The Princess's Guard ✔️

By Midika

376K 13.2K 1.3K

*Formerly His Desire* "You think you want me, but I don't think you could handle what I would do to you." His... More



5.7K 213 2
By Midika

Word Count: 1764


I rub my hands down the front of my pants, fingers trembling.

I've been summoned by an obscure letter left on my dresser to meet Caspian at his room tonight. I know what that means, but if I avoid this, like I want to, I may ruin the thin thread of trust between us.

He must have taken into account his past failure when he came to my room.

Thankfully Ark is off tonight. The guard having taken his place merely nodded in understanding when I told him I was heading to the Prince's room.

I just hope this doesn't get back to Ark...

I knock softly on Caspian's door, hoping he won't hear it and I can claim in the morning that I figured he was asleep.

Unfortunately, he opens the door, grinning at the sight of me.

"You wanted me?"

He opens the door a little wider. "Kiva. Come in."

Swallowing thickly, I stride into the impressively sized room. My eyes immediately draw to the large bed in the centre of it, dressed in a dark coloured duvet.

At least Caspian isn't naked. He wears a loose shirt and pants.

"Everything okay?" I ask warily.

"I want your opinion on something," he tells me, closing the door.

Swallowing uncomfortably, I turn around, tucking my hands behind my back. My mind is swimming with excuses to get myself out of here as soon as I can manage without making it obvious that I don't want to be here.

"Okay, sure."

He turns his attention to a small safe sitting on the shelf beside him. He quickly feeds in the code before popping it open, drawing something out.

My mouth dries as I realise it's a crown.

"'s beautiful," I breathe, watching him shift it around with the tips of his fingers, the light glistening along the gold surface, over every ridge and jewel.

My father has a crown he wears on certain occasions. He's promised me that I would get my mother's if I married the right man, although I somehow doubt he will be willing to part ways with it.

"My mother gave it to me for the wedding. I was hoping you would wear it," he murmurs, drawing his thumb over a ruby set into the front.

My mouth practically falls open. "Really?"

"It was hers when she was a Princess." He steps forward, setting it onto my head. "Plus, it suits you."

I smile, reaching up to touch it. It's heavy, as if it's cementing my reality. I will rule beside Caspian...

"Thank you Caspian. That's so kind," I breathe, drawing it off my head to hand to him. It's stunning, but with the amount of danger I'm in, it would be best if it stays in Caspian's safe.

Once it's safely locked up, he concentrates on me again, and immediately something shifts between us.

"You are truly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he murmurs, reaching out to grab my hand.

I let him, standing tense. I don't like where this is going.

"That's sweet," I respond tightly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

He smiles gently as his soft blue gaze shift down to my lips, which seem to be his latest focus. I try not to shudder uncomfortably, thinking about Ark, my mate.

After what he did last night to Charlie, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to kill Caspian too.

Caspian leans forward, his grip on my hand tightening as he softly kisses my cheek.

Blond strands brush against my cheek, his skin warm against my skin as he kisses me again, not pulling away.

I don't know what to do. I'm frozen in my spot.

"I cannot wait until we are married," he murmurs in my ear, drawing his hands to my waist. I rest my palms against my chest, ready to push him away if he gets too carried away.

His lips drift down to my neck, where he kisses softly, purposefully.

"Caspian...I'm kind of tired," I grit out uncomfortably, trying to resist the urge to push him off me violently.

He doesn't move, hands tightening their hood on my waist. "Come on."

"Seriously. I'm tired," I growl, trying to pull myself from his grasp, but he's stronger than I suspected. He's not letting me go, his teeth grazing my skin.

Panic sets in. This can't be happening.

Suddenly, he bites down on my skin enough for a jolt of pain to streak through me.

"Ow!" I snap. "Get off me!"

Yanking myself out of his grip in one swift movement, I rear back far enough to slap him across the face.

I'm surprised by the force I can manage. It's enough to cause his entire head to turn, and for the palm of my hand to sting.

For a long moment, there is just silence.

Caspian is stunned, drawing his hand up to his face, touching his cheek. All I can do is stare at him, knowing I may have just ruined our engagement for striking a future King in the face.

