawa Conan or should we say, Kudou Conan existence in this world has gone from everyone's memory. Even Kudou Shinichi himself said the same which of course shock the phantom thief since he knew how close the brothers are and how overprotective Shinichi is to his little brother

"No way... No that's shouldn't be possible" said Kid as he walks backward
"Kid, just what is going-"
"I need to go!"
"Oi wait!"

Kid jump from the window and let out his hang glider but still wearing his black casual clothes. Shinichi goes to the window and just confused by the phantom thief's act. The thief himself look at the sky in denial

"Why... What happens to you Tantei-kun..." thought Kid serious


The next day

At Ekoda High School

Kaito put his head on the table seems to be in bad mood after encountering with Shinichi yesterday. He seems can't understand on how and why is this happening all of a sudden. Suddenly someone approached the confused boy

"You seem to be in trouble oh white magician"

Kaito looks up and see Akako standing in front of him. Suddenly an idea pops up on Kaito's head looking at Akako. A very crazy idea that even Kaito himself can't believe what he's going to do

"Akako! Can you look through time and memories?" asked Kaito serious in low voice so that no one overheard them
"Of course I can, it's easy in-" said Akako but interrupted
"Good! I will tell Kaitou Kid about it and he will come to you with someone so be ready! Take a day off from school for me okay!"
"Wait Kuroba-kun!"

Kaito take his bag and get out from the class. Aoko tried to call him since the school haven't started yet but he already run off out of the school. He put on his uniform and goes to Beika to meet Shinichi again. Shinichi meet Kid face to face again after yesterday's sudden appearance and escape in his house but this time he wears his usual white uniform. Luckily Teitan High School is having a break after exams so he was staying home this time

"What do you want again Kid?" asked Shinichi as he sits down on the sofa
"I will tell you something shocking and seems unbelievable but it's the truth" said Kid serious

Shinichi can see the serious face behind that one eye monocle of his. Kid come closer and face Shinichi

"The truth is... you have another sibling, a little brother to be exact" said Kid
"I have a little brother? Impossible"
"You do have one, a little brother who's 10 years younger than you"
"10 YEARS?! Hahaha no way my parents still have a courage to have another child especially dad. Don't try to joke me okay"
"Kudou... I know this is crazy but you have to believe me. Why would I lie such thing and have a courage to meet you in your own house right now" said Kid serious

Shinichi start to get his point. The thief will not be so front up for a joke since he is the most wanted criminal in the world which means that he is serious but the high schooler still find it odd but he acts like he believes at him

"Okay okay if I really have a little brother, what's his name?"
"Conan, his name is Kudou Conan"

Suddenly Shinichi eyes shot up hearing the name which make his head hurt. Kid hold his shoulder in worry but Shinichi then looks front and an imagination figure play with his eyes, it was Conan taking off his shoes and run toward the stairs until it disappear again

"What... the" said Shinichi in shock
"Tell me more about this little brother"

Kid sigh and sit down right beside him as Shinichi seems more serious hearing him than before

"His name is Conan. He is the original Kid Killer, my real rival in heists. He's around six or seven years old but have a very bright mind like a high schooler. From what I know, he was raised in LA with your parents before he moves here with you, he's been living with you for year. I don't know the full details but he uses an alias as Edogawa Conan so only small people know about you two being brothers. I, myself knows when I infiltrate the police headquarters to get some data"
"Original Kid Killer... but why only you who remember him?"
"I don't know too Meitantei but we have to get the bottom of this. I need you to come with me"
"Hah? Where are we going and are you sure everything will be fine"
"Careful as always Meitantei but I promise you that it's safe"

Suddenly Shinichi's phone rings which to be his mother in LA. Shinichi anxiously answer it and suddenly Kid take it and speaker so he can hear it too. Before Shinichi argue, Yukiko calling him

"Hello Shin-chan! I want to ask, is Conan-chan's phone broke? I tried to call him but it says the number is not available" asked Yukiko

Shinichi was surprise by his mother's statement. Too shock to answer which make Kid have no choice to answer for him

"Yeah, his phone is on repair" said Kid with Shinichi's voice
"I see, the card must have been released from the phone. That's too bad, I want to talk to him but oh well, don't get too much work with cases okay Shinichi. Play with Conan once in a while"
"Yeah yeah"

Kid quickly close the phone and looks at the high school detective serious

"It seems your parents still remember him" said Kid serious
"That's just... weird" said Shinichi shock as he looks at his phone
"Yeah, They shouldn't have known too about the boy... it seems the problem only occur around here. Let's go, I know a place where we can get answers"
"Oi! Where are we going?!"

Kid quickly change his appearance to black clothes and then take Shinichi with the detective's motorcycle to go somewhere


Time Skip~

Both of them arrive in a certain house in Ekoda. Kid knock on the door which to be greeted by Akako's assistant. Shinichi looks shock by the assistant's appearance while Kid didn't get bothered at all. Both of them go down to the basement and meet Akako in front of a water fountain with some kind of water on it

"Hello, Kaitou Kid. It's rare for you to meet me and bringing your rival" said Akako with her witch costume
"Kudou, this is Akako. She's a witch and you have to believe me on this" said Kid serious
"Witch... oh come on, enough with the joke already. Magic isn't real in this world" said Shinichi
"That's where you are wrong oh great high school detective, Kudou Shinichi. Magic is real and myself have the power of the red magic. So what seems to be the problem? Because you daringly visit me" said Akako with seductive voice
"I want you to get information about Edogawa Conan or Kudou Conan. It seems everyone around us doesn't know or remember him yet his parents whose now at overseas remember him" said Kid

Akako looks through the fountain as she asks the devils to answer the question. Shinichi was not so amused by the environment since he's strong to not believe in magic or even red magic. Suddenly the smoke let out a picture of a boy who's hurt. Shinichi looks at the boy which to be the boy that he sees the imagination in his house earlier only the difference is that the boy that shown there is not wearing glasses. Kid on the other hand act differently as he sees it

"Tantei-kun!" shout Kid
"This Edogawa Conan, seems to have other family... Abusive parents in fact" said the devil
"Wait a minute so... he's not a Kudou family?!"
"It appears to" said Akako looking at the smoke

The devil let out another scene from the smoke which shows seem to be Kudou Shinichi and Edogawa Conan who meet each other unexpectedly in Shibuya crossing. Shinichi was focus talking in the phone while Conan who's walking slowly while holding his cheek wound and very stress look. Shinichi open his mouth in shock as he sees the scene, he walks forward a little as if trying to touch the smoke. Kid looks at the high schooler in pain

"Can you tell me about the real Kudou brothers?" asked Akako
"Hmmm it will be hard, let me try" said the devil

The scene seems to be blurry until suddenly a certain scene of a star shower. They see Shinichi was looking at the star shower with a certain boy with glasses at the Kudou's house backyard. It seems they were talking together until suddenly the scene zoom out to Japan and a massive light explode from Tokyo to whole Japan

"It seems there something happen on that day of star shower which lead Japan to this new reality" said Akako as she sees the scene
"New reality?" asked Shinichi confused
"In the day of star shower, everyone in Japan make a wish and sometimes some will become reality. It seems something happen at that time which make both you and that boy's bond and blood dissolve" said the devil
"When did this happen? asked Kid
"On Saturday night, the reality has change ever since"

Kid or should we say, Kuroba Kaito understand now why the new reality didn't affect him. It was because he was out of the country until Sunday night, that's why he's the only one who remember about Edogawa Conan while others don't

"I need time to look through it since it's battle against time and reality" said the devil
"Please do, I will tell you when we found something" said Akako to the two boys
"Thank you, can you give us address of his home now?" asked Kid
"What are you thinking Kid?"
"Go to him of course... at least to look his condition. We need him alive after all"

After getting the information, Kid quickly took Shinichi out of the house and goes to Shinichi's motorcycle that they used to go here. Shinichi didn't budge due to shock by so much information inserted to his head but he needs to see his suppose to be little brother


Time Skip~

Both of them arrive at supposed to be Conan's home. They see from the window and much to their surprised to see a scene that is very very sick. The little boy was kick on the stomach by a man while a woman there just drink sake seeing the torture

"Bastards..." thought Kid as he sees it

Kid glare at them and then he looks at the high schooler beside him who seems to be holding his fists in anger seeing the scene how the little boy was tortured

"Those two sicken me" said Shinichi in anger
"Hold your anger Kudou... We can't act recklessly now"

Suddenly the man stop hitting Conan but then the woman move forward and then slap his cheeks multiple times and strangle the boy by his neck. Kid almost lost his patient but then he sees someone standing up by his side. Shinichi can't take it and started to act with Kid just slap his forehead by the teenager's temper. Shinichi wear his hoodie so his face is hidden and quickly slam the door and then hit the father until he passed out. The mother let go her hand from the boy's neck and let out a knife

"Who are you?! What are you doing here!" shout the mother
"Teaching you guys a lesson for messing little kids" said Shinichi in low voice so he unrecognizable

The mother attack with the knife but Shinichi quickly dodge and then throw her to the ground. Kid who arrive surprise to see Shinichi already defeated two of them

"You learn Judo?" asked Kid
"A little, Mouri-tantei show me some moves" said Shinichi as he let go of the mother

Shinichi quickly goes to the limp boy and quickly give first aid to him. He sees that his face is very pale and there's so much blood coming out from his mouth

"Oi little boy, wake up... Oi!" shout Shinichi as he wipes the blood from his mouth

The little boy wakes up with very painful breathing. He open his eyes weakly and it seems his sight is quite blurry

"Who... are you?" asked the boy in weak voice
"Kudou Shinichi, you are fine now" said Shinichi as he put him in his arms
"Kudou... Shinichi... Hm, this must be a dream. No way... my idol... would come... to.."