"Don't ever touch me again." My voice comes out strong, even if it trembles a little.

I don't wait for his response, charging past him and out of the room.

I rush back to my room, hand on my neck, still feeling the sting from the bite. I want out of here, away from him. What happened to the sweet, gentle man Caspian was? I can't tell if he's just inexperienced or if that was malicious...

Either way, I can't do this anymore.

There is no stopping my tears as I brush past my guard and into my room, only to see Ark sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Kiva...I've been waiting for you-"

He stops short, taking in my tearful state. Suddenly I feel stupid, embarrassed. I'm crying because I hate this life, my obligations and the choices I have to make. I need to get myself together.

"You're crying," he breathes, getting to his feet.

I let him approach me, wiping the tears from my cheeks. Of course he is here, even on his night off. He's always here when I need him.

"I'm just homesick," I exclaim dismissively. It will be easier to crawl into bed and pretend like this night didn't happen, especially considering Ark's potential reaction to the truth.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He grabs my wrists, pulling my hands off my face so he can examine it.

"I just need a moment," I tell him, offering up a weak smile. I'm too broken to talk about this in any depth, and although it isn't healthy to keep it to myself, I don't feel like self improvement right now.

Ark's dark, analytical gaze drifts from my face and down to my neck.

He frowns. "You have a smudge on your neck."

I immedaitely reach up and cover it with my hand, knowing exactly where the supposed smudge has come from. "Oh. Ah, yeah."

"Here, I'll get it."

He reaches out to brush it with his thumb, but I deflect his hand before it touches me.

"Don't, Ark," I admonish quietly, realising that my apprehension for having him touch it is more telling than if I just owned it.

"It's a mark. Did you hurt yourself?" His frown deepens, like a permenant fixture on his face. His initial wariness is seeping away, replaced by a burgeoning anger as he anticipates my reasoning.

"I just bumped it a little while getting ready this morning. It's nothing," I assure him, brushing past him toward the vanity.

He's silent for a moment, watching me as I sit down in front of it before meeting his gaze in the mirror's reflection.

"Kiva..." he murmurs, shaking his head.

"I'm fine. Seriously," I tell him firmly, looking back at myself in the mirror.

My eyes are swollen red, my cheeks tinted a similar colour. I look horrible and gaunt, which I think is my new look whenever I'm here. No wonder Ark looks at me like I'm moments away from falling apart.

"I know what this kind of mark it is," he says coldly, giving me space to admit it myself, to explain what happened.

I just stare into the mirror, smoothing my hands down my hair.

"Who, Kiva?" He presses.

My eyes close as I release a slow breath. "Caspian."

"He forced himself on you?" His voice raises a little higher and I wince, hoping the guard outside won't relay any of this information to other staff.

"I could have wanted it. You don't know..." I mumble, avoiding eye contact with him as I run a brush through my hair.

Ark isn't stupid. He knows I don't want anyone else other than him, considering he is my mate.

"If you wanted that you wouldn't be here, crying," he notes softly.

My teeth grit together as I fight back my fresh set of tears. Standing up swiftly, I face him, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by all of this.

"Caspian is going to be my husband," I exclaim, like I'm convincing myself more than him. He doesn't need to think I'm doing the right thing, because no matter what I say, he never will. He hate's royals, and as long as I am one, he's never going to support my decision to remain a Princess.

"This isn't you Kiva. You don't think like this," Ark reminds me harshly, a shadow passing over his face. I know he's being brash because he's trying to help me, but still...

"Okay, I want to murder him with my bare hands, but what can I do?" I throw my hands up hopelessly.

Ark's jaw sets in a hard line as he considers something silently.

"Come on, I'm getting you out of here for the night. For training," he says, grabbing my arm. I know that last part is for appearances only, and that if I leave with him tonight, there will be no training involved.

"I can't..." I baulk, knowing Caspian may call off our engagement if he senses something else is going on.

"Yes you can," he insists. "You don't want to be here."

This is a bad idea...The revelation of what I know about Ark is still fresh between us. And yet, I want nothing more than to take his offer.

"Okay. Let's go," I concede.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! and as always it is available 10 chapters ahead on Radish!


~Midika 💜🐼

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