Before the boy finish his sentence, he passed out due to tired and pain. Shinichi then put him close and wrap him with his jacket in worried. Kid who have been watching the whole time just sigh

"Even when you two don't have memory of each other, you two still have that feeling of caring and adore each other" thought Kid looking at the two


Time Skip~

Shinichi and Kid stay at the hospital looking at Conan who's being checked up by doctors. The police, Sato and Takagi also protecting him since he's a witness of the abusive parents who will be jail by their act. Sato and Takagi ask about who's with Shinichi which Kid quickly give a false name to them and tell them that he was one of Shinichi's clients who happen to be with him when they found out Conan who's been abuse. After that, the doctor came out from the room to meet them

"How is he?" asked Sato to the doctor
"There a lot of wounds on his chest, shoulder and stomach. It seems his parents kick him by his chest before strangle him. We will keep monitor him for few days ahead" said the doctor
"Thank you doctor" said Shinichi

The doctor goes out from the room leaving Shinichi, Kid, Sato and Takagi in the room looking at the victim

"Well then, we should head back to the headquarters. You two can go home now, the police will look after him" said Sato to both Kid and Shinichi
"Um Sato-keiji, can I stay to look after him. He has been through a lot, I want to at least keep him company" said Shinichi looking at the boy
"Well it's fine but why?" asked Takagi curious
"Just... I don't want to leave him alone"
"Okay then, call me if he wakes up so we can question him okay. Bye Kudou-kun" said Sato as she and Takagi goes out

The room leaves only both Kid and Shinichi inside with the boy who's sleeping. Shinichi took a chair and look after him. Shinichi held his hair and gently pat him as if he always does that to him all the time

"Nee Kid... What do you know about us before the star shower happen?" asked Shinichi who still looking at sleeping boy on the hospital bed
"What do you mean Meitantei?" said Kid as he walks closer
"Do you know how we act to each other or how close we are?"
"You two... are insane combination"

Shinichi looks at Kid who's now looking at the sleeping boy in small smile and chuckle

"The big brother of famous high school detective of the east who's also the savior of police force and the little brother of the famous Kid Killer who bravely challenge the most wanted criminal in the world. From what I see, you two are inseparable because you two are practically the same on how you act, think, do and of course solving. You two also have this kind of overprotective to each other to which always annoyed each other" said Kid

Shinichi looks awe and he looks at the boy again. He can't help to form a sad smile after hearing what Kid said to him on how close he is supposed little brother

"Is that why I can't stop my temper when I see him being abused by those two?" thought Shinichi

Kid just give a small sigh looking at the teenager who look at the boy in very sad face

"I will meet Akako tonight to see any updates for the solution. I will contact you after I'm done so for now, try to keep an eye on him okay" said Kid as he goes out from the room
"Okay Kid..."

Kid leaves the room which only Shinichi who's looking after the boy. Shinichi looks after him for entire night and fall asleep right beside him.

Few hours later, it was already afternoon and Shinichi sit on the chair as he read newspaper about the incident yesterday. Suddenly he heard a groan coming from the boy so he close his newspaper and look at the boy. The boy wakes up and confuse on where he is

"Hello there, you finally wake up" said Shinichi in low voice comforting

Conan looks to him until moments later he sits up but then his pain on the chest hurt him. Shinichi stand up in surprise and then gently push him back to bed and make the bed up a bit for him. Conan just look shock and awe by what is going on and not believing any of this

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Kudou Shinichi. I'm a high school student and also a detective. My friend and I are the one who save you from your parents" said Shinichi to the boy with soft smile
"So it's not a dream... you are real" said Conan in soft voice
"It's not a dream, I really am here"
"M-m-my name is Edogawa Conan, I'm a grade school student of Teitan Elementary"
"I see... you studied at Teitan Elementary"

Conan quickly hold Shinichi's hands and look very awe to him. Shinichi was taken aback by the boy's actions

"I'm your biggest fan! I always follow your cases on newspaper and TV news, I always look up to you" said Conan happily
"Hahaha thank you for liking me. I never thought I will have a little fan" said Shinichi giggle
"Ahh I'm really lucky to meet you this close"
"So Conan... I'm sorry but I want to ask you some questions. Is it alright with you?"
"It's about my parents right?"
"Yeah... if you don't want to then it's fine, we can talk later if you're ready"
"No it's fine... I'm not good with adults. Thank you for saving me Oniisan"
"No problem... should we start"


Time Skip~

"So, they are not his real parents?" asked Sato while writing on her notebook

Shinichi is now in front of the hospital room meeting Sato and Takagi who heard that the boy is already conscious.

"Yeah, he lives on the street before meeting the Edogawa and suddenly they become nice and want to take him home as their son but then few days later, they show their true color and every time they have stress from work, he will get hit by them" said Shinichi
"That's awful... No child in the world can go through all of that. He's indeed lucky that you found him" said Takagi
"Yeah... I already send the recording of the questioning to your email. I want to let you two do it but it seems he's scared of adults for now"
"After what happen, I can understand" said Sato smiling
"Does he go to school?" asked Takagi
"Yes, he goes to Teitan Elementary but he only went there on first day. He never attended school afterwards due to his parents abuse and he goes somewhere to hide"
"I see... Thank you for everything"
"It's my job as a detective, Sato-keiji and Takagi-keiji"
"Well after the doctor discharge him, he has to go to orphanage since it seems he doesn't have any siblings"
"About that... I have been thinking..."
"What is it?" asked Sato who looks interested

Few moments later

"Eh? Living with Oniisan?!" asked Conan surprised
"Yeah, after you discharge here, how about living with me?" asked Shinichi as he touched his head
"But... I don't want to trouble you, it's fine I can just go to orphanage"

Shinichi then hold his little hands and look at him serious. Conan was surprise by his act but he let him do it

"No, you don't have to go there. I can take care of you from now on. I live alone in a big house so I could use a company there. The police detectives also agree with my suggestion"
"It will be fine, okay?"

Conan just sigh and agree with him. Shinichi smile and pat his head which Conan can't help to blush to him as the boy close his eyes

"Before any of this, did he always call me as Oniisan... it feels really weird" thought Shinichi


Few days later

Conan is discharge from the hospital with Shinichi holding his hand. Conan can't help to be excited because from this moment, he will be staying with his idol that he has looks up for long time. They got on a taxi to go to Shinichi's house. Conan looks to the window and see Beika neighborhood which he can't help to be awe by the busy streets

Moments later, they arrive to the house. Shinichi take Conan's bag while Conan jump out from the taxi. Conan looks up and see the big fence and the big western house

"Wow..." said Conan in awe
"This is my house, it looks creepy right" said Shinichi laugh
"No no, it's wonderful"
"Hahaha, let's go in"

Shinichi open the door and Conan follow him from behind. They put their slipper on and goes in the living room. Shinichi show him around the house from the living room, dining room with the kitchen, backyard and his room. He also took him to his own room right beside him that already clean up

"I hope you're okay with this room" said Shinichi as he put his bag on the floor
"It's fine, it's comfortable" said Conan as he sit on the bed
"Good then, you can take a shower and change. I will show you around again later"

Shinichi goes out from the room leaving Conan alone in his new room. Shinichi text Ran and thank her for the trouble of cleaning his house when he's away and cleaning the new room for him. On the other hand, Conan looks around from the drawer, desk, and window which show the neighborhood view. He somehow felt nostalgia instead of being new. He shakes his thought off and take a shower and change his clothes

Shinichi was making some coffee and tea for both of them. Conan get out from the room with plain white shirt and oversize jeans

"Do you only have those clothes?" asked Shinichi
"Yeah... I only have around three clothes" said Conan as he touched his shirt
"Okay then, I will give you some of my old clothes and maybe ask Ran to buy you some clothes"
"Ah my childhood friend. You will see her soon... let's go. I have one place to show you" said Shinichi as he took the two cups

Conan just follow him in confused until they arrive. Shinichi open the door which shows the house library. Conan was shock seeing the amount of books that was display there. His mouth open wide as he sees the books from mystery to medical

"It's not much but you might want to know this room" said Shinichi as he sits down on the chair
"Wow... No wonder Oniisan is well known detective now" said Conan smiling seeing the books
"Hahaha, well one of the reasons is that. You can pick any book you want, let's read it together"
"Eh really?!"
"Of course"
"Then... this one"

Conan took The Hound of the Baskervilles book which surprise the high schooler. He didn't expect the little boy picking one of his favorite book

"You like Sherlock Holmes?" asked Shinichi
"Yes! Actually, I already read The Study in Scarlet and The Sign of Four from the city library but they didn't have this one there" said Conan smiling ear to ear
"I... didn't expect you to like mystery books"
"I get that a lot... Librarian ask me about it too..."
"Alright then, let's read it"

Shinichi quickly put Conan on his lap and they read the book together and sometimes Shinichi recite Sherlock Holmes words for the boy in case he can't read kanji but much to his surprise that Conan can read kanji very well unlike normal grade schooler. After reading, Conan was basically very happy with the quality time

"Ahh that was fun" said Conan happily
"You really surprise me by your liking"
"Hehehe, Oniisan! Thank you so much for everything, for letting me stay here"
"I'm glad you accept my offer. Being alone in this big house is not really that enjoyable"
"I think I just use my lifetime luck to be here living with you Oniisan"
"Oi oi... You don't have to go that far"

Both of them smile to each other and Conan jump from his lap to put the book back and looking for another book. Shinichi looks at him with a small smile as he looks at the cup of coffee that he's holding

"This feeling... It says that our bond and blood are dissolve which make us not related at all but... why I feel being related to him even more now" thought Shinichi serious

Conan is looking for The Valley of Fear and it was not in the row of the Sherlock Holmes book. So he looks around and by conscious he goes to Detective Samonji row and found the book

"I knew it, it was here... wait a minute, why I thought it was here... it's the first time I'm here right" thought Conan confused by his act

Suddenly Shinichi's phone rings which to be Ran calling him

"Ah Shinichi! Is that boy, Conan-kun that you mention already arrive?" asked Ran on the phone
"Yeah, he's with me now"
"Then! How about you have dinner with me and dad? I want to meet him so bad"
"Ahahaha okay okay... good thing I haven't cooked anything"
"You rarely cook Shinichi, Conan-kun need more healthy food"
"Fine fine, I will be on my way"


At night

They just arrive to Ran's home. Conan let go of the helmet and hold it waiting for Shinichi to lock his bike. Moments later, they get in the Agency which shows Kogoro watching the horse race and Ran sitting on the sofa

"Ah Shinichi, welcome!" said Ran smiling
"Thanks as always Ran, also let me introduce you" said Shinichi looking at the little boy who hide behind Shinichi's back

Ran quickly go to in front of them while Conan just hide even more and not facing either Ran or Kogoro. Ran bends down and look at him with a warm smile

"Hello, you must be Conan-kun right?" asked Ran with a soft voice
"It's fine... She's my childhood friend that I mention earlier. Come on introduce yourself" said Shinichi as he hold both Conan's shoulders and move him front to face Ran
"Eh ah... um... my name is Conan... Edogawa Conan, nice to meet you Oneesan" said Conan shyly
"This boy..."

Ran seems surprise looking Conan properly. Shinichi began to shake as Ran looks at him, at first he thought that maybe Ran feel familiar looking at him but he changed his mind when Ran quickly hug him and shout cute to him

"Ahh sorry, my name is Ran, Mouri Ran. Over there is my dad, Mouri Kogoro. He's a private detective" said Ran
"Then just like Shinichi-oniisan?" asked Conan looking at the high schooler
"No no no, I'm smarter and better detective than him" said Kogoro who stand up and face the boy
"Yeah yeah smart indeed" thought Shinichi

Suddenly Conan giggle which surprise and confuse all of them, as Conan realizing it he put his head down in embarrassment. Ran just smile and gets up

"Let's go upstairs, it's time for dinner" said Ran as she pushes Kogoro out of the room

Shinichi quickly turn off the light and close the door. Conan waited for him on the stairs and look at the high schooler

"Nee Oniisan, did you just said something?" asked Conan
"Eh?" thought Shinichi

Conan was surprise by what he heard, the fact that he just heard Shinichi from his mind. Shinichi also surprise by his act

"Did you just... read my mind?" asked Shinichi
"Eh... I don't know, maybe just my head playing with me" said Conan looks down
"This is weird..." thought Shinichi
"Weird indeed" thought Conan

Both of them look again in surprise, just before one of them ask, Ran call them to eat

Few moments later

After dinner, Ran talking with Conan because she wants to know more about him. Shinichi and Kogoro sit by the wall quite far from the other two. Kogoro looks at Shinichi who seems looking at Conan seriously

"Do you seriously want to adopt him to be your brother?" asked Kogoro serious
"Eh... well-"
"It would take a big responsibility to take care of him from now on. You can't think of yourself anymore and have to make house rules, curfew and raise his behavior for meeting other people"
"I know... thank you for the words Mouri-san"
"But this is unlike you, why suddenly make him stay with you? You can just put him in orphanage"
"I don't know why... hearing him staying there push me to make him stay with me instead. It's just... I have this kind of feeling of want him to be close to me as much as possible. I know it's weird just forget about it"
"No, you did good but remember my words, protect him at all costs and make him comfortable after what he has been through"
"I will"

Shinichi looks at the boy again with serious and he promises himself to protect him at all costs. He knows that he doesn't have any memory of him being his little brother but he knows for sure that he must protect him like a big brother should do


Time Skip~

Shinichi is now in front of Teitan Elementary School with Conan holding his hand tightly seems scared. They are now waiting for Takagi to arrive for giving information to the teacher since Shinichi himself can't do it since he's a high schooler

"Oniisan... Do I have to go to school?" asked Conan
"Hey school is important for child like you, don't worry everything will be fine" said Shinichi
"But I don't go to school for a while... how can I blend with the others"
"You have to believe in me, the police that will come later and of course your homeroom teacher. I know you can do it"
"Okay... I will try"

Just then, Takagi arrives and they go to the teacher's room. Some old teachers quickly recognized Shinichi and happy seeing him well. Takagi quickly give them explanation about Conan's case to which the teachers and principal understand

"So Edogawa-kun's caretaker is Kudou-kun?" asked one of the teachers
"Yes, he's been living with me for some time now so if anything happens please contact me" said Shinichi
"I understand, well the class is about to start so why don't little Conan-kun goes to his class" said the principal

Conan still holding Shinichi's hand tightly and he rush hug his arms as his homeroom, Kobayashi Sumiko want to hold him

"He hasn't recovered about that time so he has some kind of fear of adults" said Shinichi explaining the situation
"I see, so that's why he lives with you" said Kobayashi understands the situation
"Come on buddy, it's alright. I said earlier right that you can believe in me, Takagi-keiji and your homeroom if anything happens"
"But... I'm still" said Conan in low voice
"Edogawa-kun... it will be alright. I promise that I will protect you from anything!" said Kobayashi as she bends down so that her face is the same height as Conan's face

Conan slowly let go of Shinichi's arms as he accepts Kobayashi's hands. Takagi and Shinichi sigh in relief and they go to class. Conan looks at Shinichi one last time and the teenager give a smile as if telling him it will be alright which Conan smile back as Kobayashi close the door

"Okay then Kudou-kun, please tell me your contact information so we can change Edogawa-kun's parental rights"


After school

Shinichi was standing in front of the elementary waiting for Conan. Suddenly he sees Conan gets out from the school but then approach by a short hair girl with headband and two boys behind her. It seems they're asking to come home together but Conan reject them politely and run. Moments later, they meet each other

"How's school Conan?" asked Shinichi
"It was okay, no students ask about my absence and since I happen to sit alone in class so I don't have to interact with anyone" said Conan with a soft smile
"But it seems they want to talk to you"

Conan looks back and saw the three kids that approach him earlier. It seems they are surprise by the figure of the high school detective Kudou Shinichi. They quickly run to them to which make Conan take step back and hide behind the high schooler

"Are you by chance, the famous high school detective, Kudou Shinichi?!" asked the skinny boy
"Ah yeah, I am... nice to meet you, are you Conan's classmates?" asked Shinichi as he bends down to their size
"Woah! It's an honor to meet a famous person this close" said the skinny boy happily
"Yes we are, my name is Yoshida Ayumi, this is Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko and Kojima Genta. We are all from 1-B" said Ayumi while pointing the two boys behind her
"I don't know you're Tantei-niichan's little brother" said Genta to Conan
"Ah no... it's not that-" said Conan but interrupted by Shinichi
"He's my relative and he happens to stay with me now. If you want, you three can come visit us some other time"
"Eh?" thought Conan surprised
"Really! We should do it on Saturday!" shout Ayumi happily
"You're right, it could be great to know Edogawa-kun even more" said Mitsuhiko
"I agree with it too! Maybe we can get some food too" said Genta happily
"Genta-kun... why always food on your mind"

Conan who have been hiding behind Shinichi's feet giggle a little hearing three of them which make the others happy seeing Conan smiling. They quickly go around him and Ayumi take his hand with a smile, Conan can't help to smile too with their interaction. Shinichi smile seeing he seems adaptable after what happen to him before and seems glad by those three who want to friend him immediately


One week later

Conan is now in the living room watching TV. He already got used living in the big house now, sometimes he helps Shinichi with chores in the house like cleaning, cooking and arranging. One time, Shinichi take him to one of the case and both of them make a perfect partners by looking for clues and pointing the culprit. Conan never knew he has that skill of finding clues and solving case like a detective, he knows that he's into mystery books but to his surprise that he can use what he learns in the book to reality

Himself didn't know that he can handle seeing dead bodies like adults could

Conan really enjoy with his new life living with Shinichi and happy with having a new big brother for him to talk and have fun to but then a reality hit him as he put the TV remote down to the chair

"Oh yeah... I'm not related to Shinichi-oniisan, I'm just a freeloader... One day I have to moved away" thought Conan with a sad smile

As the reality hit him, he remembers the time he live on the street with no food and water almost everyday. When those Edogawa's take him, he thinks it can change everything but in the end, it's the same but more brutal with those flying fists to his tiny body by both of them. Suddenly his breathing become faster and cold sweat coming through his face

Suddenly something hit his face and he can hear a soft beating sound coming through it, his eyes adjust and realize that Shinichi was hugging him

"Conan, calm down..." said Shinichi in soft voice
"Shinichi...oniisan?" asked Conan surprised
"You're getting panic attack, hear my heartbeat and calm your breathing"

Conan hear his words and calm his breathing down as he heard the teenager's heartbeat. Moments later he calmed down which make Shinichi let go and sit by his side while holding his shoulder. He gives Conan a cup of tea to calm him

"Don't try to remember what happen before okay..." said Shinichi as he hold Conan's shoulder
"Okay... Oniisan" said Conan as hold the cup of tea while looking absentminded

Shinichi seems worried by the sudden change of behavior. Conan put the cup on the table before facing the TV as it shows a news

"What are you thinking Conan?" asked Shinichi
"Oniisan... What happen if... I suddenly moved away?" asked Conan looking to TV without seeing Shinichi
"Wait wait wait, why you have to moved away? You live here now so why should you?"
"I'm just freeloader here... I'm not even related to you so why bother I stay here longer. You let me stay after what happen to me so I should just-"

Conan's words were interrupted as Shinichi turn off the TV and bend down facing the boy who's sitting on the chair

"No Conan... the reason I ask you to live here because you're... you are-"

Suddenly the window beside the TV goes wide open and the wind goes in the room. Both of them were surprised when suddenly a man wearing black sweater with blue jeans and a hat covering his face break into the house. Conan suddenly become alert but he was surprised seeing how Shinichi is calm by the situation as he stands up looking at the person with no surprised or whatsoever

"Oi, you can use the door" said Shinichi in bored look
"Why bother when you can use the window, Meitantei" said the person smirking
"You're scaring Conan, oi Kaitou Kid!"

Conan was shock by the words coming from Shinichi's mouth. That the fact the man that just barge in is the infamous phantom thief, Kaitou Kid. Kid just smirk as he sees Conan behind Shinichi and the fact that Conan is wearing blue blazer with a single button with a red bowtie on his neck and a pair of shorts

"It's been a while since I see that look from the original Kid Killer" said Kid
"Look?" asked Shinichi confused
"Original.. Kid Killer?" asked Conan whose even more confused
"Oi Meitantei, don't tell me you haven't told him the truth?" asked Kid as he moves forward
"No I haven't, he has been through a lot so I can't tell him yet" said Shinichi as he sits down on the sofa
"Well you have to tell him now because Akako has found the solution"
"Eh she did?"
"What is... going on?" asked Conan

Shinichi looks at Conan serious as he sighs and then make the boy look at him

"Conan... The reason I make you stay with me it's because... you're my real little brother" said Shinichi serious

Conan open his mouth in shock on what Shinichi just said to him

"I'm... your little brother?" asked Conan seems can't understand
"I know this is too much to understand Conan but you have to believe me. Well at first I don't know until Kaitou Kid here tell me that I have a little brother" said Shinichi as he bends down
"But but... we have different last names, I grew up on the street! No way I am related to you Shinichi-oniisan"

Suddenly Kid step up which scare the little boy. Kid was surprise but then he remembers that Shinichi said that the boy is scared of adults so he tried to compose himself in front of the boy

"It's true Tantei-kun... you actually from Kudou family but due to some unexpected wish. Both of your bond and blood become dissolve which make you two not related to each other" said Kid
"Wish?" asked Conan confused
"We about to go to look for answers for this mess. I was hoping you can come with us"
"But am I really related to Shinichi-oniisan? How did you know so much about this?"
"Because I'm one of the people who keep a close eye on you two especially you Tantei-kun"

Conan seems so confused by the situation so Shinichi hold both of his little hands and look at him serious

"I know this is too much to but you have to believe me Conan... Can you please join us?" asked Shinichi begging

Conan was actually scared by how both of them look at him but Conan just show a small smile and nod to him for agreeing since he believes in Shinichi so much after what he did to him for few days. With that both of them about to go to Akako's house until suddenly Akako and her assistant arrives

"There's no need, I can explain here!" shout Akako as she comes in
"Akako?!" shout Kid
"Why here?" asked Shinichi as he holds Conan who's hiding behind him
"Because this place happen to be the place where it all started"

All of them goes to the backyard and sky already turn dark. Akako use her powers to summon the devil with the smoke that was created by her assistant using his powers. It shows the devil that both Shinichi and Kid talk before

"There will be another shooting star today which can be used to reverse everything back to normal" said the devil
"What time will it be?" asked Akako
"It should be around 8 PM"
"That's in an hour from now..." said Kid looking at his watch
"Did you found out the reason?" asked Shinichi to Akako
"Yes, the reason is already under us this whole time" said Akako as she looks up to the sky

"Okay enough!" shout someone

All of them look the source of the voice which to be the young boy who can't understand any of the conversation

"Okay can someone please give me explanation on how and why this happens. I'm a Kudou family? Then why am I on the streets? Why I don't have any memory of being with Oniisan or my parents? And what is this wishing having to do with it?!" shout Conan in anger and confuse

Shinichi bend down and hold him to calm him down since it is too much for him to understand. Akako sigh and look at the devil

"I believe we should show him... the very reason all of this happens. Because not only you boy who seems unsure by this situation" said Akako
"What?" asked Kid surprised

All of them turn their eyes to a teenager which to be Kudou Shinichi who shows a surprise look

"You actually not believe anything we told you from the beginning right?" said Akako

Shinichi just sigh as he looks at Conan and then look at them

"Yes it's true. From the beginning, I thought this is just some plain joke by you Kaitou Kid" said Shinichi serious
"Meitantei... then why you agree on this? You even take Conan whose a stranger to you to your house?" said Kid
"I don't know... I almost give up, let that as a joke and not to contact you again after I see Conan by my own eyes but..."

Shinichi looks at Conan in a soft look to him which surprise the boy on how warm that look it is to him

"The moment I lost my temper on that day and taking care of him in the hospital, yet I even stay there without getting home. I just act without thinking like there's something in my mind push me to take him away from that parents and at the hospital. I don't want to let him go as if I want him to be close... very close to me" said Shinichi in low voice as he holds Conan's hand
"Oniisan..." said Conan who's surprised by the high schooler act

Akako step up and then let out a big crystal ball in front of both of them

"It's the urge from very inside you that makes you do that. Even though everything was reset, it seems there's still an urge who wants to protect him like every sibling do. I can show you some memories that you have for each other before this happen to at least ease you two for better answer" said Akako serious
"Wait, why you didn't show me before?" asked Shinichi
"We just found it yesterday, it takes time to look over memories and time. We can also show you how it all begins"

The crystal ball shows some scenes of Shinichi and Conan together before the star shower happen, like going to school together, play soccer together, camping together, solving cases together and catching Kaitou Kid together. Conan unconsciously touch his face since the memories all show him wearing glasses but now he didn't wear any. Both of them can't help to be shock and awe at the same time by how close they are in those memories

Suddenly the scene change and show both of them at the backyard on the exact same spot as they are now standing


The memory

Shinichi was looking with his telescope that he borrow from Professor Agasa. Conan just sit on the grass while waiting for his big brother

"How much time do you need to see it?" asked Conan mocking him
"Cut me some slack, I haven't done my project yet" said Shinichi
"That's because your busy with case, Case, CASE!"
"You becoming like Ran... just become her brother would you"
"Should I?"

Shinichi stop looking at the telescope and glare at him seems didn't like the way Conan quickly agree that he wants to be Ran's little brother

"I'm joking!" shout Conan
"Haha yeah right" said Shinichi as he turns back seeing the telescope
"Why jealous? In the future, she will be my big sister-in-law after all"

Hearing those words make Shinichi blush immediately which Conan just giggle by his big brother's expression and the high schooler just glare at him by his remark. Moments later, Shinichi sit down right beside the glasses boy while looking at the starry sky together

"This is quite nice..." said Conan sitting down
"Of course it is! I told you our backyard view is better than anywhere else" said Shinichi proudly
"Yeah yeah"

Suddenly they saw one shooting star and moments later followed by more shooting stars. It's like shower of stars which make the sky view even better. Conan and Shinichi look awe by the view together and can't help to smile to each other

"There was no news about star shower today..." said Shinichi as he looks through his phone
"Is it only shown in Japan?" asked Conan to his big brother
"I think so... we sure are lucky huh"

Shinichi put his hand around Conan's body which make Conan's head rest on Shinichi's body. They are really enjoying the view together as if really glad to have each other company throughout one year living together in the big house. Suddenly Conan giggle which grab Shinichi's attention

"What's wrong?" asked Shinichi
"No... I just remember when I first live here... we are practically strangers" said Conan smiling as he looks at the stars
"Oh yeah, we are not that close before. It sure is funny remembering it"
"Yeah you're right"

Conan and Shinichi look at each other and smile before continue looking at the stars. Suddenly both of them have the same thought after talking about Conan moved to Japan

"What would happen... if both of us are not related"

Those words were loudly spoken through their heads together at the same time. None of them realize that one star shines as both of them recite those words together and explode covering the whole country with its light. Moments after the light, Shinichi was sitting alone in the backyard while Conan was transport to under the bridge with torn clothes as he looks at the stars

Back to reality


"So that what happens..." said Shinichi shock
"How..." said Conan surprise
"You two unconsciously wishing yourself not to be related. A single wish can change the reality which is very dangerous" said Akako to both of them
"I see..." said Shinichi seems trying to understand the situation

The assistant tell them that it's time so Akako quickly take both of them on the same spot as the memory and want both of them to don't think of anything just want everything back to normal which both of them agreed as they look up to the sky

Both Shinichi and Conan look at each other as they hold hands, they look up and see the shooting star and quickly close their eyes

"I hope everything is back to the way it supposes to be" thought both of together

Suddenly the star explode and create light that illuminates the entire country. Rest of them close their eyes after the light shines through them


The shouting noise coming from both Shinichi and Conan as they hold their heads in pain. Kid become worried but Akako stop him to do anything. Kid just sigh and look on how pain both of them are, suddenly the moon lights toward them and Conan glasses appear on his face, Shinichi's belt change to the soccer belt. Shinichi stop hurting and then hurriedly goes to his little brother and hold his shoulders

"Conan... Conan!" shout Shinichi worried
"I... remember... I'm home, Niichan!" shout Conan happily
"I'm glad... I finally remember you Conan"

Both brothers hug each other in relief that both of them finally have their memories of each other back. Akako and Kid just smile seeing the two of them

"Finally!" shout Kid as he sits down on the ground
"It works" said Akako smiling

Shinichi let go and then touch both of his little brother's cheek in happiness. After that he stand up and goes in front of Akako and Kid

"Thank you so much both of you for everything... for making me remember my little brother and our bond together" said Shinichi bow down of thankfulness

Conan goes beside him and bend down by Shinichi's side. Kid gets up and smile to both of them

"It at least I can do, also I make the whole Japan doesn't remember anything that happen in this few weeks. The only people who remember only us here so act naturally like before it happen" said Akako as she flew up with his assistant leaving three of them alone
"No problem Meitantei and Tantei-kun. At least now I have my proper rival back, well I will see you real soon oh Kid Killer-san" said Kid smirking
"That I was hoping for, Kaitou Kid" said Conan smirking

With that Kid change himself to his usual white costume and flew with his hang glider engine. Both Shinichi and Conan are now alone at the backyard. Shinichi bend down and look to his little brother on the eye. Conan notices that Shinichi let out tears

"Niichan, are you crying?" asked Conan
"What?! No, it's just sweat... I'm so glad everything is back to normal... how can we become like that" said Shinichi as he hug Conan again
"It's indeed mystery... it seems we don't know mysteries around the world huh..." said Conan as he hug him back

Conan can't hold much longer and let out tears on his own thinking on how it felt to be not related and of course being distance to his big brother.

"Conan... you're crying" said Shinichi still hugging him
"Of course I am... thinking of being not related to you and live like that"
"We really learn our lessons huh..." said Shinichi as he wipes Conan's tears
"Ahh big time"

Conan let go and then hold Shinichi's hands. Shinichi confused by his brother's act until he shows a smile to him

"Thank you for being my big brother, Shinichi-niichan" said Conan with a soft smile and eyes that shine with his tears on it

Shinichi blush to hear those words and also awe by Conan's look to him. He put his head down holding tears coming out from his own eyes and then look at his little brother with a soft smile

"No... thank you for being my little brother, Conan"

Both brothers laugh together after so long and then Shinichi stand up

"I don't feel like cooking so how about we go eat sushi or ramen outside?" said Shinichi
"Let's go!"

Shinichi pick Conan and put him on his shoulder and Conan seems fine with it since maybe he has been longed to do their usual brothers things together after weeks being so distant

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